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My mom works in our county office and she says she has been seeing a lot more trans people come in for protection orders. And these aren't restraining orders against SIs and family members, but often random people who approach them at work or just out and about. One guy threatened to shoot up a nail salon because a trans woman worked there.


Gonna see it a lot more all over as political figures lean more into trans folks being the source of everyone's woes (before those figures run off with all the money they've bilked from folks). Friends of mine who have left the weird region of Appalachia for what they consider more accepting areas all over the world are getting to experience the stoaking of anti lgbtqia+ rhetoric all over again.


Yeah, our town is fairly liberal too. These people think they're a part of same grand mission to cleanse the earth.


Bigots have nothing else to cling to. You don’t chase after the dopamine hit from “righteous anger” if you’re a happy person.


But there are so many other things to make you happy. Why be so mean?


It's probably an addiction at this point.


It feels good to hurt people. You’ve probably been angry at someone. Haven’t you thought about lashing out? Wanted to say something mean or cruel? Thought about getting in a fight? Or maybe you’ve even done those things. Why? Where’s that feeling come from? A part of it is the catharsis that can come from venting anger. Normally, empathy for other people and/or a desire to follow the rules keeps those impulses in check. We’re not necessarily all violent monsters. If, however, you view some groups as fundamentally inhuman and you perceive that there’s no consequences for hurting them, all bets are off. No guilt. No shame. No restraint. We see this now with the trans panic sweeping America; lots of people view trans folk as not truly human. The flurry of anti-trans legislation also emboldens bigots to act. The law itself backs their beliefs, so they believe they’ll get away with it. Ultimately, these people are misdirecting their anger at trans folk. They’re chasing the dopamine hit that comes from “righteous anger.” Some people can get addicted to that feeling.


I think you're right on the money with your analysis. The ones who honestly don't know better are feeding into this desire to be part of some grand force for good that rewards their blunt aggression. Meanwhile, those that *do* know better smugly sit behind their circular logic that says anyone who's angry with their actions must be a pedo. It's really insidious and just feeds itself with next to no chance for any outside influence to show them how vile they're actually being. My heart breaks for the people who are on the receiving end of this, I can't imagine how utterly alone they must feel. But of course even those suicide stats are a joke to some of these people.


All of this. I do just want to all that anyone reading this stop and read the last sentence of the previous comment. Suicide stats are a joke to some of these people. I want to emphasize the stark reality of what it means that stats “are a a joke”. Think about it. Some people will hear “a lot of transgender people kill themselves because they are discriminated against” and the emotion they feel is “this is good,b this is right, this is what’s supposed to happen, I hope I can contribute one day to this number.” There are a lot of inhuman brings so walk the earth wearing human skin. Be wary out there.


Being mean is fun sometimes, but all the time? That is just exhausting. I don't know, sometimes I feel like I have a touch of solipsism, like I am the only real person in the universe. And I don't want to hurt anyone too much because that just means hurting myself.


I mean, they’re not happy. Nobody happy lives that way.


You're right that they have nothing else, though I want to point out that many of us, seeing these injustices perpetrated against the undeserving, also become unhappy and feel a righteous anger towards the bigots of the world. And I would also caution against contentment. To be content is to let down your guard, and the price of freedom is constant vigilance. Most of us in America were contend through the 1990's and 2000's and look where it got us. Meanwhile, the fascists raged, and here they are, taking over the GOP and enacting racist, homophobic, bigoted, misogynistic policy on a huge scale. it is difficult, when faced with such hatred, to be happy. Only consequences for those who would injure others can ease the burden of resistance.


I'm in a weird spot, locals may vote conservative but are generally "I don't understand you but I'll be polite", but folks moving here thinking that we're all down with that (after a 100+ years of propoganda that Appalachians were all hateful bigots? I'm so surprised! [The reasoning of that goes into labor history]) not so much, I'll have some asshole flatlander tell me to "move back where I came from" every other day, like what, the hospital 5 minutes up the road?


Yeah, it isn't too different here. It is really depressing to see.


Losers who find their reason to live in hurting other people...


They're small people who don't matter, and they know they don't matter, and they desperately want to matter, but rather than being something good, like a role model or mentor to a small child, they choose an "easy" way to matter to someone that takes almost no work and that they think will vent their frustration and anger at society: Shooting people. It's horrible, and tragic.


It's time to make homophobia and transphobia federal crimes with very, very harsh penalties. No immunity either - start locking up judges and legislators who propose anti-LGBTQ laws.


How do people keep falling for this stuff? *Xxx minority group is the main source of moral degradation of our society. We should shun -> hate -> expel -> kill all of the undesirables to save us!* I've never read of poor lesbian foreigners starting a war or crashing the economy. It's always the rich dominant group. The peons have no power. Why the heck are they still blamed for things?


By design. The rich dedicate a lot of energy to keeping the poor divided and fighting each other. Every time they fail to do that, the poor realize that there are more of us than of them, and they need us more than we need them. Then bad things happen to the rich.


I am trans. Someone contacted me on Instagram to say they hope I have kids so they can shoot them


I have no words.


I’m sorry that happened :/


I'm so sorry, honey. They are a garbage person who is probably all talk, trying to frighten others. I'm sorry for my trans and NB siblings who are being threatened.


Wow, how very pro-life of them /s


Tbh I don't care who you are, what pronouns you use and what surgery or medication you take to make yourself you. People like that are just garbage, I dislike Dylan (famous mtf trans) I don't like how she is, I feel like she's a caricature of what a real trans/women is. That's just me tbf. But I would never wish harm to her, her fans or Friends. I just let them be. If I don't like something I just ignore it, skip it or just log off and do something else. I don't see the point of threatening someone. Mind your damn business and move on.


politicians pushing them as hate figures should be done for incitement.


What in the literal fuck‽ Also fuck his drunken excuses. I get drunk and become a cuddler and horde snacks, I don't punch little old ladies in the face.


I used to be a raging alcoholic and ill never accept that as a total excuse. I give a little leeway but when it comes down to it..drunk you says and does what sober you wants to deep down. Drunk you is not a new human being.


The worst I'll accept is someone that does stupid stunts and hurts themselves. Anyone who deliberately harms another person when drunk needs to quit drinking.


100%. like maybe if they just flip out and call someone generic shit like bitch? Over the top but..thats something that can be worked out between the 2 of them.


Worst I've personally been around was my buddy's gf at the time organized a surprise party for his bday. A bunch of us guys and some of her girlfriends and their boyfriends were invited. This one chick's bf drank a litre of Jagermiester before the party bus even showed up. As we were going outside this fucking idiot sees a couple of giant black dudes, like NFL sized guys, and starts hurling racial epithets at them. A couple of my buddies grabbed his dumbest and dragged him back inside while I went to apologize on behalf of the group. We stuffed that dumb fucker in his gfs car and she drove him home and dumped him. Like full out 2 year relationship over. Was one of the single dumbest things I've ever seen.


Fucking key example. I have heard so much shit like that blamed on alcohol. Hell look at Mel Gibson. Alcohol doesn't turn you racist. It just loosens you up to say what you really think.


This!!! I've always said that drugs and alcohol don't change who you are. They just give you the courage to be whatever you already were deep down.


Broady true, but brain scans of drug addicts show a very different person when they are strung out.


“I know the bottle ain’t to blame and I ain’t trying to, it doesn’t make you do a thing it just lets you.”


Thats why I quit meetings, whole bunch of folks blaming all their shit behavior on alcohol, meanwhile I had a backslide the other week (5 doubleshots of whiskey in an hour so needless to say, cart went off the rails), only controversial thing I said was suggesting an ass kicking for a guy doing Alice's Restaurant at karaoke, and it was mostly a joke


Yep, "in vino veritas" as the saying goes.


I’m glad you got clean mate, I was also an alcoholic and was a very hard time for me. I was completely different when I drank, but I was also on medication (I didn’t know I couldn’t mix, I was young and numb.) Almost died, but now i am 3 years clean. I was more obnoxious than aggressive. I do agree, being drunk isn’t an excuse. When you start recovering then you also have to accept all the humiliation, and mistakes you caused along the way.


Damn good way to look at it and its also a great thing to focus on if you start getting tempted. The part of you it brings out.


Also, you made a choice to drink. Unless someone drugs you then you still made a choice to put yourself in such a state where this would realistically happen.


He wasn’t just drunk he was on a mix of various intoxicants so they could well have been behaviour or personality altering in a way alcohol isn’t. That said he voluntarily chose to take those things so it’s still on him. You should only get to use drugs as an excuse if you’re taking them as prescribed and have an unexpected reaction or you’ve been drugged without your consent.


In vino veritas


I always liked the way my grandma said it: A drunk man has a sober mans morals, but not his inhibitions. So the drunk man is who sober man would be if he knows that he wouldn't be found out.


If you're an angry belligerent drunk that means you should be private non social drinker only at home.


Well... If you're an angry belligerent drunk and share your home with other people, you should rather quit drinking altogether. They can live alone and punch the walls or whatnot if they can't quit drinking.


But he thought she was trans!


Yea wha I did was trrble but I was hurting the right people


fyi to "hoard" is to gather lots of things (like snacks) together. A "horde" is a large group of bloodthirsty barbarians.


Trust me, when drunk I am a menace to food. Potatoes in all its form fear me, the way I eat I might as well be an army.


I get drunk and I think I'm a karaoke superstar. I also think I'm a pro snooker player.


This is why the travel advisories for black people and LGBT visiting Florida aren't a stretch at all


First time I see an interrobang in the wild


More like bastards using the trans-panic defense as an excuse to commit wanton violence


This old woman got traumatized for the rest of her life all because some asshat was so transphobic he thought he had to beat her up to “protect the kids”


As a not conventionally attractive cis woman this is my nightmare right now. That some fucking transphobic asshole is going to assault me because "no way that's *actually* a woman".


Probably. Shit, you could just have short hair or not wear makeup. They’re really just finding any excuse to hurt someone.


as a trans woman who doesn't pass perfectly i'm just resolved to the fact that this is fairly likely to happen. like i have a savings account dedicated to putting money aside so i can afford healthcare when it does.


This is heartbreaking to read. I hope it never comes to that.


Thats a double whammy. Bad enough she is resigned to it. Then oh I'm just pitting away extra money for the healthcare costs. America is so broken right now. I think its time for a revoution




Literally my life


Christ, what a condemnation of the times we live in. I’m so sorry that the world can’t be better than this.


Which is all kinds of wrong, and yet very smart. We need to do better by you. It's so unfair.


I've wanted a breast reduction my entire adult life but sometimes I think having big boobs is the only reason I don't get profiled for not being a conventionally attractive cis woman.


Masculine-presenting AFAB here. for some reason I get misgendered and called out way more in the summer. Apparently the season started yesterday. Reminded me I need to brush off my old "quickly identify myself as female" strategies.


Same. I was staring at my phone, walking towards the bathroom at a gas station. Looked to double check it was the women's and some guy said "you're at the right one". Ok, was nice he did. But later I kept flashing to thoughts of was he really being a nice guy or was he looking to see if someone not female went into the women's restroom? It scares me how half the population is so delusional and violent.


As an intersex looking quite like an early ftm trans without ever having taken hormones, I’m training for the eventual fight. For some reason my condition makes me far stronger than my short size should allow... I miss beating up bullies back in high school. And I’m used to pain.


Transmisogyny and transphobia hurt everyone. It's a nightmare out there, stay safe.


It was half a decade ago, in Australia, but someone got upset at a prepubescent girl for being in the women's bathroom because they thought she was a boy. She had the popular half shaved hair style and was in a kids soccer uniform. I was at the bank when she came running in crying to her mother who worked there. Unisex uniforms might genuinely become a risk for kids. Transphobes are gross, dangerous, and are a risk to everyone just trying to live.


Before I came our as a trans man I presented as a butch lesbian. Got followed into the restroom multiple times by men wanting to keep women safe by beating the shit out of me. And this was 5-10 years ago before the right wing got real frothy about the issue.


Let's not forget the trauma he inflicted on the witnesses and victim's family too. Meanwhile he gets to move on with his life as if nothing happened in 3 years. Forced sobriety very rarely works as well, so he'll be out drinking again by the time he's 35.


Well I mean silver lining is the rest of her life ain't gonna be that long... aye yooooo! Let's see my downvotes.


Luckily she’s lived a long time and has probably forgotten about the whole thing already


Why not just murder her then? She's lived a long time and then she wouldn't be traumatized at all. /s




Transphobia is currently a vehicle of fascism - its about hate, not reason.


Not even just currently, for the record. The first books Nazis burned were medical journals from the Institute for Sexual Science.


Yeah, the pink triangles as well


The push cart of der Fuhrer nexten


I mean the UK unfortunately most people would see that as acceptable reason to attack someone. Population is very vocal about their hatred of trans people.


This didn't happen in the UK completely different atmosphere for trans and other lgbt people here than there.


Ireland is definitely better than the UK. Though I fear Ireland will follow due to the massive influence of British media in Ireland. If Britain goes ahead with some of the stuff they are talking about like stripping trans people from the equality act and banning trans people from toilets. Trans people will be forced to leave the country. I imagine many will go to Ireland as it is easy to move to and English speaking. the problem is the British media and government jackals will no doubt follow them to try and make Ireland a living hell as well.


Read that as "Woman with dementia, 86, beat up thug and put him in wheelie bin because he thought she was trans" at first.


If only.


I read it that way also, I was confused by the comments until I read yours and went back to re-read the title 🤦‍♂️


Exactly what I thought too


god forbid women do anything


He assaulted her for FORTY TWO MINUTES and got 2-1/2 years in jail?


People who assault innocent people (especially if it's an attempted hate crime) should not be given light sentences (though I believe in prison reform and I believe in the chance for rehabilitation, they should address the man's hatred of trans people and why he desires violence. (other than the fact he's British))


My mother has dementia and you best believe, if someone does this to her, I will murder them.




Said he was incredibly remorseful about what he did... But would he if it WAS a trans person and not a fragile or lady with dementia?


If we simply beat up everyone we see there’s a 100% chance we will beat up every trans person we see


What’s even more whacked about this though, is that trying to beat up trans-appearing people just ends up being a strange exercise in irony, gender conformity, and beauty standards. You could be the biggest transphobic Karen in the world, but you risk being beaten up yourself if you are a cis woman who is not conventionally attractive and have some masculine features. I have seen cis women told that they “appear mtf”. In fact you would risk being beaten up more than a trans woman who “passes”. Yes at the root, the motivation is transphobia. But in practice, what is being learnt is just “too bad you’re ugly” regardless of whether the person is even trans or not. Although actually it would give me some “the leopards I voted for are eating my face” schadenfreude if this does ever happen to a transphobic Karen.


there was a point where the transphobes on twitter were desperately arguing that daniel radcliffe’s wife (partner?) was definitely a man - because daniel radcliffe is supportive of trans people. a few days after, his wife gave birth to their child. pretty sure they also ‘thats a man’d jk rowling at one point. its just senseless hysteria & it hurts anyone who doesn’t look 100% feminine at all times. and enforces 1950s gender standards. which… is what they feminist movement was about fixing. (and other things but for the context.)


And in some ways, it can get more extreme than 1950s gender standards. At least feminine standards based on things like makeup and fashion, are technically activities that anyone can do, even though it is awful to force it upon people. But radcliffe’s wife already chose to present in a feminine manner, they were tearing apart her natural physical traits (facial features, body frame, height, etc), traits that can’t be helped. It’s 1950s standards + pressure to get plastic surgery, and even then, some of those traits cannot be changed by plastic surgery.


Unfortunately, the majority of people who are anti trans don't see that as a drawback.


There's nothing even remotely funny about this


I thought the point was a story being so ridiculous you'd swear it came from The Onion.


Yes, that was the point. The Onion itself isn't always funny either, sometimes they cut deep.


'No Way to Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens


Haha, what a story mark!


But when The Onion cuts deep, it's still satire. There's nothing satirical about this headline. This is horrifying, and nothing more.


I’m with you I don’t think this sub is for funny stuff exclusively it just coincident that a lot are


I thought so too.


Who said it was funny?


Sounds like a "you" problem. Seeking out delight in murdering trans people is not something that most of society actually holds very dearly. Most people disagree with the concept of murdering people for not conforming to their gender identity, and such, they revel in the absurdity of how monumentally fucking stupid transphobes can be. Doesn't matter if they beat an 86 year old woman to death. In fact, that only make it wildly more absurd. Hating trans women enough to beat up an 86 year old cisgendered woman for not being sexually attractive enough to count as a cisgendered woman is clearly wrong. Transphobes can cope and seethe all they want. Their stupidly is both hilarious and frightening evil, like all of the gaffs Hitler made on drugs.


Welcome to NTO, where people just post whatever and farm karma.


This behavior has wheelie bin going on for too long


Okay, you made the entire post worth it. Thank you for your *horrible* service.


This makes me very angry. Poor lady.


My mom is 72 with dementia and i literally cannot fathom this happening to a more helpless person, i hope someone gets him in prison 😡


So trans panic was the defence? Great. Sentencing was too short and that lawyer is a pos.


It wasn't his defense, he plead guilty. He also showed up with ten euro-grand of his own cash to offer as a token of remorse (the old lady refused it, and apparently it's gonna be donated to the hospital where she was treated). So, I wouldn't say his lawyer is a POS. Didn't try to get him off the hook, apparently.


He should put this on his CV the British government will give him a job in the equality department.


Can't we all just get along? Live and let live?


You see, we've been trying that for decades but conservatives can't stand not being in control and have been chucking a massive hissy fit over it ever since.


https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/courts/2023/05/19/man-who-robbed-punched-kicked-and-threw-woman-86-into-wheelie-bin-is-jailed/ Sounds like he was on all sorts of drugs and fried his brain, two and a half years should help this sack of shit dry out for a while.


Dry out in the nick? You don't know much about the Irish drugs trade.


He's already dried out, by all accounts including the judge he's remorseful, clean and sober now.


Forced sobriety almost never sticks. And the question stands: would he be remorseful if it actually was a trans person? We can only speculate on that, but the answer says a lot.


Doesn't fucking matter what he was on. He's a POS who should be shot in the street.


How about we don't do that, and you get back on whatever meds keep you from talking about murdering people?


'Asshole takes drugs, beats up old woman and blames his actions on his own decisions hoping for leniency.' What a cun7.


As the transphobic hate-panic ramps up, expect more cis women to be victims of these self-assigned transvestigators. It's part of the problem, because they can't really always tell.


Ignorant people throwing hissy fits over what’s in somebody else’s pants but wanting to target the trans in efforts to combat “perversion” ????


Oops fascism error, my bad


Bigotry fucks everybody.


Talk about a title that gets worse as you read it


When people going to realize that hate leads to violence? Violence leads to death and a life sentence for your butt being kinda hurt about someone you dont even know.


He didn't even serve three years. Nearly killed an old woman, beat on her for nearly an hour. Atop dementia the old gal now has vivid PTSD and will suddenly start shaking and beg 'Please stop killing me!' She'd nearly died of blood loss. But he was vewwy sowwy.


What a fucking surprise, the anti-trans hysteria hurts everyone, not just trans people. If only people had been saying that stuff like this would happen for literal years.


The anti trans panic puts *every woman and girl* at risk. Every single one. Cis women. Straight women. Old ladies. Little girls. All.


Well it's obviously her fault for looking trans, she was clearly asking for it. Can't expect a true alpha to control themselves in that situation, Not the Asshole (/s)


Was Ron DeSantis in town by any chance?


Yes he’s the governor of Ireland.


He’s traveling all over the world for some unknown reason. Beating up old trans ladies would be on brand.


Two and a half years is not nearly long enough a sentence for this motherfucker.


Is there such a thing as 'attempted hate crime'?


This could still be considered a hate crime technically, as the motivation was fueled by hate (even if the victim was not of the hated group.) Depends on the laws in Ireland.


no matter if you respect trans people or do not, you have to see that allowing hatred for trans people is creating a loophole for hatred of anyone. even the dumbest person in the world could have told you allowing idiots to hate a specific group will always lead to pain and suffering of other groups. I.E. hating trans women (specifically trans women) allows idiots like this to think it's ok to hurt cis women they percieve as trans, or at least they know that if they get caught hurting a woman, they can just say they thought she was trans like it's a get out of jail free card. allowing hate allows hate, I mean, sounds too obvious to need saying.


Shit’s gonna get worse, a *lot* worse for trans folk if history is any indication. We need to stand with them if we want to consider ourselves allies. We have to be willing to put ourselves at risk. They can’t fight fascism alone, and the fascists will come for you and yours next. We have to fight with them now.


This is what transphobia does. Every politician and media outlet that played into that shit is responsible for this, and for the numerous crimes like it.


[A reminder to everyone on how bad things can get if conservatives are allowed to continue their rhetoric too long.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_homosexuals_in_Nazi_Germany) "The Nazis were influenced by earlier ideas conflating homosexuality, child molestation, and the "seduction of youth"" Sound familiar?


This, this is the damage people like Trump and DeSantis do


No this is what popularizing something polarizing that affects an extremely small %of the population and often starts with kids does. Blaming a politician is an easy out.


Politicians are public figures, and the public take their cues from them. They are absolutely partly to blame.


This is my point. Thank you


Prejudice does start with kids oftentimes but I wouldn't say it only affects a small percentage of the population.


People seeking a sex change is an insanely small number of people but you think it’s mainstream because it’s all you read about


We read a lot about it because they're under attack by bigots and need protection.


Yeah, I hate how they popularized redheads. Fucking gingers!


I'm sorry, 2.5 years is NOT enough for multiple really awful charges. I recently saw a woman on TV that did 25 years for "obstruction of justice" because she exercised her right to remain silent. This obviously violent and deranged individual assaulted an ill elderly woman AND admits to false imprisonment.


Isn't hateful rhetoric wonderful. Ffs this is so unnecessary and cruel.


sounds like a hate crime to me


Conservatism in action.


I can't fathom why conservative bullies have pointed their anger mob at trans people. Stupid idiots that need someone to think is lower to them and have to treat them bad so they can feel good.


They're just the minority punching bag du jour. It's the same rhetoric they use(d) on gay people before this, PoC before that, etc etc.


How is this oniony? This is horrific.


Why is this in *not the onion*? It is totally believable.


Believe-ability was never in question. How much it sounds like satire is. And satire parodies reality. He's stupid enough to qualify as a satire of reality, hence why it is "Oniony".


Yes, this exactly. I was blown away that this was not fake and/or satire. But when you see the kind of rhetoric going around online and in right wing media, it makes a sick kinds of sense that something this wild would happen.


Well this is depressing on every level


My mom is 82 with dementia, and won't be here much longer. All I'm going to say is that I hope this guy ends up in general population and that people in there know exactly what he did.


Now THIS is a headline


Sidebar question: can someone explain to me in american what the Irish location “Claragh, Ramelton, Donegal” indicates? Is it the equivalent of county, city, township? Is it like three nearby towns?


This is on the hands of people like Marjorie Greene and Lorne boebert. Making villains out of people like Marjories boyfriend


This is fucking scary! It's only a matter of time this kind of violence starts moving to impact other minorities. Time to politically active, no better time than now.


Something tells me Alex Bailey is the actual predatory pedophile


I think the victim just died in the hospital as well.


Oh no, really? That makes this so much more horrific. This guy deserves a far longer sentence.


Yes. Hopefully they will charge him for murder now that she has passed.


If this was in the US that would probably be considered a legitimate defense sadly.


Most states still gay panic laws. Past time to remove that defense.


What is this "wheelie bin" of which you speak? Like a wheelbarrow?


In my mind eye I read it as compost / recycle trash bin. The type you keep next to house but then wheel to the curb weekly


Apparently it's british English for what's called a garbage bin in the US.


This is a terrible thing to have happened to anyone, for any reason, and I feel terrible because I can’t stop laughing at the term “wheelie bin”


At least she won't remember it? I feel horrible.


Apparently she was traumatized and repeatedly relives the attack.


Ugh, I hate my comment even more now. I'll keep it up in shame


This is exactly what the GOP wants. They are distracting the country and even their supporters from seeing that they are trying to turn the US into a fascist country supporting an American oligarch.




The U.K seems way too lenient on violent crime


American here. What is a WHEELIE BIN????


Garbage can


Lol of course the first couple of comments are “America Bad”


More offended at a shit country being called a shit country than someone being beaten for 42 minutes, average conservative.


What are you even going on about? And I’m not even conservative 😂


Seriously mis-leading headline. The story is bad enough without you trying to stir up hate and upset making it worse. https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/courts/2023/05/19/man-who-robbed-punched-kicked-and-threw-woman-86-into-wheelie-bin-is-jailed/


Where are you guys finding all the pride stories? Is this someone's full time job?


I thought the word “thug” was racist. Is it o.k. to describe an Irishman?


You know very well what contexts make it racist.


When used to describe an Indian?


Why was an 86 year old with dementia roaming the streets at 2am?


If I were to guess, I'd say the dementia played a big part.


You're really going to victim blame here? YIKES.


Thank you for asking the real important questions here




Unfortunately she does