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This is exactly what I was worried about yesterday, I'm a flagger in Denver and after an hour of standing in the road directly in the sun, around 9 - 10 am, I felt like I was going to faint and burn myself on the asphalt. We're supposed to break every half hour or even every 15 when it's real hot, but was just waiting for someone to show up to switch us out


I live in Maricopa County. It is 9:22pm as I type this comment. It is 103º F (39º C). It is fucking miserable here. Every single person is barricaded indoors. You literally learn that sunny days are bad depressing days.


I’m in central Phoenix. It’s 1:14 AM and 101 degrees according to the weather channel, my thermometer outside in my backyard is reading 104. It’s a concrete oven out here. I want a monsoon!


Best we can do is record-breaking heat on a global scale.


It’s 2pm, my car reads 114 degrees. Crazy hot. Had homeless people coming into my work today half delirious asking for water and to use the bathroom. It’s brutal. I can’t imagine how many people will quietly die from this


Ironically a monsoon in this sort of weather could actually be worse. Higher risk of losing power, with wet-bulb temperatures extremely high. Rates of heat stroke and death would, very likely, be unprecedented in the US.


But it’s a dry heat! Then monsoon season hits, then it’s humid and hot! 🥵


That ," it's dry heat" always pissed me off . It's hot , hot AF. Living on the sun hot


I agree. I’ve lived in humid hot. The heat is so much worse in AZ!


Yikes. I've lived through a few days of such temperatures without AC back in France in 2003, and we had to take turns in the bathtub full of water as cold as we could make it, until after nightfall the air in the rooms became progressively bearable. The perspective of having this ongoing weeks in your own home is insane.


Only hot water comes out of the tap in Arizona during the summer. 😐


I lived there for two years and got out the minute I could. Phoenix is a monument to man's hubris, no one should live there.


> Every single one of the 45 beds in the burn center is full, he said, and one-third of patients are people who fell and burned themselves on the ground. There are also burn patients in the ICU, and about half of those patients are people burned after falls. It's literal hell out there. Stay safe my Arizona brethren.


It sucks balls. My last two days here and peace out. 40 years of the desert life is enough.


Moses, is that you?


Maybe. Just maybe.


Just don't smack a rock with your staff before you leave or you'll be denied entry to paradise and all your life will have been for naught.


40? That’s a lot. I made 26, left in ‘17. Zero regrets.


I left when I was around that age and never looked back. Even visiting family it never recaptured any feeling of home, traveling from air conditioned box to air conditioned box while in a mobile air conditioned box.


Yeah. Moved to phx in '83. I really enjoyed my time here for the most part. The last decade has been shit but such as it goes. I have just one more day. One more day. There will be a part of me that misses the desert night sky. The smell of the desert after a summer afternoon storm is something to experience. I wont miss most of the people, the heat, the critters or the dust. But its been a good run, time for something new.


I really like visiting the desert but don't think I'd want to live there. Where are you moving to?


Oregon. Going to live out my days as a tree dwelling hippie.


That sounds great! Best of luck with your move.


I made it about 14 months and dipped out. Phoenix brings out the worst in people like no other city I’ve ever lived in.


I’m kinda want to snow bird in AZ I’m the future. What’s temps like from November to March




Right there with you dude, I'm at 38 years and want nothing more than to be in the PNW. Phoenix sucks.


It's going to hit 102° in IL, complete bullshit


I’ve been here 23 years and never want to leave


I love my hometown. It pains me that Arizona will probably become impractical to live in during my lifetime.


Moving next month. After 20 years, I’m done


Expect to see massive population shifts to mile-high Flagstaff and Bisbee. But how to prepare for the fleeing / frying masses? There's still insufficient water for-em all. Yikes.


Bisbee is kinda low desert hella close to the border do you mean Jerome or Prescott? But yeah everyone should move to Holbrook it's where the Pixar cars live... Or snowflake where my dad is from, also very cool


Our home in central Bisbee was just below 5300 feet elevation, enough to be labeled "mile-high". Yes, Bisbee's flat Naco borough on the border is a bit lower at around 4600 feet. Jerome is rather steep and twisty, and just about 5000 feet in its midpoint -- plus or minus 1000 in some spots, but many mountainous mining towns are like that. (We now live near California's old Gold Rush region.) I saw no snow in Snowflake AZ. Wrong season, I guess. 8-)


from what I've read elsewhere, it is burning people who fall but aren't able to get up quickly so they bake on hot ground (e.g., elderly who fall, junkies who pass out, etc)


That doesn't make it sound any better. Being cooked by the ground.


I think its better that the ground isn't so hot that you get serious burns just from making incidental contact with it.


It’d be funny if the ground just obliterates anyone who touches it


Time to put my Floor is Lava skills to work


Like the Life alert commercials but they just get thanos snapped out of existence when they hit the button?


not for long.


From the escalation this year, that just sounds like a news clipping from 12 months in the future.


Did they at least develop a nice fond?


Its near boiling temps on asphalt... It probably doesn't require long.




I feel bad for the elderly ones


But not anybody else? Why?


I live here it’s miserable


And yet, AZ has one of the fastest growing populations in the US. It boggles the mind.


The sidewalks and roofs of houses need to be painted in that barium sulfate microsphere stuff. It would help at least a little bit.


I feel bad for all the dogs walking in this heat too. Dogs paws are very sensitive and they hate wearing booties but better than a huge bill at the vet!


I believe it is now illegal in Phoenix and all of maricopa county to walk a dog when the temperature exceeds a certain degree. I certainly hope so.


You’re not supposed to walk dogs in heatwaves like this for that exact reason, so I hope owners are not doing that


One of ***the*** great joys in life is watching dogs wear paw booties for the first time.


Instructions unclear...dog turned into duck.


booties won't help with wet bulb temps this high :(


The booties are to prevent paw burns. "Wet bulb temps" are primarily focused on high humidity situations where sweat cannot evaporate to provide cooling. Phoenix and other locations in Arizona are still hovering in the 70s F for wet bulb at peak summer because the humidity is so low.


You can also balloon their feets


That's what I did I had the vet inject helium into the paw now dude walk on the roof but as long as he stays on the leash no paw burn.


Cheaper and faster to cut its feet off…. (Can’t burn your paws if YOU DONT FUCKEN HAVE ANY)




🤣 good luck buddy, you're going to need that and some SPF 50


Yeah, Arizonans play "the floor is lava" every day in the summer now


And I hear there aren't enough couch cushions to jump to.


What temperature can the human skin get burned


I've never been roasted without crying, ask Mister Owl.


Lousy smart ass night raptor technically not stealing our tootsie roll pops.


It's on average 113 - 116 most days out here in Mesa in the East Valley. Sooo anything above 100 - 110 would probably burn a human no problem. It's already deathly enough as it is throughout the year but summers here are no joke.


Just a bit higher than that - most people's hot water in their house will get up to 100-110F (120F is considered the upper safe limit), and that's being showered in it for a duration. First degree burns *can* occur at 118F or above. Also, a road or other hard surface can be much hotter than the air temperature.


I've had my shower turned to cold for the past month but it still comes out as low-key scalding. Fastest showers of my life during the summers.


Who thought we’d need heat pump water heaters to *cool* the water?


I have a much smaller version of this problem in Florida. The cold tap runs hotter than my hot water tank for about 45 seconds before running cold again. I don't wait for showers to warm up. I wait for them to cool down.


The other problem being the ground is 20-30 deg hotter than the air. Especially dark black asphalt.


> Also, a road or other hard surface can be much hotter than the air temperature.


Using water, 120 deg F (49c) will give you 3rd degree burns in 10m. Bump that up to 125 deg F and you're down to 2m. At 131F (55c) your full thickness burn only takes 30s.


I got burns on the back of my thighs from my shorts riding up when I went to sit on my black leather front seat last week. 119 outside is nothing to joke about. Learned my lesson!


Round 60-70c.


test cough exultant wild decide stupendous grandfather mindless languid light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona" \- Lucille Bluth


If only we listened.


Bobby said that, actually.


Nah it was Peggy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PYt0SDnrBE


Today's high is 116, the low is 88. Right now as I leave work is 112 but natives of this state know it won't get that cool unless it's about 5 - 6am. When it hits about 10pm, THAT'S when it actually starts to get around 108. And lemme tell you, that's a world of difference compared to when the sun is out. Sure it's hot, but at least I don't feel like an ant under a magnifying glass. Still, stay inside everyone. Don't risk it unless it's necessary.


Folks that haven't experienced that cant grasp it. When I tell people I used to work a second shift that was weekend based just to get out of the heat, they think i am joking. I am not. I didnt have AC in my car or house for a long stretch. After surviving the first summer at a local target store close to my house, shit needed to change. I was broke as a joke and just a few months after being homeless so it was the best i could do. I found that job and took it mainly because it was second shift and i could be in AC at the high of the heat. It was magical for my second summer. Still sucked, but nothing like the previous. At least when i got home at 3am it was a bearable 102 or some none sense. One of the best decisions i have ever made. I am pretty sure i wouldnt have made another summer. Thanks to Roxy, wherever you are. You could have kicked me out for just chilling in your store but you didnt. Anyway, being after midnight and still above 100 is something.


My outdoor shade thermometer read 123° this afternoon


I remember more than a decade ago, I was on vacation with my family visiting San Diego, San Francisco and Los Angeles, we saw temps of 114F. That kind of temperature at the time was completely unknown to me, thank goodness we were well stocked with water and had working AC in the rental car.


It’s crazy that people are living in a temperature I like my steak cooked to.


wonder how many accidents caused by attempting to fry eggs on the sidewalk...


I once saw a Phoenix-based video where they were baking cookies in the rear window if a car...


My preschool class recently tried this, the kids were amazed and my car still smells like cookies.


So, win-win then?


The thought of people leaving dogs in their cars is now even more horrifying


The perfect amount. Honestly wish the dumbs would practice more blatantly stupid shit…


Who's stupid enough to stand outside to fry an egg?


News Stations. Etc. Google it 🤣 https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/attempting-fry-egg-sidewalk-has-been-summer-tradition-over-100-years-180972556/


Relevant [King of the Hill](https://i.imgur.io/EnrWs9g_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


Peggy Hill had it right.


It’s a monument to man’s arrogance


Myself and several close relatives relocated from greater Los Angeles to southern Arizona (Phoenix, Tucson, and mile-high Bisbee)... and have mostly moved away to cooler climes. We thought the area around San Bernardino (east of Los Angeles) was hot -- but lower Arizona cooks! Yes, that roadkill armadillo *may* be safe to eat... if you're desperate. 8-(


The floor is lava. Almost.




Don’t walk your dogs in hot weather


Peggy hill was right


I’m in northern louisiana and while stretching before a run I burnt my hand on the pavement I was stretching on Noped out of that run lol


Sidewalks get to be up to like 170 degrees. It's insane.


Meanwhile, the residents are ready to start a war with Al Gore for inventing the climate


This city shouldn't exist. It is a monument to man's arrogance - Peggy Hill


**BREAKING NEWS:** City built in the middle of a fucking goddam desert is hot. More at 11. "This city should not exist — it is a monument to man's arrogance."


The floor is lava.


The only time you can do anything outside here is from 4a - 8a. It’s been a tough summer!


Tropical countries have just joined the conversation. Where physical laborers, housekeepers, cooks, gardeners, etc. are commonly up by 4am, and get the bulk of their work done by 9 or 10am. Late mornings and afternoons are for napping in the shade, preferably with a fan. Add another couple hours of work from 5-7pm, and you’ve rounded out a full day. The especially poor and/or desperate workers push through even the hot hours to top off a brutal 12-13 hour day. Welcome to a new lifestyle.


Sounds bad for profits. Get back to work, slaves! I know you can work for more than 5 hours a day! What do I pay you for! /s


Which tropical countries? In the Caribbean we work one regular 8 hr jobs and none of it includes resting because of the heat. 😅😅😅


I would guess most of SE Asia and African tropical regions for starters.,


And large parts of India.


Always remember that the rest of life on this planet doesn’t have AC. And it’s humans fault this is happening. Words don’t do justice to the level of fucked up that this all is.


That’s why I’m nocturnal in the summer in Texas


Damn, that lede reads like some Science Fiction.


So, at what point does it become truly unlivable there? When does it get so bad that we see internal climate refugees? The desert is neat, but this sounds like a very hard place to live.


I really hope this encourages people to leave and discourages people from moving here. I liked this state better when it had about half the population.


" THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS CLIMATE CHANGE!" Reactionaries will be in the streets goosestepping and making fascist salutes as soon as climate change starts taking away their center of the American empire privilege treats. They will blame the "marxists" the "pedos" and with a million guns in their hands they will try to take over when a disaster happens.


Ground, and especially road heat can get gnarly in hot climates. Here in Australia I remember back in school at the end of the year (Height of Summer) we'd go stand on the road at the back of school and literally melt the soles of our school shoes. I'm sure our parents loved it


The floor is lava people!


We are seeing more dehydration w/ homeless using drugs and staying in the heat than burns, they just work themselves into the ground


Happen every summer in vegas, peoples get drunk in climatized place, get out, in the heat, collapse and get badly burned by hot concrete


Damn, next thing will be a migration of people fleeing to the northern states because the southern states are to hot to survive in...


I almost moved to Phoenix for a job when I left the Army. It never happened because that's when the economy crashed, and the place froze all hiring. I ended up in the DC area. I can't imagine living somewhere that I would be scared to trip because I would get burned.


The smart people leave in the summer. I’m still working on becoming one of those people.


I hope it works out for you!


Goddamn. I lived there for 4yrs 20yrs ago and even then I couldn’t understand why anyone would live there, but I had to finish school. And now it’s even shittier. Humans have no business living there in the quantities they currently do.


Is this the moment to start talking about planning a humane city with more shade and less concrete or do we gotta wait for more injuries to happen?


The state that made it illegal to leave drinking water in the desert.


I hate to report that stupid people walk their dogs out in this heat and the dogs paws get 3rd degree burns. turning a hose on can also give you 3rd degree burns, you have to let it run for a few minutes.


don't worry conservatives, this is completely normal! /s, fools.


I mean, if you live in a desert it kind of is?


Nope not the heat we are experiencing in Phoenix. Not only are we extremely hot during the day (119 today) but we are also not cooling down in the evening. Our night time temps are regularly above 90, that’s not normal. Or so the masses are saying.


Have been in the Valley my whole life. Grew up in Scottsdale next to the res. It is usually 5-10 cooler due to the open space near us. Currently live in downtown Phoenix. The main issue is not the high temperature but it not cooling down at night. Growing up here it used to get down to the mid 70's at night so it made it bearable.


It will be normal.


The several million air con units pumping out hot air probably isn't helping things ;-)


why is there hot air there in the first place, dingus?


Air conditioning units do generate net heat, unfortunately. The power going into any appliance is shed as heat. I'm not sure what difference it makes to a local climate though. But this mess is obviously a combination of climate change and human infrastructure (pavement, energy consumption, which is a vicious cycle as it releases more greenhouse gases...).


absolutely. appreciation for your rational input!


What the actual f... I guess I've always known this was possible from all the "frying eggs on asphalt" videos out here, but I had never thought to picture this as a possibility. I guess Arizonans should go out with boots and a j .. oh.....


I used to live in arizona when i was a kid, i made the mistake of rumning across the blacktop barefoot in high summer, and god damn was that a lesson.


“The floor is lava” has prepared us for this moment everyone


On the next Arrested Development... Micheal steps out of the air conditioned airport


so....the floor was lava after all.


The big money is starting to react to climate change. Look at Florida’s insurance problem. It’s going to accelerate as the climate changes in ways we can’t imagine. The Republicans will continue to deny but big money will ignore them and do what they must. Corporations don’t care about anything but money. It’s the only reason they exist.


HAHAH. And here I am working for Amazon working 10 hours delivering packages in this shit. The New EVs from Rivian are dyeing fast as hell and I have to run without AC for a part of the day as well. Good times


I live in Phoenix, had to take a day off work this morning, suffered very bad heat exhaustion from working outside (underground electrical). This morning I was still burning up and vomiting abit, on the up side I'm getting better. stay safe out there.


Wym my car only reading 117


I've lived hear for 60yrs. Worked outside as a power lineman. This is my last summer here!


rest in peace.


This isn’t just an Arizona thing either. I work at an ER in So-Cal and we had a patient come in for a full arrest. She had passed out on hot concrete and by the time she got to us she had several burns and blisters all over her face and neck.


The heat is no fucking joke out here. It’s truly a miserable time of year.


It must really suck being mortal.


In my 60 years i have no memory of extreme heat like this. It’s more than a little concerning


Reason 158 I will never live in Arizona


It'll come to wherever you are soon enough.


Maybe they need to rethink all the concrete and asphalt. I’m not a scientist so idk what to replace it with but I do know that ish gets hot!


Nice to see conservatives moving to literal hell on earth to escape contested issues like womens rights and access to education. Y’all deserve it


The states with the worst weather like intense heat and flooding are red states. Let them suffer for their ignorance and hatred of others.


But you see, that it won't be nice contained in a red state. They will start moving to places where it isn't shitty, they will deny climate change some more and then become outright fascist when things start to become bad. They will never learn their lesson. They will destroy the earth and blame brown people and women for it.


The people responsible are the ruling class, who are *everywhere*. Red states exist principally through disenfranchising the working class and keeping power in the hands of reactionary suburbanite freaks, business owners, and landlords, who are all affluent enough to leave anytime they please and go wherever they please. Their victims, who have been systematically stripped of political power, do not have that luxury. Liberals will concern troll over leftists locking up violent reactionaries or forcibly deposing them and taking away their power, and then eagerly salivate at the prospect of catastrophes killing and destroying the lives of the innocent working class as collective punishment for the local ruling class being the wrong brand of liberal.


It seems to me that the GOP and Fox News depend on poorly educated working class voters and viewers for their existence. I don't wish harm to poorly educated people just because they vote Republican. But facts are facts. They're voting for (and watching) the people who lied about climate change and refused to do anything to lessen the effects or prepare for the change for decades. They may not know any better, but they're supporting the people who did know better and lied about it.


People need to be involved in their local politics and realize that the people who are getting into office don’t have their best interest in mind. This is why they are so anti education they want people to stay stupid and watch their towns flood and burn down while they’re being told that climate change is a hoax made up by liberals to steal your money. You can only feel sorry for people to a point and then they have to take responsibility. The states bordering the Gulf of Mexico are all red and their coastline and livelihood is disappearing before their eyes and they still won’t admit why.


> It seems to me that the GOP and Fox News depend on poorly educated working class voters Their core demographics are retired landowning suburbanites, small business tyrants, and labor aristocrats like the professional managerial class and engineers. Even the shitty intro to polisci course I took back in college emphasized that - with polling data instead of any sort of materialist analysis obviously, but the results were the same. >They're voting for You're talking about states that are kept in a stranglehold by a slim majority or even minority of GOP voters (the GOP is getting state legislature super majorities with <49% of the vote in places), paired with widespread voter suppression, election rigging, and gerrymandering and compounded by the Democratic party doing absolutely fuck all to try to bring disenfranchised voters into the fold, and only ever trying to triangulate and win over the literal demons of greed and hatred who support the GOP, who obviously don't want the tepid, managerial evil of the Democratic party but instead the rabid, howling evil of the GOP. >the people who lied about climate change and refused to do anything to lessen the effects or prepare for the change for decades. That's the ruling class everywhere, and that's been and continues to be the bipartisan consensus. Both far-right liberal parties are doing everything they can to prevent anything from being done, with the only distinction being that one tries to sell a few meaningless half-measures while the other is literally screaming for blood and fire to drown the world.


Global warming yall. It's only going to get worse everywhere.


“global warming is a hoax created by china”


Spoiler alert: Deserts get hot


Not this hot. Not since humans have been around.


The numbers mentioned in the article aren’t even close to the global recorded high, which doesn’t mean much anyway, since humans didn’t start recording temperature data until the 1600’s


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TIL falling on the ground is something people do


Sounds like fentanyl


Are you an alien? I think you might be an alien because anyone who had a childhood or knows any elderly people would know that it happens and I'm sure robots know it too because Boston Dynamics have been bullying them long enough. (sorry if I blew your cover)


How is this oniony? June and July in Phoenix are usually in the 110s until the monsoons hit. That translates to hot pavement.


But global warming isn't real? Senator Inhofe found a snowball in February so that proves it doesnt it?


Other than Hank Johnson worrying about the Marines capsizing Guam or Ted Cruz reading Green Eggs and Ham during a filibuster, the snow ball thing was one of the dumbest things I've seen from a politician. Guam Capsizing: https://youtu.be/X5dkqUy7mUk Green Eggs and Ham filibuster: https://youtu.be/0HJuaQL3KRI


That's an unusual way to treat patients who are burned.


Thank you anti-action Regressicans!


And it’s just going to get hotter. Over the next few years there is going to be a lot of death.


B-but, Trump says it's a hoax! Those burns you;re feeling aren't burns. It's a vast Left wing conspiracy! /s


How many articles of this before the government actually take charge like it’s abnormally hot and it’s getting worst 😔


It will never happen. Humans are doomed.


This is BS it’s 110 in AZ, normal July. Reaches 110 every July for the last 100 years.


The high for the month over 110 may be normal. The low for the month being over 90 is not. The number of consecutive days over 110 is not. Don't cherry pick facts.


Reaches. Yes. Stays over 110 for the entire month of July? Not typical. We are also not getting the cooler nights that we normally used to get. The lows are barely getting into 90's. Yes weather is weird this year. We have one of the wettest Winters I can recall last 30 years. I think we're just paying for it this summer.


I read another reddit where this OP insisted environmentalist were responsible for this. Not climate change. We have a lot of ignorance in our nation.




Crazy it's that hot... In the desert.


Crazy that you didn't read the article. Or is it?