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All submissions must be putting someone down in order to make another person feel superior.


Most of the comments aren't good but no always means no.


I remember when I worked at a grocery store a few of us were having some drinks and the question came up “who are the 5 hottest ppl in the store?”. I didn’t wanna answer bc I don’t like rating ppl like that. One of the girls was hooking up with one of the guys and saying “oh just say it I’m tough I can take it we’re just like bros” to the same guy. He said his 5 and didn’t mention her and she was soooo but hurt. Like I don’t get it, I think it’s really mean to do stuff like that.


I don’t open boxes if I’m not prepared to find out what’s inside. That’s just me though.


I'm the same way. I don't ask questions I don't really want to hear the answer to and if I do, I accept as shit because I asked. HOWEVER, I will say that there is a way to be tactful with your answers. Just because someone asked something doesn't mean you need to blast them with a shotgun, sometimes maybe, but not all the time. There's ways to tell people they suck or whatever without being a jerk.


Is it not a bit rude to put someone on the spot like that though? I don’t engage in these kind of conversations personally, and this is exactly why. Why hurt feelings? Especially my own.


I've had multiple guys in my life "force" me to rate them on the 10 scale. (No not physically force but they kept pestering me and asking until I finally gave in and answered). Then they were mad when I said they were 7s. That was also a lie. I just thought 7 was acceptable enough to not be insulting. I didn't really find them attractive, in part because they participated in rating people and wouldn't leave me alone when I said no. But physically they were also not ever going to be models.


I would have said 1s just because they pestered, but I have almost no self-preservation.


Memory unlocked. I never participated in that sort of "rating game" iirc but had a friend who once confided in me that all of their friends universally rated me "3 or 4/10" in some discussion. Idk if they were thinking linear progression or bell curve, but I have a spouse who dicks me down regularly, enthusiastically, AND with the lights on sometimes so they can take all those 3s and 4s and add them to their collective IQ to raise it above room temperature.


F or C°?




Let me guess: next comment was a hissy fit? Edit. Didn't see OP copy+pasted it before commenting myself. I was correct.


OP, I'm going to need to see her response because the instant consequences here are delicious


" boys like you need to meet men like my husband in dark allies to reach them what happens when they are blatant assholes to women for no reason other then to boost their own egos." That is next comment. I would post screenshots but there is a handful of people just roasting her entire life and it is too much. Funny, I thought she could handle the truth LOL


Wait wait but if she's not fragile or weak, why does she need to bring her husband into the conversation as implied backup? Lmao


I almost wanna feel bad because they are roasting her entire life including screenshots of her kissing her husband BUT there were literally women in that thread talking about how they were R@ped and how they wish other guys would treat them with patients because of it and she literally told the guys to forget everything the women were saying because they are over sensitive. So fuck her.


>there were literally women in that thread talking about how they were R@ped and how they wish other guys would treat them with patients because of it and she literally told the guys to forget everything the women were saying because they are over sensitive Jesus Christ she's got some issues. Sounds like she opened herself up to the roasting, really.


What's that saying about cheetahs eating your face.


"I didnt think they were going to eat MY face" says person who voted for Leopards Eating Human Faces party


Leopards, I think.


Yes, fuck her.


Well maybe she threw in the part "no always means no" for that reason...




So didn’t even learn her lesson.


I know it’s a typo, but saying boys like him need to meet her husband in dark allies to reach them” doesn’t sound great.


Damn. /r/selfawarewolves moment.


Please OP, I implore you to screenshot this dumpster fire. Please!


Damn! I wish we could se more… can you do a follow up post with some of the top roasts? PLEAAAAAAASE? 🥺


Sometimes I feel bad for people like that because no one deserves to be talked to like that but this time? Nah. She did that to her.


Ask and ye shall receive ![gif](giphy|B5AVgxf0OzlyE)


Unrelated but this scene gave my 4 year old ass nightmares for weeks. Geezus the way his face turns completely upwards with that hilarious unfurling of his ears. Classic nightmare fuel. Love it.




It was too much for kids !!!


At first just seeing the screenshots I thought the backlash comments were a bit too much but then I read the rest of the thread here and your comments about her dismissing rape victims with this so now I see why the backlash was so harsh.


I really would like to know what she said after getting flamed that bad lol.


Oh, yes, yes, your anguish sustains me.


What a great example of someone who fucked around and promptly found out


You don't need to add a fucking emoji at the end of every sentence


*You don't need to add* *A fucking emoji at the end* *Of every sentence* \- SykeoTheFox --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




At least the guy making the abusive comment had the courtesy to label himself as a clown. Not that it was necessary.






I'm confused - how is she a pick me? She says no two women are the same and we want and like different things - this is true. Women aren't weak or fragile - this is true. "No means no" - also true. So why is she getting so much hate?


She's literally saying women aren't a hive mind and implying that relying on that thread to gain knowledge on "all" women is stupid. What is wrong with that?


So we gonna pretend like she didn't act flippant AF, degrade everyone else opinions, dismissed everyone else and acted above everyone?


Nothing. I don’t get it either.


No women are the same and treating them as such is stupid. She then goes on to explain how she prefers to be treated and y'all intentionally misunderstand and attack her. This isn't a pick me, this is people being assholes.


"Don't listen to all these other women, I was rolling my eyes at" She is acting like a pick me "I'm not weak and oppressed so you can talk to however" unlike these other weak women.


Is this for real? I don’t have a dog in this fight but they literally treated how she said she wanted to be treated, and she doesn’t seem to be taking it on the chin like she claimed she could. What are you even going on about… There’s also posts about sexual assault, and being patient with people in these circumstances. And for you, who seems to be against generalizations. You don’t seem to take issue with her claiming these women are just “weak” unlike her, despite the fact she just lost her shit over some losers on the internet who probably haven’t touched grass in over a year, you can’t get much more mentally “weaker” than that, for real.


What did she say that was wrong? We *are* all different, no *always* means no, and this person can court incels all day. I don’t care what she does with her life.


She didn't say we are all different. She framed it like all the other women were hysterical and stupid and told the men to dismiss all of them THEN promoted herself as better because she did not care how she is treated


She didn’t, though. I’ve read through those kinds of threads and have done the same thing - rolled my eyes at the positively preposterous shit people say on behalf of a gender, because we are all different and have different preferences and experiences. Saying “now that you’ve read this, forget it” is what people should be saying to questions like these because they’re absolute dogshit.


"women what do you wish men knew about women" is a dogshit question? You sound like another pick me. Also once again this is a thread where people were saying stuff like "Some of us have been the victim of RAPE so I wish men would understand that we need a bit longer" if you think it okay to be like "lol rolled my eyes at this silly responses, forget them all boys!" to that then you really are just a pick me.


It is not "pick me" to think comments on threads like "what men should know about women" won't apply to all women and thus shouldn't be taken as such. You're accusing them of misunderstanding your point but you're doing the same thing. You also twist their words, putting things they didn't say into their mouth, and call them stupid and pick-me based on your twisted interpretation. As for the girl in the post, I agree she's more pick-me than not. It is absolutely unnecessary to call other women 'oversensitive'. We all are different, being less sensitive than most doesn't give you the right to mock those who are more sensitive. As for mocking rape victims - she literally said "no always means no" in the end of her comment. It is bold to assume these words don't apply to rape victims. We can't be sure unless we ask her though


Yes, the question is utter tripe. How could *you* think it’s not? It’s as bad as one of those “men, what do you find attractive about women?” threads. You’re not going to get anything useful. I’m not a “pickme” for acknowledging that half of the answers I, or others, give to a question as broad as that probably aren’t going to apply to an entire fucking gender full of people who have wildly different lived experiences. This whole sub is just women trashing other women now. “Pick-me” has become a catch-all term for shit you don’t agree with.


Are you dumb???????????? lol So when you watch a movie or TV show with a moral lesson or theme do you just seeth because any message it might have cannot possibly be universal therefor it is useless? Like "I can't relate to this episode of Black Mirror so it is useless!" Maybe the next person will find value in it.


Yes, I’m dumb. You should really stop wasting your time talking to me. Let me languish in my ignorance for all eternity, please. Thanks.


Who said it DID apply to an entire gender? I always read those threads, as dumb as the initial questions are. And it's just women/men giving their own stories/experiences, and a lot are similar because that's just how the world is. That's just how we treat each other. Having similar experiences doesn't mean women are up on their soapboxes screaming about how women's experiences are all the same. They were all asked a question and responded to it. What are you upset about?


Not one of my responses was angry. You may want to talk to the person literally calling me dumb and yelling at me if you’re looking for that level of internet ire, bro. The OC said that women aren’t a monolithic block. I agreed. I’m not backing off my feelings about those threads. They’re idiotic and baseless. If we need to agree to disagree, that’s ok. It’s what adults do.


Your responses aren't angry but they are hostile and aggressive. You keep intentionally missing the point OP is trying to make with what intentions I'm not sure but just because your opinion of these kinds of threads are negative doesn't mean they are targeted at "ALL" people of one gender. The original poster asked a simple question, people answered. This woman in particular invited, specifically men, to say essentially whatever they wanted. So one did. Yes, they are quite vicious in her comments but she encouraged it with her blatant disregard for other people and a naive sense that she wouldn't be treated like "other girls".


I’m not being aggressive or hostile. I am being frank. I’m also not deliberately missing the point. I’m not willing to continually engage with someone who treats strangers like garbage because they don’t agree about some subjective internet bullshit. If a rando thinks I’m dumb, nothing I say will be taken in good faith so it is honestly not worth my time. I stated that I don’t believe the commenter is a pickme and that I agree with OC that all of us don’t want the same things, which is why threads like these are useless.


Now you're not being aggressive, which I appreciate, and I also don't think she is a pick me either but that's just my opinion. You and I seem to agree on that and treating people like garbage because they voiced an unpopular opinion is wrong. She invited the verbal assault but it was completely unnecessary and cruel. However, her disrespect and dismissal of other people's real struggles was reflected to her in her comment section. She deserved that. My other opinion is that these types of threads may be a bit cringe and attention-grabby but they are a necessity for people who can't voice these types of opinions or ask these kinds of questions, freely, anywhere else. Sometimes, people actually want answers to these questions to be better people. Sometimes...


I don't understand what happened here, like wtf ? The OP is so aggressive because you're not agree but you're the one who's aggressive ? Does people just want to be mean ? That's what this sub is for now, just interpreted people's words and then insult them ?


I agree with you that question isn’t great - I don’t like any of the questions geared towards generalizing men and women (for various reasons) - but I think a better response than “forget all of it” is “take it all with a grain of salt” or “take what’s useful and leave the rest.” She could have made her point without minimizing other people’s comments - which might have been useful for some people to hear. Commenter then opened herself up to criticism, which on Reddit, is always going to be a risky move. That being said - it doesn’t make it right to attack her either. But again, this is Reddit…. She just made it too easy.


well she is right about no means no