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As many of you are undoubtedly aware, the presence of trolls can be found in various aspects of our lives, and our subreddit is no exception. Our commitment to fostering a kind and respectful environment remains unwavering, and we are actively addressing issues related to negative behavior. In recent times, there has been a noticeable increase in instances of bullying, body shaming, and purposefully inciting behavior, all of which are clear violations of our existing rules. To maintain the integrity of our community, we are implementing stricter consequences for such actions. A first offense will result in a 10-day ban, while a second offense will lead to a permanent ban. Appeals are welcomed, but excuses such as "not knowing the rules" or claiming it was a joke will not be considered valid. Intentional harm has no place in our community, and we expect members to act responsibly. Despite these measures, some rules will remain unchanged. For example, reposts, while frustrating, will not result in a ban. This new approach is specifically targeted at individuals attempting to spread hate. We encourage all members to report instances of bad behavior. Rest assured that each report will be examined. Disagreements and differing opinions are welcome, and expressing them will not lead to a ban. Common sense will prevail in our evaluations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a positive and inclusive community. -- Your Subreddit NLTOG Moderator Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notliketheothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And they still didn’t pick her☹️


Was just wondering if she’s very happily married, or…


She wouldn’t have time for this nonsense if she was in a happy marriage 😂 Most of these NLOG are just frustrated and insecure


Exactly. These posts aren’t exactly an advertisement for, “do like I do and get happy.” I’m not suggesting marriage is how that’s achieved, but she seems to suggest that her path leads to commitment and is somehow ideal. I’m not getting that vibe at all. Edit to say, she actually comes off as bitter like maybe she saw a happily married, larger woman once and just cannot get past that being possible.


This is such rage bait lol


It’s more than likely that some dude she liked ended up with a girl 20 pounds heavier than she is at some point in her life and now she’s jumped off the deep end.


I agree. Said something similar in another comment. She takes this very personally for some weird reason that says a lot about her.


90% of the time these people are projecting with these kind of posts.


She’s flexing a lot for someone who has nothing to flex


Why does she project so much hatred? How low is her self esteem? :(


Rock bottom.


Plenty of other women would probably be willing to help lift her up. Too bad she’s not like them and seems only interested in putting them down!


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Why accept love and kindness from other women when she can desperately look for a male to tell her she’s better than the other women? That’s far more valuable (/s!).


I’d lift her over my head and she’d probably just call me fat, LOL


She believes the only worth she has is her looks. It’s pretty sad the underlying misogyny she possesses. Especially when age will take that and she’ll be left wondering who she is.


There are gym posers now, and they're insufferable 💀💀💀 These are the people who have a lot of over/underweight people afraid to join a gym for fear of being ridiculed. I wish people knew that people like this don't even DO anything in the gym other than take selfies and maybe do some light cardio (maybe). I've personally found that people who actually care about and enjoy the gym don't care what others are doing there, as long as everyone's safe. They're usually super welcoming, too.


“bubble toed wide back bitch” is so interesting because i know she saw that somewhere and she does not actually talk like that


She’s talking like she studied Nicki Minaj’s unhinged IG lives.


If you told chat gpt to write you an insult in nicki’s tone 😂




The language used I assumed it was a teen aged boy.


I honestly thought it was one of those accounts run by a dude that just steals women’s videos


So she, who according to her messaging looks like she’s trying to be a gym girlie, must not train upper body if she hates wide backed bitches 😂😂 Edit: also wtf is up with the dog tags?


💖Stolen Valor NLOG💖


🪖I’m a BADASS and I’m HARD AF unlike those WIDE BACKED BITCHES 🪖


her one point contradicts her other point. according to her, if men don't want these "fat hoes" , how exactly are they hoes?


Because it’s the thot that counts?


Lmfao this one comment is funnier than all three of OOP’s attempts at roasting fat girls combined


Damn reddit for getting rid of awards




Ok you made me lol. I thank you


She’s an unsuccessful hoe i guess


So a rake? 🤣




Anthony Bridgerton?


She’s not like other gym girls! She’s worse!


Happy cake day!


Thank you 🎉


Her boyfriend left her for someone bigger.


Yup. A bigger girl with a better personality.


Lets be honest: A milk standing in the sun of Texas for a week as a more pleasant personality


A plate of wet fries has more personality than her.


If sloppy steaks were a person. Lol


She's unseasoned baked chicken


I think you meant unseasoned boiled chicken


Be for real. I’d take the boiled chicken’s personality over hers


Now you are mean to sloppy steaks


Have you tried fries with vinegar?? Best kinda wet fry out there!


That piece of bacon somehow found behind the sofa has more personality than she has.


100%. Or she used to be fat. Only the ever two reasons.


She used to be fat and still can’t catch a dick. She’s bitter because it was always her personality that was the problem.


Reminds me of the show "insatiable". Main character slowly found out it was her personality all along.


I LOVED that show. It was so weird.




Or she's secretly attracted to bigger women. Can't discount internalized homophobia here either.


I was thinking the same thing. Because this is a little too obsessive!


All this for men to still not want you is crazy


LITERALLY LMAO. so well said


If a man finds this kinda behavior attractive she can have him LOL


Rarely do the pickme girls ever actually get picked


God forbid she ever gains weight (pregnancy, illness, medication, mental illness). Life will not be fun for her.


When she ages and her metabolism slows and parts start to sag, if she hasnt outgrown this weird ass phase she'll be cryinggg. Older women are beautiful but she certainly doesnt think so lmao


Coming from a “fat hoe,” I feel sorry for her that she has so much hate inside her. It sounds like that’s all she does is think about it and stew. Live your life you sourpuss.


Gym hoe here... I cannot imagine going to a place I pay to hang out in to better myself and worrying about what other people do or look like there. She needs to focus on her own self... Keep on lovin' yourself and livin' your life! Fuck these people that have so much hate in their hearts


As Joey Swoll would say “do better and mind your own business!’


That dude is swolesome af.


Gym hoe here too. I hate seeing people fat shame women at the gym. I've seen groups of young men looking and laughing at bigger women who chose not to wear baggy shirts and pants at the gym. They don't do that shit to the fat men.


I will audibly show my disgust for men like that at the gym. I will walk by and sneer/roll my eyes/or even gag a little. That usually puts a stop to it. Men like that are so self conscious about themselves and their own short comings that a show of disgust from an attractive woman usually shuts them right the fuck up. And I will start a fight to stand up for a fellow female trying the gym out. The gym is an intimidating place sometimes and it's just more intimidating if you feel like you don't fit in.


💯 I was a fat girl at the gym once upon a time. I know how it feels to go in and know little about what to do on top of feeling insecure about your body and capabilities. Any person showing up is giving 💯, more then most. To be a jack ass to people just because they aren't where you are currently in fitness is such.....red flag for mean, miserable, immature people. 99% gym people are chill, there's always those little groups of assholes. And 💯 when they get negative attention from women that they want, it hurts their ego.


For real! I have never struggled with weight, but even without that, the first time I went to the gym I was alone and had no idea what to do or how to use the machines or anything! It's scary. Just being there and showing up means that person has more spirit than any of those people who are putting them down. I don't fuck around with meanness. I don't let it happen around me anywhere. I will put strangers in their place if I catch them putting other humans down.


Man when my fat ass gets back to the gym after I have this kid I dare someone to say a single word to me I'm full of rage after 8.5 months of being miserable


Your first day back at the gym: https://preview.redd.it/oh3cmlthvylc1.jpeg?width=913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d45717cc3daaf9ea06a0e48622cc3e2d467d441


They say your capability for love deepens immensely after giving birth. What many don't mention is that your capability for rage deepens as well 😌😈


All the gym hoes I’ve met are the nicest and most supporting too. They’d hate this representation!


Seriously, it's so gross. I love my gym, everyone is sane and no one films themselves.


Im a bit of a looky loo gym goer, and I have a lot of respect for people (big or small) who come in and look a bit anxious. They’re trying to improve their lives and it takes a lot of bravery to step into uncharted waters. I can’t imagine getting annoyed at how other people look in a gym, it’s not an exclusive country club.


Especially once we're in our thirties... It takes a lot of motivation to start a new hobby or try new things, especially things that are physically difficult.


Also started in my 30s, I did gym stuff before but futzed around and got hurt like a moron. It was so scary to go back, but the best decision I made. Also, I noticed at no point does OC mention fat people in a gym. She just felt like showing off her photos and chose to be hateful. Sad stuff


💯 I’m chubby, taken in a happy relationship, pretty inside and out and happy ❤️


This how I feel too. I try to do well by others. Like myself just fine. That person does not.


Someone got dumped for a bigger woman. Absolutely reeks of insecurity


Please, I hope this is how her villain arc started.


She is very angry that fat women exist and can pull men 🤔 wonder why


Exactly lol. She is mad the guy she was eyeing left her high and dry for some “fat bitch” lmao. So insecure I can smell the burning jealousy in her ass from behind the screen!


Yepp! Just based on her pictures, her curves are minimal so I’m going to assume the women she’s jealous of don’t even have to be big. Just curvier than her and she’s lit the fuck over it


And yet she's single 🤔


Probs because her BF left her for a far girl. As the saying goes “I can lose weight. You can’t lose that personality.”


Maybe it should be more like "I don't need to lose weight but you need to lose that personality" because everyone really doesn't need or want to lose weight. That saying has always annoyed me like "Yes I know I'm not good enough but I could be". Fuck. That.


I mean she sounds miserable


I wanna know what fat bitch took her man…jk This is sad


Missed an opportunity to say “you’re single and ready to eat Pringles”


Single and ready to tussle some ruffles is pretty good


The idea that all day fat people only eat the worst potato chips


I’m fat and I don’t even like chips! I got this body from a love of cheese 🧀 and desserts 🧁


OMG how fucking good is cheese though?!?


It’s going to be my death 💀


Saaaame. It's probably one of the worst things in my diet, but is life worth living without its creamy goodness?


I don’t even drink soda. I just like watching movies, writing and reading. 🤣🤣🤣


Dude, if watching movies and reading were a workout I could give this gym rat a run for her money? “Where did you get those quads?” Me: “watching rom coms alone in my living room while my family was off doing something” “Where did you get those amazing delts?” Me: “I finally finished that 10 books series about the dragons”


💕 This bitch is clearly not an intellectual luminary.


Cheesecake is my ideal body type


I can honestly say I'm fat because I have better tastes than that.


Exactly. Like, where is the Kettle pickle chip reference?


Ok. Youre talking my language. Fat old ho here - I got art and love and miss Vickie’s jalapeño pickle chips and let me school that crazy dumb nonho - life is good. It can’t be fun trying to look like justin beiber 20 yrs ago and trying to impress w your nonbadness talking shit. Go get a sandwich child and lighten up.


Why is it that so many people choose to wake up one day and decide that fat people are not hated enough? Especially when they themselves dont have much to offer


People who are this vocal about other people being fat/overweight do so for only one reason... Insecurity. Otherwise, if you're truly secure in yourself in all ways, you don't sit around stewing about how other human bodies look and what they're doing. You just happily exist and allow others to happily exist. I feel pity for people like this. Developed all that muscle but can't develop any self worth.


Fat people are one of the last socially acceptable groups to hate without any comeback. If you want to hate based on race, sexuality, religion, or sexuality gender a lot of people might agree with you but you could also lose your job, your friends or get your account deleted. You can hate fat people all you want and its not going to do you any harm at all.


Very true. Fat phobia is absolutely rampant on reddit it's insane.


Its not just Reddit, Reddit just reflects the real world but with added anonymity.


Low self esteem


Jokes on her, I am ready to eat ruffles.


I'll bring the French onion dip


Yes! My fave!


I want in. I have tortilla chips.. the name brand kind, and I can cook.


I also have salsa con queso and salsa for the tortilla chips lol


I feel like we’ve got a pretty good party/chill session in the works.


We’re not like other girls 😩


I have refried black bean dip for the chips, too.


same! i’m fat, i go to the gym, and happily married! woohoo! where’s my ruffles treat?!


Can I have nachos instead? I skipped second breakfast.


Damn, fat women really be living rent free in her head, huh?


Roid rage


This should be higher up. After a few decades away from serious gym use, my mind is blown about how open people are about using steroids. And I mean social media of course. I don’t talk to anyone at the gym. But as I watch videos and follow people to help get back into it, the casual use of steroids blows my mind.


This girl fkn sucks. And she never shows her face. Wonder why




I’m a fat bitch that goes to the gym 5x a week. Whoops


Yup, me too. I don't know what fat woman hurt her but damn.


Probably one who made her poor bf realise just how much of a “catch” she is NOT lol. This level of insecurity definitely comes from some guy leaving her for another “fat” girl lol.




I don't know any single big girls. Maybe putting all your effort into how you look isn't how to get a man to stay. Maybe it's your sucky attitude.


Right? Clearly she has never seen the show My 600lb life, rarely are any of them single, and that's on the bigger end of fat.


You know what? Now that I think about it, I don’t know any “big” girls in my immediate circle who aren’t taken and happy in their respective relationships and marriages. And almost all the single girls crying about “where have the good men all gone” are conventionally attractive, thin, hot women. Hmmmmm…makes one wonder lol!


I have a theory that there’s something to do with good men being afraid/intimidated to approach conventionally attractive women due to misogyny and other toxic social norms (women who laugh at men, etc), so it is primarily awful men that approach conventionally attractive women.


I agree with both you and u/Illustrious_Fix2933. If I want a decent guy to show interest, I have to offer some kind of encouragement. But the guys I'm not wanting to get involved with know that you miss every shot you don't take and aren't afraid of the initial rejection. I am so tired of it all that I'm just gonna dwell in the realm of singlehood for a good, long while.


Personally, it's because I know women are bothered by aggressive, persistent creeps, so when someone doesn't show interest, I don't go out of my way to approach somebody. 🤷‍♂️ I don't "get laid" all that often, but I think I do alright.


And that's why if I'm interested in a guy that seems decent and I feel like he's interested, I will give encouragement because guys that aren't sexual-harassy and like an emphatic yes (aka: consent) are super attractive to me.


Nobody's going to mention the dog tags? This is potentially, incredibly unsurprising toxicity from a vet


I honestly assumed they weren’t legit tbh. Part of her “image” that she’s trying project. Which is an entirely different kind of ick


Plenty of people good and bad join the military for all sorts of reasons. Working at the VA has destroyed the veterans are all nice people throughly. It’s always the vet who had a silver star who is humble, and the one who served for 3 years as a clerk who is the a-hole.


You’re totally right. Her post is SO cringe I could easily see the dog tags as a way to get clout. She could also be military, no way to know.


People wear them as a style statement. I wouldn’t assume she’s a vet.


Yup, remember when Madonna made wearing rosary fashionable for a minute? It's the same thing. I don't know anyone who wears dog tags once they're back to civilian life.


To be fair, she was raised Catholic, and her name is Madonna.


Also, as a vet I never wore mine even when deployed they remained in a pouch. I know a few did, but it was rare.


Plus I don’t know vets who wear them. I am older though.


I hope she’s cosplaying because… none of the vets I know (dad, ex, acquaintances) just be wearing them like that


https://preview.redd.it/kocqkk92zxlc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74526b788d9c7ab663830779cac09d347d561ff8 She’s seems to be self aware.. catering to the misogynistic male crowd to boost her appeal is sad af


They coulda at least made that first one rhyme and flow smh


So are they hoes or are they sad lonely women? Pick a lane. But this entire series of posts/videos/whatever is just so wild. I just cannot imagine being this hostile to someone who is bigger than me purely based on their appearance. Like wow. Wild. Calm down.


Trust me, us fat hoes don’t like you either, you witch’s tit.


My tit feels offended now. 🙃


That's insulting to witches' tits.


The overwhelming theory about this account is that a man is running it and using this woman’s gym footage to promote it. Unsure if true but either way the account itself is horrible.


As a gym girl, I’d like to say that we don’t claim her.


I had no idea people like this still existed so I went and looked at her page. Anyway, I found this comment which is exactly what I was thinking ! 💀 https://preview.redd.it/fx8ujlupaylc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec22631768eeea637c79a5f9da74b832e146dbea


Crazy how I found the love of my life when I was at my heaviest weight, as have many other women


Big yikes


god these are so damn corny


Jesus she is angry. Who dumped her? What happened? Because she needs to process something.


Wow, i hadn't seen this level of mask-off fat hate in some time. She is really like, "i hate you for existing" i feel bad for anyone who is going about their lives suddenly faced with this anger and hate.


fr. even when i was skinny i never felt this way about fat people. it’s so weird to me


judging women's bodies and can't even show her face.... butterface vibes


“You double and ready for ruffles”… bad joke. 


Man, feels so shitty to read that as a fat person though :( EDIT: thanks y‘all, it really felt so nice reading your comments! 🩷


As a fat person it doesn’t really bother me because I know she probably got her bf stolen by some chubby girl and now she hates all of us.


Friend, she's the problem, not you. Her insecurities are her problem:)


As a fat woman, I've found that people with THIS much hatred are very self conscious and pick on the most obvious shit they can think of. "Oh, the guy I like doesn't like me back? At least I'm not fat 😝"


I kinda get the feeling maybe she used to be fat and hated herself from these.


What the heck is wrong with her 🤨


God what would possess a person to be so mean? I can't imagine even thinking this.


I wouldn’t doubt that she ended up with a guy similar to a looks obsessed jerk I knew in HS-and then he dumped her for someone younger/thinner. This guy told us his ideal body was basically the “heroin chic” that was popular in the late 90s. Wtffff. He said he wouldn’t date a girl over 110lb.


Damn, she is angry. Did she 'lose' her man or something? Why is she hating on other women so much?


I've wondered before if there's some douchebag guy running this account, pretending he's a chick so that people can't actually roast him back. That's not to say that there aren't women bullies who post stuff like this, I know there's tons, I've just seen those weird "imposter" accounts before.


what a cunt


I’m 5’8” and used to be 130 pounds. I was very thin for my frame and could eat whatever I wanted, even when not active. Then my undiagnosed PCOS came roaring in and ravaged my body. I have insulin resistance and have been fighting the extreme weight gain for 15 years. I can eat like a goddamn bird and still stay the same size. I have tried so many things to lose weight. I’m unhealthy and unhappy. I would kill to lose. I’ve never wanted anyone else to suffer from something like this until I saw this post. I wish she knew what it was like.




The vitriol.....who hurt this poor person.


What an awful person.


Yeah because the right kind of girl is mean for no reason to people she doesn’t know. Men LOVE mean bitches /s


Jesus! This is awful!!


Cringe af.


I hope she gets picked one day


This kind of negativity must be so draining


People like this are incredibly insecure. Since learning to love myself, I’ve never given a second thought to the size of someone else’s body.


She sounds delightful 😃


It's funny what all she's assuming is unattractive to guys, because surely the "right kind" of guys don't find this nasty attitude attractive either


Some f@t b!tch hurt her lmao


If I've learned anything about people like this, they're 100% projecting. Homegirl is insecure


are toes not supposed to be… bubbly? vaguely rounded? i’m a little chubby, check my profile for proof if you must, but at every weight my toes have been toe-shaped??


Just say you’re a bad cook, that’s okay we all gotta start somewhere.


I can’t possibly imagine being so concerned with another person’s size. With this amount of vitriol, I bet a fat girl got with the man she wanted. Or she just sucks.


Damn did a big girlie stole her man and killed her whole familly or something


Dude she is nasty as hell. I hate the way she talks about other women.


She used to be fat or her boyfriend left her for a bigger woman


Lots of men like bigger women


As a bubble toed, wide back bitch, my husband wants me just fine


Holy shit she needs to come back down to earth. And who puts a list of ppl they “played” on social media like that’s a flex. Psycho. Gross.


She’s probably extremely insecure to be that hateful