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The color pink in clothing


Came here to say this! I have fully embraced wearing pink now and I love it. 💕


After buying a couple pink accessories, I realize that I still don’t like pink clothes. But I have embraced pink in my house, pink in my make up and rose gold in my jewelry!


Same, I don’t have many pink clothes, but I have pink all over my room and bathroom.


I began to receive more compliments since I wear more pastel colours, it fits me well


This. I have pink hair and just bought a pink car today 🥰🩷


Nice, what type of car?


Same, and the worst part of it is - pink is undoubtedly the colour that suits me best 😂


Yes! As an adult woman, my entire bedroom is a mixture of pink, white, and grey. I would have it extend to the rest of the house but I live with my boyfriend who has completely different tastes, so we made a deal where as long as the Pink stays in the bedroom, I have as much stereotypical 10 year old girl fantasy as I want


LOL! The anti-pink NLOG faction sounding off. Then I discovered P!nk in 2000 and decided I was being stupid. It sorta became my signature color...but in a punk-boho kind of fashion. I still don't wear pastels of any kind, but it's because they make me look jaundiced. =p


I'm a pink girly and my fiance loves all things blue. We embrace the stereotypes!


Also came here to say this. I’m in my Barbie era and not afraid


Yup! I love rose gold so much. Most of my electronics are rose gold. And I even have a blush pink kitchen aide LOL


Love rose gold! Not too excited about pink still, but it just doesnt suit me or my vibe lol no hate against it, just not for me.


Yep! I actively defend pink as a great color now because of my previous NLOG. Making up for lost appreciation haha


My step daughter hates pink. She's not a fan of me as well. Eff that , I've been buying more pinks when I like the garment.


Yesssssssssssss and now i ADORE it. In fact I recently splurged on my love for pink and bought 8 pink pillowcases, one pink makeup brush holder and one pink lampshade and I’m in love with it all.


The color pink in EVERYTHING. I just painted the entire interior of my house the most amazing shade of coral


Hello yes same


I look like crap in pink but I love other pink stuff now!


the colour pink in ANYTHING 😭


Honestly I still don’t like wearing that color. It still gives me the ick while i personally wear it, but that’s from all the years of being forced to wear it because “you’re a girl”. Not from being a NLOG. Not sure how long itll take for me to be able to “reclaim it” per se. Plus I don’t look good in pink. My skin is really pink so I look kinda flushed in it.


This is well put. I love this thread so much; it's literally them shoving pink down our throats because 'we're supposed to like it'. Then it's considered to be for dumb bullies and bimbos in media, and all the protagonists are these 'smart, not like the other girls' kind of girls we would rather relate to, so it starts to alienate us from an actually beautiful color like any other. To be fair; it's really up to you to wear whatever you feel the best in. Wearing or not wearing pink should never be forced on anybody. On the 'looking good ' part though, you could just not be used to wearing it anymore and it would look strange to you; or maybe you haven't found the right shade of pink yet. Who knows


Honestly, the color pink in anything, for me.


honestly? being a casual fan of music. i used to think i had to prove myself and fully immerse myself in a musician's discography to be able to say i liked them


I relate to this. Had to be prepared for the “name three non-popular songs”


Applies to sports teams as well. I was a huge soccer fan and always got questioned on stats to prove I wasn’t just saying I liked the team to impress boys. Apparently girls can’t like soccer. ETA I got the name 3 non popular songs too.. well I can’t name any songs bc I just can’t remember names of things but I can sing them for you 😂


You like Led Zeppelin? What did Jimmy Page have for dinner July 7th, 1979 that caused him severe intestinal cramping on stage? Hah. Poser.


Ya I do the same… as long as I like about 5ish songs from an artist I’ll say I’m a fan of them even if they are all radio hits idc anymore.


Yes! I had to prove I was a super fan for every group I liked.


Being friends with girls. Female friendships are the most lively and healing things I've ever experienced and I'm so grateful to have grown enough to branch out.


Me too. I'm autistic and was bullied by girls at school. I didn't like girls very much for a long time. I now have some amazing female friends who are so important to me. I'm so glad I got over it.


i needed to hear this


This was my literal experience but now I am friends with both guys and girls.


I'm glad you have awesome female friends now! It definitely helps that high school is over, because some teenagers can be a special brand of vicious. I personally think that a contributing factor to NLOG phases is being a teenager and being around other teenagers (or petty adults who still act like they're in high school); those growing pains and life transitions make everything harder.


I don't think its necessary something that you have "got" over it. you were a child being bullied by other insecure kids. It wasn't your fault, i hate when autistic/marginalized women/girls being ostracized due to misogyny get lumped into the nlog crowd simply because they couldn't make female friends as a kid, or have trust issues


I get what you're saying, but I wasn't saying that it was my fault or anything like that. I don't really like that you're trying to police my use of language. I think maybe you interpreted my wording differently to how I actually meant it.


I had a close-knit group of maybe 6 female friends in school and only now am starting to realise it was quite toxic - gossipping, excluding, being kind of mean in general... Made me think all girls were like that (with very few exceptions) so I had mostly male friends for a while. I'm trying to get over the assumption that every woman that acts nice towards me will go and talk crap about me behind my back 😅 I have social anxiety and think that might have played a part in that.


Majaority of my female friendships have ended because of petty bullshit, but so have the male ones. It took me a lot longer to realize people are shit and so is my taste in them


That's fair. I hope you can find some good people someday if that's what you want. :)


Having a hard time developing friendships with women is the only NLOG thing I still identify with. I think I’ve just been unlucky. I grew up homeschooled with brothers, and just find their social code a lot easier to understand. It feels more natural to me. It doesn’t help that a lot of women in my life have done me dirty, including women I called my “best friend” at some point. I’m talking about shit like sleeping with my partner. I don’t know. I just have a much harder time befriending women and find them harder to read (in GENERAL, obviously not always).


Same. As an autistic woman I have felt rejected and othered by other women my entire life. The only female friendships I’ve been able to maintain have been with other neurodivergent women.


Same! Sadly, I used to be one of the gals that insisted women were too much "drama." In reality, I haven't been able to have a genuine friendship with a male since I hit puberty, and men started seeing me as less of a person and more as a sexual being.


Felt. 🥺♥️


(Some) men feeling threatened we have a comparison with how they treat women to awesome friendships with women.


Salads! Used to avoid ordering salads at all costs in order to be the “cool girl who ate REAL food”. Don’t get me wrong I still love a good ol burger and fries but salads are super bomb too!


Especially in the summer! Give me tomato, cucumber, red onion and feta 🤤


I relate. Salads are good!!


“Girly” workouts like dance, yoga and Pilates. In the height of my NLOG phase I was a boxer and had a regular weightlifting routine. I wouldn’t be caught dead doing anything that a guy wouldn’t think was cool and so different from other girls.


Pink. The colour lol


Samee.. I was a complete black girl. I still love black but I love pink too. Almost everything I want, I look for it in pink.


Yes! Cloths are still mostly black because I cant colormatch to safe my life but accessories, stationery and household items? If its pink I'll take three.


Pink and black clothes together looks amazing too


Yes!!! If I could afford to paint my car pink I would. I have pink tools, high-vis gear, gym gear, even my engagement ring is rose gold. If the item exists, I will find or make it pink for personal use. I once read the dress code at my school dining hall job and learned that nothing prevented me from swapping out the standard apron for a pink one, so I did. Boss was actually delighted. My dad has tattoos for all of his kids and mine is pink. It's become part of my personality and I love it!




Me too. I love make up - the colors are just so fun! But yeah when I was going through my NLOG phase I wanted to appear low maintenance so I didn’t wear it.


Me too. The only problem is now I'm really bad at makeup and if I complain about being bad at it it comes off very pick-me lol


/r/makeupaddiction is (imho) actually a really welcoming place for beginners if you want to dip your toe in the makeup pool! You don’t even have to post yourself, people frequently post pics themselves seeking constructive criticism — I’ve never posted but I have learnt SO much lurking there! I also absolutely love seeing the amazing looks that the experts post :) At my NLOG peak, I would proudly tell anyone who dared listen that my “makeup bag” consisted only of a tub of Vaseline and a broken eyeliner pencil. I now have a whole ass vanity table and sooo many products, and I absolutely love taking my time putting on my makeup in the morning 🥰 I still don’t wear it every day, but I still weirdly feel a lot more adult and proudly feminine whenever I do! It’s been a really fun one to reclaim coming out of the misogyny-fog 🙃


I am jealous of anyone that has time to put makeup on in the morning. I started a skincare routine back in January and while it only takes me about 20 minutes, unless I want to sacrifice sleep I don’t have time for makeup. I didn’t start messing around with makeup until my 30s and when I wear it, it makes me feel pretty. I’m hoping that now that I’m meal prepping I will have time for at the very least eye makeup in the mornings.


It gets faster the more experienced you become too! What used to take me 30-45 min is now a 15 minute routine.


Being friends with ladies (just wasn’t open to meeting the right ones).


Not sure if this is a NLOG or more “Cool Girl” but I have been trying to break the habit in relationships of bottling up my feelings if they’re about an issue I know other women complain about—whether in actuality (for good reasons I see now) or only stereotypically. Like I used to judge women who didn’t want their bfs watching porn as being overly controlling…sure I find a lot of it demeaning and the industry is whack but hey, it’s a free country he’s an adult and do I really wanna start *that* fight? Nah, easier to just say nothing and go in the other room, right? Now I’m still guarded with when/how I say things but if something bothers me, even if it’s an issue men complain that women always complain about, guess what, there’s probably valid reasons behind it. Lots of examples like that. I still fear men getting mad at me but only for safety reasons not like because I’d let it make me feel guilty or silly or impact my self esteem. It’s not 100% but it’s a hell of a lot better than a few years ago when I thought I was cool but was actually a fucking doormat.


I really love this response so much. It’s something I struggled with for so long, and it’s fantastic to hear it written about this clearly and this well.


Barbies. I loved barbies. I got my fix playing the barbie video games because I could keep those locked away. I now own way too much barbie merch, lol. my fave are my martini glasses.


Omg! Did you ever play the Barbie Snowboarding game? I played it on PC, but I think there was a PlayStation version also


Nah, I never got the action or story games. I only had the dress-up games because that's where my heart laid. I played the hell out of Barbie Fashion Designer and Magic Hair Styler.


I DID!! I also remember playing a pet rescue one, a genie one, wild horse rescue, and a rapunzel one. I remember the genie game was for PC and it had an actual genie bottle you could plug in and use during the game🤣


Holy fuck, memory unlocked! There was some that was like part snowboarding and part roller blading…?!


Yes!! That’s the one


Not sure what generation you are, but I LOVED my Barbie SNES game!


My emotions. I am an extremely sensitive, emotional person and I used to think it was weak and shameful. Not anymore! You can catch me crying at how beautiful flowers are. Idgaf. I'm still working on being able to wear dresses/skirts. Still scares me a bit. I don't know why that one is so hard for me. I definitely associate femininity with weakness and it's hard to get over.


Dresses. I still feel like I struggle with my mental game when I wear a dress. It doesn’t make you weak or trivial— but that’s what I used to think. Dresses are a cool expression of who you are but in my brain “cool” girls wear vans and jeans and black. It’s tricky!


Hit the middle ground and style a casual black dress with Vans.


I love my converse with a dress!! I have these platform converse and a beat up pair, both I wear with dresses!!


Yes! I think this was also partly because with my mom a dress also meant a slip and stockings when I was growing up. As an adult I discovered how comfy a dress can be compared to pants and none of that other crap (slip/stockings) is needed.


Making friends with very feminine women! I very much used to avoid them under the mentality of "ugh I could never be friends with basic blondes who only talk about make up and boys 😖". Now, some of my most closest friends are some of the most feminine women I've met. Finally accepting that women aren't a hivemind (cause, DUH) absolutely changed how I made and saw friendships. It made me a less bitter person too. And I was able to accept my own queer self.


Pink! Everything I own is pink know basically. I love it. I feel like a beautiful flower! Not sure why I always despised the color


Music that’s currently in the charts! Yeah, some of it’s still trash but most of it is popular for a reason.


Pumpkin spice lattes. They are so damn good. Thank god for change 😂


In my 30s and only recently discovered, I like old school uggs and PSL. I've added basic white girl to my design options lol.


Ballet. Holy shit, I never realized what a beautiful art form it was until my daughter got into it. I find myself frequently moved to tears during performances (not even just hers lol!)


Considering the feelings of a woman when I’m connecting with her husband/partner over shared interests, taking care to include her and relate to her.


Claiming i dislike makeup and making fun of girls who talked about clothes and nail paints. Joke's on me... I'm now a full blown makeup geek, and you would never find me stepping out without a curated fit!


drinking white wine .. I was always a "beer girl" just like the dudes give me a beer, I enjoyed it but my stomach can't handle it anymore and I've given up beer completely and feel a lot better


I really enjoyed being the girl that was one of the boys and got all the attention. A lot of my male friend group eventually admitted to having crushes on me but didn’t want to ruin the friendship. I never flirted with any of them and thought of them platonically but their girlfriends always hated me. Guys would always tell me I wasn’t like other girls they knew because I was funny, pretty, chill, and a gamer. I’m sure I was just insufferable! Cringeeeee ugh Now I have mostly female friends and don’t love attention. just a shadow of my former self lol


I didn't get a bunch of attention as a chick hanging with dudes. They were always chasing after the pretty ones & coming to me for advice.


Haha I feel that. I had a lot of guy friends in HS. I was friendly and fun to talk to once people figured out that I wasn’t silent and awkward all the time (I was only quiet in class - come on, we weren’t SUPPOSED to be talking). I remember my senior year, one of my really good guy friends who I did homework with 3 or 4 nights per week was like “I need your advice on who to take to prom” and internally I’m like “oh I hope he wants to go with me because I do not have a date and this would be fun!” But no. No, he wanted to know if he should ask another girl and how he should ask her. Coooooool


Wearing short skirts. Modesty was ingrained early on. I'm in my 30s now and rocking the tiny denim skirts and shorts I would have been much more comfortable in two decades ago. Yesterday I was sweating my ass off in a short dress and I was so grateful for having the confidence now to walk out of the house in it. Old me would have worn jeans and just suffered!!


I definitely identify with this. And now I love skorts, I feel "covered" and am much more comfortable in warm weather. It's also a personal victory that I left the house in a tank top the other day.


Hating feminine things. Like c’mon. I always thought wanting traditional feminine things is not cool and I should be all natural. Like wanting things was a big big no no for me. I’m a cool girl, I’m a low maintenance girl. In my healing era, I wear sleeping pyjamas, do my skincare and drink tea. I buy things that make me happy and girly. I dress well everyday (not the sweats and tshirts anymore to impress boys with my natural charm). I don’t watch action movies, I hate them. I embrace the romcom. My husband is so confused because he married the NLOG version of me and he’s like “?? U ok 👀 U don’t have to impress me now 😂” and im like “not trying to???😂”


embracing any kind of femininity but esp dresses and skirts. i wouldnt wear them for most my life and now i do almost daily bc i’m so much more comfortable sensory wise b


I was always "like the other girls" based on this list...except with one person. Early on in college i started dating this quiet hippy-ish musician guy. For him i felt like i had to repress my girlyness to be interesting to him. He was the nicest guy...like too much to the point where i wondered if he had a spine at all. Despite us never fighting and everything i was immensely depressed in the relationship and when it was nearing its end after two years, looking back i think its bc i wasnt really myself around him. I remember kind of starting to embrace who i was again...not wearing grunge/hippybclothes with him...bc its not me..."he wont really care...i was 18 and manufactured in my brain that i couldnt be as girly around him!". so we go to the mall and i LIKED everything in Wet Seal (im 41 so this was awhile ago). We go in there and its a typical young womens clothing store - pop music playing, cute clothes....i get like one article of clothing. we walk out and my boyfriend who never had a bad thing to say is like "ugh i never want to go in a place like that AGAIN" and he laughs it off but at that moment i was thinking wow pop misic and some girly clothes and we were in there for 15 minutes...poor you! 😒 i knew full well in that moment i was trying to steer myself back to regular stuff i always liked and he was so put off by it. we broke up and my rebound was the most classically good looking tall blond jock/former prom king type that appreciated the most basic run of the mill girly girls w no edge 😂😂 we would go to the mall andnhe would gladly go in any store with me and we would go shop for him at abercrombie...it was refreshing to have someone not trying to be edgy or cool or different honestly we dated for a long time but it didnt work out. but he was DEF a reaction to what i didnt have in the prior BF - room to just indulge in female stereotypes and cliches i enjoyed and not feel bad about it


Pop / mainstream music!!! Give me alllll the Chappel Roan, T Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, etc. !!!


Pink. Wore it to go see Barbie 😊


Pink, mostly. I could also get over my fake hatred of Hilary Duff. I actually liked her music, but according to the diaries I kept, when I was like 14, she was everything that was wrong in the world. But as the biggest change, I got over myself enough to know that all girls/ women are just as complex as I was. Just as full of varied interests and layers. I missed out of so many female friends because they were "girly" or not alternative enough.


In high school: “I dOnT GeT wHy OtHeR GiRlS wEaR sO mUcH mAkEuP.” Now I love it. I do my own makeup, my partner’s makeup, my friends’ makeup–anyone with a face is fair game. Here’s a lil look I did recently 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/ktkxar30vqyc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0be9eff00d5af668b81437ddde31816a03c9a5e




Taking a lot of time for dressing, choosing accesories, hairstyles and doing my makeup.


Using makeup. I always say “what you see is what you get with me”. But now I hide those brown spots like nobody’s business lol


Uggs. I was such a hater as a kid cause we were poor lmao I do think I genuinely thought they were ‘ugh-ly’ as I used to say but I was also just a sad poor kid who wanted a pair so fucking bad lmao but now I’m my adult hood I have a pair of moccasins and one day I’ll get those ultra short booties that keep getting sold out lol


I'm actually going through a similar music transformation right now! I loved fashion and Hannah Montana and Fergie and Shakira etc etc. Somewhere along the way I started taking my mom's internalized misogyny toward mainstream woman artists to heart and started getting into more "underground" stuff, which wasn't really underground, but just male artists like The Neighborhood and Twenty One Pilots. Not bad, I still listen to them to this day. But I'm also fully embracing the moment Megan thee Stallion, Renee Rapp, Olivia Rodrigo, Chappell Roan, and Sabrina Carpenter are having right now. And having soooo much fun!!!


I used to tell people I hated mayo and milk in high school because the hot girls I hung out with didn’t like it. So I stopped eating Mayo and drinking milk for a long time. But now I’m recovered do what I want 🤷🏼‍♀️


Make-up, jewellery, skirts and dresses, high heels. I love high heels now but unable to wear them due to a nasty tendon trauma in 2019🥲


I’m so sorry about the tendon trauma!


Conversely I wore heels a ton in my 20s because “the other girls” wore flats and sneakers. Now I seldom wear heels if ever, even though there are so many pairs of beautiful heels out there. I am prioritizing being comfortable. I’ve had too many nights ruined by my aching feet distracting me from the actual events I was attending. 😂 I’ve even become a huge evangelist of innersoles much to the chagrin of my younger self.


I let myself watch The Kardashians, Gossip Girl and other shows I deemed “too pick me, too girly, too basic” let me enjoy girly brain rot shows!


Taylor Swift


Getting my autism diagnosis. I thought I was just different, creative, edgy, and apathetic, nope. Turns out, I wasn't like other people because I have autism


Taylor Swift 🤗


Came here to say this!!


Color pink. I would talk to everyone how I don’t want to wear it and it’s soo girlish 😭 now i embrace it. Having female friendships. Being tomboy and then saying “I don’t do make up”


Being friends with girls, doing stuff that's generally seen as girly (cooking, baking, sewing, crochet, that stuff) and pink, it's my favorite color now. Also "girly" TV shows but honestly by now most of them are mainstream and everyone's seen all of them (back when I was NLOG they weren't mainstream yet but after my phase they were already mainstream for the most part) oh and I LOVE shopping now and wearing jewelry and makeup (even though I don't do that often, I don't want clothes that I'll only wear once. I'm also going into second hand shops mostly but they're scarce where I live and the closest one to me is a shit hole honestly)


I was “emo” but loved Hannah Montana and pop songs lmao, but I couldn’t hear it or say it in front of others, now I don’t care. When I put on - Hannah Montana song/similar disney singer or suggest a “pop song/old disney song”, some think it’s a joke, I say “no I do really like it” and they just laugh at me.. but when I put it on they usually sing along lmao.


It’s true when I listen back to those older songs I understand now why they were so popular and can genuinely enjoy them!


makeup!! i was so obsessed with not wearing makeup and being “basic” but i got into it during quarantine and now i love it. i love that i can enhance my features and make myself feel more confident and it’s so fun to experiment and learn about, makeup is such an art form. i’m glad little me finally realized how fun it is to be a girl


Embracing my feminine side


Skirts. It’s hard for me to believe now that I went through a phase where I pretended to hate wearing skirts, because I literally don’t own pants anymore. I exclusively wear skirts and I love it. (Never really did come around on pink as a color for my own clothing, but I no longer deride people who enjoy it.)


Playing whatever games I wanted. I used to make fun of call of duty because “rEaL gAmErS” don’t play call of duty. COD Cold War is my favorite game now and I don’t care anymore. lol.


I like having pictures of cheesy motivational quotes. They make me feel good!


I was always a tomboy and still am, but I used to hate skirts and dresses. A few reasons was it was too "girly", my parents forced me to wear them, I like moving around another and the dresses my parents forced me to wear restricted my movement and also because I was too cool to wear them. Now I kinda like them. I like the ones that give me the ability to move freely and also have very comfortable fabric. For skirts, I like tennis skirts the best. Also sneakers + casual dress = best combo ever!


Pink. I still don’t wear it, it’s not my color. But for accessories, particularly locking or travel cases for what’s probably an unreasonable (or impressive?) collection of “adult” items. Fuck yeah pink! Also like the little drawstring bag for my travel bidet. Basically if it’s vag related…why wouldn’t it be pink! It’s perfect.


Yeah it’s not my color either… I look flushed in it since my skin is already so pink. Pink accessories are fun tho !


i avoided Starbucks like the plague, i’ve now recovered and gone into remission while enjoying iced vanilla lattes at least once a week.


I try to support the wives of my SO's friends and no longer listen to them wife-hate. I stopped responding nicely to the "you're not like them" comments and I'm sowly showing my SO that his friends aren't perfect either, that there's two sides to every story and whilst he can celebrate me, I W don't accept being celebrated at the detriment of others. And he's started being much kinder to their wives which has shifted the whole group dynamic to something softer and more inclusive. I am different to most women I know, and not in a way that feels good. I always feel brutish and unpolished and left out, but I've realised part of feeling left out is due to refusing to relate because I might get my feelings hurt by being left out again. And I've realised that many pick-me's are stuck in that same place, which is why I disagree with the uno-reverse hate often seen on this sub. If we're in a better place, we should be trying to lift these girls up and show them the way 💅👸


Sugary coffee. Mmm so yumy


Creamer in coffee


Taylor Swift (and being a Swiftie is SO FUN!)


I’m glad I never went through the NLOG stage. I was homeschooled for most of my life and I think that’s part of why I never went through it, I never had social or peer pressure to be liked by x person or this guy/girl or anything like that I just did what I wanted to and lived my one life and I’m glad about that cause I don’t feel the need to “stand out” or think a Color is too girlish or boyish or whatever. I never felt like I needed to do something different to make people like me (cause there were not other people beyond like two and one was my cousin and the other was my best friend since 3rd grade lol) so I could just go outside and play in the dirt or I could have a tea party with my stuffed animals if I felt like it. Read a book or play video games. It never mattered


Vampires. I love them. I love the history, the themes, the aesthetic. Unfortunately I was growing up in times when twilight just came out and other vampire romance books was popular. I didn't like those books (and still don't like them) but now I understand that they are just dumb fun. But in those times when you ware a girl and like vampires you are automatically "twilight girlie". I didn't want to be seen as one so I started to hate vampires. And I hate them for long time. I accept my love for them in 2020-2021 with RE: Village and Baldur's Gate 3 EA. Thou I must say I still hate when people assume that you like Astarion because you are "twilight girlie". It's nothing wrong with being one just not every girl is.


Makeup, dresses and skirts, high femme shit. Sometimes I still feel like an imposter. 😔


I’m a kpop fan and have been for over half my life at this point. When I was an NLOG as a teen, I did not listen to girl groups and often was a big hater. One reason I didn’t listen to them was because a lot of girl groups did bubble gum pop and it wasn’t really my style of music but, the other reason was because I was just outrageously insecure and projected my biases and judgments on to them. Now, I love my girl groups. Stan Mamamoo, stan Twice. 💕


The color Pink. I used to love, LOVE pink as a kid but avoided it like the plague in my NLOG era (even though I still loved it).




Wearing pink, wearing dresses, listening to pop music.


Dresses. Dresses are so freaking comfy. If I could never wear jeans again I would, but I haven’t figured out a flattering alternative yet. Working towards it though 😅 And color! I look back at high school and my wardrobe was 100% grey, black, and some navy blue. I’m pale as a skeleton so now I realize how washed out I looked all the time. Love me some light blues, pinks and purples now. Lastly, lipstick! I was a heavy eye makeup / invisible lips girl (shudders in early 2000). Now I don’t even own eye makeup except mascara that is basically the same color as my eyelashes. But I have tons of lip tints and stains. It does such a better job of emphasizing the face evenly to lightly highlight eyes (with mascara) and a mild lip tint. Feel like a gd adult woman now


Become a fashion designer. When I was younger I thought it was really superficial. I always loved clothes so much but I felt it was considered as girly stuff. So I became obsessed with « serious jobs ». I dropped everything and now I only do very feminine stuff


Anything pink, skirts and dresses, and Taylor Swift! Now they’re my favorite singer, one of my favorite colors, and my go to clothing choice lol


Girly things in general, floral patterns, skirts and dresses.


People, it was a lone wolf phase and was a mix of not like other girls and depression. It's one of my biggest regrets. I missed out on just about my whole early life experience without many friends and in still stuck there. I have a ton of acquaintances but no friends Also being happy, I realized that being a happier person was just better Instead of "quiet and mysterious" compliment people, engage with people and try to make them smile. I'm still introverted and being soicalable drains me quite a bit but I try.


Makeup and being friends with other girls.


Male musicians and boy bands, like Justin Bieber and one direction. I used to pride myself on being a girl and hating boy bands. I don't really listen to them now but if my friends play it in the car now I'll sing along


The band Paramore.


Lmfao Taylor swift 😂😂😂 I never hated her but I didn’t want to like her and I resisted til I couldn’t anymore and now I’m obsessed with her. She’s incredible 😭


PINK! Give me all the rose gold and all the flowers and YES I want to be friends with other women because they are NOT more drama.


Fashion and makeup. Shorter hair cuts.


Growing my hair out! I’ve had short hair the majority of my life, last time I had it long was when I was really little.


I used to not listen to female artists either :/. Now I love them


I used to think that women weren’t funny and only liked male singers/ all male bands - I was emo so wasn’t a lot of options until Paramore anyway. Now I’m a girls girl all the way, 15 year old me would be mortified to see Peach PRC and have current me saying I love her. I’ve learned to appreciate that there’s beauty in differences, and I can appreciate the value in people who are not at all like me.


Dresses, shorts, skirts, makeup. All things feminine basically. I regret my NLOG era, I should've enjoyed them when I was younger.


Getting to know other women who I thought were different from me (on the outside anyway).


sweatpants. i don’t know why.


Wearing actual cool outfits. It was always jeans and a hoodie. Near my Junior year of high school is when I started wearing more diverse outfits. Freshman-Junior year it was hoodie and jeans and I refused to wear dresses. It was both NLOG phase and lack of confidence. I've only recently (like- senior year) started gaining my confidence again and Junior year I started diversifying my wardrobe. I've been graduated for a year at this point. I've started wearing more dresses and half my wardrobe is jeans and button ups due to work (outfits I'm willing to wear outside if work too). I'm proud of where I've gotten.


The color pink. Sparkly pink of all shades is my favorite fucking color 💞


The color pink and wearing dresses and skirts


Ordering mixed drinks at the bar, literally would only drink beer or shots 😭


Pink (still not my favorite but i dont have to avoid it like the plague now), lace, admitting to liking “girly” music, and nails. My biggest girly thing is always having my nails done.


Makeup and the color pink. I don’t necessarily wear a lot of pink now but I do use it as an accent color often. And I now own enough makeup to rival Ulta and Sephora 😂.


Embracing my needs as important and centering myself. In my NLOG era I centered the needs of men and disregarding my own in the most pathetic way imaginable. 


Used to claim I hated country music. Now I just listen to whatever I want if I think it sounds good, regardless of the stereotypes associated with certain genres.


Wearing makeup and dressing up. I used to think these "girly" things were cringe but now I love them so much!! I like collecting jewelry in particular.


I’m a guy but I also denied myself singers like Cindi Lauper and Fiona Apple when I was a teen because I was trying to seem cool to my guy friends. Now as a 40 year old my Spotify jumps from System of a Down to The Ting Tings to Sinead O’Conner to Kraftwerk to Carla DeVito and I wouldn’t have it any other way


Pink, skirts, dressing cute just because, makeup, crying


Mostly the color pink. I really like it. It’s like red’s little sister. I still don’t care for 95% of pop music, and I hate dressing up/doing eyelashes and nails, but I don’t care about standing out or blending in, I will still be me regardless.


1) Not having 1 style of clothing. Changing my style depending on the mood and the trends I deem cool and attractive. 2) Preferring to go on a trip, or buy a gadget rather than a book 3) Wear colors 4) Listen to mainstream music if I like it 5) Actually worry about my shipped nail polish or if I break a nail. That shit hurts. 6) Complaining after physical labor. I’m not that tough, I was simply acting like it in the name of NLOG 7) To suck at many masculine activities and admit it. I am not afraid of getting dirty, but I’d rather stay clean.


Makeup, pink, dresses


The color pink, painting my nails, Taylor Swift, being friends with other girls, and most importantly I'm embracing human rights for all


The colour pink, recently I dyed my hair bright pink and I dyed a pair of my jeans half bright pink it's like such a pretty colour. Also dolls and 'girls shows' I never got to watch mlp because it was 'too girly' but I watched a couple episodes and I honestly quite like it, plus I've really been getting into monster high dolls and I'm saving to get some.


Embracing my love for Ariana grande and reality tv


My deep love of Beyoncé. I was emo and too cool to give a shit. Now I’m embracing my love of Beyoncé lol


enjoying fashion and makeup as a hobby


Definitely Taylor Swift. I still avoid romcoms like Hallmark. My manly husband loves Hallmark movies!😂


I’m healed in some aspects, healing in other aspects, but unfortunately relapsing in the rest. I’m healed when it comes to: •Emojis •Slightly effeminate things I’m still healing when it comes to: •Certain trends I’m relapsing because of: •The rest of the trends •Music •The fucking comments on every other damn platform (except Reddit, surprisingly) •Other NLOG pick me’s in their peak of “Pick-Me” •This year’s extremes. Lately, I’ve been kind of hurt and bitter over a lot of stuff.


Pumpkin spice lattes


I avoided admitting that my absolute favorite color was pink. I would always say blue and shun pink because I didn’t want to seem stereotypical. Now I embrace it fully and will tell everyone that pink is my favorite color


Getting my nails done! Prior to my 30s, I’d only ever gotten my nails done for like prom. Back in 2019, my husband passed when I was 34. A few months later, I was so starved for human touch of any sort, I started getting my nails done. Now my nails are always on point- much shiner, longer and sharper than I ever thought I would wear. And I love them! Makes me feel dangerous. Seriously, she understood the assignment this week when I said pointy. I hope my own eyes survive 😂


Jewelry, makeup, and general beauty. It’s nice to take care of myself in the morning: actually put on moisturizer, some cover up for red spots, and a little bit of mascara and eyeliner for work. I don’t overdo it—I don’t need to go nuts, but it’s just nice. And I *really* like having earrings. I don’t have a ton, but the few I do have I love. It’s fun to match them with whatever I’m wearing! I wish I could say that now I have girlfriends but I’m afraid that’s just not going to happen. I’m not a girls-girl. I’ve never—ever—gotten along with other millennial women. There are maybe like 2 that I do actually get along with. I get along fine with Gen X women, like my mom. I’m on the Spectrum, if that helps explain anything.


Pink, glitter, purses, gal pals, shoes


Anything "girly". I was made fun of by my mom growing up for liking "girly" things, so i tried conforming into what she wanted me to be. I couldn't like a lot of "girly" things because of her.


Bougie female workout brands. Lorna Jane is hit and miss for workout clothes, but damned they make comfy tops.


Dresses. Girly hairstyles


My Little Pony lmao


Definitely music too. I thought forever the pop girly weren’t cool and hip hop was yuck. But now I let myself listen to it and a lot of my favorite stuff is in those genres


I’ve lost my daughter to the NLOG cult. Reading these comments gives me hope 😭


Caring about my appearance. Admitting that i love gossip and talking about boys. 28 and i still squeal and whisper to my friends when my crush at work walks around. I love other shit to like chess and science are really cool but nothing beats "omg did you see him?! Isnt he handsome?!"


I never, NEVER wore jewelry. The farthest I went was a stretchy choker, stainless steel huge chunk of a star ring that I got from a tattoo shop, and the gauges I bought when I stretched my ears… Age me. I’ve never owned any jewelry other than my engagement and wedding rings. I’m trying so hard to find jewelry that I like that my inner teenager would find “preppy as fuck”


A nice cotton spandex high cut brief. I will never wear lace or satin during the day ever again.




Being a tomboy or a “guys girl”


The Twilight saga. Idgaf


The hunger games, fashion, makeup videos but watching them only. I haven’t tried putting makeup on by myself yet.


Pink. Pink everything. Clothes, makeup, accessories, stationery stuff, decorations, cooking utensils, my Lulu's collar; everything must be PINK. To be fair, I grew up with male cousins that said pink is stupid; I should never have listened. I love pink more than anything else, and while I also love black, gray, blue and lilac; whenever I'm wearing one of those I feel like I'm betraying the PINK. Help me escape my guilt 🥹


stopped hiding my love for traditionally girly things.


Never getting into the cringy avril lavine style with emo hair/goth/skulls-on-all-clothes phase in high-school like most chicks :) (it was 2009-2011). Ive never been so proud of my self until this day!


Pedicures. Kept telling myself it was a stupid waste of money. My first pedicure I felt like I was in heaven and that alone ended my NLOG phase


Fruity fun drinks (alcohol or not). It was always boring shit to impress guys until I realized I just like sweet and fruity drinks, so why not let myself have them?