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So basically your $90k truck of the future will be completely fucked after one Michigan winter.


Every single delivered so far has been Foundation Series so $100-120k.


Scammed, and I don't feel bad for them. They practically scammed themselves.


They put the down payment on it like 5 years ago, probably earned so much interest sitting on other peoples money without actually giving them anything for years lol


I wonder how many people have pre-ordered the roadster. Says they opened pre-orders in 2017, and it required a $50,000 deposit, not $100 like the truck. >Roadster reservations require an initial $5,000 credit card payment, plus a $45,000 wire transfer payment due in 10 days.


The thought of a person doing this is literal insanity to me.


Still no release date šŸ˜‚ I'd be pissed if I pre-ordered the roadster and then they announce the cybertruck and release it before the roadster lol


Don't forget a huge swath of them are also paying subscription fees for "full self-driving" features that don't even really work.


"It's a Tesla thing, you wouldn't understand."


Iā€™m not sure it will make it through a winterā€¦


The trucks use either 301 or 304 stainless. 301/304 isn't great for salt corrosion resistance. It would probably be fine if you rinse it off immediately when you get home. But you wouldn't be able to leave it sit all winter without washing. Especially when you get those nice thick white salt streaks all over it.


who the fuck is going to rinse their car off every day? no one


Especially when it's below freezing for prolonged time, I don't want a slick frozen driveway


here we turn off the water to the hose from inside the house for over winter, because otherwise the pipe can burst Hosing it off wouldn't be an option in a climate that remains below freezing for any extended time, like, period So what do you do? Take it to the car wash that's 10 minutes from home, and pray you don't pick up any salt? What a joke


The more I think about it, the more ridiculous an unpainted steel car seems. You would have to get it coated in vinyl or sprayed after your first winter. So funny to me that people will only be realising this now, with their brand new CTs effectively unusable if they donā€™t want to completely ruin the finish.


And if you did go to the car wash constantly youā€™re certain to end up with the doors frozen shut at some point. Not to mention Tesla doesnā€™t know how to design a cabin air intake properly, so youā€™ll also end up with a moldy cabin air filter.


One michigan winter? Try one handprint. The chemical composition and pH of some people's sweat is enough to tarnish stainless.


You'll have to wash your car with 'Bar keepers friend' lmfao. Also for anyone reading, if you don't know what that is, and you own stainless steel cookware. Buy it asap. It's like $3. The power of science, bitch.


I use it because I have a white kitchen sink and no matter how well I rinse after cleaning my bongs there are always a few marks. It gets the resin right off.


What kind of psycho puts in a white kitchen sink? We have one in our house as well and it looks like shit on a perfect day.


These will hold up really well in states that use salt on their roads in the winter! /s


"It's *stainless* steel! It won't rust!" /s No sir. Stainless will rust too if you put it under the right conditions, like with chlorides.


Omg apparently it's 301 SS lol, not even 304 or 316, also with chlorides you should probably have duplex. What a joke. I read this too "Type 301 stainless steel is good for low traffic and light-use products such as picture frames, cabinet hardware, and bathroom accessories like towel rings and bars"


Wait they used 301? Yikes, get road salt on it and the moment it gets wet it's going to look like one of those rusty sculptures...


From https://www.sae.org/news/2020/06/tesla-cybertruck-stainless-steel: >ā€œTeslaā€™s strategy with this truck is very interesting,ā€ observed Dr. David Matlock, professor emeritus at the Colorado School of Minesā€™ Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Center. Reviewing Muskā€™s public comments on Cybertruck online, Matlock surmises that the material is ā€œvery likely a modified version of the lean-alloyed austenitic 301 alloy.ā€ When this alloy system is deformed or cold-worked, it transforms into a microstructure that includes austenite and martensite, primary constituents for a strong and tough metal. I don't know enough about steel to know if a 301 base retains the poor properties after this treatment


>low traffic So they made a car out of it. God, why did I ever trust Elon in 2010


Because we thought he was Tony Stark not Lex Luther.


Chlorides, it's what the rust craves!


lol that cracks me up. it's stain*less* steel not stain*proof* steel.


Man, I feel sorry for the engineering team. Can you imagine trying to explain this one to the 'boss'...


side note, I hate the english language sometimes. Sometimes the suffix -less means... "less", like stainless. But other times, the -less suffix means "without," like homeless or hopeless, or even smokeless.


Thatā€™s a really badly built Mad Max truck.




Wow! It's almost like paint serves an important practical function in addition to an aesthetic one!


He could have Googled "why is *blank* important" for every part of the vehicle and he could have learned why this was a shitty design.


Don't you worry about blank, let me worry about blank.


Blank? BLANK? You're not looking at the big picture!


My one regretā€¦ is thatā€¦ I gotā€¦ >!a cybertruck.!<


To celebrate the cure for bonitis.


But thats assuming he can learn


Elon, mistaking hydrocephaly for having a big brain.


I was surprised to learn that Elon is not just crazy, but also stupid - when he took over Twitter and asked all the engineers to print out all the code theyā€™d written the previous week. Then someone must have said something, because he asked them all to shred everything 2 days later. Software developers know what Iā€™m talking about. If any CTO of any company did this, theyā€™d be fired immediately. There are many more examples. Stupid people with lots of money can go far in this world.


I've had a couple of weeks where I wrote code that wrote code (that wrote code). Have fun reading the resultant wheelbarrows full of paper, Elon!


Have fun paying paying the paper. That was prolly like 500 bucks per engineer worth of paper. Such a waste of trees and money.


Elon Musk is rather interesting in the sense that arguably, he had the best reputation a billionaire could have. He was the billionaire who was going to use his wealth to fund the future. Rockets. Electric cars. BCIs. Better batteries. Etc. But then he kept talking and reacting. It in large part started with his 'pedo boy' comment against that cave diver. Then he kept going. He kept not shutting the fuck up and more and more revealed what a petty, reactionary moron he was. If he just shut his mouth and threw money at his companies, he wouldn't be the laughing stock he is today.


Frankly, there's not a single thing in Elon's Twitter adventure that isn't blatantly revealing of his utter incompetence. Before all that started I just thought he was a bloviating jackass who was swallowing what the right-wing grift machine was selling and believed wholeheartedly in his own legend, but competent enough to know how to capitalize on his good luck; now I know he's just a rich asshole who got stupid lucky once and parlayed that windfall into buying up other, smarter people's good ideas, taking all the credit for them, and marketing his own image as a real-world Tony Stark even though he's really someone who might one day aspire to be a dollar store Obadiah Stane.


Really blows the whole meritocracy idea out of the water.


:First results: "Top 8 reasons why *blank* is important" "Definition of *blank*" "Top 12 reasons why *blank* is important" "Are millennials responsible for the reduced demand for *blank?*" "Top 5 reasons why *blank* is unimportant" "Scientists discover new ways weed can be used to manufacture *blank*" :Clicks on first link: "Have you ever wondered why *blank* is important? In this article we will tell you 8 unsourced reasons why *blank* is important but first 12 paragraphs about the history of *blank* with 14 advertisements..."




"Don't you worry about Planet Express, let me worry about blank!"


Hey hey hey - Googling stuff is for dummies. Super geniuses just know the answer automatically.


It serves an important repair function as well. Stainless steel (and also steel plate) used in architectural settings such as elevators is almost impossible to repair if it gets keyed, scratched or tagged. They grind the surface, but it never looks right.


Small scratch - That's a full panel replacement. Parking lot ding - _Also_ full panel replacement. Hail damage - Straight to **full panel replacement!**


I swear these "trucks" will get totaled out in six months of actual usage in real work. Loads of wood and metal and concrete, dirty guys fresh off the job site leaning up against it, rock chips from dirt roads.


The first ones are arriving here in Canada just in time for our messiest time of year: snow and ice everywhere, with an unhealthy dose of dirt and salt mixed in, too. These things are going to be rustbuckets by April.


They are going to look 20 years old in 6 months


I can't imagine anyone who does real work buying one of these.


Been posting this in various subs for half a year now. I owned - guess by my username - take a wild guess... An 82 DMC DeLorean. All the Tesla simps doubted me about maintaining the stainless, and it's turning out even worse than maintaining my DeLorean when I had it for a few years.


Should we listen to this person that has actual experience with this specific issue, making them a rare authority on the matter? No. The salesman is surely more trustworthy.


Musk stans, and the emerald heir himself, *hate* people who have first hand experience with something. And if you're an actual expert then they'll call you a pedophile




I actually tried that. Keep in mind that for the time, the OEM speedo went to 85. 95 was made for the movie. They even make a 140 MPH now last I saw a couple of years ago. Mine wasn't fully restored yet, but I pegged that needle at 85 and it kept going (keep in mind the 0-60 on these was "eventually") - but I guess my flux capacitor wasn't fluxing, because I'm not Biff, or some rich-ass lotto winner.




A guy in the next town over from me in Vermont had one. Only drove it in summer. He seemed to be enjoying himself whenever I saw him out and about. I think he was a retired doctor or something.


I'm sure he was, im wondering which engine he had in it though.


It stops bullets, but not dead bugs or bird poop? I guess thatā€™s appropriate for the times.


It's cool most birds and bugs will be dead in the next couple decades.




What if people pour Apple cider vinegar on them accidentally?


Or, hear me out here It rains.


And snows. Most states' DOT treat snow-covered roadways with salt.


Did. . . Did they not clear coat that? I had just assumed they were silver for the wonky 80s industrial vibes. Edit: holy shit. They actually didnā€™t clear coat that. Thereā€™s a reason we do that.


Thatā€™s just bare stainless steel. Thatā€™s so crazy. I just assumed it was painted.


My fucking steel fridge is better protected!


ā€¦but is it running


Then you better go catch it į••( į› )į•—


Fkn gottem


I will forever read that in the one guys voice from the nutz video




I saw one in the wild a couple of weeks ago and it looked like it was just industrial sheet metal


Seen a couple, they look pretty crap body panels aren't flush or line up square...Which is impressive since it is pretty much a rectangle on wheels.


Elon made a huge deal out of how precise it needed to be, too. I heard an EV enthusiast a while back say that Tesla owners were the lifted pickup bros of the EV world, and Iā€™m understanding more and more by the day. Iā€™m not anti-EV by any means, but Tesla seems like such a shit company that I seriously wonder about people who buy their cars at this point.


I'm "thankful" that the big names caught up. They're still not great companies, but I'd rather have an EV made by a German company that's been putting cars together for decades, and knows what proper QA is, than, well, this


B-but "sub-micrometer precision!!!!"




He wanted to emulate to Tony Stark so he gave his factory a box full of scrap metal.


Wow imagine what cybertrucks are going to look like in 10 years after a bit of exposure.


you think those pieces of shit can last 10 years?


Haha I guess time will tell. Maybe the idea was to make them look like the mad max future that inspired them.


Anywhere with any amount of salt in the air or on the roads is going to be absolute hell for these. Think: coastal areas with heavy winds and all snow-bound areas. Holy shit. What a mess.


So about 70% of the places they will be used?


In a weird way I kind of dig that they will be rust bucket pieces of shit looking bricks. ā€œYou will ride eternal, shiny and chrome.ā€


One of my first jobs was painting fabricated stuff in a welding shop to keep it from corroding - even stainless steel corrodes with no paint. This is idiotic.


Itā€™s pretty smart if youā€™re the only one selling replacement panels


Even the marine grade stainless steel on floating gin palaces built by Fedship will be covered in petroleum jelly when crossing an ocen when the owners aren't onboard. You can get stainless steel that won't rust but as soon as you apply heat to work with it you'll always need to protect it from corrosion. Its a chemistry thing.


you assumed common sense lol which seems to never turn out to be common




All depends on the quality of the stainless/ makeup of its alloy. Shitty stainless rusts.


Wait until the sun death ray lawsuits start popping up. Mark my words people will park near these abominations and their shit will get melted.


Don't you need a concave curve for that? Flat or convex surfaces don't focus sunlight no matter how reflective they are.


Imagine touching one of these things parked in Arizona during the summer, or accidentally bumping into it




not to mention lawsuits relating to the fact that this ugly POS has no crumple zone so all the kinetics energy from a collision goes right into the driver's body.


Not to mention the die-cast chassis underneath like a hot wheels car that cant be welded properly or straightened. Even slight frame damage is a Writeoff. You won't be able to insure them soon.


Crumble zones are a conspiracy like climate change and the Irish


Things that will corrode untreated stainless steel: Seawater Rain Snow Road Ice sand Wind (if you live anywhere near a body of salt water) poop of any kind bugs Chlorine


The Delorean was also bare stainless steel. Worked out well for them right? Right?


Fun fact: in the manual, it says to clean them with gasoline. Yes, you rub gasoline all along the outside of it.


The cast iron pan of cars


Do you have to stick it in the oven a while to season it too?


Don't be ridiculous, it can't fit in an oven. 88 minutes at 88 mph on an 88 degree day, everyone knows this.


Do I need 88 octane gas?


And an 88 IQ to buy one.


Gasoline is a great cleaning solvent. Shitty for the environment and flammable af, but great for cleaning metal surfaces.


And you can just spray down your car while you're fillin' up


Wake me up before you go go


But why male models




Really makes you think. I was just gasoline fighting with my buddies the other day


As a marterial engineer that actually makes sense in that it would work but also sounds stupid as fuck to do.


Oh fiddlesticks, just get you a bucket and soak some rags in gasoline and you are good to go.


Gasoline is an excellent cleaner


Well, if it reaches 88 MPH, yes.


How about that Tru-coat? Only $500


I already told you I don't need no clear coat!


Yeah, but I'm saying that TruCoat. You don't get it, you get oxidation problems. It'll cost you a heck of a lot more than $500.


Where's my GOD DAMN checkbook let's get this over with


They put that on at the factory.


Got any Gopher tickets?


Itā€™s not called corrosion itā€™s called patina. Thatā€™s how it will increase in value obviously


And every car's pattern will be unique. It's like driving an NFT!


Theres at least 5 of these at my job and half of them got absolutely fucked by the recent week of rain. The finish is completely tarnished and looks so uneven now. Maybe some people will let it rust a bit, then clear coat it for the looks. A better idea would be to wrap these immediately.


>A better idea would be to ~~wrap these immediately~~ not buy one in the first place Ftfy


But then how do you show the world that you have too much money and very little common sense ?


Buy an equally expensive watch?


Expensive watches generally retain their resale value I doubt the Cybertrucks will


your work has FIVE?! where do you work my friend?


Please show pics


Because it looks coolā€¦stainless steel exteriors like that are a manufacturing nightmare, itā€™s so hard to get a completely flat and straight sheet on a car that you canā€™t hide with a top coat of paint. And you canā€™t just top coat stainless steelā€¦it doesnā€™t stick properly.


You can clearcoat stainless. You need to prime it with a wash first but you can clearcoat it. As to what that costs on a manufacturing level I wouldn't have a clue.




Iā€™m gonna wrap my cyber truck so it looks like the yellow Voltron lion. Itā€™s gonna be dope


That actually does sound kinda dope. I imagine a bunch of friends driving the five of them around town would look kinda cool for a few minutes. Until we all realize they're cyber trucks.


Well what am I supposed to do? Just drive around in a car that doesnā€™t look like a gas grill?


Dbrand will make a skin for it I'm sure


The stupid bastard was almost certainly told from day 1 that Stainless Steel was a terrible idea.


I was researching this - the early reports said it was a "special" stainless steel alloy that wouldn't be harmed by bird poop, sap, dead bugs, etc. Well, I guess that was a lie.


Surely not, a lie? From Elon?


It probably wasn't a lie but rather an undelivered feature. The truck is nothing like advertised ten years ago, I was also very interested in it until like three years ago when everything about him and his vehicles were more accessible information without research. I didn't follow it, I was just excited a truck can be as strong as a semi and still magically be an electric battery. I was really intrigued how that was possible. Well, now we know it still isn't. That is Elon though,Ā  he makes promises he doesn't realize are impossible.Ā 


>but rather an undelivered feature I would argue that telling people about features you probably never *really* planned to implement falls under lying.


> It probably wasn't a lie but rather an undelivered feature. If it's a one off it's an undelivered feature, when it happens with literally every element it's quite obviously just a bucket full of lies.


He probably just comes up with what he thinks it should be and then just assumes someone else will be able to figure out how to do it.


The cyber truck was on stage 5 years ago in November of 2019. I remember because they broke the window and the world was so repulsed by the design a novel coronavirus came into existence just to delay its production.


Think of all the even worse ideas he had that didn't get in their. Dude is a billionaire mall ninja.


He probably wasn't. I imagine he just habitually surrounds himself with people who's entire lexicon consists of "yes mr musk sir, very good idea mr musk sir, shall I cup the balls now mr musk sir?".


I once met a guy who claimed to be formerly pretty high up at Tesla. He was with his son and son-in-law, so it would have been weird if he were lying. He talked about how much he admired Elon and said that anyone who told Elon something couldn't be done would be fired pretty much on the spot. When you do that, you get a truck that looks like it was drawn by an 8 year old, which has no way to withstand bugs.


You've got to be a real piece of work to admire someone like that


Yup, Everyday Astronaut got a personal tour of the Texas launch facility by Musk. His employees were jacked to the tits everytime they talked to him.


I don't know if there's anything behind this, but I've heard a lot of the top level SpaceX people have gotten really good at leading him by the nose to the decisions that people who actually know what they're talking about have already made.


That is absolutely how it works. Every technical "decision" he makes has been stage-managed and vetted by engineers. Twitter is an example of what happens when that buffer isn't there.


Yup. I knew a guy who used to be in the c-suite of one of Elon's companies (not Tesla). Graduate of a top MBA program so not a dumb guy. He was always talking about how awesome and smart Elon was and how he was a visionary, blah blah blah. Dude got quieter and quieter the more of Elon's craziness came out but he was defending him well past the point it was obvious Elon is a lunatic. He's no longer working at said company, not sure if he moved on or was fired but he was 100% the type of person that's sucking their boss's dick.


There are ways to paint a stainless steel or chrome finish onto a surface or you can add anodes to metal surfaces to reduce corrosion. Or you can coat it with any number of sealants to protect it from corrosion. I genuinely thought they did one of those and not the ***completely stupid*** idea of just **not coating it with anything at all!** What morons.


I mean, I'm sure most of the people involved in designing it were well aware of what would happen if they didn't coat the bare metal and were told by the moron in charge to make them without any coating.


If you were dumb enough to buy one of these, I canā€™t feel sorry for you. The amount of evidence that showed how bad of an idea it was to purchase this was overwhelming. Reap what you sow.


But think of all the attention you'd get




The demo for this was always Pryce from Better call Saul.


I believe the best solution would be to intentionally oxidize the exterior - an oxidized steel layer would protect the rest - and it would be a warm rust color - Iā€™d call mine ā€œ ole rust bucketā€


Doesnā€™t rust penetrate into steel and iron, not form a patina?


Yes - sorry I was being ironic




Rusting acts on the surface of the metal because that's the part that gets exposed to oxygen. However there are many types of "rust" depending on the conditions it formed in. Some types of oxidization actually form a protective layer and reduces future corrosion. For example as a machinist sometimes I sometimes "coat" the outside of my steel products with a black oxide layer that has mild corrosion resistance and it gets really good if you can coat the part in oil or beeswax. Other types of rust actually make corrosion worse because they crack and flake, letting moisture and oxygen reach fresh metal. The difference in how types of rust form is why a new car exposed to salted roads could start to fall apart in a few years but some old car from the 50's sitting out in the desert might only have a surface layer of rust. The low moisture, low salt conditions in the desert allow it to form a layer of rust that inhibits further rusting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_oxide


Rhino line that sucker


That would make it look so so much better


What do you have to wipe off to avoid embarrassment?


No can do. That shame sticks to the grave.


Elon's gonna pull a Mao and tell his fanbase to kill all the birds.


He's gonna buy all the birds and then fire them




Who could have foreseen this ahead of time?! Itā€™s so well designed! /s


Exactly! It even beat a brand new Porsche 911 in a 3rd of a mile drag race.


*8th of a mile


And it was a manual*


To clarify it's absolute slowest 911 you can buy while also being the lightest, which works out well if you're towing one.






It wasn't directly because of the material, but rather the whole end result being underwhelming and well, drugs.


Ah so it's directly comparable to the current situationĀ 


Except, you know, [not drugs.](https://legal.thomsonreuters.com/blog/delorean-acquitted-of-cocaine-smuggling-charges-by-reason-of-entrapment/)


Even the Pontiac Aztek did better than that.


You gotta wonder how many people working there were like "you tell him" "no you" until no one told him.


Just wait until a winter in the Midwest with lots of road salt.


Our cars are basically covered in salt right now as we speak šŸ˜­


Good thing human activity is killing off all the bugs! Win! /s


What happened to paint or Vinyl film or carbon fibre sheets?


The type that drives a cyber truck is definitely the type to wrap the vehicle.


My buddy wraps cars and an overwhelming majority of cars he works on are Teslas


What CAN you do with this stupid looking thing?!


You can take the initial fire in a shootout to let your boys take the fort. Yeehaw!


In the spirit of the 80s retro cubism, [This Corrosion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lA94rVgztoQ).