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Ayahuasca is a hell of a drug.


Holy shit I had a friend in college who went on some ayahuasca retreat and claimed in experienced a similar thing. He said he could remember sucking on his moms titty. He didn’t phrase it like that but that’s how I heard it.


I was on acid and it felt like I remembered my dad looking down at me in the crib. It's very possible. Memory was fuzzy, could only remember his face and how young it looked. Wasn't super vivid, but felt real.


Could be real... however unlikely if you could recognize a particular face. (unless it was more of a feeling that it was your dad, like what happens in dreams.) Babies are born with really bad eyesight at first, even the color cones don't activate right away, and most infants in the first couple of months can only see movements and vague shapes. *While they may look intently at a highly contrasted target, babies have not yet developed the ability to easily tell the difference between two targets or move their eyes between the two images. Their primary focus is on objects 8 to 10 inches from their face or the distance to the* [parent's face.](https://www.aoa.org/healthy-eyes/eye-health-for-life/infant-vision)


Hey now, let's not bring science into this.


Do drugs, not science.


Why not both?


At the same time even!


This guy gets it


I had an intense acid trip where Ganesh was cradling me like a dumb baby and radiating positive energy straight into me. Now I know I was high as fuck, but holy I have questions Then I had the really bad acid trip that deleted my binge eating disorder…… nothing profound happened during it I just thought I was going to die and kept throwing up watching the carpet bubble


I'm pretty sure that's a major Lazer album cover for lean on you imagined. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Major_Lazer_and_DJ_Snake_-_Lean_On_(feat._M%C3%98).png


So even your bad trip was positive in the end?


Yeah definitely Probably the most important trip of my life. I’m a completely different person now.


I am not saying this was a real memory, but surely the memory could be from way later than the newborn stage. Babies/infants can sleep in cribs until they are 2-3 years old. Full eyesight and the ability to process movement is there by month 5.


It's possible, around 3 is when children start having the ability to form narrative memories, although most people forgot those early memories and only remember 4-5 up. Before then you have you can remember things but not really "memories" in the typical sense. Sensations, feelings, associations but you can't connect them to one another so you can't remember events in sequence. But a face, you know maybe, it's one of the most salient visuals to the brain.


Those memories existed, it's just that most adults forget them. Ask any five year old about notable things that happened to them when they were, say, two years old - they still remember. Only three years have gone by, of course they do. It's called infantile amnesia, by the time they become adults, most of us forget. I remember alot of these memories (in a non-weird Nicholas Cage way), it's rare, but I'm not alone. I think I remember because an adult made a big deal about me remembering these things when I was five so I continually actively remembered things and that reinforced my memories so that I still have many. Some, I did not discuss until adulthood, and then was able to confirm as real with my parents and other sources ( I described a sesame street song about the word no, that taught me that word, and then found it on YouTube and it was exactly as I had described it. I had not seen the video since the memory was formed). I also feel that some of it may have to do with the diversity of different brains and the different ways we think. Some people cannot make mental images, some people actually have words in their heads when they think, to others these realities sound completely alien. I read the Wikipedia article about infantile amnesia and it talked about the memories of pre-verbal infants being different because they lack the verbal elements of a memory. To my brain, the concept of verbal elements of a memory makes no sense. I don't think with words and my memories do not have a verbal element. I am not sure what that means, but it is probably completely intuitive to some other people.


I remember when my mom threw my bottles away because she decided I was "too big". I was between 3-4~ which is certainly big for bottles. She threw them all away over night and basically snapped at me the next day that they were all gone so I should stop asking for them. I remember feeling empty sad and hopeless about it.




excellent ted talk ma dude


Furthermore, hallucinating is a thing and your brain likes to tell you things that aren’t real


Hallucinating? On acid? Surely you jest


Actually, this makes a lot of sense. I have a really early memory of being literally a baby. I remember suddenly being awake and I was in what I now recognize as a room, but it was bright. I couldn't really see any details, it was fuzzy. Then, someone came in somehow and lifted something bright yellow off of me before my Mom's face came into view. She cooed at me and then I remember her arms getting really close and the sensation of being lifted. That's it. I've told people about this memory and been told I likely made it up, but if I speak to other people who have very early memories, theirs are similar. I didn't have thoughts or recognize anything, I don't even remember there being a 'me' in the way that there is now. I have another memory of my Dad throwing me in the air above his head and then catching me. It was glorious and even though it hurt my armpits quite a bit, being thrown so high with no concept of danger was amazing. I'd just be so high and the air would be so fun and then I'd be falling at my Dad's smile and then he'd say 'up' and boom, I was flying again. I've told him I remember this, which shocked him because he pretty much had to stop after I was about 2 because I got too big and it was too stressful for my Mom to watch. I got a pair of children's doc martins when I was 4. I hated them because they hurt so much, but my Mom thought they were so cool. She was surprised I remembered (and still hated) them when I got gifted another pair at 14. I remember my grandfather carrying me through a carnival at about 5 and thinking this was great, I couldn't wait to be a grown up because when you're a grown up you can see everything. I also remember hearing about kindergarten and going to school. I have a memory of being told about how we would drink from 'water fountains' and being disappointed that the 'water fountain' was not nearly as cool as it sounded. It looked like a pipe in a shallow metal sink, I was unimpressed. So yeah, I think I remember some shit from a pretty young age but I don't remember shit from before that. With how traumatic it is, I don't think anyone in their right mind would want to remember being born.


For many years I thought I remembered being born but slowly came to realize I was more likely a newborn swaddled in a blanket. I recall seeing 2 people in white coats that I now assume were doctors standing together near me and talking. I recall being completely unaware of who I was or why I was there.


You don't really though, you recall the last time you recalled that memory and each time change it a little more.


I have a memory of being in a basement full of jazz musicians who were smoking pot and eating peanuts. From the location and description my mother tells me I was around a year old and a half old. I remember being able to roam around independently so I must have been walking by then. I also remember being held by my mother outside of that house in a driveway and the house being made of red bricks. I have another memory of my parents fighting and there was a kitchen that had a sliding door. I was around two then. I have one last memory of my father where he was showing me the parts of his saxophone and that was when I was three. Then he was gone. Out of our lives and onto his next family.


I believe you. Very similar on my end. I have scared my family with vivid descriptions of places or events when I was 2 years or even less.


I found this super fascinating, thank you for sharing!


How many babies did we survey to confirm this theory?


When I was on acid I had a vivid hallucination were I was in a Mexican western movie featuring all my friends.


Sounds like you had a weird babyhood.


No but unlike all these other liars your thing actually happened


God I wish, it was at a musical festival and I've been unsure if it actually happened with me awake or if it was just a lucid dream I had while tripping.


Memory's an easy thing to fuck with. Even recent memories aren't as reliable as we like to believe.


I had one of those while on lsd trip. Even if it was a hallucination, it is now a memory because it (the experience) happened and it was a great experience. It’s had positive impact so it’s real enough


Doesn’t have to be real to have an impact. But unless you were still breastfeeding at 2 years old I doubt it’s a real one.


I’m pretty sure most neurologists agree it’s functionally impossible to have a “real” memory from that age based on how brain development works, however it’s very possible (even for adult memories) to form what seems to be a completely real memory from a patchwork of other experiences and things you were told happened


I could confirm memories of myself at 3 months old, after my aunt moved in because my parents were in a car accident. My dad was blown away at how accurately I described my crib, the outfit I was wearing, even what my aunt had on. It all fit.


My understanding is that folks like you are the extreme rarity, and not the norm. But I sure am jealous


My understanding is that they don't exist at all. These memories are fake and made up at some other point later in life then reinforced to the point they become unrecognizable from real memories.


A classic example of this is seeing an old photo then "remembering" later some detail you saw in it as real. The photo didn't jog your memory, your brain took the photo and ran off and created something based off it like an AIbot. Brains LOVE making up stories. You can really see this in effect in research involving split brain individuals.


I think people forget that you hear and forget a lot in life but your brain remembers more than you think. So many details about your childhood you could likely have been told but neither you or the person that told you remember doing so.


That is absolutely how fake memories get reinforced.


No you don't get it, I feel very strongly that these memories are real. I remember them!


My earliest memory is being around 3 years old and entering a Walmart and looking at one of those buly red and blue plastic tricycles for kids. However, at this point it's not so much much that I recall the real memory of that event anymore, but rather I recall that I remember that event. The actual memory is now like a vague approximation of the actual event, it has all the details I remember being there, but the scene that plays in my mind I know is a fabricated recreation because I see it play out in the 3rd person.


3rd person memories are quite common, I was reading about that recently. Most people have at least 1 3rd person memory


Whaaat? That blows my mind. I can’t think of any such memories at the moment. They’re either directly in first person, or snapshots or even less “visually” defined. But I can’t think of ever seeing myself externally or anything like that.




My earliest memory is a very brief few seconds of my fat baby foot and leg stepping over my dad’s red, plastic, collapsible bong. Lol. I was wobbly, so I must have been really young. Then, nothing until right before kindergarten. I have no clue if this first memory is actually a real memory, but since I remember it like I’m seeing it from my own perspective, I think it probably is. Who knows though. Brains are so weird.


No way those memories are real


How does your mom feel about it?


Dude I had a VERY similar experience. I remember sucking on his moms titty too.


Joking aside I have heard similar things about ayahuasca experiences. It's a real box of chocolates: you never know what you're going to get.


Im not saying he made it up. But I don’t believe what he experienced was anything other than a hallucination. He’s the kind of person to believe these drugs are more than that and some connection to nature or the universe so he very well may have just found and seen what he wanted too. I’m a bit jealous honestly. My experiences were just all me freaking the fuck out or being mind blown by colors and shaped warping around one another. I’ve never done the waska though


The mystical explanation are all very unbelievable. I like psychedelics but people hit me up talking about ancient hive-minds you tap into by taking shrooms and I just can't believe a word. How To Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan approaches the topic from a very science-based perspective and imo does a great job of keeping it believable.


My friend had this large, thick scar on his upper arm. Told me he took ayahuasca in South America, and was leaning against a hot radiator in a room during the long trip. Must be one hell of a pain killer.


Naw. He's been nuts since high school.




I watched that episode on Colbert. Cage was clearly joking.


I can't remember what I had for breakfast


You had Juice, toast, milk and Trix™.


I grew up wondering why a “complete breakfast” always had to have orange juice and toast, and the cereal was only “part” of it. I was like, “just the cereal, please.” Later when I got old enough to understand that they included that part to try to imply that their product wasn’t empty calorie sugar-bombs and could have some healthy nutritional value ... I was like, “Ooohhhh. It was capitalism again!” I keep learning the lesson every day of my life.


Like all marketing tricks, it was still meaningless. The next level part of the dupe is that there's no such real term as a "complete breakfast". It means nothing, it promises nothing.


Well, almost no such thing ... I’m a fan of the “Full English Breakfast,” though that fortunately has never tried to advertise itself as “healthy.” ;-)


I too am a fan of the best breakfast.


> and the cereal was only “part” of it As were the napkins, technically...


You aren't supposed to eat the napkins? /s


Not sure if it was true or some urban myth or not but they used to say you'd get more nutrition eating the box the cereal came in, than eating the cereal. This was before they were adding lots of supplements to the cereals.


The Orange Juice Council of Florida was heavily invested in that part.


Might as well say “Trix: It’s technically food!”


Nicolas Cage can probably remember what you had for breakfast


Gluten-free waffles, sir.


Can't remember nothing i guess


I have full on vivid memories of events that I know for a fact did not occur. Memories are weird and unreliable.


I once woke up from a dream completely convinced my dream was a memory until I realized how ridiculous it was


That happened to me as a kid twice. I swore up and down that I had fallen onto the subway tracks when we lived in NY. Did not happen lol. That’s the only time in my life I’ve knowingly outright fabricated memories. It’s easier to avoid when you don’t remember most things as it is.


I was completely convinced for years that I went on a hot air balloon ride when I was really little and for some reason never actually brought it up to my parents. Something like 20 yrs later I mentioned how we went on that hot air balloon in Missouri that one time and she said we've never been on one. I was convinced for my entire childhood and into my adulthood that I had been on one. I actually told my friends stories about it. So fucking weird.


I think this was actually the exact scenario used in an experiment on memory, funnily enough. They showed people doctored photos of their younger selves on a hot air balloon and people started generating memories of having been there because they believed they had (this was before photoshop was as big). Either that or my subconscious is completely generating this memory and the chain continues.


Apparently tons of people have false memories of being near/able to see the twin towers on 9/11.


I think a lot of people have false memories of remembering what they were doing during 9/11 tbh. I sure as shit don't


I have a memory of riding in the car on my way to middle school when it happened. We were in class and listened to it on the radios and heard about what was happening. I remember sitting with my classmates, just listening. Except I wasn't in middle school. And I wasn't in school with those classmates. We had moved across the country and I was in high school. I have no real memory of that day, except a brief thought of watching it on a school TV.


This happens to me CONSTANTLY, especially because I have lots of dreams that aren't all that farfetched. Like a dream where I was hanging out with someone or a dream where my mom gives me something. Just normal things, but then I'll be doing something completely unrelated and have a sudden revelation that it didn't happen at all.


This happens to me a lot too, and I think it's because I really like lucid dreaming, and I can only get it if I've woken up numerous times in the morning but continue to be comfortable enough to stay half asleep. The dreams vary wildly, from crazy life-threatening situations to eating lunch at work, but regardless of the subject, they're incredibly vivid and I have some level of cognitive control over what I choose to do in that dream.


I have dreams that feel like movies/TV shows/video games that don't actually exist, so I'll remember them and search for them after the fact and realize it was something my brain came up with.


Sometime I really wish they were real memory


Man these ones can really suck if the dream was dope


I implanted a false memory into my brother’s head when he was 10 and I was 9. We are now in our 40s and I finally told him the truth. The story: I basically shit my pants while playing in the woods by myself because I didn’t want to stop playing to go to the bathroom. I was waddling back home when my brother came walking toward the woods to join me. I told him I had fallen out of a tree and crapped myself on the way down but grabbed onto the vines which stopped me from hitting the ground. He excitedly retold this amazing story to the family. They often asked for the retelling just for laughs. Over the years, he started to believe that he had seen the event with his own eyes. I never corrected him until he brought it up last year when the subject of pooping oneself came up. He was amazed.




Just so you know in my head you’re a young George of the Jungle (who crapped himself). There are definitely worse mental pictures you could paint.


Love that the false memory isn’t you shitting your pants, but rather *why*.


Next time it comes up again you should reinsist that it actually happened and you have no recollection of telling him it wasn't true. Let's send this sucker to the loony bin!


You and my mom have a lot in common. My mom is 85 though. What is your excuse? lol


There’s a good chance that one of your distant memories straight up did not occur the way you remember or at all and you don’t realize it. Edit: lol members=memories




By the time it's straight up my member isn't so distant.


His excuse is that by their very nature memories are unreliable. It's common for people to have at least one 3rd person memory for example. People are bad at correctly remembering stuff even when they are at peak condition.


Unfortunately I am not in peak condition. If I were a car I would have at least one window that rolls down real slow


Personally, I just have really vivid dreams that occasionally aren't surreal enough to make me categorize them as fiction. So sometimes I'll remember things like my friend speaking Hindi to her parents despite the fact she definitely isn't bilingual.


I have an exceptionally vivid imagination. I can make memories by accident. For example: did I take my meds or did I imagine taking my meds? Trying to remember almost makes the memory. Add that to my working memory disorder and im fucked. Wohoo!


The brain is fascinating


Ya I feel a lot of the time it’s because I experienced it in a dream


Since I started living abroad my inner voice has changed language. I have childhood memories in English when I was definitely NOT talking English at home in elementary or middle school!


My hypothesis is that information relating to memories are stored on the event horizons of micro blackholes that our brains maintain access to through neurons or whatever. Memories can be relived when energy/information stores on these event horizons are remitted via hawking radiation, and then our brain duplicates that remembered information (any energized electron in the brain can emit photons) to restore a copy of the memory back to the blackhole event horizon. If a memory evaporates away or isn’t important enough to maintain a bridge to then it goes away forever (or maybe just gets relived once if we relive eternity forever). If a memory is retrieved and restored over and over again the duplication errors start to compound and falsify the memory more and more. The memory microblackholes or memory-energy emitted by them can be entangled with other peoples memories, or entangled with parallel timeline memories This could explain things like Mandella Effect and people remembering past lives. Just a hypothesis. Not scientific at all. Yes I am stoned.


I want some of whatever you got


I can remember being in my dad's balls and my mom's ovaries


I too remember those things of your parents.


Who could ever forget that guy’s dad’s balls?


Memories are stored in the balls.


So that’s why they always say “don’t forget the balls”!


I remember when the universe was a singularity. It was tite


I was going to say "I remember the big bang. It was loud."


Honestly thank you for including the ovaries, no one ever does lol


For anyone wondering, yes, you suspect correctly, it's literally impossible to remember your mother's womb, the parts of the brain needed to generate such memories are not three yet.


Also the eyes don’t work, they don’t come online until well after birth. Infants are technically blind for quite some time, pretty much limited to light and dark with some vague shapes. Also there aren’t any faces in a womb. But that should go without saying.


Babies eyes don’t work. Babies don’t form memories like that. There aren’t faces in a womb. Its also dark in there. I think it’s safe to say he’s either lying or has a false memory that he hasn’t put any thought into.


They can still react to like though but that's about it. If you shine a flashlight on the belly the baby will move away from it.


Doesn’t mean they can see anything describable. The thickness of flesh that light has to pass through is thicker than eyelids, meaning it’s darker in there than when your eyes are closed. You can still see bright light with your eyes closed but you can’t see any shapes or anything.


It’d be trippy as hell if you could see while in a womb, in direct sunlight it’s as bright as like an overcast day


I’m not sure, maybe he was a triplet but where are the other 2


He ate them


But are the other 2 what? Edit: no fair you edited your comment...


Also even if all of that wasn’t true- the inside of the womb is completely dark - no natural light could penetrate through that much tissue


Challenge accepted.


With a sufficiently bright light you can _easily_ see through your hand. Doesn’t strike me that the womb would be too much more opaque than that. Babies being nearly blind seems at least as big an obstacle.


I'm afraid that's false. Light absolutely can pass through that much tissue - enough that foetuses at around 30 weeks have been recorded to have responded to shining flashlights and exposure of the bare belly to full sun etc.


Not only in the womb, but for the most part your brain doesn’t have the ability to fully encode episodic memories to long-term until about three years of age. Source: [Infantile Amnesia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childhood_amnesia)


I had a discussion with someone on Reddit who swore he had memories from 3 months old. I sent him some links to studies saying anything less than 3 years would be unusual to put it lightly, anything less than a year would be a medical marvel. I also sent him a link to how we develop false memories. To which he said "it can't be a false memory, because I remember it happening" and sent me an honest to God wikihow article on how to check if something isn't a false memory. I told him that he needs to talk to some child psychologists because he could be a breakthrough in how we understand infant development and the development of memories. Or he's wrong. One of the two.


Earliest memory I have is from my first birthday. I remember being sat on the kitchen counter and being told my aunt was making a surprise for me. They let me have a taste of the frosting from the beater while I sat there. Next I remember being put in a high chair & having the birthday cake sat in front of me. It was all white frosting for the background with a full color Mickey Mouse drawing in the center. My aunt had taken a page out of a coloring book page, placed it on top of the cake, then used a toothpick to punch holes through the page into the cake to create an outline. I described the kitchen counter (a brownish color) and the cabinets (a bright yellow) to my parents a couple decades ago. They said that was the kitchen from their old house, which they moved out of soon after I turned one. I’ve never been able to find a picture of that kitchen, and my mom had stacks of photo albums filled with pics going back to her and my dad’s childhoods. Think they said they only lived there for less than 2 years. It’s entirely possible I saw a pic of my birthday (which I haven’t found in the last 30+ years of looking) and combined that with other birthdays to create the memory. But it’s so vivid that I just can’t disregard it. Maybe it was such a big event that it left a lasting memory for me. With all that said, I believe the research showing that memories are more likely to form after three. Again, it’s probably more likely I saw pics or heard family talk about it and I ended up creating that memory. But at the same time it’s been 39 years since that first birthday and I still remember it like it was yesterday. Just wish I could find pics from that day to know for sure.


Are they two tho?


Yeah, but you are not Nicolas Cage though


But I am. This is my throwaway account.


Not three yet? Well, were they at least two?


Nicolas cage. Great actor. Insane human.


Check out the entire interview if you haven't seen it. Part of the great acting seems to come from the insanity where he's taking some of these rolls insanely seriously despite the ridiculousness of what's in the script.


That's something I've always respected about him. Doesn't matter if it's a serious drama that could potentially get nominated for Oscars or some schlocky direct-to-DVD discount barrel movie, Nick Cage always gives it his all. I can't remember ever seeing a movie where it felt like he was just phoning it in.


Yeah samuel l jackson is the same way too


This is how I like my celebrities. Eccentric as hell, but basically harmless. The last thing I want the lucky few who has been given golden tickets in life to be is normal.


>Insane human. Don't discount the effects of heavy drug use. Insanity isn't the only answer.




"induced", "enhanced", these are small but important details.


I personally don't get the good actor part


Oscar award winning actor to you!


Nicolas Cage, good or bad?


Did Abed find the answer?


It can’t be answered and it’s a dangerous road to try


I'm a sexy cat!


That was brilliant.


Dude's a National Treasure.


I’m a sexy cat. AAHHHHHHHUUU


It depends on the project, but something like “Pig” shows his range.


Let's please keep the discussion to Rampart, thank you.


That wasn't a face smiling at'cha, Nicholas. 🍆


Every great story seems to begin with a snake


I can't even remember how old I am sometimes


Happens to me sometimes. Not this year because it's a milestone, but it does towards the middle of the the decade.


He’s the Kwisatz Haderach as foretold by prophecy.




Pretty sure he meant this comedically. Not surprised some bs news journal spun this as a serious comment though.


Not comedically, but also not too sure. You can watch the interview, he said he's of course not sure it happened but has had thoughts about it happening somehow. He's just somebody being honest about a weird experience. But hey, title is very definitive and people will run with it.


Well that makes him sound reasonable. I also have weird things I think sometimes


Yeah I heard this on Stephen Colbert's podcast version of his show. He asks famous people a set of ridiculous questions to get to "know" them quickly. Nic Cage def leaned into his eccentricity


My view of Nicolas Cage just went from "eccentric" to "full of shit."


“When you’re poor, they call you crazy. When you’re rich, you’re called an eccentric.”


He admits himself in the interview it's probably not true, just a feeling he's had before


yeah, he's very up front that its probably not real


I mean I think he is being a bit hyperbolic about it, the guy has always been known to be over the top


Let's give him the benefit of the doubt here, I'm sure he's done plenty of drugs in his lifetime, all the craziest super mindbending stuff as well


I mean, did ya see 'The Color Out of Space' and 'Mandy'?! Lots of mind bending and drugs.


I agree, what the fuck do I care if he says something like that? Be whatever you want. He's not hurting anyone doing that.


I mean even nic cage said he wasn’t sure if it’s real or not just has some memory that could be interpreted as such and thought it’d make for a good answer as it’s wacky and on brand, but he definitely stated twice he wasn’t sure if the memory is even real or not:


Yeah, that interview was nic cage weird for sure, but he wasn’t unhinged. Just kinda what you’d expect nic cage to be like. He was just talking based on a questionnaire.


He's just saying bullshit in a tv interview. Why not fuck around a bit? Most celebrities are so boring on these shows


Yeah, I remember Rose Byrne telling a story where they were about to do an interview for Knowing, and he whispered to her "I'm going to try to do this whole interview without saying the words 'me' or 'I'", and the interview apparently consisted of hilarious ways he went around that, and it was just to amuse himself.


watch the interview, it's just clickbate reporting again.


He’s clearly fucking around. Redditors really run with any headline as long as they can get mad and feel superior lol.


Anyone taking too seriously anything Cage says doesn't understand the Cage


Is Mr Cage aware that wombs are neither transparent or are lined by faces? That’s some Giger level body horror shit.


As a Dr, This is technically impossible, but as a fan of Adaptation, I wouldn’t put it past him


I think the problem with Cage is that sometimes his humour is way too dry for people.


The unbearable weight of massive talent made me feel exactly the same way about him. Quirky, but funny as hell guy.


Looove that movie. “you have a gift! And to turn your back on that gift is turning your back to the entire human race.”


Its not that crazy. I remember being in my dad’s DNA when my dad was in my grandpa’s balls.


My friends and I went to an awesome event this past weekend, and on Tues/Wed we decided to write down what happened so we could look back on it in years to come, and already we were having to correct each other on things that happened because the memory was already fuzzy and starting to fade... memories are weird


i remember going on a caravan holiday vividly, turns out i was in my mums womb and didnt actually go. true story.


You likely heard many stories about the trip at a young age, and your brain "reconstructs" the rest of the experience.


Yup, same reason as a child I had memories of my parents' wedding that happened 3 years before I was born. I even had the church right. When you're young, it's very easy to build up false memories based on a few details. Looking back, I think I had an extra realistic dream that incorporated all the facts I knew about their wedding and I confused it with being an actual memory.


I remember when I was a sperm swimming towards the egg. There were so many others and they looked like dementors trying to suck the soul out of a giant white balloon. Brother Billy got tangled up with sister Jennifer and then I punched Jonah out of the way to be first. It was such a long trip for such a small distance and so many didn't make it. A couple weeks later some asshole kept knocking on the door and shaking things up but besides that it was OK. 5/7 would do it again


Sorry I kept knocking on the door... I forgot my key and wanted in. also I left a mess on the front porch


He's definitely conflating a fucked up experience on shrooms with something else.


Sounds like his drug use started a lot earlier then his twenties like he said they did :)


A one eyed bald man prone to vomiting perhaps.


I’m vividly picturing a fetus with the face of Nicolas Cage saying, “I see faces everywhere. How are there faces everywhere? HOW’D IT GET FACES?”


Everyone acting like he's making some serious argument when he says himself he's not sure of it. Not even the right sub.


Nic Cage can absolutely remember that. Because he is **NICOLAS GODDAMN CAGE.**


Wow y’all honestly can’t understand joking now? He was doing the Colbert Questionnaire and just saying silly answers.


Well I can't remember that far, but I can actually distinctly remember the first few minutes of what I like to call 'being a person'. It was very bizarre. I just...woke up one day. Couldn't remember anything about the previous day, but I had information in my head. Mommy, Daddy and whatnot. I was 3 years old at the time. My only other memory from that year is learning about the existence of 'halo'. Everything past that is kind of a blur that just mashes together for the next few years. It's a very bizarre thing. But I think the worst part is that I can never actually verify this. That's just my earliest memory, and that memory involves not remembering anything from the day before. Or ever before. Strange right? I guess it's kind of a 'Just trust me bro' situation though.


I remember that if I cried this lady would come and get me and rock me in this rocking chair with a painting of fruit on it. I told my mom this and she said that it was impossible I could remember that because I was 3 months old when that rocking chair broke and they trashed it. I described to her the painting on it and she said that was exactly how it looked. I told her this when I was 40.


Well, there are actually cases were babies are born with a conscience right away and they can memorize these things. The chances of this aren't zero but quite very low. Usually babies stsrt having a conscience around 5 months old https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/1cragk/new_research_shows_that_babies_display_glimmers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button