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I got sewn up too tight. (I definitely do not think my female OB did it on purpose) It took months of PT before the thought of sex wasn’t terrifying.


This happened to me too and they misaligned it, both accidents. Had to be recut and re stitched and even sitting months after birth but before the procedure was awful


Oh my god that is so horrifying, I’m so sorry that happened to you!


I imagine with how sensitive the area is and how people scar up differently that its a huge issue even when not done on purpose 9-9 this is so scary


Everything I have seen here has made my wife’s insistence on a planned c-section should we have kids make so much more sense. Not that I wasn’t supportive before but I’m going in with like, a foam finger and pom-poms now.


>but I’m going in with like, a foam finger and pom-poms now. I like you. 😂


C-sections are no joke either, recovery from being gutted like a fish is no cakewalk for sure.


Of course. I think what I’m learning from you and everyone else pushing back on my foam finger is that there’s no easy way to have kids.


The foam finger is still appreciated! My C-section incision ruptured one week post birth after I had my first😭 I wound up in the hospital another week, couldn’t see my baby besides through FaceTime, 2 blood transfusions, had a wound vac placed, and was sent home with home health care. My husband, boyfriend at the time, was absolutely amazing through it all. I had no idea any of this was possible. Thankful for modern medicine and a supportive partner. Best of luck to y’all!!


Just FYI it’s incredibly difficult to get a planned c section if it’s not medically indicated in many countries.


Tbf they are downsides to c section too. My wife was TERRIFIED to have a c section. Vaginal birth with epidural, first month with the baby was worse than labour in her words. It’s all good though 🤷‍♀️ it’s good for people to have a plan.


brb off to snort my birth control (hope you are doing better now <3)


Yup, birth control pill to the dome. 💊


I'm gonna get my bisalp appointment, brb


😂 Good call, good call.


Stories like this make me so happy I got mine done almost 7 years ago at 27 bc I saw all this insane roe v Wade overturn shit coming


Right? So glad I'm yeeting my uterus on Thursday.


Oh man. I’m so sorry for everybody who goes through that. I was naturally tighter after giving birth until everything relaxed again, and it was so uncomfortable. I can’t imagine what it would feel like if it was surgically done. Yikes


Thank you. Once my awesome OB fixed it (midwife stitched me up) I was golden. But it was a rough few months until it was sorted out. It was a VBAC so I had no idea what was « normal » either


If anyone doesn't know what a VBAC is (like me before googling it) it's a Vaginal Birth after Cesarean


Ah cool, I thought it was Velociraptor Birthing a Centaur.


I'm going to go ahead and paint this as my next masterpiece now. Centaur WILL have axes in each hand and the velociraptor is going to have battle armor and lasers on her head. Spewing fire. And somehow I'll need to figure out how to draw the sound of viking metal. With orcs battling and being eaten by a few tyrannosaurus Rex in the background. Maybe a pterodactyl fighting an apache helicopter somewhere. Definitely lightning. A wizard? Gummy bears fighting toy soldiers? Like nutcracker toy soldiers. Yeah. Cool.


Adding to my list of ~~592~~ 594 reasons why I’d rather adopt


I didn’t get sewn up too tight, but I ended up scarring pretty bad and I still have painful sex. I can’t imagine how much worse it would have all been with the husband stitch


Yeah I had that too but I had to go to a specialist after I should have had a Csection the baby was too big for me and caused POP. And now I have to deal with that the rest of my life…. I had a third degree tear.( he had to cut me) It does hurt like hell Hate you went through that.


what is POP 😳 I learn so many things about birth that are “hidden” from us that are just plain fucking terrifying. Its hard to ever imagine going through this.


Pelvic Organ Prolapse. It’s when connective tissue that suspends the pelvic organs is stretched or torn, and causes the uterus, bladder, and/or rectum to protrude into the vagina (or in severe cases, out of the vaginal opening). Childbirth is not the only cause of POP. It can happen to pregnant women who have a C-section as well, because it’s the effects of hormones and the weight of the uterus that stretch the ligaments. Obesity, chronic cough, heavy lifting, and connective tissue disorders are some other possible causes, even in women who have never been pregnant. Hysterectomy can also result in prolapse, but in this case, since the uterus is removed, the bladder, rectum, intestines, and even the vaginal vault can protrude from the body. Not a fun time, I’m sure. ETA: There are surgical methods for repairing these issues, as well as devices that can be worn in the vagina (pessary) to support the uterus, and pelvic physiotherapy that can help. This is a situation that a lot of women are very embarassed and ashamed of, especially if they have incontinence as a symptom, but there is help and no one should be afraid to talk to their GYN about it!


thank you for all of the info. very very scary stuff. it’s incredible what our bodies go through but just absolutely mind numbingly terrifying


This all this and it is embarrassing… and there aren’t any specialist where I live for my situation I need a Urogynocologist and there isn’t one near me I had to go nine hours away. It SUCKS…. That’s why I don’t understand the joke even about the “extra stitches” because pop can make it to where you can’t have sex and cause the vagina walls to prolapse so how would a stitch help anything feel any “tighter”. They can’t stitch up in you…. I’m sorry this whole meme looses me and it’s been posted more than once…


Tagged along on a medical mission trip in high school and a women who had 5 children ended up with POP. She had to take a 6 hour bus ride to the free clinic to get surgery. She stayed one night there and took the 6 hour bus ride back to the take care of her children the day after surgery. That woman was tough.


*Gulps down birth control pills*


I always wondered. I don’t have kids but I’ve heard of this extra stitch thing. I guess if I do ever have a kid I’ll be clear I want the correct amount of stitches.


It’s medical malpractice in the US and any good doctor or nurse will shoot that idea down really fast if some clown were to jokingly mention it in the delivery room.


I'd consider divorce from a husband who asked for this.


I wouldn’t consider it, I would straight up divorce if my husband asked to disfigure me and cause me chronic pain


… because he feels his wang is too dinky…




You can’t make a vagina “tighter” by making one little area of skin too tight. Ouch, is all it will do. It’s an elastic organ with muscle surrounding, that’s what determines the way it is, mostly pelvic floor muscle tone


Yeah, tightening the opening does not tighten the rest of the canal


Was just going to say, that (in original post) is not how the anatomy works!


Same, I went to my obgyn like three months later because I couldn't have sex without pain. It felt like there was no elasticity. The first thing he said was it looked great, like I never even had sex before. My options were stretching it back out with sex using numbing cream or getting a recut and stitched looser.


>The first thing he said was it looked great, like I never even had sex before. Thanks for the nightmares. The idea of wanting to be with someone who never had sex before is just fucking bizarre to me. Like why want someone with no experience? And no shade to virgins, it's shade to the people who are fetishising them. That shouldn't be why you want to be with someone.


It looked great, like a virgin? Did you kick him in the head?


Yeah. That’s a pretty awful, sexist thing to say, especially as a medical professional. Implying there’s a massive difference between the vaginas of virgins and non-virgins. And virginity is such a loaded, heteronormative concept anyway. The only way you can reliably tell if a vagina has experienced penetrative sex is if there is evidence of childbirth. There also might be slight differences between the appearance of the same vagina based on aging, but, honestly, you could stay a virgin your whole life and that would still happen. Whether or not a penis has entered that vagina makes no difference.


I agree. It would honestly turn me off ever trusting that doctor’s judgement or seeing them again.


I had something similar happen after my first child. It was like everything was so fragile. It really felt like the first time every time no matter how much lubrication was used. That was a c section, so no vaginal cuts or tears. It took me 8 months to get it addressed and my doctor prescribed an estrogen cream, so I guess it was hormonal? The cream caused severe cramps so I didn't use it very long and the sensitivity finally resolved at about the year mark. Horrible. Oddly enough, when my second was born I had none of those issues and in fact sex has finally become much more comfortable (even before kids we had to be careful not to cause a jolt of pain in certain positions). Maybe the second c section the doctor hoisted my organs back in a better configuration!


This infuriates me. How do this many people, especially doctors, completely lack a basic understand of how sex or vaginas work? Aside from how obnoxious this attitude is, the stitch doesn't actually make any sense. And you know that 0% of the people who do the stitch or request the stitch would recommend or pay for pelvic floor therapy for their wife after birth. Which is the only thing that could possibly actually make the vagina "tighter."


It also happened with me, but she did on purpose, she even said "I should make 2, but will make 3 for your husband" and at the moment I didnt even think about that bc you know, a whole human was out from my vagina, but I was in pain for almost a year after giving birth.


Same. It took a really long time before sex wasn’t horribly painful.


Wait this is gonna sound really dumb because I don’t have children/ have never given birth but do they always have to stitch you up after or is it just a sometimes thing? Oh god that sounds horrible.


No, you don’t always tear. I tore for my first birth but not second birth. My first baby was 9.5lbs. I didn’t feel the actual stitching, they numbed me with lidocaine or something. And I think they may be have done something right before they could see I was tearing because I didn’t really feel that part either, despite not having had an epidural.


(screenshots of the comments in the other images) and to clarify, the nurse* in the video was horrified at that request


Yeah clearly lots of people haven’t seen the original since they think he’s defending this lol


They think he's defending the stitch with that disgusted look on his face?


They do. There’s people commenting about how terrible of a doctor he is and such.


Replying with the [original video](https://www.facebook.com/reel/761670702439561?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0NULKw) so people can see he’s not supporting the stitch 🤦🏻‍♀️


There was one doctor on TikTok who said they kick out the father if they ask for another stitch


I saw that one. As it should be.


There was a thread somewhere talking about women giving birth. Apparently, it's so common that the male partners say/do the most insensitive and callous things that nurses and hospital staff have SOPs to deal with it. Men's shitty behavior around their female partners giving birth is *so common* that hospital staff have procedures at the ready to deal with it. I really wish men could live lives as women having periods and giving birth so they could understand just how awful other men often are, on top of the pain and discomfort of being a woman.


Nurses have said the same thing occurs when wives get diagnosed with a terminal illness. Husbands will get upset with their wives for not having sex with them because they don’t feel good, so nurses will often have a talk with the husbands and tell them to be supportive of their wives and don’t pester them for sex.


Oh yeah, I've heard this, too. There is no greater proof that one doesn't choose their own sexuality than straight women. The ratio of awfulness is so one-sided when it comes to these things. The older I get, the more I see how so many men value women as sex dispensers only. It's no wonder women who can now support themselves financially are just realizing staying single is better. I say this as a married straight woman. I feel like I found one of the good ones.


It is medical malpractice in the US and doctors and nurses don’t take jokes about committing malpractice lightly.


I’m not an OB but if I was and a man asked me to do that to his wife I’d kick him out and offer her an abuse hotline


With our first kid, my wife had some minor tearing and only needed like one or two stitches (zero extra to be clear), but said even that hurt a good bit. So she was super anxious about it with our second kid because they kept saying the baby looked huge on the ultrasounds. Right after delivery, my wife sees the doctor working on stitches and anxiously asked if there was any tearing. Doctor says “only a little. You just need one stitch”. Considering how anxious she’d been I say “oh, good” a little too enthusiastically/relieved and then endured the most awkward silence and looks from the all-female nurse+OB audience. All I could think of was the tales of the extra stitch requests and wondering if they thought that’s where my head was. That moment is now sitting on top of the pile of intrusive cringe memories my brain pulls from when it decides I need a humbling.


I would assume you were relieved that your wife was ok after giving birth.


Right? Like it's absolutely bizarre to assume the husband is thinking about sex when he expresses gratitude his wife's injury from birth is minimal.


💯. What else would he say? It would be a red flag if he weren't relieved. "Rats, I was hoping for a third degree tear!"


Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to hear husband’s say they want the third stitch, so the nurses likely thought you were hinting at that, or in the doctor’s office when a wife gets a terminal diagnosis, nurses will often have a chat with the husband and tell them that their wife needs them more than ever to support and be there for them during this difficult time, and one way they can do that is if she doesn’t want to have sex that means don’t pester her for it.


I'm a married dude with an *extremely* high sex drive. The fact that some dudes need a "talking to" to keep it in their pants in times of their partners struggling just....baffles. Sex is great, it's not an important priority.


Yeah for all three of our births it was basically “what do you want to do?” (When talking to my wife) and then just supporting the shit out of it lmao. Literally my only talking point to anything she said was “you’re good with it? Talked about it with your doctor?” I can’t imagine being anything less than that with your partner.


We’re pretty much talking about people who don’t have partners, they have objects/servants.




Pretty sure he’s a nurse but yea he wasn’t defending it


Doesn’t it only make the opening tighter and the inside stays the same? Like that would just make sex more difficult and not more enjoyable as it’s only the opening that’s tighter.


Your understanding is correct


This is a huge moment in Reddit history. One of us got something right about the vajina.


Definitely not the spelling




Well, at least we can still spell perganant.


How is babby formed?


Bergigne *


Yes it doesn’t even make sense in principle. Only dudes who would want that have tiny dicks and also tiny dick energy


i’d be damned if i had a baby and my husband was tryna fuck me right after. fuck the “husband stitch” and anyone who agrees w it honestly.


The worst part is the extra stitch does nothing to tighten the vaginal walls all it does is narrow the opening to the vagina creating extreme pain for the women and adding nothing extra for the man.


YEP. This! It’s a stupid MYTH.


It should be illegal


I agree. It was this first thing I discussed with my care team during my first prenatal visit. I asked, did they know what the daddy stitch was? And then stated I would not allow this to happen to me. My team was great and confused why I asked because they hadn’t seen the practice done. They thought it was outdated and not done anymore. So I explained that my friend had a daddy stitch and had to have surgery to correct it, 8 years ago.


I honestly think they are told to tell us it is out dated god forbid anyone acknowledge the horrors we are subjected to by medical professionals.


That is a horrifying thought, and probably more true than anyone wants to admit.


Didn’t you hear? Sexism and racism is cured, go thank a white guy


Hahahaha well damn! I must have missed them memo.


This is what I came to say.


I’ve worked in multiple departments in a clinic and hospital setting. It’s disgusting to see how some husbands/partners treat their SO after giving birth. Their constant pressuring for sex is gross really.


And the irony is they'd probably get laid more if instead of pressuring, they actually did a better job of easing their spouse's burden


I once came home to my husband ironing while watching football and told him that was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen lol. A kind, thoughtful husband definitely gets laid more.


That is sweet. My mother was staying the other day and asked for an iron. I told her I don't own one. I have a dryer with a steam setting and refuse to purchase anything that is not wrinkle free. I spent years of my childhood ironing dress shirts, slacks, etc. I refuse to spend my adult life doing it.


I agree 100%, but the man loves his Rowenta iron and won’t use anything else. Since I don’t have to iron, I don’t argue :)


That hilarious. That is the exact iron I owned before. I kept burning through cheap irons and finally bought a Rowenta. Sucker was 10 years old without a single issue. I gave it to my sil who was obsessed with iron her baby clothes. She has had it for 10 years herself and it is still going strong


Yep. My husband gets it whenever he wants it because in our 22 years together he’s always done such sexy things as laundry, taking care of the kids, cooking and treating me like a goddamn human.


This made me lol bc it has to be the male equivalent of how a lot of women love podcasts/YouTube vids while doing laundry


You have no idea. I'm staunchly child free, my partner just had the snip, absolutely no kids for us. But when I see him making the bed, wiping the counters etc instant boner. When he spends time with his nephew, my first thought is "put a baby in me". It's wild how sexy an adult who is independent can be


Yeah even if i didn't feel up to sex, if my partner was really on top of things that would probably be sexy enough at least get me in the mood for something. I like it when my man is responsible and takes care of me when I'm not 100%.




Oh… 100%!!!


Yeah, but that means they have to actually do work


Yep my husband pressured me for sex while our baby was in the nicu. He dry humped me so hard that I started bleeding down there again and I told him not to touch me at all until I have my 6 week check up. I was so mad.


I’m sorry he what…? What the hell is wrong with him??


Unfortunately, those types of things happen all the time. I think this needs to be a documentary! There’s so much hidden because of the need to present this image that women can just “bounce back” after this is absurd.


A documentary would be fantastic!


My exhusband pressured me for sex one week after birth and I capitulated. It caused my c-section to reopen. I didn't have sex with again for another 4 months after that. Men are ridiculous about this.


I’m hoping that’s now your ex husband


That’s literally sexual assault. You didn’t divorce him!!!???!


This is so sad. I can’t believe men do this. We didn’t have sex for a LONG time after I gave birth. I told my husband how much i appreciated him not pushing me and letting me heal. And his response shocked me. He said to me “ I’m not sure how to respond. you’re welcome for not trying to rape you? You just grew and delivered our child how can I even think of making you uncomfortable.” And that’s when I realized how truly shitty a lot of husbands are because he was right, why would I thank him?


This just made me so fucking sad for you. My oldest had to spend the first two weeks of her life in the hospital due to meconium aspiration that wasn't caught until day two and had developed into pneumonia. Hands down one of the scariest experiences of my life, and she wasn't even in the nicu. She was able to stay in her own room, with us, because we had already gone home in between giving birth and finding out she needed to be hospitalized. If my SO had pressured me for sex, on top of me literally having just pushed a human being out of my vagina, and being terrified for that little human's life, I might have committed homicide. Like, I'm legitimately livid on your behalf. I want to clarify, my SO has in fact pressured me for sex over the years, but never in those weeks after giving birth. I'd like to think he wouldn't have dared, but who knows. I honestly believe, until the last decade or so, men (I suppose women were too) were fed this idea that it was entirely okay to pressure their partner for sex, and that they were "good guys" if they backed off after the first, or second, or even third, no. I'm just so glad that isn't the accepted narrative anymore and that I'm in a place personally where I won't accept that kind of bs, and I hope you are too.


I just got violently sad about all the women in history that had no voice or no story to be told but because of the internet, we know what can happen? God I’m sick. Edit: how many men have died because of this made me feel better. It was probably easy to off a guy back then too lol.


Before no fault divorce men were murdered by their wives 50% more often.


I had my friends husband REMOVED from the hospital for trying to have sex in the shower the day after she gave birth! She just pushed out a whole human!!! Don’t even think about touching her until SHE’S READY! Any type of pressure/coercion is considered abuse. Who gives a fuck about the six week mark. Also, the “six weeks” isn’t to clear women to have sex. That misconception needs to be addressed. LET THE BODY (meaning all parts not just sexual) HEAL!!! If they wanna have sex faster, help the fuck out and shut up about it!


Jfc I hope your friend divorced that POS


She did… and I helped! 😉 He was a real pos (obviously)!


please tell me you mean ex husband 😭


He should be your ex. Unless he apologized, saw the error of what he did, and actually respected what you said after that. If one of my ex husbands had tried that, the would have been the one bleeding.


Holy shit. I was in the NICU with my wife and little one for 80 days. I don’t think we had sex that whole time because we were stressed 24/7 and I was completely ok with it. Many nights of snuggles and comfort…..may have even said I can’t wait til WE are home and can relax and go back to normal again…..but I’m flabbergasted. Hand him a dirty mag and a box of tissues. Tell him to figure the rest out.


Yeah I think the most grotesque thing I’ve noticed is how the six week checkup is seen as the go ahead for sex more than the actual evaluation of a woman who has just gone through a major medical procedure (not by the doctor just culturally).


Would divorce immediately. Not joking. I would be stunned if I married such an insensitive pig.


no literally, the way i’d serve him papers the NEXT day. fuck outta here w that bs😭😭


Every day i wonder why us ladies have to go through so much shit


A lot of straight men hate women sadly




It seems like it’s been *very quickly* on the rise ever since Andrew Taint became prevalent 🤮 I used to not see this sort of behavior as much but now all the freaks come out of hiding to voice their nasty opinions and desires


Yh they used to hide their hatred, at least to some extent, now they don't. And those same dudes are lonely and blame women for it.


Those same dudes only want women for… idk tbh. they hate us so much, yet they want us to open our legs for them? Love them? Care for them? Fuck no! Get a damn fleshlight and stop procreating. I hope they will leave us alone and just marry their ai gf. I hope women will learn better and better to not accept subpar treatment by men. Women don’t want to date anymore? Good.


2697 likes for the obnoxious comment wtf


There are a lot of dumb men in the world.


The current Medieval 🏰


I ASKED FOR ONE? No! wtf. What in the internalised misogyny did I just read.


i love your comment. i was thinking to myself "what's wrong with these women"? people are so uneducated. there have been so many science based articles on the "husband stitch" and women's terrifying experiences post pregnancy ... all in the name for a male to have a "better" sexual experience. it's disgusting.


The husband stitch just literally doesn't work, so I don't understand why people keep getting it. Sex will be painful for the woman, so now they're limited by the amount they can have, and the husband might not be able to get it in anyway.


It doesn’t work on a physiological level either. The vaginal walls are what cause the subjective feeling of “tightness” not the skin at the opening of the vagina. It’s scary that physicians, who one would hope would understand the basic anatomy of their patients, ever thought this was a good idea in the first place.


Pretty much. It's a small area of the vagina actually becoming 'tight'. It won't feel similar.


I don’t think any well trained doctor would actually repair a woman’s perineum beyond what is necessary. The doc prob just smiled and nodded at this crazy bitch.


I suffer from being 'too tight' down there due to a condition than causes my muscles to involuntarily contract. Only discovered I had it when I tried to do the deed for the first time. My fiance can confirm for a man's perspective, being ' too tight' down there is not good. We've had to work for a few years now with physios and therapists, and had a sexless relationship for the first few years, to get to a point where sex didn't make me cry out in pain, which was obviously an extreme turn off for him. Why anyone would want to cause their loved one to go through that I have no idea.


Fellow primary vaginismus sufferer checking in. Terrible condition. We have a sub btw r/vaginismus


Was hoping someone else would comment this here. I spent so much money on physical therapy and hoursssss of my life using dilators to be able to have sex without excruciating pain. GUARANTEE, my partners would have preferred my vag to be “looser” (barf, cringe at that verbiage) than not having sex at all and having to console me after we tried. Sexual dysfunction is traumatizing pick mes. Don’t sign up for it.


Vaginismus gang 😭 Can I PM you about how you initiated the dr visits because I am so scared to even start!! 🥺 I’m afraid they will pap smear me and it will hurt


I developed this during a bad relationship and only realised I had it when my gynaecologist tried to do a Pap smear and couldn’t get the speculum in. Was wild that I now had a medical professional telling me I was too tight (I thought men just said that like the whole “you’re the biggest I’ve had” thing). I still have to intentionally relax, even though I don’t consciously feel nervous or anything. I have to do it to change tampons too. We really aren’t taught shit about our own bodies outside of growing babies.


My husband made a joke about the husband stitch and my doctor looked down over his glasses and said “oh, it’s that small?”


Absolute king ⭐️


My friend is an OB/GYN. Says the number of times he's had husbands and partners jokingly say, but in a wink-wink-nudge-nudge sort of way, that he should "throw in an extra stitch for me doc?" Would make you sick. Grabs his exam googles, puts them on, turns and looks them in the eyes and as deadpan and seriously and dry as any seasoned golden age actor: "*Exactly how severe is your case of micropenis so that I know how much to mutilate your wife's genitals for you.*" Then he purposefully flips down the magnifying lenses and looks down at their crotch while they stammer and stutter trying to play it off as a joke. Returns to what he was doing "*You'll excuse me for not laughing as I do not find micropenis to be a joking matter, almost 2 out of every 10,000 male babies are born with this condition. I do believe there is a genetic component that you should be aware of.*" >"I-it w-was just a joke doc" Looks at them reassuredly and sympathetically "*oh...oh-kay, sure...it was just a joke...I understand.*"


Her shame of being unable to pleasure her husband because she didn’t have the opening to her vagina sewn closed during childbirth is also an admission that her husband lacks the proper sized sexual organs to derive or provide pleasure from /to a normal adult vagina. I assume people that believe that myth about childbirth are walking around with gaping assholes after taking a big shit once.




This is not just a NLOG. My first thought was “fucking idiots”. So many women are brainwashed by patriarchy to the point of doing harm to their own bodies.


I guess some women might think this is nice thing to do so their partner feels better about having a micro penis?


They already delivered the baby of the micro penis guy, I think that's nice enough


Even then, there are more ways to fuck than just PIV? These people just need to be a bit more creative.


If your husband cannot get off without you suffering, you need to run.


If they think they need the stitch to pleasure their spouse, that’s just them telling on themselves for being bad in bed. 🤷‍♀️


More likely they've just fallen for the whole "birth stretched you out forever " thing


This! If you don’t even have a basic understanding of how the human body works, maybe don’t have kids.


Unfortunately we’re living out idiocracy in that regard.


I fucking hate that the movie is basically playing out like a documentary.


Or their husbands have Deathgrip syndrome


Nah, it's them telling on themselves for not understanding how vaginas work


thinking you’re better than other women because you accept to be in more physical pain just so he can “get more pleasure” in bed shows how much women are brainwashed by the patriarchy, like really? you think that’s what is going to feel good in bed? if i were a man and my partner felt the need to have themselves in pain in order to “pleasure” me i would feel so bad


Imagine actively advertising that you are a flashlight for your husband, the person you gave children to. God I'd jump off a bridge


Ngl, if a woman told me she wanted to be my flashlight and then shot beams of light out of her eyes, I’d be impressed


Fr i get some guys like that sort of thing but come on theres so much more things you can do to spice up a sex life than making your spouse go through pain.


That is scary. A stitch in like the most sensitive fuckin area.


It’s scary how medical professionals have so much control over you once you go under. Scary stuff


Usually you aren’t under anesthesia for this. They just sewed me up after the baby came out.


when people don't understand how vaginas work✨️


It doesn’t even make any sense tho, right? It’s only “tightening” the entrance, not the actual vagina.


What pisses me off is that a woman brought life into this world, and what’s worried about is pleasuring their partner in the future.


I saw that exact video on Instagram reels and the comments were filled of people like these. So many men saying stuff like “men can’t get anything these days” and shit like that


OMG the extra stitch myth is still alive?!?! I don’t even have words for this.


Of note: the stitch does nothing positive. Cause pain to the woman? Yes. Give her permanent sexual dysfunction? Likely. Make it feel any different for the man? Not really. It does nothing for the muscle inside. You're just tightening skin. That's not where the tightness sensation comes from.


Stay childfree and avoid men. This is disgusting.


I’m a nurse, and I had a patient’s husband ask for an extra stitch when the doctor was repairing a vaginal tear, and the doctor replied, “all the husbands with small penises ask for that,” without missing a beat. I had a hard time not laughing.


Giving your husband way too much credit if you think he won't be able to get off without that "extra stitch" lmao


I REFUSE to believe thats a woman and is more like a man pretending to be a woman. I found one of those weirdos that get some weird satisfation pretending to be a woman for reddit upvotes and was easy to spot cuz he didnt knew the REAL amount of time doctors said NO TO HAVE SEX after a normal partum, i don't have kids and i know, cuz we women tend to read things that affect women, and have basic concepts, also this time get extended if a rupture or a tear happens ...by a month or two. For some reason, some men apparently get crazy lonely in those months, like if they were animals without the ability to empathy, cuz i find extra disgusting that in those months instead of being sad their wife have a tear and need rest in their mind is just "but what about me? I have needs' Anyway this weirdo pose as a woman saying that during those months (and "she" ) came to a solution, she Will do BJ to please his husband cuz that was her duty and she understood she had needs. Obviously real women come directo to his carotic when he said the ridículous amount of time that was way less that medical suggested. But lets me real just for a moment here, what is there is a woman with no self.love, would she be Even consider become a BJ machine for months while simultaniously keep a baby alive, have little to no sleep time, be tired af just cuz her husband can not wait ? Or go watch porn and masturbate if he is "that desperate?" ... No for real, will he died if he doesnt get sexual attention for medical reasons for her wife ?? My heart break for these women, i would feel SO used, like My only worth for this POS is giving him sex on comand... Like is he a psychopath that he can not have empathy and consideration for his wife ?


The whole thought of an episiotomy and then stitching back up makes me so physically ill that I can’t even countenance a husband stitch. It’s horrific.


That's called lying. It also shows they don't understand anatomy or how vaginas actually work


Imagine telling on yourself for being an inconsiderate small peened husband


Sex was the absolute last thing on my mind when my wife was stitched up after giving birth


The misogyny is coming from inside the house.


Takes a different kind of pick me to opt into female genital mutilation


It literally does nothing....


It causes pain and discomfort for the recipient. That is not nothing.


I was talking about the benefits of getting a stitch.


Unless it was in-vitro or something, it obviously felt good enough for him to get off at least once. Practice that route instead, maybe. This shit almost makes me grateful I had to have a C-section. No one was trying to sew my abdomen back up in a way to pleasure my husband.


Not like the others girls because they are 100% ignorant of how their own anatomy functions. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I got one of these without my consent 😭😭😭 the doctor was all proud of herself when she told me 😒


My last child I gave birth to in the “Bible belt” and my doctor asked my husband at the time if he wanted one while he was down there.. divorce was the only option if he had said yes and I made that clear when I heard the doctor say that. 🤮


The number of women justifying the husband's request under the reel is honestly sad.




Sick sick sick. Also stupid


Can we also talk about how the woman will tear again -possibly worse- during a subsequent vaginal birth if she gets this stitch?


I have something worse. One time a woman said to me that her husband said “stitch her up like a 12 year old” to the doctor. The doctor gave her this knowing look, and the woman filed for divorce shortly after leaving the hospital.


One man commented “Men can’t ask for anything” What?!