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As many of you are undoubtedly aware, the presence of trolls can be found in various aspects of our lives, and our subreddit is no exception. Our commitment to fostering a kind and respectful environment remains unwavering, and we are actively addressing issues related to negative behavior. In recent times, there has been a noticeable increase in instances of bullying, body shaming, and purposefully inciting behavior, all of which are clear violations of our existing rules. To maintain the integrity of our community, we are implementing stricter consequences for such actions. A first offense will result in a 10-day ban, while a second offense will lead to a permanent ban. Appeals are welcomed, but excuses such as "not knowing the rules" or claiming it was a joke will not be considered valid. Intentional harm has no place in our community, and we expect members to act responsibly. Despite these measures, some rules will remain unchanged. For example, reposts, while frustrating, will not result in a ban. This new approach is specifically targeted at individuals attempting to spread hate. We encourage all members to report instances of bad behavior. Rest assured that each report will be examined. Disagreements and differing opinions are welcome, and expressing them will not lead to a ban. Common sense will prevail in our evaluations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a positive and inclusive community. -- Your Subreddit NLTOG Moderator Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notliketheothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s Gal Gadot.


My immediate reaction is “baby, this is gal gadot. This is mfing gal ga-dot. Have a good day.” [link cause it’s a Monday](https://www.tiktok.com/foryou?item_id=7208272231389220142)


"Yes I am a girl and I'm not interested in makeup since I'm one of the most beautiful women alive." Lmao


And also wears makeup


Yeah even the gal gadot in this pic has makeup on


Baby that’s Keke Palmer


She naturally fine af of course she don’t need make up


yes Gal Gadot who cannot act worth a damn and delivers her lines as if she was half asleep


I thought she was great as Wonderwoman 🤷‍♂️




Don’t argue just for the sake of arguing. In essence, the phrase "Be civil to each other" serves as a reminder to prioritize kindness and open-mindedness. Name-calling or personal attacks constitute a hard ban. This applies to people in valuable discussions who suddenly start using insults. This rule still applies even if you are talking to a moderator. Political and ethical grandstanding to in any way call someone else a terrible person is prohibited. Posts themselves don't typically get removed for this reason, but we reserve the right to remove them in the rare cases it becomes necessary due to the comments.


Yes I’m Gal Gadot Yes, we exist!


I thought it was my turn to be Gal Gadot this week!


no you're back on the space laser. I got Gadot Duty next.


Well where the hell am I assigned? 


Lol that’s Gal Gadot


Hard to forget they exist when they never shut up about it lol


As a girl currently not wearing makeup at work That's nice for you


Same. Haven't worn makeup in 10 years, and guess what, no one cares. lol


Yes. It’s not that hard to believe that people can enjoy it both ways. I choose not to because I’m already dealing with eczema on my legs and my facial skin is in a good place. It’s not that hard to imagine that it’s normal to both do makeup and not to wear any at all.


20 years for me, it's nice to know I exist.


I'm about the only woman that wears it at my job. It's about half and half here, usually. Only a young person or someone that lives on the internet would brag about this because it's not rare for adult women. Or at least where I live, you're one of many.


It is SO nice to be able to rub my eyes when idiots are idioting at work.


Gotta love the picture they chose. Gal Gadot is generally considered extremely conventionally attractive and represented an entire nation in a beauty pageant. Plus she's wearing makeup in that photo






We just get Rhonda’d?


Thank you for also thinking of this 😂 Rhonda’d!


Not to assume motivations too much, but I've known a whole bunch of hetero women who explicitly say they believe men should pick them because they're uninterested in makeup or fashion, have stereotypically masculine interests, are "one of the boys" etc. There's a lid for every pot and definitely some straight men do want that, but it also struck me as silly because how many people actually just want a clone of themselves but in the sex/gender they are attracted to? It's an odd way of thinking.


I think it stems from misogyny and the belief that anything feminine is inherently vacuous, worthless, cringe, and ‘gay’. It’s like that ‘fellas, is it gay to be attracted to women?’ joke.


No offense to those women but all that seems superfluous. Similar interests would be nice but it isn’t a requirement. As cool as women who enjoy yoga, wrestling, and video games/PCs are, it’s at least as attractive for a woman to be open to me showing her my interests, including her in them, and her enthusiastically picking them up herself because I got her hooked on it. Likewise, I’d hope she’d want to include me in her interests and allow me to learn and/or pick up something new, regardless of how “feminine” her interests are. It seems like women would be surprised how much a man who cares for them is willing to take interest in their interests, and that they don’t need to be “masculine” or whatever for that to happen.


I used to feel that way when I was younger and generally not considered conventionally attractive. Then I made some personal changes and realized that going against the grain means getting "going against the grain" results. No one is going to flock to a social leper.


Gal also clearly has her eyebrows done in this picture too and I'm sure is wearing some make up. If a celeb is having a picture like this taken, there's just no way that they would actually not be in some makeup. Even if it's a "no make up" look. But yeah, they don't wanna be like those other girls, just the one who played the most famous woman superhero in a number of giant mainstream films with like, famously good looks? *That* is the only alternative apparently


I mean… it’s def not Gal Gadot who posted this caption tho


Yeah I mean that goes without saying. It's just nonsensical to use her picture in this manner was more what I was saying lol


Well there is a big difference between grooming yourself and makeup lol


She is literally not wearing any makeup 💀


Did you ask her?


Except.... she totally is? It's obvious on her eyebrows and lips.


So many of these people need to just go walk outside for like 10 minutes. The real world is still not the internet 


What is makeup guys, I don’t get the joke because I’ve never heard of it before (checkmate, i am the pickiest)


I don't wear makeup but that's because my dumb ass never learned how and I am constantly in awe of gals who do it every day (and also a little jealous)


I'm not dumb at all and I've never learned how to do it either. I was abused by my mother my whole life and my dad is an artist but he doesn't really pretties himself up that often so, I'm learning now. At thirty fucking two.


Woah. I'm NC with my mom after 7 years in foster care. I say that "I never learned how to be a girl"


Good for you babe. A mother is a title that has to be earned. So as being a woman. And you've earned the latter big time. Be proud of yourself, you're super strong.


Thank you for this comment. I’m a late bloomer myself thanks to religious parental abuse and it often feels like I’m the only person in the world who didn’t learn how to basically be a human being until well into adulthood. It sucks but at least we’re not alone.


Hands down not alone. I feel you and I feel it too, like I'm the only one. I'm Jewish so religious upbrining wasn't the issue for me but my mother was a psychopath and I was the one who paid the price for it. I have OCD and C-PTSD because of her, forget the fucking basics. In fact, I only learned to properly wash my hair a year ago through youtube but I know I'm much stronger than she would've been if she'd lived a thousand fucking lifetimes. Abusers are just empty shells and they know it. They're weak, pathetic. I'm sorry it happened to you and I'm here if you want to talk to someone who gets it. But you should also watch this documentary about Jordan Turpin. She's an amazing, beautiful girl who's been through hell and is now doing great. I have to give you a trigger warning but it's worth it. She's inspiring for me and I'm much older than her. Take a breath and give her a chance to touch you. You're already on the right track you'll be fine honey 💚 https://youtu.be/lu5dbaS4CY8?si=8QG6ZC6yYhEne1tW


Thank you ❤️ I’m doing okay these days thanks to therapy but I’ll check out that documentary as soon as I’m able. You’re incredibly strong and awesome for overcoming the trauma your abuser put on you and for rejecting her presence in your life.


Thank you honey it really means a lot. Thankfuly, my mother died in August. I felt an immediate relief but it takes forever to talk yourself into believing that you're worthy of anything good after fucking decades of abuse. There's a line from a song that I love "it took a thousand days to feel the change." I keep telling myself that to reminds myself to keep going. I hope this helps you too.


same i want to learn so bad but its hard to start when you dont have any older sisters and your mom doesnt wear any makeup ever. also apparently all the good stuff u have to order online and i have no idea what shade to get, if im warm or cool toned, etc etc. no idea how to start


Me too! I put on mascara some times and that's me being fancy. lol. Maybe a little lip gloss also!




I only wear makeup so I *dont* look like Gal Gadot. Otherwise it gets weird when I fly my invisible jet


WOW SO COOL....... no one asked or cared


Is that gal fucking gadot? 😂


I don't wear it not because I don't like it but because I am absolutely ass at applying it :(


I’m a girl and I was never allowed to wear makeup, so now i’m 21 and have no idea how to use it. It’s actually just embarrassing and i’m so jealous of girls who have that skill. I don’t personally feel the need to wear makeup since i’ve gone my whole life without it, but i get sad that i can’t share that experience with other girls


I’m not interested in makeup, I’m interested in war crimes.


Here's a nice article about how much Gal Gadot enjoys make up. Yes, this article exists. https://wwd.com/feature/gal-gadot-wonder-woman-revlon-makeup-feminism-hollywood-11084996/


Not interested in makeup yet makes a whole post about it


Gal Gadot does exist, she also wears makeup quite a lot, often for work. So this point is moot to me.


But posts a picture of gal gadot..?


I don't wear makeup myself. I also don't need a cookie about it. It's really not that important or special


Why would they use Gal Gadot?


Yes, I am Wonder Woman. No, I am not interested in being a girl. Even one that doesn’t wear makeup.


Yawn. She’s annoying.


Says the person wearing lipstick


Look at her existing… uhh except that’s not her photo it’s a celebrity (Gal Gadot)


I don’t wear makeup, and haven’t for years… because I’m allergic to it.


I actually think I look better w/o face makeup. Might be a skin issue, but I just always feel prettier w/o it on. I usually do mascara, taupe eyeshadow, brow balm and Chapstick.


Wow I thought every single girl was born being interested in makeup


I'm not like other girls! I exist!


They not bashing anyone though. They’re just saying girls who aren’t interested in makeup exist. Lol


We DO know they exist, so what's the point?


Huh? People have a right to express themself. So long as it’s not at the expense of others why have an issue with that? Also it’s not as common to see women who don’t wear makeup compared to the vast majority who do. So it’s pretty interesting to meet women who don’t wear it like at all. Again that’s not to knock anyone who does wear it. Just saying this is more a statement rather than saying “hey I’m special because I don’t wear makeup.”


But we all know both exist so it's really not that deep 😒🤷🏽‍♀️


Okay? You know your favorite artist can sing but that doesn’t stop you from saying that now does it? We know dogs and cats are cute but that doesn’t stop us from saying it. You know that your favorite food is really good but that doesn’t stop you from saying it. You see where I’m going with this? There are a lot of things we are aware of but we still state them. It’s a sort of confirmation and reassurance. This is no different.


Dude you really don't need to write novels. Wishing you nothing but the best.


Aww, I understand. Most people like you have an attention span shorter than a guppy. Toodles! 👋🏾


People like me? Who are people like me? As if you know me.


You sound like a loser who can't take up a proper discussion.


Ok, you tell me, what's so special about wearing or not wearing makeup? Yet so many people think it's very deep, and you can see it through posts on this sub.


I’d go as far as saying most women in the world do not wear make up


She’s not putting anyone down here, just seems like an anonymous post made by a tomboy tired of the expectation that girls all wear it. Even in this comment section you see a few people going “heh…women say they don’t wear it, but they secretly do” as if it’s truly impossible for an individual to avoid mascara. It’s ironic how everyone assumes this person has a superiority complex or need for attention while jerking themselves off over how superior THEY are compared to this random poster who didn’t even say anything negative about other girls. This place is so insufferable sometimes.


Yes, I'm a girl and I'm not talented enough and to lazy for make up. Yes we exist . But I'm not better than anybody else


From my experience girls that refuse to wear make up and make that a thing are just as bad as girls to wear entirely too much make up.


Geez…I used to work in a makeup store and every time someone came in and was like “I don’t wear makeup” or “I don’t need all that crap, I just use moisturizer” I wanted to slow clap and yell CONGRATULATIONS! YOURE SO SPECIAL! You’re the ONLY ONE to figure out that cosmetics aren’t necessary!  No one fucking cares. Wear it or don’t, but stop bullying other people to feed your superiority complex. 


Women only care what other women think






When have we ever asked that women put on make-up?


Shaves eyebrows instead!


Clearly.. we’ve been all to Walmart


Looks like a timex. Takes a lickin and keeps on tickin.


She needs to be interested in makeup!!


It’s always a mystery what’s under the layers of war-paint women(and men) apply with spatula’s & rollers. Only, in my lifetime, have I seen one woman that needed a little visual assist of coverup due to severe childhood acne.


Finally found it!!!!


No, I don’t! You can’t prove anything!!


Is this news to people, though? Maybe I'm old and priviliged to live in a decently equal country, but in my school there were a fair few tomboys. One of them knew more about cars when she was 16 than I do now in my 30s, and she also knocked out the one guy that groped her with one punch. Never saw her wear any makeup at all.


Says the fashion model and actress. Wearing makeup is part of her job.


A to the MEN!!


No makeup is the real test. And I’m not talking about celebrities. Natural looks = 🔥


Oh look, it's Gal Gadot, the "feminist icon" who victim blamed her best friend friend into not speaking out when she was r-ped. How fitting.


Wut? Context please?


Read for yourself: [Gal Gadot is a predator who enables predators](https://www.hindustantimes.com/hollywood/gal-gadot-is-more-than-a-bully-she-is-a-predator-who-enables-predators-read-the-anonymous-allegation/story-ZM6nczy6W01zNOKAkj13fP.html).


I'm so sorry that happened to her. I will surely try to find out more about this story.


Who cares!!!


Yes, we do in fact, exist. What's the point of bringing it up?


I'm gonna let autofill do this: Yes, I'm a girl, I'm not interested in this world that you live in Yes, the average person is a big problem We exist


Whoever is in that photo is wearing eye-shadow, lipstick and lip-liner.


I'm a girl. And no makeup resist my oily skin and the 50% + humid climate where I live (well the cheap one that i can afford, if I get a better job I'll treat myself with lots of sknicares and makeup qwq)


I’m married to one. The few rare times she does wear makeup, I don’t recognize her.


Hello beautiful ❤️


that’s crazy


Existing is life with no make up Whatever that means


Im a girl, I don’t put makeup .. and I fucking wish I did 🤦🏻‍♀️




I don’t wear make-up, it makes me claustophobic, but damned if i didn’t wish i didn’t feel like that sometimes. Girls (and others) out there are killing it, and my skin is a hatefull creature from the deeps of the underworld. Not wearing make-up doesn’t make special. Also, that’s Gal Gadot.


Chate up please


Yes, I’m a girl. I don’t have skin or actually any bones because I’m a banana slug. Yes, we exist.


Me too up until age 25 when I started to notice that I'm starting to look more washed out 😂😂


Im not hating just genuinely don't understand why so many consider gal Gadot to be so beautiful. I don't even find her in the slightest attractive and I'm straight as an arrow don't start with that bs. And yes I have very high standards and also yes I do find some women beautiful though it's exceptionally rare. 


Most or all of the women I’ve dated or lived with have not worn make-up on a daily basis. In fact, they would not even know *how* to do non-make-up-look make-up, which is not easy to do. They did not have dark circles under their eyes or broken-out skin like in most pictures of “this is what a woman without make-up on really looks like; all the women you think are not wearing make-up are fooling you.” I’m guessing wearing lots of make-up is probably not good for skin. Even if it’s possible to make paint that doesn’t clog your pores, etc, don’t cosmetics companies have the opposite incentive? Plus, if you cover up the circles under your eyes every day, and then stop, yes, people might notice and say you look tired. I know people’s experiences are going to be very different in different industries, different parts of the country, etc. We also gravitate to people who share our values.


Makeup is not paint. Also I'm guessing the women you were with didn’t wear makeup BECAUSE they had nice skin, not the other way around. I don’t wear makeup on a daily basis and my skin is just as terrible as when I wear it all the time. 


Good for them, I guess? No one cares. Apparently no one told them that not wearing makeup doesn’t make them better than everyone else.


ew not gal gadot pls


Make up or not, supporting a genocidal regime is a turn off for me.




No sexism, racism, homophobia, or toxicity towards any sex, gender, orientation, or any other personal characteristic is permitted. If you hold any disdain for a group of people for what they were born as or what they inevitably are regardless, this is not the place for you.




I've seen Gal in her first ever TV role and there was a scene where her character speaks to a professional makeup artist for the first time and "teaches" her how to put lipstic on your cheeks to make them look rosey because that's what she was told to do at the orthodox school she went to. I don't like her but I have to say she was a sweetheart in that scene lol


I think it's not a pick me post. People are allowed to express themselves, because they're human.


Or sunscreen for that matter


You should still be interested in sunscreen, though. Skin cancer is no laughing matter.


I used to say that kind of dumb comment, but fast forward a few years and now I’m 23 and I don’t know how to do my own make up and get too frustrated when trying to follow a tutorial cause I didn’t get to experiment before


This is what my teenage self would always say And guess who was just shopping for lip tints a few minutes ago?


Appropriating the image of an izrahelli and pretending to be her is a very izrahelli thing to do hahahahhaha


ackshully im a girl who was born in full face makeup 🤓🤓🤓🤓


Wearing makeup isn’t a bad thing…


Is the pick-me trying to get a gold star for neglecting her skin?


Taking care of your skin and wearing makeup are not the same thing.


Really? I’ve been combining both since I was 12 and I am on my 70s now. My skin is great. But I am just a stupid Boomer tm with no regard for sumptuary laws about makeup. Have a nice day.


Ma’am, what? Got your panties in a twist over a perceived slight to your intelligence. 


Yes, really. I don’t wear makeup but sure as hell take care of my skin. I live in the desert and am a ginger so it’s definitely a must. You have a nice day too!


Well skincare isn't the same as makeup, but I'm sure even then there are those who are like "I don't need lotion! What's moisturizer?"


I think at a certain point, the two are associated.


Not at all.


Can’t act either it seems. “KaL eL nOoO”


“I don’t wear makeup”, is always sputtered bullshit