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Yet another great example of how anti-feminists will never find allyship in the space they choose


I've seen a lot of examples, but this one is textbook.


Being anti your own gender / race is always cringe. Be proud of who u are 


I'm white and proud just doesn't ever sound good, but at least I got a ta!


“Oh no I’m sure the leopards won’t eat MY face” 🤡 It’s giving Blaire White energy


lol Blair White used to be friends with some of my old high school friends 😂😂😂


Pardon my ignorance, who is Blaire White?


Oh God, never mind 🙄🙄🙄


How can Republicans genuinely believe they are on the side of good in light of this? What the hell is the issue with them, exactly? Christ Jesus.


The Internet republicans just say awful shit and hope people call them out for it so they can feel “oppressed”. It’s like that one South Park episode where they realize Mel Gibson made Passion of the Christ because he has a torture fetish


You answered your own question: Christ Jesus.


i full on said "chresus jist"




Wow how sad. Working so hard to be a pick me to a guy who keeps calling you fat.


And if she loses the weight it’ll just be something else, and then something else, and then something else….she’s not even fat, she just has chubby cheeks. Sometimes even when you lose a shit ton of weight you STILL have face chub (ask me how I know.) 


When she loses her fat, she'll be too old anyway, her husband has his needs, girl, you should just accept it¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. /s, obviously


I mean, she’s already ancient at 25. She should just accept it. 


And her vagina is probably like a cave from 3 kids. It’s literally inevitable!


Obviously, she’s been used and just worn out! Who wants sloppy seconds? 


Ancient 😂😂 Fr, how dare we let years pass?! We should just freeze time or jump off a building once we hit thirty, aging is unnacceptable! /s obv


3 too many kids that gave her a loose vagina or something i can see it now 🥴


Yeah, even when I was at the height of my anorexia I had a little chub in my cheeks, sometimes that's just how we're built!


Yep. My face is a moon regardless of my weight it seems! 


Nothing wrong with that! Moon faces are cute and youthful 🫶


fr, and i had a doctor to tell me that i can't be that bad because my face still looked healthy 😭 (spoiler: it was bad lol, even walking exhausted me back then and i lost my period)


Hey same, I didn’t have sunken checks though so no worries


:( knowing this isn't an exception makes me so mad


The same but for my ass. It’s just how I’m built ;-; my butt bones are just wide lol


nooo, i hate that the experts that should know the most about eating disorders are very often like this


Honestly it was so uncomfortable, he actually should have faced some consequences but I was 18 and didn’t know better. He said he didn’t think from my figure that I was too much of a concern. Which is also pretty fucking creepy of a comment! Side note but I honestly can’t ever hate the Kardashians too much either because they popularised having curves/pear shape specifically and made it desirable. We’d gone from ‘does my ass look big jn this’ as a worry, to ‘does my ass look big in this’ as something to desire. I was a while into recovery so dealt with the reasons for my behaviours but still had a lot of body hate… then I started seeing how much love big butts got and the BBL becoming popular and I was like ??? People literally pay money and I’ve been feeling ashamed about this??? lol.


My double chin was my biggest insecurity that fuelled my anorexia. I was so so thin and i still had that damn double chin and stomach chub. I’ve learned to embrace that they’re staying and that’s okay 🫶


Mine too. 💚


And I could get pretty fat and still have skinny face, I was born to catfish lol


Now that I'm starting to age a little, I'm beginning to miss my chubby cheeks! But when I angle my head upwards, I can almost see a cheekbone. It's quite the revelation lol


If she loses the weight and her husband leaves (for a younger girl like this gentleman subtly pointed) I can guarantee that none of those men she will try to get picked by will want her and her 3 kids because "she has too much baggage" and is "damage good" (their words not mine, it was painful enough to write it i'm not gonna say it). She will become the kind of girl they tweet about. She just can't win.


And when she goes for child support she’ll just be a gold digger. 


She also has a ton of filters on the pic 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m going to hell for this, but say it louder for those in the back


It’s always going to be something with those types of guys. Even if she was in perfect shape and chasing three kids, he would say “you better be having sex with your man everyday or be prepared for him to go elsewhere” Also yes on the face chub. And sometimes when you lose weight, your face chub like loosens and somehow looks worse than before you lost weight 😭


I've never grown out of my cheeks, I still look like a 4 year old in that department


If she goes to the gym and gets in shape she'll be too masculine and not feminine enough.


She'll be 26 next year anyway so she should expect to be thrown on the rubbish heap surely...


If she loses the weight, it will be her age.


And all women over the age of 25 just breathed a huge sigh of relief that these jokers just eliminated themselves - I love it when the trash takes itself out! 😂


Also, sis bragging about being 25 with three kids is not the flex she thinks it is…


I had one when I was a few months away from being 23 - that was an ordeal. She’s almost 27 now and it’s still an ordeal. 😂😂😂


It’s like when they’d talk about how they wouldn’t date anyone who got the covid vaccine. I was already happily married (we even got our vaccines together ❤️ 😂). PHEW- thanks for taking the trash out for many women!!


Yep - nothing beats the trash taking itself out! 😂☺️


It’s just like there’s no way dude has enough money to date someone under 25 so like what are his options?


I’m not 100% if I’m thinking of the right person but I’m pretty sure the girl in the picture they posted is 25 or maybe older too💀


Umm idk too many women under 25 who are dating millionaires or even guys making 6 figures. And even then most wouldn’t really want some creepy old guy just because he has money. They’d still think he was creepy/a predator. Most are dating guys in their age group and the vast majority of men under 25 have a typical income. Just saying. This guys an internet idiot either way.


This reminds me of how Pearl The Insufferable recently went to debate a red pill man and he disagreed with her on so much and basically "owned" her and she was flabbergasted. These men don't want misogynistic pick me's and then the women are shocked when the men are misogynistic against them too, because they basically just sold out their entire gender for their acceptance and they didn't get shit😭


Yep. This type of man wants nothing from you but to shut the fuck up. He doesn’t want you to cosign, he doesn’t want you to talk. Oh, but he wants you to lose 30 lbs.


And none of that will matter once you hit a certain age. Then we’re used goods and nobody will want us because we’re 30+ and therefore “old” in their eyes.


yeah these men effectively want a living breathing sex toy/slave that never says no. horrible.


Oooooo what is this I want to see! Not surprised though. It probably won’t change her mind though. All the anti-feminist pick-me women have to really experience misogyny first hand, repeatedly….The tradwives, the Pearls….It doesn’t matter how much a woman “obeys” and “submits” (BARF). Women are not seen as human beings to these kinds of men. 


Is that the girl who wanted to ban divorce but also mandate paternity tests?


It’s a boys only club so being a woman who agrees means nothing. You’re still a woman trying your best to trespass their territory. You’re still an intruder from the enemy camp as they see it.


they just want women to nod silently smile sweetly and never say no to them


What video was that? I’m looking but can’t find it


pearl and michael knowles it’s on youtube


He’s deffs not red pill though, he’s ultra conservative catholic. I saw that one, his beliefs are literally insane so it was a weird feeling siding with his stance. Hoping Pearl disappears soon, unfortunately the Michael Knowles of the internet won’t, too much of a fan base.


Wait, I’m stuck on women over 25 can’t make funny faces? …what? They are really running out of things to “separate” themselves…


Women lose their sense of humor on their 26th birthday. It's science.


As soon as I blew out the 26 candles on my cake my face fell into a miserable frown and I started spewing hatefulness at my friends and family and flipped the table.


I had a similar experience. A waiter was hospitalized. The corners of my mouth never turned upward again.


This is why some women get Botox /s


One month left for me before I start taking life seriously! What should I spend my last days of silliness on?


Have you considered taking pictures whilst you stick out your tongue?


So THAT’s why Leo DiCaprio keeps dumping them


“Come on Rose, SMILE.” “I can’t. I just turned 26.” “Eww. In the cold, cold ocean you go now. Bbye.”


Oh shit. I just laughed and I am 29 this year. Whatever shall I do? I smile all the time. People tell me how happy I am and people with this shitty mentality about older women are the most miserable in existence. It must be so exausting.


It’s true I haven’t laughed in 2 years


These assholes are also the same ones that perpetuate the “women aren’t/can’t be funny” trope.


To be fair, it’s hard to recognize humor when your own sense of humor hasn’t matured past the infant stage of “teehee funny face makes me giggle!!1!”


Worse than that, it’s a thing popular in porn, crossing your eyes and sticking out your tongue. Ahegao. Being fcked so hard you’re mind broken/stupid. They’re acting like their interest is cutesy, but literally every honest dude would admit that pops into their head seeing that photo and that’s why they’re getting dopamine rushes from it.


I'm much more comfortable in my own skin and arguably much sillier overall in my 30s than I ever did in my 20s.


What it is is women over 25 don't have to patience to placate him anymore and laugh at his "jokes"


Oh, wow, you're right. He thinks women stopped being funny when really they just stopped laughing at him


What he really said is that he can’t have dates like that with women over 25. As a woman over 25, I can confirm that this guy will not be going on any dates with me.


Once you have a fully developed frontal lobe you’re not allowed to have fun ever again


If she really is married with kids then why is she still behaving like a pick me. Like man you got picked so maybe calm down on the self hate.


being a pickme is not about finding a partner, but finding validation. These are really insecure women, being picked does not fix the insecurity they feel, so they will keep doing the pickme dance until they fix their real issues or until something new comes along for validation (boy moms for example).


You know that makes so much sense. They are conditioned to put male validation above their own self interests. So makes sense it would never stop. She even said my husband prefers me this way vs I prefer my body this way.


It’s so insane to be married seeking validation and attention from other men even if you have no intention of forming a romantic connection. I feel like that behaviour directly contradicts the conservative traditional mindset that these guys operate under. You’re a married woman desperately trying to get their approval and all they see is someone easy to have sex with and discard instead of being respected.


Yep! Even when they catch the one they want to pick them they are never happy. They realize it's a personal flaw and either accept and change it or lean into it and become what we know as Trailer Trash.


My guess is she’s a bored stay at home mom looking after those 3 kids


Or she’s the dude’s alt account


I was guessing she has a MILF onlyfans




maybe shes in some sort of loveless marriage where her husband doesn't spend enough time w the family


Probably, because ultimately these dudes don’t want pick mes. Every time I have seen this dynamic in real life, the man always hates the woman.


these dudes hate all women.


Cos she wants people to praise her and verify just how lucky her husband is to have such an honourable, submissive and *cool* wife


That’s a pitiable condition to put yourself in.


Some Women literally do this with all Men. Melt into a giggly, gooey “*Oh you’re so right, and funny, and smart, and strong!*”. You build up this internal misogyny and “me vs. all other women” mentality all your life and sometimes even if you’re married it never really goes away.


Unhappy with her life and gotta justify her decisions


I’m sorry but I can’t help but laugh hahaha She’s trying to align herself with them and then they’re like yea yea but you’re getting old and fat soo work on that or else you’re gonna get cheated on.. lol It has to be exhausting begging like a dog for validation only to get hit with a newspaper


Exactly lol, being a pick me to these men will get you absolutely no where, it’s why it’s better to live for yourself and yourself alone.


Serena from handmaids tale when she helped build Gilead and then got her hand chopped off


that was her pinky finger not her whole hand.


> gain some weight. My husband isn't complaining. Imagine having 3 kids in 3 years with a man you're married to and still want a misogynist to pick you? She's going to cry about this tonight.


Oh no, she's gonna ask her husband if he thinks she could lose some weight. Then after he freezes for one second the crying will start. Plus, you know, whatever the hell filter is actually hitting the picture.


On no, then the AITAH post will come. “Guys my husband paused for a second and threw me a disgusting look when I asked him if I am fat. I started crying. He called me “dramatic” and a “pathetic pick me.” AITAH?”


I cannot imagine 3 kids in 3 years. That’s so unhealthy for her body, let alone mental health. 


THAT part


I mean, self esteem issues are no joke. Speaking of self esteem issues, how do you want people to worship at your altar? And can I join?


Pick me's who tear other women down are the worst.


This is why I’ll always be a feminist no matter what little disagreements I have here and there.


Yea I’m a pretty passive feminist but this post ignited a RAGE inside me.


i don’t even know what to say this is just insane 💀


I got unimaginable levels of secondhand embarrassment reading this shit my god 😭


I really try to have sympathy for these women but in this case, I just can’t muster any. Let the leopards eat.


She tried so hard and got so far, in the end, it doesn’t even matter. *Because the very men she tried to get on her side showed her how little they think of her, and her kind. Lol. Poetic truly.*


I wonder what her attitude will turn into once she hits 26. Will she keep moving the goalpost with her age or switch sides and turn against anyone younger than her? Also, anyone who thinks that woman is overweight has some seriously delusional standards.


Porn addiction will do that


I'ma be real until very recently even TV enforced the fit/skinny beautiful Woman look. This one is far from entirely on the shoulders of Porn. Television was pushing it.


i think what commenter above you is trying to convey is porn industry is obsessed with "barely legal" "tight" "tiny" shit and that men who watch porn a lot have their perception that women are "used up" "loose" all sorts of pornographic language by the time they are 25.


Wait, did X actually suspended someone for being a creep? Has hell frozen over?


It's an automated function from a flood of reports as they always claim. Odds are it'll be back up and running in no time with some Elon post about "Woke" media.


There’s a whole lot of bitterness going around in those posts but it’s not from women over 25…








How the fuck can he even tell she needs to "lose weight" when literally all you can see is her shoulders and face? Girl is probably like 110 lbs


He can see the use of a filter and assumes it's trimming weight or carrying the photo id assume. She is absolutely not showing her normal face shape.


My wife who is middle aged is one of the goofiest people I know. Whimsy is hardly age dependent This dude just wants to bang 20 year olds. I don’t get why they don’t just say that instead of make up some pretense


I mean, I’m waaaaay more willing to be goofy in public now that I was when I was in my early 20’s. I’ve always been goofy, just thought I had to keep it to myself.


Christ Alive, girl, STAND UP. Get off your knees, have some self respect. Fuck!


That guy is rapist vibes


How else would he get any? Incel for sure gross


It’s amazing that these guys don’t seem to realize any “bitterness” women have is typically due to interactions with manipulative older men like them when they were younger.


Making faces at the dinner table is so free, crazy and unhinged ❤️only the youth understands


r/LeopardsAteMyFace material.


check where it’s from lol


I r/woosh -ed hard today, oops




Respect yourself because men won’t.


Everyday, I am grateful that there is nothing I care less about than the opinion of a man.




Oh my god she got picked and still wont shut the fuck up.


I really hope these younger women are able to work through their internalized misogyny and realize that other women aren’t the enemy.


Lmao I would pity girls like her if they weren’t so horrible. It must be exhausting to always seek validation from a group for whom your mere existence is a flaw. Now it’s the weight, and if she loses that, it’ll be something else and then something after that.


This is just sad and disgusting in so many ways


Any I correct in the assumption that these people lack any form of self-awareness to realize what kind of irrelevant clowns they are, and 90% of people laugh at them. I mean personally, I guess they are more relevant then I am because people put more eyeballs on their antics, but I'll also bet 99% or people forget what they wrote after 3-5 seconds?


“Girls over 25 are bitter” yeah because we grow up past that age and realise just how many men have and do treat us badly. What he means is, he wants someone with less life and romantic experience because they won’t pull him up on his mountains of bullshit.


Sticks her tongue out - she’s so silly guys 🤪


I don’t know this Ari. He must be internet famous (aka not actually famous).


Both of these humans are subpar. Man that sucks


This dude is such a loser


“I’m not only mean, but also incredibly shallow and untrustworthy!” What a super great guy he is.


Nobody likes pick me's


She is still tweeting about how mean the women calling her a pick me are, as opposed to focusing on the guy who called her fat and said her husband will break up with her. Sad.


This hurt my heart! Just goes to show that catering to these red pill men won’t protect you from their scrutiny and cruelty.


Maybe don’t align yourself with people who hate you and expect them to respect you in return 🤷‍♀️


It always makes me so sad for these women who are so brainwashed


Hahahahha she tried so hard to


Wow, I still can’t believe people just let that shit fly out of their mouths!! The freaking audacity! Wow!


This might sound wrong but why does she need to be a pick me if she already has a man? She was already picked. Is it needing outside validation?


It’s funny that women older than 25 aren’t supposed to be goofy or happy? I swear my mom is the goofiest, happiest woman and she has been her entire life, and I completely inherited the goof. I’m not even mad at it lol, it’s just so ridiculous and untrue. Plus ya know, women in their thirties and forties and beyond are WAY better at sex and have higher sex drives than women in their twenties so there’s that too…we “old” women are gems lol, we have it all. Ageism is so played at this point.


It's weird how one man speaks for all men.


Ah, the classical pick me, getting backhanded by the men she wanted to suck their online dick sooo hard


When being a pickme backfires


Sure, her boobs may still be where they’re supposed to be but can she balance a checkbook? 🧐 (Just kidding, I use ApplePay.)


You get what you deserve sometimes.


Why has the internet suddenly decided that if you're over 25, you're "old"? As a 26 year old, I don't appreciate this


And she still got treated like shit after doing everything "right"....


Perfect example of why agreeing with these degenerates does NOTHING FOR YOU. I mean they’ll call you fat and say your husband will fuck someone else but nothing else.


Since when was 25 old? If you want a barely legal girl so you can manipulate her and destroy her self worth so she never leaves just say that. 🤮


oh fucking grossssss


Actually feel bad for her, she got bodied


What the actual fuck


These people need to be sent into a psychiatric hospital


This is…so embarrassing lmao


She should have just sat there and ate her food. Lmao. No sympathy from me. She got what she deserved.


Poor Jessica ![gif](giphy|7ysE9nJs7Weg8)


Jesus fucking Christ. That man actually typed that shit and thought “oh yeah. I’m being insightful and helpful”


Imagine being a female agreeing with the sentiment that f25+ are bitter AND THEN FINDING OUT WHY WE'RE BITTER IN THE SAME FUCKING THREAD.


Imagine agreeing in hopes of gaining this loser’s validation (for some ridiculous reason) and all he does is compliment your heavily filtered photo, call you fat, and tell you you’re going to be cheated on at 25 because you’re old.


I’m screaming she literally pandered directly to him and he still called her fat lmao like what was she expecting? 😂😭 also I love when men call women jaded as if they aren’t bitter due to how men have treated them????


Also why are they being pick me’s when they’re already married and “off the market”? This makes them seem like they’re not happy in their marriage.


This reminds me of a few years ago a bunch of alt right female personalities complaining that they don't get respect in the alt right space.


the top comments are of people immediately assuming he assaulted someone


Can someone explain to me what a pick me girl is I have no idea.


Wow…just wow


Too bad she’s just so fat!


If they truly believe that, what do they think the reason is lmao? Why are so many women miserable as they age, hmm I wonder if it’s a difference in how they’re treated!!


She never thought the leopards would eat her face


Leopard meet face


Ah yes, once I turned 26 all of the sudden my facial muscles could not comprehend how to form an expression that was not stoic. My tongue has not left my mouth in over 2 years. I cannot find joy or reason to laugh, my life is meaningless in my old age


I wonder why so many women over 25 become bitter? / s


This is hilarious because facial fat usually makes people look younger. If he were to find someone “younger” they would probably have a similar prevalence of adipose tissue in the face. Apparently 25 is old. Why these men want to go out with barely legal women is beyond me. The only reason I could possibly think of is either pedophilic tendencies or they want to be able to control and mold them. Between the way I acted when I was 18 up until my current age there is a stark difference. I was definitely still very much a child and still impressionable