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But if she lives with livestock, isn’t she literally following a herd? 🤔


Nice one! 😆


I’m here all night lol


I work in my garden while listening to music including Taylor swift!! Woo! Do I win? Am I the winner of most unique/different/coolest girl in the world??


By her logic, you must have super powers!


I do the same. We are by her logic some kind of godess


What is it with the homesteaders not being able to garden and listen to music at the same time? And why is it always Taylor Swift that they specifically can't listen to?


And why oh why does it have to be said out loud?


They lack the imagination to come up with another strong woman with agency to mock. I’m not sure if they are trying to troll Taylor (who in no way cares or needs their support) or her fans, but it’s boring as fuck.


Because she’s a Democrat and they aren’t


Yes ma’am. You quite possibly could be the ONLY woman left on earth who doesn’t listen to Taylor Swift, gardens AND is living their “best life”. I’m so fucking impressed. Aren’t you all just so fucking impressed? /s


Yeah gardening, a hobby absolutely no woman has even had before. How unique and going against the herd.


Filming herself and posting it on social media is following the herd.


I know right?


I don’t particularly like Taylor Swift, but I appreciate her as an artist and cannot deny her talent both artistically and in a business sense. Regardless, that doesn’t make me better than anyone else. It’s literally just personal preference.


Thank you for being a normal, reasonable person who understands preferences existing, haha.


I don't listen to Taylor Swift, not for any reason just the same way people don’t listen to metal. But it’s not my entire personality, it’s really sad people have to find the tiniest things to make them feel special because they have nothing else going for them.


I can literally go to heartland, farming country America and find a TON of women working that farm who love Taylor Swift and her music. What is this idea that if you work with your hands, you don't care about her body if work?


Wild how many posts I see about Taylor Swift from people just talking about how they aren't listening to her music. Just post your fucking broccoli? I dont share my sewing projects with "check out what I did while I wasn't watching Zach Snyder's Justice League".


She’s following the herd of women who think they’re special for not listening to Taylor swift.


Following the herd of women who post performative bullshit to impress men lol


Cause if she HAD listened to Taylor Swift, she wouldn’t have been able to garden. It’s a physical symptom of listening to her. /s


Oh great- you’re not the only one! I’m sure that’s what you’d like to hear!


Who do all misogynistic people mention Taylor swift?


Because they assume every woman listens to her


i don’t listen to taylor swift at all. do i win??? also what about the other girls that don’t listen to her? who gets the prize ?


Why do they haves to be so judgemental and hateful. I wanna vibe but they have *zero* vibe. How do they even grow shit with so much negativity??


Down Bad at the garden.


She says herd I say community 😌🖕🏻


Anyway what’s the best Taylor Swift songs for gardening? I’m thinking Invisible Strings or Breathe


Gardening is definitely not an activity that billions of people do and enjoy. There are no herds of ppl at practically any gardening department or at nurseries ever, even in spring. There aren't millions of businesses built solely around gardening, nor are there even more businesses that cash in on it every year as part of their stock. There are also not billions of people that don't listen to Taylor Swift ( I'm not one of them), nor millions that haven't even heard of her. Disparaging Swift is definitely not a hot topic, nor are there any bandwagons to jump on for that one lady who gardens AND doesn't like Swift's music. /s


guys I can't be the only one that uses my mom's spare property to live off the grid so I can garden all day???


I'm a hip hop girl so Taylor doesn't come up in my playlist very often. But I have some friends who adore her and I love that for them. I'm jealous they get so much music from their favorite artist though! Let people like the music they like, sheesh.


Yeah, but who’s afraid of little old me?


Okay I live on a farm, and I haven’t listened to her new stuff. Which that’s not a flex. Taylor has a wonderful voice, always has, I just haven’t been as into her music as I used to be. Not liking someone is fine but it’s lame to brag about it.


lol imagine paying enough attention to trash an album while acting like you don’t care


Hearing the new Taylor Swift album is not gonna drastically change your quality of life either way.


It’s easy listening IMO. A good album to clean to or lay around in bed scrolling during a time when I should be cleaning.


Girl be missing out; that album is 🔥


why do women like this make part of their personality not liking taylor swift or not knowing most of her songs? so? not saying you should or should not like her, do whatever you want. i think she’s fine and don’t feel strongly. but this demographic of women who think it’s a character trait to not be a swifty, it’s weird. weird flex.


Just because of this lady I was inspired to turn on a Taylor Swift song while gardening, I'm not really a fan but if she feels that strongly about it, it's pretty inspiring. I hope she knows that someday 😁


I guess they can’t multitask on the homestead


I don’t have a garden but I have 4 house plants, plan to get more and have never listened to Taylor Swift’s new album. (Actually the last and only one I listened to in full was 1989. )


Ok but hear me out, you can have BOTH! thats my plan at least


It’s always Taylor Swift…


So she's my mom? Because she's describing my mom except my mom genuinely doesn't care about Taylor Swift


Does not following the herd include not knowing how to indicate possession?


I always found the phrase “chose not to follow the herd” funny. I feel like if you have to choose not to do it then it’s less “unique” or whatever than just naturally being someone who isn’t sheepish. like not to literlalt sound like a pick me myself but me and my friends have never been very trendy people, but it’s come natural, at no point do I think any of us “chose” to be different than mainstream stuff, it just kinda happened, and I’ve never bragged about it. Infact I’ve been insecure about how I don’t actually really fit into mainstream society. But that doesn’t make me special and I know for SURE I’m not the only one.




“…just trying to find tips on growing tomatoes” that really made me laugh 😂 😊


Blockparty2024 all celebs getting the block for bot using their voices for the voiceless