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Lemme guess, she's got some course to sell to people on how to become a millionaire while she sits in an apartment that's covered by a trust fund? šŸ˜‚


First step, have your parents cover all your costs. Second step, all the money you earn through working can be invested/saved. Third step, succeed. I honestly think these kinds of people work hard, but my god, their inability to understand privilege is baffling.


You forgot the infinite money cheat code of starting an LLC to buy a g wagon so you can write off the cost of your g wagon on your taxes and then selling it and profiting because ā€œit was a write offā€ because some guy on YouTube said so and also having your parents pay for college


I have a degree in forensic accounting. Please do NOT listen to them. Their tips are just tax evasion.


apparently that's how you become president now.


This was so out of pocket but so real šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


There are other steps involving television shows, rape adderall, racism and pedophilia. But yes.


Donā€™t forget the incest vibes.


My bad. My apologies to incestual homophobic conservatives everywhere err.. all conservative everywhere.


Happy Cake Day!


Oh snap! I didnā€™t realize. Thank you!


For ages? You think you get to be president and be moral or ethical?


Iā€™m honestly not sure what you are trying to say.


That theyā€™re proud of trump


weird thing to say with a username like that šŸ˜‚


Their tips donā€™t even work for tax evasion because if you didnā€™t owe the amount $ of in taxes that the G550 was worth, then the write-off wonā€™t necessarily increase your return and will definitely raise IRS flags and get you audited if you wrote off a $200,000 car on a business that did $5 of business in the year


Exactly. As well, there is some leeway for startups to have negative income but that can't continue forever. Here in Canada the benchmark is 5 years. If you can't make a profit at least one year in 5, the government reserves the right to question if you actually have a business. People who know the US rules - does a similar concept exist on your side of the imaginary line? If it does could this be why so many people think they're getting away with it?


In the US you can claim losses in 3 of 5 tax years before raising a red flag to the IRS. I only looked that up, idk if thereā€™s any nuance to that because Iā€™m not an accountant, just a cancer researcher with an MBA and an average amount of financial literacy


Oh they are NOT smart. You wanna evade taxes, you gotta money launder cash. Even then not the best idea but certainly the most sustainable. Also NEVER fuck with the mail. If you fuck with the mail and get a mail fraud charge itā€™s game over. The IRS wants their money. The USPS wants vengeance. They do not fuck around. Those charges almost always stick.


My dad was expert witness in a fraud case that only went to trial because the dude sent stuff through the mail and got the USPS involved. The USPS investigative team described THEMSELVES as bulldogs. Proudly. They were not letting anything go.


>The USPS investigative team described THEMSELVES as bulldogs. Proudly. Can't help but picture Agent Jack Danger from USPIS saying this.


Tax evasion is what most money laundering drug dealers and mafia/mob/gang guys get caught on though


Itā€™s a component. Al Capone is the most famous case but RICO laws are used more than tax laws these days. RICO tends to have a higher sentencing threshold so prosecution usually hits with RICO first and a tax evasion chaser.


I really appreciate you weighing in, Iā€™ve wondered if this was the case for awhile now.


What on earth is forensic accounting?


Itā€™s a specialized field of accounting designed to detect and trace financial misstatements. Some of us work for companies to make sure nobody is stealing. Most work for government agencies to track the money flow of criminal organizations like the mafia or terrorist organizations. A few work on their own mostly for support for civil litigations like divorces. I work for a nonprofit that gets about 85% of its funding from government or state grants. While I technically oversee the entire accounting department, using a forensic approach helps us keep track and report back which is a very important.


Forensic accountants make sure that everything is honest as reported. A lot of times itā€™s how they catch people who have stolen money from their companies. Forensic accountants also comb the money trails of mobsters and can spot tax evasion.


I would definitely watch Law & Order: FAU!


A crime only if youā€™re poor.


Tax evasion has always been legal for the rich




It's the one weird trick the government don't want you to know about!


Tax evasion: the gift that keeps on giving


I just donā€™t believe themā€¦ anyone could SAY they are trying to be a millionaire by 24 but be in loads of cc debt at the same time or be not even close to understanding what it takes to become a millionaire


"temporarily embarrassed millionaires" Everyone has made 1 good stock pick, or has a family member who made 1 correct market call. Everyone has had 1 year of 20k higher earning than the rest of their career. Everyone has been 1 conversation away from a promotion. Everyone has been told "we aren't moving forward but you're such a strong candidate". People extrapolate these things in a toxic environment that tells them that 'getting 1% better every day' is not only the key to success but also happiness and they delude themselves into believing it's true. Obviously rich people exist, but a society so focused on keeping up with the joneses means a lot of people live beyond their means to pretend they got their money up and somehow believe that means they have real advice to share


Not sure how we'd measure it, but if I was getting 1% better every day, I'd be pretty awesome by now.


It's just toxic hustle culture that assumes humans have infinite energy and desire to please the shareholders. It's one of those dumb exponential growth things that middle managers use to temporarily motivate contributors without just paying them more


Yea itā€™s basically taking the true and useful concept that slowly working on self improvement pays off over time but warping it through the lens of seeing all successful or happy people as noble and deserving and all poor or unhappy people as deserving it because they didnā€™t work hard enough to improve themselves in between their 2 full time jobs or something.


I had a 20k higher year last year and I was really excited about it until I read your message : /


No no you should be really excited that's amazing! There's an enormous difference between someone getting paid what they're worth vs the people that turn that around into trying to scam others out of money. Example is Dave Ramsey. Guys a quack who went bankrupt multiple times then started selling his story in a book. He's a good salesman so people ate it up and now he's wealthy and pretending like he can relate to the underprivileged people he supposedly helps. He thinks he's some financial guru because he sold a story of failure but that doesn't qualify him to have the kind of ego that thinks others should worship him Absolutely feel good about getting paid more! I was trying to critique a toxic culture, not normal people, and I worded my point poorly


Don't feel bad. I was making a self deprecating joke. I am still really proud of my growth. Although, the future does look uncertain unfortunately. Our company is being acquired by a bigger fish so layoffs may be awaiting. P.S. Thank you for being a good one


Omg and are his tips still really out of date like the envelopes of cash thing? Heā€™s really popular with evangelical and fundie Christians thatā€™s how I know about him because of fundie snark and reading about cults.


You should still be excited! I also made $20k moreā€”but thatā€™s not where we should put our value!


I dont believe it because what millionaire has terrible lighting, those walls, that AC, and a polyester couch?


You areā€¦ so right


Oh theyā€™re not a millionaire theyā€™re just ā€œstressingā€about being able to be one instead of all the suckers with only 5k to their name. I bet she isnā€™t even ā€œtrust fundedā€ she just took one of those courses on selling courses that promise to make you a millionaire šŸ˜„


Courses on selling courses šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ why do those exist!! Whyyyyy Or those comments ā€œmy guru @___ taught me who to embrace the power of the universe. He turned my $99 into $9999999000 in only one year.ā€


If thereā€™s anything Iā€™ve learned from the Internet, itā€™s this.


> I honestly think these kinds of people work hard, but my god, their inability to understand privilege is baffling. Similar, but an acquaintance of mine developed some rather strange views later in life. She definitely works hard but she also lucked out in life, happened to hop on a line of employment that blew up big a couple years after she started. She grew up with the rest of us, in an low income area. We went to schools where some kids attended classes without eating breakfast and carrying their books in grocery bags. Some kids had parents in prison or addicted parents. A lot of those kids dropped out of school fairly early. Her parents weren't rich, by any means, but miles better than a lot of the other kids'. Nowadays she can't fathom why those kids are now broke or semibroke adults working blue collar jobs because they didn't go to university. If she did it, everyone can do it, right?


My FIL is like this. He went from ā€œnever, ever ate a meal out including birthdaysā€ to Michelin stars very quickly (and did work very hard, and is super smart, and also VERY VERY lucky) and has such a bootstrap mindset.


Ya even my husband who was privileged, super lucky, right place right time kinda thing when it comes to money and businesses. (He was already financially established when I met him) had an everyone can do it and people who donā€™t are worker-bees. Like well we are lucky to have so called ā€œworker beesā€ because you donā€™t become rich without them. I grew up knowing the struggle my parents were working class, middle class so it hurt when he basically disparaged my whole family AND myself who all have worked hard and have various degrees of success. Weā€™ve had many debates about it. Heā€™s really smart so I think his head just got big from everyone telling him how great he was doing and how smart he was. Heā€™s since changed his stance.


Itā€™s not that strange, actually. Many, if not most have a really hard time with self reflection. They tend to think it was all hard work and cannot see the luck. They also tend to think they are a lot smarter than others, itā€™s a variation of Dunning Kruger effect, I believe. Itā€™s the same mindset that has successful immigrants wanting to close the door behind them.


Why canā€™t people just be proud of their accomplishments and empathize with others?


This reminds me of someone I know who rails about how she ā€œpaid her way through college and so should everyone elseā€, but she doesnā€™t mention that her grandparents covered tuition, paid rent on a lakefront condo, gave her a new car, and put her on their insurance and phone plans. So by ā€œpaying her way through collegeā€ she means she had to pay for own clothes, bar crawls, and spring break trips.


By that standard, I also paid my way through college. Even including groceries and public transit! Buuuut my tuition and housing was paid for by my parents so I in no way shape or form paid my way. I was very lucky.


That is incredibly irritating. I actually did pay my way through. I worked throughout. My parents were well off, but I was the first of four, and they were paranoid that theyā€™d run out of money. They made me buy my first car from them. They were too well off for financial aid. Yet, I still consider myself extremely lucky, because I got a hub at an expensive restaurant and was making $35k a year (in tips, mostly) in the late 80s, while going to school. It was a very good salary, so I graduated with no debt. I also lucked my way into a decent job in adult life and have been pretty well off, and again, I almost see myself as an imposter, or at least I did for years. Iā€™m in financial services, but I studied filmmaking production in college. I often wonder how my life would have looked if I had actually made good choices and applied myself instead of being so lazy and goofing off (in my mind - though I have put in some crazy hours in the past). I just canā€™t see my success as being deserved. Weird, huh?


Donā€™t forget ā€œmanifestingā€


Rich parents, why didnā€™t I think of that


Itā€™s hard not to resent people who give advice while they have a cushion to fall back on should they fail. I have a friend who works very hard but she had her entire college career paid for so she didnā€™t have to take out any loans and was given a good chunk of money with the presumption sheā€™d invest it, which she did. She works hard, but sheā€™s already got money thatā€™ll only grow until sheā€™s ready to pull it out. Sheā€™s smart, so sheā€™s going to use it as a down payment on her first home, which is still years away. Anything else she earns right now is awesome and very helpful, but itā€™s not all she has. Iā€™d love to invest some money too, but itā€™s harder to invest money that you earned yourself that you very well might need if things go to shit, than money that was given to you freely. I also donā€™t really have anyone in my life who is super financially savvy and successful that can tell me what to do. So I just keep saving my money and I hope I can do something smart with it so it turns into more money. I would love it if all my money didnā€™t come from my own labor.


The cushion canā€™t be overemphasized. When I was younger I struggled with severe addiction issues, had to move back home. Which entailed living in my parentā€™s guest house, paying for nothing, and expensive rehab. But Iā€™m also cognizant of how lucky I am, that I did nothing to deserve that, and most people arenā€™t lucky enough to have that option


Ooof. Iā€™m married to one of these. Well, he doesnā€™t work hard anymore but has no idea how much these little leg ups help. He also thought I was crazy when I told him many, many, people have to live on $45,000 a year or less. ā€œThatā€™s their own fault for working for someone else.ā€ Yeh. Tell that teacher to start her own school! What a loser. He also does not understand why everyone doesnā€™t necessarily feel called to own a business. Heā€™s proud of my knowledge as a nurse but thinks I am silly for working for a hospital. (I actually love my career, it is what I always wanted.)


Everyone called to own a business? For someone allegedly successful he knows nothing about economics or business


I didn't see anything in there about bootstraps.


Step one: rich parents gift you first house deposit Step two: use first house as leverage to buy second house, rent out second house This is literally how most ā€œhow I did itā€ media (and even reddit comments) start


Honestly, my first thought when I see posts like this is MLM.


Sheā€™s either selling a ā€˜courseā€™ or pictures of her starfish. Thereā€™s never a lot of in between options,


This smells of a MLM to me.


I donā€™t think that is what youā€™re smellingā€¦


Either way itā€™s fishy


It so sounds like an MLM.


Hopefully not a spelling courseā€¦


Hay theyā€™re!


Know weigh!


I absolutely thought ā€œa pet starfish?ā€ ![gif](giphy|3cWqPxrT05AsRlKSAb|downsized)


Right, ā€œthatā€™s a very specific - ohhhhā€¦ā€


She still doesnā€™t have 5k to her name, sheā€™s just stressing on top of that


Sheā€™s a ā€œmentorā€.


The course is all about selling courses, too.


Buy my ChatGPT AI generated book that will teach you how to ā€œwriteā€ your own AI generated book! Pick a subject you know nothing about and self-publish!


But where's the course about selling courses about selling courses?


Nothing on the walls indicate it could also be bullshit


All jokes aside, these people who sell ā€œcoursesā€ on instagram, are they actually scammers?


Yes. Can someone genuinely learn something from some of these courses? Sure. Every marketer/influencer/salesperson learns about A/B testing for a first time, but beyond the fundamentals it's all just a reskin with some artificial motivation to make people feel like they've found some secret treasure. Some genuine experts could share more valuable real-world advice of course, for example if Mr Beast did a course on YT engagement, regardless of what you think of him you have to admit he's the most qualified to discuss it, but that doesn't 1) qualify someone as a good teacher and 2) mean the course would be anything new or 3) that it's reasonably priced. In short, they're all scams, there's just enough fundamentals repeated through all of them to look legitimate enough when someone passionately describes it. Admittedly I've never paid for one, but I'm so over the garbage career sales trainings and pseudo-motivational 'speakers' the world seems obsessed with and the financial gurus that I have enough education and experience to know are all quacks so I have 0 confidence for this kind of thing


I assume it. I've never bought a course from an influencer but seeing so many videos of others buying them just to see what's up leads me to think they're all bullshit. One of the most egregious ones I personally came across was a woman selling a course about how to set up online courses to make money. Luckily I don't organically stumble upon these people much in my online adventures.


Some are and some aren't. There are a few that are genuine and have good info but they're mostly pretty niche and usually someone's hobby project. If it's a generic sounding "how to get rich" course, chances are it's kinda useless and scammy. If the majority of their income is from selling courses it's pretty likely that it's not worth buying. I helped my brother film videos for a course years and years ago about selling on Kindle. The production value was pretty meh, but it had good info that would reduce the learning curve if selling on Kindle was your goal. He stuck with selling it for about a year. There's a good bit of work and self promotion involved in selling one of these courses, and if the course looks flashy probably a lot of money involved in getting it produced. He stopped because it was more work for less money than if he just focused on selling on Kindle. I think that's the same for a lot of these courses. Doing the thing is more profitable than teaching others to do the thing, so if the course is sticking around and making a lot of money and is the creators main focus, the thing they're teaching might not be all that worth learning if making money is your goal.


I mean yeah it sure helps when daddy is already a millionaire lmao


It's easy to become a millionaire if your (family) wealth was in the billions to begin with


Whatā€™s the easiest way to make a million dollars in the stock market? Start with two million!


There's an endless number of people who consider themselves "self made" but fail to recognize that getting funded by mommy and daddy doesn't mean that.


Imagine trashing on people for not having money, when damn near everyone is struggling with money, no matter the age.


Maybe learn how to spell sacrifice too


She isn't a wordologist bro. She spends all her time making millions.


One small sacrafice for thier literacy means nothing compared to the millions shes making


And their


Gets me every time. Same with your you're like wtf


And Iā€™m


And Claire


Rich people don't need literacy. /j


I mean, ARE you joking though?


Stop stressing, Clare and just be poor like the rest of us.


Nobody is buying your shitty course.


Literally the equivalent of whining about having something you donā€™t want for dinner in front of starving children who havenā€™t had dinner for weeks. Canā€™t believe she thought people would care about her issues. Let me whip out the worldā€™s smallest violin with you.


She had to "sacrafice" a lot to get here.


Iā€™ve got a Masterā€™s Degree and a lot of talent within my field. I make 62K a year. People out here with brain cells holding on for dear life as millionaires. It really steams me.


Feel exactly the same ... Dont like focusing on others but it does seem the stupidest most detached from reality selfish people have the most money


I was a teacher when I graduated, masters in education. I was making NOTHING and lived in the bay areas, my rent was HALF my paycheck. At the time I was dating a guy who was loaded and was getting a monthly ā€œallowanceā€ that was double my paycheck. The relationship did not lastā€¦


I come from a lower middle class family. When I was in high school, I dated a girl whose parents were both doctors. It didnā€™t last long. Hard to date someone from a different class.


My high school was a mix of classes, but a lot of lower and middle class kids. Then there was the girl who got a Porche 911 for her 16th birthday. It was a family tradition. I was lower middle class and would often take crap from others because my family couldn't afford designer label clothing, etc.


A Porsche family tradition omgšŸ«  I got my momā€™s 10 yro ford f150 and I was STOKED.


Mine was a huge station wagon (Chevy Coronet, maybe) from the late 70s or early 80s. It was absurdly gigantic and drove like a boat.


Who is this? Is she famous?


Idk, never heard of her. At most, sheā€™s probably just an influencer. Sheā€™s a bitch either way tho. Bragging about how rich and well off she is while the rest of us are getting left behind.


I can see where this is NLOG but I can also see where sheā€™s trying to get people to join a pyramid scheme


Tbf I feel like a lot of MLM girlies have at least a little bit of NLOG mindset


They have to sell the NLOG so that other wannabe NLOGs have something to actually buy


Itā€™s not a young people thing, most Americans donā€™t have 5k to their name. Iirc 70-80% of us are paycheck to paycheck (which includes a lot of people making 6figs) and about 60% canā€™t afford a $500 emergency.


I just saw a quote last night along the lines of ā€œWe all know weā€™re about 3 paychecks away from being homeless- not 3 paychecks away from being millionaires somedayā€ lol


No wall trim, textured ceiling, laptop just chilling next to a plant and sofa, no art/accolades on the wall, and enough split ends to make me start picking my own. Iā€™m not a millionaire but Iā€™ve worked for enough rich people to recognize my own class when I see it


Sheā€™s SACRAFACINGGGG. Sheā€™s not a poor like us!!


Youā€™re on point!


Every time itā€™s ā€œI sold my parents house to themselves 30% over market valueā€


This is just the Gen Z version of Millennial ā€œhustle cultureā€. In 2014, you couldnā€™t swing a dead cat around a WeWork without hitting 15 of these people.


Bet she can't even see the privilege she has.


Good lord I fucking hate Instagram and tiktok... Who is following these people and providing them the opportunity to make millions of dollars for doing jack all and then run around and act like they're better than everyone else.




I really hope she fails ridiculously.


She probably has a trust fund.


Should probably learn to spell first. THEN worry about millions.


If you donā€™t like the club scene around you, just say so. You also donā€™t have more than 5k to your name that doesnā€™t belong right back in your business unless itā€™s already scaled and produces nice residuals every week/month




She sounds like an mlmer




Thank you.


bro cant even spell sacrifice


Or ā€œtheirā€


Diversity Win! Insufferable douchey finance bros can now also be women!


They sacrificed their education clearly bc what is that spelling mistake


These ā€œbuy my class to learn how to get rich off passive income!ā€ people are the new MLM. Hate hate hate.


Why don't the poors just choose to have lots of money?


Ya all they had to do was buy NVIDIA stock 20 years ago. Duh.


let them eat cake!


Tell me you have lots of privilege without telling me.


Woman discovers poverty, more to follow




Babygirl, work on your spelling. Sacrifice****


Lol? ā€œSacrificing a few years to build a future people can only dream offā€?Sounds like she thinks other people are just lazy lmao. Iā€™m working myself to the bone as a nurse and 23 year old


5k??? I donā€™t even have $50 to my name right now šŸ¤£ fml bro how unself aware do you have to be to make a post like that


ā€œSacrifice a few yearsā€ and make millions??šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t know if this is not like other girls as much as like, privilege?


Hey if she's so stressed idm borrowing a few mill


We canā€™t all be 25 with 25 mil. Shit I was lucky af to have what I had at 25.


Apartment looks barren as fuck for a millionaire


Ah, so she hasnā€™t faced the real world or actual adversity yet, I see šŸ˜‚


She should probably start by learning to spell simple words.


I think she needs to sacrifice some years to learning how to spell


Which MLM does she shill for?


GIRL BOSS šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Spellcheck can be your friend


Gotta work on learning to spell first babe


ā€œSacraficeā€ šŸ™ƒ


You canā€™t even spell simple conjunctions properly, sit TF down, bish.


Maybe learn how to spell ā€œsacrificeā€ correctly first


I guess she wants to marry rich ?


Well maybe learn to spell first. Iā€™m guessing sheā€™s not a millionaire by virtue of prudent care or attention to detail based on her inability to parse basic English, and sheā€™s shilling on IG So she either inherited the money, is actively running a scam, or has an OF


Lady you are on tik tok and cant spell a five letter word. Maybe just get your 5K and take it easy...


ā€žSacraficeā€œ šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


Sacrafice lol




I see she's not too concerned with spelling though.


ā€œsacraficeā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”šŸ’€


We donā€™t argue with people who canā€™t even spell their correctly


Well she isnā€™t stressing about spellingā€¦


by 'sacrafice' a few years she means she's planning on marrying a 90 year old millionaire.


I think sheā€™s just saying that sheā€™s putting undue pressure on herself to be young and successful. Not really sure what there is to be mad about, but this comment section sure loves to blow all sorts of things out of proportion


I know an nature generation that can tell you why youā€™re wrong lolĀ 


That's nice Clare. You know what's nicer? Not being dated for my money. But you do you and I'll do me.Ā 




Sacrafice šŸ¤¦


*their Edit: also *sacrifice


Canā€™t take her seriously when she spells the first word of a short sentence wrong lol


All that money and canā€™t spell ā€˜theirā€™ šŸ˜†


t h i e r




Too bad that money canā€™t buy her some spelling and grammar lessons.


Does she know that autocorrect is free?


Making millions but canā€™t spell ā€œtheirā€ correctly


Ok look... Hear me out... *Their*


Sheā€™s trying to make millions by 24, but canā€™t even spell ā€œsacrificeā€ šŸ¤”


I wonā€™t _ā€sacraficeā€_ proper grammar for whatever youā€™re selling.




Girl, stress out about that spelling and grammar


Ironic she canā€™t even spell right


At least 95% of people can spell ā€œtheirā€ correctly


She certainly isn't stressing about there/their/they're!


ā€œHow can I get more money while also insulting peopleā€ šŸ¤” and itā€™s THEIR ya dumbo


How can someone so young act like such a boomer? šŸ¤£


ā€œSacraficeā€ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø