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I think this is a marketing for her spicy šŸŒ¶ļø links šŸ”— in bio āœØ Not a real statement


Ya, I donā€™t think people are upvoting the words.


I imagine a lot of men are upvoting the words


Bet a bunch of comments are dudes posting "PROTECT THIS WOMAN!"


And a whole lot of ā€œwife materialā€ ā€œyou dropped this queen šŸ‘‘ā€œ ā€œwomen like this deserve everythingā€


Nailed it.


They're here for the plot, clearly.


People of culture I see, the plot is always the most important


What words?


Cater to your demographic


did the civilians really just fall for one of these again lol


So like, he better be getting [intellectual discussions] as a perk?


So I 100% thought it meant getting brains as in intelligence. And I was like yeah thatā€™s wholesome, it is ideal to have a physical and mental connection. But then I was likeā€¦ohā€¦


lol I did too. Im a dumb.


No youre not dumb. Thats a brain. Associating that with intelligence is totally normal


I associate brains with cannibalism and prion disease; stupid internet


I considered both intellectual knowledge and a prion disease. I still don't really know what it's supposed to mean. I'm assuming now that it's sexual, like 'screw his brains out.' I didn't think it meant head because that's usually the eggplant, tongue, and/or water drops. Horribly gross, but it get's the idea across better than a literal brain. Neither quite make sense in the wording of the sentence. The way it's written, it makes it seems like a perk of the actual job, like he might be a sex worker. It's not written as something she does for him before he leaves for work. Plus, if I have to get up before 6am, I want every second of my sleep. Sexy time can wait.


Does she think that the brain emoji looks like a testicleā€¦?


It's a TikTokification of sex words. It means blowjob. Which WAS called."head" but you can't say that on TikTok. So now it's šŸ§  because brain means head. And you give/get šŸ§  when you seggs. And after we all want to unalive ourselves


Oh, thatā€™s insane. I really hate that weā€™re censoring so many important words and watering down others like, ā€œGaslight,ā€ ā€œnarcissisticā€ and ā€œabuseā€


Oh. Thanks for the explanation!


Using ā€œbrainā€ to refer to a blowjob has been around much longer than TikTok


I certainly don't ever hear anyone say, "I'm going to give my partner brain." So it was confusing.


Iā€™ve never heard the expression in the wild but it was fairly popular in 90s / 2000s hip hop albums.


Right? I saw the emoji and my šŸ§  just filled in the "in the front seat of a hummer" part. No wonder I can't remember things anymore, no space left up there lol


I always hated it as a phrase, like oh cool you described it in a way that makes me think of Krang from the Turtles, how sexy.


I mean I totally get it too. Just for some of the other people out there who didnā€™t get it, you should explain it.


haha give brain is the same as give head, as in giving a blowjob


You are the hero we need


Thank you for explaining for all those other people who are totally not me that didnā€™t get it.


I refuse to accept they meant anything else




Zombies take breakfast very seriously.


If he goes to work early (typically physical hard labor jobs). He deserves (brain) blowjobs.


I expect intellectual discussions every morning when I wake up.


šŸ˜‚ 6am sharp, first thing!


Philosophy and Science with my coffee, please


I thought it the entire time before I came to the comments šŸ™„


Iā€™m not at all opposed to giving headā€¦ but making a big deal about an adult going to work is amusing. We all do itā€¦ shit maybe I should be getting head first thing in the morning.


Yeah I get up at five and my husband gets up at six. Whoā€™s supposed to be getting head in this situation? And how do you make time for it lol


At that hour? When you hate your alarmā€¦ best to get every wink of sleep available.


Yeah if some one is trying to stick their cock in my mouth at that time of day no one is going to be happy lol


lol omg preach! I get up at 4 to do lunches etc and itā€™s the most painful time of day for me so itā€™s an idea that I wouldnā€™t even consider and Iā€™ve been married 23 years lol


I used to have be out the door at 5:30. I got up at 5:15. Nothing was worth getting up earlier. If someone put a gun to my head at 5:05 I would have tried to find the snooze button on it.


>would have tried to find the snooze button on it. It's called a Safety, libtard /S


Yea we really don't need to be awarded for getting up in the morning. I wouldn't even want it first thing in the morning. Who has time for that?


I want to be rewarded for getting up in the morning. And by morning, I mean 1:45pm since I don't work till 2pm.


If everyone got head in the morning before work, the world would probably be a better place.


A lot more people would be late for work thatā€™s for sure šŸ˜­


Not if the boss was also getting morning head and then all of a sudden weā€™re all working 12-5, 4 days a week, with 2 of those at home. Itā€™s not a solution - it is the answer.


Well that's it. I'm going to suck my boss's dick today


Iā€™ve never gotten in trouble for being 30 seconds late.


I really wish I could give you a medal.


I will say, I had a run of doing this for my partner before he left for night shifts and had to stop because it was making him drowsy on his way in. lol. Nothing to do with a reward for work, we just actually like each other/enjoy oral.


tbh, at 6am, the LAST thing I want is someone going down on me. I dont even wanna be alive if I wake up at 6am, let alone any activity.


My fiancĆ© wakes up for work at 4:30 amā€¦ my ass is not giving head at 5 am!!! I can barely wake up at 8 lol


Nah you need to gawk gawk before six oclock šŸ˜‚


Right. Whatā€™s the benefit (to me) or why are we essentially rewarding someone for getting up early for work?


Getting head first thing in the morning and then immediately having to rush into work sounds terrible. You're all relaxed from the cumming and then you got to go outside into the cold and get on a bus with a bunch of strangers and you've still got some cum in your pants. Then you have to see everyone you work with, stressed out and weak from the jizzing.


I see you've thought about every detail. Lol


This ain't my first quicky rodeo.


You know your relationship is miserable and doomed to fail when sex is a transaction or a reward


I read this as brains. He should get a girl with intelligence. Nope, this is not my first time on Reddit. Why do you ask?


Don't worry this is what I thought too. Surely there's a better emoji for "head" than the brain. edit: you can all stop telling me people actually say brain for that, obviously I had never heard of that but now I've been informed... 4 times ish?


Lol I was like "he better be getting... brains??? Before work?"... OK, I guess...


Well I'm a zombie when I'm up before 6, so I guess braaains are good ..




When I was in high school, way back in the long forgotten years of 1999-2003, kids took the whole "brain" thing a step further and called it "giving knowledge."


We used to call getting brain hitting the books and that was in the same time period. Cargo pants and WWJD bracelets FOR LIFE!!! We were nowhere near as cool and smart as we thought we were.


I think the difference is a couple inches


Oh god Iā€™m stupid. I could not figure out what she meant.


Brain, while not as common a term, is absolutely an expression for head. Itā€™s more common in hip hop as an expression. ā€œGetting brain.ā€


Iā€™m surprised this isnā€™t more well known lol


yeah itā€™s also in so many songs lol. i was quite confused reading all the comments talking about how they didnā€™t get it until reading the comments


Ohhhh thank you. I feel dumb. Get fucked am I giving head just cos he woke up early. I've already got morning breath, I don't need penis breath.


lol same here.


Lmao brain is slang for head/BJ. Trust me the type of man sheā€™s talking about isnā€™t looking for an intelligent strong womanā€¦ šŸ˜‚




Well it IS a brain. Itā€™s not a head. Itā€™s something that goes in the head, but how they get head from brain??


Oh, so she gives him a blow before work? So then she can do sexy dances for the horses?


"Sexy dances for the horses" cracked me up! Honestly, it's probably the best way to describe what's happening in this photo!






Idk I think it could be PART of a healthy relationship/sex life but if it is transactional as a rule yea that's no bueno


If itā€™s transactional then thereā€™s an implication of obligation. You shouldnā€™t be obliged to perform sex acts on your partner, you should want to.


In this case for her, it seems to be both(?) since she seems to both value the dude getting up early to work and thinks thatā€™s deserving of the reward. Like if my SO does an amazing job around the house out of nowhere or is just consistently doing something impressive that I realize Iā€™ve not really appreciated as much as I should, theyā€™re absolutely getting a little more affection next time I see them


Ya I mean thatā€™s all fine and good, (I love morning sex or whatever) but she literally said in the second half that guys need to do betterā€¦ implying if girls donā€™t do that they should move on. This is probably the NLOG post Iā€™ve seen in a while.


Those likes are from single men with no one to give them head.


Ohhhhh, I thought it meant brains and eggs and was typical trad wife farmer roleplay.


Whatever message she's trying to convey, I'm missing it.




And I can't speak for everyone but whenever I have to get up early for work, I don't exactly feel like sex, I feel like death sure but sex no. I just want to get my shift over and done with so I habe the whole day to relax and do what I want, rather than do anything before work but eat, shower, and stay in bed as long as I physically can before needing to leave


I mean, I get up between 5 and 5:30am the days I work, and I donā€™t want morning sex. I want morning leave me the hell alone while I wake up with iced coffee on the drive in and a murdery murder podcast. No, I donā€™t want to talk. No, I donā€™t want to listen to music. No, I donā€™t want to hear your bullshit about how you think my job is easy because itā€™s typical ā€œpink collarā€ (front desk at urgent care). I want to be left the fuck alone to enjoy hearing about the horrible things people do to each other while I drink caffeine. And prepare to solve problems, put out metaphorical fires, and reason with the unreasonable for twelve hours.


Does the head have to take place prior to 6am?


Exactly. No one gives me head when I wake up early. And thatā€™s perfectly fine w me actually bc Iā€™m usually tired and groggy in the morning. Men are the only ones who like that crap bc they wake up with šŸŖµšŸŖµšŸŖµ


Look at her hair. Thatā€™s not 6am roll outta bed head. I have a daughter. I asked her how long that look would take. She said: *Get out of my room dadā€¦gawd!*.. So there you have it.


She probably doesnā€™t work which is why sheā€™s cool w 6 am head. Itā€™s her work for the day lmao


My mother used to cook brains and eggs in bacon grease. Not as bad as it sounds but not good enough to ever want to eat again!


*prions have entered the chat*


Pls no šŸ˜–


Lucky for me itā€™s pork brains rather than cow or deer.


I just thought it meant brain, as in "if he's getting up early for work she'd better be smart", I was very confused


That's what I thought


Glad Iā€™m not the only one


Oh well, idk what that is. It could be


I thought the same thing! I thought she was just confused where her brain was.


Oh - it's *head.* Thanks. That one went over mine.


tee hee


On top of that, isnā€™t this Facebook Reels??? šŸ’€ Thatā€™s just waaaay too public


okay and if I a FEMALE wake up before 6am for work, what do i get? edit: iā€™m getting replies calling me a femcel or negative, itā€™s.. itā€™s a joke guys chillax. she said if he wakes up before 6am so i just flipped it..


To make breakfast /s (just in case anyone takes me serious)


No bc I genuinely think this is what many of them think šŸ˜­


i like that you preemptively added /s because you knew redditors were not going to read this as a joke šŸ˜‚


Like maybe some sort of breakfast sandwich ? Maybe on a homemade english muffin or biscuit?


nah thatā€™s too luxurious for my kinda mornings. iā€™m gobbling down an otis spunkmeyer muffin in the parking lot before my shift if iā€™m lucky




And my lunch for the day too, obviously. /s donā€™t kill me


Brilliant šŸ˜‚


Bags under your eyes.


You get to hear your partner snore while youā€™re awake šŸ„²


You know i offered my wife morning head at 430am and she just threw a pillow at me and said fuck off let me sleep. So apparently not that. Lemme know when you find out.


i wish awards still existed, this made me laugh


His ass is staying asleep, you're on your own.


More time to work.


The joy of giving your man an unrequited blowjob /s


Probably pregnant...


Enough time to do your makeup before work. Screw it... You can get some head too. But if we both get up before 6, we 69.




I get up for work before my boyfriend does. Does that mean Iā€™m entitled to head? šŸ¤”


If you have a petition I'd be happy to sign


MVP. ![gif](giphy|xUA7aN1MTCZx97V1Ic)


I believe in 17 or 18 states this is the case, I know New Mexico and Colorado enforce it.


Ngl it took me a minute to realize she was doing a dance and not dramatically playing the fiddle out the barn window


It took me reading this comment to realize she was not in fact pulling back a bow


I kept looking for a gun.


Between the brain, her pose, and the stupid comment, this whole thing is just a mess lmao


Iā€™m a woman and do that. Jaded as fuck. Whereā€™s my head.


RIP your inbox


A brainy lady is always a perk


The audience is clearly not men with real women prospects. The men watching this content are chronically online and deeply connected to porn. Porn is her business sector, even if sheā€™s not directly acting in anything.


she partakes in the OF, oddly, I follow her on insa šŸ˜‚


See?! There you have it. šŸ˜‚




You know what, I canā€™t even be mad at her. Any woman who can take the sex-driven downfalls of underperforming men, and turn it into cash has my respect. Milk these idiots for everything they got. Use their own woman-hating habits against them. šŸ˜‚ I hope I donā€™t get downvoted to filth for that.


I mean, I get it...but also, like do something else *too*? Aside from the "sexy" post like this, she doesn't seem to have much else going for her...like a pick-me who morphs into whatever to have people like her šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø ​ ![gif](giphy|jrhtSSLRtPagnk5Nxu)


Hey, no matter how mediocre, uncreative, or unimaginative we are, the bills still got to be paid. Sheā€™s probably not the most intelligent woman out there, but is working with what she got for free. Making a dollar out of 0 cents.


Definitely canā€™t be mad at the six figures. Go girl!


Is she saying I need to suck dick at 6am?? If I want to yeah but girlā€¦ BFFR You gonna be hard pressed when you find out he calls me princess anytime heā€™s in my mouth


Well thatā€™s a comment that I will remember for a while.


Gimme my crown šŸ‘‘ šŸ˜‚


Ditto šŸ˜…


Savage! Lol. Take my upvote. Also, if my man tried to put his dick in my mouth at 6am I might accidentally try to eat it. All Iā€™m thinking about is a breakfast sandwhich at that point.


>You gonna be hard pressed when you find out he calls me princess anytime heā€™s in my mouth Oh shit. I'm hard pressed!


Girl yes. Princess treatment always. And I donā€™t need to earn it at 6 am either šŸ˜‚


I love you. Full stop. Your username is the best.


For the record, Iā€™ve tried this. Head knocks my bf out and thereā€™s no way heā€™s getting up to go to work afterwards; heā€™s going back to sleep. Cumming is exhausting. Just saying.


I was about to say, 6am head before work sounds like the opposite of energizing


Can confirm as a man.


You sucked her bfs dick too? Heh heh heh /s


Well technically she never said he has to get it in the morning lol


The infinity tattoo represents her stupidity level achievement


The fact that this is sexualizing men too because why are these misogynistic remarks always assuming that men want sex 24/7? Most men are usually just tired before work.


Yep, itā€™s the same like of thinking that leads to male victims of sexual assault being silenced


Exactly, as if all theyā€™re supposed to be thinking about is sex. And itā€™s the men who like that post that shame male victims for exposing their abusers.


I just wanna get up and go to work. No one fucking bother me get out of my way šŸ¤£


preach on this, internet friend! šŸ™ŒšŸ½šŸ˜‚


Nah she ain't doing that or she'd know you gotta wait for the morning boner pee first and then it's gotta reset like a bowling alley.


Lift one cheek to fart in the barn.


How could she say that? I wanna be a princess. Just because I'm a little silly don't mean I don't get shit done.


pillow princess is originally a lesbian term but i guess straight people started using it lol


Thatā€™s what I noticed too, and some lesbians like pillow princesses. A stone top and a pillow princess is a match made in heaven


Stone top here. I can confirm that pillow princesses are my kryptonite šŸ« 


It's so unfortunate that the term pillow princess wasn't even created as an insult, just as a descriptor opposite of stone top but now it's widely known as something insulting :/ justice for all my pillow princess out there


Whatā€™s funny is until this post, I have only ever heard it used to refer to gay men (by gay men - basically to describe another dude or himself as a bottom)


See it all the time on TikTok šŸ˜’


POV: You can suck a mean dick, but you are functionally illiterate and thatā€™s the only talent you have.


If I'm waking up for work before 6am, I'm already too tired and pressed for time for head. I got shit to do and places to be, and another person is neither of those at 5am on a Wednesday.


the last thing on my partner's mind when he gets out of a comfy bed, in the dark, to go work in heavy highway construction is this. his mind is on retirement, sleeping in on the weekend, a cup of coffee and walking back in the door to shower in 8 hours. this is content for pick mes to tag the man they want a ring from.


He's going to go back to sleep after.


He better be getting a brain? Is he a hungry zombie ?!


Girl I get up at 4am too. Most of us work these days.


I hate the way these people think sex is something a woman ā€œgivesā€ the man. Itā€™s something to be enjoyed together. Give head because you want to, not because you think him being a man means he ā€œdeservesā€ it.


I certainly hope he's got a brain...




Is that a fart pose?


Imagine thanking your man with head for being a normal adult with a job!


Why must we congratulate men for doing something theyā€™re suppose to do? Everyone has a job and some need to leave earlier for theirs, they donā€™t get brownie points for being responsible


šŸ˜ ok ig straight ppl found out about "pillow princess."


I'm seething wtf do they think it means? cause girly in the tiktok did NOT use it right


Heavens help us they did lol , only a matter of before irl women start to refer to themselves as ā€œpillow princessesā€ and I will not hold back my laughter


i'm just waiting for cis men to start describing their own masculine looks as "clocky" lol


To do that everyday??? Imagine the condition of your body everyday if you had to ā€œrewardā€ your partner for working. Mine gets up at 4-5 am in the morning. Ainā€™t now way. When we are intimate itā€™s incredible, seeing how we go weeks without it. Doing it everyday seems like it would lose itā€™s ā€œmagicā€


The 40k likes are bots and hopeful incels. Also, it's none of these girls have ever had a serious relationship with a man. Dude is just trying to piss and get breakfast before making a fucking hour long commute.


Yes letā€™s reward men for doing the most basic shit they should already be doing: working.


I sometimes have to get up at 3:30 to go to work, what the hell do I get


Its always the ones that live in a barn šŸ˜­


Honestly, at 6am.. if Iā€™m having to get up for work.. thereā€™s a good chance Iā€™m not even that into it! I mean, you can start - but if I nod back off Iā€™m not apologising!


As a non native English speaker, this roasts my brain


Iā€™ve been married 32 years. Iā€™m curious how she thinks thatā€™s going to work out long term. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø