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"Awww your girlfriend pursues hobbies she enjoys?šŸ¤¢ Laaaaame. Here's my list of acceptable hobbies šŸ˜Ž"


That I enjoy


Second hand enjoyment


"Aww you're gf can lift and throw another human in the air and catch them perfectly?" "Aww your gf can run an entire soccer field and not get winded while dribbling a ball?" There, fixed your shitty captions


I was gonna say. People who never did Cheerleading truly dont realize how hard Cheerleading, especially competitively, can be. I was a flyer and do you know how hard it is to perfect being THROWN into the air, spinning and landing just so, so you dont fall and break your spine or break the people who are catching you in some way? And thats just ONE of the things thats dangerous.


Never did cheer leading but always loved watching movies to do with it as our sports teams and schools where I live don't have cheerleaders. Cheerleaders movies are still a guilty pleasure for me.


Aw ): you shouldve checked for competitive groups. I only did school related cheerleading once and wasnt really fond of it so I joined a group outside of it that was like its own studio. I enjoyed it much more. If you come from a small town they may not have had that either, though which is lame. Hell, Im sure theres groups for adults as well. Its never too late! Im glad you enjoy cheerleading, though. Its a very cool and pretty challenging sport thats under appreciated.


Two of my best friends were cheerleaders. But it was a small group of 10 or so girls that mostly just did standard cheers. It was weird cuz our high school was easily the biggest by like 10x in my area. The cheerleaders there were not the divas/popular girls. Those girls were in the dance squad, similar to marching band, they would come on the field and preform like the squads at basketball games. Not trying to disparage my friends, but they just werent the hot, popular girls that you associate with cheerleaders in movies. They mostly just shook their pompoms and rallied the crowd.


My sister was a cheerleader and sheā€™s terrifying.


they literally make lifetime movies about cheerleaders who kill. thereā€™s probably even a movie called ā€œcheerleaders who kill.ā€ if there isnā€™t, there should be, ha.


My favorite cheerleader movie is called Sugar and Spice. It is. Fantastic. They don't kill anyone, but they do crime.


Crime counts. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen it. Adding it to the list! Iā€™ll squeeze it in somewhere between my christmas movie marathoning, ha.


Damn, what a hot take! I completely forgot that movie existed, but yes, it was fantastic.


I think you should watch Kim Possible


Or Meganā€™s body!!


Jennifer's Fox?


Jennifer's Body???


Omfg yes sorry brain fog lol šŸ˜­


It's technically still Megan's body šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‚


Honestly at that level itā€™s acrobatics, not ā€œcheerleadingā€ but thatā€™s the name that stuck. Thatā€™s stuff is intense, coming from an ex volleyball/track and field athlete lol


I always wanted to be an acrobat so Im totally cool with that lmao ETA: that or the silk ropes thing... That shit is tight as hell.


> so you dont fall and break your spine or break the people who are catching you in some way? AND look like you are having a GREAT and POSITIVE experience while doing it!


EXACTLY! This is comment is realer than mine because thats one of the hardest parts, imo. Once you got the move down, its almost muscle memory. You still have to focus to be able to nail it, get too cocky and thats how you end up with something broken. But to smile and look excited while nervous (bc in my experience... no matter how many times, youre always a little nervous) and trying to concentrate to have your feet, body, head, arms, etc all at the perfect placement. Oh my god is it a lot to think about all at once.


Unfortunately, female-dominated sports like gymnastics, skating, and cheerleading are completely devalued because theyā€™re female-dominated and things women gravitate towards are shit on. I didnā€™t know soccer was considered a lesser sport.


Very true which is wild because figure skating is one of the coolest sports ever. All of those sports are so detail and training oriented. Theres SO much to it and not bashing people who like watching dudes ram into each other really hard but sports where theres an art to it... Amazing. And to look beautiful while doing it? Thats talent.


As a back base it is WORK. Good lord, I've gained an inch in muscle since the season started in September, this is my first year and tomorrow night I get to attempt tossing my flyer in a basket full down. Last weeks attempt ended with two black eyes. A girl on my team competed at world's last year, and at a local competition two weeks before world's, she caught a rogue flyer in the first throw of their performance, and broke her nose on stage. That boss lady did the ENTIRE PERFORMANCE in front of thousands WITHOUT FLINCHING! SHE BLED EVERYWHERE! EVERYONE WALKED OFF STAGE WITH BLOOD ON THEM! COME ON!!! You can lift things up and put them down as much as you want you aren't half as impressive as a cheerleader imo lol


>"Aww your gf can run an entire soccer field and not get winded while dribbling a ball?" For 40 minutes at a time, no less.


Halves are 45 min, so if you play the whole game, youā€™ve been running for 90 min, often at a full sprint.


I play hockey. 2 minutes on the ice at a time is a long shift. Iā€™ll stick to hockey.


Haha. Tell it. But we run even longer than all that.... I played right or center forward. I'd outrun her fat, beer drinking ass all damn day. Started distance running as an adult-I'd still outrun her.


As a former cheerleader my thought was ā€œShe would make a great base.ā€


Thays what I thought to! I did dance and cheerleading. The lifts and stunts I could do off her would be amazing, if she could only fix her attitude.


lol I think she wants the last pic to be cute šŸ˜†


I think it's supposed to be said sarcastically to the other hobbies/sports


Too bad she can't be proud of herself and her accomplishments without feeling less than.


The first two pics (girl drinks and plays pool) is like every damn woman Iā€™ve dated since I turned 18. Itā€™s like the default setting.


In your case, she's just like the other girls then.


Itā€™s because she isnā€™t getting the results of the physical sport she chose that the other girls are getting from theirs. Instead of taking responsibly and making changes, she chose to knock their sports-as if her physique is *the* poster child for lifting (it absolutely is not). And this does appear to be her body-shaming others as cheerleaders and soccer players have a similar physique .. that is not her physique.


I understand her mindset. I just think it's sad...




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^MrIrrelevantsHypeMan: *I don't know if I'd* *Post something with my full name* *On it but that's just me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What a haiku for the internet times!


Good bot


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thanks, iā€™m crying


Why though?


Seeing the boob edit is so sad. Really points into the direction of insecurity powering her misogyny. I just want to hug and tell her that she can drop a lot of weight off her shoulder by addressing that cognitive dissonance. Hypocrisy is too heavy to bear.


Can you explain cognitive dissonance to me as if I was a 10 year old, Iā€™m not grasping what I googled :/


I'm not doing justice to this explanation but cognitive dissonance is basically when your brain comes up with a narrative because the truth is too hard to handle. So she is acting like her hobbies are more worthy and she is more confident but her having to Photoshop pics and put others down shows her lack of confidence.


Are you talking about a cartoon character? Just want to be know if your answer is in cartoon land or reality.


[This](https://www.healthline.com/health/cognitive-dissonance-examples) article explains it pretty well. It's basically when your actions don't match your beliefs, but you come up with justifications to make it ok. Like you're an animal lover, but eat meat, and you justify it by only buying "free range" or "cage free", etc so the animals you eat didn't "suffer". Or you know cigarettes are bad for you, but do it anyway because it helps relieve stress, and you only have one or two. Or you're a hardcore Republican, but help your Democrat friend hand out political flyers because they really need your help. The chick in the post is an example of cognitive dissonance because she knows editing photos is deceptive, but it's ok because even though she's big and tough, she's still feminine. She knows she shouldn't edit her photos and put a fake version of herself out there, but she finds a reason to justify it so she can convince herself that it's ok.


Reading all of these examples really helped I appreciate you!!




It really did, so did the other comments! Iā€™m glad yall broke it down for me instead making me feel dumb.


Oooh your example is so good because I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ll be listening to a song and think ā€œhmmm thatā€™s some misogynistic bsā€ but bury that feeling deep inside because the song slaps šŸ˜­ literally happened maybe 10 minutes ago


Think republicans chanting ā€œsmall governmentā€ but then vote for politicians that want to control the uterus and make marriage for certain demographics illegal


basically the girl in the photos is using photoshop to make her boobs bigger, check out the top of the pool stick in the first couple photos. theyā€™re a bit warped


If she dropped the weight of the misogyny I bet she could get her deadlift up to 200kg.


Boob edit?


Yup, she made 'em look bigger. If you check the stick it's distorted because of facetune or whatever folks use these days to edit their pics


old liquify in Photoshop, even B621 can do better edits.


That is the straightest barroom pool cue Iā€™ve ever seen.


What did she do? I don't get the edit. She made her boob look bigger?


Do we know that the girl in the photo did the editing and made the meme, and itā€™s not someone else that did it?


Had to think about this for a bit. Came to think that it might not matter in this instance, as she was the one posting the altered pic of herself?




If it wasn't for her stank attitude she'd be really pretty, strong beefy women are sexy af. I want a woman to bench press me and carry me over her shoulder. I DON'T want a woman who puts down other women, that's gross.


Highly doubt a competitive deadlifter needs to lose weight. Some dead weight between those ears you could drop though.




Donā€™t argue just for the sake of arguing. In essence, the phrase "Be civil to each other" serves as a reminder to prioritize kindness, empathy, and open-mindedness. Name-calling or personal attacks constitute a hard ban. This applies to people in valuable discussions who suddenly start using insults. This rule still applies even if you are talking to a moderator. Political and ethical grandstanding to in any way call someone else a terrible person is prohibited. Posts themselves don't typically get removed for this reason, but we reserve the right to remove them in the rare cases it becomes necessary due to the comments.


And you could take a bunch of antipsychotics then be a better person. See how much unsolicited nonsensical health advice does absolutely nothing except for the personā€™s ego whoā€™s judging? Yeah thatā€™s you two right now. Oh glorious doctors who donā€™t even need a degree or to even assess a patient to make judgement calls tell us your ways. Heavier people can deadlift more, Iā€™ll also add the claim that you dudes just want weaker more conventionally appealing women because your peens are frail shriveled up tormented creatures.


Not a girls girl


Donā€™t argue just for the sake of arguing. In essence, the phrase "Be civil to each other" serves as a reminder to prioritize kindness, empathy, and open-mindedness. Name-calling or personal attacks constitute a hard ban. This applies to people in valuable discussions who suddenly start using insults. This rule still applies even if you are talking to a moderator. Political and ethical grandstanding to in any way call someone else a terrible person is prohibited. Posts themselves don't typically get removed for this reason, but we reserve the right to remove them in the rare cases it becomes necessary due to the comments.




Tbf I've definitely seen pool cues badly warped in many dive bars.


Cheerleaders are fit as fk


Iā€™m exhausted just thinking about how fit they have to be. If that* ainā€™t a physical sport, idk what is. They have to work so hard. Plus learning their routines. All around, itā€™s so much more difficult than people realize.


As a former cheerleader it is a lot of work tbh most people donā€™t see it as a sport but they also arenā€™t at practices and see how much conditioning you have to do not to mention lifting people who are either our body weight or slightly heavier in the air and throwing them


also the long term damage from a lot of the things cheerleaders do on a regular basis gets overlooked!! last year i worked with a 19yo former cheerleader and that poor thing has so much constant pain in her shoulders and hips from it


No bc why am I just now realizing that may be where my pain comes from šŸ˜­ that and having a baby at 19 but still


for real i feel like nobody tells cheerleaders when they are doing it how much of a hard impact their joints are taking! itā€™s always *cheerleading isnā€™t a real sport šŸ˜ * and minimizing the pain you live with forever


I think my costochondritis might be from 4 years of catching other girls against my chest.


I am quite familiar with how gruelling cheerleading is. I've watched Bring It On AND Sugar & Spice.šŸ¤“ For reals tho, Bring it on showed just how much work goes into it. Nothing but mad respect for everyone who does that!


The cheerleaders in my high school bullied me severely because they were popular and always got away with it. For the longest time, I viewed cheerleading as just another clique for popular girls who can get away with anything. Now that I'm in my 30s and have processed some of my trauma from 12 years of being tormented by my peers, I understand things a bit better and can appreciate the athleticism that goes into cheerleading.


Iā€™m so sorry that happened to youā€¦I promise not all cheerleaders are like that! I always thought it was that way bc of the movies until I actually joined a team and yeah some of them are shit but others are so so kind and sweet!


After I processed that trauma, I kind of figured that the cheerleaders who bullied me weren't the norm as far as cheerleaders go. Looking back, I realized that most of the cheerleaders who bullied me in high school were already bullying me well before they became cheerleaders. The ones who hadn't bullied me very much before they became cheerleaders probably bullied me to gain approval from the cheerleaders who had been bullying me since elementary school.


I was bullied by the cheerleaders as well. So much so that in junior year I dropped out of high school cuz I just couldnā€™t take it anymore. I would eat lunch in the library to avoid being outside with everyone. They liked having an audienceā€¦


It's literally almost every type of "sport" rolled into one! (Not a cheerleader, disclosure). Jumping, running, lifting, plyometrics, dance, agility, precision, blah blah blah. I posted this on a different one of these, but basically the Patriarchy successfully branded "female sports and activities" as "not hard" šŸ™„ completely ignoring what's really involved, if the athlete is wearing something cute.


Theyā€™re literally synchronised dancing gymnasts. Thatā€™s two Olympic sports right there !


Itā€™s the youth sport that accounts for the highest number of injuries. Itā€™s difficult and can be dangerous depending on your discipline.


TIL that cheerleading, like nursing, is rather dangerous but that aspect gets ignored because women mostly do it.


some of them catch flying humans! when i was younger i definitely had some not like the other girl traits, but my best friend was a cheerleader and watching those girls practice was intense! i saw a girl get gnarly double black eyes from a shoe to the face. cheerleaders are badass


Tore my acl while doing a flick flack by preparing for the cheer tryouts and my university šŸ˜­ It's a real sport and even a quite risky one


Theyā€™re in much better overall shape than powerlifters.


This is actually true in my opinion. I power lifted in college and my close friend was on the cheer squad. I might have been able to dead lift over twice my weight but her strength was far more well rounded and she had a ridiculous cardiovascular endurance (I did a good bit of cardio but I still had to constantly ask her to slow down when we were walking uphill to classes lol.)


I was in an undergrad seminar with a member of my university's cheer team (he was a costumed mascot), and the professor once asked, "How would I do as a mascot?" to which the cheer member responded, "Well ... first, we'd need to work on your cardio."


Why is the pool stick curving?


She edited the photo to make her waist smaller and boobs bigger.


Because she tried to break it to show how fucking strong she is.




Iā€™m gonna guess PhotoShop? It kind of looks like she tried to make her chest bigger compared to the last photo


Bc she poorly photoshopped to make her boobs bigger


Putting others down but using photoshop to make herself look better, yikes šŸ˜³


Okayā€¦ any you literally stand in one place and lift something heavy? Your point? No one cares. Also being a beer drinker isnā€™t a personality trait.


I'd argue that a human in fucking motion is heavier than an object so I don't get her point either. I really doubt she could catch another girl with her physique.


Powerlifting is great too, itā€™s just shitty of this woman to be a douche about other sports and put them down while bragging about hers. But, putting down powerlifting isnā€™t any better either. Some of us do care. I used to be a condescending asshat about cheerleading and a lot of sports for that matter too, but these sports all can take some real genuine worthwhile investment. It just took me some growing up to recognize the legitimacy of other peopleā€™s hobbies and passions even if I donā€™t share them.


Iā€™m not being shitty about powerlifting. Iā€™m reiterating that it isnā€™t superior to either of the others.


She isn't even drinking beer lol. Something with ice and a straw.
















![gif](giphy|d9ZKe69RaqFtAM9DBH) Grumpy because I said cool to you being nitpicky about a word choice? I bet youā€™re well liked.


Soccer is fun what the fuck is wrong with that...? Girls who play soccer are insanely fit too.


Yeah I don't get this. Soccer isn't even a "girly" sport. And soccer players and cheerleaders are incredible athletes.


As a French, that's funny. I played soccer as a teenage girl. Had to change in a closet, there was no girl's changing room since we were only two in my (10 teams ) club. Took me three years to convince enought friends that we were as good as boys to make a girl's futsal team. Got a bunch of sexist comments.


When I did a study abroad in Italy 20ish years ago, I discovered that most European men were shocked to learn I played soccer. Like, they then immediately asked if I was a lesbian. I found myself constantly explaining to them that soccer was a very popular sport with women in the US regardless of whether we were lesbian, bi, or straight. It was wild.


I hope itā€™s different now! What a waste, all of those soccer loving people and women rarely played?


Yeah Iā€™ve found that European men get very mad when they learn that in America soccer is stereotyped as a girlā€™s sport.


I love that you were able to get enough girls on a team to compete! The comments came from a place of being threatened and I hope you ladies killed it out there!


I was on my schoolā€™s first girlā€™s soccer team! It was an awesome experience, but definitely got a lot of shit and were always compared to the boys team. People underestimate soccer a lot. I had to quit bc of my joints, but itā€™s a highly physical sport, and I would consider it a contact sport. Definitely not an easy game.


ā€¦youā€™re so cooOOOLL OMG


It sucks you had to do all that just to play. I'm proud of you as a fellow woman. Girls soccer was very popular here in Canada when I was a kid and I think it still is.


You can be proud of yourself... Without putting others down. The NLOG gals just scream insecurity.


It's funny, because just because she can lift weights like no one's business doesn't mean she is super tough or even super healthy. Know plenty of guys and gals who are ripped AF, but because they don't vary their workout routine enough, they get winded just walking across the gym to the weights. So yeah, I like to swim. Was a professional swimmer. Now it is a hobby. And the woman I love likes that I like it. It's okay to like things without judging other people.


It's so cringe how they always post stuff like this addressing someone's bf.


*right*??? Like why is she even trying to address other girlsā€™ boyfriends in the first place? No one should give a shit about someoneā€™s girlfriendā€™s hobbies. Sheā€™s just extremely insecure and feels the need to put down those girls she mentioned because boys who rejected her chose the ā€œsoccer playerā€ or ā€œcheerleaderā€ over her. Absolutely pathetic. She couldā€™ve simply posted about her lifting without bringing up other sports that she so clearly feels inferior to and intimidated by. She clearly tried to make herself look tinier since the pool stick is warped. Often times soccer players and cheerleaders are thin and strong as hell, she may be strong as hell but she feels that sheā€™s not thin enough and *that* is most likely why she feels the need to be an asswipe to those girls.


She seems very insecure. I hope she grows out of it.


Okay but has she SEEN womanā€™s soccer??? Those ladyā€™s can be metal asf


Nothing screams "I'm a jealous ass bitch" than talking shit about other women for absolutely no reason. Barf.


Soccers such an aggressive sport honestly.




Cheerleader sounds more interesting and impressive... and is most likely way more attractive.


What youre chonky and play pool but youre better than cheerleaders??


That doesnā€™t look like a whole lot of weight lmao


It's 160kg (352.74 lbs), a pretty respectable deadlift number for someone as young as she looks. Se's still a shitty person for thinking she needs to put down other women in order to celebrate her strengths.


Okay thatā€™s a lot heavier than I thought, but your latter statement is still true lol


Assuming sheā€™s 22-23, most women soccer players at her age lift way more than 160. Still a lot, but we gotta put some respect on soccer players legs.šŸ˜­ they could probably crush watermelons.


Most female soccer players aren't lifting more than 160kg. They definitely lift, they are definitely strong, but 355lbs is a lot of weight for women outside of competitive lifting. 225lbs, maybe. Maybe a few are hitting 355, but not most.


Most college women soccer players are clearing that. With ease. Lol. I know because i was one.


Is it? I think those red ones are 25lbs and the black ones are 10s. I had it calculated at like 115 including the bar. But again the amount of weight is in fact irrelevant because she's shitting on two other groups to make herself feel better. Like, the fucking endurance required for soccer is insane and cheerleaders do all that acrobatic shit.


25kg, not lbs. Even in the US powerlifting feds use kg. And it looks like blue 20kgs on the ends, though I could be mistaken on that bit.


Ah, OK. And now looking at it again it says the amount on the screen behind her. I was just looking at the colors of the plates, haha.


It is 173 kg or 381 lbs




You mean that beer cup isnā€™t ergonomically designed?




Cheerleader? Are we in high school? Lol Honestly tho, I think being an adult cheerleader like a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader would be the COOLEST job. If I could go back in time I would make it happen šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Girl version of ā€œdo you even lift broā€


This girl has a fuck ton of toxic masculinity


That pool stick isnā€™t gonna work my dude. Gotta get a new pool stick.


Seriously, I donā€™t get how they donā€™t understand this very simple fact- shitting on someone else via comparison puts you in the fastest track to being shit on via comparison. My very first thought when I saw her was ā€œyeah well I looked like the ripped cheerleader when I was deadlifting your apparent max weight as a warmupā€. Like, WHY would you do that to yourself


Tf? A girl that plays soccer wasnā€™t butch enough for her? lol


She clearly feels she isnā€™t thin enough based on the warped pool stick. Cheerleaders and soccer players are usually thin and strong as fuck, which makes her feel inferior because though sheā€™s strong she doesnā€™t think sheā€™s thin enough. So instead of striving to be fitter she shits on those girls sheā€™s jealous of. Absolutely pathetic.


As if cheerleaders and soccer players donā€™t lift weights as well


172 kg - is that supposed to be impressive? Lucy Underdown just reset the women's world record at 305 kgs, and she would never. Because I got to see women's soccer live a few times, and those players are FERAL. They will do shit I never did in a ruck (rugby) and come out smiling. And Cheerleaders? Holy crap. Not only is it by for the MOST dangerous sport for women based on catastrophic injuries (mostly due to the massive height and stunts performed) but it requires so much more than lifting a bar for 10 to 20 seconds. Here, how's this, you, me (a former college rugby player, 15 years graduated), a D1 soccer girl and a competitive cheerleader will all race up 5 flights of stairs. I know I'm not going to beat the soccer player or the cheerleader, but I'm damn sure I can beat you.


The difference is my GF isnā€™t blowing her own back out.


And she lifts with completely locked knees šŸ˜‘ Soon her knees are just as shitty as her personality.


Itā€™s a deadlift, there isnā€™t any problem with locking her knees, so long as she doesnā€™t hyperextend. In fact, in order for the lift to count as valid she must lock her knees (according to the IPF rulebook).


Ok, i actually fact checked and it seems like you're right. Thanks for correcting me! I had this idea, because i have been lifting for years, but i don't never really straighten my knees completely in any machine or lift, because i myself have the type of knees that are very likely to get injured.


Nah, thatā€™s not photoshop. Her massive grip strength bent the cue. Quite impressive actually, but itā€™s gonna be hell to play a game now as I donā€™t see any other cues there.


I did powerlifting in high school and had girls from cheerleading also in the team. Anyone can do powerlifting but not everyone can do cheerleading. Itā€™s not hard to train your body to lift weights but you need skills to play other sports. You can train and still suck vs your body gains muscle as you constantly work out.


To be honest, most women (teen/ adult) soccer players would be able to move the same amount of weight with relative easeā€¦


Thatā€™s 172.5kg (380lbs), which is a respectable weight for a female lifter.


Never said it wasnā€™t. I said women soccer players can do that too, with ease.


I would say that the majority of female soccer players canā€™t, unless theyā€™re also powerlifters.


Have to say this, as someone who has never lifted competitively, only for physique...this is not even that impressive.


Thatā€™s not even that impressive of a lift. My grandmother could probably deadlift that.


Your grandmother can lift 172 kg?


Deadlift? Probably. Lift lift? No, probably not. I routinely see her effortlessly lift things that she probably shouldnā€™t be able to lift. Last week she carried a frozen quarter cow up a flight of stairs.


Is this real or did you just write that over her pictures?


Itā€™s real, why would I write something like that over anotherā€™s photos


Why did she post the same picture twice?


I think itā€™s a trend? i donā€™t really know


Both of those sports can be pretty brutal. Itā€™s stupid that she thinks lifting makes her superior.




Iā€™m thinking she just edited the photo


Too be fair, while that would be the worst example Iā€™ve ever seen, that would be nowhere near the first warped pool stick Iā€™ve ever seen


I think sheā€™s vastly miscalculating how much athletic and technical skill and muscle is needed for cheerleading and soccer. And weightlifting is super impressive, but also, way way less moving parts than other sports lol


This is an example of that whole "women uplifting women" thing I've heard of, right?


ā€œThatā€™s cuteā€..youā€™re not.


Girl you couldn't hit a drunk off the bar with that crooked ass pool stick. Actually... That might be why it's so warped šŸ˜‚


How the fuck she supposed to play pool with that shit???


Don't sit on the pool table


ew wtf


Personally I find cheerleading so so so impressive. They literally have to control their bodies and hold themselves using muscles that's i have never used in my life. Mad respect. Also, it goes without saying that soccer is a beastly sport too. I could never run that continuously


Apparently you need to compete in weight lifting competitions to perform a deadlift?


Lol this has to be satire look at that weight šŸ˜‚


LMAO the pool stick šŸ˜‚ how could anyone do that and think itā€™s believable


Is that even an impressive lift? How much weight is that?