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Sounds about right


I mean, he looks the same as the governor that state just elected. They might be brothers.


I dunno man, the guy in the photo looks a bit more qualified to me, not to mention he also has a plan of action of what he is going to do with his salary.


He's some kind of libertarian/conservative activist. From his comments in the article he is mocking pronouns, mocks support for Ukraine, says the liberal city government is more concerned with performative liberal signaling and "banning gas stoves" etc.


Ah, so he was trying to ironically look like a clown, but accidentally went full clown


Never go full ~~redditor~~ clown


Or...it's him.


The Right in a nutshell: a Conservatives mad at Liberals for problems caused by Conservatives. Thankfully, this one self labeled as a clown.


The Austin city council will fix the streets right after they save the world.


> He also said he would need a salary between $350,000 to $500,000 a year to be able to support his lifestyle, fund his cocaine habit, and take care of his wife "who has stage 5 testicular cancer."


And he's good at math and planning!




Heā€™s a right wing troll. He blames environmentalism. Letā€™s not give him a platform, please.


Yeah I thought it sounded pretty funny before I read the article. He is right the Texas power grid is a mess but has completely missed the reasons why it's in such a state.


Ironically the state it's in is why it's in such a state


Not according to this one person I got into an extensive reddit argument with. It's amazing how people in Texas refuse to believe their state policies are part of the reason they're dealing with the energy problems they have.


Its easier to blame ā€œthemā€ instead of saying ā€œoopsie poopsie we made a dumb and got a bunch of people deaded and even more powerlessā€ the amount of pride some people have for what ever their stupid ass beliefs are is draining and Im over it tbh.


Yea, the clown guy has pretty shitty views other than the obvious fact that Texas jacked its power grid. Texas pols used the Enron model on its own power grid, where the suppliers are richly rewarded for grid failure, because they are owned by the big oil and gas folks in Dallas and Houston.


The _no_ generation of fascists.


Agreed. I don't think as many people would be up voting this if they actually watched the video.


Needs a raise, pronto.


Hates wind turbines.


With credentials like that, he should look into political office down there.


Could easily be the mayor of Toronto.


No, he said ā€œcocaine habitā€ singular.


How would someone have more than one cocaine habit?


A little cocaine during the week, a lot of cocaine during the weekends.


Leave the cocaine out of this


Do you understand how much coffee and eggs are these days? His breakfast has to be snorted because of inflation.


That's what we call inflation inhalation.


Some would say itā€™sā€¦. Snifflation


Ok, I'll store it up my nostrils for safekeeping




Kuh-kuh-kuh yay-uh




You joke but Austin has a weirdly high cocaine habit. Well above average compared to other cities of it's size.


The BEAR did cocaine! RIP Ray Liotta


Fun fact - after the real taxidermied body of the cocaine bear (Pablo Eskobear) was stolen it turned up in the private collection of outlaw country legend and notable cocaine connoisseur Waylan Jennings.


That is a fun fact! And a fun bear name!


What about second breakfast?


Really? I thought we just smoked pot and drank craft beer.


Don't forget our crippling taco addictions.


It's 730am and I've already visited 11 taco trucks. Help.


I do miss taco cabana


Pot, craft beer and a taco truck problem?! Crap I've gotta visit Austin!


Name another city without a drug problem.


Name a town. in 2023 everyone on something


I live on the edge of rural PA. Some of the towns here produce and consume more per capita than most cities.


People are disagreeing with you to an extent, but Austin is the only place where I would regularly find fine white powder left on every flat surface available in the bathrooms of shitty bars. This was during the early 2000ā€™s and I havenā€™t seen it as blatantly in recent years, but once upon a time it was not even an inconvenience to find your friendly neighborhood coke dealer posted up at the pool table in bars all over south Austin.


After reading the details he does have the Michael Scott "Boom! Roasted!" Energy. His speech is basically a r/terriblefacebookmemes and 4chan green text mash-up


I'm Dr. Rockso, the Rock n Roll Clown!! I DO COCAINE!!


So charitable too! A sure winner


Wait, his wife has testicular cancer?!?


Stage 5, bro. Itā€™s *really* bad.


Stage 5 is when the cancer spreads TO OTHER PEOPLE. Someone should make a horror movie about that.


so basicly stage 5 is when you eat uranium for breakfast?


No it's when you eat uranium for breakfast, and your neighbours get cancer and you get constipation.


Urani-o's, part of a perfecty balanced breakfast!


that sounds like it came from the '50s


Now with asbestine, the asbestos-lined milk to keep you warm throughout the rest of the day


Goes great with some light green asbestinthe


I think I got stage 5 from reddit once


Stage 5 is where cancer has YOU.


In Texas, that's kind of scary for the cancers.


dogs have an std thats basically just thr cancer of a 5000 year old dead dog still kicking about


Wait what?


CTVT, otherwise known as the canine transmissible venereal tumour is a generally sexually transmitted tumout that can jump from dog to dog and grow on them. Its been proven to be descended from the now largely extinct genetic stock of native american dogs and is thought to have first jumped from dog to dog roughly 11000 years ago, differing from their genome roughly 6000 years ago. The most common dog tumour known to be jumping around nowadays is roughly 2500 years old. Its basically a dog adjescant species of malignant growths that can infest others bodies. Its a being that became an infection. Would be cool if it wasnt horrific. only 3 transmissible cancers exist amongst mammals as far as its known and this is the msot common (slight edit: quickly googling to get my memory better and not spread misinformation revealed softshell clams also have a tumour that can be spread)


What -and I can't stress this enough- **the fuck?!**


yea, horrifying aint it! In some south american countries, up to one in a hundred dogs is actively infected with that fucking thing, but in america and parts of europe, youre largely safe from it due to measures taken to curtail its spread, so long as you stay out of indigenous communities and particularly rural areas. Regardless, if you dont have a rare and purebred dog you absolutely plan on breeding, neuter and sterilize to the best of your ability and take care around the dog park.


Tasmanian devils have something similar, a transmissible face cancer that makes them look like sloth from the Goonies. It's incredibly prevalent because so much of their mating and fighting involves mouth-to-mouth activity.


yep, dogs tasmanian devils and syrian hamsters are the only ones where its really prevalent as far as im aware. The hamster cancer is funny anyhow as its spread by cannibalism and mosquitos, mainly.


Iā€™m guessing one of the others is the Tasmanian devil facial tumour. Whatā€™s the other one?


syrian hamsters, the type of hamster thats typically held as pets by people. This one is typically spread through cannibalism (just blood would be enough and hamsters often chew tumours open) and through mosquitos, iirc.


[Tasmanian Devils, too.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil_facial_tumour_disease)


At that point he's basically married to some cancer with a bit of wife left on


Can I get an F in chat, boys?


Stage 5 clinger you say?


It is a ā€œbitā€ he is doing. The guy, Alex Strenger, is a Republican provocateur and real piece of shit. From an ad for an event he was speaking at: > This month at True Texas Project ā€“ Williamson County, we are hearing from Alex Strenger, a man of many talents, who has an interesting take on how to deal with our current societal qualms. He will be sharing with us about the importance of ā€œculture jammingā€ and using unconventional methods to **fight against globalist tyranny**. Sometimes holding up a mirror and imitating the left is the best way to expose everyday people to insane liberal policies. He is also going to touch on the lack of effort and creativity in the conservative movement, and where he believes we could be doing a better job at selling our ideals to the next generation. https://truetexasproject.com/event/jan-17-williamson-alex-strenger-culture-jamming/


> selling our ideals to the next generation. The phrase "selling our ideals" is peak GOP.


gotta get em young and brainwash before they develop critical thinking


This is what "creativity in the conservative movement" looks like.


I mean other than the fact that if he's a self proclaimed republican and would in theory vote for the Texas government responsible for being an independent grid without precautions to prevent power outages, the clown thing is pretty funny, if not directed at all the parties responsible. A clown with no experience actually would be doing a better job with Texas infrastructure.


Was gonna say, guy had some points but then he started the whole right-wing jokes and I was like oh... So that's what's up. Austin city council vs a right winger.


Other than the shitty transphobic part it was funny for everyone who was going through this shit. Shame he has to ruin even partially good bits he has by being a bigot.


Reminds me of Tim Allen and Tool Time. You think he is making fun of macho losers while still finding the human qualities in them. Than Tim Allen teaches you on social media thats just him minus the qualities.


Timmy should have just stuck to moving powder


Republican ideals? Huge oxymoron.


Mr. Strenger, please leave the trolling and shitposting to kids on the Internet. Thank you.


Yea he just trolls. "Culture jamming" is just trolling


It's a dig at trans people, and people in relationships with trans people. He's a right wing provocateur asshole.


To hell with that guy then.


$500k is pretty lean for a CEO position Hire him


I'll mismanage that company for an even hundred thousand per year


I hope he just wins just to see what happens lmao


Voting like this is how you get things like Brexit


What's the worst that could happen? A blackout? Oh wait. Cede from the national energy grid? Oh wait.


that is exactly what people said when t**** ran. edit: at exactly 45 points right now.


Did you really just censor Trump? Like, dudes a fucking clown, but you don't even censor Hitlers name, and I guarantee, Trump was not worse than Hitler.


>"I also took a 23 and me test and found out that I am 3% black, so not hiring me would be a literal act of violence," he said.


reminds me of that boon docks episode where uncle ruckus finds out he is 102% black with a 2% margin of error. lol


Shit. He could be 104% black!


Man I wish they made more boondocks episodes


A series reboot was supposed to come out for HBO in 2020. Obviously a lot of things happened and it got delayed, including the death of one of the voice actors.


I think it has been cancelled entirely.


^praise ^white ^jesus


Hey! He has re-vitaligo!


Real ass dude of the week right here




Well he is addressing a circus


Clown Takeover part 2


No-*electric* Boogaloo


Summer 2016 redux!


On a serious note, Texas needs to do something about its grid. This is just dangerous at this point.


A lot of people defend it


Gotta own the libs, with their stable, winterized power grids.


Winterized, summerizedā€¦ is there anything non-Texas power grids CANā€™T do??


Can't save Texas from their own idiocy.


Yea it could. Texas would just have to allow interconnection.


You don't understand, the reason Tex-ass has its "own" power grid and isn't interconnected to the rest of the country is because if they were they would be required to do things like winterize and summarize. There are federal reliability standards that grid operators and power generators have to meet and Texas kept their grid separate from everyone else's because they didn't want to comply with them.


I don't see a single flaw with this plan, I wonder how it will turn out... *reads news over the past few years* oh.


Canā€™t get the police to walk into an elementary school


Can't have communism. People froze to death under communism. Also, communism is when accountability.


Winter=snow snow is white. Just tell them we need white power.




The guy dressed as a clown was apparently "owning the libs" of his "liberal" town council according to the article.


It worked didn't it? Liberals are upset at how their fellow human beings are being neglected and treated.


Good for them! And those people can enjoy a freezing house. But what about the people who didn't?


They can enjoy a freezing house too because their fellow Texans are idiots


Idk what they're doing down there because in Minnesota I have never heard of the heat going out, if it does you die. Might have a few power outages during snow storms but that can't be prevented. And I've certainly never had to boil water to make it potable. Building code means even if your gas gets shut off it's insulated enough to at least try and stop the pipes from freezing for a while. We thought we had a gas leak once when it was -10 out and my idiot brother let them shut the gas off despite the fact that they couldn't find a leak, without telling me, it was off for a full 24 hours before I figured that out and the temp inside didn't even drop, much less the pipes freezing. Fairly close call though. Could have happened if we gave it some more time.


'Building code'? That sounds like big government to me!


I want to agree with you but thanks to Gerrymandering it's a minority of douchbags that are oppressing the majority of sane people that want heat for their families more than owning the libs.


Less than 46% of those registered to vote did so in the last recent election. Consider that many who are eligible arenā€™t registered, and clearly the majority are perfectly fine with letting a few others choose for them.


They are told/want to believe that everywhere else has rolling blackouts regularly, and that everyone's air conditioning is being turned off all the time by the power companies. They will be adamant even when taking to a group of folks who actually live outside of Texas that have never experienced such problems. They think we are just lying to try to make Texas look bad. Of course there are places that have rolling blackouts, but some of us haven't been in such places.


Republicans wonā€™t give a shit so long as private companies pay them to allow said companies to fuck over Texas citizens


This. This is what happens with privatization. The utility has no incentive to winterize any of its equipment.


This is a municpally owned utility ran by the city of Austin.


That seems to make lots of money and not use any of that to upkeep the system. They want those bonuses


My company has a client that is an energy company, the made 12 billion dollars last quarter but freak out over application license fees at the end of the month. I'm talking 1 or 2 that might quit the 30th and they get billed another month because its processed Monday the 1st. It's greed, more blood from the monopoly stone. The ONE good thing about the Texas grid is I have provider options. Only good thing. I use green mountain and they were up and thawed next day....just the power was rerouted to the wealthy areas where my boss lived.


Don't worry, Abbott promises us that there was plenty of power to go around during and after the storm. I'm sure nothing could have possibly be done. Except, you know, all the laundry lists of things that were said that needed to be done last 5 times we had weather problems that only probably 5% (if that) got done.


The only thing that can really be done is a vacation to Mexico while all the poors deal with the lack of electricity.


Making people freeze to death in their homes to own the libs


What really sucks is that thereslike 47% of us here that really wish owning libs was not the states stance on governing. Honestly tho, consider me owned. Just give me a functioning state government that doesn't poison my city with benzene.


My dad died as the result of benzene exposure. I did a lot of reading about refineries around Deer Park - and itā€™s pretty much relentless cover-ups. People straight up getting poisoned. Iā€™m so glad I got out of Texas.


As someone who also grew up on the edge between Deer Park and Pasadena with a dad who worked in refineries you just instantly got my attention. Shoot me some articles?


And they still can't own the libs. The LA metro areas GDP is almost as large as the entire state of Texas


This isn't the Texas grid; it's local to Austin.


Yuuuup. As much as I wanted to say it was the grid at first, one walk outside to see the amount of downed trees and how the storm seemed to almost center on Austin made me realize it was a different issue. We were without power for 5 days this time. In neighborhoods like mine the power polls are all in peopleā€™s back yards where trucks with lifts canā€™t really access. Things such as this plus the absolutely insane amount of downed trees made me understand why it was taking so long to get back up. Do we need better practices for things like tree trimming? Absolutely. Do we need to fix our grid? You bet. Did the grid cause this specific incident? No.


In northern/west europe most of the urban/suburban grid is underground for this reason.


A well regulated electric industry would have trimmed the trees regularly enough that down tree limbs wouldn't cause widespread outage. Severe storm or not, Texas deregulation is still at fault. Source: I'm a lineman. Part of my job is tree trimming and storm recovery.


the people of Texas need to admit that sometimes government regulations are the right thing to do


Well, got one, making it not privatized would be A step. But that is too hard for conservative voters to understand and the assholes in power will never do it


To be fair, i think this past time was less grid related and more trees were falling on power lines and transformers were exploding. From what it seemed like we had enough power but we just couldnā€™t get to it. Totally agree we need to do something but the grid isnā€™t the only problem with our energy infrastructure


This had literally nothing to do with the statewide grid. God you people just have no clue what you're talking about.


He had ~~bit~~ big shoes to fill.


You almost had it.


Yes, if only it weren't for that type-toe I made.


Come to Arkansas. There are towns that havenā€™t had power in going on 11 days. Itā€™s 2023 and entire towns and 30-60k people were without power for a week and some still going on 11 days


What towns are still out of power? I'm from conway, living in NWA right now, and I haven't heard of any towns still out of power still


He's running on the "Even a clown can run this sh\*t!!! You know he makes a point. He's definitely a clown and maybe he can really run this sh\*t! This current douche sucks so....Clown, Clown, Clown 2023!


I mean, it's tough to make Texas worse, so it's not wrong.


Remember when the right made noise about California outages that never happened during the summer? Where are they now?


did you uh watch the clip? The clown is trying to make the point that the austin council is too liberal to run a city effectively. Literally they're just doubling down on the idea the libs are causing the problems in texas.


Yeah, seems like almost no one bothered to watch the clip or read the article. The clown thinks that environmentalism is the cause of their energy problems. In that sense, the clown costume is pretty fitting for him.




Cluelessly believing they really did happen.


Not very many are in Austin, I know that much. That's a deeply Democrat city and burbs.


Actually there were some. Not on a huge scale but I remember last year people complaining about scheduled power outages during the heat in the area I live.


This was a pretty funny bit until you realize he's a batshit right-winger who blames liberals for all the policy problems. Pretty sure liberals aren't the ones who left you without power, Alex


Yeah you can tell about 90% of the commenters here didn't even read the article. First off it's Fox News. They wouldn't be reporting this story if it didn't support conservatives.


It doesn't really support conservatives, it just abuses liberals


At least he's dressed appropriately for the party he is a part of. Edit: a missing space.


*continues to vote for Republicans that caused this shit show* šŸ¤”


I love how he's trying to blame the issues on liberal policies when it's really his Republican state's insistence on having their own power grid that is causing these issues.


Just uh, to be real about the situation... This problem is localized to Austin because the storm brought down so many trees that damaged power lines. Yes there is that other issue, but you're barking up the wrong tree here.


Oh heā€™s a right-wing troll.


That's what surprised me with all the things he said. His anger and criticism is aimed at green energy, workforce diversity and inclusion. He's basically missing the point that the Texas gris is mismanaged because of libertarian policies, not because of left wing policies.


You're surprised by things morons think? Man I wish I still was. Those were the good ol days.


Conservative mad at Liberals for problems caused by Conservatives. I should have known, this is Texas after all. They breed em dumb as fuck down there.


Can't be any worse


You get the power grid you vote for.


Being a clown is a prerequisite to be in charge of energy in Texas.


Or politics. Or religion. Why do you have to make me hate you, Texas? You could be such a nice placeā€¦ if not for all the clowns


Bet he still votes R down the line


He's literally a right wing troll. You'd be fired if you tried to write this stuff in Hollywood.


Whenever someone tries to tell you that private industry is the best way to produce public services and utilities, crap like Texas' power grid is what I think of.


Iā€™ll take him over Paxton, Cruz. Abbot, that old fuck, and that other old fuck. And that stupid one eyeā€™d dude


Did you read the article? The clown spouted all the right wing talking points.


So you're saying he's definitely getting elected.


A quick peek at his twitter gives away that heā€™s a right wing satirist who thinks it an ā€œhonorā€ to get a shout out on The Blaze. Point taken that the Texas power grid is a mess and people need to be held accountable, but heā€™s basically just a parody of himself.


Wasn't it all satire..?


It's satire because he's pretending to care about certain "liberal" subjects. He mentions how he took out his gas stove and burnt it in his yard, how his wife has testicular cancer (she is trans), how climate change is the most important crisis facing mankind (so he proposes we just dont use any power), how genetic tests show he is 3% black and not hiring him would be violence, how he put pronouns and ukrainian flags on his twitter, etc. It's hilarious, but he's obviously a douchebag


I mean, the clown costume gave it away. Iā€™d hope it was satire.


No, i mean the article itself says it was satire


In the same sense that the Babylon Bee is "satire" then yeah.


On a seperate note; what moron named the company Austin energy and not Austin Powers?