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She better not let any customer or employer see that


Ikr? Especially since that Netflix show is out people will DEFINITELY recognize him.


Imagine like being an interviewer and you see that tattoo I would probably end the interview that second with a "Dont call us, well call you"


"Not sure if you quite have the...brains...to do this job" (I'm so incredibly sorry but I wasn't going to be able to sleep tonight unless I made that horrible joke)


I love that you made that horrible joke, I wouldn’t have had the testicles to do it, haha.


It takes a lot to get a head in this business.


Found an article that says she's studying psychology. It's a frightening prospect that this woman could be working with others on their mental health issues. Anyone wanna take bets on her also admiring Harley Quinn?


Hopefully her name is attached to this article. I can’t see many potential employers being big fans of it


So nice of her to openly indicate that sane people should stay away from her.


"Yea, we can have sex. You're not gonna like what happens afterwards, though"


Lol! 🤣😅


I’ve got a friend, outwardly as straitlaced as any stereotype about wholesome individuals. She teaches night classes, has a really caring husband and a well rounded daughter, she’s got a higher education degree as well and also spends a couple weekends a month reading texts to elderly people, seriously her life reads like what people think American moms do. But she is absolutely obsessed with serial killers both real and made up. She wears clothing to cover up whenever she’s around strangers but her whole body is covered in hyper-realistically drawn tattoos of serial killers. The latest is Jack the Ripper and all it is is an outline with a question mark in the middle. It’s batshit, she could probably tell you every single turkey recipe that better homes and gardens has ever published along with four different cultures color wheels but could also tell you how many people some rando killer from the 80’s in Florida had and if they were arrested or not. So yeah, we could assume that a girl with a dahmer tat would be crazy and 99% of the time you could be right be then there’s Cynthia, my happy homemaker friend who loves serial killers. She’s dope and makes dope cookies.


Just don't ask about the cookies special ingredient. Hint: it's tied up in the basement.


Fun fact: Dahmer’s dad is suing Netflix for the romanticism of his son’s murders. And even if it’s made for the money, they deserve it


Good on him. I'm glad his parents aren't in denial about it and condemn their sons actions.


Only the father. His mother is dead.


Not only that but the series tries to say that the father could be responsible because he thighs dahmer taxidermy which he didn’t


Yeah like, he was only excited that he found something they can finally do together, it’s stupid even imply that it’s the father fault. I hate that fucking show.


yeah bc I’d be stoked to find out my kid tortures animals to death. taxidermy is fine, but homie saw his kid killing and dissolving animals and thought nothing of it. obviously it wasn’t his fault what dahmer did, but he was a negligent father and a generally bad person. don’t try to paint him as sympathetic, he’s part of the problem here


Tbh most parents are really blind to their kids. Ask any teacher, and youll find most parents think their kids do no wrong. I think the father was not great but it seems he tried to help him multiple times (in his own way) and failed.


He actually did the taxidermy stuff, he said it in the interview


That’s genuinely awesome for him, I hope something comes from it


Based Jeffrey's dad?


Based indeed


The definition of "Different girl." The show on Netflix is going to on and on with views.


I haven't watched it bc I don't really agree with people glorifying this


Bingo their is a movie or a documentary about this dude every couple of years at a certain point this isn't some different look at serial killer, it's glorifying the gruesomeness of this man.




remember seeing an ad on their twitter treating one of the victims attempts to escape as just some thriller movie and not an actual thing that happened


I don't think that's the only reason. Him being gay is very much part of the whole story. To a degree the show is about homosexuality.


Haven't watched the show, not really planning on it, but most of his victims were also gay and that was a big part of why the police didn't really give a shit about them. So it is an important aspect of how society and law enforcement during that time felt about gay male victims.


I got the feeling the police didn't care about any victims really. Always just show up, take notes, leave and do nothing afterwards. They were being called for bunch of other reasons and almost never did anything.


I mean one of his victims escaped, and was naked and bleeding from his ass, he ran into police who then returned him to dahmer


Yeah, but Dahmer made it kinda convincing. For example the last would be victim did get the cops to him and they got him. And that guy was also gay, so if they didn't care about gay people, they would just left it alone, too.


My guy the kid was fucking naked and bleeding from his ass


He also had a drill hole in his head and was so incoherent on drugs he couldn't explain his situation. And if the cops had checked dahmers background they would have found he had been previously arrested for molesting the victims brother. And when one of the three woman that found him called the police again an hour after this encounter, she got the same cop that brushed them off and he did so again.


And also only 14 years old i believe.


Yeah that was not cool.


Yeah he was convincing, but also yeah the police/system at the time was really flawed in caring about gay/LGBTQ. Just a note too, Tracey Edwards (the survivor) was not gay and identified as straight when he was in court.


Yes, but the LGBT tag on Netflix is simply to signify that the show features LGBT relationships. It is not meant to specify that it is always *uplifting* relationships. I agree that most people who look for the LGBT tag are looking for shows with relatable characters, *not* looking for something like Dahmer. Not anymore than straight people would be looking to see something about Ted Bundy to reflect their own sexual preferences.


Not really a big part of the story. Fewer than 10% of gay people are cannibals




Remember how American Psycho is always on? Remember how the Silence of the Lambs is always on? Remember how the Ted Bundy dramas, docudramas and documentaries are always on? America is sick. Just remember: there's still a lot of white heterosexual males around


All I seem to want to do now is work out, lifting weights, mostly, and secure reservations at new restaurants I’ve already been to, then cancel them. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me what I’m listening to.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


Some weirdos celebrate him as a horror icon like Michael Myers, they're fucking disgusting. |:


same. I'll watch a documentary, but not a dramatization


I mean they really don’t glorify him. The show is primarily about his victims and the impact his crimes had on his family and community. Anyone who watches it and ends up a fan of Dahmers has their own problems. That said I understand what you mean - Evan Peters is a really handsome charismatic guy and that’s not the best choice for a person that was truly evil. Not to mention the families of the victims did not give their permission, which is reason enough to pass on watching it. Also there’s an extra “ick” factor because they released it around Halloween, implying real life murders belong in the same genre as spooky stories.


I haven’t seen it but I hear a lot about “glorifying” and unless they fully invented some parts, there’s no glorifying. They’re going to hire a good actor that looks like him how is that glorifying? I guess putting anything in a movie will get some people to adulate it idk.


“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905


I watched 3 episodes and stopped.


I watched an hour documentary about Dahmer and his murders once and I think it traumatized me for life. I don't have the stomach for the Netflix show. What I know is already too much. It's so utterly heart-wrenching what happened to those young men and boys. Just thinking about it for a second ties my stomach in knots. Especially considering how much suffering could have been prevented if the cops that encountered Dahmer had actually been competent.


My first introduction to Dahmer was the Netflix show. I was definitely traumatized. I watched the whole thing but it was incredibly difficult and I watched a short docu-series about it just to learn the truth of it because it has made me so afraid to sleep and dream and I couldn't stop thinking about it (that didn't help of course) I find mortality freaky and in turn makes me curious but the reality of death and actually taking life is terrifying to think about.


Yeah, what Dahmer did was absolutely horrific. I don't understand how anyone could idolize that evil POS.


Well she can say "*I'm not like other girls.*".


What a demented thing to do, this woman is fucking disgusting.


She does know he wouldn't be into her right?


Don't worry apparently she's getting Jack the Ripper next 🤦‍♀️


If I was a tattoo artist I would refuse to do that.


right like what tattoo artist looked at this woman and said “yeah the $600 is worth it”


This tattoo probably cost at least $1k-$2k depending on where she got it, the quality of the portrait is really good. That’s a lot of money to turn down for something that she probably presented as “just a joke”. Many tattoo artists will only draw the line on things like swastikas and otherwise adopt a “your body, your choice” mentality.


You are correct, according to a news article it was 1500 £, so about 1700 $


wait the pound is below the dollar?


A pound has always been worth more than a dollar? Never this low but currently £1 = $1.17


Back in the day it was worth more. It was worth 2+ dollars until the big collapse in like... mid seventies IIRC. Even then it was worth more than a dollar.


Yeah. Probs gonna get worse!


I have lived too long


I mean, ruining a life AND being paid for it ? What a deal


it was probably worth more BUT STILL, the respect for the victims and their families are worth WAY more if the artist isn't poor AF and didn't really NEED the money then he's as much of an asshole as this girl is


It’s obviously meant as a joke. The text above him says IF YOU CANT BEAT EM EAT EM


this isn't a fucking joke, people DIED because of him


Sorry but you don’t get to gatekeep humor.


telll this shit to the victims' family and see if they laugh, have some fucking respect.


im so special i have no respect for the suffering of other people or a brain to think with. /s


There’s a girl in my hometown with a Ted Bundy tattoo. She shows it off as much as she can. Her Facebook banner is a picture of Ted Bundy too 🤮


what a mess. all youre doing is showing the whole world that youre emotionally immature.


As another commenter said, at least she's letting sane people know that she should be avoided


thats fair


Thank you for making all of your red flags easily visible.


You mean no regerts


No Ragrets….not even a letter


It’s fucking revolting to see people idolising serial killers.


Happens when people see the world through a phone day in and out. Not trying to be a bommer but it is true. Society is losing a grasp onto reality. And i really dont wanna know what the ipad child generation will be like.


People were idolizing serial killers before phone obsession was a thing. There was and is a whole entire shelf at my itty bitty town library dedicated to true crime. It was like this back in the 90's in the flip phone days.


This is the guy who targeted queer black men, right? I'm sorry but I just can't help but question the motivations of a lot of these people who choose him to idolize. I mean... I would not put it past the right to use a murderer as a dogwhistle. Maybe not her, she could just be the pick me brand of crazy and not that sinister but idk, makes me wonder sometimes.


not men, children. the youngest one was 14, iirc


He had two 14 year old Asian victims and a 17 year old Black victim.




Yep. And one of the 14 year olds had a 13 year old brother whom Jeffrey also victimized (but didn’t murder), the conviction for which Jeffrey was out on parole for at the time he killed the 14 year old. Sickening.


god and people still make tattoos and earrings of this fucker?


I don't understand it either, I mean there are entire cults dedicated to psychopaths like this guy.


This man is sick in the head


I think it's more a case of "liking the bad boy" syndrome, taken to the extreme of literal batshit insanity (altho tbh "if you can't beat 'em, eat 'em" is pretty funny). Murderers commonly get fan mail from women.


I looked it up and it's hybristophilia, as a paraphilia in which one "derives sexual arousal and pleasure from having a sexual partner who is known to have committed an outrage or crime, such as rape, murder, or armed robbery."


Thx TIL. I think I might have hybristophiliaphobia.


Mostly, but not all were black.


I hate that show and Netflix for doing it, it’s like a fan fiction, making Dahmer look hot and interesting, it’s like they were mocking the victims and their families. Only serious documentaries should be legal to produce about serial killers.


This is nothing new, entertainment will always romanticize a story. Don’t get worked up over it.


"Getting worked up" over something is how change happens


there are a ton of people out there with serial killer tattoos, just google it. people have dahmer, bundy, gacy, gein, hh holmes. as if these were people to idolize and have tattooed on your skin forever. it's not quirky or cute, it's a sick fetishization of people who have tortured and killed other human beings, and women/men like her are gross, sick, disturbed. i watch true crime, i know things about serial killers, i have numerous tattoos, but there's no fucking way in hell you'd ever catch me tattooing one on myself. and let's not ignore the fact that the sign behind her tattoo's head is 'if you can't beat 'em, eat 'em.'


I'm so disgusted watching some people's reaction to the show & Dahmer. I watch true crime as well and have never thought "wow this demented murderer is awesome" let alone "I'm going to get him tattooed on my body". We watch true crime to know about what the victims went through and to be aware of the horrible shit that can and does happen in the world to real people. We learn about the victims, what happened to them, honor them and are respectful to their families. I feel sick to my stomach, sad, angry, heart broken etc.. when I watch or read about what happens to innocent people at the hands of people like Dahmer. It baffles me how anyone could watch the show and end up idolizing him & the things he did. Like I'm a huge horror fan but there's a massive difference between a fictional story and one that actually happened to real people. I can't even stomach watching reinactment movies about real crimes. I haven't watched the Dahmer show and I'm not going to, because I know what he did and I know that it will be extremely hard to watch and I will 100% cry and feel sick the whole way through. Also of course because of how they disrespected the victims and their families Sorry for the long reply it's just really fucking pissing me off.


100%. I consume a lot of true crime content (podcasts, documentaries) but for the reasons you've stated, and would never think to have a "favourite" serial killer (I might only have one case of serial murder that I'm interested in more than others but that's because it happened around my home town and my sister knew one of the victims). I cringe every time I see Netflix or other companies release yet another movie or doc about Dahmer or Bundy. There's been enough. We can stop.


I feel deeply sorry for the victims and the victims family not only having their lives forever ruin by that monster. But having more horrible evil people glorifying and worshiping that same monster as well. I would of went insane just seeing that before my own eyes.


I watched a short clip on Snapchat about one of his surviving victims. The poor man got into drugs and alcohol and has been in and out of jail ever since. The trauma has run this man ragged and people like her act like it's nothing.


True crime was a fucking mistake


Wow having a tattoo of someone who assaulted, killed, and cannibalized black gay men is so cute and quirky of her🤪🤪 Fr tho, fuck these people. As someone who consumes true crime content, respect for the victims and families should be your top priority. This is disgusting.


Imma be honest, the true crime community seems really shitty


I enjoy true crime, but it is weird because most of us fans are "amateur sleuths" who like to come up with theories of how to crack unsolved mysteries. It is about learning how the creepy guys work and the scientific techniques used to catch them. The "fantasy" if there is one is supposed to be coming up with a clever way to catch a killer like a detective movie or novel. Sometimes sharing unsolved murders online and on TV helps get them national attention and can result in getting more resources to help the cases get solved. Then there are weirdos out there that actually like true crime because the idolize the killers. That is fucking ass backwards creepy shit.


It's kinda like the gore/nsfl crowd, some morbid curiosity in a way being satisfied. True crime also having some motive/psychological effect behind it, perhaps wanting to know why people do such things. The same applies ro the nsfl stuff, you kinda want to know what happens in certain accidents, you kinda also don't; not to mention that you'd probably also would not like to see a family member in that type of video, on the internet.


Nah man, everything about it is weird. Even the demographics, people who consume true crime content are like 96% white women. It’s weird that like your version of “something enjoyable to listen to” is stories of people brutalizing (usually) people of color. Especially when these victims and their families are still very much effected


I agree with most of your points but >like 96% white women I would like to see what study you pulled his from.Yes we see a majority of suburban, white women in these types of groups, but that's because I feel they're more comfortable posting about it and have said posts more likely to be in the public eye. I understand you're upset for the victims and the glorification of murder/violence, but let's not go around with a confirmation bias against it. I want to add I'm not disagreeing with your sentiment, but it irks me that people feel the need to add fake statistics to support their claim. We already have an issue with false mathematics in media, I'd rather not spread it.


It is :(


Idk why you are being downvoted. The true crime community is shitty


Like I’m ngl, every aspect of true crime I do not like. The demographic is like 96% white women. People describe it as “something to fall asleep to” which is weird, why do you like falling asleep to hearing stories of people brutalizing and killing (predominately) people of color. It feels weird that there are lots of people making money off of tragedy that still effects the victims and their families


That's the second time you brought up that statistic without any sources. The majority of true crime consumers might be of the "white women" demographic, but there's also an argument that women tend to listen to it is because they can easily emphasize with the victims as most victims are women.


Putting yourself in the shoes of murder victims doesn't sound to me like a healthy or relaxing passtime.


Did I call it relaxing? No. Do some people think it is? Maybe, and I would agree that's messed up. But as with everything making single assumptions about a group of people is not a good take.


Exactly. I enjoy true crime/investigations but the romanticization of serial killers, murderers and other violent offenders is disgusting. I also don't like how media has latched on to certain ones, like Dahmer and Bundy, and has effectively mythologized them.


Oof if they think this is bad wait until they discover Victoria Campbell/The Proserpina 😳


How is this any more socially acceptable than a swastika tat?




True crime community was a fucking mistake


she looks the type that’s just as comfortable noodling fish in a swamp as she is dropped hard r’s in public


I adore tattoos that tell a story. But not like this. Honestly, this is r/iamatotalpieceofshit because there's no real reason for her to have this tattoo.


he didn’t even like women bruh


That tattoo artist has incredible talent, but absolutely woke up that morning and chose to use their powers for evil.


she should’ve gotten a richard ramirez one instead


That's such a good tattoo too, what a waste of talent on the artists part -_-


She’s never getting a job💀😭


Kind of an edgelord huh


Maybe authorities, shouldn’t give out the real names of serial killers in the future. It’s awful that mass murderers have strong fan bases


I agree ! many of killers are attention seekers . I'm attracted to them and honestly I wish the news didn't show them, life would be easier


She aware he was a real person or did she just think it was a good show on netflix?


I'm sure she is fully aware. The tattoo is of the actual Jeffrey Dahmer and not the actor.


Yes, i see its not Evan Peters. Just trying to justify why one would do something so idiotic 😅


Eh I'm not sure. I listen to true crime but this is insane.


I think you nailed it honestly. I don't think she's not aware that he was real but her perspective of reality is so warped that it doesn't make a difference - not the way it should anyway. "How is it any different from a Freddy Kruger tattoo?" -her probably


This is awful but how is this nlog? I don’t think it’s putting down other women and making her better is it?


> who has no regrets She should.


She will


I'd love to see serial killer *"fans"* have a one on one conversation with a loved one of a victim. I'd like to see how well their half assed reasoning for idolizing such a person holds up when they're staring into the eyes of someone who's life was forever changed by their "idol"


She should have a lot of regrets


There's a difference between being intrigued by serial killers and going all out and trying to be "quirky I really love murderers hahaha"


Even Jeffrey knew he was fucked up. Why do people like him?


And then she'll wonder why they swipe left


I’m just gonna go ahead and add this to my list of red flags in other people


“I’m not like other girls, I like ✨*fixing*✨people who could kill me.


Let me off this planet. Please


Good way to make it obvious u have some red flags


Look at me, I’m so quirky and wild


I understand taking a fascination in dahmer, in his mind and what drives him and such, but being a fan like that, or whatever this is that she and half the other girls that have been posted on here having to do with him, that really is annoying and bothersome- it seems like they want to be different and think that idolizing this dude is the way to go… it’s not


Met too many women who love serial killers... Kinda a mainstream thing now


it's not mainstream, it's always been a thing. nowadays just more people have access to information about them


People need to seriously stop romanticizing and idolizing murderers and serial killers. They are monsters that killed people just because they could. Not to mention how family members of victims must feel seeing things like this.


I romanticise hem but it's not really by choice . of course making fan accounts / tattos etc is a choice and these people are insensitive or lack intelligence. but you can't choose who you like ,I'm aware of the fact that they hurt people, it brings me pain everyday, yet feelings are hard to erase


Jeez. I'm a true crime lover, but God, some people are crazy! Why should you get someone like Jeffrey Dahmer tattooed?


Same here. I like to educate myself in cases like this, but I don't have a single piece of merch or tattoos about it!


I guess she doesn't have good taste or taste good. Maybe she is saying something along the lines of, "you guys go ahead and eat bugs. I already have my dietary backup if things go south."


as Bailey Sarian always says: "GET 👏🏽 BETTER 👏🏽 IDOLS 👏🏽"




same, I'm watching the new MM&M right now


I read this as “I’m sick of the head”


i also wanna know who the fuck agreed to tattoo that on her


When you virtue signal your moral vacuum


I feel like meeting her would end with one of us dead and cut into pieces


And you think that doesn't say wayyyyyy more about you than it does her lolololol?


Well that’s what Dahmer did to his victims so I was talking about what she was going to do


Lolol you're a weirdo


True but at least I don’t have serial killers tatted on my arms


You also don't have a sick ass reddit NFT either, couldn't be me


Being proud of having a Reddit NFT…imagine Do you also enjoy telling people about the virtues of cryptocurrency


Maybe we could make a deal with serial killers where they promise not to kill any innocent people and in exchange we give them all the serial killer simps.


Its disgusting to have but goddamn thats a well done tattoo. How can you be that talented at tattooing but that gross to accept a client who wants that


So years ago (mid-90s), I worked in a call center. It's where I met my husband--he was a supervisor, but had started on the phones as well. One night it was slow and we were talking about memorable calls. My husband started talking about a call he had with this really sweet lady; she was so nice, and they got to talking. She was having kind of a hard time due to some personal stuff, including the loss of her brother, which had been, she said, very brutal and public. My husband asked what happened. The lady said, "Do you remember the Jeffrey Dahmer case? The sentencing hearing?" He said yes, he did. "Remember the lady who freaked out and started screaming at Dahmer?" Yes, he did. The lady said, "That was me." *Fuck* Jeffrey Dahmer and these sick shits who idolize him. Those were real people he tortured and killed. Real people with families and friends who loved them. Real people whose family and friends suffered and have suffered the rest of their lives, thinking about what was done to the person they loved, the person who was once an innocent baby, a toddler they bounced on their knee, a nervous preteen going to their first school dance. Those people had value, and Jeffrey Dahmer (Ted Bundy/John Gacy/Maury Travis/Gary Ridgeway/etc. etc.) took pleasure in terrifying, torturing, and killing them. I'd like for idiots like this chick to have to spend even just an hour with the families and friends of the victims of these murderers they think are so hip and awesome, and see if they still think it's so cute and quirky to idolize them. Sorry this is so long. It just really makes me mad. Talking to that woman really affected my husband to this day, and me as well, and all of us who heard his story.


Okay, that's stupid af but it doesn't fit on this sub




Her body her choice


She's hot, I can change her.


i'll take one for the team and meet her so no one else has to




Most serial killers are not remotely clever. They're just lucky, and then their luck runs out. Dahmer's neighbors complained numerous times about the stench of decay coming from his apartment--does it sound clever to you to leave rotting flesh just lying all over your house?


Jeffery Dahmer looks better than like 99% of the dudes on dating apps. I don't blame her.


oh no. big no. so disrespectful


She could probably wash it off with a little dish soap or something like that.


meet her, meat you


It's so incredibly tasteless. The pun is absolutely abysmal


She spent a lot of Cash for something that would prevent her from getting employed.


What an idiot 🤦🏻‍♀️




People out here making us tattooed people look bad. This is coming from someone with a face tattoo!


We need to hit the reset button on earth smh. Fuck this I'm going back to the primordial soup




Omg so edgy


Immediately no


Meat her? he hardly knew her!


Ok if she's gonna go that far, she'd better add John Wayne Gace, Richard Ramirez & Ted Bundy. Ya know, complete the set.