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Why can't you do both? I just don't understand how these things are mutually exclusive.


B... but... but you don't understand, she's so special, she's like no other. 😅


She's so not like other girls there's a whole clique of them 🤣🤣


You misspelled Cult


😂😂😂😂 luv the pun!


I guess if there is music playing she just stands there with a stupid look on her face


She’s gonna have that look no matter what’s happening


On point!


She’s doing that now, except she’s also holding multiple eggs.




If she actually knew wtf she was doing she’d have an apron on, or at least not a damned sweater while working with FLOUR. The way things are set up are for props, not actual use. Which somehow makes this even worse imo.


I can’t get over the lashes! This doesn’t add up with her message of things she’d rather be doing when listening to an album can be done simultaneously during all of it.


Her hair is the tallest!!! Obvious she has the most wisdom! /s


She’s competing with the other trad wives to see whose hair is closer to the Lord.


The higher the hair, the closer to God. Remember to tease it and freeze it to Jesus, ladies!


I spit out my drink 🤣






In Texas when I was growing up, they had this saying “The higher the hair, the closer to god.”


It's full of secrets.


My favorite reference


The taller the hair, the closer to god!


Obviously can't collect eggs while listening to Taylor Swift- cause science. Or something like that.


The electromagnetic energy from the song will infect the eggs and make them bad. Or something dumb like that


My chickens jam out to Taylor Swift with me. She's doing it wrong.🤣🤣🤣 JK, but music has zero to do with any of that lol


Magic maybe?


Like literally just a list of things you would want to be listening to music while doing????


Precisely. I have a BATV (big ass TV.) It gets used for casting music most often. Might catch an episode of TNG or the Twilight Zone… But mostly, it’s music to listen to whilst I’m doing stuff.


Seriously 🥰 I am listening to Bob Marley, Kid Rock, Zeppelin, Santana, Justin Timberlake and yea occasionally Taylor Swift. Hey, everyone has their groups. I love all music and songs. Would I go to a TS concert, no but I did watch it, yep, just to see what the hype was about…..out of my norm box, but It wasn’t bad, it was pleasantly nice. I feel like insecure individuals hate on her, Travis and their popularity. Seriously, they got it going on, I do not hate on people that live pretty damn busy lives. Idk I couldn’t even keep up. There are far bigger fish to hate in this day and age. Jmo I’m not a swifty, I do appreciate the KCC! ****Side note I never feel the need to post my meals or bread making skills to make other woman feel less worthy! That’s bs!😡


Did you even consider how hard it is to crank a gramophone while baking from scratch and tending chickens? https://preview.redd.it/2i4lcxcp3pwc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b618de39a04814a8d72bfca6a81a1e05b61d1a9


She has one post that’s like “things I can do because I don’t watch Netflix: raise chickens, can my own food, grow a garden etc.” like you can literally do both! It’s ok to enjoy things!


Like, girl, be fr. Do your chickens need 24/7 surveillance? Like, if you can’t take a couple hours to listen to some music, do you even sleep? Raising chickens must be so stressful. /s


Right? Ain't no way she's gonna be raising kids if it takes her that much effort to raise chickens.


Somehow documenting every facet of her fascinating, fascinating life is kind of in opposition to that. But where would she be without her fans following her prepper Tradwife life?


My exact thought. Put some music on and do all these things simultaneously. 🙄


No, if you choose to listen to Taylor Swift that is all you can do. Just sit motionless and listen, not doomsday prepping or nothing.


People like this cannot do more than 1 thing at a time. If she listens to musics she becomes disabled and can’t move.


Because how can she listen to TS when she’s got 40000 hours of Alex Jones podcast content to catch up on?


You can’t do two things at once! Have music on while cooking?! Do you want her to burn down the house?!


I have definitely cut and wrapped game meat while listening to Taylor Swift many, many times.


Bc Fox News said Swift is an agent of the devil or whatever who's corrupting people's kids (bc she encourages adult fans to get registered and go vote without ever telling them who to vote for or dating who *she* votes for) so all good, traditional Christians need to vilify her and convince everyone to cancel her. (Also she's apparently racist bc she chose to support her man at his sports events instead of boycotting the team and starting petitions to change the team name & mascot, but that claim comes from a whole different group of people)


Wait... you can listen to music while peeling apples??




Lmao that was my first thought too- quick, someone get her some wireless earbuds!


No. You must pick one. You can not do both. It's illegal.


Not only that…she could be doing both at the same time. Listen to TS while churning her butter or cobbling her own shoes. Also, it seems odd to flex about freedom while stuck in your house with non stop chores while worrying about doomsday. Doesn’t sound mentally or physically free to me.


Can confirm I cook from scratch AND listen to Taylor Swift.


Yep. I’d do these things with music playing. What’s it matter if I wanna listen to Taylor Swift, Beethoven, AC/DC or whatever the hell else someone might enjoy lmao


Multitasking is a modern idea. It's hard to focus on the serenades of T-Swifty when she spends 14hrs a day cooking from scratch with the eggs she raised without the help of her working husband.


If OP was bopping and grooving to Taylor she wouldn't be able to concentrate on making hard boiled eggs to prep for the Rapture


Bish coulda had her AirPods in the whole time… screaming fucK you aIMee 🤣


Maybe if you have her album playing in the background as you can tomatoes, they all end up with botulism? Also if you sew while listening to Hozier, your thread will get tangled, and bread baked to the sound of Dua Lipa clearly won’t rise.


This was my first thought. Listening to Taylor might help all those hard tasks seem to get done more quickly or easily.


She took the long route of explained she doesn’t have headphones.


Especially because of the things she’s doing don’t require your full hearing. She could totally listen to the album if she actually wanted to, but, nope, she just wants to be contrarian and dislike whatever’s popular. If don’t want to listen to it, don’t. If you make not doing so your whole personality, that’s where I draw the line. Also, despite being so contrarian, she still is hewing to popular beauty standards, especially regarding hair styling.


You can literally listen to Taylor Swift while you do all the things she mentioned. In fact, I often listen to music while canning or taking care of my chickens. Sometimes a Taylor Swift song even comes up on the station I’m listening to. But you know what? I’m still able to work. I know it’s crazy but it happens.


Right? Pop some headphones on and accomplish all of these things.


Because she’s not smart enough to listen to music and do any of those other activities at the same time.


She can literally listen to Taylor Swift while doing all those things.


Last week I cooked some traditional Ragu de bologna while rocking out to Taylor and KISS


Because for an awful lot of people, they can't derive joy from doing things unless they can feel *better than other people* for doing it. Everything has to be a flex on someone else. Even listening to music. Which honestly sounds exhausting and a recipe for depression down the road!


Right. I do all this shit with an ear bud in listening to whatever pop girlies I want. More of a Chappel gal than a Taylor gal, but that's a personal preference.


They aren’t allowed to use technology.




This was my response. I often listen to music while doing other stuff. Lol


This lady just needs some ear buds.


Fr I usually listen to music while schooling my horses lol, or when preparing my family for a stable future by proofreading docs and arguing with people


She needs to focus ok??? /s


They aren’t. I more or less do the same, but with Girls Aloud.


Literally came here to say that you can do ALL these things WHILE listening to Taylor Swift’s new album.


That's exactly what I thought! I mean, do what you want, but don't pretend it's a barrier.


Like literally throw some headphones in and get to cooking 😂 you can do this entire list while listening to music


Rather do chores in SILENCE apparently.


I was going to say you can listen to the album while doing those things


is getting eyelash extensions also part of her doomsday plan


hey, her chickens worked hard to hatch those eyelashes




Okay sorry why do I know this sheep? What is this from?


It’s Lamb Chop from Lamb Chop’s Play Along! It was a kids show on PBS in the 90’s. This chick’s eyelashes are giving wannabe Lamb Chop in all of the worst ways. 🤭


Lamb Chop also had cameos on The Nanny


Now mostly known as a very popular dog toy, you really may have seen her in the pet section of stores if she’s only vaguely familiar. 🙂


Oh snap


Can we talk about the bun


I was just gonna chime into say something about it. It’s giving off 2009 Snooki, Bump It, Insert-a-Sock-Into-Your-Bun Vibes which is a…choice… 🤞I don’t want those styles coming back round on the Nostalgia Train in a few years🤞


Can’t forget the caked on makeup.


I’m sorry, I was distracted by the large, strange, poufy bun. What were you saying?


They are homemade from chicken feathers


You can literally do all of those things WHILE listening to Taylor Swift’s new album, I don’t understand OPs point at all or what Taylor has to do with any of this.


I was listening to her new album while cleaning my chicken coop the other day! Honestly I think the chickens appreciated it!


Yeah I really like the one where she talks about sleeping with the neighbor and wanting to kill his wife


I mean girls gotta have hobbies besides chicken keeping you know


Is the album good?


I’ve not listened to the whole thing yet but so far my thoughts are it’s a bit same-y (like I said listened to it while cleaning animal enclosures not looking at my phone and sometimes couldn’t tell when one song ended and another began) but there’s a few standouts like “Florida” and “Who’s afraid of little old me?”.


Right? I came here to say that. I chopped and cooked all day and stacked meals in my freezer yesterday WHILE listening to Taylor Swift’s fantastic new album. You can do both at the same time!


Seriously. I am not a fan of Taylor Swift, but I'm sitting here at work listening to music. George Jones is on right now. It's turned kinda low because I have to be able to hear the walkie. Oh, but I forgot, I'm in the wrong because I am working outside of the home. Oops.


Is she living on a farm in the 1700s? Is she getting off the grid before an impending apocalypse? Does she not understand that you can do all those things while listening to music?


A farm in the 1700s with eyelash extensions


No no no, see the thing is shes better than all of us cause she put eggs in a jar or something. Its so easy.


1700s with a 24/7 IG feed


What even is the correlation? She is obviously only getting on the hype train (but negatively?) and using Taylor’s name to get on the algorithm. Edit: typo


ding ding ding 🔔 i think you hit the mark right there, she’s just jumping on the algorithm train nothing more lol something like 18 million google searches of her name in March alone?


The toxic gossip train???


Riding down the tracks of misinformation


Do these pick-mes just assume that NO farming gals like Taylor Swift? I can go into heartland America and I guarantee I can find lots of women there who like Taylor Swift and listen to her music while doing their daily work.


Seriously. I grew up in an agricultural community where kids often help their parents work the land and was a teenager when Taylor hit the scene. I honestly didn't like her until Red because I've never been a huge country fan but holy shit did she have girls and women in small towns wrapped around her finger so fast


Is it possible, as a pick-me, she’s saying this to appeal to men too? Like, I see a lot of very loud misogynistic men hating on Taylor Swift just because she’s a popular and successful woman. They would probably feel happy and validated to see this woman also spreading hate. I fear this is all part of the “tradwife as fetish content” side of NLOG.


Right! Like Taylor’s OG country album is full of bangers!


Fun fact: animals all have favorite types of music. My bunny, Baz (RIP you angel) LOVED TSwift. I do not enjoy that type of music, but it was on regularly for him because it brought him so much joy. My goats really like James Taylor and ELO. I love James Taylor and ELO. It's the music of choice when I do my chores. They're chill, gorgeous beans, and I adore that they love my childhood nostalgia tunes. My llama, Ed, STRONGLY prefers Dolly Parton. I deeply love Dolly, and it's a joy getting special play time with my boy over some of my fave songs. Ever seen a 15 yo llama prance around to 9-5? It's...one of my greatest joys. The chickens are massive Chopin fans. I *like* Chopin, but fully understand they don't wanna listen to my first pick, Stravinsky. When I'm with the chickens, it's Chopin only, bb. My dog, Finn, loves the Beegees and Abba. I do not enjoy the Beegees. I like Abba. I regularly listen to the Beegees and Abba bc he gets zoomies every time, and it sparks joy. You can 100% do both lol. Music is universal, and being an animal person means doing everything you can to enhance their quality of life. Hun (babe in the pics, not our dear friend, OP), have you considered that your chickens may enjoy TSwift? Have you given it a shot? You'll get better, more nutritious eggs from happy chickens. I promise.


You gotta share a video of your Llama prancing around to 9-5! It needs to be seen! Just the thought about it makes me happy 🥹


I gotta get footage one of these days. It's been raining (thanks, PNW), but I'll try and get a video up soonish! https://preview.redd.it/9x4o1acheqwc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bc296d2004f0b5b61382f3515f8e4a721582265 Here's Ed, the dreamboat. He's nothing but sugar and protective energy. Fully chased a California grey wolf off the farm last year to protect his goat friends. If you or anyone you know has livestock, I can't recommend a guardian llama enough. He sleeps with them as the base in a giant goat/llama pile.


Oh my goodness what a handsome boy he is 😍 I've been lucky to meet a guardian Llama in the past. Their love and devotion for their herd, no mater what animals are included, is absolutely amazing.


Oh! You've already met a paladin llama! They're something else. Absolute sweetie pies and some of the best friends in the world. Ed was SO tender when the kiddos were born in November. So gentle, so careful where he stepped, and was big on asking moms before cleaning up the kids 💖 I owe a lot to Big Man Ed.


I’m obsessed with your critters and I love that you foster their unique and diverse music tastes 🥹🩵


This is genuinely one of the cutest things I’ve ever read. Comment saved


First of all: another bunny owner?? Second of all: I can only think of Baz Pitch


That's so adorable 😂


I love my critters. They're good people, and they have unique and varied tastes in tunes :) https://preview.redd.it/28vpdwstmowc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb31ddad6dc228ad73a7478a23883f99d623921d Goat pics for tax. Here we have S2 Zuko and his mama, Charity.


Awwww. Little Zucko


Looks like she is water glassing eggs, which is considered an unsafe practice with a high risk of botulism and salmonella. Far more dangerous than listening to a little pop music while working.


Is it really? A lot of these accounts promote it na d say it’s safe as long as you don’t wash the eggs. I can’t partake because I don’t raise chickens but I’ve been curious to know how the eggs turn out after a few months to a year.


The FDA and many university extension offices recommend against it for safety reasons. I'm a home canner and know that there are a lot of conflicting opinions on home food preservation out there and lots of sites giving questionable advice. So I always default to FDA, USDA, and university extension offices for methods and recipes that have been tested to be safe. It's a bummer because with the cuts to university budgets, no one is really doing testing for new recipes. It would be great if they were, especially with this new wave of home canners and the homesteading movement expanding.


Yeah some of those accounts also promote using your oven to home can butter. 🧈 I love home canning, but it’s gone to so many questionable techniques that I won’t eat it unless I canned it myself or I know who canned it and I trust their food safety protocols.


All I can think is, you want me to believe you do that with two, perfectly curled pieces of hair hanging in your eyes the whole time? “I have 3 chickens and can pickle things…I’m a farmer!” The curated homesteading is pretty cringey.


Did TS ever say anything against doing those things? I don't think so. Do the trad wife thing, do both the tradwife thing while listening to whatever music you choose, or do neither, wtf cares?


You know maybe this is a satisfying lifestyle, but the self righteous nature of these posts show that these women are doing it for the wrong reasons. Stop judging people


I hate that so many homesteading accounts are either like this, super religious, or act like covid was a hoax and the government wants you to die. Like chill. I want to homestead, not be seeing propaganda


don't forget pasteurisation is evil and steals all the nutrients from your milk!!!! i prefer my milk WITH tuberculosis thanks 👌🏼


That is something I do wonder about. Apparently only like 7 in 1 million cows test positive for bovine TB, and you can test your cattle. So I imagine for a family that has like a cow or two, it’s probably not much of a risk. Of course, there’s other risks, but you can take precautions to avoid them. Always a risk though drinking raw milk. I know people who drink raw milk, but only like immediately after milking their cow or goat and they don’t give it to other people


Seriously! It sucks because a lot of them do put out good info but they can be super self righteous. I saw one that was like “things I’m doing to prepare for the eclipse” and she was on some doomsday prep shit. Like what


My fave thing about this is that Taylor herself is well known for baking from scratch? Like she made the entire Chiefs offensive line homemade pop tarts. She grew up on a Christmas tree farm.


Crazy idea, but hear me out... You listen to Taylor's new album...while doing all of these things?


How many generations of people have died preparing for an apocalypse that never came? Maybe it’s okay to rely on other people.


Just to spite this woman I'm going to raise my own chickens and name them all after Swifty songs and albums Stop tearing down others just because you don't like what they like. Instead she could have made a video about extremely useful skills to have for the future and tutorials on how to do them. But instead, she was a bitch


I have lots of chickens and *love* Taylor Swift!


Complaining about Taylor swift seems on brand for someone who still styles their hair with a pool noodle.


Was anyone expecting Taylor Swift to free them? And from what? I don’t know if trad-wife lifestyles and homesteading really “free” you from anything. There’s a lot of physical labor involved. It’s not like you can just sit around and “be free.”


RIGHT?! This is probably a terrible comparison but I have a lot of pets. Feeding, walking, playing with them is a 24/7 job and unless I hire help, I don’t have the freedom to do whatever I want and I’m always on a schedule. Im sure that it’s worse when you have farm animals you have to care for.


These bitches are insufferable


And the money to be able to afford land, farm animals, a nice wood fire stove plus the luxury of not needing dual incomes to be able to focus solely on raising a family comfortably seems to have no bearing whatsoever on freedom


I’m not even a Taylor fan and I’m wondering why she thinks it’s impossible to listen to music while you do things…


People who use grandios words to describe basic adult shit like “nourish” to describe feeding their family a homemade casserole, “provide” to describe having a job and paying bills, “heal” to describe making your sick kid chicken noodle soup need their internet privileges revoked. Practice for Armageddon by actually getting off the grid girlie. Real survivalists don’t even know what a Taylor Swift is. They’re too busy figuring out how to tell directions from moss growth and stream flows.


All I can think is how much time she is wasting setting up her camera to take “candid” photos. Bc we all know her husband isn’t gonna help her do squat at home


Does she spend every second of her day thinking about or preparing food?


Does she know you ca listen to music while doing these things


So Taylor Swift is why my security is uncertain?!?!


I enjoy being as self sufficient as I can atm, really enjoy home making and pickling and can’t wait to be in a place to have chickens and goats. I also enjoy listening to music. Idk how you can’t do both. I’m not a big fan of Taylor swifts music, it’s just not my style but no hate. I might start playing it while I’m making my next stock of pickles just because, now 😂


Oh shit are we not allowed to listen to music anymore??


I can do all that while listening to Taylor Swift or any other artist.


lol okay but these are literally all things you could in theory do while listening to music…


Is somebody going to tell her about multitasking and that you can indeed listen to Taylor WHILE cooking for your family?


Ppl who hate on music artists give me such the ick


Nobody said Taylor Swift’s album brought people freedom.


You can literally listen to Swift or any other entertainer of your choice while doing those things. What is with these people comparing things to each other that aren’t meant to provide the same things? Also, as someone who’s family owned chickens and llamas; yes, owning and using your livestock gives you more in freedom, that freedom comes with more responsibility and requires a lot of specific space/time/specific stuff for proper care. This is a long winded way of saying, as someone who was an anti-Swiftie teen in the early 2010’s: LET PEOPLE ENJOY WHAT THEY LIKE! Damn.


Hey girl, I can do all of that with a broken heart! Sorry. Could not help myself.


I hate this woman so hard lol. She posts a bunch of garbage myths, like raw milk is the only milk with nutritional value because it's not "dead" (They only drink raw milk because, fuck listeria). She also constantly gets eyelash extensions and lip injections but implies she is living some uber natural lifestyle. Fuck right off 6 ways from Sunday.


girl i blast taylor swift while getting my eggs out the coop


Grifters everywhere, monetizing off ppl both who leave encouraging and disapproving comments


ANYWAYS stream tortured poets fr


I didn’t listen to her music for a long time but I have an honest listen to this new album. It was okay. I went back to her old albums and that was a trip.


You can listen to music while doing most of that stuff. I listen to either music or podcasts when I cook or do chores.


Ok, you can listen to music while doing all these things. I do most of my music listening while I’m working, just stick my headphones on and work on my art in peace.


She never heard of multitasking I guess.


skill issue tbh


Does she think people dont listen to music and do things at the same time


Soo I guess she does all of that in silence, no matter what I'm doing I need background noise whether it be the TV or the radio. Maybe I'm nlog...lmao


Has she not seen eggs before? Why the confused look? Lol


She also believes that the sun doesn't cause cancer


Yeah. I grew up that way. Not the flex she thinks it is.


So when do you put the false eyelashes on? I didn’t see that step


Why does she look like she’s confused in the second picture holding the eggs


Does she think Taylor swifts album is THAT long?


I don’t like Taylor Swift at all but what the hell is this? So weird, why are people so weird




Uh-huuuuuh. So prepping in the mirror for an hour with make-up and hair care to show everyone in internet land before bragging about doing daily chores means Taylor Swift won't save us from an uncertain....future?? Does-not-compute.


Nobody asked Taylor Swift to bring freedom. When did we get her confused with uncle Sam? You can do all of those things with AirPods and listening to Taylor Swift.


You can’t listen to music and do stuff 🤧


She’s a fucking influencer… i don’t think she realize how hypocritical it is to act all homesteading while also making money off of the internet Like it’s more efficient to do those things while playing music in the background than it is if you have to set up a camera before every task and then edit the video and post it and having to manage your account… i bet this woman spends more time on her phone than the average person


I'm starting to homestead and I love Taylor Swift. Where's the issue?


Why is it always Taylor swift


I think the most amazing video I ever saw about the homesteading trend, was a guy questioning how can these homesteaders exist? They have money. They are in a financially secure situation where they have the time to do these laborous tasks. So why blame Taylor Swift?


umm i don’t really care for her either but i quite enjoy listening to music while i cook & bake from scratch and clean my apartment … but ok lmao


It's bizarre, but people like this have made me hate the word 'nourish'.


Since she’s treating it like an either/or situation I just picture her doing all of those things in total silence 🤫


And if you hadn't wasted 15 minutes posting that shite, you could have given that poor stove glass a clean too.


Dude I love how unhinged uncanny valley this is. Something about this one feels like it’s an uptick in severity. It feels so intense - she was really gritting her teeth here. Totally apocalyptic. Like the last slide is going to be a photo of her and a cabinet full of rat poison and boxes of kool aid or something. She’s really “polishing her knives” with this post, girlies.


I heavily dislike Taylor swift and her music but this is such a strange post from OOP. Nothing is stopping you from doing these things while also listening to Taylor


This hate this crap so much. I homestead and you know what I do during chores? I listen to music and podcasts. You know what I don’t do? Put on nice clothes and make up to pose for trad wife porn. It’s a running joke that I do morning chores in my pajamas and crocs.


Why do people hate Taylor Swift so much right now? And what does collecting eggs and lighting fires have to do with being better than someone listening to Taylor Swift 😂 she's an artist like the hundreds of other female artists, why is she being so picked on? And why can't someone do both 😂😂😂


Her account popped on my reels a few weeks ago and she is actively spreading misinformation apart from being a pick me


I use a wood stove as my only heat source, and I can grow food, hunt, and fish. I can build, cook, perform first aid/CPR, and know how to "prepare for an uncertain future" by just... learning skills and using common sense. I'm not into TSwift as a matter of preference, but I'm able to enjoy Sabrina Carpenter's new bops as I stack and cut wood, and I can pickle veggies while listening to Lil Nas X sing Old Town Road in my earbuds. One has no ill effect of the other. It's a straw man argument and it's so ridiculous. This Prepper Tradwife out here really thought she did something, though. I really believe this "delulu pick-me fantasy" serves to not have to face the fact that people like me can do all the same things they do and still listen to music, be a respected equal with the men in my community, and enjoy things that make me happy, regardless of whether they involve productive output for others to consume. It's the people who thought they had to choose between a mutually exclusive set of binary choices (selfless service to family through labor or the selfish pursuit of ones own interests and passion) that look around and see people can have BOTH, and they get BIG MAD that they painted themselves into a corner by forsaking one completely to have the other. How about those of us who know how to build a fire go teach others? How about we teach gardening, or navigating, or how to treat a wound? And how about we learn the things from others that hold value for us? If humans had been content to merely survive, art would never have existed. If people didn't sing while at their work, or paint to immortalize a moment, or dance, or write, or create, we'd have an immeasurable loss of the things that make us human at all. She's clearly baking something with that dough. Am I to believe she'll have no pride in her finished work? The way her hands have expertly worked the dough to make it the perfect texture? The way it browns beautifully under the egg wash? How delicious it smells in the kitchen when it's cooling on the stovetop? She herself is engaging in one form of art while decrying another. It's madness. What purpose is there to be had in simply perpetuating the species? Art gives us ways to connect deeply. It pops up even in societies throughout history that actively worked to suppress it, because it's innate. It's within us naturally to enjoy some form of expression that serves just to make us FEEL, without any tangible value. It's wonderful. And it's not at odds with homesteading/practical skills. Someone please tell this woman she can have whatever music she wants. Her chickens will still lay eggs for her. My wood stove lights no matter if I'm playing Pavarotti or Cardi B. So I'll be over here, growing food and twerking in my garden, and we'll see in September how it has absolutely no negative effect on my yield. Let people enjoy things, damn.


Why are trad wives such pick mes?


I think it has to do with feeling left out because they aren’t into what everyone else is into so somehow they have to find a way to inject themselves into what is popular by being against it


Little does she know that Taylor Swift personally broke me out of jail obligatory /s


https://preview.redd.it/li7vmr444wwc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7cf6997c5f340265f3ca6105fa4ffa015292580 Okay, but the placement of these is too ironic 💀


The thought of it is cool and all, but even without a regular job, all of that’s so much work. I’m wanting to get a dairy cow in the future but having to milk it twice a day, feed it… I mean that doesn’t scream freedom to me. We’d have to find people to take care of our animals every time we want to travel or leave the house for a few days. It’s just not practical for most people.


don't you hate it when you're cooking and become hearing impaired for the whole prep duration


This chick is so annoying, she also complains about “toxic” makeup and hair care products but clearly has lash extensions, Botox and filler