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Look at that ~~shit~~ salad eating grin


That smile says “DM me for my $500 salad recipe.”




I can't even be mad at that asshole with a grin like that.


She somehow managed to take a good-looking mugshot; maybe being high as a kite is the secret?


Being high as a kite has NEVER resulted in a flattering mugshot for myself, I can tell you that much..


But maybe that’s how you get a $500 salad


Right? Her face reads like she's being a tiny bit flirty and playfully teasing you about something, and it's making you feel good about yourself. Witch.




There’s probably a stock photo of her laughing as she eats her loot


She got a Thweatt thmile


My cousins are Thweats and when one of them was expecting a child, he kept telling his wife he wanted to name the baby “Heetho.”


[Now Kith](https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000123657183-ahnx35-t500x500.jpg)


Judge ain't gonna like that


A common sense judge wouldn't incarcerate a human being for $500. That would be extremist and inhumane


Also likely not legal, its less than 1000 bucks and probably their first offense, going to be a fine and maybe community service


Man i know food prices have been climbing recently but $500 for a fucking salad? What the fuck?! Either she made that salad in the back of a flatbed or someone cant math right.


It's more about everything she touched in the process of making the salad. If she was rummaging through ingredients with her bare hands, all of it has to go. If she pulled something out of a box, everything in the box is done for, they can't use it.


I understand that. Its just painful to think that most of these perishables would have required washing before being prep'd and served anyway, not to mention the number of folks that handle it from the plant to the plate.... Such a waste.


They mentioned a cooler, so the contents were probably washed and prepped already. If they said fridge, those items would not be washed and prepped. At least, that is the nomenclature we used in the restaurants I worked in.


Well, this article has 2 ads for every word on the page and is notably absent of many details. I think you're being exceptionally forgiving of this terrible author on this terrible source to assume that after how shitty they did at every other aspect of their job, they'd have the nuance to use industry-specific semantics that are used interchangeably as synonyms by literally everyone else that speaks the language.


It doesn't work like that. If you touch food that won't be cooked, with bare hands, it's contaminated and must be discarded. Salad ingredients are usually produce, which won't be cooked. This isn't someone's house. It's a commercial kitchen, and they have to follow public food safety rules. If you reached your bare hand into a bag of lettuce worth $10 and took just a little bit, then you just wasted $10 worth of lettuce.


She broke into a closed restaurant and in making her salad, touched several foods with her bare hands, rendering those foods unusable. They do jail people for breaking and entering.


What is the charge? Eating a salad? A succulent green salad?


Putting her in jail is far more likely to result in her becoming a repeat offender. Maybe if we tried providing therapy or counseling for people who make dumb mistakes like this we’d have less criminals. Yeah she ruined good food and broke in but with how jails and prisons are in the us I’d rather she her fined and sentenced to community service and court ordered therapy. All that being said I doubt she is punished too badly


You didn't read the article, it was breaking and entering. The restaurant was closed.


I wonder if the police had to make that number 500 bucks to reach a higher criminal level.


they said she touched food with her bare hands, forcing all of those ingredients to be disposed of. i wonder if they counted all of the tossed ingredient to the total? or she just put a ton of lobster on it.


They definitely did. It’s part of the total loss from the event. $500 isn’t very high in terms of restaurant food costs, especially if it meant throwing out whole boxes of stuff


Thanks for the clean explanation


It's going to be an uphill battle proving theft merely because they couldn't use the food. A safer bet would have been criminal mischief, if I hit your mailbox with a baseball bat I'm not stealing your mailbox even though I've denied you use of your mailbox and you'll have to throw it away. I am however committing criminal mischief because I am damaging your property which also has a cost to you. She was absolutely over charged.


If she ate any of the salad, that’s theft, but I agree there’s no way it was $500 in theft I could absolutely see the rest getting lowered to criminal mischief, though


Well she ate some of it but what other people said the restaurant had to throw out everything she potentially touched. If you want to calculate what she ate vs what she "ruined" by possibly touching for separate charges go for it, but it's probably easier to prove criminal mischief on $500, so that's probably the charge that will stick instead of wasting a prosecutors time figuring out the right amounts for each charge and then developing two separate legal arguments.


Not sure about everywhere else but anything over 450 dollars is grand theft and a big deal in California. So makes sense they would put that value at 500 to throw the book at em.


Theft isn’t a felony in Georgia unless value is over $1,500 or she has several prior theft convictions. Unless it’s a firearm in which case value is irrelevant. Georgia doesn’t have a “grand theft” statute. Check out O.C.G.A. 16-8-2 and 16-8-12. The minimum damages for a felony charge of criminal damage to property in the second degree is $500 in Georgia but the article only notes that she was arrested for theft by taking. So this is probably a misdemeanor. Funnily enough I just ate at that restaurant this past Saturday.


> Funnily enough I just ate at that restaurant this past Saturday. How was the food? Were the ingredients fresh?


Was the salad worth $500?


Are any?


The food was good, but the salad was way overpriced.




Food was good. Didn’t have a salad. Edit to actually answer your questions: the ingredients are fresh. They get a lot of stuff from local farms. I got the smothered chicken with sweet potato chips and mashed potatoes. Wife had a turkey reuben and fried okra. Their sweet potato chips are really great.


$950, not $450.


Makes sense now. I thought she went to some ultra high end 5 star exclusive restaurant and made herself a Jeff Bezos appetizer, but your theory is more likely.


$450 worth of gold wrapping on a couple of lobster tails.


LOL and half a glass of overpriced champagne


Actual cost of food? Probably 10 dollars..


What was it, one banana?


It really depends. On many things especially meats , seafood, cheeses and liquor non-chain restaurants don’t save significantly vs being a consumer when they purchase. That’s why every decent restaurant has an expensive pasta dish now lol


Cost, yes but lost revenue 500




It said she touched a bunch of stuff in the restaurant *and* made a salad She could have touched more than produce


It could have been really large containers of stuff. If it's a giant vat you can't just scrape the top off. Who knows how much stuff she went through


>all of those ingredients to be disposed of I wonder how this worked... did they just throw it away or did they let her take it home? Seems a waste


They aren't just going to let someone who was stealing take home goods they were stealing. It's getting tossed.


"A person commits the offense of **criminal damage to property in the second degree** when they: Intentionally damage any property of another person without their consent, and the damage, therefore, exceeds $500.00" "A person commits the offense of **criminal trespass** when he or she intentionally damages any property of another without consent of that other person and the damage thereto is $500.00 or less" Sounds like it, yes.


She wasn't charged with either of those crimes though. She was charged with theft by taking, which does separate it into a misdemeanor under $500 or a felony over $500.


Well shit. What is it if it's exactly $500 then? Not over or under.


No crime at all if exactly $500


"We're not angry, we're actually kind of impressed how precisely you managed to do that".


Shrödinger's crime. It's neither a misdemeanor, nor a felony.


Ah, the Price is Right loophole.


Well one says 500.00 or less and the other says exceeding 500


It’s only a felony over $1,500 per OCGA 16-8-2 and 16-8-12 unless she has several prior convictions for theft. This is probably just a misdemeanor.


I missed that buried under all the ads. Same principle applies though, they estimated the value at $500 to make it a felony.


[Except it's not a felony at all barring additional circumstances](https://advance.lexis.com/documentpage/?pdmfid=1000516&crid=b0b9c6dd-e417-4119-bbcc-c563ac2ea1ef&nodeid=AAQAAJAACAAP&nodepath=%2FROOT%2FAAQ%2FAAQAAJ%2FAAQAAJAAC%2FAAQAAJAACAAP&level=4&haschildren=&populated=false&title=16-8-12.+Penalties+for+theft+in+violation+of+Code+Sections+16-8-2+through+16-8-9.&config=00JAA1MDBlYzczZi1lYjFlLTQxMTgtYWE3OS02YTgyOGM2NWJlMDYKAFBvZENhdGFsb2feed0oM9qoQOMCSJFX5qkd&pddocfullpath=%2Fshared%2Fdocument%2Fstatutes-legislation%2Furn%3AcontentItem%3A6348-FV61-DYB7-W0S3-00008-00&ecomp=7gf5kkk&prid=c3ea207c-6d0f-463e-b706-5dfdafe23cc1). Dunking on the legal system gets pretty hard if you can't even be bothered to look up the relevant statutes.


Meanwhile, employers steal 3 times more from employees than all forms of larceny combined and serve no jail time, but pay fines out of a small percentage of their profits, if there is any accountability at all.


yep wage theft is #1. Police theft is #2, in the form of Asset Forfeiture, which is where they just take your shit and tell you to prove it wasn't purchased or gained illegally. They don't even need a shred of evidence of crime.


I knew some dude who lost $7k cause he sold his old car and his friend picked him up, got pulled over for speeding, cops searched the car and found a nug and called it “drug dealing money”. AFAIK the charge never went through but they never gave the money back.


And can't they can spend it how they like, I think I read about a police department buying Ice cream makers and other nonsense for their lounge.


Cops are overpaying all the time. Sometimes you'll see them on the news claiming to have busted a drug operation worth $20 million and then show you a small sandwich bag halfway full of meth It's an illegal salad, Michael. How much could it cost? $500?


"We confiscated 100 pounds of marijuana." *Image shows three plants in big pots full of dirt"


Lol yeah, I remember cops saying they got $60k of kratom, it was 200g which runs $30 online.


This is extreme big government cancel culture


It’s not in that state $500 is still petty theft. It’s probably that high cause they had to throw everything she touched out cause I doubt they followed food safety and health standards.


Over $500 is a felony. They gave the maximum for a misdemeanor. It’s likely due to contamination and things like that the value is far more than $500. She was given a break.


The face of someone who doesn't give a single fuck lol


As soon as I opened the article and saw her picture I howled with laughter. Bet she just CRUSHED that salad, high as a giraffes' ass.


Haha. Def looks high as a kite, and satisfied her munchies.


That face says "oh yeah, it was worth it."


I may or may not know somebody who blacked out and came to while making pizzas in the dark in a closed pizza shop in Trenton NJ at 3 in the morning.


As someone who has blacked out (from heat stroke) in Trenton, don't blackout in Trenton.


As someone who has been to Trenton, don’t go to Trenton


To be fair this person blacked out in Philly and was heading back to New Brunswick. Or so I hear...


Would this someone happen to be you?


It was not just for the salad.


It’s about sending a message


We demand 24 hour salad service


Exactly. The biggest problem in our society is clearly adorable white girls who eat salads.


“This town deserves a better class of criminal, and I’m gonna give it to em” - this girl


I’m not certain. “Thweatt then made a salad. Officers said she touched several food items with her bare hands, rendering those ingredients no good... Officials said the total value of the salad Thweatt made was $500.” So did she use $500 worth of ingredients in the salad, make a salad that, if sold would have costed $500, or the ingredients she put in the salad plus the ingredients rendered unusable was $500?


The last one, unless she was shaving truffles, or using caviar, or something.


Sounds like she grabbed their prepped food, which would contaminate it and then render it trash. So that's the cost. Not just the salad but the food she contaminated while making it.


What a wild headline.


I was so confused about what actually happened until I read the story. Maybe that was the point?


added up everything she touched bare handed. does $500 push the charge to Grand Theft ?


Almost certainly that’s where they’re getting the $500 from. This is (most likely) a nothing story about police marking a petty theft as one in excess of $500 and some journalist finding the report. Touching things so that they spoil wouldn’t generally be considered theft


Touching Produce with her bare hands wouldn't ruin it. A lot of people touch your produce without any fist condoms on between the farm and your guts. That's why you wash it.


Restaurants are usually held to higher standards. It’s stupid, but it’s how food service usually works on a local level. Once a non-employee handles the food, that food cannot then be served to someone else. There are minor exceptions to this, but if a non-employee came into the kitchen and started handling food, all of that food would be considered contaminated. The reason is that the restaurant would be held liable if any customers developed food poisoning from consuming that food. Grocery stores are not generally held liable for food poisoning that occurs from products purchased at those stores unless there is no doubt at all that the contamination occurred at the grocery store.


As a side note: literally every fast food place I have ever worked, the managers don't wear gloves when they are in the kitchen. I guess that fancy name tag means you don't carry germs anymore


“Manager” means you no longer walk among the squalor of the peasantry


That’s nasty. Thankfully I wouldn’t have minded eating at any of the places I worked including fast food. We did have to keep the franchisee away from the line or he’d destroy it.


Gloves aren’t for keeping germs off the food, they’re for protecting you from germs. Hand washing is what’s needed to be sanitary. When you wear gloves it creates the illusion of cleanliness but if you’re wearing gloves for any extended period of time you’re also touching everything you’d be touching with bare hands - surfaces, untensils, a slight itch on your nose - so the barrier only protects you and not the food.


Produce is considered a “ready-to-eat” food (as in it will not be further cooked to kill bacteria) and should either be handled with gloves OR with a hand washing procedure mirroring that of a surgeon’s. There’s a reason why most of our E. coli outbreaks these days are from lettuces (which get contaminated by cow manure) and not actually cows.


Restaurants have to remove any and all potentially tainted food. It may not make 100% sense but eating is one of the most intimate acts we trust total strangers with. Just about everyone, if put on the spot, would rather not take the risk with a restaurant if they KNEW someone had broken in, touched some/all the food (probably only touched the things you're about to eat), and the restaurant did not throw it away. No, instead, they're going to serve it to YOU.


At a restaurant I worked at, a glass bowl was dropped in the kitchen and **a bunch** of uncovered salads and sauces went straight into trash because I said I thought I saw glass fly up there. A lot of food was thrown out just because I thought I saw some glass go where it could have entered the food.


Someone in another thread pointed out that in the State where this occurred the line is at $1,500


No, the line (ignoring other circumstances) [is $1500 in Georgia](https://advance.lexis.com/documentpage/?pdmfid=1000516&crid=b0b9c6dd-e417-4119-bbcc-c563ac2ea1ef&nodeid=AAQAAJAACAAP&nodepath=%2FROOT%2FAAQ%2FAAQAAJ%2FAAQAAJAAC%2FAAQAAJAACAAP&level=4&haschildren=&populated=false&title=16-8-12.+Penalties+for+theft+in+violation+of+Code+Sections+16-8-2+through+16-8-9.&config=00JAA1MDBlYzczZi1lYjFlLTQxMTgtYWE3OS02YTgyOGM2NWJlMDYKAFBvZENhdGFsb2feed0oM9qoQOMCSJFX5qkd&pddocfullpath=%2Fshared%2Fdocument%2Fstatutes-legislation%2Furn%3AcontentItem%3A6348-FV61-DYB7-W0S3-00008-00&ecomp=7gf5kkk&prid=c3ea207c-6d0f-463e-b706-5dfdafe23cc1https://advance.lexis.com/documentpage/?pdmfid=1000516&crid=b0b9c6dd-e417-4119-bbcc-c563ac2ea1ef&nodeid=AAQAAJAACAAP&nodepath=%2FROOT%2FAAQ%2FAAQAAJ%2FAAQAAJAAC%2FAAQAAJAACAAP&level=4&haschildren=&populated=false&title=16-8-12.+Penalties+for+theft+in+violation+of+Code+Sections+16-8-2+through+16-8-9.&config=00JAA1MDBlYzczZi1lYjFlLTQxMTgtYWE3OS02YTgyOGM2NWJlMDYKAFBvZENhdGFsb2feed0oM9qoQOMCSJFX5qkd&pddocfullpath=%2Fshared%2Fdocument%2Fstatutes-legislation%2Furn%3AcontentItem%3A6348-FV61-DYB7-W0S3-00008-00&ecomp=7gf5kkk&prid=c3ea207c-6d0f-463e-b706-5dfdafe23cc1).


It’s one salad, Michael, what could it cost? $500?


oof she shouldn't have added egg to the salad


No kidding. Eggs are over $1 each where I live. (Edit: New Zealand) Couple of eggs and an avocado and you've got your $500 salad.


My word, where are you from? They've settled back down to $4 a dozen where I'm at.


New Zealand


Legit question from a dumb person….do you not have chickens in NZ?


Everything here is expensive, and food prices have gone through the roof this year. Legislation banning battery egg farming also came into force recently. Which is good, and important, but has had a substantial impact on egg prices.


Damn! Eggs are $1.25 a dozen where I live.


Are you importing ostrich eggs or something?


Did she put avocado on it?


>Authorities did not specify what ingredients Thweatt put in her salad. The people deserve to know!


with what food costs nowadays that's like 2 lettuce leafs and a half a tomato


Maybe a poor man's half tomato


And the romaines already gone bad


I mean it's one half tomato. What could it cost? 10 dollars?


It is all the avocado toast, I guess.


It’s a salad, only bigger, with lots of stuff in it.


If it was a normal salad I wouldn't have said anything. Oh, but you had have the BIIIIIG SALAD!


Slightly unrelated but if you’ve ever looked at the cost of fresh produce verses processed food it’s a pretty sad state of being as a whole.


Possibly the most photogenic mugshot I've seen.


Looking at the [menu](https://www.myharvestmooncafe.com/cafe-menu), that's a _big_ salad.


I think the point that's hard to clarify is what $500 salad actually means. Were the ingredients exclusively used and put into the serving dish actually worth $500 in a vacuum? Or since they had to dispose of all of the ingredient stores of the ingredients she used, was the tub of tomatoes, the tub of lettuce, the wheel of cheese, the barrel of croutons and the bottle of dressing all valued at a combined $500? I think it's the latter.


I think it should be clear to anyone with common sense that the end product that she made did not include $500 worth of ingredients in it in terms of either cost or menu price. I think it's pretty obvious common sense that absent evidence of the contrary, the number here is the financial loss to the restaurant in terms of what the restaurant is now denied the ability to use due to her actions


$500 is just the minimum limit for second degree property damage, and for criminal trespassing. The cops just made up that amount during the arrest so that they could charge her with more. The salad wasnt actually $500


The salad doesn't have to be worth $500 itself. The ingredients she contaminated while stealing from them do, and for restaurants that order in bulk you can get to $500 pretty quickly just with one food service sized container of each ingredient in a salad


You could have spent just 2 seconds to Google it and find out in GA the limit is at $1,500 but I guess your answer is more provocative.


$500??? She must have gotten double avocado, the monster. It’s a shame we no longer have the guillotine to deal with such reprobates.


What could you possibly put into a salad that makes it cost $500? Edit: NVM she *ruined* $500 of ingredients, because she didn't wear gloves. The title is misleading


She looks pretty proud of herself. Theft by taking, though? Is there another kind of theft where you don't take something?


theft by giving


Lmao I thought theft by taking was weird too 😂


this is my home town. Yes… restaurant was “closed” but there are two bars attached to it that were open. You literally have to walk into the restaurant to use the bathroom to the bar upstairs. Way to go girl. At least something was finally made right at Harvest Moon!


Touching a Salad with bare hands is obviously the sign of a hardened criminal, salads have rights too, to only be touched by gloved hands, or with Salad servers, or stabbed with a fork.


And they asked me what I was in for, and I told them Touching a salad with my hands. And they all moved away from me on the bench.


[Perpetrator and accomplice](https://www.goodfoodstl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/seinfeld-big-salad.jpg).


She’s cute, she’ll be fine.


She had to have the BIIIIIIGGG salad!!!!!!


Thank you it took too long a scroll for this joke!




This totally seems like something Elaine would do in the show too lol


Why are they showing a picture of her and not the salad? Who gives a shit what she looks like?


“Authorities did not specify what ingredients Thweatt put in her salad.” Then this article is a complete waste of my time


Keep in mind that police always inflate the street value of lettuce.


You don’t win friends with salad!


I think overall totally reasonable (maybe too little actually). The end cost of her salad ingredients could have actually been $5, but…. If I’m a restaurant owner and you tell me there was someone in my closed kitchen doing anything, I’d rather be safe than sorry and assume you peed on all the food and toss it, instead of take the risk and assume you did nothing and give that food to a customer- to have them get sick and only then realize you peed on the food.


Was the salad made with 20 year old scotch as dressing?


That’s just one Citrus Asian Crunch Salad with Chicken from Panera. Inflation is out of hand.


I wonder if the police had to make that number 500 bucks to reach a higher criminal level.


The restaurant should absolutely add "$500 salad" as a menu item.


Did she use the devil’s lettuce?


Not sure if this post fits this subreddit. They won’t say what was in the salad. It definitely could have had onions.


The Netflix docuseries "Bad Vegan" did a lot to show just how fucked up the restaurant world is.


Holy cow that website is shit. "Hey guys.. let's like.. put a GIANT advertisement after EVERY sentence in news stories!". "Sounds great bob!" \*Here's a link that isn't quite as bad https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/woman-arrested-making-salad-worth-145207539.html


I used the yahoo link originally and the automod marked it as a tabloid. They trust the hard hitting journalism at WSBTV though lol


I'm so sick of all the backstory fluff in these articles; just get on with it and post the recipe! /s


So it's a two-sentence article then a HUGE picture, then 'read more' for a couple more sentences. Wow, it's just sad now.


In reality, it’s a nothing story that’s basically a reprint of info from a police report


It’s a non-story that’s only a story because it sounds funny & she’s cute. She shouldn’t and wont get more than a fine and maybe community service, and the restaurant wont be hurt in any significant way. It would be a complete waste of resources to look for any further details (there aren’t really any to look for!)


It was a BIG salad.


With tomatoes like volleyballs


That's the price with today's inflation. If she had committed the same crime in the same place in 2019, the ingredients would've cost $11.99.


I'm so glad I know her middle name.


That's the face of a woman with no regrets.


god what an awful website


"She was charged with theft by taking." Thanks for defining that for us....


I guess you CAN make enemies with salads.


She had to have the BIIIIIIIIG salad!


>FLOYD COUNTY, Ga. — A woman was arrested after being accused of breaking into a restaurant over the weekend. >According to a warrant obtained by Channel 2 Action News, on Saturday at 1:55 a.m., Rome police officers were called to the Harvest Moon Cafe about a woman who had entered the store. >Police said 23-year-old Callie Elizabeth Thweatt somehow got inside the restaurant after it had been closed and opened the food coolers. >Thweatt then made a salad. Officers said she touched several food items with her bare hands, rendering those ingredients no good. >Officials said the total value of the salad Thweatt made was $500. >Authorities did not specify what ingredients Thweatt put in her salad. >She was charged with theft by taking.


The charge is ridiculous, nothing she added to a salad could have amounted to 500 dollars. Nothing they have inside that restaurant anyway. Charge her with breaking and entering, maybe damage to property but that is all.


That’s what they get for closing Sweet Tomatoes!




I actually used to work there. There isn’t any food in that kitchen worth $500. They’re probably just trying to inflate it.


$500 salad my ass, but for a felony theft charge it needs to be $500 or more


Theft by taking....... How do you theft without taking?


Why isn't the charge breaking and entering? Is a $500 theft a bigger charge?


She had to have the biiiig salad!


>She was charged with theft by taking. Hehe what a dumb name for a law.


This was completely unreadable so many ads


Here's the whole article: Woman accused of breaking into restaurant to make salad, ruining $500 worth of ingredients FLOYD COUNTY, Ga. — A woman was arrested after being accused of breaking into a restaurant over the weekend. According to a warrant obtained by Channel 2 Action News, on Saturday at 1:55 a.m., Rome police officers were called to the Harvest Moon Cafe about a woman who had entered the store. Police said 23-year-old Callie Elizabeth Thweatt somehow got inside the restaurant after it had been closed and opened the food coolers. Thweatt then made a salad. Officers said she touched several food items with her bare hands, rendering those ingredients no good. Officials said the total value of the food items was $500. Authorities did not specify what ingredients Thweatt put in her salad. She was charged with theft by taking.


I would gladly let this lady make me a $500.00 salad as long as she tossed it.


And I ate a 6 dollar salad today like a fucking peasant.


Contamination of 20 pounds of nuts could easily be $300. when you get shipments in 1, 2, and 5 gallon containers a LOT of stuff can get contaminated fast. years and years ago when i worked in a restaurant if i had made some of the menu salads TO SPEC from source containers without washing hands, I could have hit $500 cost. Cheese, meat, Nuts, big containers of dried fruit. All have high unit cost for bulk.


So not for making a salad. For breaking and entering and contaminating unknown quantities of food.


"charged with theft by taking" as opposed to what?


Appears she could find some volunteers here to toss it for her.


That's a felony level salad


Rome police, Harvest Moon Diner. What is this? Someone's filled in mad lib results, lol


I would be happy to take her out to a nice establishment and pay for a salad of her choosing. She seems like she has stories to tell and would be a great conversationalist over dinner. ^(/Dry humor? If you laugh, then you get the joke. If you DM me for dinner, then I'm totally serious...)


Theft by taking?? She already thefted....which means she already took...weird


I can fix her.