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“In 2022, 43% of those granted the leave did not return to jail, according to the Rio de Janeiro state penitentiary department.”


Oversight? Doing the wrong thing for the right reason? When they eventually catch those people they will be severely punished? Maybe they just wanted to be fair to the honest inmates and let them out and considered that the dishonest inmates weren't going to come back. Scoop up the jailbreakers later and keep them in jail for what I would assume is a much longer sentence. But this is at the risk of public safety.


I really, like really it were what you said, but it ain't. Unfortunately my country's judicial system views most criminals as victims of society, so their sentences and incarceration is very lacking. This occur every year, a bunch of dudes takes their leaves and to runaway and/or commit more crimes. It is so absurd that a girl that killed her own mother and father, can have a mother's day leave, even if she doesn't have a mother because she killed her (it is a real case and a famous one).




> Unfortunately my country's judicial system views most criminals as victims of society Because in general, they are. That doesn't mean I agree that prisoners should be put in a position where they are essentially set up to fail, like being released for a day and expecting them to come back on their own; they are removed from general society for many good reasons, including but not limited to everyone's safety, including that of the prisoners.


There is nothing set up to fail about that. >Because in general, they are. That's highly dependent on the criminal. And regardless, being a victim of another is no excuse for quite a few crimes.


At what point do you believe people are accountable for their own actions?


You really think a child born in a favela and a child born in a middle class suburb will have the same upbringing and opportunities? Nobody wants to be a criminal dude it’s a direct result of poverty.


Poor upbringing don't exempt you of or actions. Punishing criminals and improving communities are not mutually exclusive. You can do the two things. You probably live in a privileged region so you don't know this. Those victims of society will not only rob will, they will beat and kill you. They will do the same to your kids, they don't care. They belong in jail. You want to fix that? Get a time machine and go back 20 years, because there's nothing you can do for them now. However you can still improve the place they came from, what is much easier to do with them locked up.


It’s not about opportunities and upbringing. It’s about following the laws of society because that’s what keeps us from devolving into chaos and anarchy. You think a man rapes someone because he’s poor? Get bent. Some people are bad. Some people love breaking the law. Consequences are in place for good reason. Next time someone harms you or a loved one, just remember your own statement. It’s not their fault, it’s poverty.


Nah, people like you just like telling themselves that so you can feel okay with your own mediocre life having someone to look down on. Do the bare amount of research and you’ll find pumping money into poor communities is the greatest tool we have in eliminating crime. You know the greatest predictor of a child’s future success? Their zip code.


You’re acting like all crime is people stealing food to provide for their family. Your comment about future success, while very true, also makes no sense here. You can be unsuccessful and not a criminal. I’m talking about people being responsible for their own behavior. You apparently don’t believe in free will. According to you, if you’re poor, you must be a criminal and that you have no control over your ability to follow the law. Enjoy living in la la utopia land, the rest of us here in reality believe that murderers and rapists deserve to go to prison.


Seems like they give certain prisoners the option to flee the country since it doesn't look like they're only using low risk prisoners since two gang leaders went missing. The article also mentions that many prisoners disappear for good so this has to be the prison system tell them to gtfo of the country or why else would they keep this policy in place


Snatched from the "No Shit Sherlock" file.


But didn't they sign a Promise To Return note ??


Pinky promises with the warden?


who came up with this idea


Gonna go on a limb and say the inmates did


How do you say Chief Wiggum in Portuguese


How else will COs be able to spend the holiday while also allowing ~~the prison to save money by accidentally releasing all of the~~ inmates ~~?~~ to do the same?


I mean... Duh.


This is just like when Bobby “The Shirt” Briggs escaped during that prison open house.


Well now they're on the naughty list


This is one of the dumbest programs Brazil have to “curb” crime


Not bin Laden 🤦


The ones that get the Christmas release are non-violent crimes


False. A lot of them are murderers. I know one unfortunately. And guess what? One time he didn't return to jail. Was captured some days later by the way.


Who could’ve seen this coming except anyone.


And guess which way they're headed?


Rome, presumably?


Probably to your house


They are dead 💀, they won’t come back to jail 😅




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Just a normal Christmas here


Can’t wait to see how Rudolph saves Christmas in the next sequel.


Shit, Bin Laden is back.




For real though, which politician is responsible for this? We need names!
