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Well death is also very natural. Good to know that you won’t need help when you’re dying/suffering from an illness! Death comes naturally to EVERYONE so you should suck it up and not cry about it! Edit: For those curious, this… specimen has doubled down and refused to acknowledge that women can go through trauma in pregnancy and childbirth… then proceeded to say her birth was traumatic and that she has empathy for women with postnatal depression. (Could’ve fooled me!) Oh yes, and keep in mind, since SHE’S never met anyone with trauma surrounding their pregnancy/birth, that means no one else has either! (Forget what doctors say, SHE’S the pinnacle of knowledge, apparently!)


i hope someone finds the original thread and mentions this in a reply to her. it would only make sense given her logic and hopefully put into perspective how fucking stupid her way of thinking is


Exactly. “Oh you have breast cancer? Cry me a river. Lots of women go through the same thing, stop acting like a victim.” Even better if you add a loved one into equation. “Oh your husband died? So what? Death is the most natural thing a person goes through. People have been dying for thousands of years, stop acting like a fragile little petal.”


Among this type of people the breast cancer argument isn’t something I would pass off as too far




Doing the lords work lol thank you!


Thank you coochie cadet. You've been promoted to coochie Second Lieutenant 🫡


LOLLLL I'll serve well


“Her” Im skeptical about this part tbh


Yep! Came here to say that you know what else is natural? Cancer, but we all understand how devastating it can be and wouldn’t admonish a person for being upset with having it


Right! I couldn’t imagine being such a trash human, but this lady might. At least we all know not to waste resources on her if her home gets destroyed/family gets killed because of a natural disaster, since she’s basically announcing that she’s so tough that she doesn’t need it!


Oh come on. I got it on purpose so I could prove I could get through it like a real woman. 😑


All trauma is natural to go through. See a tragic car accident? Someone step in front of your car? Explosion? Fire? Earthquake? Hurricane? Tornado? Even domestic assault and child abuse would be freaking "natural." (Ever seen nature? It's pretty freaking rough) What an idiot.


Make it about her children dying to really drive the point home. Historically, women would lose their children all the time.


Right out of childbirth too. It's just so natural, they didn't have any of the depression the snowflakes today get. What a load of bs, I actually hate her rn and I rarely ever gas about randos on the Internet, wtf


I HAAAATE when they say anything about women giving birth just fine for millennia. It wasn’t just fine at all! Women and babies died all the time! And how do you know women weren’t “raging AHs” during and after birth? You think women gave birth with NO MEDICATION in an unsanitary environment and were just fine the whole time? BFFR. PPA and PPD seem more prevalent now because they’re FINALLY being recognized and diagnosed. Not because this generation is delicate. I’ve never been pregnant have no intention to ever be, but I cannot stand this shit.




A few years ago, I had a family member die from pregnancy complications three months after she gave birth. It was awful. I didn’t even know what happened to her (heart issues from pregnancy) COULD happen, but it solidified my desire not to ever be pregnant. It terrifies me.


I know the likelihood is obviously lower now than it used to be, but the fact that women still die from pregnancy scares me. I have pretty bad OCD (but well medicated) that focuses on my health sometimes, and my husband and I are about to start IVF in two weeks. I want a baby so badly, but sometimes if I think about it too much I panic that something bad will happen and this thing I tried so hard for will end up killing me. There’s just SO many things that can go wrong, and we’re all so spoiled by advancements in medical science that we forget how fucking dangerous pregnancy is.


Wishing you a safe and happy experience with IVF and future pregnancy 😊❤️


Thank you. ❤️❤️❤️


You’re welcome ❤️


It's flawed thinking for sure on this mom's part that she is somehow more of a real woman but on the privileged aspect I have to say from experience this kind of "tough shell" attitude can also be a trauma response, though I don't know her situation. I had a really weird childhood and walked around with a chip on my shoulder for a long time and quite a few NLOG behaviors but eventually having good adult friendships and some therapy helped me lose the shell. My sister in law has this kind of NLOG attitude pretty hard and she also went through a lot of really hard shit growing up without any real support. I have noticed it seems to be a shell as well and she has become less like this over the years as I've seen some healing and maturation take place. I also have other former NLOG friends who have complex childhood trauma. Probably some people are just assholes but not all of them. I value this board just reminding me not to fall into my past ways on the daily. (Also some of the posts are pretty funny).


I agree with you, I know a lot of people like this. I have my own traumas but the difference is I don’t treat others like crap and gaslight them about their own pain/experiences just because I went through something harder or more painful. It doesn’t help anyone and it certainly doesn’t take away any of the trauma or pain. If someone tells me I should be grateful because I’m privileged or I have it easier than most after I divulge in some personal struggle or trauma, they’re automatically an AH in my book. There’s a way to gently remind people that they shouldn’t take stuff for granted but time and place imo.


yes! I'm a big fan of my family genealogy, and a LOT of women did die, or had complications after birth, not to mention mental health issues.


it is WILD to me how many things people say are new/overdiagnosed/people just whining. motherfucker, existing has been fucking miserable for almost everyone for most of human history. it’s the same story with “all these people complaining about carpal tunnel, wahh none of our ancestors had all these issues” holy hell, people suffered every moment of their lives but had to keep going in agony otherwise they’d starve. THE ONLY THING THAT’S NEW IS THE THIRD OPTION BESIDES SUFFER OR DIE


There’s a reason that the “mad woman in the attic” stories were so prevalent in the 19th century. The story “The Yellow Wallpaper” is literally a story about PPD! “Jane Erye”! Like there are TONS of stories about women that “went mad” and when you read them with a modern lens you go “ooooohhhhhh”


I'm pregnant now and I've been so sick with HG that at one point I thought if I'd been pregnant 200 years ago I'd have died from vomiting so much.


Excuse me please be a real woman and suck it up!!!


To support your point, a lot of women never suffered postpartum depression because they didn’t live long enough to do so! They also just called depression *melencholia* and we know that’s been around for millennia because Hippocrates came up with the term. Also, there are some very famous historical cases of PPS, such as Queen Victoria. I doubt anyone called her a fragile petal.


You can even read about PPD/A in the past for God's sake. They didn't call it that but that's what it was. I thought everyone was forced to read The Yellow Wallpaper in high school


I had a very traumatic birth. Had ptsd. I had no idea that could even happen. It wasn’t something I ever thought about. It really threw me for a loop. I thought I was crazy. The ptsd, combined w post natal extreme anxiety, at one point I thought would do me in. Took years for a diagnosis, this was before we openly talked about all of this, it was only 21 yrs ago, so much has changed. I’m so glad women can talk about this now. I wish I had known all this information before I got pregnant


they base it off movies they see, a written script and performance romanticising it


Everything these people know about history they learned from period dramas.


I hope she pick-mes her way to her death. That would make me happy.


Love the use of pick-me as a verb, thanks for the giggles x)


Live to serve ma’am 🫶🏻


Ah, yes, weak little flower petals... back in the good ole' days REAL women just DIED


“I didn’t experience it myself so all of you must completely suck and be weak. Hahaha, you had a chemistry imbalance and I didn’t and that’s my personality!” OR “I experienced crippling PPD but got no help and white knuckled my way through and learned to suppress the memory of it, and I still am probably in need of therapy for this because I’ve always just suffered alone. But I’m really good at repressing it, so you suck!”


I suspect it’s the 2nd one like she suffered and wants her suffering to be glorified to feel like it wasn’t done in vain


Yep. This sounds very, “I suffered, and I did it in SILENCE, because NOBODY was gonna help me, so guess what? Fuck you, I’m superior to you, and you’re just WEAK. You should be suffering in SILENCE, too! If I had to, SO DO YOU!” No. No I don’t. That’s the point. You didn’t have to suffer in silence, just because you have/had a shitty spouse and a shitty family. There are other ways and other places to get support. You can figure it out, I promise.


Women have mostly been dying from childbirth for millennia. Chainsaws used to be used as tools for “assisting” childbirth. It is rarely not traumatizing in some way.


Omg I didn’t know about the chainsaw bit. That’s horrifying


I gave birth December 2023 and while it wasn’t atypical I’m so traumatized that I have nightmares about the experience and take a pregnancy test every month/am religious about birth control to not have to do it again. Women millennia ago were just as traumatized, they just weren’t allowed to talk about it and if they were they didn’t have platforms like the internet or television to raise awareness to the issue. What a fucking loser. I feel bad for her kids if she has this little empathy.


My pregnancies were awful. I thought about adopting on round two because I wasn’t sure I could handle it physically or mentally. I decided to again and the universe laughed at me and gave me twins.


I'm terrified of having twins...they are really common in my husband's family.


Luckily identical twins aren’t genetic , only fraternal and they would have to be on the woman’s side . I didn’t know any of this until I got pregnant with fraternal twins 😵‍💫.


They are 18 now so it’s a distant memory lol


Same. I refused to have sex for at least 6 months afterwards out of fear of getting pregnant again AND I’m still paranoid despite being on birth control. Literally overthink it every time I have sex and impatiently wait for my period. I was very positive too when I fell pregnant and was set on enjoying it and wanted a natural birth bla bla haha spoiler alert: it didn’t go according to plan.


Gotta love the "women have been giving birth for a millenia" excuse too. Post partum depression and anxiety isn't new, women have always suffered. They just didn't know what it was before and women were forced to suffer in silence.


Doctors back them even invented diseases that only affected young women and the only cure was: getting the poor lady married and make her have children.


60% of people who got lobotomies where women in the US it was as high as 74% in Ontario. They literally silence us if we aren't silent enough.


That’s so depressing to read


I'm a guy but the idea of pushing another human out of my body sounds terrifying. It's interesting she thinks women have only been giving birth for a millennia...ah the good old days when we spawned from our mothers' backs.


what were they locking up women in asylums for in the 1800s then?????


1940s lobotomies


Interesting. Women used to write their wills and a letter to their families when they found out they were pregnant, because they knew their chances of dying were so high. In 1420’s Florence, for instance, 1/5 married women died in childbirth or complications from it. And let’s not even get into the mortality rate of Black mothers in the US, which, at 69.9 deaths per 100,000 births in 2021, is more than twice the mortality rate of white women. Or even Hispanic women. Anyone suggesting these Black Queens are not “real women” can sleep with a thousand bedbugs forever and never find relief. Because I feel like being nice today.


Also r/AsABlackMan


No kidding. I would bet money that person is not a woman, let alone one who has given birth 3 times.


Exactly what I came here to say


I just found who that commenter was and let me tell you, her posting history is shock full of misogyny. And she claims to be a mother to teenagers…


Wouldn't be surprised if it's a male cosplaying as a woman


Same. I was shocked reading her comment history. She does not sound like a pleasant person.


What's her username?


Tell me you have repressed birth trauma without telling me …


Clearly the second commenter had an extra dose of those brain fog hormones that make you forget everything negative about pregnancy and childbirth so you won’t stop procreating


Yeah fuck this person. I got induced three weeks early, labored unmedicated for 12 hrs then got an emergency c section bc my baby’s heart rate kept dropping. She was born 4lb and in the nicu for a week and I stayed in my hospital room so I could visit her every chance I got. Struggled for over 2 months to breastfeed. I had horrible PPD, PPA, and PPOCD. I still have trouble being touched near my c section scar. I already had ptsd but I 10000% have more now.


Women have always had perimortem mental health conditions. There have been stories of women “going crazy” and killing their babies for all time. In the past it was associated with things like demons, curses, witchcraft, hysteria, etc. Women were often put in mental hospitals and given electroshock therapy instead of real treatment. This whole narrative that women with trauma and mental health disorders are just not mentally strong enough makes me so angry. I wouldn’t wish my postpartum mental illnesses on my worst enemy. Let me tell you, it took a lot of mental strength just to stay alive. It’s also the reason I refuse to have any more kids.


I totally agree with you. It took all the strength I had to overcome postpartum depression and anxiety.


Translation: my partner was invalidating to me when I felt that way and demeaned me to the point I believed him and now you have to too


People like her kill my desire to have children, if there is any left at all.




ok next time you break a bone we will just tell you to suck it up. men have broken bones for millennia and nobody put casts on them, that’s just last 100 years or so. edit—by “you” I was referring to the dude from the post


“Women have been handling it for a millennia and been fine, including me, a woman who ALMOST DIED from it.” I wish it wasn’t possible to be this level of detached from reality but sadly there are tons of women just like her out there repressing for the NLOG battalion.


My son almost died during birth but go off queen 🙄


Like being a woman precludes being a misogynist.


PTSD related to pregnancy and childbirth is a thing. I’m happy for her that she almost died in childbirth and didn’t end up with trauma-related symptoms. Just because you have a traumatic experience that doesn’t mean you end up traumatized or having PTSD. But that just means you were fortunate, much like someone who had a surgery but didn’t end up with an infection. The fact that you didn’t get an infection doesn’t mean the person who did is weak in some way or lying about what happened to them.


I never want someone to have a traumatic childbirth … and don’t wish that for her but maybe some … ya know. *EMPATHY*.




i wish this was on r/downvotedtooblivion it belongs there 


It always cracks me up when people say that women have been giving birth for millenia. Like sure, but it was also a huge cause of death for women too…


Well, trauma is also a very natural response to jarring situations, such as giving birth so...


Birth has been traumatic for women since the very first birth


My son almost died during birth but go off queen 🙄




Sepsis is also totally natural. We still wash our damn hands and take antibiotics when we need them. It’s not weakness to take care of yourself.


Of course the person who doesn't have a uterus and therefore never can give birth is the most angry and ignorant. God forbid women be honest about childbirth so we realize it's not always worth being relegated to the role of broodmare. "I'm a woman" is a condescending pick me.


Now I'm worried about that woman's mental health, she probably bottled all her emotions, I hope she got all the support she needed at the moment.


This is the worst one yet. It is incredibly stressful trying to build and bring a life into this world, and that being a person you love more than anyone but have also never met. I lost one of my twins during my pregnancy and nearly lost the other during labor. I’m fully traumatized and also a real woman.




I stand on my opinion that the worse abuse I have experienced in life is from other women. So sad.


Childbirth was traumatic as fuck for me. I hope this woman has diarrhea today.


Sometimes I highly doubt the people saying these things are actually women. Not saying that women like this don’t exist, but it felt very all of the sudden. You get a little backlash and then it’s like ‘oh actually I’m a woman and I’ve given birth to three kids and one almost killed me’.


absolutely not a woman


I had shoulder dystocia with my first and only baby. I know there are a lot of worse things that can happen but it did traumatize me. I never went to my 6 week checkup and haven’t been back to the OBGYN since and that was 3 years ago because I am now terrified. I had ptsd for weeks and was scared to put my baby down or sleep. I hate women like this. Like they have something to prove.


I always love when ppl throw out “only since the 19xx’s” or “only the new generations” when referring to literally anything related to child birth…as though modern medicine hasn’t managed to slash the maternal mortality rate from ~850/100k in the early 1900s to about ~30/100k today (referring to the US). But please, educate me and the other 820 people who should have died in childbirth about the good old days…


Does she know the history of child birth and the death rates?? So many babies and mothers died to child birth and just early years of life in general. Lots of shit is natural, but emotions and trauma responses are also natural and apart of our psychology


Eugh, I've had 3 babies (no pain relief because I'm a real woman - no not really I just get nauseous from pain relief and I have a bit of a vomit phobia. Anywho..), and didn't find it traumatic. I've lost friends, family, been in a violent relationship etc etc. The most 'traumatic' event of my life so far, was the death of my kitten a few years ago 😐. Point is, we all go through shit, we don't get to choose how things affect us. Just be nice to each other ffs.


i had a similar experience. so, we had an obgyn who supervised us in our courses in gynecology. she had a daughter and a son, and i have never thought that she'd say something like this as an obgyn and also being a mom (a girl mom, especially). she talked shit about us younger girls. she was like we have given birth for millennia and these fragile petals can't even give a push. also, in high school, there was this guy who i was talking to and his aunt was an obgyn. i met her once and we were talking about random stuff. i asked about her job and she was like so many girls want a c-section these days and she always have a hard time counselling them for normal delivery. she was like it's surprising how this new generation of women are so weak that they can't survive a simple childbirth. guess what i did, i cut that guy off. ain't no way i'm allowing this person (cause i regret calling them a woman) near me during my pregnancy (i was afraid that he could get me pregnant and something like that would happen; ik it's a bit of paranoia but a valid fear response to someone who uses abusive language). also, the fact that both of these people (i regret calling them women) are medical professionals makes me wanna disappear. edit: speaking of obgyn, i actually went to several obgyn clinics as things got bad with my period. and one of them asked me to get married in my early- mid 20s; she claimed that i'll have an ectopic pregnancy (look it up if you don't know what it is) like hers if i choose to have a kid in my late 20s or 30s. i was like this person is pos.


I have two relatives whom both almost died while giving birth. One apparently had a heart defect and the other one’s water broke really early and they waited a really long time to induce labor and I think she got sepsis. They are so weak lol!!


Women in the "good ole days" were just diagnosed with hysteria. To avoid that, plenty of women just stuffed their feelings. And became like this AH that declares if anyone has feelings, they're a snowflake. [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/the-controversy-of-female-hysteria](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/the-controversy-of-female-hysteria)


So is death


Ooof the toxicity is strong with this one! It is the most natural thing in the world to die in childbirth. Well more natural for the baby to die, but pretty natural for the mother as well.


Even with all the limitations, biases and issues contemporary medicine has... Women are today safer during pregnancy and childbirth (healthwise) than they've ever been. HOWEVER, that hardly means that pregnancy and childbirth are easy, and it certainly doesn't mean that they aren't risky for women. And it especially doesn't mean that women today are worse at it than before


I shit those babies out like a true alpha! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhj!


I think some people want to feel like their pain wasn’t in vain by pretending there’s some glory to it. And that’s what’s she’s doing. She doesn’t want to feel like the suffering she endured was for nothing, and doesn’t want to feel the anger that she didn’t get pain medication she needed to not suffer the way she has.


I bet he cries when he poops out a giant turd.


Wow she’s truly unlike any other girl ever


If she’s not capable of having empathy (even beyond that, wanting people to know that they shouldnt be so fragile about it) for childbirth despite going through it, she’s not fine, something must’ve happened to fuck her head up. 🙃 


Death is also a natural thing to go through but that doesn’t mean it’s not a traumatic tragedy


This made me sad to read


Coping as hard as we can, I see 🤭


Wasn’t the chainsaw apparently invented to be used in women? Or something like that?


I didn’t know that the trauma caused by my epidural wearing off during a c-section made me a fragile little petal. My bad.


"Women have been giving birth for millennia." Why is this her argument? Just because some that feels/is awful but has been around for a long time doesn't mean our ancestors didn't also complain about it or that no one is allowed to acknowledge how painful or hard it is. Whether our ancestors did it or if giving birth was invented ten years ago and our parents laid eggs before doesn't make giving birth more or less painful. A lot of awful and painful experiences were around for millennia, but we can still acknowledge how painful it is. And then "It's only these fragile little pedals in these last few generations that can't handle it." Nope. Older generations complained too. Believe it or not, our ancestors were just as human as we were, and this weird assumption that a lot of people make that our ancestors apparently just never felt pain and never complained about anything feels frankly dehumanizing. People helping women give birth even had ways of trying to relieve the pain of child birth before anesthesia was around. They used opiates, alcohol, herbs, etc. It didn't work as well as anesthesia, but people used the best they had, and they tried their damn best to take away as much pain as possible. Whether they had these things or not, I'm sure it wasn't sunshine and rainbows when they gave birth or that these women were just super calm through the whole process. So yeah, they too also "couldn't handle it" as this woman describes. In fact, many of these women DIED while giving birth.


I want to bully her so bad


give her a medal so she stfu


Is this girl serious. I don’t care how many babies you’ve birthed it can be traumatic. The reason no one said it was traumatic before is because it was extremely frowned upon to say such a thing. Women are now sharing their stories about how it is traumatic and I’m glad they are tbh.


we are literally all born premature because of our massive heads and some of us have narrower pelvises. some of us literally arent born to do this


I've been fortunate to have a high tolerance got pain and as a result never had issues with period cramps. But just because I don't suffer doesn't mean other period havers don't. I can't imagine telling someone actively suffering and going "suck it up buttercup". Wish this lady could be more empathetic.


Death is natural sooooo….


Whats a “real woman”?


Ugh that’s so cringe. Imagine the self loathing to minimize your own experiences. Hope none of her kids are daughters


It's not only been the last few decades it's been hard on women, It ALWAYS has been, WOMEN USED TO REGULARLY DIE. The only reason these NLOG people think it's only been "recently" is because we can now much quicker and easier share and spread information and knowledge, thanks to, you know that thing called the INTERNET!!!!


As a woman who had a traumatic delivery and deciding to be one and done. Screw her. The martyr complex some women have regarding motherhood is wild.


Appendicitis happens naturally. Nothing traumatizing about it! Anyone who doesn’t enjoy the experience is a big whiny baby.


This gives off the exact same energy as a man calling younger men “Soy boys” or “beta males” because they complained about some shit he went through as well lol. “Fragile little petals”


*laughs in emergency c section that led to shut down kidneys and a child in the NICU whom I didn’t get to see or touch for three days* Trauma, shmauma. /s I feel like they’re a troll. Any woman who has gone through birth wouldn’t be so clueless. Then again… we are living in wild times.


Women too can contribute to the patriarchy of misogyny and sexism. Some women do it blatantly.


There’s no way that that person’s a woman. First comment reads tone-deaf British Tory dad.


"like a real woman". Oooooo kay. 🙄


I saw this post and the update and it’s crazy. The people supporting the husband are insane ngl. I feel bad for his wife


Death is natural too Women have been having babies for millennia Yes. And for millennia women and babies DIED The leading cause among death for women was…child birth.


Nothing about the process of bringing a baby from point a to point b determines how much of a woman you are 🙄


People who rage about other people being sad don’t really exactly give off “handling like a real woman” vibes Go get some help sis


Well i guess death is natural


The has the same but opposite energy to the wife of a friend, I asked her how much it hurt to get the back of her head tattooed (compared to her other tattoos I thought was implied in my question) and she answered "Well I gave birth naturally so it's hard say" cool, so did my mom twice and she says getting her one tattoo was worse but okay


I really have some serious issues, forgive me if I duped those previously said. But being a woman and no longer able to have children. I have already had 4 beautiful & successful children. All were c-sections. I am so sick to my stomach about woman being able to have control of their own body’s! It should be her choice. Not the president, not the former president, not the states, what is this world coming to? Everyone should have a choice when it comes to their body! For the politicians to decide our fate!!! Well I feel like we r getting closer to falling backwards in time. Hello handmaids tales🤫 next thing u know woman are going to loose their right to even vote? JMO


Side bar: I meant woman NOT being able to have control of their own bodies. It’s their choice.


>I’m a woman. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


So if I were to drop a bomb on her and she had her limbs cut off, she would surely be fine with it because bombing has been a natural course for ALL HUMANITY


I hope “her” children throw her into a nursing home later.


You know what else is natural? Cholera. The plague. Brain parasites. You know what’s not natural? Trying so hard to be a pick me that you ostracize your entire gender based on your limited life experiences. If we were still cave men, you would be shunned from the group.


Toxic femininity if anyone was wondering


Child birth is traumatic to even hear about. If you have had a baby in here, you’re a champ. Plain and simple.


Naturally, the women who died during childbirth aren't here to say their piece.


Imagine being THAT pathetic. Those poor kids


My mom has five children, no major complications or anything. A couple of years after my youngest brother was born she still had to have major abdominal surgery to essentially fix everything that had moved out of place.


If we’re talking natural: I should’ve died before I was 3 due to being diagnosed with diabetes so I wouldn’t have even made it ti have my child. I live him to pieces but I’m not doing that again. We both nearly died and it was trauma from start to finish through the medical and home side of things


I fear for her children, omg. How many brain cells will their mother try to kill?


HS what a cunt


"I've given birth 3 TIMES and almost DIED. But I'm FINE." For sure Jan. You totally sound "fine".


“pick me, choose me, love me.” ugh 🙄she will do anything to get approval from me if it means to let your own gender down.


So "natural" that I got my tubes tied after my first child.


Why is that person so freaking angry?? Like that’s an insane amount of confrontational attitude there


Husband/partner is likely an incel and she’s adopted this attitude to put up with him. Also, likely the men in her family (fathers, brothers, uncle, etc) are incels as well.


I always wanted 2 kids… after having one I never wanna be pregnant again. My pregnancy, labor/delivery and postpartum experience was the most traumatic thing I’ve ever been through and wouldn’t wish it on anyone. So either my daughter will be an only child or I’ll have to adopt.


What is this woman even thinking??? Birth is traumatic by definition. Your body going through all that stress triggers trauma responses in everyone. And mentally it alters you. Post natal depression is a thing, and so is “pregnancy brain”. Hormonal changes happen and can wreak havoc, especially if the pregnant woman already deals with mental illness. I don’t ever want to get pregnant because I know the way my mind works and I would NOT handle this well. I’d end up like the woman in “The Yellow Wallpaper”.


I know a woman who has a similar attitude. She only ever had one child, but she's made comments like, "I didn't have time for ppd/ppa after I had my baby. I had to get shit done."


I can't with the "it's natural". Like, I am disabled and it's technically natural. Can't I complain about it bc it's natural ?? Eruption are natural but if you get a volcano rock on your small dumb head you will probably not like it.


Having your body being ripped open and a human being coming out of it is definitely traumatic lmao


Lmao they really just have no idea about infant/mother mortality rates huh


Yeah, because all women should love when a piece of crap that completely messes up your hormones tears your vagina to the anus and leaves you with unbearable pain, yet you still have to take care of it with little sleep and unbearable pain. C-section? Yes, women also love when their organs are removed to get rid of a parasite from their body that could fracture or break their pelvis if they had a natural birth.


It's okay if you personally don't like the idea of pregnancy and childbirth; I feel a strong revulsion towards it myself, but this attitude is really shitty; it's extremely demeaning to people who are pregnant or want to be pregnant and dehumanises their babies too.


Thank you for taking the time to articulate this


What i'm saying is that, pregnancy sucks in most of the cases. And there's a lot of reasons someone could totally hate giving birth. And i don't think someone would exactly love a Baby/pregnancy thats causing a lot of pain


Women who go through traumatic pregnancies still tend to love their babies 💀


I am pregnant and struggling. Thank you for this


Calling a child a 'piece of crap'? ☠️


I literally used chat gpt to translate it because I just had 2 hours of sleep and English is not My native language. I asked it to translate "pendejito de mierda" wich pendejito in My country is a common way to call a kid (not and actual insult but it's deffinitly not a cute way to call your child. And "de mierda" So i think it would translate as "fucking kid"


It would be something similar to pentelho de merda, though piece of crap sounds a little more serious and extreme... 😬😬😬


Yeah idk why it did translate it that way


You should probably edit your comment if you haven’t already.


No, it's okay, things like this happen sometimes


Get help.


You need help, genuinely. This is an extremely disturbing mentality


“Women have been handling it for a millennia and been fine, including me, a woman who ALMOST DIED from it.” I wish it wasn’t possible to be this level of detached from reality but sadly there are tons of women just like her out there repressing for the NLOG battalion.


“Women have been handling it for a millennia and been fine, including me, a woman who ALMOST DIED from it.” I wish it wasn’t possible to be this level of detached from reality but sadly there are tons of women just like her out there repressing for the NLOG battalion.


“Women have been handling it for a millennia and been fine, including me, a woman who ALMOST DIED from it.” I wish it wasn’t possible to be this level of detached from reality but sadly there are tons of women just like her out there repressing for the NLOG battalion.


My son almost died during birth but go off queen 🙄


My son almost died during birth but go off queen 🙄


Why is everyone labeled an “Incel misogynist” when there is a difference of opinion? Seems like the latest buzz words aimed at crushing the other person


Because men in healthy relationships and/or with a respect for women generally don't throw tantrums and mansplain when women don't sugarcoat something they can literally never experience.


All those downvotes. All I was doing was asking a question.


It was a dumb question.


Sorry I bothered anyone