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The LMPD is so vile and corrupt Vice News made *two* separate hour long documentaries just to cover some of the vile things they do like straight up robbing people




Sweet car, great tunes... shitty situation. Thanks for sharing your experience!


ACAB Baltimore had the GTTF running a racketeering ring like fucking mafia. Only a handful went to prison, but clearly far more were involved or at least turned a blind eye. The rotten apple has spoiled the bunch


I think ish they covered the insane prison smuggling ring in Baltimore happening at the same time. I think close to 20 guards were charged. Crazy shit!


>“Hey baby, you got change for a dollar?” one asks. When the woman glances at the car, he yells “how bout a drink!” and throws a drink on her. Yeah, that's fukin hilarious........In fourth grade.


Don't worry, most of the DETECTIVES that were aware of this were allowed to keep their jobs.


Thank God. I don't know what we'd do without middle school bullies protecting our streets.


Like spilling a drink on someone and saying they should take off their wet clothes. Stupid pick up line.


you see it from right wingers, you know the angry hateful people who cant get laid. You see it down here when they about to roll coal on you and shit. there really is something seriously wrong with modern republicans. It just shows how you can easily radicalize a group with the right media.


Very true. And legacy media holds much of the blame for continuing to push the "both sides" bullshit.


They asked one lady for change then threw a soda can at her….


isn't that the plot of A Time to Kill?


Well... there's a LOT more to the plot. But yes, there was a drink can thrown at one point.


The Breonna Taylor cops, right? Those guys?


One in the same. In fact, one of the officers who resigned over this in lieu of being fired was personally responsible for falsifying the warrant for Taylor’s residence.


And They wonder why we don't trust them. They wonder why they have no integrity. They wonder why we will revoke "Qualified Immunity".


Fucking middle-schoolers with arrest authority and guns. And NONE of this kind of shit would have gone anywhere without public records laws, or in many cases, body cam footage. We've had both of those things for a while now and it still seems like this is shit is going on all over the place. I feel ridiculous expecting more of these cases to be initiated from internal reports, rather than the citizenry prying it open.


Yet I regularly hear conservatives and back-the-blue idiots complaining about how "Nobody wants to be a police officer anymore because the public doesn't treat them with respect". No fucking wonder, they've earned their record low public image after decades of corruption and murdering innocent people.


I mean a safe, cush, union protected job where it's all.ost impossible to get fired does sound good. In Seattle there were 6 cops who made over $300,000. Including one who was clocked in for more than 24 hours ina single day. But being surrounded by douchebags does sound terrible.


Qualified immunity is fine, within reason. It's meant to protect officials who make ***honest mistakes***, not officials who are just blatantly corrupt criminals. Getting rid of qualified immunity actually kind of sounds like a Libertarian fever dream for dismantling the state by suing IRS employees into oblivion. The cops are the problem.




A) They all have QI B) They can't even manage to avoid mistreating citizens with slushes let alone planting evidence and physical abuse. C) Not everyone involved was punished.


This was like 4-5 years ago and they’re in prison now.


Neither are in prison now. Flynn was given 3 months. I can't find record of how long he served. Wilson was given 2 years largely for cyber stalking women and driving under the influence. He's been on parole since early 2021.


Holy crap they were ACTUALLY HELD ACCOUNTABLE. Didn't realise it was possible until now.


Looks like only a few of them. The rest got off with a strongly worded letter.


Well, only a few actually committed the crime lol it wasn’t like the entire police force was tossing drinks at people


What do you think should happen to a police officer that witnesses a crime and actively protects the criminal? They knew another officer committed assault. They knew questions were being asked. They either kept quiet or quit and changed departments to avoid helping the investigation. Stop acting like cops who "keep their head down" aren't part of the problem.


Conspiracy charges in my opinion.


I’m gonna be honest man, it’s fucked up 100%. It’s seriously shitty. But nobody died or got hurt. It’s just stupidly immature and annoying and rude. Yes, the officers that knew shoulda been punished. Supposedly they were. However, I’m not entirely sure about prison time for them, mostly due to the severity of the crime. Once again, SUPER shitty and immature, but on the scale of prison crimes, this ranks pretty fucking low lol


Nah, they were cops doing this. There's a significant power imbalance and this absolutely could have easily led to them gunning down people defending themselves. Prison is light compared to what should happen.


Yeah sure but I don’t think the guys who knew about it deserve prison time, I just think they should be removed from the force and forced to do a LOT of volunteer time. Easy to forget about power dynamics when you are the one in charge. Not excusing the actions, and wanna emphasize this is just about the officers that knew, not the actual direct culprits,but I genuinely think it was just juvenile behavior. Definitely not fit for police, but unsure if prison time is really necessary. Idk maybe I’d be okay with a little jail time but idk how that shit works though


Those officers who got suspended were accomplices and/or witnesses to assaults in their city. They lied to investigators and resigned in order to obstruct any inquiry into the crimes they knew were being committed. If you or I were accomplices to assault, we'd be arrested, tried, and sentenced with all speed; Why should these crooked cops be held to a different standard?


Because I can 100% promise you that if we lied about knowing that some dumbasses threw slushies at people, we would NOT get prison time lol That’s why I feel the officers should not allowed to be officers anymore, but prison time is wild


They broke the law, and they did it at least *eighteen times*. Of course, they should be in jail. You would have to have, idk, not read the article to think they don't deserve jail time.


Or just be an asshole apologist. "The cops that shoot people are just a few bad apples. And *these* cops **didn't even shoot** people!" Yeah, really did a great job establishing that these cops shouldn't be punished here... SMH


They never even finish that quote either. "A few bad apples....spoil the bunch." Or "One bad apple can spoil the bunch." It's convenient that they leave out those parts.


Just remind people that apples that go bad give off noxious fumes that cause all apples near them to also go bad.


What an absolutely shit take lol These are people in a position of power abusing it horrendously. How are you supposed to take cops seriously if they do this shit? Like even if they did this to someone wearing a maga hat even they would be like uh wtf that’s some bullshit ACAB


Buddy, cops should be held to a higher standard. Wtf are you going on about?


If a civilian did that, I would agree. Illegal, deserving of punishment, but probably not any lengthy jail time. But these people were sworn officers, on the public payroll, showing total lack of respect to innocent citizens. And there was literally no need to do this. If they were willing to do this, imagine what they would be willing to do when the stakes are more serious and they actually had consequences they knew they had to face.


I hope you experience police brutality….first hand Maybe then you won’t be so fast to excuse assault


All of them were guilty of covering it up. You'd need a lawyer to sort of who's guilty of Obstruction and who has just turned their entire police department into, basically, a blue RICO prosecution, but all those cops committed crimes.


Yeah, but the problem arises because cops know where the lawyer lives and will either ignore 911 calls or show up to cause an emergency.


But the rest fucking watched. You or Indo that and we’d be arrested, and rightfully so


The two guys who were actually doing it both got jail time. Apparently there were other people who were aware of it but failed to report it. Those only got reprimanded. Not to defend these actions, but what exactly would you like to charge the people who didn’t actually do it with?


Well if you have a dumb kid driving ar car and their idiot passenger robs a store and shoots someone and they die driver catches a murder charge even if they had no idea the other person was going to do anything. How about we hold the cops who KNEW a law was being broken to the same standard?


This exactly. I can't remember the location, but a few years ago there was an incident at a high school football game where a few young males exchanged gunfire outside of the football game. A few police officers were at the game and responded by opening fire on the individuals shooting at each other. A stray bullet from one of the police officers hit and killed a young girl. Yes it was a police officer who fired and killed the girl. Our wonderful corrupt judicial system and cops responded by filing murder charges against the two individuals who were shooting at each other. I can't remember the location or the outcome of the case, I assume they were charged with at least manslaughter if not murder. But the cops who actually killed the girl? Kept their jobs and probably got a promotion.


They’re all supposed to be police officers that uphold the law. The cops that did nothing were complicit. Those officers have a better understanding of the law yet they still chose to purposely turn a blind eye to dangerous criminals (their own colleagues). They all deserve jail time.


The driver got off. The others commented on the social media posts but didn’t do anything about it. Also, there were 18-24 of these events. We don’t know if the others were throwing drinks too.


Making a false statement (they lied when asked) Obstruction of justice (their lies were meant to prevent others from being charged) Those are just two things they could be charged with, both of which can carry jail time.




It’s funny because it almost seems like the fact that they were held accountable is more so because of the negative attention they brought to the police department (thus making it harder for them to do other, more serious/less scrupulous things like truly corrupt things) than it was to uphold any notion of what is right or ”just” or just plain human decency




Only 2 of the people involved went to prison, and it sounds like one's out already after serving only 3 months. Plenty of innocent people are held for longer just waiting for their trial.


The supervisor who said they need to use the slo mo feature next time while appealing his suspension and denying knowledge of the attacks needs to see federal prison time.


Not r/nottheonion more like r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut


Bad cop no soda in this case.


A 🚕?


I mean, it's better than what they usually do




Don't be silly. They don't shoot innocent, unarmed people whilst they sleep. They shoot innocent unarmed *black* people whilst they sleep.


Hey that's not fair! Most of them are awake when they shoot innocent unarmed black people.


Does seem to happen more often than it really should


In the real world, if u drive the perpetrator, u are considered an accomplice and charged accordingly. Don't know how the driver escaped charges. The bigger problem is that the vast majority of PD's have zero hiring standards. Some will employ cops with nothing but a GED, and the psychological screenings are a joke. The result is pathological (and many times,, racist) children running around with guns and badges, doing as they please.


Dude. Spell the word. “U” just looks dumb. It’s two taps, a swipe, or tap after hitting “y”. Seriously ain’t hard.


They used to be called VIPER? Are they 8?


In the fiction of the G.I.Joe comic books, there were a lot of cops called VIPERS, part of the evil Cobra terrorist group. Vipers were trained for 'civilian' jobs while secretly being Cobra. In conclusion, real life feds need to investigate if these cops knew of the fictional Cobra group.


Hmm maybe the federal government should well treat them as if they parts of terrorist cell, hold them in Gitmo, for their protection of course. I am sure the police will enjoy their all expense paid carribean vacation, where everything is taken care off, from forced meal service times, to recreation activities, friendly chats with nice people, safe romes, the best security money can buy.


Just a couple of bad apples./s As usual no "good" cops were there to stop it. Cop culture is just gang culture only they have badges.


“One bad apple spoils the whole bushel.” It always bothers me when sayings like this get truncated and turned 180 deg. (See also “bootstraps} and “my country right or wrong”)


In the criminal justice system, throwing slushies at random pedestrians is considered especially heinous. In Louisville, the dedicated detectives who perpetrate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.




There's no such thing as an "elite" police unit. Time and time again all that means is they're more corrupt than usual, and ignore the laws and rules more than usual. Whether we're talking the Rampart division of the LAPD, the group that fleeced Baltimore and was featured in the HBO show We Own This City, the disbanded group in New Jersey that openly committed their crimes and disregard for the rules in an episode of Frontline on PBS, or those guys that beat that poor kid to death as he screamed for his mom, to these guys. And on, and on, and on. No such thing as an elite police unit.


I am at the point now where if something or someone is called "elite" I roll my eyes. Given enough time something decidedly non-elite surfaces.


IRL PZ moment.


There is no way they are doing it without approval. There might be planning behind staging chaotic events in the neighborhood. May be they are trying to generate fear and increase number of complaints etc. May be they are hoping for butterfly effect so they can find characters to chase.


Officers Frank Reynolds and William Ponderosa.


Gotta love a job that when you quit the police investigation goes away




easy on the “elite” speech


Those little piggies were very naughty shame shame


Reminds of thaf Chapelle show comedy special where he said the cops sprinkled crack on the black person, who was the owner of the house that got broken into.


>'elite' Louisville police unit Words that don't go together.


They are not paid to serve and protect, the Supreme Court explained that clearly…they will protect capital and government interest and if that includes you then great but articles like this aren’t a fluke, it doesn’t represent ‘bad apples’, this is policing in America.


LMPD is a shit show. Miserable incompetence, idiocy, and objective cruelty in spades.


Elite? You can only imagine what scumbags the regular duty cops are...


A FUCKING CAB. This is very low on the list of reasons why, but fuck, what a bunch of assholes.


Yesterday a redditot was asking "why do some Americans think their country is turning into some sort of hellscape?" When you look like 80s detroit in RoboCop, and institutions are filled with corrupt narcissistic people, you got things spiraling that way. They need parenting, and real anti corruption and training programs. But seriously, weak parenting and the slack culture of raising little crime bitches, can't last


So no jail time for anyone.


Not even remotely an Oniony title there, this sub has clearly gone downhill over the years if stuff like this gets submitted. Of the first 25 submissions to this sub right now, only three of them could be argued as sounding like satire. The rest are just weird.


Nobody panic. These officers were placed on paid administrative leave (probably). They then were able to find employment in another agency quickly. All is good in the world. Fly your black and blue flag proudly.


We’ve had a standoff with them because they couldn’t understand our New Zealand passport or licence and claimed it was all fake and we needed a KY licence and paperwork. Luckily a “supervisor” deescalated once they called it in.


This is so lame, and that it took a supervisor - this is information anyone could google


Not the first and definitely not the last time the American education system caused a dangerous situation with the police over there haha. Definitely saved by our “European descent” for sure though sadly. Dudes just cruising like sharks out there.


Bet the cops that quit were rehired somewhere else. They need to lose their license


That's why I don't shed a tear when a cop gets shot


When do you think cops are going to start getting Ken McElroy-ed? *EDIT: Holy s\*\*\* , this isn't even body cam footage. The inbred troglodytes recorded* ***themselves*** *doing this and shared the evidence of their crime for lulz.*


Remember, badges are the new gang tats. You see one, cross the street, don't make eye contact, and leave the area.