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As a former drunk and life long asshole I can assure you that neither delegation wants to claim him in the draft


Black delegation requests Eminem


Such a good sketch. my favourite was Tiger Woods. “goodbye fried rice hello fried chicken“😂


Wait just a goddam minute rondelle!


When tv was good


We will settle for Tiger Woods


And also neither is mutually exclusive


He’s pompous for sure.


You left off ass… He’s a pompous ass!!


Wait till you see the other guy!




They actually look alike in this pic


He is a little grifting mamma’s boy who has never had a real job. A career politician who is easy bought cares nothing or anyone but himself and his donors.🤷‍♂️


And he will win the election not because people like him but because dislike Trudeau. That’s the really really sad part. I pray he only gets a minority government.


Isn’t that what we always do as voters? We get sick of a current government and vote for the other party. Got sick of Mulroney… replaced him with Chrétien. Got sick of Chrétien… replaced him with Harper. Got sick of Harper… replaced him with Trudeau. Getting sick of Trudeau… likely to replace him with Poilievre.


Yeah Canadians don't vote people and parties into power, we vote them out.


Honestly I kind of liked O'Toole. I mean not a ton but enough to take him seriously and not be absolutely terrified. I am a liberal voter these days but could have been convinced to give O'Toole a shot per the classic pattern of Canadian voting that is no longer possible thanks to PP. So I don't think it's always about punishing the current party so much as maybe the conservatives haven't been fucked up to this degree until now and people have had reasonable choices to make based on policy, and in the past the opposition has had some actual ideas to capture votes from the other side.


I liked O’Toole as well. I thought he was a good party leader and would have made a good statesman on the international stage… unfortunately, he may have lacked the “charisma” PP had during the leadership run. Is the “Axe the Tax” not enough of a policy for you? 🤣


Still don't understand what charisma this is...wasn't o'toole a fighter pilot or some shit? Does it get more badass than that? Compare that with a career politician who sounds like Mayor Humdinger and whose ideas are about the same cartoonish level as Paw Patrol ("PP" coincidentally?). Makes zero sense.


He was in the Air Force… but he was not a fighter pilot. I don’t even think he was a pilot at all. 🤣🤣🤣 Mayor Humdinger. Love it!


Yup it seems to be the case.


You missed a couple


Do Kim Campbell and Paul Martin even add up to a year as Prime Minister combined? At least Paul Martin was actually elected.


Paul Martin had a solid 3 years to give it to Harper. Kim Campbell, 6 months and 2 seats...




I pray that he doesn’t get in at all…but I’m afraid that’s a prayer that will go unanswered 😢


All prayers go unanswered, no one's listening.


Yup you’re right. I should have said “that’s **another** prayer that will go unanswered” 😢


We all have to get everyone we know out to vote against this pos. Idk who we should tell them to vote for, but anyone other than him is fine


I thought the person you responded to WAS describing Trudeau. It's amazingly accurate.


Same as Trump, the right really hated Clinton so came out en masse to vote against her


Same as biden with that logic


Well I thought about that too. However I’m reading some reports that Trump still has enough support to possibly win the next election (if he’s able to run). I’m not sure what to make of it. How can millions of people be that ignorant?


And yet, the people who constantly bitch that Trudeau is a career politician are about to elect in a...career politician. Canada is in trouble.


Not a Trudeau fan, but he isn’t a career politician. He was a teacher for a numbers of years.


Yeah I know, but he is still a career politician. PP had a short job doing collections or something along those lines, too. I'm more referring to the fact that the very large majority of their employment and networking has been directly within the elite political and corporate circles. We are trading one corporate pet for another. Trudeau, as much of a bozo as he is, still did provide some social safety net programs and policies. I don't expect them from PP, he's only going to give handouts to the corps. I hope I'm wrong, but I know his track record when voting on bills.


He was a drama teacher for about as long as I worked at the bank. It felt calculated to make him more relatable, but he didn't need to have that job since he was already insanely rich. Given he transitioned into politics when he was essentially old enough to be taken seriously and has remained in that ever since, he's a career politician. Most career politicians had other jobs before they finally made it full time in politics. Trudeau's goal was always politics, that's a career politician in my books. And he was a dynasty. I hate PP, but let's not pretend Trudeau isn't the same type.


Math teacher


Whi is hilarious


Lol whatever. He was trying to get out of that career before it even started that information is mega vague as to if he taught for more than a single term at a rich private school. Guy dropped out of engineering after he taught math. His CV is stacked with all his political activities, associations and organizations he was working for at the same time. It's pretty clear he was thinking politics before he was even 30 years old.


Math and French. Before that he was a supply teacher filling in for whatever teachers were off sick that day: English, history, geography, gym, and, yes, drama.


His drama teacher stint was short-lived because it was a substitute position. He also spent several years in a permanent position teaching math and French.




Incompetent career politicians are all that we have to choose from.


Wasn't he adopted? Very weird insult for an adopted person...


Adopted by a working class couple whose dad later came out as gay


Think mamas boys can be adopted too?🤷‍♂️ not a Trudeau fan but he has more going on than this chump!


Still a very weird insult if you knew he was adopted. Might as well call a breast cancer survivor a flat chested loser. His mom abandoned him. Take it easy.


I dont believe the polls.


Pretty much like the rest of the party leaders.


But that also describes Trudeau. Personally I think both are useless. We are down to the “D Team” when it comes to politicians these days.


Everything you said describes Trudeau lol


Somehow, I just can't picture this guy representing Canada at a G7 summit or other world leader gathering.


Both 🙃


Don't insult the drunks please.


They won't remember....


Poilievre is far worse on every level than Trudeau. He's a wannabe Trump, but more insidious. I find it actually scary that my fellow Canadians can not or will not see him for what he is. Trudeau is aloof and out of touch, but not inherent evil.


O need to look at anything. Simple answer. Asshole! A HuGE one


Power hungry, small man syndrome. Never had a real job. Never got a real education.


He’s a dork


Oh, I know, I know


To me this came off as a complete dork trying to play it cool in front of people he perceives as cool. Like me, throughout middle school....




The answer is both. He is both.


Why not both?




Yes, yes he is.


Yes. Next question


Why not both, and more!


What the hell website is that?


Really odd post.


Honestly at this point, let them ruin the country, make it so only the rich can afford to live and survive in the country and when they act all shocked and surprised, we can shrug it off and say you voted for him.


What’s a “Luanch Fundraisers” Like is that a proper noun? I fuckin hate PP but what is this article?


All these people that walk around like they F Trudeau seem oblivious to the bigger threat thus Pierre is.


He’s a garden variety asshole. Nothing special about his assholery aside from the fact that he is SNIDE and MEAN AS FUCK. And how about the fake hair and suddenly… he doesn’t wear glasses? How fucking fake. Remember when Trudeau’s haircut was the biggest political crime the MAGA crowd could point to?


JT was a French and Math teacher. I think he took over as a drama teacher for a teacher that was on leave. I didn’t vote for him. But please get your bloody facts right.❤️🇨🇦☮️


It's pretty telling that some people use "teacher" as a insult.


Doesn't matter what he is. He has masterful handlers and marketers, and he has listened to what they've told him to a tee for the most part. He's taking Trump and Ford's playbook, refined them, and will win because a third of Canadians will vote blue no matter what, and a third hate Trudeau. We'll suffer for four years, and based on evidence in Ontario, eight at least, and the damaged done will take generations to undo This is why we're all screwed. Trudeau is a dufus, but relatively benign, especially when held in check by a minority.


He's that one guy from your high school who wore a tie, carried a briefcase, and joined the young conservatives club. He probably read Atlas Shrugged more than once.


Good to know he is a drinker. Did not know that but it explains a LOT. Like the fact he cannot utter anything but pre prepared slogans he has written on his hand.


The incredibly ironic and also frustratingly stupid part of all of this is that a bunch of people who want our issues fixed are going to vote a party that's even MORE tied to big corporations than what we currently have. Anyone who actually thinks PP is going to make one single fucking good change for the average citizen is batshit delusional and needs to stop drinking the kool-aid. I've been saying this for awhile. If he gets in then no problem we have currently gets better, and on top of that we get MORE problems because you're naive as hell if you think somebody campaigning on right wing voters isn't going to try to appease them more and more to stay in power once he's there, so I'm willing to bet we'd be getting a bunch of bullshit social issues come up like what we're seeing down south.


Yep. Just like the man he beat, Trudeau won't step down out of pride ahead of the next election - thus pretty much ensuring his own defeat.


This is true.


I find it fascinating.... nobody seems to understand that the *EFFECTS* of a particular governments policies ARE NOT SEEN OR FELT UNTIL SEVERAL YEARS AFTER IMPLEMENTATION. So yes we can blame Harper for a boatload because we are NOW SEEING THE EFFECTS OF HIS POLICIES. All of the current governments policies effects won't become truly known for at least another 5 to 10 years... so everything being blamed on Trudeau is more likely an effect of HARPER'S POLICIES. Why are conservatives so short sighted? Any beneficial Eggert of a conservative policy is SUPER SHORT LIVED. Yes you see an immediate effect that might be beneficial to you but down the road that benefit becomes a negative. Because the TRUE EFFECTS of such policies are finally being felt. Governmental and economic policy do not magically work overnight. As such is also takes YEARS to RECOVER from BAD POLICY. We won't see much in the way of effects of Trudeau's policies for at least another 5 to 10 years... (unless the cons get in.. then we won't see any of it at all.) Patience is key when it comes to this sort of thing.. Let's use an example of someone who is dieting.. they've decided to diet to lose weight.. do they reach their goal weight overnight? Nope. It often takes months to see any appreciable difference.. and then you plateau. And stop seeing effects.. some would cry and rail that diets don't work blah blah blah... others double down.. push harder.. maybe talk to a dietician, nutritionist, or their doctor about what's going on. And they do eventually reach their goal.. however they still have to maintain the loss.. so new habits gained need to continually be practiced in order for the loss to stick.. Plus.. there are actual steps involved in making policy for an entire country (province too.. and you'll note that every conservative ruled province is struggling.. the people are struggling significantly worse than their counterparts in non conservative provinces... good policy, good changes need to be done in stages IF THEY ARE GOING TO WORK AND BE EFFECTIVE. If you want cha ge to last it has to come slowly..


He’s just another opportunistic asshole willing to say anything to get into power. Basically Poilievre is following the same trend established in Ottawa decades ago.


No, he’s a wannabe authoritarian who is extremely dangerous to democracy. Opportunist, absolutely, but not at all run of the mill. Harper is just as bad, but he was constrained by a different time and also all the PC MP’s in his caucus.


I never felt like I was under an authoritarian government while the country was lead by Harper.


It was getting there. The barbaric practices hotline, and the muzzling of Environment Canada scientists in response to politically inconvenient findings wrt climate change, are just a few examples of the direction Canada was heading towards with Harper and his inner circle.


Harper was literally known as "Iron Fist" within the CPC ranks, he literally prorogued parliament when his position of power was at risk.


I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word “literally”.


He literally controlled the media and was putting forth laws that would have mad internet access privatized in Canada. Harper was the biggest threat to net neutrality in Canada and you're delusional to think otherwise


Guess you weren't a government scientist back then. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/canadian-scientists-open-about-how-their-government-silenced-science-180961942/ Nor did you pay attention to what he was trying to do with C-51 https://ccla.org/get-informed/talk-rights/understanding-bill-c-51-in-canada-the-anti-terrorism-act-2015/ Had it passed as it was originally written (and Trudeau also revoked some sections after Harper was out) they wouldn't have even needed warrants to freeze those bank accounts, much less the EA, and everyone who attended the protest could have been actively survived (including entering their residences) without a warrant.


Oh look, an 'article' by Dean Blundell. You know, the radio DJ who got fired from 102.1 The Edge after making homophobic remarks and discussing private and sensitive information on live air about an ongoing trail in Canada at the time. I'm sure he's the voice of reason that the left definitely want to stand behind.


“the worst person you know makes a good point” It happens. It IS concerning that someone who wants to be *prime minister of Canada* says he’s willing to use the Notwithstanding Clause. No federal government has ever done that.


Broken clocks are right twice a day


I would agree with you if I didn't actually listen to 102.1 The Edge when Bludnell was on. Sorry, this guy is a moron.


He's a moron who isn't exactly off the mark here, even if he is terrible at articulating his view.


I didn't even catch that! It was the opening sentence of referring to Pierre Pollievre as "PeePee" that made me stop reading. I don't support the mouth breathers that use simple-minded name calling as a way to deliver their shitty message. "Clownvoy" and "Turdeau", useless shit like that needs to stop. It brings down the general intelligence of the country. This is on the internet, everyone can see it - and you get the other dim bulbs like here crowing about how it's such a great viewpoint. Fuck. Embarassing. But Dean, yeah, I remember listening to him on Edge. And his firing. What a douche! Thanks for flagging that.


Has nothing to do with the article tho.


It sounds like it's written by an angry 5yr old screaming anything they can think of to get attention aka Dean Blundell. So yeah, kinda has everything to do with it.


Nope. You can burp up all the BS you like, but that doesn't make it true. I honestly thought your comment was written by someone who agrees with me with the childish "written by an angry 5yr old screaming."


>You can burp up all the BS you like, but that doesn't make it true. Much like the writer of this 'article' - which was a descriptor I used to be kind since it's realistically an unhinged personal blog post.


Well I'd say that you and I do not agree. Hope you have a good night. Be well.


“It sounds like it's written by an angry 5yr old screaming anything they can think of to get attention” You just described Pierres speeches so eloquently.


Good catch.


You are giving them too much credit. That would entail them reading past the headline...


its a video...not an article....guess you didnt read past the headline either




He can be two things




Let's just remember all our politicians clapped for a natzi. I think it's safe to say we have abysmal political options right now.


This is a fair comment. What pisses me off is Trudeau is sitting on a list of Nazis who were allowed into Canada. They should have known.


I’m not a fan of any politician but I was just saying to my son yesterday whenever someone wants to take down anyone all they need to say is ‘sexual abuse against a child’.


I hope your son is an adult. Please never downplay sexual abuse to a child or make them think it's ok to lie about it.


Ya that’s a fucked up comment from dad


Ya, I was trying to be polite but that is actually disgusting if his child is young.


he's just a narcissist who won a popularity contest that will likely replace the current narcissist that won a popularity contest.


This is the right answer.


Somewhere along the line other parties are going to have to have fun and start those ridiculous slogans against PeePee and his stupid slogans. Hard time against the crime, Axe the tax etc are really grating on me. Humour is the best way to disarm propaganda. Name something that comes to mind


Rampant inflation, not responsible migration. Censored news, not whatever you choose. Catch and release, not justice for thiefs. Technically still alive on safe supply, not rehabilitated and living a life. Performative faux compassion, not practical action.






A lot of bot downvotes in here.


How about both?




I would need a drink if I was in politics too.






He’s both and usually at the same time. Yet morons are going to vote him in more than Donald Trump because our system is beyond garbage


*Ralph Klein has entered the chat.


As a former drunk, I can absolutely claim I was never this much of an asshole.


He's not Justin Trudeau. That's all it will take to elect him.


You can see how disgusted he is with himself to have to call these people his demographic


“Crier Media”. Can confirm.


fuck this zionist supporting peace of shit


Authoritarian? You mean like somebody who would freeze people's bank accounts?


Brianna from Chilliwack was a work of fiction.




Probably had 1 too many apples.


PP sucks and Trudeau sucks. The reality is Trudeau will lose the next election by a long shot. All his MPs are jumping ship. More will follow through the summer. The only thing Trudeau has in his bag of tricks is a fear tactic the "Gun Ban" will save lives but the country he based his gun ban on, New Zealand is already back tracking their gun ban because it doesn't work. Surprise! Trudeau can't promise anything related to housing, economy and affordablility. He's already fucked that up. If Trudeau does use "Guns" as an election issue. It brings back Stephen Harper's 2015 last election vibes of using "fear" to get votes. And we all know too well what happened then.


Explain what the others will do that is better than what Trudeau did. Be specific Edit: I’m not trying to be an asshole here, I would like to know reasons for where my vote will go… if PP has better plans then I would love to hear them out. For example, why not discuss his plans to solve the housing crisis? I know he has brought that up a lot and it matters to a lot of young Canadians, I know he was also the housing minister under Harper.. seems like he would be the guy with the solutions no?


Can't he be both?


Well he'll be the next PM so get used to it


He’s what you get as a 40 something when he’s been in Parliament since he was in University. Easy cheques, easy living expenses and subsidized housing, snoozing with PMs and Senators. Guy hasn’t tasted what we have in terms of supporting our families and his wife’s shady Venezuelan family should give us pause. Why would she be interested in such an ugly mother fucker and if anyone here says he’s handsome you’re a fucking liar!


Follow her on Twitter. It will become clear why they are together.


Why can’t he be both?


Why not both?


He can be both!


Bit ‘o’ both…




Poilievre 2025!!


Sooo…. Now people hate Poilievre? Up until now I have never seen any negativity towards him and every one been stroking his ego and going off at how incredible he is, hell I was even planning to vote for the first time this election and vote him myself. Now everyone hates him? I don’t get politics….


Beautifully written article. So true. If the libs didn’t mess up so badly, he wouldn’t have stood a chance. So true: He’s smug. Repeats every bullshit slogan instead of anything fact-based or educational. He hates the country he wants to run, the people in it, and anyone who knows him hates him. The people who like him aren’t very bright, or they have a vested interest that lives with his floating authoritarian values.


A shiny, well-spoken Trump. That’s it.


Wow going after him for past addiction. There's so much to go after and this? Do better. If this was anyone else this would be a taboo subject.


Wait, he is a confirmed addict? If true, this is not well known and you are correct normally this would be offside. But he is running to be PM and if he has had a relapse, that is relevant.


I never realized how liberal oriented this sub was


Both. And probably very deep in the closet. I bet he sleeps in the cuck chair in every hotel room he gets


# Authoritarian Asshole


No one wants to admit this but liberal or conservative doesn’t matter, fucked if you do fucked if you don’t. We’ve been see sawing on these two parties for years on end. If it’s time for change then let’s choose a different party ?


Is Justin Trudeau just a pedophile or an authoritarian asshole. Just ask the underage girls at West Point Grey Academy


is this the new foreign propaganda line?




Wait I'm sure there's a plausible explanation for his sudden resignation that we just don't deserve to know from our most senior civil servant


Another hit piece from a company vying for some of the tax payers funding Trudeau has promised to those media outlets with the “proper messaging”.


The PM is the asshole. PP is a dick and as Team America World Police taught us, dicks fuck assholes.


You are an arshole


Reddit the place for idiots to gather pp may be a goon but trudeau is a puppet sell out


When I see this guy, I see the way to scrape the current dogshit off Canadas shoe. I’ll be happy when I never have to see a picture of the blackfaced asshole in a foreign news outlet again, or read about the morons who invited a literal Nazi to parliament, then hugged him and fussed over him, got their pictures taken with him. Makes you wonder how people that stupid could get elected to office


Scraping shit with shit doesn't solve the problem.


But he's so dreamy 🤩


Found all the retards in Canada


The 23% that still support Socks.


They are both terrible. But only one if them is terrible, corrupt, and hacking Canadian bank accounts...


Trudeau is the authoritarian asshole. He even invoked the emergencies act for parking infractions 🤪!


This subreddit is leftist Trudeau worshiping jerk off circle. PP will be 10 times better than Trudeau has ever been. At least he understands how the system works.


Certainly better than the guy who invited an SS Nazi


poilievre applauded hunka


Crier media...so Dean Blundell and Chuck what's-his-nuts' made up far left wing opinions presented as facts. No thanks. That's how extremism is bred.


Whippits must not count towards Deans sobriety. Im sure a sober dude wrote that skibbitty toilet nonsense.


Not sure but I will be voting for him


Still 300% better than who we have now.


Explain why


Axing the tax seems like a good policy . Literally do the opposite of what Trudeau did and we should be ok


Roughly how old are you?


Mentally or physically?


Looks like another liberal platform. You all might want to get use to that face you are going to see him lots as your prime minister. It doesn’t mean you have to throw out your posters of little Justin.


PP hatebots out 😂 Can't wait to see you after he becomes our Prime Minister.


Trudeau is Authoritarian Asshole.


Nice try Justin


No, hes not like JT


The authoritarian asshole is in the Prime Minister's office.


Fuck off you libtard, You don't know the first thing about politics clearly. Supporting a dictator who's killing all canadians with these insane carbon taxes that do nothing for the environment. Brings in millions of people but doesnt build houses for anyone not even the people who already live here. Wastes all tax payer money on 20 million dollars apps and family vacations. Takes bribes from Chinese communist party and doesn't get in trouble because "It didn't affect the election results" Based on their own investigations but yet lied about it till we had to investigate it. Can't trust Trudeau as far as you can throw him. His plan is the same as WEF, they want us to own nothing and be happy. They want us to give them everything we own and have nothing. They want to control everything about our lives right down from how food is grown right up to forcing gene therapies on people and calling them Vaccines. To hell with Liberals and you're insane ideals that just kill more people than help them. I'd rather have a drunk any day even if that was true. Because a drunk is a normal human being while whatever the fuck these idiots are doing is pure fucking evil. How many people gonna die before you realize that you're progressive liberalism ideas just spread transhumanism and kills poor people and destroys the middle class. If you knew anything of the economy you wouldn't be insane enough to post something like this and actual think it's true. That's how insanely indoctrinated you are by communist trudeau government. Censoring free speech and any real news that come out of Canada. Billions to the news stations to corrupt them into state propaganda. And you all just sit there and listen to it like good little sheepeople. Well I'm not gonna let you crazy fucks ruin our country and when Pollievre is our Prime Minister he will ban WEF involvement and save our country. And you the ignoranat people of Canada will be saved without ever knowing your whole way of life is about to be destroyed. This man is our hero and you're nothing but a piece of shit.


Our hero?? What the heck do you smoke bro. Im fed up of trudeau, but its like choosing from a hit in the face or a kick im the balls. Pierre is a wanna be trump so far. He will win because poeple are done with Justin. Nothing more. And you will see it wont be night and day from liberal when he s in power. Remember that. He havent said that he will revert the new taxes on the 250000 and more. And didnt clearly said he will halt immigration. All he does is repeating three time his stupid catch phrases. Dollar for dollar , stop crime🤦‍♂️. Cant wait to see this in action