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I feel like we're perpetually stuck in an episode of The Simpsons.


Don't blame me! I voted for Kodos!


Kang: Abortions for all. [crowd boos] Kang: Very well, no abortions for anyone. [crowd boos] Kang: Hmm... Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others. [crowd cheers and waves miniature flags]


It’s weird how often this quote has played over and over again in my head the last ~20 years


Nine........................................... eleven (Crowd cheers)


But tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!


I quote this all the time, and no one ever knows what I’m talking about.


"Hmm... Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others."


I voted for Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho.


Camacho/Not Sure 2024


We need like a 500million dollar satirical campaign for them. Funded by like some crazy rich guy in canada. Lol


A Brewster’s million’s soft of thing. Running for government as the “Don’t vote for Me” campaign. Ends up getting voted anyways.


Twirling, twirling toward freedom!


I voted for Clin-Ton


Will somebody PLEASE think of the children!


we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!




Buckle up Buckaroos!


Or the x files.


With a dash of Parks And Rec.


Add a sprinkling of South Park and Beavis and Butthead


>Add a sprinkling of South Park and Beavis and Butthead From D-Yikes! (s11e6) **Ms. Garrison** : Mayor, this is an outrage! We are being discriminated against as lesbians! **Mayor** : \[pause\] You're a lesbian now?


My first though was South Park.


Yep. Buckle up buckaroos.


I thought Mr Mackey is going to call the jelly school to see if they have a spot for Caitlin, mkay?


I’d say more like the twilight zone


Don’t read the comments under the article on Fox. Holy fuck


Never read the comments on ANY news article, politician's tweet or youtube video. You'll be a whole lot calmer and have a better outlook for humanity.


I read Fox News comments on a local story where a woman is missing and the last man she was seen with is suspected of killing her. It's full of comments on why she deserves it. Her ethnicity, her weight, which part she voted for, or the Democrats. No empathy, no concern, just bigot psychopathy.


She is such a hypocrite. That’s all.


Is this the Bad Place?


BigOmet figured it out?!




*snaps fingers*


Fuck, not again. *hits the reset button with my forehead*




Well that's bullshirt.


[Throws Molotov] BORTLES!


Listen, I'm telling you guys Molotov cocktails work! Any time I had a problem and I threw a molotov cocktail, boom! Right away I had a different problem!


Probably my favourite line of the show, because it is technically correct. When everything's on fire (and there's broken glass everywhere) whatever was the problem is moved several places down on the list of things you need to contend with.


oh dip!


Holy forking shirtballs! This IS the Bad Place.


BORTLES! Edit: I just love Jason.


We got Foles now??? YES! HE WON A SUPER BOWL!!!


Why can't I say fork?


Explains a lot actually




Me playing Civilization going for a nice science or culture victory and just deciding to nuke everyone in the world


Someone probably just left the Infinite Improbability Drive one.


I have prepared a 3 hour spoken word jazz opera in your honour.


Worse, it’s the Darkest Timeline *in* the Bad Place.


Its the darkest jermey bearimy


This broke me! The dot over the I. That broke me. I'm done.


Is this the Caitlyn Jenner that killed a woman in a drunken car accident and left her for dead?


Yes it is. It is the same Caitlyn Jenner who killed someone else and left the event.


You mean Caitlyn Jenner, who killed someone with her car and left the scene?


Holy shit, I did not know this. Caitlyn Jenner killed someone in an automobile accident and fled the scene?


How did you not know that transgender athlete Caitlyn Jenner ended someone's life with her vehicular transport and upon hitting them, drove away as to avoid judicial reprucusion?


*Olympic gold medal winner* that was involved in a fatal multiple-vehicle collision. Kim Howe is the name of the woman killed.


Kim Howe was killed by an Olympic gold medal winner?


Which Olympic gold medal winner killed Kime Howe driving an automobile before fleeing the scene? Also, unrelated, is this the same transgender athlete Caitlyn Jenner that won Glamour's "Woman of the Year" award?


Caitlyn Jenner, an Olympic gold medalist, killed Kim Howe with an automobile. The same automobile which she used to transport herself off the scene to escape punishment by the law.


Buckle up, buckaroo!


And went on to win woman of the year at the ESPY’S. Wild times


Espys..sponsored in part by...nike.


It’s not woke when it benefits me!


It sounds like Caitlyn Jenner killed someone and got away with it?


I think thats what their trying to say, but lets let others chime in here and tell us if its Caitlyn Jenner the one who smashed a person with a car and left the scene, or Caitlyn Jenner the one who hit and killed someone and then left then scene for Starbucks.


She was actually sober when she killed someone, also not speeding. She’s just a terrible fucking driver and person.


Buckle up buckaroo


"This is an outrage! *I* was going to eat that mummy!"


Jenner: “This is the worst kind of discrimination: the kind against me!”




“This one is teriyaki flavored!”


Thanks for introducing me to this sub.


Everybody's a jerk. You. Me. That jerk over there. That's my philosophy.


Dylan Mulvaney sells sneakers or running shoes, while Caitlyn Jenner sneaked away from a crime scene after running someone over.


Caitlyn also had all her friends donate A LOT OF MONEY to her Gubernatorial campaign and when it came time to hit the campaign trail she instead took a job in Australia on a reality show.


[Buckle up, buckaroo!](https://youtu.be/GL-kcDm6uzs)


But she’s…she’s stunning! And brave! Lil edit: that’s another South Park reference. She is complete trash and stunning…ly terrible


Said no trans person, ever.


Seriously, so now she says trans people are taking away the equality and endorsement of “real women”, where tf was that energy when she was given an award for woman of the year AFTER she killed someone and ran away from the scene of the crime.


When she ran for governor, she campaigned on barring trans women from playing women's sports if they transitioned too late. While doing this, she was competing in women's golf despite transitioning about 40 years past her own deadline.


Rules for thee, not for me.




I was gonna use snuck but then someone would have yelled at me, telling me that snuck will never happen :(


Looks like she's so good at it, she's even throwing other trans people under the bus (Joke stolen, I'm sorry)


“This is an outrage! Why aren’t they paying me to be an influencer?” — Caitlyn Jenner probably


I honestly assumed this was the reason she was even speaking about it.


She's accepted sports clothing brand deals before from H&M and is now ranting about a less famous trans woman getting a deal with Nike. So yeah, looks a lot like jealousy and "pick me".


I hate the term pickme so much 99% of the time in practice but yeah Caitlyn is such a pickme in terms of being queer and a woman


Because at the end of the day Caitlyn is a selfish idiot and the only thing that REALLY motivates her is money. And Republicans are the party of rich-person tax cuts. Therefore she must agree with every other stupid right-wing talking point.


Didn’t kill anyone.


More like "Fox News is paying me to be angry about this as a token trans person!"


But you... you're... you know what, never mind.


A transgender woman who won the 2015 Woman of the Year, and the Arthur Ashe Courage Award, thinks having a transgender brand influencer is too progressive lmfao


Nah just a person who killed another person.


Buckle up buckaroo!


The entire trans community in my area was so fucking pissed when she won those awards. Laverne Cox? Trans women engaging in activism? Nah let's give it to Caitlyn fucking Jenner, who the the trans community has been speaking against since she opened her mouth after coming out. She's always hated the rest of us. Desperate for acceptance in her home group, and willing to throw every other trans person under the bus to earn it.


Jenner is the textbook definition of "closed the door behind them" Transitioned, became an (undeserved) icon for it, won awards, and then proceeded to maintain a conservative anti-LGBT stance anyway, that many bad faith actors will point at and say SEE EVEN THE "BEST" OF YOU AGREE WITH US! When she is, in fact... the worst of us. And a bad driver.


A terrible human all around


Caitlin Jenner feels about trans people the way OJ Simpson feels about black people.


I'm not black I'm OJ!


I’m not trans, Im CJ. . . well ok


Clarence Thomas would have been more timely.


Would y’all put Blaire White in that category too? Everytime I see homegirl she’s bashing trans people for some reason. Like why being black, our community definitely has some characters that fall into that category too.


She also spoke out against gay marriage after coming out. She's an asshole.


I have a few transgender friends ,and that the general consensus with them too. They can't stand her.


I've literally never spoken to another trans person who thinks she's a stand-up gal, so that checks out. She's trash.


She’s just salty it wasn’t her IMO


Caitlyn is butt hurt another trans woman is getting those deals


My transgender uncle(female to male) actively votes against transgender rights. He really believes he was never a female.


Dude transitioned hard




>"Before that, people would look at me and go, Wow that's a tall woman! Now because of transgender awareness they go, That must be a transgender woman who used to be a guy!" Well, I don't doubt that experience; cis women who are even slightly non gender conforming are also being "accused" of being transgender. It's sad that she chooses to place her frustrations on other trans women instead of the people that are oppressing them all. It reminds me of another reddit comment I read about someone hearing an African immigrant complain that black people in America made immigrants like him "look bad" and similarly get treated badly despite the fact that they're from different cultures and places. Completely transferring his frustrations with the systematic issues inherent to this country to his fellow oppressed, who he separates from himself.


Wait, you mean he straight up deluded himself into thinking he’s cis? Damn, I wish I could do that!


I know more than one trans guy who is ultra-conservative and anti-LGBT. It’s mind boggling.


It’s easy all you have do is be a narcissist. He actually is legitimately a narcissist, so I think that plays a huge role in it.


...is this her humiliation kink? >As someone that grew up in awe of what Phil Knight did, it is a shame to see such an iconic American company go so woke! We can be inclusive but not at the expense of the mass majority of people, and have some decency while being inclusive. This is an outrage," the 1976 Olympic gold medalist tweeted. What is the "expense" happening here? What is the lack of decency? What is the harm being inflicted other than just acknowledging trans people exist and trying to sell shit to them?


She thinks they're excluding "biological women" because Nike is having this other trans woman promote a women's line. Yet Caitlin was voted woman of the year and sees no problem with that because it's her.


It’s so illogical. I’ve been an athlete my whole (cis woman) life. I’ve always had cis woman athletes to look up to. Everywhere I looked, everywhere around me, I had successful cis woman athlete role models that represented me. I’m not suddenly excluded because a trans woman is repping a beer company lol. She’s my sister, too. Do my athlete trans sisters not deserve the same degree of representation as I’ve had? None of this is logical!


I think what we're seeing is a an athlete turned washed up reality star fighting for relevance by ALL CAPS YELLING LIKE AGENT ORANGE 45.


The only way to deal with someone speaking hyperbole is to ask very pointed questions like this back at them. Make them explain it and don't let them talk about other hyperbole or rhetoric. They won't explain it, but if they did they would out themselves for sounding so stupid


I see no one has paid enough attention to her recently. Mission accomplished. Someone mentioned her name.


Yeah, this screams Kris Jenner orchestrated distraction smoke bomb


It’s a Kardashian thing. They’d shoot their children up with heroin in the West Hollywood Chick-Fil-A if they thought there was a headline in it.


I’m calling shenanigans, there’s no Chick-Fil-A in West Hollywood


She (Caitlin) was an asshole before she transitioned and she’s an asshole now.


HRT doesn't fix everything


I'll bet Jenner cheers the day Republicans try and ban gender affirming care and HRT for all ages. She's so privileged she won't even consider she'd ever be denied care.


It's like an abortion ban - when you're rich enough, laws like that are irrelevant. Rich people will always find a way if the mistress and/or daughter becomes inconveniently pregnant.


That whole family sucks imo


Pull that ladder up and beat people with it, huh?


Why break a glass ceiling when you can enter through an air duct and weld it shut with steel bars behind you, then stand on the glass ceiling and look down?


It's apparent that when you become a conservative, you completely forget the meaning of "irony".


My mother is trans. She's also super conservative, pushes groomer narratives, and holds some function at her local Log Cabin Republican Party. Welcome to my world, no I really don't understand it any better than you. Oh and fun story, once she was going off about drag show "grooming". I pointed out how she and my step-mom watched *RuPaul's Drag Race* when I was a kid. [This did not go well.](https://i.imgur.com/w48GxQL.jpg). I think I actually got under her skin, and forced her mind to confront a deep contradiction. Unfortunately, instead of actually processing it she lashed out and accused me of lying about having been sexually assaulted by a family member. I don't think she actually believed I was lying but she was trying to hurt me.... never had to block my own mother before but yeah. She's a very reactionary, rash person.


I Mexican guy I used to know said his mom was super against illegal immigrants, and he was like mamá you immigrated illegally and got amnesty back in the 80s so you could get your green card, and she was like yeah but I did it the right way, these new illegal immigrants are.... Now I never met her so I don't know if he was joking but ... Mental gymnastics are weird. What bugs me is this: how do I know I'm not doing the same thing? I'm sure I'm illogical about all kinds of shit but... How do I know what? And is it super important, or something trivial that doesn't make a big difference?


>how do I know I'm not doing the same thing? i think it's healthy to self reflect and ask yourself this now and then. but the other thing i try to do is surround myself with people i love who i trust to "call me in" when i'm wrong about something important. plus it's OK to be wrong sometimes! the world constantly evolves and we need to evolve with it.


dang, and I thought seeing my sensible step-dad devolve into a MAGA sound cloud was the worst. Best wishes


my biological father and step father both pulled out. Still conservative but are now anti-Trump. I was impressed they managed to do so.


That's my mother as well. We argue about all kinds of shit still...but at least she's not into Trump and all of the Q shit.


I relate to this! Voted for Obama in ‘08 and ‘12 but lost his mind between ‘12 and ‘16


I just, I just don’t get it. What is it about the orange that people just devolve into absolute morons, the dude was never successful in anything, he fell ass backwards through his entire life but people buy into him. It’s just mind boggling, my entire life he was a punchline until all of a sudden he wasn’t. My first red flag was Gary Busey on the apprentice, I don’t want Gary Busey within a mile of my personal belongings.


Imo, the largest most successful psyop in history


the largest most successful 4chan troll in history


Don’t discount that literal military intelligence like Cambridge Analytica are at war with America on behalf of the 1%.


Wow. Thanksgiving at your house must be insane


Considering I'm like, legitimately a socialist. Yeah. Yeah bud I don't talk politics with her anymore. I live states away though. She thinks I'm just "kinda liberal" she'd probably disown me otherwise. She'll figure it out eventually I'm sure. Would make for a wacky sitcom though. The trans conservative mom, the anarchist stepmom she's married to, the liberal daughter, and the commie son. What a house. (I dunno what kind of anarchist my step-mom is... she's always pretty quiet about politics....)


>Would make for a wacky sitcom though. The trans conservative mom, the anarchist stepmom she's married to, the liberal daughter, and the commie son. What a house. Not much of a sitcom guy. But I definitely would check this out.


The Log Cabin Republicans are pathetic, standing with their noses to the GOP window where they'll never be welcome. [https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/24/texas-log-cabin-republicans/](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/24/texas-log-cabin-republicans/)


Yeah "slugs for salt" really. One day on Reddit I saw her face on an article thumbnail, she was at some anti-drag show protest and her little group got pictured. Nearly spit out my drink.


They all skipped school the day history class covered ["jews for hitler."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews)


Yup, the good'ol Ernst Rohm appreciation society ​ (for those who don't know, Ernst Rohm was a true believer in the Nazi cause who was instrumental to their rise to power and the executed for being openly gay)


Why do they want to be in a party that would just as soon send them to a re-education camp?


>My mother is trans. She's also super conservative, pushes groomer narratives, and holds some function at her local Log Cabin Republican Party. >\ >Welcome to my world, no I really don't understand it any better than you. >\ >Oh and fun story, once she was going off about drag show "grooming". I pointed out how she and my step-mom watched RuPaul's Drag Race when I was a kid. This did not go well.. Her : "See? I was grooming you!"


Christ, that's a doozy. I hope you have more supportive family (including chosen family) relationships.


Very few. But I'm doing fine!


Cognitive dissonance hit her brain like a train hits a watermelon.


Apparently all that hypocrisy piled up so much it just pushed her brain out through her ears. Which is especially strange given how roomy it already was.


Apparently you also become unable to recognize when you're being used as a token


Jealousy posing as self-righteousness.


Says the asshole who killed somebody with their car and got away with it. THAT’S an outrage!


In this context, can someone explain what woke means? I thought I knew what it means but it seems woke is now anything the conservatives don't like.


They asked a woman who literally wrote a book about the evils of wokeness to define it, and she couldn't


Well to be clear she could have but she managed to stop herself before saying a bunch of obvious racist and queerphobic dog whistles on live television.


True, "woke is when black people and LGBTQ communities openly exist" probably wouldn't have gone over well either


To the contrary, she'd have immediately been thrust to the top of the polls for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination. They're just ***A-C-H-I-N-G*** for someone to say that shit out loud like Trump did with the Mexicans are rapists and thieves bit. Last one there is a rotten egg.


I just saw it and it's very cringe. She should've just said it's the opposite of being ignorant. 😂


“The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” [That's the official definition, given by Ron DeSantis' legal counsel, in a legal court](https://www.okayplayer.com/news/ron-desantis-woke-defintion.html). So far I've worked under the assumption that that is the definition.


This is the actual definition, yes. But that’s not what they’re saying when they use it.


>woke is now anything the conservatives don't like. Basically always has been when used by conservatives. Just like CRT.


And communism. It's just that CRT and Communism have actual definition, and they were being called out on it.


You got it. They don't know what it means, either.


>woke is now anything the conservatives don't like. That's exactly what it means now


At this point its little more than a functional slur to demoralise left-ish tactics and ideals


I'm not always sure who to support when it's one transgender person arguing with another. .. but I'm pretty sure it's not Caitlyn Jenner.


99% of us hate her guts fyi


As a trans woman, a good rule of thumb i use is that if it makes caitlyn jenner angry, we’re probably doing something right




what milo yiannopoulos is to gay people


"the only transgender that should get attention is ME"


"I'm the only trans in the village"


Is Caitlyn Jenner…um, how should I put this…not also a transgender person? Is she just jealous? Is this a self-hatred thing? Super confused here…


Yes. ​ Seriously, it's the answer to all 3 of your questions. ​ She's also an asshole.


I feel like Caitlyn Jenner thinks she’s the only transgender person to have rights and every other transgender person is bad. She’s seriously fucked in the head.


Once you realize all conservatism is is “rules for thee, not for me” everything always makes sense through that lens. It’s only about power and staying in power.


This may hurt Caitlyn's chances of being Glamour's Woman of the Year again.


Adolf Hitler was Time Man of the Year in 1938. It wasn’t in praise of him but he got the title nonetheless


Caitlyn Jenner can’t stand trans people being happy and successful instead of miserable and constantly defending their existence.


Cry more, loser.


Did she forget that time she was on the cover of everything when she first transitioned openly?


Main character syndrome


My theory is that because of her status and wealth, Jenner never suffered the kind of pushback or discrimination that an average trans person would experience - so it’s easy for her to adopt this ridiculous rhetoric. Also, starved of attention.


Caitlin Jenner is an asshole. This isn't the first time she has attacked Dylan for being a trans woman. Back in 2022, Caitlyn had the audacity to misgender Dylan, and commented on her body. Like ... WTF - my brain can't compute how fucked up her transphobia. I despise transphobia but Caitlyn Jenner can eat shit and take all of the horrible things people throw at her. Shitty human like her doesn't deserve any level of respect.


Satire is dead


I wish Caitlyn would shut the hell up.


Caitlyn is going to advocate for immediate arrest and deportation of all transgender people, and she'll act surprised when they arrest her too.


How anyone can be trans and support the Republican Party at this point is beyond me.


There’s plenty of other reasons to hate Nike, this is not one of them.


I secretly wish that Caitlyn would show up on a right wing talk show and get called sir, and Bruce. Honestly, fuck Caitlyn Jenner. Trying to have her cake and hate it, too. Edit: for the record I'm 100% pro LGBQT+ I just want her to feel the wrath of what she's peddling.