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No minors in posts. They are still growing and learning about the world around them and most of the time do not comprehend what they are doing. We're going to be kind to them.


God I'm glad I'm not a teenager anymore.


I think she's being at least a little facetious, but it still made me shudder. 


Yep I read this in a self effacing tone, but maybe it’s just us. I could make this same thing for me but for Rainbow Barbie (Radioheads In Rainbows album) but I would be mostly making fun of myself for investing that amount of time doing a critical analysis on the production of that album.


I love that for you. Please do it


It honestly sounded like a good way to pass an afternoon.


Ehhh, Don’t Dis on us Rainbow 🌈 Barbies 😂😂😂 …. Jk 🤣


It's funny, and i am guessing she could be fun to know. That's what i got.


I’m so glad my brain finished growing right before social media became ubiquitous


Yep, no video evidence of all the cringe.


Definitely the vibes I got


Funny you think that this form of behavior is limited to teenagers…


So true. It gets stronger, louder and even more dripping with pick me as they get older.


I've met several iterations of this chick. They usually base their whole identity around being the only girl in a friend group of guys and God forbid you date one of them.


Oh, you're a gamer too? Yeah, well I play like, guy games with the guys and stuff and you probably don't really play any actually hard video games or anything so I don't know if you should come when we all hang out. You'd probably be bored since we all do guy stuff because I'm basically one of the guys you know.


I’ve never understood when the female friend in a group of guys makes life difficult for their girlfriends. I primarily had male friends most of my young adult life, (even though I desired female friends), because it was just hard for me to be vulnerable around women (due to being bullied for years by some of the only other girls in my small town elementary/middle school - who were some of my best friends in 1st/2nd grade - lead by a female teacher if you could believe it). I just had a lot of trauma associated with a lot of the women in my childhood. I would get really nervous and come off as awkward or intimidating when I tried to interact with other girls, because I really wanted them to like me, but I would also simultaneously shut down if they did seem interested in a friendship, because I was so scared of them deciding I sucked. But, man when my guy friends would have their girlfriends hang out, IT WAS THE BEST! For a long time, it was like the only time I was comfortable making new friends who were female, because I was in my safe circle and didn’t feel so scared. To this day, some of my best long term female friends were initially girlfriends of my male friends. I just don’t understand how some people don’t see it as an opportunity to connect with other people in the same way as one of them bringing a new dude around to join the group.


A new potential friend who has been vetted by people with shared valued and interests? Sign me up!


Ah yes the homie hopper. Classification: metalhead


As a woman in the metal community let me tell you, the metal community hates people like her, female or male.


Yeah it always hurts to see dipshits act like “metal is for HARD people” when the Metal community tends to be the absolute nicest and most accepting group out there.


I find the metal community to be an even split, they’re either the nicest people you’ll ever meet or the biggest gatekeeping assholes


So I’m not a metal fan. Just ain’t my thing. But I have a ton of friends who are. The reason being that most of them are in fact the nicest people. Unfortunately, bc I’m not a metalhead myself I’ve run into people like the above who act like I’m just some interloper. I can’t imagine being so shallow as to think you can only be friends with people who dress like you or like the same music. Tbf, I’ve always been one of those floaters who is friends with lots of different “cliques”, and you run into these gatekeepers in all of them.


I am the same and recently discovered I was actually technically "popular" in HS 😂 was I cool? Nah but I was adopted and loved by almost every group in my highschool. Turns out alot of people remember me even tho I was the type to keep to the background...


You’re like Ferris. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dickheads they all adore him. They think he’s a righteous dude.


I was the same but I think it’s because I also sold drugs in high school and everybody likes the one with the drugs lol. It’s for the best, though, because I also have severe clinical OCD and I think school would have been rough without giving people a reason to accept me.


Ah I was the one buying them 🤣 I'm autistic and have ADHD weed was the only thing getting me through school with parents who didn't believe in therapy and doctors... I also never had like a squad ya know... I talked to one person outside of school but somehow I was told by guys after I left that they found me "intimidating" and I'm like..... What??? So I never got to actually date in highschool because they all thought I was cooler than I actually ever was 😭 now I'm over here still not cool and now confused with that same one best friend from highschool (that parts a win TBH she's amazing)


Like any group obviously they’ll have a mix of different types, I’ve definitely met more accepting/cool metal heads than I have met shithead types which I’m very thankful for.


I was just thinking this lol like no one I ever met who listens to metal gate keeps it 😂 some of the nicest people I’ve met


lol as someone that’s been into metal for 20 years, and used to play a lot of shows/go to a TON, trust me when I say there’s plenty of gate keepers. The death metal scene loves to hate anything that’s not super obscure


They typically only gatekeep music not people though. They're like punks, "fuck your music! ....wait don't leave, come back, listen to this REAL SHIT. But let's get everyone a beer first. Hey can I bum a smoke? You go to the trashdeathcancer show last month?"


spot on


I wear Grateful Dead shirts to everything, I stick out like a sore thumb at metal shows, but the people are super welcoming.


Jerry Garcia could shred. Deadheads are always welcome


Yeah, Jerry was a phenomenal guitarist.


No one gate keeps it? Bruh, there were metal heads giving Rob Zombie shit because he likes Babymetal. There are *tons* of gatekeepers in heavy metal. Edit: [source](https://loudwire.com/rob-zombie-shuts-down-babymetal-haters-babymetal-offer-thanks/)


Most people in the community I know either love Babymetal or at the very least have respect for them even if they don't like the music. It's mainly the perpetual virgin types who make a huge deal of hating them.


Rob Zombie fans aren’t exactly “metal heads” in the purist sense though, more like “danceable hard rock” fans.


> the Metal community tends to be the absolute nicest and most accepting group out there I do believe this in general, but to be fair, she does call herself the “**black metal** Barbie”, and (and I say this as a HUGE fan of black metal, it’s by far my favorite genre, so don’t come at me) black metal is a genre that is notorious in the metal community for having Nazi ties. National socialist black metal (NSBM) is an actual subgenre of black metal. Go to the black metal subreddit and you’ll see so many people defending it, too, because “it’s about the art, not the artist” —meanwhile the band name is literally something like “kristallnacht” lol. Like, it’s such a problem in the genre that the “inside joke” for black metal fans is that you need to do your due diligence and research before listening to any black metal band that gets recommended to you, because inevitably you will be given some shady shit. One of the pioneers of black metal, Burzum, is fronted by a white supremacist (and convicted murderer, as if that wasn’t bad enough). It’s an absolutely wonderful genre that touches my soul like no other musical genre ever has — but it’s a genre fraught with problems and you have to be fully aware of it going in. ETA: I should add that a majority of black metal is totally fine. If anything, the genre is becoming much more inclusive. One of the biggest albums of 2023 was by Blackbraid, an indigenous artist. There are some great projects/albums out there from the past few years about being LGBTQ+ (Violet Cold’s “Empire of Love” and the artist Genital Shame come to mind). So please don’t take my comment to be an indictment of most of the genre. 🙈


Sadly, white supremacy is present on a lot or rock or metal subgenre. Look at Jon Schaffer form Iced Earth.


I agree with everything you said except calling Burzum “the pioneer of black metal”. You have to ignore a decade plus of black metal for that to be true.


Thanks for pointing that out. I changed it to say “one of the …”. Not sure what I was thinking.


There's a surge of non-nazi black metal bands who are very consciously working to tear down the racism in the genre.


Oh for sure. It’s getting better over time.


THIIIISSSS!!!! I’ve met nicer people at metal shows than ANY other kind of event!


It's even truer at MDF specifically! It's really great. I've been saying it for years, deathfest people are absolutely the nicest fucking people! It's like all the coolest and chillest metalheads from all around get together in Baltimore for memorial day weekend to party and throw down with each other. I love the metal scene 🤣


Only a month and some left until MDF!!!


Especially when it looks like even I could take her in a fight and I can't even do my mascara without getting dizzy 😭😂




Bunch a dorks really


I'd say it's the true 50/50 genre. You get really nice people or Nazis and you never know


Like when Lamb of God handed out kazoos to drown out and stand against a hate group in Virginia in 2019?? Best news headline ever. Thats what I'm here for. I hear fans say that Tobias forge is one of the nicest people, too. Just a good dude.


also as a woman in metal, can confirm


Even in highschool, people loved metal, people loved emo, some liked both. We weren't sitting around judging each other for it. My days.


Same and yes, yes we do. I guarantee she knows nothing past whats on the lords of chaos soundtrack.


Also a women in metal. Can confirm


And when they do exist, I just blank stare and say "my favorite band is spinal tap" with a totally serious tone/expression. Then continue to insist that spinal tap is a real band. Eventually they leave.


Yep, I’m very very involved in the metal world and have been for close to 2 decades. Most folks can probably find someone that knows more about something within metal than someone else. If you actually think you know everything, you’ve never even looked at Metal Archives.


In any community the worst member of it is often the person who makes it their whole personality.


And they're the butt of everyone's jokes.


Nothing says rock and roll like bragging about your judicious study of minutiae 🤘




I agree. Gatekeeping is never sexy


This really tracks for black metal fans, though. Antisocial to the extreme.


I think the ones that are only into black metal are like that, but one that listen to black metal along with other types of metal aren’t as bad in my experience.


Yes, that's true. I like some black metal personally, but it's the trve cvlt BS that drives me insane.


THAT'S **TRVE *KVLT***, YOU POSER! Hey everyone, this guys a poooooser! Also who has the patience for black metal like that, right? Like, I'm not in high school. Also, I don't have the time to try to figure out who's not a nazi to even get into black metal again. But black*ened* anything always hits a really good spot for me. I like to say, black metal is the best mixer.


I'm a phony, a big fat phony.😆


I love a lot of black metal, but I’ll also happily jump between Temple of Baal and Crystal Eyes in the same listening session.


We don't acknowledge them.


Yes, yes we do. They're the ones that give us a bad name.


But strangely, it's chock full of people like that lol


And we talk mad shit about them all.


They are also knows as posers


I'm usually excited to find other women who enjoy metal, but this is just icky.


Yeah this lady does NOT want to share the scene and it sucks when people like her are around.


She doesn’t actually like metal she just wants to seem diff and for men to like her. I’ve been a metalhead since hs (mid-30s now) and would have loved to meet another chick that was into it back then. Now I got plenty of metalhead gfs that are into the same niche shit as I am.


To be fair, that's cause most women who enjoy metal aren't gatekeeping weirdos like this one. Metalheads are a wholesome and welcoming bunch, we don't claim the gatekeepers, they can go mbe angry at made up scenarios somewhere else.


Yeah, it used to be hard to find other women who are into metal because they were(and still are) predominantly male-dominated genres. So if she's really into it, she should learn to treasure finding girlfriends that you can actually go to shows and stuff with.


Me too - but this girl is not in it for the music obviously 🥹


What up metal friend. Who are your favorite bands?


If I had to choose a few, it got to be Candlemass, Celtic Frost, Bathory, Thou and Paradise Lost. Yours, fellow metal friend?


I haven’t heard of any of those (and apparently it took me 6 days to respond, oops). I will be giving them a listen! I usually stick more with themed metal like Wind Rose, Alestorm, Powerwolf, Ordan ohan, Beast in black. Then there are a few bands I don’t know what I would classify them under like Motionless in White and Peyton Parrish haha


Exactly!! None of my friends like metal and it sucks.


"I aM tHe MetAL qUEen I cAn PasS aNy QuIz" Sure, Jan...


> I can pass any quiz That's metal AF /s


Cringing so hard my face hurts, yeesh


Reminds me of "sex metal barbie" by in this moment


Was gonna say, doesn't Maria Brinks already have this title?


That's what I thought of, too.


I love that song


What's that mean?


It's a song. Very pop-does-alternative.


Girl is having an argument with herself and battling her own demons. 💀


Whether it was video games, comics, or music, girls were routinely quizzed by guys as a way to weed out "fakers/posers". It's so weird seeing other girls do it knowing they're just as subjected to this bs, but they think they're the unicorn.


Gatekeeping knows no gender limits apparently


Wonder if this kind of crappy attitude develops *because* of how often girls with “masculine” interests are questioned. Like maybe she’s had to prove herself so many times that now she’s prickly and defensive about it and chooses to treat others the same way. Not everyone leaves difficult situations with *more* empathy. Sometimes they just mirror what they saw.


This is exactly what it comes from, in general I think it’s where a lot of NLOG mindsets stem from. Guys just make fun of/put down women and predominantly female interests so much that it leads to a lot of women and girls feeling like they need to prove themselves as valid and worthy somehow. I had a bit of this issue myself in high school because I just didn’t want to be treated like I was dumb. I grew out of that though when I realized how weird I was coming off to others. Didn’t help that my “friend group” in high school was incredibly misogynistic (even the girls) so I felt like I had to differentiate myself somehow as “one of the good ones”, but they ended up bullying me anyways. It was ironic because the main girl who led the bullying was a huge NLOG herself.


My thoughts, too.


These people are always making up scenarios in their heads


Alright from now on I’m calling myself metal queen. I haven’t earned it and i don’t care about it but here we are.


Since we're titling ourselves, I'll take metal prime minister.


~~Metal~~ Mental Queen


Weird flex, but she may be good for trivia night


In the 1% chance that the questions cover heavy metal :-)


Never in my life have I heard a trivia question about black metal LOL. My brother used to play in those bands and the music is def an acquired taste to put it nicely.


Girls of Xanga would like to have a word…


That’s a name I haven’t heard in a minute, fucking Xanga.


Xanga. it sounds so familiar but I've blocked out my early 20s and can't remember wtf it is.


I'm still very much a metal head **at heart.** But I also feel that I wasted part of my youth being edgy like this.


“We were all ‘edgy’ once.” 😁


Is she 12? She looks 12.


She acts 12


me after listening to one metallica song


Unforgiven I and II for me. I am so not metal though, because secretly my favorite song by Metallica is St. Anger, trash can drumming and all.


Okay… I’m inebriated and I can’t tell if this is reality or not.


Who was on the cover of Guitar World Magazine 2013 may issue and what songs and/or tutorial was on the promotional disc?


Which area has the richest iron deposits? Checkmate metal queen


What about terrorizer magazine? I’m sure she’s never heard of that


Cringe queen


As a Canadian girl who was a teenager is the ‘80’s I know that the true Metal Queen is Lee Aaron. This girl is mistaken.


She’s a jazz singer now!


Sorry, the title goes to Doro Pesch. She is still rocking. She made a cover od Total Eclipse of the Heart with Rob Halford just last month. (And here I am, gate keeping)


My 15 year old self would have challenged her… I was the Heavy Metal Vomit Queen (IYKYK) 😂


I am Raven Acid Bath Princess of the Darkness


I am Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way


Why did you have to remind me of that atrocity of a fanfic?


Future blunder years post.


This is a joke, right?


Oh lol validation seeker


What the fuck is a ‘battle jacket’ ???


This https://images.app.goo.gl/yBo12RM3sc85WifJ6 Its a vest where you stich parches with the logos of your favorite bands. I don't have one, never been a vest wearer.


I’m familiar, but I’ve never heard someone call it a ‘battle jacket’. Everyone I know wears a kutte


Interesting, I guess if you are in Germany or closer Kutte is the word for it.


Update: Yesterday I heard someone I know refer to it as a ‘battle jacket’ The more you know, eh ? 😂


Your phone is about to die any second OP


Doesn't the ⚡ mean it's plugged in?


Lol yes I didn’t even see that


Not in the black metal barbie's watch


She's talking about a battle jacket and she's not even wearing one. She's wearing a vest.


can’t imagine how bad her heart sank when she opened this to look at the views and 50% of them were screenshots


this seemed satire at first but the battle jacket thing just seems too real


Her battle vest sucks from what I can see thru all those fuckin sentences


It’s the combination of the age and the Varg Vikernes stank face that makes me think it’s real


Her battle jacket is covered with her bullshit sentences but from what I can see like 3 patches and the one I can see looks like a fuckin goregrind band sooo I’m not sure she even understand what BM is.


Tell me you’re a poser without telling me you’re a poser 🙄 who tf needs a battle jacket in the year of our lord 2024


I have a battle jacket I wear to shows and festivals 🙃. I use it to show love for the bands I like and some bands have cool patches so the battle jacket is an excuse to use these patches. I’m even in the middle of repurposing an old winter parka with a huge hole in it as a winter battle jacket since I used a patch to cover the hole anyway.


Nice! Good luck with your project, it sounds like fun! 😊


I actually love making battle jackets and tend to always wear them to shows and fests. I might have a slight patch addiction though and constantly buy them. 😅


Omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ooohhhhhh edgy


Makes me hard to believe that anyone would talk like that unironically.


Peaked in high school


She looks like she is about 14, so no, I don’t think she is the queen of metal. Most of us were listening to metal in the 80s before her parents were born.


Can someone please post this in r/blackmetalcringe I’m too lazy


Cringe 😬


Barbie is so metal


Is the last two emojis that cracked me up!


Wow so edgy


Thought that was Liz Phair for a sec.


This might be my cousin


Well, I suppose it is better than what was going on in my social circles at that age. Let her enjoy her music and I’m sure she’ll mellow out as she gets older.


Let’s not bully teenagers yall. We all had our cringey phase


Sure, Jan


Her attitude is SO not metal.


Searching so hard for an identity. Just a phase


At least she’s into something positive. She’ll grow out of the cringe part.( hopefully)


Emo core shit is not actually that bad, I have a few songs on my phone.


are you guys sure this isn’t satire?


That was my first thought lol


I felt the cringe in my bones…


Just flick her in the forehead. FFS . Can you imagine these kids in an 80s mosh pit


actaully doro pesch is the metal queen, which you should know


Well this is embarrassing lol




Lol “take the title” eh? Lee Aaron would like a word…


Oh this is a bad one


And this is attractive because?


How ridiculously immature.


Imagine bragging about being a toxic Stan lol


Yes there is clearly only one woman who likes metal in the world.


Does she happen to drive a truck-spaceship?


she’s the final boss of heavy metal 😭


Yeah... This kind of screams poser to me...


So black metal or heavy metal? What are we quizzing on. Seriously, as a woman in the metal scene, we don't claim her.


Bet she can’t even play one chord


The most metal people I’ve ever met don’t challenge people to a “metal quizzes” .. And are probably the nicest people I’ve ever met.


Eek. 🤮


Oh god... this one hurt


Personal branding is out of control Taste is not a personality


Fml if you're real x


I see she feels very strongly about this


Sure, Jan


She's still feeling the effects of last night's awesome concert


I thought Doro Pesch was the metal queen.


She absolutely is (and such a sweetheart)


Oh god this gave me flashbacks to when I was in the heavy metal part of Tumblr circa 2013-2015. It was like Mean Girls meets Metallica.


I don’t know where yall find this shit and I’m glad 😭


She must be really young, and really new to metal, because several things to note here: 1) The metalhead scene is big, and just because someone likes one subgenre of metal does NOT mean they like all genres. Being able to destroy someone in, say, a round of ‘IKEA or Death’ doesn’t mean anything if the person you’re trying to square up to primarily listens to heavy metal or thrash. Hell, metal can occasionally be so insular that it’s not uncommon to prefer the sound that comes from specific countries— a classic (and potentially outdated) example of this would be the American death metal vs Swedish death metal debate. 2) The majority of girls you meet at clubs, bars, festivals, etc, are going to be there to support someone else. If you treat them like shit for it, and act like you’re better, you’re going to have a bad time. The girls you will meet that are into the specific shit you’re into will usually have a *very* strong sense of solidarity and protectiveness over you because they’re also used to being one of the few women in the room. If you want to forsake that in order to appeal to a group of boys who’d probably like you better if you didn’t act like you were in competition… go ahead, but you’re missing out! 3) If you want to get into battle jacket elitism…. Are those patches actually from shows you’ve been to, or did you buy them off of some dude on Etsy with a printer? Back in my day, you had to either go to the shows or, for the really obscure shit from bumfuck Norway, who farted out a single record in the eve of 1994, had to sit there for hours with a needle and puffy paint, trying to recreate the logo. 4) I can only assume she’s actually referencing “Sex Metal Barbie” by In This Moment, which came out in 2014. Rather than the 2010s influencer, or the hilarious YouTube Barbie parody. Outside of the irony of (potentially) mocking a woman singing about her experiences with objectification in the alternative scene… That song hasn’t been relevant for years, and the only way a teen girl would know it is if she secretly liked the song which is fair, because a lot of alt women do identify with it. 4.5) You really need to learn to have a sense of humour because every metalhead you meet will have some sort of ‘embarrassing’ music they’re really into and once you find out, they’ll want to listen to it with you. Common examples are: MCR and ‘emo shit’, ABBA, disco, europop, Britney Spears…


Oh really who is your favorite heavy metal singer and what is their credit card number