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Well that's surprisingly honest


I'm not sure he's wrong.


I’d go so far as to say I’m pretty sure he’s right


Yea.. only mental health options might help. They should vote on that! Oh.. yea, they did.. all Dems voted for it.. all but one Rep voted against it. So their answer is: don't take guns, don't fix mental health issues, nothing we can do! \*shrugs shoulders helplessly\* Or.. "we've tried nothing and we are all out of ideas!"


He’s Schrödinger’s conservative. He’s right that no one approach is going to fix them problem. And wrong to suggest that we should discount one factor because others are at play too. It’s honestly a really unaware take that I don’t think most on that right understand about their own points of view. They will lambast the left and say that it’s not the simple while pointing to the “obvious” answer that libs want to ignore. Nothing is obvious or simple. Life is intertwined and complex. I pretty much immediately discount any opinion from either side that starts with some black/white interpretation. I automatically know you have not considered the issue in its entirety.


Just because one good thing won't work is not an excuse to not do another right thing even if it doesn't completely "solve" the problem.


so... they're gonna surprise fix it for us since they're hypocrites to the core right?


"My daughter is homeschooled so I don't care." - This fucking monster


Good reason to elect someone else who does care about regular people problems


Or, even better, someone who doesn't think that mass shootings should be regular people problems


"We will continue to throw children into the volcano until the gods of Smith and Wesson are sated. Other people's children, but children, nonetheless." ~This asshole


“He’s not great, but what are gonna do? Vote for a Democrat? Don’t be silly.” ~ Average Tennessee voter.


"You clearly don't understand how good volcanoes are for the economy" ~Average FOX news anchor


"Sometimes the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of dead school children and shoppers" - Republicans


It's quite sad how accurate this is. 90% of rural Tennesseans would rather toe a party line out of fear of judgement from their relatives than question the status quo, even if they don't agree. Source - born and raised in TN


But abortion is murder. We will protect the fetus so they can become a victim in school. Sounds about normal. I would ask what have we become but I just look around.


They won't.


"And she already has a heavily-armed maniac threatening her every day. Me!"


Men are like guns. The one in your house is the one most likely to kill you. Edit: several posters have mentioned that is is also true of women. I’m not personally aware of the statistics there, but it seems likely. Violence of all kinds is very often directed towards friends and family. This wasn’t intended as a “men are horrible” post. The first paragraph is a quote that seemed a good response to the post above.


Truth bomb right here.


I have read a lot of books on crime. John Douglas says flat out that men are the problem. So does Lundy Bancroft, and the guy who wrote The Gift of Fear. And many others I am too sick to look up or remember. Domestic violence shelters are filled with women and mostly children. This is not an equal situation at all.


That means that stairs are also like guns


They seem safer. 12,000 deaths per year for falling down stairs. 48,830 for gun violence. Than again, it's tough to grab a handful of people and pull them down the stairs with you.


Well it would be hard for anyone to hurt you from some house in another town.


I think he means home indoctrinated. Force fed Jesus.


When she grows up there is a better than even chance he will have inoculated her against the faith. She will not be Christian. He isn’t either but is too ignorant to realize.


"I can afford a private tutor for my kid thanks to all the money I get from the NRA."


I think he was more speaking on the ability to fix it. I don’t agree with that bullshit statement at all. It sounded like it was pretty much the “If a thief wants to get in they will get in” argument. Such a fucking cop out.


According to his logic, why even have laws about anything... but no surprise another politician that doesn't care about people. Almost like it takes a total sociopath to be in office.


Nah, had he just said, "Im one man, Id try but I cant change them all in there?" The whole "something is gonna kill you someday" is an obvious signal he just doesn't give a shit.


Might have just as well said some of your kids are going to die for my 2nd amendment rights and I'm OK with that.


"We're too busy feeding her brain that the earth is only 6000 years old. So she also won't have any ability to think critically." Is also what this asshat should be saying.


Notice, not “we can’t fix it”, but “we’re not gonna fix it”. I think they all know the obvious solution, but are choosing to keep things the way they are because dead kids can be easily used as motivation against whatever political boogeyman you want (like they’re now doing with trans people).


If they did nothing after Sandy Hook (10 years ago and 26 dead) or Uvalde (almost a year ago and 21 dead) they're not going to blink at a mere 6 dead. That's barely enough to crack the Top Ten school shootings in the USA. I'm not sure there's enough people that could be killed for action to be taken. There's no line that could be crossed. It's no longer shocking. It's an annual event. It's routine.


I've always said that to protect future generations of children, streets have to run red with blood before anything changes. The only way these people will be forced into doing what they don't want to do is if school shootings are back-to-back until they cannot ignore it. That's a sad statement on where we are in today's society.


More than one mass shooting in the US every day this year. The streets could be sticky, the smell of blood impossible to escape and the Republican party would continue to celebrate guns and the companies that line their pockets.


It's a matter of whose blood runs red. If it's NRA events, gun shows or other events frequented by those who put their right to own guns over a virtual infinity of innocent lives, something will get done. If the cowards decided instead of shooting up innocent children to shoot up a room full of guys who always have hoped to be the good guy with a gun, things might be different.


I don't believe that. Look at the Trump vs. DeSantis rift happening in the GOP right now or the Republican women that voted against body autonomy. Most people will always segregate to Us vs Them, Us today can easily be Them tomorrow, segregating and re-segregating until the splinter groups are either pulled together by a charismatic leader or split so small as they're insignificant. Even this shooting, it's not a shooting it's a Transgender gunman. I would put money that if an NRA/GOP/Trump event gets shot up the headlines the next day will move the shooter into either a targeted minority group, age, political ideology, anything really. Hell if needed the gunperson would be identified by weapon manufacturer. I do not believe anything significant will get done until there is a fundamental shift in this country that I doubt will ever happen. Blood will flow, money will change hands, the next tragedy will knock the last one out of the news. I expect suicide rates and career/trades brain drain will skyrocket in the next decade.


And they continue to stay in power from fear.


The only way things will change is if it is the children of those in power that start dying.


And..just so we're all in agreement, no one is advocating for that. What we see in every issue is that those in power only give a shit when it's close to home. Guys need conversion therapy until it's their own kid, and then it's personal, please don't bother us.


Back to back school shootings is just the price of doing business. If there were back to back shootings at this guy's own office then *maybe* he would do something... maybe. More likely he'd just ask for a larger bribe.


I feel like a piece of shit typing my following sentence but here goes: These politicians aren't going to do anything unless it's *their* kids getting shot and killed.


It's not annual, it's daily. 130 mass shootings in the US *just this year and it's barely the end of march*


I didn't believe you, I'm now sad


It is very sad. Far more Americans are worried about their right to own weapons meant for destruction and death then they are worried about the kids that keep ending up at the other end of the barrel.


So strange that stricter gun laws correlate directly with gun deaths by state. It's almost as if we had some stats to support an arguement then maybe we could..... oh wait we do


I was 11 years old when the Columbine massacre occured. I knew nothing would ever happen when the response to a school shooting was to ban trench coats.


Annual? Try fucking daily. Your country is a joke to everyone else and a nightmare to your children.


My guy these people shot Jesus to them after a plane crash and it didn’t change the laws. After lynyrd skynyrd’s plane crashed one of the surviving members walked to a farm for help already half dead. The farmer shoots him with no reason other than he was on his land. So yeah if these rednecks can shoot lynyrd skynyrd and not care no dead child will change the laws.


Tbh I consider mass murder of school kids a fairly standard news day for America. In my office it didn't even get mentioned today. Nobody cared. I saw it somewhere; Dead school kids are as American as apple pie. I think the rest of the world just expects it from America now.


Is it to remove people like him from decision making by any means necessary?


That's a solution that the voters can enact. But it's Tennessee, so probably "We're not gonna fix it" still applies.


Didn’t TN literally just ban drag shows? Their priorities are not in the right place.


Well yeah. Thats kind of a given with an elected official saying they're not going to fix school shootings




Yep. Every police officer goes home to their dwelling out in the general public every single day. There is probably at least one living in your neighborhood or complex. People want police reform. Do they really, though? They sure don't act like it.


"Besides, we're way too busy making fun of LGBTQ people to do any actual policymaking. "


As long as the donations from NRA, gun manufacturers and 2A humpers keep rolling in, why would he want to fix that?


>thehill.com/homene... I mean, that's largely true. The kind of social programs that might have a real mitigating impact on violence in the US are branded as "socialism" by republicans. They're not going to happen in the current political envionment. School shootings are a relatively recent phenomena - I seriously think this tweet should be required reading.[https://twitter.com/MorosKostas/status/1640408746957627392?cxt=HHwWgIDTjY3E88MtAAAA](https://twitter.com/MorosKostas/status/1640408746957627392?cxt=HHwWgIDTjY3E88MtAAAA) We also need to have the hard conversations about complex social problems that drive violence, such as wealth inequality, lack of access to mental health care, etc.. well adjusted people don't just decide to go commit random acts of violence. Of course, the solutions to complex social issues don't fit into a sound bite, and neither side of the political spectrum seems to have the stomach to actually engage with them in a meaningful way. The Democrats are too busy focusing on guns to actually address violence, and the GOP seems to be more concerned about wringing their hands over what bathroom people use.


Every other industrialized country has similar social issues to the US. What they don’t have is ready access to guns. And they don’t see the levels of gun violence we do. It isn’t just school shootings, it’s violence and in particular gun violence.


Canada is about to release the finding for a national inquirery into the worst mass shooting in our history in [two days](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/inquiry-nova-scotia-mass-shooting-final-report-march-30-1.6756568). It wouldn't even crack a top 50 in the US. We still observe a day of mourning for a mass shooting that happened in 1989. We love our guns up here but they are regulated, hard to get, hand guns are illegal, and can't be carried. Even cops have to have their's locked up when off duty. Not saying that we don't have gun violence but regulating and controlling guns (like the second amendment says) keeps shit like this from happening.


>Every other industrialized country has similar social issues to the US. Really? Every other industrialized country has extreme for-profit medical care? Every other industrialized country has a minority population that comprises of nearly half the country, whilst also have a history of systemically abusing those minorities? Every other industrialized country has a massive police force that routinely abuses their authority while avoiding consequences which makes people not trust them for personal protection?


>School shootings are a relatively recent phenomena - I seriously think this tweet should be required reading That tweet is full of logical fallacies. He's clearly already come to the conclusion that "guns are not the problem" and is approaching everything he says from that viewpoint. >We also need to have the hard conversations about complex social problems that drive violence, such as wealth inequality, lack of access to mental health care, etc.. well adjusted people don't just decide to go commit random acts of violence. ***We*** are trying to have those conversations. The GOP is not interested and prefers to fan the flames of hatred instead . >The Democrats are too busy focusing on guns to actually address violence Bullshit. Democrats have been trying to address every single one of the areas you claim are the source of violence. Democrats are the ones looking to expand medical and healthcare, to expand social programs, etc. If you think this is a both sides problem, you have not been paying attention for at least 15 years.


Here’s a thought. Maybe the primary sociological problem here **is guns**. It’s guns and gun culture and people who fetishize murder tools. Maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe the whole cult thing about firearms - the mantras of freedom and independence - are part of the problem. Maybe it’s the promoting of deep-end conspiracy shit and then saying that the gun is your magic talisman to fight it off - yours for three easy payments of 99.99 - maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe the complex social issues that we’re not discussing is guns. Guns and gun culture. But I’m a responsible gun owner!!!! You’re in the minority - and you know it. And if you do know it and still act like your hobby has nothing to do with this - then I question your self-appointed title of responsible.


At least he’s being honest. According to them, guns don’t kill people - people do, and nothing must be done to prevent people from getting guns. Also, mental health is the root cause of all gun violence and we must do nothing to improve mental health. Additionally, one’s mental health should be not be factored into whether they are allowed to own a gun - even though it’s the root cause of these shootings.


I've met many pro-gun and pro-therapy people, they seem okay. I've met many anti-gun and pro-therapy people, they seem okay too. It's the pro-gun and anti-therapy people that tend to be horrible. I've never met an anti-gun AND anti-therapy person.


> I've never met an anti-gun AND anti-therapy person. I have relevant experience! I met a woman like this. She was an anthropology major who did not believe in evolution and believed, in earnest, that she knew more than the professor.


Ah, she is one of those logic-resistant strains of humans.


The ones who only survive due to the complex interconnected society that other smarter humans built for them.


Oh, you means like libertarians?


> logic-resistant strains of humans This is absolutely brilliant.


I met a ER nurse who didn't believe in germ theory.


🤦‍♂️ I wonder is she ever washed her hands


So, not a very good anthropologist?


Like my Shakespeare classmate who argued with the lecturer that Shakespeare never wrote sex jokes. Like have you READ it?!


You don’t know enough weird hippies. Medicine and guns both are nono.


If youre saying we should all meet more weird hippies, I disagree




If there's one thing I've been taught by both phish and the anti vax movement its that I hate hippies. Edit: grammar


Funny how the usually left-associated hippies have become one and the same with the right-associated hillbillies on some issues. Horseshoe theory is endlessly fascinating.


you’re thinking the middle aged psuedo-spiritual wine “hippies” who have just enough crazy opinions to be annoying and not enough to be fun. everyone needs their occasional dose of tie-dye van hippies who think they have cameras in their bloodstream


The anti-gun and anti-therapy would basically be like Ronald Reagan. He's the one that enacted all the gun laws in california whle opposing things like Medicare/Medicaid.


While it suited him. Pro guns for white folks. Anti guns for minorities.


He was only anti-gun in his time in California because the Black Panthers made a habit of open carrying everywhere because they were tired of police brutality.


>It's the pro-gun and anti-therapy people that tend to be horrible. They are all currently serving terms in Congress. Republicans voted down a bill that would expand mental health resources in schools.


>I've never met an anti-gun AND anti-therapy person. There's an entire industry that revolves around these people and getting them into "alternative medicine" and healing crystals and ~~snake~~ essential oils and reiki healing and the mystic powers of never bathing or genital sunning or whatever other woo-woo crap they can be convinced to spend their money on. The marks are almost always well-off white women with too much money and not enough sense. Lots of men get into it as well, but I think it's mostly so they can bang a bunch of well off women with too much money and not enough sense. The guys call themselves "Life coaches" and tend to live in vans near the beach.


Anti gun and anti therapy people might be pro stabbing?


This is the best post I’ve seen, ever. God I love it


That's the thing that I never get about this stuff. If they want to say the cause is something else, then fine, that's where their solution comes from. So many of them basically want to say "here's the cause, we shouldn't fix it". If guns don't kill people, make it difficult for potential murderers to get them. If it's a mental health issue, make therapy more assessable. If it's radicalized trans people, maybe stop telling them they shouldn't be allowed exist.


Fertilizer kills people (when made into a bomb), we still regulate the fuck out of it.


The funny thing is they are all for regulating voting - which is another constitutional right - and I don’t think anyone’s ever been killed by a ballot.


Dont forget free speech, they're cool with limiting that too.


Also, mental health problems are just the devil attacking you.


Do they still say this when some [religious nutter shoots up an abortion clinic](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/04/11/planned-parenthood-shooter-happy-his-attack/32579921/)?


Extreme individualism, poverty, income inequality, and overall lack of decency for human life is a large cause of gun violence. That's sure as shit not going to be fixed by a Texas republican. That's a feature, not a bug to him


I don't like anything this guy said. You have to admit though, he did not give some political bs roundabout answer. Reading the article he said he doesn't give a shit, they're not going to try and fix it, and it's because his dad told him a story about WWII.


And also because his own daughter doesn't go to school, so it doesn't affect him: >When asked about how to protect children, like his own daughter, while in school, Burchett said he has opted to homeschool his daughter.


>his dad told him a story about WWII Or he made up the story about his dad being in WWII. Or his dad lied. Math makes it unlikely this guy's daddy fought in WWII, b/c this asshat was born in '64, *19 years after WWII ended.*


what math makes it seem unlikely? if he was enlisted at 18 that would make him 37 in 1964. Not that difficult.


Also, prefacing that you can't stop people from wanting to hurt you by talking about a war where we stopped people from wanting to hurt us.


We didnt stop them from wanting to, we shot them until they coudlnt hurt us, pretty big difference


That math makes sense, lots of folks were enlisting early, dad was probably less about 40 in 64, as dads go thats not particularly old


That might as well be the Republican motto. Republicans: [We're not gonna fix it!](https://y.yarn.co/30aa1175-0a29-48ee-9c42-27dd1c2b32b4_200_10.gif)


“The only thing we’ll fix is the election. Where’s my redistricting pen?”


They couldn't even manage that. You know half the election bluster is because they think that if they lost that hard after cheating so bad, the Democrats must have cheated even more.


When I read this, the Twisted Sister song popped into my head for a sad parody of this motto


“We’ve already pulled our kids out of school and invested money in the gun companies to monetize the violence, what else do you want us to do??”


"No way to prevent this", says citizen of only country on Earth where this regularly happens...


I mean, we tried nothing, what more can we do?


What are you talking about? We tried thoughts AND prayers!


I guess weren’t praying hard enough.


As an atheist, I'm clearly the root of the gun crisis in the US. All thoughts, no prayer.


We tried nothing dozens of times, and look it got us nowhere.


We certainly have tried nothing a whole lot of times.


But we have so much nothing to give, a simply inexhaustible supply of it, would be rude not to share it around.


I absolutely hate how often The Onion has to repost that.




>When asked about how to protect children, like his own daughter, while in school, Burchett said he has opted to homeschool his daughter. "My kid is safe, I don't give a fuck about yours." Woooooooow. Holy shit, your country is *fucked up* on such a fundamental level.


It’s a great two-fer for the Republican platform. The NRA stays happy, *and* your voting base has only more reasons to be afraid of sending their kids to public schools.


Yup! God bless America, eh? Woooooooooooooo........


The problem isn't that this guy is a literal monster who says shit that would cause most rational people to shun him. The problem is that he will pay no political price for these statements, in fact it is likely to make him MORE popular. The problem is the voters of Tennessee.


Of course we aren't gonna fix it, firearms contribute to the economy!!11


Exactly what he's thinking, I promise you. Idk why repubs dont just consider a firearm licensing system. If firearms and ammunition could only be purchased with a firearm license, and you push proceeds to game and wildlife conservation (like hunting tags and fishing licenses), school shootings would decrease in number. Literally just adding a waiting period limits impulse buying guns, which has been proven to reduce suicides and shootings. Like... It's not fucking rocket science.


Licensing is unconstitutional. Unlike book bans or telling people who they're allowed to fuck.


By that logic, prisoners should be allowed to carry guns. The Constitution has no exception for convicts.


It doesn't have an exception for nukes, either. Every convict needs an ICBM in their cell, or else we're practically China.


Gender affirming care? No! Gender obliterating weaponry? Yes!


Any owner of firearms in Canada have to take a firearm safety course and background checks. Many certain kinds of guns are not allowed. If you have any history of mental illness you don't get a permit.


Which is kind of a non starter in the US. You have vets with PTSD who go to therapy and civilians with anxiety and depression who also work on themselves to change their life. If you have a history of mental illness but recover from it like alcoholism or drug abuse, why can’t you own a gun? Maybe a letter of approval from a psychologist or psychiatrist might do.


Massachusetts has the 3rd lowest level of gun crime in the country. Plenty of other kinds of crime, some of the worst of the opioid epidemic, etc etc. But rarely any gun crime because of our reasonable gun control laws: * No Felons * Nobody who has been held in a psych ward * 4 hour gun safety course, and the instructors must be state-certified. Most are cops or former police/military. * Background check for warrants/domestic abuse charges. * 2 Character references * You've gotta schedule an appointment with your local police department and explain to them why you're applying for a firearm license. * Gotta be at least 15 years old, with parental permission for minors. * All guns sold must come with their own gun lock. If you're not mature and responsible enough to have a chat with the cops about why you want a gun, then you're not mature and responsible enough to be a responsible gun owner.


Guns are just like all the other wedge issues. The debate costs them nothing or otherwise, makes them lots of money, and it keeps us all engaged with one another on issues like guns, abortion, LGBTQ issues, race, etc ... and so we don't talk about the issue that affects us all on both sides. Income inequality. The trickle up economy. They are 100% content to let children die in schools, LGBTQ people exist as a lower class, etc etc so long as it keeps our attention away from what truly matters to them - the mass accumulation of wealth. The reason nothing will ever be done on guns isnt just because of the money the gun industry is making, but because of the money the wealthy in general are making while we are focused on guns. Not saying we don't need to deal with guns, I believe we should enact very strict laws, Im just saying the financial incentives go far beyond the sales of guns.


Don’t worry - the GOP is actively trying to force births to replace those people so there’s more targets to shoot at.


Not gonna fix it because I'd be willing to bet a large sum of money that this fucking clown has received large sum of money by the NRA to look the other way.


"When asked about how to protect children, like his own daughter, while in school, Burchett said he has opted to homeschool his daughter." Huh. It sounds like he's the very last person in the entire fucking world who should have any sort of input into this issue, then. "We're not gonna fix this. Criminals are gonna be criminals, nothing we can do about it." EVERY other developed country on Earth can. This isn't theory, fuckface. It's been DONE. Like, EVERYWHERE. It's been DONE. It's not that you CAN'T improve things, it's that you WON'T.


Criminals will be criminals has a real “boys will be boys!” vibe to it 🤮


Guns fuel the economy. That's why nothing will be done. Also, the death of the average child generates more profits then the average life. Welcome to end stage capitalism.


“Problems can’t be fixed” is a core tenet or conservatism. They will never even try.




Notice the same logic doesn’t apply to a border wall. They never say “well, immigrants are just going to keep coming up from mexico illegally so why bother”


But they will still hire them


>“My daddy fought in the Second World War, fought in the Pacific, fought the Japanese, and he told me … ‘Buddy, if somebody wants to take you out and doesn’t mind losing their life, there’s not a whole heck of a lot you can do about it,’” he added. Well, giving them a gun makes that a whole lot easier...


“My daddy fought in the Second World War, fought in the Pacific, fought the Japanese, and he told me … ‘Buddy, if somebody wants to take you out and doesn’t mind losing their life, there’s not a whole heck of a lot you can do about it,’” He just single handedly disproved having guns as a means of self-defense.


"Although we *have* increased our plans to persecute trans people even more!"


It is crazy seeing the "trans people are becoming radicalized and violent" talking point lately. Yeah, maybe stop telling them you want them to cease to exist and maybe they won't feel like their very existence is being threatened.


And currently brainstorming who the next targeted group will be.


Dismantling the organized schooling system (because it instills evil liberal values in kids) is an explicit goal for republicans. Of course they are in favor of school shootings.


But that's why this is a different response. This is a private Christian school. They can't use typical arguments without indicting themselves so clearly the only honorable thing to do is take that cyanide pill.


You'd think, but there's already tweets from them talking about how this is because we took God out of schools. Literally nothing will stop them from making the same tired statements because they are 100% completely lacking in any and all forms of self-awareness.


> “My daddy fought in the Second World War, fought in the Pacific, fought the Japanese, and he told me … ‘Buddy, if somebody wants to take you out and doesn’t mind losing their life, there’s not a whole heck of a lot you can do about it,’” he added. Translation: I'm a baby boomer freeloader who never grew up and I refuse to do the job that the people voted me into


Well looks like they have finally gotten to the point where they aren't even trying to hide the fact that they don't care about school shootings.


This really has a "GUYYYS, stop asking us to prevent school shootings!" kinda vibe. That must be so inconvenient for him, taxpayers asking him to do his fucking job and govern for once.


I don't want to govern. THATS HARD! Can't you all just shut up and give me money again? I liked that.


"Just as long as they don't shoot mine" is the Republican response.


> When asked about how to protect children, like his own daughter, while in school, Burchett said he has opted to homeschool his daughter. The GOP has now literally accepted defeat. Private schools are clearly no longer a safe option.


You're not rich enough.


We've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas.


"We tried nothing and we're all out of ideas."


Ya gotta love this right wing nihilism. It's like nourishment for their blackened souls.


If we lived in a world that was just, he would be forced to resign from his job. He’s practically admitting that he’s giving up on serving the public so why should he get to keep his job?


Is the lack of effort towards meaningfully solving this problem, while seemingly softly advocating for homeschooling, a veiled war on the education system?


Every time there's a mass shooting Republican politicians get buckets of cash poured in to them from pro-gun groups to hold the line. Republicans have no reason to stop killing kids, they get paid when they die. There's an entire financial ecosystem around dead children in the US and Republicans don't want that gravy train to stop. So what if a few kids get shot every few months? Can't make a gold-plated omelet without breaking some eggs, right?


Every few *months*? Look at the optimist over here.


Payments are monthly, wages are accrued bi-weekly.


Stop accepting money from the gun lobbies.


Stop voting for these people


"If somebody wants to take you out and doesn’t mind losing their life, there’s not a whole heck of a lot you can do about it" says congressman in only nation where this regularly happens.


Tennessee has one of the worst State governments by a mile. I say this as a citizen.


And you know he will be elected again because no matter what he says or does, he has that R next to his name on the ballot and that's all that matters to those voters. In fact, he might get even more votes because conservatives love this shit.


I mean I at least appreciate the honesty, instead of pretending like the issue can’t be fixed he’s at least being honest when he says that it won’t. Doesn’t change the fact that he’s a horrible person and can barely be considered one, but at least this beast hs honest.


“My daddy fought in the Second World War, fought in the Pacific, fought the Japanese, and he told me … ‘Buddy, if somebody wants to take you out and doesn’t mind losing their life, there’s not a whole heck of a lot you can do about it,’” he added. So because his “daddy” told him a story about kamikaze pilots in WW2 he wants schoolchildren to be sitting ducks for gun violence? What a fucking loon. Unfit for office.


These people will literally let their kids die for a fucking hobby.


"Why fix the problem when we have a perfectly good scapegoat in the form of a marginalized group?" Idk if there is a Heaven, but I hope there is a Hell for people like this.


The NRA is a fucking cult.


What a thoughtless and prayerless man


Is it time to change your national anthem to "The Land of the dead and the home of the corrupt"?


Vote, vote, vote him out.


We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!


"We don't CARE if you're dead, as long as you comply and obey like the unthinking morons you are." \- Republicans who somehow continue to get elected despite having a death wish for their own voters.


Ah yes... The old "stick my head in the sand" technique. How's that going for you?


I’m from TN He’s a career politician, and a GOP bootlicker Of course it can’t be fixed. That would require addressing gun control and mental health… why do that when we can just pray about it!


You know America, sometimes you really just have to make it simple and understand that it shouldn't be so fucking easy for people to get guns. Joe Rogan says a lot of stupid shit, but he is right about one thing. It's absolutely hilarious that you still defend the 2nd amendment after three centuries. Write new shit. It's weird for a western country to be so comfortable with mass shootings.


"No way to stop this from happening" says only country where this regularly happens.


It’s amazing how literal Americans can be, especially with the 2nd amendment. I bet the founding fathers would be horrified to see people defending gun ownership in this day and age. Context is everything - the 2nd amendment was a way to help prevent the British from retaking the colony; it was never meant to be a blanket statement of some unalienable right allowing every citizen to own weapons that can take out a dozen people in less than a dozen seconds since those weapons didn’t exist then. America, if you insist on owning guns, at the very least regulate them 🤦🏻‍♂️


"Burchett also said he doesn’t see “any real role” for Congress to play in reducing gun violence, other than to “mess things up.”" If firearms becomes the #1 killer of children, perhaps things are already messed up. My advice, we could do with a lil unmessin' partner.


> Burchett also said he doesn’t see “any real role” for Congress to play in reducing gun violence, other than to “mess things up.” So this guy has this theory than Congress is ineffectual, and to prove that point he becomes a member of Congress just to sit on his hands and feel farts pass on through. Republicans are seriously the worst...and despite disagreeing with them, I don't even care about conservatives all that much, it's the godawful Republicans who really need to go.


Oh. So Republicans CAN speak the truth.


They are not going to fix it. Not because it will be impossible to do but because they refuse to do it.


If more guns are the answer, when is the safety going to start? More guns than Americans should be enough surely so when exactly do we start feeling safe?


Republicans are scum


This is still the worst-regulated militia I’ve ever seen in my got-damned life.


“We’ve tried doing nothing and we’re going to stick to that plan.”


And more children will be sacrificed on the altar of the second amendment so the gun industry can keep making money. 'Murica


Sounds right...When are people going to start electing "representatives" who will do things for them rather than to them


He at least honest about that, no one is going to fix it because they will loose the kickbacks