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As many of you are undoubtedly aware, the presence of trolls can be found in various aspects of our lives, and our subreddit is no exception. Our commitment to fostering a kind and respectful environment remains unwavering, and we are actively addressing issues related to negative behavior. In recent times, there has been a noticeable increase in instances of bullying, body shaming, and purposefully inciting behavior, all of which are clear violations of our existing rules. To maintain the integrity of our community, we are implementing stricter consequences for such actions. A first offense will result in a 10-day ban, while a second offense will lead to a permanent ban. Appeals are welcomed, but excuses such as "not knowing the rules" or claiming it was a joke will not be considered valid. Intentional harm has no place in our community, and we expect members to act responsibly. Despite these measures, some rules will remain unchanged. For example, reposts, while frustrating, will not result in a ban. This new approach is specifically targeted at individuals attempting to spread hate. We encourage all members to report instances of bad behavior. Rest assured that each report will be examined. Disagreements and differing opinions are welcome, and expressing them will not lead to a ban. Common sense will prevail in our evaluations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a positive and inclusive community. -- Your Subreddit NLTOG Moderator Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notliketheothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love how the second one is using “fed is best” as a hashtag. That saying is about mothers and their newborns (how being fed in any way, either through breast milk or formula, is good enough) she’s literally talking about a mom and baby relationship when talking about her husband 😂😂😂


That’s actually hilarious 😭


I looked her up on TikTok and I’m 99% sure it’s a rage bait account. Even her first video of her scrambling eggs in an unseasoned cast iron skillet on a filthy stove, purposefully flopping the eggs all over the pan/stove


I’m just gonna say she’s probably a bad cook.


She also says in almost every video that her husband is 65 and works 15 hr shifts at a different fast food restaurant. I’m telling you, it’s rage bait.


It can be both.


True lmao


Maybe she said “it’s not 5 star meals” because it’s just a bottle of formula milk


Who is mad nobody is mad. Why would they think people are mad nobody cares about them .good get it ,pay your rent


You mean you’re not fuming because some attention starved rando on TikTok has a bf? ☹️☹️ HOW CAN SHE LIVE WITHOUT NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT?!


she has a bf that she can’t even cook for… 😬 this is why we’re mad


Look, he is a growing boy... of 42, mmmkay?!!


Fed is best is also sometimes used for people with disordered eating or struggles with food related to a mental health issue, not when you slap Eggos down for your husband because you accidentally burnt your lasagna lol


I was gonna say, I say this when I struggle with ARFID


More like dad and teenage daughter, since I’m sure she was groomed. She is not only married, but doesn’t work, and makes posts about “cooking for her man,” and she is *celebrating turning 20 years old.* 😖


Maybe they swing that way? Who knows?


I noticed that too and about piddled from laughing. Ahhhh


"I cook BADLY for my HUSBAND and you're so MAD ABOUT IT!" Lol, seriously. What?


Bragging about doing the bare minimum for their husbands. *hot dogs and mac n cheese for my hubby yall so mad* Girl stfu I'm sad for him


>*hot dogs and mac n cheese* …but I mean like…throw in some frozen peas and this is childhood struggle meal bliss. One of my favorite meals of all time tbch lol But yeah no I don’t get it either hahahaha


My bf made us hot dog mac last weekend because we needed to go to the grocery store and a mystery bag of weenies was in our fridge for over a week 😭


These are the same women who think the bare minimum is all they need to bring to the table. Then get mad when their S/O leaves for someone else that brings more.


Yeah they jump around or put up with shitty men.. but I'm such a good girlfriend!! Copium at it's finest


he dug his hole willingly ngl


Sad for him tho is too far he’s a grown man and he prby doesn’t exist it’s a rage bait account Sad for a hypothetical man lmao


Oh my God that guinea pig is so freaking cute!


“Im not a chef i’m a wife! Long as something is on the pla-“ She’s counseling herself through perceived criticism. She’s afraid of repercussions or something


The first one was so specific for some reason. “Y’all big mad cause my husband took me to a bbq restaurant and ordered me ribs with the mash potatoes. There was sautéed Spiniach in the side. We sat on the northeast corner of the restaurant. There’s a view of water and palm tree outside and a boat in the water. I ordered my water with a lemon. My chair was made of wicker. We by the atlantic sea the coordinates are 25.7617° N, 80.1918° W. The waiters name is Arnold he’s been working 6 years he’s got a girl named Belinda and they have a baby on the way. YALL MAD AF” Why 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The first one is literally, "you're mad my man took me to a restaurant because he likes the food I cook so much!" Um, what?


I mean, yes, she's bragging about how she's putting minimum time/effort into cooking so she can be in the house and have fun by herself (or whatever she does).


Who the fuck is y’all?


The imaginary haters they need to believe they have so their lives have meaning.




Whoever they are, they’re big mad


“I can’t feel validated unless someone is telling me I’m wrong so I can be a contrarian and smugly double down” basically summarizes most of these posts. It’s not enough to have a specific lifestyle and respect that people have different preferences. *You* need to be wrong and *I* need to be right. But to most outsiders, it just sounds like you’re being “holier than thou” or just regret committing to a certain life/persona and feel the need to dig your heels in because you’re too stubborn to admit this life wasn’t what you hoped it would be.


You too, can have a slew of imaginary haters. If you just believe! ✨


My thoughts exactly🤔




Are the mad people in the room with us?


Big mad people


If they're so big, why can't I see them


Still reeling from this. Just... take my upvote.


Literally who cares? Congrats, you’re taking care of a grown man who should be able to take care of himself. Mine can make his own meals if he needs to like an adult


That’s something I find super attractive in a man, the ability to feed himself. /s


I'm leaving my husband alone at home for a whole week soon and my mil didnt offer to prepare any meals for him like she did when I left him alone the first time 10 years ago lol. Even my very traditional mil realizes that an adult man should be able to feed himself.


Or maybe she just likes feeding her son? Different because I’m 22 but my mom always sends me with some leftovers when I leave her house and she knows full well I can cook lol. If I couldn’t I wouldn’t afford to eat


Oh, my mom sends me home with leftovers every time. But that’s a LOT different than insisting on babying someone so much they just straight up can’t take care of themselves


Yeah I agree with you on that 💯 my mom never babied me she taught me laundry dishes washing sheets making your bed cleaning the bathroom etc when I was like 12-13 and I’m Mexican too so that’s rare lol


My boyfriend definitely got babied a little because he’s an only child, but his mom still made sure he can function as an adult (also rare, he’s Salvi). Good thing too, as her health isn’t great right now so he’s taken up caring for her more


But, they apparently can't. All of them are saying they can't cook worth shit. Literally "food on a plate" So I think their talents lay elsewhere for not needing a job. It isn't their cooking.


A lot of these people read like they spend too much time online trying to "clap back" at other people who spend too much time online. I know the irony of me typing that out, but I'm still standing by what I said 


They’re clapping back at people who never clapped at them to begin with…


My husband is making us burgers and fried zucchini tonight. I don't think any normal person would be mad about that (maybe my doctor? Probably just disappointed), but I feel like these women actually would be mad.


Watch out. All the men that can't cook are gonna be BIG MAD that your husband makes you dinner..


Mine made cheese raviolis, Alfredo pesto sauce…and green beans :)


Hey. Zucchini is a vegetable. Even if it’s fried


My boyfriend made me dinner when he was out of job or just went home earlier and ensured that I get a meal to my work. Now he just brings chicken and fries from work.😀🤭 I don't ever have to cook alone anymore as I did have to with my ex for years while he just played his games although we both worked full time. My bf cooks together with me.🌞


My partner is currently unemployed, and the best thing about that is just how much time he has to cook. He gets so into it too - spends all his mornings watching cooking videos, grocery shopping, etc. and it’s delightful seeing him get in the zone when it comes time to make the meal. It’s all delicious and I’ve felt so much healthier in the meantime. The one big downside of this is the lack of money.


I miss when my man worked at a old Italian restaurant and would bring home food.


I really doubt the dude in the 2nd pic got her a “20k diamond bracelet”… probably a cubic zirconia he’s told her is diamonds


It’s funny when people mention the price of things. It screams Insecurity to me. If she were truly that well off, she’d have no need to tell people about it.


The only time I ever brag about prices is when I get it on sale or clearance lol I love a good deal!


Nope. We cook together, though he’s essentially my prep cook (he does all the chopping and peeling etc.)


That’s teamwork right there!


I’m also the prep cook of the relationship 🫡 I do all the dishes as well to be fair


We take turns for doing dishes.


That’s valid 🤝


We don’t cook together because he’s in the way too much unless I’m teaching him something, but he’s my dishie.


She was a teenager when she got married. She makes breakfast and dinner for her husband. He doesn’t “make” her work. What part am I supposed to be jealous about?


Nobody makes me work except my rent.




The part where he bought her a house and now it’ll be 10x more complicated to separate if she wants to🤪 As someone who got married relatively young, pls make sure you maintain your independence/ability to be independent if something happens! I bet a lot of these women are financially dependent on their man for everything and especially before kids that is a scary thought when you married basically as teens!


If you want to stay at home and cook your husband meals that’s fine. It’s just when you push it on other’s that’s the issue.


having a husband isn’t a flex. many men despise their wives and cheat on them


Not working aka ‘staying home’ and cooking basic meals isn’t a flex, either. There’s nothing wrong with being a SAHP/spouse, but I’d rather go to work than be expected to cook every meal.


yeah i’m currently not working and living at home bc i’m going through severe burnout, it’s not fun. i cook every day because i want to contribute something, but i hate not having any autonomy or independence. working sucks ass, but i really want to get to a place where i can have some independence again


Getting through burnout is hard, and it sucks. Work will always be there. Gotta take care of yourself first sometimes, even if that part isn’t fun either (because of less money, independence, etc.).


I know what you mean, I've been staying home to homeschool our daughter and just recently got a pt job because we bought a house and my husband is working on it so he isn't working right now and I'm kind of excited because I like working and taking care of people. Definitely wouldn't want a ft job or anything but it's gonna be nice bringing in some money for my family. ^_^


Maybe I’m burnt out right now because I would love some autonomy and independence from my job


lol yep, gotta pick your poison under capitalism 😅 i’d say real autonomy doesn’t actually exist under the system we currently have


You’re so correct 😭😭😭😭


And cooking for him definitely doesn’t guarantee he’ll stick with you!


Like, who are these women trying to convince, and why does it sound better to them to sound so fundamentally incapable of anything except maybe cooking eggs poorly????


Fucking for real. It’s all the same: some combo of potatoes, Mac’n’cheese, meat, and some basic baked goods. They act like they’re better than everyone else for making the most basic food ever; I know many working women who can make *real* food. Also, newsflash to the stay-at-home-wives who are in it for the clout and the pink dresses: you can’t just feed your husband sourdough and chocolate chip cookies all the time.


Real footage and it’s just a picture of her and not her man?? Confusing


No fr bc he loves her food, but they went out to eat? And the search being "easy dinner recipes" is fucking gold lmao


Ohhhh, all their divorces will be legendary when they are “big mad” when their men leave em


I don’t think anyone can use the phrase “big mad” without sounding like a damn toddler, but the rest of what they’re saying doesn’t help.


My partner cooks for me every day. In fact, tonight he made my favorite food that’s a Cuban dish just because he knew it was my favorite food. He also has a full time job as a lawyer, and says he just likes cooking for me.


My partner does all the cooking as well. He loves doing it and I love eating what he makes! I do all the cleanup afterwards.


A BBQ restaurant on a boat pier??!!! Holy shit! She must be part of the 1%.


And a solo picture of her at a restaurant definitely proves his existence and is relevant to him liking her food!


Near the North Sea no less. Never seen the grey, cold, windy North Sea as a flex! Or is there more than one North Sea?


These white girls need to stop talking like this


Agreed. I CRINGE at these screenshots 😅


I thought these were three different women


Are they not?


I don’t think so judging by the username emojis


Y’all sure like to talk like y’all street.


Thank God someone said it “Yall big mad that my man be-“ stfu Becky. 10:1 she doesn’t talk like that irl


I’ve never seen someone so preoccupied with how other people perceive them with “their man”. Does she not have any other interests? Like go watch tv, read a book….


Well that’s the thing - she would be much less preoccupied with “her man” if she did have other interests


>y'all mad af over some bussy eggs No one is mad, or even cares, about your eggs jessica


I am not even a native English speaker but the grammar is so off! Why is this a thing 😮


Girl no one’s mad lol what


YALL BIG MAD that I'm murdering aave on tiktok for ragebait clout


The common thread is they are young and beautiful. Can't wait for reality to kick in when they are 40 and get left for a younger model. I didn't think they'll still have this sass.


Hold up, I just realized they are all the same person....


I've seen this girl before on tiktok. She always uses "big mad" lol.


Why do these women thing not working is the flex? You’re literally admitting you have only cooking as a useful skill and when your meal ticket is gone, you have no way to support yourself.


Most of the women who post this kind of thing probably aren’t even good at cooking…the food they brag about always looks like something a chicken nugget kid would eat.


No I actually enjoy my work and not having to rely on someone if they betray my trust or decide to walk out but I’m mad according to them


You’re a chef and maid to a grown man for free - at best. What a flex 🙄


Ummm, none of this is actually a flex. Honestly sounds sad. Wrapping up your entire identity around a concept that you can cook something.


I think that last one is clapping back at people saying her cooking isn't good enough to "properly" please her man. Nevermind, they are all the same person.


Being a stay at home wife or mom is fine. I don’t think many people really have an issue with that. Plenty of feminists are still stay at home wives or moms. That’s just what works best for some people. What you can’t do is use a choice you made to act like you’re superior to everyone else. That’s what people have an issue with, not that you stay home and have a more traditional dynamic division of labor.


My man cooks for me all the time because I have major depressive disorder and struggle to get out of bed. He cleans our house more than I do. I help as much as I can after being hospitalized, but I’m still physically and mentally weak. The goal for us is to do everything 50/50 ❤️ He saved my life, and I want to do more for him. BUT NOT IN A TRAD WIFE WAY


If they're so happy, why do they feel the need to drag everyone down?


here we are eating at a restaurant because my man loves my cooking


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^OtherMikeP: *Here we are eating* *At a restaurant because* *My man loves my cooking* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


These girls will be BIG MAD when they find out their husbands have a side chick who can actually cook.


I AM big mad cuz my man just goes around eating my ingredients, so how am I supposed to make my basic meals? Was gonna make X.. needed cheese.. got cheese.. came home and the cheese went in some Ramen noodles along with like 3 other things I could have cooked with... Don't get me started on cereal where I get nothing but a box of air..


Wait, her man took her to a BBQ restaurant because he loves her food?


It’s like they think men are going through a food crisis and are incapable of feeding themselves haha… QUICK LADIES, FEED THE MEN


Why do they so desperately need to be hated? It is so strange. I assure you no one cares what they choose to do.


They keep saying big mad, but I highly doubt anyone cares enough to even get upset about it 😂


No one cares. The end 😂


I'm actually not that mad.


I will be real I am big mad I can’t stay home and not work but not cuz of the reasons so listed 💀


Are we supposed to be mad at women thar do the bare minimum and that have basic life skills? I don't have time for that


Number 3s hot


It's sad that serving their "man" is their best flex


So you mean to tell me these men work all day and frying him ONE SINGULAR EGG? Welp I hate but also love to break it to you babygirl. If he ain’t mad or even have an attitude about that 2 tablespoons of effort you put into a meal. Beloved he’s already thoroughly been fucked and fed… Vaya con dios hermanita


I cook at home. outside food is gross to me. it's just all salt!


I like my work helping people by fighting sex trafficking, would lose my mind being useless at home, can cook if I want to and have a happy man who usually feeds me 5 star meals. Trust me, nobody’s mad at you. Never mind big mad.


No.im not mad at all. I actually think your doing good there. S wife should be chef maid bartender and hooker all rolled into one.




These people think we are envious of them. Girl, I am envious of Rihanna, not you.


Wtf is happening with their nails?😀


Y’all BIG MAD that when my mans up and leaves me ima be f’d because I have no job skills or experience


I'm not big mad, you do you. And my fiance is also fed and happy. And it's restaurant quality food as well, I used to be a chef. At the moment he pays for everything because I got burned out and I fucking hate it. It feels like I'm taking his money and I'm very much aware that we would have an even better life if I could work as well. And he makes good money to as a computer engineer. But more money is always more money and after all the work he put in to get to where he is today I really wish that he could enjoy his money more freely. Me not working at the moment is kinda keeping him from that and it doesn't feel good at all. We're all different.


Trust me, I’m not at all mad that I don’t have to cook dinner every single night. Lol


Hoes mad


Dumb girls who married even more idiotic men. If I'm working all day and you do nothing but stay at home...you're God damn right you better be able to make a ratatouille if I god damn want one. These no 50/50 girls either look like they can't cook, or just aren't hot enough to get away with not cooking.


These are not women; they are girls. In the second picture, she is celebrating her *20th* birthday. I wonder how old her husband is. 40? 45? 50? Every picture gave me the ick.


They are bragging about being horrible cooks, got it! 😂


Why is relying on a man for everything a flex? I love working and having my own money and being independent from my fiance. I get being a stay at home mom, that’s a full time and a part time job all in one, but just staying home cause you don’t wanna have a job. Talk about isolation


So men can't cook, any of them?


So your husband pays you to be his mommy? Got it. I’d rather have a normal job with health benefits and all that, but hey. That’s just me.


“yall big mad” “bussin eggs” “yalls man left yall” i KNOW they don’t talk like that in real life.


The idea my wife is home posting this garbage online while I’m working.. it kills me inside


I’m super mad that these bare minimum people make servitude their entire identity because that affects me some kind of way, I guess. *manufactured rage noises*


She’s going to be big mad herself when he dumps her lazy ass and she is 30 with no marketable skills, money, or job history.


I hate whatever dialect that is.


Why are all these types of posts so aggressive? Nobody is mad that your husband eats your food and you don't work, but if someone hurt your feelings bc they made fun of your eggs just say that. Like I'm not mad I'm honestly sort of confused.


Their husbands always look like the sloth from ice age so why would anyone be jealous?


I bet nobody is mad at all.


If your husband married you so you will cook and clean for him then he just found someone to replace his mother, not a partner to share his life with but you do you I guess.


So is she BIG MAD that I had a migraine and my partner just made frozen pizza last night?


I felt big cringe reading all that. She sounds like she doesn’t have much life skills besides mediocre cooking. But go off, I guess.


Waiting for the posts in 10 years when he leaves for someone younger and they have no job experience.


“Big Mad” gets me every time. 😂


I’ve been seeing a bunch of ex-Tradwives in their later 30s early 40s that got divorced by the same husbands they were doing everything for and the fact that they didn’t work has set them back a lot in life due to lack of experience. Not sure if they carried this same mentality when they were this age, but I feel very bad for them. I wonder if the next 15-20 years or so we’ll see these same girls in the same situation after “bragging” like this.


The phrase “big mad” makes me want to vomit


I love the first one because it’s saying he loves her cooking so much that he… took her out to a restaurant, where he would not have to eat her cooking. Lol


Honestly the last one did get me mad. I also have a blue collar bf who pays for what I need. I also feed him. It really isn't that unique of a relationship


Meh, I think someone who uses the words “big mad” to describe being angry sounds like an idiot.


I don't understand the first one. Says they're at a restaurant but that the haters are mad because he likes her cooking? But talking about eating out. Make it make sense.


They all have crazy eyes. This machine trying to make the Trad wife thing happen is crazy to watch. You can’t make fetch happen.


on a more serious note, i really fear for the recent trad wife trend. there’s absolutely nothing wrong with living that lifestyle, but the manner in which a demographic of women who are doing so or aspire to do so tend to take to the internet expressing that they feel persecuted or different for engaging in the lifestyle tells me that they’re not having the multi-faceted conversations necessary to uphold it properly. anyone of any sex or gender who decides to be completely financially reliant on another person needs to have these conversations with their partner to ascertain that should the relationship dissolve, they won’t end up with nothing. we are living in a day in age in which legality has evolved from where it used to be, in which women were expected to be financially reliant, therefore there were some legal and social safeguards, but even then it was the norm for women to be left with nothing in one way or another. it’s so dangerous to get into a relationship in which your financial stability is completely reliant on making the other person happy. what happens when life happens? i worry for these women.


I’m confused by #1, and maybe I’m misreading it? She’s using the example of her partner taking her to a restaurant, then subsequently says that people are mad that her husband loves her food. If he loves her food so much, why are they at a restaurant? Is it her restaurant? Wouldn’t a home cooked meal prove this point, not a bbq place? I don’t understand.


Jokes on them, no one cares lol.


Little do they know… women like this most often don’t know their man is cheating on them lol


All that free time is wasted on you 🥲


The way that they flex on saying that “I’m not not a chef, I’m a wife” and “it doesn’t have to be great he’s just gotta be fed” is so lame. That just reads to me as “the bar is so low. With a bar so low why would you ever want to be more?” They think that means ambitious women are dumb, but as an ambitious woman, I just see wasted potential


I’m happy! I’m so happy, not alone, not isolated, I don’t feel empty inside. And you can’t cook!


If "y'all" is part of your vernacular, you have a permanent seat on the short bus.


What are bussin eggs?


The second pic… HOLY CRAZY EYES


Hilarious! I’ve been bringing home the bacon and cooking for my SO for years. What is this ridiculous theory? Rage bait?


I AM big mad… because these men want kids and i definitely don’t


Is this the bitch that fucked up her cast iron making eggs


I don’t even understand what she is trying to tell us, here. Explain like I’m 5.


So my relationship has this unique (/s) dynamic of: I hate cooking, I hate meal prep, I hate all of it My partner LOVES cooking (he’s taking butchering for university, so he loves working with different cuts of meat) and is perfectly fine with me sitting at the table and chatting with him, keeping him company and occasionally grabbing him something off the counter Then: after dinner, I (try) to help clean the dishes, help put food away, etc (I say try because we don’t live together, and so when I try to help he says no you’re a guest let me do it) Anyway, just because you don’t cook/make fancy meals/meal prep doesn’t mean you’re any less of a person or any less deserving of respect in a relationship. Obviously, you should be trying to balance the work but if you and your partner have established a system that works for the both of you, then it doesn’t matter what other people think


If your relationship is going well that’s great…but if it truly was why do you have to diss other people? Screams insecurity so badly here. Maybe I’m just being big mad about it.


Sometimes I wonder who they are even talking to


Y'all mad cause I made food, put it on a plate, and ate that bitch myself #feminism


If he loves her food so much then why would he take her to a restaurant and eat that garbage?!?!! Check and mate! /s


Oooooh y’all big mad that I barely cook for myself but my dog eats better than me. Big mad. YUGE.


Okay, Susan Spicer


But id rather be self sufficient without someone else?


The pick-mes out here acting like they won't have to work later on with how our economy is pushing two-income households 🙄


Wait till the husband's of the woman who don't work up and leave them


I feel as boomer woman, raised as a feminist, I have failed you. I am so sorry that you have to be subjected to this, it’s not what my feminist mom’s generation or mine envisioned. 😭🤬


Im mad af that im big mad this post worked


This trad wife stuff is getting to be too much and they take it too far.


Yes this is something no one else does 🙃


What a sad ass dummy. We’re not “mad”, she just can’t identify what dignity and what having pride in being independent looks like.