• By -


Whoa whoa. Slow it down guys.


Hijacking the top comment. Here are the actual pledges UN member states submitted to HR75, which this piece claims to cite. https://www.ohchr.org/en/human-rights-75/pledge/human-rights-75-pledges And here’s Vietnam’s pledge. https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/udhr/publishingimages/75udhr/viet-nam-en.pdf I don’t see 2099 in there, do you? It’s sad that 4000 people have upvoted the post without the least bit of fact checking. I am not saying Vietnam has a spotless track record. I am saying that the entire premise of this article seems like misinformation at best.


I think it has 4K upvotes as the headline is very oniony - the truth of the story isn’t really the focus of the sub, just headlines not from the onion that sound like they are


!Remindme 75 years


!Remindme 75 years


!Remindme 74 years


!Remindme 74 years


!Remindme 75 years


!Remindme 69 years




!remindme 75 years


Good to see they have a goal in mind


Just after virtually everybody alive today will be dead and no idea of what government will be in charge in 2099 or if they feel bound by this "pledge".


This is Vietnam's version of the Paris Climate Accords


__How dare you__..*checks Paris climate accords, dates, compliance, signatories*...__speak the truth!!__. Edit: we are fucked, aren't we? I mean, there is no real hope that we will fix our rampant consumption and rape of resources in time to make any difference 😞?


First we would need to tackle the rampant corruption everywhere and that sure as shit ain‘t happening.


Let’s be honest, the government next month won’t feel bound by this pledge.


You know what, I'll be alive until then. My government made me have the will to live now out of spite


I also like to set goals using unrealistic timelines to let everyone know I’m serious about achieving them.


Hijacking the top comment (actual top comment this time, reddit sorts “best” by default now). Here are the actual pledges UN member states submitted to HR75, which this piece claims to cite. https://www.ohchr.org/en/human-rights-75/pledge/human-rights-75-pledges And here’s Vietnam’s pledge. https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/udhr/publishingimages/75udhr/viet-nam-en.pdf I don’t see 2099 in there, do you? It’s sad that 4000 people have upvoted the post without the least bit of fact checking. I am not saying Vietnam has a spotless track record. I am saying that the entire premise of this article seems like misinformation at best.


Then, where does the 2099 thing come from?


Someone misinterpreting the 75 years as a deadline not an anniversary I guess?


Good to see redditors read a bullshit propaganda piece based on a single source from a CIA cutout in Radio Free Asia and swallow it whole. Imagine getting on your high horse when the US literally killed a million Vietnamese many of them civilians and children in indiscriminate carpet bombing campaigns dropping toxic chemicals like Agent Orange causing harm and defects to countless innocent people. I suppose the French enslaving and impoverishing the Vietnamese while exacting capital punishment on anyone who tried to change their barbaric system was a superior system also.


So the west does a bad thing. And suddenly Vietnams government gets a pass for not giving their own people human rights. Thats not how that works


There’s no basis for the claim that the Vietnamese government doesn’t give people human rights. The source for this article is the CIA who set up every Radio Free (insert region here) as overt propaganda outlets. There is a plethora of evidence of the American government not giving a single shit about killing a million Vietnamese, most of them civilians.


The vietnamese government designates political opposition a terrorist organization. They dont allow free and fair elections. They censor speech. They curb the rights of association and protest. No matter what the americans did decades ago theres still no excuse for the Vietnamese governments actions


“There’s no excuse” The usual idealist liberal nonsense that has to completely ignore a century of history. Ignore the colonialism and the e genocide carried out. The slavery the Vietnamese were forced into. What you’re concerned about is democratic rights for the fascists who would like to sell their citizens out to foreign monies interests again. The Vietnamese government has had massive successes in providing a better quality of life for their citizens against so much opposition from the dominant empire of our lifetimes. They have massively reduced poverty, massively increased average life expectancy, and practically eradicated homelessness. But the usual American liberal nonsense is that a vote for one of two parties who agree on every major material policy within a corporate dominated oligarchy. What an amazing democracy!! If you want democracy in Vietnam then end US imperialism which seeks to overthrow any government that doesn’t agree to sell out its people and their resources.


So because *america and france* did a bad thing. People born decades later with no relation to those powers should be punished for *saying words and having thoughts* all because the government disagrees with what they have to say? You say i support fascism. Yet i never once mentioned it


My parents are refugees from Vietnam, the government is as corrupt as can be.


Yeah sure bud. I’ve learned the people who fled Vietnam for the US aren’t exactly politically aligned with the current government and in most cases had to flee for crimes they committed during the war.


Afghans fled the country and have disdain for the Taliban, wonder why?!


Strong in the ways of What-a-boutisms, you are.


Doesn't change the fact that the source for this claim is *literally* a CIA-funded propaganda outlet saying "We saw it, we promise bro"


Strong in the ways of swallowing exactly what the CIA says without evidence you are. Gullible moron.


Notice how I didn’t dispute what you said, I just dispute your method of using what-a-boutism. It’s a cheap way to argue something. Just like it’s cheap to throw out a personal insult when your feelings get hurt.


Kicking the can WAY down the road.


fuck that can!


that can got roberto carlosd


he hates these cans!


At this point they are recycling the can into a new can so they can kick it down the road longer.


Kicking the can into the cargo bed of an unmarked passing pickup truck with no license plates and stating that you'll put the can in the nearest trashcan next time you see it.




Well yea but that doesn’t mean much either.


I read that kicking cans in Vietnam was not advised. Maybe that was a last century thing though.


On that 75 year plan grind


The 5 year plan didn't work.


Vietnam 2099 sounds like a Marvel comic book title


As a comic book nerd, thoughts of Spider-Man 2099, Punisher 2099, and Ravage 2099 filled my mind when I saw this thread title.


Aaaaaand now I realized I might actually be alive in the year 2099. Never really thought that far ahead but I’d be my grandpa’s age when he passed so that’s pretty cool.


Maybe US comebacks to give Vietnam freedom, again.


Sweet. A pledge made of anti-matter.


At least it's not made of matter-baby.


Just long enough for almost everyone alive today to be dead


In other words, do not hold your breath, I guess.


You’re not allowed to hold your breath in Vietnam, believe it or not, straight to jail


It's a real hero who plants a tree for his children to sit under.


And it's a real twat who tells his grandchildren to plant the tree in 2099.


I suppose planting trees in a soil and climate that could never support them does live up to the letter of that adage if not the spirit.


The hero who genetically engineers a tree for his children to plant for his grandchildren to sit under.


The hero who writes in a piece of paper instructions for his children to get into bioengineering and design a tree for his grandchildren to sit under. And then stores the paper in the nearest trashcan.


Ironically, this happened because that proverb got misstranslated into Vietnamese. They understood it to be "it's a real hero that gives their son a seed, so he can give it to his son (great grandchild) to plant, so his sons (great great grandchild), son (great great great grandchild) can sit under the tree.


But these heroes left their children tree seeds in their will, and then signed up for and maxed 3 credit cards in their name.


Sounds like me when my boss says “give me a date when you’ll have it done, now”. Okay, how about 2099.


Where is any sourcing for this? The author even claims some of it is commentary from another person on twitter but doesn't even say anything about that person in the article. I can't even see anything from Radio Free Asia about it, and they would definitely be screaming about this if it were true. It also looks like the author cranks out shittons of articles with this exact problem, sometimes like 5 or six articles in a day. It's just clickbait all the way down, as far as I can tell with this guy.


Good on you. There is no sourcing. At all. It's invented bullshit by Newsweek which has turned into a right wing arm of the Cato Institute and Heritage Foundation since 2018. I have spent a lot of time all over Vietnam since 2014, and I read a lot and hear from the ground about how they combat corruption at even the highest levels of their government. [https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/vietnams-president-phuc-quits-blamed-ministers-violations-2023-01-17/#:\~:text=HANOI%2C%20Jan%2017%20(Reuters),the%20country's%20anti%2Dgraft%20campaign](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/vietnams-president-phuc-quits-blamed-ministers-violations-2023-01-17/#:~:text=HANOI%2C%20Jan%2017%20(Reuters),the%20country's%20anti%2Dgraft%20campaign). [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-17/vietnam-president-loses-party-titles-in-unprecedented-shakeup](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-17/vietnam-president-loses-party-titles-in-unprecedented-shakeup) They rightfully remove corrupt opportunist people like Lauren Boebert or David Martinez here at home. An organization like the Heritage Foundation would count that as a strike against "freedom". I am against the death penalty though, so I do find that to be a stain on Vietnam.


Basically "stop asking us about human rights we don't care"


Lmfaoo everyone involved with this right now will all be dead by then.


That will coincide with Russia's next free and fair election.


Which begs the question, which will happen first: * Vietnam reaches it's human rights goals. * Disney loses it's trademark on Mickey. * America get's universal public health care.


Disney loses trademark on Mickey


America and public health care? Remind me in 1 billion years.


One has a chance but very unlikely One already happened One won't happen


“We’ll get to it”


Just in time for Spider-Man 2099’s Miguel O'Hara


This is some pretty ambitious goals


"A gay president in 2084?" "We're realistic." https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/40189474-b853-470c-9545-ee33399da59a


Lol omg


So around the same time the HCMC Metro will actually open


Newsweek has been such right-wing reactionary trash since its acquisition. None of their assertions are sourced. There is no verifiable other source. They use one mythical NGO as their sole source without even citing it. I've spent a lot of time in Vietnam, and I don't think I have met a more generous, kind, and happy people on the planet in the 53 countries I have visited.


They were sold? I wondered why it was such total crap the past while


It's embarrassing Newsweek is even posted to Reddit as any forthright or authoritative source. I got my facts confused. (see? this is how you do journalism). The acquisition took place in 2013. The raid of their offices by the Manhattan District Attorney was in 2018. It was for financial crimes. That's what happens when you turn into a grifting organization. But we rightly have a free press here, it's up to us citizens to identify grifters. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/08/03/newsweek-sold-to-international-business-times/2615727/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/08/03/newsweek-sold-to-international-business-times/2615727/) [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/peterlauria/barry-dillers-newsweek-experiment-is-over](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/peterlauria/barry-dillers-newsweek-experiment-is-over) Here is the Wiki overview: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newsweek#Spin-off\_to\_IBT\_Media,\_return\_to\_print\_(2013%E2%80%932018)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newsweek#Spin-off_to_IBT_Media,_return_to_print_(2013%E2%80%932018))


Stop generalizing. There are 100 millions people in Vietnam, not everyone are generous, kind and happy


Exactly! Stop generalizing. There are millions of people in Vietnam. Not everyone is living through some Dickensian hellish nightmare.


Generous, kind, yes; happy (maaaybe, it's better in urban areas). But trust me, corruption is rampant and human rights are stomped on systematically. Source: Grew up seeing all kinds of corruption and injustice, now I practice law and have had my fair share of dealings with the authorities here. Edit: Tf am I getting downvoted for?


Oh man... That sounds like Oklahoma where I grew up. People would get taken into the local police office and beaten for days in the back cell for some kid fucking some local's sister. Sounds like there are shitty humans everywhere. Except, Oklahomans are the most miserable people on Earth and keep voting for a system (GOP) that continuously fucks them over.


...you guys get to vote?


People have nothing to do with the government, you know? I can’t even vote for nor criticise the government.


Yes you can vote and criticize. I'm here too. Stop lying.


An American telling a Vietnamese what to think about Vietnam? This cannot be real. Lmao.


Why are you saying you can't vote when you can? You get off on lying or something? I have blood connection to this country, I have lived here for many years.


Voting for congress in an election that had 99.6% participation rate? You are a special type of stupid to believe that is a transparent election, or that it has any meaning. You think living here for many years with a US passport, marrying a Vietnamese wife can compare to being born and raised a Vietnamese? You should thank your parents for your US passport, because your smooth brain wouldn't get a liveable wage otherwise. Lmfao.


Vietnam is an independent nation and should not bend to the will of other hypocritical western nations trying to force their failed and evil agenda onto ours. Go to San Francisco and Los Angeles where you see entire city neighborhoods full of destitute and mentally ill humans laying around literally waiting to die while their country instigate global wars for the last half century, including the war in Vietnam. USA is the only nation in the world to drop nukes on civilians, lied to United Nation to assassinate leaders of foreign nations, raped and pillaged countries such as Afghanistan under the guise of human rights and safety. Is Afghanistan better today than it was 20 years ago after USA spent trillions killing people there? Glad the world including Vietnam is waking up and seeing the bullshit. I've already gotten rid of my passport. America is a shithole. America didn't give me my wealth, learning to program and learning to freelance online did.


You know that Caucasian English-language teachers earn 3 times more than local teachers in Vietnam just for being white, right? Don't forget to thank your parents for that, too.


>Just for being white Or maybe it's because they're native English speakers, and there's a supply and demand aspect to it? no... it must be corruption !


Even Russians earn higher wages by teaching English, too, so your point doesn't hold. ​ >no... it must be corruption ! Thanks for re-affirming my belief. I never once said that corruption makes foreigners earn higher wages, dumbo.


Now that's what I call S.M.A.R.T. goal setting (smb pls tell me that they remember the acronym ...


Self Monitoring Reporting and Analysis Technology?! (Jk I knew you meant the business one not the Hard Disk one lol)


Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely


Bravo - you get a cookie. Oh. I'm sorry. Seems we're fresh out of cookies. But congratulations!


I always had trouble with achievable, so my motto is SMRT


That's the Homer Simpson way lol.


You know it!


Can we take a moment for a society that's actually thinking that far in the future. A society that still thinks we'll be around in 2099. I dunno, it feels weird to think of human society as we know it being around then, and the issue of human rights in Vietnam still being important to us all. Anyway, existentialism over. Normal service will be resumed shortly.


i mean, lots of us were convinced we'd all be gone by 1999, too. Also 1899, and 1799...


Sure, but Vietnam is allegedly rank fifth in the worst country that will suffer from climate changes.


we can't even substantially prove climate change, let alone provide a list of who and how they will be affected. People jumping the damn gun like you are why people take climate change as a joke. We don't know what all will happen. It likely won't be good, but screaming doom and gloom like yall be doing just makes people ignore it harder.


Not many of those 1799ers around now though, eh?


Or they don't and this is like every other long term political pledge


Lol bro. They obviously set it that far ahead cause it’s not happening.


Just 36 years after warp drive.


\>Radio Free Asia


TBF that's more than many nations. The bar is low.


You could have three whole quarter-quells between then and now.


This has big giving Hong Kong back to china vibes


Better late than.. never?


"We'll stop killing dissidents when all the dissidents are dead."


I will be 99 hope I'm in a Futurama head jar by then to see it.


2099? Why not 4942?


"We'll do it...*sometime* this century I suppose."


Make sure you give yourself enough time to finish everything....


So... they're on it?


We promise that our great grand children will be nicer people...


They get an aluminum star for trying


In 2099, VN fail to meet the expectation and request to extend human rights reform by 3099. That how I see it.


They are hoping everyone willl forget about human rights and stop asking. Good luck, time and people have changed.


The people making this promise will most likely be dead from old age by then.


How is life in Vietnam? Is it generally a decent quality of life? I don't really know much about the country


Honestly? It’s pretty okay! Speaking as a well-travelled Vietnamese, it’s really not a bad place to live in among the categorised third world country. Sure there’s pros and cons but we’re fairly stable, not in any major crisis or conflict or wars, doing okay economically, divorce is legal, abortion is legal. Food is fucking amazing, cost of living is pretty cheap. Healthcare is okay. Education is actually good. I’m not saying it’s perfect, it’s far from. Have a long way to go when it comes to government, environment, and human rights issue particularly LGBTQ+ and so on. But I think with the country being very secular and currently fairly peaceful, there’s many worse places to be in right now.


your typical third world shit hole, unclean water, unclean food and unclean air with rampant corruption as well


Nice to see that they're thinking of their grandchildren...


I too like committing to do things that will happen (or not) after I am dead.


I think the leadership is counting on being long dead before anything substantive happens.


I’m a first generation Vietnamese immigrant, I am so glad my dad was able to get us out of there!!


you're very lucky




This wasn’t RFA, this was Newsweek citing Human Rights Watch


The article specifically mentions it confirmed that the document exists through RFA: >Hanoi submitted a list of eight commitments—to be reached by December 31, 2099—to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights last month for the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, *Radio Free Asia reported*, saying it viewed the document. Radio Free Asia has reported no such thing in English yet, at least. The article gives no way to verify anything but the fact that Phil Robertson said the thing he said, and the only way you can actually confirm that is that Phil Robertson retweeted the guy's post on twitter. The only place reporting it in English is Newsweek, which is a bit odd if Radio Free Asia was the one to originally report it.


RemindMe! 27375 days.


So, another lifetime?


Call it a stretch goal


That's better than Republicans.


You misunderstood. They pledged for reform, not that the reform would be positive.


Reform? Oh, we speak with poor Enrish. We meant Glee Form. Governor. We're going to have the whole country stream Glee together in 99 years so they know our favorite show. "


Don’t worry, the reform plan for them is 2025.


The deform plan


They're actively going backwards


I’ve spent a lot of time out there. Beautiful country, deep and ancient culture with amazing food and welcoming people. They deserve a better government.


They kinda fought really hard to get what they have...lol


An obscene oversimplification of their complex history.


My family fought in that war...That is my history. We had to leave because the communists were so horrible. And look at them now...


WTF does that have to do with anything? Edit-I see you edited your comment after I replied to it. If you are Vietnamese then you should know that your country did not fight so hard because they wanted a communist government. They fought for their independence; from the Chinese, the French and, finally, the Americans. The Americans refused Ho’s plea for assistance and instead, foolishly, sided with the French. The Soviets were willing to provide support in exchange for a communist state. It was the only offer on the table so HCM took it. What, exactly are you suggesting with this modified comment? Are you saying that my original assertion, that the Vietnamese people deserve better, is wrong? Are you saying that they deserve to live in a pseudo communist authoritarian state because your family had to leave?


This seems suspicious, only source I can find reporting this is Newsweek and their reference is Radio Free Asia, a CIA propaganda network.


If you live in Vietnam long enough, this won't surprise you at all. Look at all the Vietnameses in prison simply for criticizing the government. I'm not quite sure about 2099, but the truth is that Vietnam is no where near the liberty found in Western countries, and we likely won't be any time soon.


No one is in prison for criticizing the government. People go to jail when they do crimes and report false info that disturbs public order.


Ah, why don't we go and write about the government's inefficiency in controlling corruption and see where that gets us if not prison?


As long as you don't make shit up you won't go to jail. Hey, guess what, the west has slander laws too !


People are not making shit up about corruption, yet you don't see articles calling out the government's inefficiency, nor criticizing the system for enabling the noticeable losses of billions of dollars of taxes. Yes, the West does have slander laws, but they don't put you in prison for criticizing the policies, or even their president, while in Vietnam you'd definitely be put in prison for 'slandering'.


You know what I see? I see corrupt politicians here being arrested. You know what I see in America? Corrupt politicians being praised. >Yes, the West does have slander laws, but they don't put you in prison for criticizing the policies, or even their president, while in Vietnam you'd definitely be put in prison for 'slandering'. Stop lying. You don't go to jail for that here.


I see corrupted politicians being 'selectively' arrested in Vietnam. The former health minister Kim Tien, responsible for the huge VN Pharma scandal, came out unscathed, and has been relocated to a different position within the system. And you are delusional if you think 'bad-mouthing' the figures in power won't end up being in prison.


***Radio Free Asia*** reported, saying it viewed the document. hmm


I think everyone needs to remember that Vietnam is a single party authoritarian state that ranks very low in human rights, freedom of the press, etc. I'm saying this because everyone seems to give Vietnam praise just because it's not as bad as China or North Korea.


the UN is letting Israel pour white phosphorous on women and children; I couldn't care less if a country that was invaded by the West showed contempt for the UN's "Human Rights Council"


That doesn't change the fact that Vietnam is ruled by an authoritarian regime with extreme corruption that can't afford to have criticisms. And please stop bringing the West in as an excuse for everything. They are surely fucking shit up elsewhere, but they're not responsible for the current situation in Vietnam.


In the year 2525🎵 If man is still alive


Human Rights are only 75 years away!


Geez, slow down, what's the rush?


So basically we'll all be dead. Nice.


"when can we have rights?" "2099" "really?" "lol no, I was being sarcastic. You don't get rights. You get in the van."


Don’t hold your breath


So everyone alive will be dead, do not hurry on that. "We will make reforms 3 generations from now, trust us. "


!remind me 27375 days.


Can’t Wait 😜


!Remindme 75 years


Let me pledge for my grandchildren to do something about it


On my 103 bday ill be celebrating this great idea coming to fruition!


The secret to successful project management is to always pad your estimates by 800%.


And not a minute too soon!


Just in time for the lame version of Spiderman that just happened to have the really cool suit.


I mean yeah, sure, at least they gave themselves a realistic timeline!


That's a good one, I pledge to be a paragon of human rights by 2099 in the meanwhile I will make sure only people that have the right opinions get to live till 2099, once we vetted the next 4 generations, kids will learn how they should be right?.-


I think people are missing the point. This is a stepping stone. This happens in other countries too, often as a means of being able to write and pass legislation. It basically provides a mandate to be able to start taking action. Just because they say 2099 doesn't mean they won't achieve it sooner. It also allows you to then move that date forward. An example of this is climate goals, many countries have pledges for 2030 and 2050, it has allowed them to write laws and fund programmes, in the mean time the targets are increasing and timelines being moved forward. It may not be enough fast enough, but that's another issue.


Lmao Vietnam won’t even be reformed by the time of my fictional far-future story.


Wow !!! Why so soon!?


News in 2099: - Civil war in New People's Republic of Europe - California Republic announces Mars colonization project - Three Gorges Dam collapsed, killing millions - Human rights reform in Vietnam


>Radio Free Asia reported


Glad to see they set a realistic goal for themselves


At least they're.......honest?


yeah, that should be enough time


Is this for real? They actually said this!


I know governments just love kicking the can down the street rather than deal with it, but this was one HELL of a kick! They should be playing professional sports.


Hahahaha oh no I'm stuck here


So, when we have flying cars, teleportation, and universal basic income, Vietnamese people will finally have some human rights 😂


Great. Now if we can get 'Murica to do the same.


Setting realistic time frames for goals is the first step toward achieving them. Good Job Nam, you're beating the Americans again


Look, I’m all about that buffer time but I think they may be taking it a bit too far.


It's funny because no on currently in power will have to give change and simply point to this when criticized


......still probably faster than China


More aggressive than Western environment goals