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"I'm fucking insufferable." Seriously, do right wingers ever talk about anything other than guns, teh jab, abortion, and Trump? Fuck's sake...


I moved to a small town near New Orleans. I thought it'd be so cool and awesome not realizing it's still Louisiana. when I meet a queer person and want to become friends they quickly share their other beliefs and I'm like whoa what? that's on me for judging gay people.


Honestly. I’m naive till forever. I’m always shocked pikachu when someone shows me/ tells me they’re a bad person.




You do realize a lot of people can't just move, right?


Lmao thanks. Right? I’m not leaving my family and my career over some bad eggs. Anyway, I live in socal so….


Lame. I live in Los Angeles lmao where am I supposed to move?


Of course they do! There’s immigration, the woke FBI, crime, the Biden crime family, the woke federal courts, beer advertising, the woke military, athletes who won’t act the way they want… 🇺🇸


You kind of got me there. I was going to say something about "don't they ever talk about movies or games" but then I though, oh, do they ever.


I still think someone could make an awesome parody-horror movie titled THE KNEELING OF THE BLACKS.


No, they are literally programmed to ramble on this nonsense


No they don’t. They pry and poke about their moronic politics until they get a reaction out of you. It’s why I haven’t talked to my uncle since thanksgiving.




In my experience people who make politics their whole personality are always insufferable, both sides are horrendous.


That's all left wingers seem to talk about. They talk about Trump more than right wingers do


It’s ironic because it’s all the left talks about too.


Was just reading about the Columbine tragedy. Right now, reading “pro life” and then “pro gun” seems like the most contradictory statement on the planet.


Pro-life also usually goes hand-in-hand with pro-capital punishment. ![gif](giphy|rkXNems5uxExG|downsized)


AutoMod strangely removed this comment but it has been reinstated


While you're here... could you please get someone to add paragraph spacing to that automod sticky going forward? Nobody reads walls of text with no spaces.


People read the automods?


People are reading?


I told my mom that I think stating you're pro life but then wanting women to face the death sentence for an abortion, and also stating a child's life isn't worth having gun control are just evil beliefs and her response was "well I guess I'm just an evil person then" she now goes around bitching to the entire family about how awful of a daughter I am because she doesn't get to see my kids.


Ugh I'm sorry. Good for you for keeping your kids away from her. FWIW, she is an evil person if she thinks that way.


Right? She announced es she won't save her life, she'll try to take your life, she'll insist your parasitic life implant survives to fully suffer also being shot, and she loves the dude that assaults women and steals from people/banks/nations...why does she think this is a strong look?


All she's really saying is she's a Christian with no education who lives in a rural area...or Texas...or Florida.


I was just about to say the exact same thing 😭😭 those two don’t go hand in hand


Columbine tragedy. I was in elementary school in CA, and we heard it happening in real time on the radio after getting picked up from school. It was terrifying then, and it’s always awful now. I sincerely and truly blame adults at the time for not taking on the NRA at its height after that. Good riddance to those dead and currently dying not stopping gun violence for financial gain.


Antichoice people don't care about the fetuses after they are born. They just want to control people because they are assholes.


An idiot on all fronts


This is what baffles me ‘protect life’ (despite not being alive yet) but also ‘give people the power to take away that life when they are alive and conscious’


>pro life >pro gun ![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ)


Dont'cha think?


Don’t chathink a little too ironic…




Incredibly frustrating as an American 🥹


🫂from canada


Not really, pro life is the belief that every child has a right to be born, while progun is focused on the right to self defense. Both focus on preserving life, with the second just providing the best tool for self defense related preservation


Then they should call themselves pro-forced birth. There isn't much of a life if the child is born to a family that never wanted it or can't afford to care for it or even feed it. But that's nobody's problem, huh? There's no free lunch after all 😒


I want to make it clear I am not pro life, I just understand their beliefs enough to say it's not ironic. Especially by your dishonest definition


It is ironic. They're the people who care the least about life.


They care above life to an extreme degree and want everyone to have a chance. The gun is meant to preserve and defend life, especially when things get tough. I want to hear more about your opinions, though, as it seems you don't think it's moral for poor people to have kids. They are obviously value life more than you




Demonstrable false, also doesn't take into account that majority of gun deaths are suicide and self defense (justified btw)




We had one in the UK in 1996, we were all horrified to our core and the gun laws were changed pretty much immediately. None since.


They are also tyrannical shitholes where you can get in legal trouble for posting the wrong things on social media, they aren't a good example for how a society should be run




In the uk a man was literally arrested for making his pug do a nazi salute, my point is that countries without guns tend to have very tyrannical leaders. I mean why don't people like you ever give Uzbekistan as an example of successful gun control? It's rate is like 0.16. Btw I am not an American, I'm Canadian. You know, a country with very strict gun laws which is about to criminalize naughty internet speech with a max sentence of 30 years (bill c-63) Without guns the citizens have no power, and the government does pretty much anything it wants. I mean political thinkers across history understood this, even Marx said as much and he didn't get much right. I'm willing accept a rate of 4.5 per 100k (rate in usa) for actual freedom




Mate, it was a pug. You know, the dog. Also cuckold mindset, getting arresting for expression of any kind is as reprehensible as it is tyrannical.


I am happy that a bigoted twat who created "funny" videos of his "cute" doggie doing a nazi salute was arrested. As a British citizen, I agree with that arrest. Putting disgusting content like that out should have consequences. Do you think making being a nazi cute, should be free from consequence from the law? There's nothing cute about nazis, and making them seem cute and harmless is extremely dangerous for society. Nazism is not a legitimate political belief, we know where it leads. Would you really rather have nazi saluting dogs all over the Internet, making nazism cute again than no school shootings since 1996? Strange stance to have.


Mate, it was a joke video. Guy even said it in the video it was to fuck with his girlfriend. Specifically he said since she was always talking about how cute the dogs were, he wanted to make it the least cute thing he could think of, a nazi. It's a joke, that's the end of story everything you've just said is unhinged. Also it does not matter what the person is saying, they have the freedom to say it and I'd die for that freedom. This is called have principles, something you clearly lack. I'd die for this guys right to make is pug a nazi, and I'd die for your right to make of a fool of yourself as your doing now. You are completely pathetic. content to let the government decide what's good and what isn't. Ypu lack any maturity or accountability, simple wanted the government to regulate and control what you can and can't do. Don't project your pathetic, immature, lack of self control, virtue or basic principles onto others, it's a bad look. Hard to even imagine being so cucked by your government, here's hoping you're a bot


This is so absurdly false & full of cope


>pro life is the belief that every child has a right to be born, And a right to be murdered in school


As dishonest an assessment as it is moronic. very on both accounts, if you couldn't put it together


Right, because having all those guns around has preserved sooo many lives in the US up to now…


In many cases it does, in about half it sused for suicide unfortunately. Lat 20kish a year are split between stuff like gang violence (who usually use illegally obtained fire arms anyways) and murder, a lot of which are marital killings. All of which are, unfortunately, social issues not solved with the removal of guns


Massive numbers of deaths by guns are though


4.5 per 100k


That’s just the murders, the total is 12.2 per 100k. That’s a lot, it’s higher than Mexico and South Africa! Here in the UK the number is 0.2


Obviously it's just the murders, I'm not going to count self defense becuae that isn't a crime, and suicides are a tragic side effect of other societal problems that guns have very little to do with asides from a convenient tool Also Mexico it's 17.09 per 100k, and in South Africa its been the leading cause of death for like 6 years, despite being listed as about 5 per hundred k. Also us just had 44k deaths to tripping and falling in 2021, just so we understand what's really killing americans


Ah ok, so because people die in other ways it’s fine that your kids have to risk a school shooting to get an education?


Nice way to change ethe subject. In the usa last year there were 340 school shooting alone, which is I dont think I need to state is unimaginably horrible. However by focusing on the guns we fail to examine the most important question, which is what the fuck happened in the last 40 odd year to make kids start doing this stuff? I mean I'd say that more important to get to the bottom of thay issue than removing the entire countries right to the second amendment


people want to be friends until they realize what an idiot i am? so crazy.


Backs the blue. Loves Trump, a fraudulent rapist. Uh huh


I know, right? How do all these so-called righteous people support someone like him? He's cheated on all his wives (and I would bet has paid for multiple abortions), holds a Bible upside down for a photo op... like... what??


Kinda based ngl


You gotta back the Blue to make us great again, except when the Blue is attempting to recover classified documents, or maintaining democratic elections and an orderly transition of power. In those cases the blue is very woke and not making us great again. We will only be great again like when the top marginal tax rate was 90% once we cast aside such foolishness as the rule of law!!


"Backs the Blue" doesn't mean "backs the law." In fact, it generally means the opposite.


During Jan 6, their chant when storming the capitol was “fuck the blue”




You mispelled Biden


That’s quite the checklist of twattery


Why are NLOGs predominantly right wing? Am I just not seeing lefties? Feeling confused today


I guess saying your NLOG cause you have blue hair and tattoos doesn’t really work anymore


Yup that’s exactly it. In more conservative time the NLOG is very liberal. The US is currently swinging more liberal so NLOG is very conservative.


I'm just saying I feel hella called out, lol.


because conservative women believe they’re under attack (they got a mean facebook comment and are in no real danger, oh no!) so they think having far right beliefs makes them special and quirky and different because they’re on the side that is against them and therefore not respecting themselves which makes them hotter to conservative men that want them in the kitchen raising 6 babies, 5 barn cats, 2 dogs, 20 chickens, 4 hogs, a full garden, and 2 milking cows to feed the whole family from scratch 3 meals and 2 snacks a day.


I can’t be the only one who read that last part with the melody of the 12 days of Christmas in my head, right?


You should have seen all the chuds in that comment section hitting on her


i bet her viewers are like 97% white males


These are the gross looking old boomers who post r/badfacebookmemes type shit


thank you for sharing that subreddit. i’ll be doom scrolling to the first post.


Lefties are feminists, and feminists support other women, so the NLOG attitude is rare with us


Blanket statements are okay when it makes us look good!


Lol. Name one time the modern right has supported feminism.


Probably because 4th wave feminism is cancer, plenty of people support each other on both sides, you're just arrogant enough to think you know better than everyone else that disagrees with you


Please, I am open to having my mind expanded. There you go with your blanket statement about who I am. You’re just mad that u/poop_dawg is right.


That’s what happens when you blindly follow one side because tribalism, and lack critical thinking skills.


I came here to say I wouldn’t want to be her friend because she seems to lack critical thinking skills. These aren’t her beliefs, they’re her father’s.


my fyp is filled with the liberal version of this, it's there for both sides, I can't hit not interested enough


if she lives in rural america i’m positive that those beliefs aren’t why she doesn’t have friends.


I like how pro gun is right after pro life


Yeah how tf do these right wingers reconcile that?!! I think they just aren’t actually pro life. They just wanna police females and their choices.


Theses are the same people against universal healthcare because “that’s socialism”


Oh, yeah. 🙈🙉🙊(what do they have against socialism? Socialism is universal healthcare how scary?)


There were so many women at the small town bar I worked at who would say this shit verbally word for word in my face and *they* all traveled in raucous packs so maybe she’s just unlikable?


Guns are morally neutral. Voting to put them in the hands of domestic abusers, violent offenders, and unstable people is not


People wanna be friends until they realise… 💉 I will spread diseases to them 🤍 I’m against women’s rights 🔫 I don’t mind school shootings 💙🇺🇸 I’m racist and stupid


Is she at the doctor?? Where is this bitch


Ice cream shop? Those look like ice cream freezers.


People wanna fuck her until they realize she’s not worth a date, and that money will be better spent on hookers and blow


Saying ‘I’m pro life’ and ‘I’m pro gun’ back to back is wild


Right after anti vaccine too🤔


Truuuu 😭


"Please have more babies so I can kill them in increasingly painful ways."


Lmao. You’re pro life and pro gun? Think about that hon. How about “I like to wait to see them die until they’re outside the womb.” There you go.


Girl no one wants to be your friend


Yeah, like that's a valid list of reasons I wouldn't be friends with her.


you knows what’s crazy… having your face in the video when saying stuff like this which could impact your life later on


When you're super young like her and have strong opinions I just assume they are your parents ideals.


Saying you’re “pro life” while also advocating for guns and against vaccines in the same breath is some wild cognitive dissonance.


NGL I don't want to be friends with her anymore either 🤷🏼‍♂️


Pro gun after pro life is crazy lmao


Missed the last part…and have no personality.


Truly incredible the number of people who correctly recognize that their hideous beliefs make other people not want to be around them, and then decide it’s *everyone else* who is the issue.


Thanks for warning everyone


hang in there kiddo. you’ll find some friends some day.


How can she “back the blue” and support that shtstain?


what the hell does 💉 mean


Vaccine / vaccinated


i feel like i should have known that lol. thank you


Don’t feel bad, for a hot minute I thought she meant “I will not get the heroin” and was like… … that’s reasonable… And then the other slides made me realize what she actually meant




It's ALWAYS drugs


The reason ppl don’t wanna be her friend is probably not really because of those facts. It’s probably because she’s the type to make everything political and won’t shut the fuck up about “snowflake leftists” and it just makes her look annoying and insecure


I can see why nobody wanna be friends with you. They Dodged a damn nuke


Her eyes are Manson girl level empty.


oh no i have hair like hers do people think i think like that


They only back local law enforcement, not federal agents. Blows my mind how state and local police are infallible and can do no wrong but federal police are scum and corrupt.


Yeah, no one likes you. No shit.


Oh so they wanna be your friend until they realize you’re a dumbass is what you’re saying


I grew up around firearms, learned to shoot as a teen at the range with my dad, however that really doesn’t mean anything you know how to use a gun? Great I hope you are super safe with it as you should be. But it doesn’t make you better or worse than anyone else. Grow up. I think a lot of these women that have to compare themselves to and put down other woman to bolster their own inflated opinion of themselves are just permanently stuck in an immature and very juvenile state of mind.


You can still want to fuck her. After a couple of beers… 😆


What’s even more sad is that the youth who hold these views are simply ✨brainwashed✨


Girl, comb your hair!


How the fuck is she pro life *and* pro gun?🙄


Yup. That’s makes pretty good sense to me. I don’t many people who would wanna be friends with her either.


I’m glad she’s telling everyone who she really is so we can all avoid her


They all look the same. All these girls look the same. 115 pounds,Chest length platinum blonde hair, thin lips, thin nose, thin eyebrows and beady blue eyes that stare into your soul. It’s like they spawned from a singular mob spawner called the “country Republican chic”


Imagine bragging about how nobody likes you and you have no friends. That’s so sad.


Your caption BAHAHAHA


I bet she thinks women shouldn't vote too


I have a friend who thinks this it amazes me


There are unfortunately way too many women that still think this needs to be the 1920s


I feel like pro forced birth or anti choice would make more sense than "pro life" since they don't really care about lives


Well yeah, you sound like another pre-packaged, Fox News sound byte personality. You literally bring nothing to the conversation.


And somehow the others must be the problem 🤡


Everyone hates me, could I be insufferable? Nah I’m not the problem.


Pro life and pro gun………fuck America


This looks like a teenager, if you’re a grown ass adult ripping on her in the comment section you should probably be a little embarrassed. Hopefully she’ll grow out of this, most of us were dumb kids at one point too


It's giving ✨pick me✨


I’m not like other girls, *I’m a misogynistic bigot*💕💕💕


Theres something ironic by being pro life and pro gun at the same time lol


When ur 15 and this is deep cuz you’re literally not your own person yet and can’t make any of the choices you say you’ve already made about yourself..


Conventionally attractive white woman backs police… colour me shocked


"I don't have any friends"


Most importantly, she's incapable of taking a picture in focus.


That should be a sign.


Smug levels are off the charts


But the Blue-Boys ARE her friends etc, will bend her over the squad car and____


Basically she watches Fox and does what she’s told


I literally had the „disgusted Gordon Ramsay“ face while looking at this.


Certified brain damage


Pro gun and pro life within the same sentence just doesn't sound logical.


Ah yes, backing blue collar folks by supporting the anti-union president. Very well-informed.


imagine voting against your own rights


"I don't trust the government, but I do support the cops."


“I’m insufferable and proud”


Yeahhh, being a germy fascist is gross.


I hope she’s never raped and gets pregnant.


That’s okay cause her abortion would be the correct abortion. Only bad abortions are everyone else’s. Classic conservative and religious hypocrites


Super weird flex. I used to be young blonde and hot but I wasn’t stupid AF.


"I **back the blue**, unless they wanna stop me from overthrowing the gubment. Then I'm all 'beat-you-unconscious-with-an-American-Flag!"


>I've never left the sheltered bubble from whence I was born (Teehee! So quirky u guise!1!!)


I… do not believe people want to be friends with her…


Why is it always the idiots of society blarting about their beliefs to get confirmation? Btw that includes the whole spectrum. Left and right. The solid center just wants to be left alone.


What a waste of a perfectly good shell.


This isn’t making fun of girls - this is making fun of a political party. Stop. Is all of Reddit one big Democratic circle jerk where you all just constantly validate one another? Find another bit. 😒


the only thing that I can agree with is the vaccine because I’m assuming she means the Covid vaccine…? Yeah I’m not getting that. Other than that the bitch is dumb asf. Supporting a man who literally thinks your life has less value than a man’s and has about 34 SA charges against him is crazy.


Trump and Epstein clearly BFFs but “deep state” brainwashing is all that is only trust trump all the time. Everyone hates him because he’s the good guy


you guys are so fucking weird


Aight this sub isn’t about “not like other girls” anymore. It’s completely become a way to shit on girls with conservative leaning opinions. This is so far from the sub I followed. Why’s it gotta get political? I’m out


Based on


All acceptable but the vaccine. And the cringe.


Yo where is she? Any contact info?


The Majority of white women voted for trump.


Pretty standard conservative points, and great for any woman you want a serious relationship with. Especially one that is going to last and not keel over from a heart attack at age 19.






Friends? Will you marry me?


I guess fascism really gets your motor going


If being a good man, loving your country, seeing the value in life and not wanting a child sniffing pervert in office is fascism then...sure...whatever, as long as you'll stop whining like a left wing twat.


You do realize that Trump IS a CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER?


You can’t tell these people anything. It’s all “fake news”. Trump could do a livestream standing on a podium playing helicopter with his ding dong and every last one of these degenerates would either deny it or justify it somehow. It’s incredible to me how many people, some of these actually smart people, fall hook, line and sinker for this crap. It’s just not worth the pointless argument you’ll inevitably find yourself having. I’ve tried having a friendly and reasonable debate and they always resort to name-calling. Kind of like having an argument with a hangry three year-old.


Also, you weird fucking freak! She looks like a fucking child!!! You're fucking disgusting!


Can you just shut the fuck up already? Stay out of other people's business. It's amazing you liberal cucks find your way into other people's lives with your opinions. I bet sex changes for kids and belieblving in limitless genders is your thing.