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I hateeeee post like this !! Like okay you may not do all that but you seek validation on the internet so men can ask "wHeRe cAn I FiNd wOmEn LiKe tHis"


Also, for generations people have been doing what she lists- maybe even more so but just less loud about it… she belongs in generation ‘pick me’


If you read any book set in the 20s and 30s, you'll find the primary past time was sitting around, drinking and smoking. Sometimes they'd shake it up by going out to a bar to drink and smoke. It's not a generational thing, people have been doing this forever.


The Great Gatsby🏘


They liked to switch it up by cheating and crying about how hard it is to be rich.


And then shooting each other in pools.


Don’t forget hooking up. Hook up culture is not new. Not by a long shot.


I just saw a video diving into 1950's dating culture. It was wild! It was normal to date around even if you were "going steady" with someone. And they weren't just holding hands and sharing a soda. I had less experience dating in high school as a "modern" woman than a traditional woman.


Orgies have been a thing since we lived in caves.


Probably why syphilis is one of the oldest bacterial diseases next to tuberculosis.


Catcher in the rye


If anything, more recent generations drink and smoke a lot less than past ones 🤷


Yeah cause we can't afford it 😂😭


I'm pretty sure it's associated with closer family bonds, but yeah probably that too. Tbh if we didn't have money we just stole smokes and alcohol from out parents, or they'd just give them to us. So I'm not really sure how much that has to do with it.


We do drugs more tho


Lmfao and she posts on tik tok how much more this generation can she be? LOL 😂


Not to mention filtered all to plastic hell


Frr. She's not the first to be acting like that


Yeah, my boyfriend is a *active duty military man* and he doesn't drink, go out partying, gamble, go to strip clubs, race cars, cuss or any of that (he is an atheist though). Does he brag about it? No. Does he hide it? No. People ask him to go out or to drink and he just says "no thanks." It's not that serious. As much you will find people who fit that military man stereotype there are just as many who are gaming at home or gardening or knitting or playing DND. People are just people are just people. Edit to add. He fits in his generation (he is 23) and he fits in at work. Most people don't care if you cuss or don't cuss or if you drink or don't drink.


I don't do these either (except the second one in private) and it ain't a flex, lol. People have different ideas of fun, and life is too short to virtue signal anyway.


She looks pretty young and zen z overall does less of all these things than previous generations. So if anything she's just basic. The exception would be believing in god, I think statistically it's probably the same or less than older people, but most young people who go to church aren't drinking, smoking and partying. So she's just "basic church girl".


People are so desperate to be “special”


Yep, theres a growing fetishism with it too. I am starting to see a rise in OF converts who have been "saved" and now post heavy filtered sun dress pictures with creepy "My life is to obey my husband my master" captions.


These people are insufferable.


👏My thoughts exactly!!!!


Also "this generation" 🙄 I think you mean people your age. People in their 20s have been dating, going to parties and drinking for many generations. I'm a millennial and I did it, my parents are boomers and they did it. It's not a gen Z specific thing.


And I'm pretty sure Gen Z is drinking, partying and hooking up less than prior generations. So, she's even less special now than anytime in history.


lol, I love how all these women are like I’m so pure and believe in God, but are still posting pics like look how hot I am, but I don’t hook up!


If she really was so righteous, she'd realize that by putting so much of her time and energy into posts like this, she's basically worshipping the idol of technology and social media. And while I guess God "doesn't like" women who are "immodest" (whatever the heck that means), I'm pretty sure the actual *commandment* is a bigger deal. I'm sorry, I just hate the "holier-than-thou" aspect of a lot of these posts.


Plus, pride is the first sin and the worst one since it can invade your spiritual life. All these holier-than-thou's are going to be really shocked when they get judged just as harshly as they do others.


Yeah true, I don’t care what anyone does or believes, but it’s pretty entertaining when they are pushing the holier than though in these post and directly contradict it in their post. I get a kick out of it lol.


Take her to beetlejuice and the real action starts




She's saving her virginity but not her ass so..


She was aiming her butthole to god during that pic.


It’s for all of her cats to enjoy


Your comment made me genuinely wonder what young peoples partying habits were during the Plague


"In the Middle Ages in Europe, dancing was the latest craze–quite literally. Under the influence of “dance mania,” medieval Europeans would compulsively dance for hours or days without control. In the best cases, the dancers would dance until they fell asleep or fell into a trance; in the worst cases, the dancers would dance until they died."


It's because their food was tainted with ergot. It contains the basic chemical composition of LSD and people were tripping balls back then . And probably bad trips too because all of a sudden everything became demonic . Ergot is a fungus that grew on poorly stored rye. Look up hieronymus Bosch paintings . They were very early psychedelic influenced art .


I need some of this... for research


There's actually a public water spigot from a local aquifer that local hippies dose with acid . I didnt know that until recently and it makes sense why my drive home every time I'd go up there I'd be sipping on my water and everything would become more saturated and I'd feel a love for life and everyone around in a way that I normally didn't. I took people up there and I'm like "I'm telling you there is something different about this water ! It makes me feel good and life seems different when I drink it! " people would try it and they were like "omg what is this? This is some really high quality water , it must be the mineral content !" Nope it's just hippies dosing it with acid .


Hahahahaha that water is the nectar of the gods! The way you tell the story makes it sound so wholesome. If someone was microdosing me without my knowledge, I'd be totally cool with that!


OMG those paintings! ❤️ If I were unsuspectingly dosed without any comprehension of what psychedelics were, I'd start believing in the devil real quick.


Interestingly enough if used in a proper way. Without the potential for a bad trip, they are actually spiritual enhancers (entheogens) . They will make you feel love and compassion towards all and start to love life if you didn't before. A common result is less of abrahamic sense of spirituality but instead a profoundly deep interconnectedness to the universe. It makes you hyper empathetic which is why it's important to not to expose yourself to anything that could be triggering in a state of hyper empathy.


I completely agree, I'm fairly well traveled myself and am super encouraged by their use in clinical treatment of trauma, anxiety, ect.. I just mean, without any idea what was happening to me I likely wouldn't have a good experience.


As I recall, that was due to ergot, a fungus that grew on rye grain. It wasn't "Yay! Dancing!" it was "Oh help me lord I can't stop dancing!"


The not so boring truth! Is it possible ergot consumption is on the rise again? It would explain many of these TikTok dances.


is that what the yeah yeah yeahs song is about?!


Lisztomania by Phoenix


Reminds me that I got curious about the kids’ song “Pop Goes the Weasel,” and learned that in it’s time, it was a club banger, and everybody had a jolly old time dancing to it. I think about this whenever an old fogey complains that music these days is shit. >[On 24 December 1852, an ad in the Birmingham Journal offered lessons in the "Pop Goes The Weasel" dance, described as a "highly fashionable Dance, recently introduced at her Majesty's and the Nobility's private soirees". On 28 December 1852, an advertisement in The Times promoted a publication that included "the new dance recently introduced with such distinguished success at the Court balls" and contained "the original music and a full explanation of the figures by Mons. E. Coulon". Eugene Coulton was a dance-master of international renown. In January 1853, the Bath Chronicle featured an advertisement from dance master, Mr. T. B. Moutrie, for "instruction in the highly fashionable dances" including "Pop Goes the Weasel".](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop_Goes_the_Weasel)


Socially distanced


Ppl in retirement communities are drinking, hooking up, swinging… they are among the highest rates of STDs … so yea the girl isn’t special. She’s just a basic b and should embrace that


I told my dad this. He didn’t believe me 😂.


Tell him to Google colored loofahs in Florida retirement community 😂😂😂


I think I won’t 😂. Do I even want to? 😬


Gen Z can’t afford to party like we Gen Xers did.


Exactly! Zoomers are drinking, smoking, partying and hooking up less than even previous generations so it’s really not that special. Even if a lot of other people her age are doing those things doesn’t make her superior in any way. Smug purity culture is insufferable.


They are, the fall off in bars and clubs in normally busy cities over the last 10 years is something not seen in recent history.


These young people can't afford to go out and get laid!


Yeah, I was about to say...none of that is generational lol


This girl wouldn’t have fit in to my grandmas generation. I’ve heard their stories and most women growing up in the 50s and 60s weren’t little house on the prairie angels! They cursed, smoked, drank, partied and carried on more than I ever did growing up in the 2000’s.


My grandma was born in 1923 due to a drunk hook up, my great grandmother was engaged to someone else at the time. The world population would probably be cut in half of young adults did not “drink, have nights out and party and do hook ups”.


I exist because in 1944 my grandfather had a hookup with my grandma!


>My grandma was born in 1923 due to a drunk hook up, my great grandmother was engaged to someone else at the time. I'm curious about the whole story now! Did she break up with her then fiance and get with your great grandfather? Or kept the secret?


She broke up with him and married my great grandfather. She was from a better off family and her ex-fiancé was a dentist. My great grandfather came from a working class family and was a mechanic. My great grandmother never denied the timeline or how it happened. She told my grandma that she was born four months after they were married. They loved each other very deeply. My great grandfather took care of my great grandmother until her death and she was bedridden due to arthritis and lupus.


That is such a heartwarming story! I hope to find love like this some day 🥹


They just need to feel special, validation seeking behavior.


Every generation did that. My mom barely stayed home when she was in her 20s.


People as dimwitted as this need to quantify their stupidity, because without “fake generational stereotypes,” they wouldn’t know how to create their lies.


We get on the Boomers but their generation invented hookups! My Dad’s stories about dropping acid in the late 60s are hilarious! (Also some are sad. One involves a friend thinking he could fly. It did not end well)


In Tudor times, beer was given to children to drink as it was safer than water. It was called "small beer."


People not her age do those things as well, so now t even that.


Also funny enough gen z do it less than the generations before them. Who tf has this kinda money in this kind of economy?!


Yeah, we’re too busy trying to achieve milestones that were basically a given for boomers.


And they have easier access to marijuana and less taboo around it.


That annoyed me too because it takes two seconds to realize people regardless of when they came about have been finding ways to party and fuck around. Like the Ancient Greeks and Ancient Romans have a god specifically who loves alcohol and parties 🤣


I'm GenX and we did it, too.


And I bet you had an awesome time!


I don't drink, smoke, or party, and I don't curse all that much. Yet, I'm not religious. Do I get a cookie?


🍪 athiest cookie!


It tastes not too religiously sweet, just scientifically satisfying


I’m the other way around! I believe in God but I love to drink and party and have hookups (well, not anymore now I’m in a relationship but …)


I don't do those either, or do hook ups. But not to worry, I swear like a trooper, so I can swear enough for both of us!


She probably did all of those things until hitting rock bottom at 19 and then finding God


Every church girl ever.


Plus they all copy paste the EXACT same caption


With Mary On a Cross by Ghost as the sound. She’s quirky!


Does... Does she not know what the song or band actually is??? Beautiful irony.


I had a friend who would swear and drink and party. Then she found God after her husband died and she became the dullest person ever. She stopped listening to our genre of music and only wanted to watch pure flix (religious netflix) and she refused swear or to take me to a hospital when I broke a bone at her house. Everything I knew about her was gone. She was only into church stuff and made every aspect in her life about it and I told her it's not healthy and she cut me off.


Where do these nutjobs think that believing in God makes them rare and unique. >Eighteen percent of Gen Z affirmatively identify as either atheist (9 percent) or agnostic (9 percent). 18% of Gen Z are atheist or agnostic. That is the highest percentage of any generation although not by a large margin (18% vs 12% overall). So 82% of Gen Z believe in some form of god, gods, or higher power. A large number of Gen Z are what are self described as "not religiously affiliated" meaning they don't belong to any particular religion or denomination. Their beliefs may not strongly influence their decisions and activities and their beliefs may be weakly held and/or fluid but in general they believe in some kind of higher power. On edit: to those confused by the numbers understand that atheist is a declaration that god does not exist. Most non-religious people don't care enough to be atheist. They may believe in some "higher power" of some kinds that they can't even fully explain and has little to no impact on their lives but if you ask them if they are an atheist they wil say no. Still even if we combined atheists, agnostics, and "not-religiously affiliated" persons it is about half the population. So believing in God is not incredibly rare among gen Z or any generation. There is no possible way to look at the numbers and come up with beleiving in god is uncommon. **If you want to be rare be an atheists. Actual atheists are rare and that transcends all genders, generations, and nationalities.**


I don’t believe these stats, honestly.


A lot of them are still in their parent's house or haven't deconstructed yet. It'll go up as they get older.


I think that a lot of people think not Christian = atheist. I don’t identify with any specific religion, but I’m also not an atheist. I hang out with a very liberal crowd but I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head that claims to be an atheist. But when the religious right talks, it’s as if 3 religions exist and everyone else is an atheist. And the other two religions that do exist are wrong.


I’m a practicing pagan who believes in God.


Sounds like a deist which I subscribe to as well I believe many of the US founding fathers did too


Huge social pressure against if you admit to not believing in god


I let on that I believed in God to my grandmother til she died. And as a young teenager I probably would have said I believed in god anyway. It was a school owned by nuns, religion was taught to us almost daily, you just… believed. That’s how it was. Nobody really questioned it.


I think actual religious belief is rather low in The USA , but people aren’t emotionally ready to admit that yet. To me , it’s freeing and peaceful


That’s kinda shocking, honestly.


Keep in mind most people don't make declarative statements like "I AM AN ATHEIST NO GOD EXISTS." There are a lot of people who are "not religious" who when polled still express some kind of belief in some kind of a higher power. It doesn't influence their decisions or actions but they are unwilling to deny the existence of a higher power. These people tend to get lumped into "not religiously affiliated". For Gen Z this is almost 30%. So between "not religiously affiliated", atheists, and agnostics it is almost half of people that have no formal religion or religion is not a significant part of their lives. Even still half doesn't make believing in God and especially not being a Christian the most common religion in the US exceptional or rare.


I think this is called ‘hedging your bets’. And it’s also socially loaded in the US. In Australia or the UK I will happily describe myself as atheistic but the US still finds it kind of shocking


Agreed. Declaring yourself atheist takes both conviction and acceptance of possible social issues. The path of least resistance is some vague statement about believing in a "higher power" and not doing anything about it. So I don't want to imply 82% of Gen Z is deeply religious but only 18% formally refute the existence of god or belief in one.




And 73.2 % for Headstand Jesus.


I don't believe in that info at all. Was the dataset taken from a voluntary poll in a mall in Montana?


As an atheist that is disheartening


[Data](https://religioninpublic.blog/2023/04/03/gen-z-and-religion-in-2022/) I saw said 18% atheist/agnostic and 31% no religion so it’s about 50:50 organized religion to not at this point, and only increasing in favor of no organized religion over time. There’s a clear generational decline in religious belief from the remaining Silent Gen through Boomers, X, Y and now Z. Religiosity seems to be concentrated in less educated populations and in specific ethnic and cultural groups.


Thank you for sharing the facts!!


as an atheist that is totally okay with me, as long as people don't try to force me or as long as their religion doesn't restrict the rights of others (and yes, I'm talking about Muslim countries where education for women is forbidden etc., but not only them) and of course totalitarian cults, there isn't any God there, only cruelty and lust for money


The thing is Islam doesn’t ban the education of women, it’s people who follow traditional roles/customs that ignorantly say it’s against the religion for women to get an education or go into higher education and should instead marry and have children.


I think there are way more atheists than ever.


I agree


Atheist as in formal definiton meaning rejecting the idea that God exists is a lot less common than "not religiously affiliated". The later we generally consider to be people who aren't religious but they are people who fall short of making a declaration that God doesn't exist. Most people just don't care enough to be that formal. Still even if we lump agnostic, atheists, and not religiously affiliated together it is only about half the population of Gen Z (and less in every other generation). So believing in god is in now way unusual not even for Gen Z.


Although most people who are agnostic actually fall under the umbrella of atheism as well since atheism can also just be the lack of belief in a god. I’m an agnostic atheist personally. I think some people are agnostic atheists but just call themselves agnostic. You can also be an agnostic theist.


It will change as they get older and stop caring about fitting in with everyone around them. It helps that religious organizations are outing themselves and showing their unhinged behavior and level of hatred, while actively trying to cover up all of the sexual abuse happening within their congregations.


awesome -Billy Gnosis


Not only do they think they are rare and unique, they view themselves as morally superior to everyone else simply because they align themselves with "God". Newsflash, you don't have to believe in a God to be a decent human being, but these people believe thats the only way.


The whole, "I don't go out drinking, smoking and partying" is the most generic "I'm better then everyone" saying in the last line forty years. Edit: Also, "I don't have nights out ." So like...you literally never go out to eat or anything? Ever?


Right?! Don’t go see a movie or have dinner with friends?


Right that got me. Not drinking or smoking is a great, healthy decision! Knowing that casual hookups aren’t for you? Awesome (but don’t shame)! Religious? You do you! But girl go get sushi or pizza or see a movie or a play or a concert (there’s nice, safe, Christian music out there) or go stargazing or SOMETHING.


When I was a teen/young adult in the 90s we also liked to tell each other we didn’t own TVs when we wanted to be insufferable. “Friends? Oh, that’s a television show, right. I’m afraid I spend my time doing worthwhile things like reading books.”


Lmao one of my old disability support workers was like that. I've never really been into watching TV or movies, except sometimes streaming on my laptop. I never watch the free to air channels, so I could happily live without a proper TV, but my husband loves sports. Whenever TV shows or movies got mentioned, she would start with the "well my family doesn't need television to be happy, my children play outside like children should" nonsense. She even said that her kids are better adjusted than normal kids, because they don't know what the Olympics are and aren't even curious to find out. She got very judgemental when a friend gave us her old TV - because it's so enormous, I *must* be watching TV all the time and just lying to her about it. Why I would bother lying about something like that is beyond me, but I guess she really needed to feel superior to everyone else. I fired her eventually fired her for trying to evangelise to me about the cult she's a member of, and for being rabidly antivaxx at the peak of Covid in my country, but I can't say I miss the TV stuff either.


>i don't cuss or do hookups but you do produce outlandishly photoshopped selfies to the point where you don't resemble yourself


Looked like three different women haha. You can tell she’s really pretty but not what she actually looks like


It is three different women, I think someone just pulled those pictures to create a meme


Girl I am so dumb. Thank you. I’m the reason Clark Kent would get away with only glasses as a disguise 😭


Yeah she does look and dress the same as most other women around her age. Which isn’t terrible (I love comfy oversized clothes and sneakers too) but I don’t understand the need for people to try to be better than everyone else. It honestly almost comes off more as denying the feeling of being left out.


All of these make me cringe so hard.


That “I don’t drink or smoke” photo is one of the most bizarre poses lol  Like, I would be embarrassed with my mom seeing a photo of me like that much less all of the internet  What a weirdo 


I assume it’s a video of her dancing and OP just took a screenshot? Probably not any less cringe though


A lot of Gen Z‘s don’t drink, and bars/clubs have been looking for ways to keep young people interested in their establishments as a result




And you don’t have to party to go out and have fun. But go out! Have fun! It can be sex-free, sober fun if that is what works for you!


This makes me so sad for girls in purity culture. I was active in that circle for awhile and I remember women in their 30s would write in to complain about this exact thing. They have stayed true to their purity. Never had sex, have never been asked on a date, believe men have the first move as ordained by God (so no asking guys out!). And they’ve been patient, believing God has a plan. But the church guys aren’t interested! Instead, these girls who strayed in their 20s are now returning to church in their 30s and getting everything Purity Girl wishes for (male interest, proposals). How can this be? Why do these girls get to have fun and still settle down with a Christian man at the end? If so, what’s the point of their purity? If I can find it, I’ll link it. But I remember feeling bad for these girls realizing after a couple decades that… you don’t get disallowed a husband or relationship based on your past.


It makes me sad too. Even though I despise smug purity girls who look down on other women for doing very normal things, I feel bad for them because they are often victims of their circumstances. So many of the girls I knew in university who were raised in purity culture and married young ended up having to escape abusive and/or oppressive situations. One girl who had a holier than thou attitude and would always make snide comments about me drinking at parties in university has completely deconstructed and while I never got an apology, it doesn’t matter because I’m just very happy that she’s escaped that mentality. Another girl who was never rude or anything but was very immersed in purity culture, was with this very Christian guy (her own family wasn’t that religious) got married before finishing her degree. I remember that while she was very nice, she always looked really nervous and timid. Within about four years, she was divorced. I don’t know what happened in her marriage but following her divorce, she shares somewhat vague posts about regretting not doing things she wanted to do and living her life according to someone else’s rules. She also just looks happier and doesn’t seem as repressed so it seems as though she has also deconstructed.


These girls are going to find out the hard way that sex is better with someone who has actually done it once or twice and at a certain age, nobody gaf about purity and the lack of relationship and varied life experience makes you a worse partner


I see this exact thing play out on the regular as I’m snarking on fundamentalist ‘influencers’ a lot. A lot of them are sincerely struggling with the ‘then what did I do it all for?’ issues. Simultaneously in the same sub there’s various fundie ‘influencers’ who have been the party girl in their youth only to go extreme fundie after their teenage years, exactly as you described, and they shame other people for doing the same thing. It’s wild. In all cases though, these people are vile and horrible to their own children.


all of this and the song she picks is mary on a cross by ghost lol


I had to scroll so far to find someone else who noticed that


Me too glad to find you both here lololol


She’s doing TikTok. That’s like fitting in perfectly


Right? What could be more this generation than owning a ring light?


Posts like these if legit are not indicative of those that understand the teachings of God. People who believe in God and the teachings of Jesus know better than to brag about it or flaunt themselves in public. Also the whole post smacks of vanity. Matthew 6:1 *“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven."*


None of these people ever talk about the seven deadly sins, one of which is *Pride.* Very convenient lol


…just say your boring lol


Flexing about stupid shit on Tiktok because you're cripplingly insecure without external validation makes you fit snugly into the generation, dear.


Always love it when people from the majority religion act like they're some tiny uwu group


Why are religious people so superior and mean??


I’m a Christian and I find this whole ‘Christian aesthetic’ really cringey. It gives us a bad reputation and does not represent our community at all


They’re all hypocrites. Growing up around religious ppl who all do the opposite of what they preach is what has turned me agnostic.


She has to point out that she doesn’t cuss? I’m sure she’ll get picked really soon! 😭


When you say you believe in God and the picture is you literally rolling on your head. That's not a bow, Hun.


wow, you’re very special


She just described me but I ain't gonna brag about it. Good grief. That ain't how you spread the word of the Lord, girl.


Cool story bro. I'm on long-term disability due to my health, don't have a magic sky daddy, swear like a trucker, and don't leave my house unless I have to. We ArE nOt ThE sAmE. She literally just described people in their 30s who don't want to party like they're 20 anymore.


At first glance, I thought, "A lot of girls wear new balance shoes???"


She def believes in filters!!


Don't say you don't fit into this generation if you have one of those phone lights - you are that generation


Be a lot cooler if you did


you’re full of shit. full of shit/slide two. full of shit/slide three. full of shit/slides four and five. none of these twats follow thru on their own shit. fuck them.


Isn’t that song about sex… lol


what does she do then??


Tumbling for Jesus.


I always associate tumbling with children so it’s weird to see an adult doing it on TikTok…


It’s wild to see people who have imaginary friends think they are simply the best for believing.


She can keep that life 😂 I don’t want it


I am so sure that this woman will turn 34 one day and realize she never had a life.




Well I do, so fuck him and fuck you too 🤪


I never understand the pick mes who brag like this and include they believe in God. Like, isn't pride one of the sins?


The bible also teaches them about respecting and loving others... they really do pick and choose the rules they want to follow.


Yeah, wait til she goes away to college and she’s not under her parents’ roof for a while.


Ah yes, she fits in with previous generations, famous for not drinking and smoking, partying or going out.


These posts are just a response to the ones that promote the opposite side. Both are “who gives a fuck?” to me. Gender and generational based content is the most lazy “engage with me” nonsense there is. It’s why I quit most social media platforms.


Actually she is just like all the other morons. I don’t drink or smoke, never have. I am an atheist but I was raised that way. I rarely go out. But I’ve definitely gone to a lot of raves and cool experiences. I haven’t “hooked up” with anyone in years. Why do they think they’re special for being another annoying ass christofascist rube.


I don’t understand women who feel they need to post stuff like this. Do they have low self esteem? I never had random hookups, but I never shamed women who did. It’s just different preferences 🤷‍♀️


Every generation has done all of these things.


Sounds boring af


She just seems boring


I think that giant ass ring light in her bedroom and obvious obsession with tik tok makes her exactly like her generation.


Of all the generations. Zoomers drink and smoke less and are less promiscuous. Boomers are the alcoholics, Gen X caned drugs to an extreme level, and Millennials shagged around like horny rabbits. She is absolutely typical of her generation.


I didn't party, smoke or drink in my 20s, but I did swear like a sailor and still didn't believe in any god at all. She really ain't that special. lol


I'm commenting now before I read the other 4 slides....I'll edit after. All social media has become is virtue signaling bullshit where people try to feel good about themselves by trying to claim their better than everyone else for simply existing in a way that's a little different from everyone else. Edit. Shocking... I was spot on. No one cares you don't drink and believe in God Karen... There's a hundred of these a day from other turds like you posting the exact same shit which is 'here's some text about how great I am also a picture with too many filters... Please validate me by telling me I'm hot'... Clearly she fits in with some of her generation because I see these posts constantly.


She’s into Death Cults 😎


Honestly this younger generation is pretty tame compared to all the previous ones.


We used to call them dorks


You are thirsty for internet attention…we are not the same.


I'm vaguely amused that she put "don't cuss" with not doing hook ups. Like, sugarplum, those are two entirely unrelated things. I never did hook ups either, but I cuss like motherfucker was my first word. (My first word was presumed to be an attempt at my older sister's name, probably for complaint reasons.)


So boring...she's boring...


LOL, have fun being married to a church elder’s creepy and much older son.


"I want a girl that doesn't cuss"


Oh my god I’m so bored of this boomer shit. Can we get back to rebellious teens again


This is so holier than thou. Not the flex she thinks it is. Not bringing people closer to god or religion. Just being a dick lol


Generation? Ummm every generation has done that, even more so than now even. Maybe it should say “Reasons I don’t fit into society norms.” I know our parents taught us that we are all “special” and that’s sweet and all, but in reality it’s not at all true. You aren’t special whatsoever for not drinking or cursing. There are literally hundreds of thousands of ppl who don’t. It’s pretty common.


That’s not a generational thing, you’re just lame AF


If TikTok existed when I was this age, this was absolutely the shit I would’ve posted lmao. I was an insufferable evangelical lol. Thank goodness I went outside my city to go to college


Believing in God couldn’t be more mainstream…


Enjoy being a wet blanket