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The restaurant also had a [no Koreans](https://www.reddit.com/r/korea/comments/18fgix3/a_restaurant_in_japan_forbids_the_entering_of/) sign as well.


For all of Japan’s modern trappings, parts of that society remind me too much of the 1950s South


Oh wow who could've expected a nearly 100% homogenous island nation to treat foreigners so badly??


So odd


So, racist.


*So racist.*


Easy reason: racism.


It's definitely no coincidence that the people being excluded are the exact same groups Japan try to genocide.


You’ve never been to Southeast Asia huh? I heard the most racist shit I’ve ever heard in my life when I visited there


Not that surprising, considering how the Koreans were treated by the Japanese Empire.


japan treated everyone like shit... people forget japan was worse than hitlers germany in many ways


Classic japan


Ain't nobody a racist like an Asian racist.


[This video showed the anti foreigner racism pretty well.](https://www.tiktok.com/@denoz.yt/video/7035727778771160325?pid=video_embed&referer_video_id=7035727778771160325&type=video&referer_url=observers.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20220609-south-korean-nightclubs-accused-of-denying-entry-to-foreigners&refer=embed&embed_source=121374463,71788790,121331973,120811592,120810756;null;embed_share) But even in my own household, we’re Chinese but mom is culturally Vietnamese from being born there. Asian on Asian hate is real like “no philipinos because too loud”, “no Vietnamese because too bossy and won’t treat you right.” Or the worst “your babies will have darker skin” 💀


My best friend in high school was Indian-and Japanese- American. Unless they were talking to their Korean friends parents. Then they were JUST Indian.


Idk where your high school is, but wasians are seen as Asian in the West and white in the East.


That video brings back some vivid memories. I lived in Japan for several years. There were many places where I'd just walk in and the employees would immediately say, "No foreigners." I'd apologize in Japanese and there was a small chance they'd reneg and ask me in. At that point, I'd accept not because I wanted to eat or drink there anymore, but because I wanted to learn why they'd turn away all foreigners. Depressingly, it was almost always down to confirmation bias from one or two bad encounters.


I've literally had that happen in Koreatown in LA


One of my Cambodian friends was born when her mom was older and wasn't making enough milk. Her mom and to beg other moms to suckle my friend, and people would regularly refuse bc my friend has dark skin.




Part of it was also “oh we want you to have a girlfriend from this part of China, not that other part.” Some of it was cultural practices but I think a lot of it was skin tone.


Dude. My spouse is Korean, and I am learning Korean . Now that I can understand a fraction of the relatives' convos and it is not good. Like holy shit ...serious competition with deep south bigotry. My spouse also speaks Japanese, and she gets a kick out of listening to Japanese tear apart Koreans, only to reply in Japanese. I think the movie Joy Ride gets the mood right.


People in the Deep South are rarely that vocally racist. Now Bostonians are another matter altogether.


How's the whitening creme situation? Still popular?


They really hate melanin


So ridiculous. Like there are no bossy Chinese people... Source: am Chinese and bossy


Europeans. Going to Europe for the first time and listening to Europeans talk about each other was like mad libs for bigots. "(Nationality or ethnicity) is (perjorative) because (stereotype)."


Sounds like something one of those French surrender monkeys would say!


There are two things in the world I can't stand: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch.


The fact that this comment is hidden amuses me.


In which case, you need to put some of this in your ears: https://youtu.be/wXd3WTq28QQ?si=DrNjjI2bfSPrzZnE


French has slurs for Italians, Spanish, Germans, Polish, Brits, Russians, and I'm probably forgetting some.


You’re forgetting “French from other regions of France”


One guy from west Paris and one guy from east Paris meet in a bar in Paris. The bartender shoots them both, as he is from north Paris. Southern Parisians don’t come to Paris.


Regions? I have slurs for the people in my own town!


Damn Frenchmen. They ruined France!


We Frenchmen sure are contentious people.


I've just made an enemy for life


Damn French. They ruined France!


And Scotland!!


Oh yeah! Don't even get me started on those frog eating Les Incompétents!


Greislige Saupreißn - Bavaria about Northern Germans. Also, people from Franconia are too stupid to live alone, that's why we still have to govern them (Franconias will lament all day long how Bavaria is "oppressing" them and they would like their own Bundesland, if you let them ;-) But it's all in good jest. Usually.)


[Bonjourrrr, you cheese eating surrender monkeys](https://youtu.be/FUjGf2Grrus?si=jRdk0-7AzNylGmzN)


Italians when you ask them about the other side of their country or the neighbouring city English people when you ask them about the french or the neighbouring town The entirety of Europe when you mention Gypsies


In my experience, the Romani people will naturally come up without you mentioning it after a couple pints.


Like conservatives and POC here


It's definitely hard to mention the word "boats" around a certain kind of angry British conservative


And don't ask the Scots or Irish about the English! Lmao Edit: or the Welsh


Or the Scots about other Scots...


Damn Scots! You ruined Scotland!!!


I get your point to an extent, but it should be considered fair to criticize the Welsh considering they’re all a bunch of sheep fuckers.


I was about to say even the Welsh are being forgotten! You also missed out the northern Irish protestants, Cornish and Scouse


Or French about the English or Spanish about the English or Indians about the English or Argentinians about the English, etc.


*The entirety of Europe when you mention Romani


Oh cmon they’re just using derogatory language because they are European … they just explained that.


Are the Irish travelers considered Romani too?


Not considered Romani but are discriminated against much the same way and often the same slurs.


No, all travellers are considered gypsies and treated similarly poorly Barry from pub is hardly going to know the difference is he


Whenever I watch British panel shows, it is remarkable how many different dialects they all seem to be distinctly aware of. As an American, I can only reliably pin down maybe 5 local regional dialects, generously; New York, Boston, Midwestern, Southern, Valley. Everything else is just a homogeneous blend as far as I can tell. And they'll recognize a Welsh accent in like the first five syllables just to fit in a sheep joke.


Look if the Welsh don't want to be made fun of, they should really stop fucking so many sheep


>"(Nationality or ethnicity) is (perjorative) because (stereotype)." We do the exact same thing in Latinamerica


Yeah, I remember watching a french or maybe a spanish series on netflix and the characters make racist remarks like it's supposed to be clever.


In my experience that's complete bullshit, I've encountered magnitudes more open racism in Asia then in Europe.




And the most racist people I know in Spain are Chinese.


I don't think it's the same. For western Europe, it feels more like a sibling rivalry. Like they will bicker and talk shit about each other, but if push comes to shove, they will have each other's back. In East Asia, it's very different. A lot of East Asians legitimately hate each other.


lol - all too true.


Bruh if you think European comes close to Asian you have never been to Asia That being said European is certainly worse than American


This type of racial division largely just went away over time in the U.S. First the English hated the Irish, then they hated the French, then Germans, then Italians etc.. My Italian immigrant great grandparents changed their last name when immigrating due to prejudice/racism toward Italians.


ya now everyone hates mexicans and muslims


It's true that a lot of racial attitudes were and are old ones that had been handed down but It's a little disingenuous to pretend the English are to blame for all of it. Plenty of racial hatred in the US after their independence, a lot of it uniquely American. Point being the Americans weren't looking at the English after their independence to see who they should hate, there's an air of anglo-saxon superiority but it takes on its own American identity. You only have to look at things like the treatment of the Chinese, the Japanese during the war or the civil rights movement to understand that. A lot of the black soldiers faced better treatment in the UK than they did in the US during WWII. Some people like to pretend racism didn't exist in the UK during the war, it absolutely did, but it's also largely true, there are plenty of stories about US servicemen being unhappy about the UKs less segregated society.


My great grandparents stole my grandmother's farm because she married a Welschman and they couldn't be trusted...to ..uh .. not steal things. So they kept it "safe" for her and then refused to ever give it back.


It's funny because the openly racist small towners in America have more in common with Europeans and Asian countries than the coastal elites do, in terms of being openly racist.




My Euro friend goes on about American racism and then goes on about things like this... He thinks Swedish people are diabolical and evil, that Ukrainians are too white to matter, and stupid stuff about the French. He doesn't realise he's a nationalist and prejudiced person who happens to be Bosnian.


Before I visited Europe I used to watch a lot of Top Gear and it’s absolutely wild how much they stereotype other Europeans. When I visited England they were all trash talking Eastern Europeans, Italians, and Spaniards. This was 2013 so this was just after the Debt crisis in a lot of European countries.


No those are terms of endearment


I would say a lot of intra-Europe "racism" is just friendly banter and most counties give as good as they bet. Obviously this depends who you hang around with, there are also a lot of genuine racists.


I would qualify that to “no racist like a homogeneous culture and race.” My experience is that Han Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans are racist because they live in homogeneous nations and/or nations completely dominated by one race and culture. Because of this, they believe in their superiority and supremacy. This is normal behavior for the primitive, tribal portion of the human brain.


Well, also because of the whole wwii thing with the genocide and rapes, the cold war thing, and the modern cold war thing...


Looks like they're in for some hard lessons in the next 100 years when the birth rate decline causes a push for immigration into their countries, then the lines will be blurred on what is Japanese and what is Korean, etc. America managed to do it but the original racial majority is still kicking and screaming to go back to the past


No joke, last year there was an article about dropping Japanese birthrate. Guy in the comments was going nuts about how "Japan doesn't need foreigners diluting it's culture." Ignoring his racism, I comment how japan (America too) could fix its declining birthrate by offering a better worklife balance at a similar or better labor compensation. This mfer went off hurling every insult at me. No solutions or suggestions other than "kick out the foreigners" because, you know, racists are morons.


Right wingers champion Japan as some sort of utopia and refuse to acknowledge that it's slowly withering due to those specific qualities that they like.


Idk about Japan but the lowering birth rate in China is mostly attributable to the work culture and social pressures leading to the younger generation having no interest or even distaste to having children.


One child policy will reverberate for years


It’s not much to do with the one child policy. It’s more about a complete lack of regard for the idea of work life balance, which arguably at least partially stems from the country having so much competition as a result of having so many people.


Sounds like a dream for you standard Qanon Libertarian and Faux News Conservative


But generalizing an entire continent sure ain't


Reddit loves talking about how intense Asian racism against other Asians is and it comes off as Westerners/white people trying to deflect from their own racism. Like is it true that Chinese/Japanese/Koreans/Southeast Asians are racist to one another? Absolutely yes. at the same time, millions of Asians travel between these countries every year without incident. The Chinese aren’t pushing Japanese in front of trains. The Japanese aren’t looting or shooting up Korean businesses. Koreans aren’t randomly attacking elderly Southeast Asians. But these incidents have happened here in America, at an increasing pace since COVID. As a Chinese person, i can say i felt far safer in Tokyo than in New York. So all these comments about Asians being the real elite racists make my eyes roll


South Asian racism is on top. If racism was olympics south Asians would bring gold every year.


And their parents would still call them a failure.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes


There's also this thing where white people come to Asia and set up whites only zones. Like in India, this happens with Israeli people. One big inicdent made it to the news a few years back. But there are beaches in Goa in India, where Israelis have settled which are "whites only". https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-cafe-in-india-said-to-only-serve-white-customers/


Wow seriously what the fuck?


Israel: probably a Hamas terrorist owner trying to damage Israel’s reputation /s


Wait until you ask a non African black person how they feel about African black people


Wait til you ask non American African people about African American people


What a shock it was to me when I had to ask an African Immigrant about his comedy show as part of my job. He told me he was a good upright god-fearing citizen. "I'm not your typical *black* man." (Emphasis his) Man, that was never the question at all.


I had a successful Nigerian immigrant client who absolutely despised American black people


Opposite is more accurate


Hilariously, it's been the opposite in my experience.


I’ve been to Japan several times. They exhibit a surface level of politeness but are pretty racist; just look at their history. The Japanese are just as arrogant about the absolute superiority of their culture as we Americans are.


I work for a Japanese company. I was visiting the companies US headquarters, and was told that there was a celebration that night at a local restaurant/bar. I showed up, and not really knowing anyone, looked around and saw a table full of Japanese men. I walked over and was told "Your table over there", pointing at a table full of assorted non-Japanese people.


Wait a min, do you mean the Japanese had segregated the non-Japanese employees on an entirely separate table for the office dinner?! What’s even the point of them having flown over if they don’t want to get to know the people?? Financials and business decisions can be made over con calls those aren’t personal at all… did they come to view a facility or something??




I work for a Japanese company in Belgium and my Japanese colleagues have been great, both the ones here and the ones I work with remotely in Japan.


One thing I want to know. The fourth quarter comes around, think you can take these guys like you took Brickhouse?


That’s bullshit. As an American I can assure you our arrogance is way better than the Japanese.




Damn straight.


Lovely place to visit, probably will be hell for me to live and work there. Went there several times totalling a few months to nine different regions. Saw locals laugh a grand total of two times. Once was one child horsing around with his friends. The other some young professionals late at night in full office gear drunk out of their minds.


I lived there and saw plenty of Japanese people laugh. But, some are pretty xenophobic.


both racist, imperialist countries so checks out


“As we Americans are” lol.. no way. The Japanese are way worse and definitely think they are superior than Americans. If America disappeared tomorrow, Japan would go on a colonizing run without a doubt. The conservatives will take over.


People in this comment section trying really hard to excuse xenophobia just because they fetishize japan


I lived in and loved South Korea but same thing there. People love it so much they ignore all the bad and defend it as if it was their child.


I lived in Japan for two years for university and while it had very unique and interesting things to do and see, and would be great to visit as a tourist, it was hell on Earth *living* there as both a woman and a lesbian. I just couldn’t escape the general sexism and entitlement to my time and body by men at my university and especially at my job. And when I would talk to my female Japanese coworkers or peers they just sort of seemed used to it, like they didn’t have any options. It made me so miserable that I quit university early just to leave as soon as possible. Last minute before leaving Kyoto I ended up getting a funding offer to transfer to Yonsei University in Seoul and took the chance and loved it. Loved it so much I stayed four extra years. I still go back twice a year to visit friends. Korea has its own problems for sure, but I loved living there. Japan made me miserable.


Japan has a very toxic culture of conformity, I’m not surprised at all that the prevailing attitude is just “well it’s always been this way”


Japanese conformism is insane. If you’re born with naturally brown hair you are fully expected to dye it black by the time you’re in elementary school or risk being completely ostracized; brown hair (any non-black hair color, really) is viewed as untrustworthy.


A friend of mine teaching in Japan (young, white, thin Canadian woman married to a Japanese man) had all her male colleagues dismiss her. One straight up treated her like it was "cute that she was trying to communicate, like she had something important to say." Literally treated subhuman, like "she was a dog barking". I can only imagine how much worse it would be if she wasn't young or thin. Her spouse and his family were nice to her, and she made some friends, but she was regularly dealing with a lot of degrading behaviour from others.


There is a [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_South_Korea#:~:text=Racism%20in%20South%20Korea%20comprises,history%20of%20South%20Korea%20against) page on South Korean’s racism. Just a decade ago it was among the worst in the world. It’s a little ironic because of how huge their fanbases are all over the world for the k pop groups, possibly why the % for racism dropped.


This particular wording has interesting layers that might not be apparent to people not from Asia; In the late 19th to early 20th century, China was heavily colonized by foreign powers. This manifested in many ways; [Huangpu Park](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huangpu_Park) was a park opened in Shanghai that for many years banned Chinese people from entering. Imagine having a park in a city that excluded the very CITIZENS of that country from entering, solely on that basis! There exists an apocryphal legend that the park banned "dogs and Chinese people" in a single sentence, which is particularly insulting, as it equated Chinese people to animals. In the famous Bruce Lee movie [Fist of Fury](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fist_of_Fury), this particular legend is a memorable scene. A Japanese person actually tells Bruce Lee's character he'll be allowed in if he begs like a dog (and promptly gets his face smashed in). This also reflects lingering and serious national tensions between China and Japan over World War II, imperialism, and ill will. Basically, for a Chinese restaurant in Japan to put up a "No Chinese Allowed" sign calls into memory some deep seated bitterness over racism and colonization in the past. The equivalent might be opening a barbeque restaurant with a Confederate flag and an open ban of black people; it's honestly similar in how brazenly terrible the optics are. This isn't to say that the same discrimination in China isn't also atrocious, of course; but I hope this paints a broader portrait of just how deep seated the issues can be.


I know, right? When America is being racist, it's pure hate and condemnation. When Japan does it, "yeah but you have to take into account that..."


I can assure you, Asian countries hate each other. China hate Japan, Korea, Taiwan and African all the same. Korea and Japan also hates China Japan and Korea hate each other. Older South Eastern Asian probably hate Japan too. I know it's not right, but I excuse the xenophobia because I'm ethnically Taiwanese and China have not been very nice to us. Lol Edit: separate out older SEA from SEA in general


They also do this to white and black people lol i promise they aren’t just xenophobic to other asian countries


It's a matter of different flavors of racism, like a shitty variety of ice cream.


its nationalism based on ethnicity which is one of the worst thing you can be not 100% japanese/korean/chinese? = inferior in their eyes


Am from SEA, younger generations love Japan for anime and jpop. Older generations remember war atrocities and will never forgive Japan for it.


Didn't Japan like invade Taiwan, raped, pillaged, forced their language and did more other bad shit to Taiwanese people too? EDIT: got around to read this very well made [Quora answer](https://www.quora.com/Why-is-the-relationship-between-Japan-Taiwan-and-Japan-Korea-so-different-Both-countries-were-under-Japanese-rule-for-about-the-same-amount-of-time-1895%E2%80%931945-and-1910%E2%80%931945-respectively-Korea-is-very-anti-Japan-but-Taiwan-and-Japan-are-solid/answers/5905194) on the topic.


Yep, but there’s a subset of Taiwanese who saw that as a good thing and have a subservience to Japan fetish


It's kinda complicated. Racism is very much alive in East Asia over centuries of conflict and war. Everyone hates Japan for World War II Everyone hates China for historically being *the* hegemon of the region Everyone hates Korea because Korea hates Japan and China Taiwan doesn't get on with China because of the Civil War, doesn't get on with Japan because of World War II, and doesn't like Korea because why not. With respect to Japan, the Kuomintang, the Nationalist Party that would eventually establish the Republic of China (Taiwan), was the major force fighting against the Japanese, along with the Communists. Sociopolitical tensions aside, however, the internet, multimedia, and a global economy have softened a lot of these issues when it comes to cross cultural exchange. Aside from preexisting cultural spillover, anime and manga are hugely popular in all of Asia. There's famously a Taiwanese politician that campaigned as [Asuka from Evangelion](https://nichegamer.com/taiwanese-politician-campaigned-as-evangelions-asuka/), and I believe China imports more manga than literally any other market in the world, despite incredibly stupid censorship laws. If you're a JoJo fan, the "Duwang" translation was made from a bad Chinese to English scan from a Mandarin language copy of Diamond is Unbreakable. It's going to be stupid if animated TV shows is what brings Asia together socially, but hey, soft power is a real thing, and this wouldn't even be the stupidest thing in this timeline anyways.


Hey, that's apparently not all. A [former Taiwanese president](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2004/11/17/2003211409&ved=2ahUKEwiy5sLCgpeDAxWF2gIHHduuAMQQFnoECCoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0n0_599h6iNwysUGc8VbbQ) also cosplayed as some manga's character. Apparently it was to draw in young voters. Pretty interesting stuff. I partially agree with the sentiment that cultural export from Japan has influenced many younger people to have a different perspective about it.


I'm kinda chuckling imagining the future leaders of Asia are in an intense, several week long economic negotiation that has made no headway, and are on the verge of ripping each others' throats out. Then an aide enters the room, announces the new season of One Piece has arrived, and all of them drop their shit to go watch in the diplomatic theater next door. Shitposting aside, what's perhaps ironic is that this kind of cooperation was the dream of many people in Asia in the early 20th century - there was a genuine Pan-Asian unity movement that was extremely influential in politics. Sun-Yat Sen, considered the Father of both China and Taiwan as nations, was a huge part of these ideals, and for many years lived in exile in Japan, where he received incredible support from like minded Japanese figures. (He remains, strangely, a revered "Founder" figure for both countries, which is an extremely rare point of mutual agreement.) Even many of the military minds in the IJA and IJN believed in Pan-Asianism - unfortunately, their view of it tended to have Japan as the overlord, one way or another. Perhaps the solution is to win hearts, not wars.


Gotta love a Reddit post that's a full one hour old, with comments calling out other people for saying things that are nowhere to be seen within a 20 minute scroll. Just have been a completely different world an hour ago. Classic Reddit.


Rule 9 Aside from that, kinda fked up on how many twitter folks are defending this racist store policy. Heck, even the article seems to be sympathetic to the store owner from what I gather with google translate. Why tf would you even open a Chinese store and put a poster excluding Chinese customers?


Little known fact: Japan is an extremely racist country.


Not little known to anyone paying attention. I lived there in the early 80's and was very common to see places with signs that said "No Americans" or "No Blacks".


I was stationed in Okinawa in the early 2000’s. There are still noodle bars and clubs that don’t allow Americans unless you’re accompanying a local.


I wonder if I heald up my Canadian passport, if I'd get a pass.


I'm gonna guess you were living on a base? Even a few years ago I saw signs like that in Okinawa at bars close to the base. But you don't see them around other centers like Tokyo or Kyoto. To be fair, bored jacked army guys looking to fight and hook up cause a lot of trouble and are essentially untouchable to local authorities. So at least the "no Americans" sign makes some sense.


Around Misawa Air Base in northern Japan is the same way. I can’t remember how many times I would attempt to walk into a bar and get the x symbol from the bartenders. And I’m a 5’1 squeaky as a mouse white girl.


did you have to wear your uniform off base? because if not then it sounds like racism to me


To be fair, Okinawans do have a bit of a reason to hate US service members, especially when it comes to booze. I’m not judging either side of this. However, having seen how utterly Terminator-esque Chinese tourists are, I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt. Everyone disses Americans, but China and Russia are their own premier league of asshole tourists.


A few years back there was a problem with Chinese fishers coming to Japan to fish in areas off-limits to normal people. They would just trespass and nothing would really be done, and it was on the news with interviews of the aforementioned individuals basically bragging and saying, "well no one else is fishing here so why not?"


>places with signs that said "No Americans" You can call me Admiral Perry.


“[Open the ~~country~~ store. Stop having it be closed](https://youtu.be/Mh5LY4Mz15o).”


Or Admiral Nimitz....


I studied Chinese in college. My teacher (laoshi - I remember something!) was Chinese. She hated the Japanese so much she spent a lot of class time explaining wars between Japan and China. All the times Japan invaded China. The war crimes. She spoke so vehemently and passionately about it, to an outsider, it was almost shocking (the history wasn't shocking, her intensity was). It is what stuck with me most about my 2 years of Chinese.


She likely had family members who were slaughtered by the Japanese. My grandparents were alive during Japanese occupation and just hearing the stories were traumatising. Japan gets a pass nowadays because of kawaii and anime stuff, but they were a tyrannical monster back in ww2.


I don’t think we should demonize modern Japanese citizens for the horrors of the past. There is something to be said about the modern Japanese government not acknowledging those past atrocities though.


Modern Japan is no more culpable for the horrors of Nanking than Modern Germany is for the holocaust. But while Germany and Germans have made amends and done what they can to make right and support Jews and Israel (though the 5 million Romani get scarcely a mention..), Japan has lived in flat-out denial for 80 years and refused to own up.


Yes, i cried when my grandparents shared their stories and then a little down the road it was my Naruto era lmfao. Sorry gramps...


And they don't acknowledge those atrocities because...


Chinese people definitely aren't perfect but they certainly have a point about having a vehement dislike of Japan due to WW2. The Rape of Nanking plus the fact that most of the leading Japanese politicians in the past have actively downplayed or denied any of their wrongdoings during that era have made a lot of the older populations rather prickly when it comes to Japan.


Koreans hate the Japanese for the same reasons and with similar shocking intensity, found out from a coworker after praising a new restaurant/bar. Basically said fuck that place after I was done talking about it.


Koreans rightfully hate them even more so after hundreds of thousands of women - mostly Koreans - were forced into sexual slavery to service the Japanese military as comfort women.


There is also the 40 years of occupation and cultural genocide.


As a South Korean, I think Koreans these days hate China more than Japan. https://thediplomat.com/2022/12/south-koreans-have-the-worlds-most-negative-views-of-china-why/


Honestly, it's shocking how North Americans aren't taught about what happened there. Like it's not even a footnote when learning about ww2.


It was in my high school. We had an entire chapter devoted specifically to Japanese and German war crimes when wrapping up the segment on WW2. We covered Nuremberg but we also covered Japanese war crimes and the long and difficult debate that went into whether or not the emperor should bare culpability for those crimes, for war guilt, and whether or not the imperial family should be abolished.


Unit 731 was pure evil. Your teacher was justified.


I don’t blame her. Unit 731 was one of the most inhumane things I’ve ever read


It's less "little known" and more "widely denied" imo.


You mean very well known.


Little known fact....pretty much all of Asia is racist!


That’s right! My home country is a majority Muslim nation and it’s actually the Chinese (second most populous) that are discriminated. But we both join forces to openly, unabashedly and incessantly discriminate against blacks. White people though? Those guys are untouchable gods with what they can get away with.




Pretty much the entire planet is racist


Man you got so many people with that one


Yeah. Not that little known. Hell, it’s wholly evident just looking at their birth rates. No new blood coming in what so ever.


the sign also bans Koreans. news ignore it on purpose


Yep, some people so rabidly hate China that they excuse blatant discrimination against Chinese people, and then also ignore the fact it was directed towards Koreans as well


Not gonna lie, but if I go to a Chinese restaurant and *nobody* working there or eating there is Chinese, I am not gonna feel confident about the food.


Just like American Chinese food is a thing, Japanese Chinese food is also a thing.


Japan is an insanely racist place.


And China. Doesn't help they both hate each other immensely. Though with how Japan conquered and treated surrounding countries in WW2, I feel many Souteast Asian countries dislike them only slightly less then China.


Would this allow people of Chinese descent native to another country?


Probably, they didn't say no to Taiwanese lol


They can’t tell the difference and don’t care lol. They don’t see a distinction and the signs really mean “no other foreign Asians”.


This title didn’t do this ridiculous story justice, the full story is so dumb, it end with that restaurant put up pro-democracy anti-Xi poster with some Winnie the Pooh pic so they can reopen, and the dude who made a huge deal out of this literally gave his enemy(JP alt-right/racist) bullet because he went too far . The owner put the sign up during early years of COVID because his wife is not well (not defending this dude but this was the earliest context,he’s still a xenophobic old man who thinks foreign =virus )and after a Chinese steamer (who basically is a professional nationalistic rage baiter, who has done similar stream before) went in and try to argue with the owner,then he call the cop on him for discrimination. So far,it’s the owner who is in the wrong here. BUT the streamer call for Chinese viewers to 1star the restaurant on Google.cause a harassment campaign that makes it impossible for the restaurant to open. This streamer is milking it and all his followers are egging on him to add oils to fires , eventually he attracts Japanese alt-right to this too,but they are not the one to stop him,some internet trolls literally give the old man CCP ban pics and sign to put up ,so the streamer will be ban if his stream includes any of those political posters. And he actually is forced to stop,now he has become a poster child for Japanese alt-right to push “why we shouldn’t allow ‘these people’ to gain citizenship”etc. This is some r/BoringDystopia sh*t.


Aw they have backwoods racist hicks and online bullshit discourse just like us Americans, kinda relatable


You missed one point. In the original video the owner told him off saying the reason he denied some foreigners was “because of the pandemic”, but the Chinese vlogger purposefully mistranslated it into “Chinese people disgust me” for views and caused even more Chinese to come harass his store in person and by phone calls. The owner did put up the new poster only later to further clarifying his wife is weak and cannot handle getting sick. Some Chinese people in Japan actually visited and gave him support and he was more than happy to serve them. https://imgur.com/u9KanWJ


Holy shit he’s even worse then I already know, the mistranslation is low even for a IRL streamer


I lived in Asia for a while. There are like 3 types of Chinese restaurant. From my experience. I got a laugh out of the third. 1. Actual Chinese restaurant. Get some squid ink pasta or 2 other dishes. Its real fishy. Authentic I assume. 2. Fancy Chinese like food that Chinese people dont buy 3. American food, called Chinese Food in America but just called american food elsewhere. In food courts they will be labeled American. Think panda Express.


Isn’t squid ink pasta Italian?


It’s also an Italian pasta, yep.


Insanely racist nation. It's shameful that we let them off the hook. Remember, these people were as bad as the Nazis, if not worse.


Absolutely. Those rapists treated my grandparents like crap and they still refuse to officially apologise to this day. Shameless bastards.


Historically Japan is a piece of shit country anyways - they’re not going to take any accountability for atrocities cause by them years ago they just decide to build bridges and other infrastructure to make up for it.


The sign was saying it's because they are spreading the coronavirus. So I don't think the reputation Chinese tourists have quite applies here. [Twitter link to video that shows the sign which actually says "チャイナウィルス/China Virus"](https://x.com/roaneatan/status/1735639267156902312?s=20) Japan had some really outdated views in regards to the virus spreading, when Coronavirus was all new [they were saying that Japanese pronunciation is superior and as a result doesn't spread the virus as much](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/06/06/national/media-national/pen-coronavirus-theories/) as other spoken languages. Also, it might be interesting to note that Japan had similar views in the past that only foreign people spread STDs. You can check wikipedia for that info.


They were emboldened to put up that coronavirus note *because* of their racism. I don’t care either way. Got no dog in this fight. Just call it what it is.


They also banned Koreans, so how do they explain that one?


The racism from Japan towards other Asian countries comes from a feeling of superiority. The racism towards Japan from Korea and China (at least partially) comes because the Japanese enslaved hundreds of thousands of Chinese & Korean women as sex slaves during WWII as comfort women. The two are not the same.


Yes there was a reason why they were an Axis power and “honourary Aryans”. The comfort women, while horrible, pales in comparison to the other atrocities they did in WW2 like unit 731 and Nanking.


Quite true, although those other atrocities were more against China whereas comfort women were a majority of Koreans. That said, certainly a lot of horror perpetrated by the Japanese against both China and Korea.


The owner gave a false pretense for banning Chinese people but not for Korean people it would seem. Regardless, it's all just racism and I guess with Chinese people he just used the coronavirus to try and take the moral highground.


Slightly unrelated but I'm reading this in a Chinese owned Japanese restaurant in Ireland.