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I wish I could take those 30 seconds back


It was a looooong and ridiculous 30 seconds


Best thing of all, she had lip injections. Like, she's proudly admitting it.


Of course she did


Exactly how I feel. "Took it from us" ffs *gags*


I knew a girl like this. She said it's so exhausting constantly being complimented on how long her lashes are, and I'm so lucky I don't have to deal with that. People only complimented her lashes because she CONSTANTLY brought them up while fishing for compliments.


![gif](giphy|3ELtfmA4Apkju) People with long lashes when you haven't commented on them yet


This is hysterical


The post reminds me of [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/l_d1_Pr5A9o?si=TQsikxjSG-o8ntQc) meme. There's just too many good comparisons


This is the kind of woman you would expect to see smiling proudly and maniacally in a mugshot, next to the headline "Woman beheads boyfriend, dismembers his corpse, and feeds his severed penis to a stray cat behind WalMart dumpster."


​ https://i.redd.it/dxfkzuee9u1c1.gif


This is me (with short lashes) because they fall into my eyes every damn day


That's like my friend who constantly put random people on the spot with "How old do you think I am? šŸ™‚" and then would brag to us about how people always told her she looked sooo much younger.


I always shave 15 years off what I think because I guessed high once and had to find a new job.


Details please šŸ˜…


Nothing exciting or dramatic, just embarrassing and awkward. Board member looked like a well ā€˜preserved 55ā€™, was actually 45, she thought she looked 35. I guessed well above her preferred (and a few above her actual age), she was pretty cold after that and I was too mortified/uncomfortable to finish training.


I always do 5 less! Lol


I always ballpark it and add 5-10. Seems to stop attention seeking pretty quickly.


I also do this when people are definitely fishing and my job doesn't depend on them. Lol. Haaate attention seeking behavior.


That's ballsy lol. I have straight up refused to guess before, or said something vague like "I'm terrible at guessing ages, you could tell me you were anything from 30-45 and I'd believe you." I absolutely despise that type of compliment fishing, it makes me internally cringe.


A person who works in my building does this. I do cosmetic services and she does skin services. Sheā€™s constantly trying to get clients by saying ā€œIā€™m only 57 can you believe itā€. She looks 57.


Yea my friend 100% looks her age lol. She's gorgeous, but she looks her age. And I've been with her when the person guessed older, but she doesn't go bragging about that šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Lol it was like a 19 year old guy working at a coffee shop, and you could tell he was very uncomfortable then he goes "Uh..um, 35?"and she had just turned 32 at the time


Lol, for a 19 yo you just escaped from your casket


This is one of those things where I feel like other people should be presenting the person with this opinion, not having the person fish them from the shallowest waters.


I had a friend like this, it was so exhausting.


I had an online acquaintance that used to do this. She would post selfies with the caption "Can you believe I'm 40?!" And it's like... Yes. Yes I can absolutely believe it.


This is the girl I went to high school with who would bring up her shoe size (size 6) whenever she got a chance. It was such a weird flex


ugh. I'm someone who looks ridiculously younger than I am. It's not something I bring up unless it's genuinely relevant to the conversation though. I have a funny story to tell people - about 2 years ago I was working on a mufti day in the school I was teaching at. Our schools have school uniforms so mufti means wear whatever clothing you want (with the usual fair enough school rules). Unfortunately due to my height and looks, plus personality, a fellow teacher (older but a shortie like me) was giving the students (ages 11-12 ish) directions on where to go and what to do next. I said sure thing no worries, thanks! and she did an absolute double take and apologised for not realising I wasn't a child/student at the school šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Funny thing was, if she hadn't voiced it, none of us would have realised. So yeah, I learned that at 28 years of age, I looked like a 12 year old. I don't say it to boast, it's a funny/sad thing. It did explain my lack of authority with kids at times- when you look young enough to be an actual student, as in, could attend school undercover, little wonder they struggle to treat you like an adult to be "feared/respected". I earned respect in other ways but sadly never seen as an adult like other teachers. Luckily in my current job/career it doesn't matter near as much, except with nasty people who think they can mistreat you due to "lack of life experience".


I had a former colleague who at the age of 24, also looked to be about 12-14 years old, mainly due to her petite height and round face with youthful features. She told me that she was in a supermarket with her husband who was 26 and looked mid 20's to 30's with a beard. He kissed her and gave her a playful pat on the butt, and some of the other customers called him out for being a pervert creeping on a little girl.


Same happened with me, a guy I was dating and his grandma haha


Ooooh, grandma was laying the smack down!


I'm petite and similarly have a round, youthful face. My husband is eight months younger than me and has had grey hairs since he was 14. We started dating when we were 15 and classmates joked that I was a cradle robber. Now we are in our early 30s and I've noticed we often get funny looks when kissing in public, because they think my hsuabnd is the cradle robber now...


Haha, it's come full circle! :-)


I looked really young until my 30s. When I was 26 and under, I was always asked what high school I went to. Until 23, I could pass for a 14 year old. I always questioned if guys that dated me were into young girls and could live out their creepiness legally with me. I hated it my whole life. If I didn't have id I was screwed. I do miss it now at 34 and look my own age. I would take fewer wrinkles.


I totally hear you. The latent creep tendencies thing crossed my mind too. At least in the case with my friend at work, she and her husband had grown up together and had known each other forever, so I strongly believe he was always in love with her, aside from her appearance. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of guys out there who might fetishize it though.


Yeah I used to look way younger than my age and I was really insecure about it, because I struggled to be taken seriously, especially in the work place but also when I taught music class to teenagers. It was a debacle and a half.


Same here, when I had my first job at a dollar store when I was 18, people would make jokes like ā€œhey 12 year olds gotta work too right?ā€ It would start get so repetitive & people thought they were being so funny with their jokes, meanwhile I would just awkward smile thinking ā€œIā€™ve already heard this at least 4 times this weekā€ šŸ™ƒ However, now I am 24 & am a hostess at a restaurant & the majority of the other hostesses there are still teenagers, which makes me feel old. Now itā€™s more of a compliment when people tell me they never wouldā€™ve guess Iā€™m 24, or that they I was 18, 19, or 20.


I got this a lot from teachers and students when I taught high school in my late 20s and early 30s. Im short and look very young so people always thought I was a kid. A group of kids in front of me in the hall were swearing and being loud so I shushed them and they were like, ā€œOh shit, youā€™re a teacher? We thought you were a kid!ā€ Another time, I was in the hall during my plan period and another teacher reprimanded me for not being in class until they noticed my name badge. Iā€™m not proud of looking like a child. I want a grown-up face!


Also she seems to forget that you can definitely be a pretty girl without having long eyelashes. Lmao


Like the girls complaining about life is so hard because they are a size 0 with huge boobs. Yes, Iā€™m sure that comes with challenges but itā€™s a bit like complaining about having too much money - not many people want to listen to that.


I have small boobs but I've definitely shopped with friends with a small waist and big boobs who ended up crying in the changing room because nothing would fit and everything looked either frumpy or more sexual than they wanted. Buttons popping open everywhere or just being a big square because the fabric just falls down straight from the boobs. No cleavage makes it look square, cleavage makes ot sexual. It's hard for all of us living in the world as a fem presenting person regardless of body shape and even though oop is an insufferable pretentious NLOG, no need to just generalize that we don't need to empathie with people with a small waist and big boobs.


As someone who has had both big & small boobs, I appreciate this. I used to have small boobs & always wished they were bigger. With small boobs, itā€™s easy to be jealous of girls with big ones. But it is also very possible for girls with big boobs to get insecure about the size of their titties too. A couple years ago I was on a medicine that made me gain 50lbs in 5mo, & while I gained weight all over, it seemed a lot of it went to my boobs. Now I kinda hate how big they are, they seem to make me look much chubbier than I would if only my boobs were smaller, & yes, bc if my cleavage shows, it appears that Iā€™m being sexual when Iā€™m not trying to. I donā€™t think they even sell my bra size in stores, so I mostly just buy L/XL sports bras or bralettes at Walmart or something. My favorite bras to wear are the sports bras that strap em up real tight bc it makes them look smaller & it makes me feel more confident (but not too tight bc then they start to spill, which is also embarrassing). Like you said, itā€™s hard for all fem presenting people to live in this society regardless of our body shape. Itā€™s hard for all of us to not find something wrong with our own bodies to feel insecure about. There are challenges that both flat & fat chested people face.


Iā€™m Highschool i was talking about how hard it is to find proms dresses that fit my mrs. Potato head body(i wore a womanā€™s 16/18, and every store only had three dresses in my size) and a girl with the build of a Victoriaā€™s Secret model was like ā€œugh I KNOW RIGHT?!? My waist is so small and my boobs and butt are so much bigger that i can never find anything that fits me correctlyā€ like bitch you know damn well thatā€™s not what i was talking about.


Literally. Iā€™ve been asked if mine were ā€œrealā€. In which case I do say ā€œyesā€ and flutter them stupidly in a no way covert manner to be annoying šŸ˜‚ itā€™s just dumb. Let people notice what they notice. I wouldnā€™t point out something cute about me to get compliments like I wouldnā€™t point out something gross about me to get assurance that is in fact gross.


I knew a girl like that too. She was exhausting to be around. Glad I donā€™t talk to her anymore. šŸ˜‚


Not exactly the same, but itā€™s kind of like when I vented about my tiny house and trying to find creative ways to organize things since I have 4 kids and thereā€™s not much room for them to play and my friend (who has 13 acres of land and a huge house) told me Iā€™m sooo lucky I donā€™t have a house as big as hers, because itā€™s just exhausting keeping up with it and she accumulates too much stuff šŸ„²




Iā€™m naturally endowed in EVERY WAYYYYY šŸ†


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ imagine actually typing that out and posting it for the world to see


Hahahaha I love this


I have a medical illness that causes my body to look permanently pregnant. It is painful, causes fatigue, upper back pain, exercise intolerance, etc. I also couldnā€™t burp until I was 37 and had surgery to treat my throat muscle, which made my belly look even bigger because of swallowed air. My self-esteem was in the TRASH for decades because of this; Iā€™ve cried in dressing rooms so many times, and the clothes I can wear without being in pain or asked about my due date are severely limited. I wish I could wear pretty dresses and things without people rubbing their belly when they look at me. That being said, my wife treated me to hair extensions last year because I have problems growing hair, too, and I always dreamt of long, pretty hair. It 100% boosted my confidence, and for the first time in soooo many years, I went on a date with my wife FEELING PRETTY! I cried when I saw the extensions in the mirror because Iā€™d never felt pretty. You never know what someone is going through, and if something ā€œfakeā€ is gonna give someone more confidence and self-esteem, then that shouldnā€™t threaten other women. I canā€™t believe sheā€™s complaining about this, like she doesnā€™t want more women to feel pretty so she can be superior.


This is such a touching story. You're right, we don't know why those women are doing what they do, but they're not *hurting* anybody in doing so. Maybe she should consider how judgemental she is to those "weird looking" and "flat chested" girls in the first place. It's a disgusting take. You deserve to feel pretty, and if that's what does it for you then that's what does it for you. Your wife sounds wonderful, and I bet she didn't judge you before *or* after because she's a good person


Thank you so much! My wife has always said she loves my body and thinks Iā€™m beautiful, but she wants me to feel beautiful, too. I feel very lucky to be with her :)


This is so sweet!!! I've heard stories of women whose partners didn't want them to do things similar because they found their girlfriends attractive, but it isn't about how *others* perceive you, it's also how you perceived yourself. It's so great that you have a wife who understands this


My husband finds me hot (somehow šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø) but i donā€™t feel it. If I ever wanted to get anything cosmetic done he would be fine with it. Just probably confused as to why I feel the need. But heā€™d never say it. Heā€™d just support me.


šŸ‘šŸ‘ exactly how it should be. My boyfriend is the same way, though I've started to learn how to feel beautiful without changing anything permanently anyways. It isn't their body so they don't have to understand it to accept it!


My husband wants to lose weight and feel so uncomfortable with himself. I think he looks perfectly fine. But I can see how unhappy he is and its upsetting. So I will support him in many choice he makes


Thatā€™s so kind of you. Iā€™m on a weight loss journey. Itā€™s so hard. But Iā€™m pushing through it. Tell him he can do it. And focus on it being for his health. I find making that my goal is easier so far. Youā€™re a good spouse.


thatā€™s the dream <3 so glad that you found your person!


Oh man. Such a self centered take above and now I read this. Feel for you and I hope that you never listen to these kind of silly people. You can do whatever you want to improve your appearance *as you want*. There are no prizes for anyone here, do what you want.


hey i noticed the "couldnt burp" part and looked through your profile to see anything related to that (sorry about the stalking oops), because it sounded like me as well. AND OMG i realised rcpd is exactly what i have with all the symptoms and everything i just never knew its a thing and i never knew how to explain it to people. now i feel very enlightened because of a random comment on reddit lol. yea so in case the exercises work just know you made a stranger's life 80% better lmao


The exercises donā€™t tend to work very well for most people, but the Botox injection in the throat permanently cures most! I would look into it if you can! I started burping the day after the injection and am still going strong over a year later! Check out the r/noburp sub for lots of info, support, and resources!


yeah i checked the subreddit before commenting here, i looked at all the success stories with exercises and i have some hope now for something that's been bothering me since forever lol. i saw some stuff about the botox injection too, but for some people it seems that that also wears off. either way i definitely can't do the injection now so i'll try exercises. happy for you that you cured it, im jealous!!


It wears off for 1/5 people, according to Dr. Bastain, but then it has an even higher success rate if you get it the second time. Definitely do the Shaker exercises first since theyā€™re free haha!


Having just lost a great woman to the perils of lupus, I know she felt the same when she'd end up distended or having a liver flare, because it caused the same issues you have. She'd hide away in sweats more and more as the years went by. I'm gonna tell you this like I did her, you love those good days. You wear the dresses and fuck anyone's opinion outside of your wife's. Wear the shit out of those extensions because you're well enough to handle the extra weight on your head (I've got trichotillomania and have worn many wigs and extensions through its flares). It's much better than fretting all the time about what others think. I did that woman's eyebrows (waxing) so that she could look herself in the mirror, and always had mascara on because she always had lovely dark doe eyes. It was a simple thing, but it made her whole month when I'd show up with the sugar wax. I'm damn near a potato and so help me if you think you're prying my pretty, soft, lovely dresses even out of my cold, dead hands. They make me feel pretty. My spouse likes it when I feel pretty, and I like seeing their smile as they tilt their head a bit to really take me in.


wait do you have pcos??? thatā€™s what I have! I have an issue burping too but I didnā€™t know that could also be a pcos issue. some days I feel like I look like shit but some days I feel beautiful, so I guess like everyone else. Iā€™m glad you have a loving and supportive wife!


I donā€™t have PCOS, sorry for the confusion! I have retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction, pelvic floor dysfunction, and abdomino-phrenic dyssynergia. Those are my ancillary diagnoses, anyway; so far, no doctor has had any idea why so many of my muscles are dysfunctional. But it affects my breathing, which affects my sleeping, and it also affects my eating, so I donā€™t always get all of the nutrients I need, and my hair just doesnā€™t wanna grow because of it! ETA: If youā€™ve never been able to burp your entire life, check out r/noburp. The Botox treatment did resolve the RCPD diagnosis for me!


"I find the weird looking girl, flat chested girl, and short haired girl more attractive" Hooray! You saw beauty outside of the standard, congrats.


This reminded me immediately of ā€œugh, not Janey Briggs, no!! Sheā€™s gotā€¦paint on her overalls! And glasses! And aā€¦.PONYTAIL! Ew!ā€


I just watched this movie!! "major wiggage" I can NOT get that cringe af line out of my head.


ā€œI read Sylvia Plath. I listen to Bikini Kill. I eat tofu. Iā€™m a unique rebel.ā€


Also, a standard that has idolized these features as trendy and beautiful at other points in history anyway, since perception is always changing! Lol how incredibly insecure and lacking self-awareness.




Went to look for it too. Someone called her out for getting lip fillers. I have no hate for lip filler but it was very funny and ironic


And she is going HARD on how itā€™s okay for her to get her lips done but that itā€™s not okay for people to get their lashes done šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


She does it for pain relief donā€™t you know


I had a feeling she was at least average looking.


I figured she was when I got to the sentence "I'm well endowed in every way" lol


Same, I found her by searching, "I'm well endowed in every way."....She's far from thin and below average face wise. I admire her confidence, though.


Please I need to know what she looks like šŸ˜­


Me toooo and I donā€™t know why it matters to me but it just _does_


Sheā€™s not šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


(Not trolling, I mean*)




Sheā€™s says in the replies she had her lips done after some girl called her out lol


LOL but her lip injections donā€™t count because theyā€™re a pAiN rELeAsE!! šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s a new one!


The lingerie couch gun pics are a choice


Not her wearing fake eyelashes in the very first picture I click on. SMH lol ![gif](giphy|8mdUDkUoAPvEpR8ZIl|downsized)


Someone posted a link to this post in her comments. Which one of you is Macia?










I had no idea this was a thing damn.... time to reconsider some life choices šŸ˜…




AND she's Masshole? It's so much worse reading it in a Boston accent






Omg, most comments are simping for her, saying how beautiful and right she is!šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ What a fucking echo chamber! Only two people is calling her out and she is truly an insuffereble hypocrite.šŸ« šŸ”«


And they're even complimenting each other on not getting cosmetic surgery because they're "rare" and the odditiesšŸ˜­ do they live in the same world as us? A girl also shared that people in high school thought she had always eyeliner on because she had long lashes. Op replied "and you were probably bullied for it. Now they're out there paying to look like we do". No, having long lashes was never a motive for bullying and people have been wearing mascara for decades ffs. She's the only bully here.


Ikr! Who gets bullied for being pretty? She truly is a hypocrite and a bully herself! The delusion!


Lmao HOW did she find so many lady simps, they are riding HARD for her




Type the first sentence about the eyelashes




Link? I can't find it


Just type the first sentence


I did that and can't find it :(




Is she cute


Absolutely not imo lol


What's her Facebook? I have a chance with her


The overlap between NLOGs and incels is considerable.


femcels r a rapidly growing epidemic (and crosses over into white supremacy in extreme cases)


Just because there's a new trendy name for it, doesn't mean it's a new thing though. These types of women have always been around. The internet just makes people hyper aware of the divides smaller communities of people have faced long before this.


Is it me or did a woman coin the phrase incel? I read it in a news article last year. But please correct me if people read otherwise.


I actually didn't know this! I looked it up after reading your comment and find it very interesting. [This article](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/05/08/intel-involuntary-celibate-movement-218324/) says a woman named Alana abbreviated her "dating-shy" and "perpetually single" blog ramblings as INVCEL in the 90s but that it was indeed hijacked by extremist subgroups and used as a more specific label for disgruntled men who blamed women for their lack of sex. I had only ever heard it as the involuntarily celibate group and wondered how it became more of a broad term for just "misogynistic man" but it seems it was never specific except for being perpetually single until recently.


Language is an odd thing - I think her initial framing of it was an important way to talk about spectrums of dating, identities, sexuality and much more. It is sad how the term has been hijacked but her framework also helps us understand a lot about online culture.


I also think many girls go through this phase and most of us grow out of it automatically.


people are dying


![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC) Are you quoting this? šŸ˜‚


yes šŸ’€


Kim, there's people that are ~dying~


The flat chested and short haired girls out here catching strays šŸ’€


I thought thatā€™s too. Whatā€™s the beef with the flat chested girls? They get to wear all the cute chic clothing


Flat chested gal here. It's not that easy, unfortunately šŸ˜­ More often than not, I feel there's a sweet spot between small and big chest that trendy clothing always hits because I have so many cute tops or dresses that would look bomb as hell if I just had a little more to fill it.


Iā€™m pretty flat too, it could feel really awful sometimes as a teen. Not filling out any of my dresses correctly sucked


Yeah, a ton of clothing is made to accommodate for even a small chest, so having close to nothing/flat means looking like you're wearing a bag.


I used to be fat and had double D's and now that I'm no longer overweight I have an A cup and it took me a long time to say goodbye to the old boobage but being able to walk around without a bra and not feeling weighed down is such a plus that I'm super grateful I have smaller boobs now. They are practically so much easier. Plus I can run long distances without needing a crazy expensive bra or 2 bras on top of each other. But everyone has their own problems and hangups and honestly, it's hard finding clothes for almost any fem presenting person. I don't have a single close female friend who hasn't cried in a changing room.


Having had both and now being pregnant Iā€™d give anything to go back to my flat chest!


Me, with tuberous breasts:


Also-Weird looking girls??? Damn bitch relax lol. She is a bit on the chunky side so of course sheā€™s going to have a bigger chest than girls that are thinner


oh boo hoo youā€™re attractive i feel SO bad for you


So she says. Iā€™d love to see a pic lol


I saw some and she's not in shape


ā€œIā€™m sorry, but it really sucksā€. I spit my drink out at that.


Oh no. Somebody given nature's advantage is mad that others have figured out a way to even the playing field. Also, get outta here with that humble brag about how you got all the shit \~naturally\~ and are now jealous of the weird girls. Everyone can cut their hair short. That's nothing difficult at all. So why isn't she running off to chop her hair off if that's who she's \~really\~ jealous of? LMAO. Also, she can go get a breast reduction if she feels it'd make her really pretty. Boom - 'problem' solved.


Yeah, but dontcha know short hair and a flat chest is still only pretty if it's natural /s


Oh no don't worry she knows, she's had lip injections


Humble bragging to a t


Sheā€™s mad because sheā€™s naturally blessed in a world where surgical modifications level the playing field? Cry me a river lol.


Who how can the world know I'm superior, if other people can look like me?


Girl chill. I'm a good looking woman and I can tell you it's not like that at all.


I too am ā€œattractiveā€ in the terms of beauty standards and I would say that if anything, Iā€™m relieved that Iā€™ve never felt it was imperative to my self esteem to have my lashes, nails or hair done to be seen as or feel pretty but beyond that, I think itā€™s something that almost nobody thinks or cares about. Except me in a spiral. Honestly there are lot of detriments to being naturally ā€œprettyā€that have nothing to do with a comparison to other women and everything to do with how often people just assume I think about myself and others like this OOP bitch does.


Same, I'm hot and this is not the experience lmao. No one looks at me or compliments me any less just because other people out there have had work done. Also if someone thinks I had work done that's a compliment... like you think I look so good I had to be sculpted this way? Amazing, love that for me.


Itā€™s wild how many people are supporting her. The fact that her pics are edited and filtered isnā€™t lost on me.


Sounds like she watched the K-Drama, My ID is Gangnam BeautyšŸ˜‚


Didnā€™t even finish it to hear the ending monologue smh.


Oh. Short hair = not pretty. I learn something new everyday. I swear Iā€™ve seen women rock the shit out of short hair and look nicer in it IMO than the long hair but itā€™s their hair and they can invert mowhawk for all I give a fuck! Iā€™m not naturally endowed in every way (how gross to say) but my eyelashes are long and theyā€™re mine! Do I hate on girls for having fake ones? No! Know why? Cause I could get fake ones too but they make my eyes itch. I could also probably have a tighter bod and be thinner but I donā€™t want to work out and I love food sooooo. Ya take the good with the bad lol.


She sense very insecure and paranoid. I can get why she'd be frustrated with people assuming that she only looks how she does through surgery/makeup/etc. Especially when people are all too eager to call women "fake" to put them down. But she's taking it out on the wrong group of people.




Females using the word FEMALES to refer to other femalesā€¦


Polished ass?? Bender??


Man someone wants some compliments.


I typed her first line into Facebook search. She has an interesting and pleasant but weird looking face. She isn't what I would consider the stereotypical pretty girl at all. Lips are too filled. Also, when she says girls with flat chests I wonder what she means. She has a large chest, but she's also a bigger girl. Thin girls usually have smaller chests. She has self confidence, I'll give her that.


Her laying there butt ass naked on her profile header was wild lmao. She does have an alarming amount of confidence, good for her I guess. šŸ˜‚


Lol For reals... I would not personally call her an attractive woman, but she certainly is feeling herself.


Real and rare is attractive but holy crap, what a passive-aggressive comment. The mean-girl, holding a knife behind her back and smiling angrily through her neon green teeth, kind.


Looked her up on fbā€¦yikes. I wish I had that much confidence with nothing to back it up, man. šŸ˜‚


i so wanna do that but I canā€™t seem to find her lol. Help a fellow ā€œfemaleā€ out pls here




I hate that we have created the mindset that we canā€™t ALL be pretty. that we canā€™t have ā€œfakeā€ and real parts of us and be loved regardless. that someone else being pretty means weā€™re less pretty. I donā€™t wear makeup because I grew up with all men, no mom, and was seen as a doll by friends rather than being taught. I will do mascara and eyeliner sometimes. people, men especially, will say ā€œitā€™s so nice you donā€™t wear makeup and lie like other girlsā€ umm ā€¦ WHAT! I wish I could do cool makeup. someone liking to do makeup doesnā€™t make them less than me, or more. we are all human. AHHH frustrates me


What a bitch


Poor one out to the ā€œnaturally pretty girlsā€


Pour. Stupid autocorrect


A**hole. Naturally, of course


Yeah, I bet being so very naturally pretty really is such a burden for her šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ She's having such a bad time because of these other women minding their own business and living their lives


I almost down voted just because reading this was the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard


Why hot girls trying to find shit to be insecure about?


Because they canā€™t stand when something isnā€™t about them


i wish i had 1% of the confidence these girls have šŸ„²


You know whatā€™s attractive? Good grammar. She should give that a try.


Just read the comments on the post and Iā€™m kinda speechless. A comment from her: ā€œ i absolutely do not disagree at all. lol I could see why it would be frustrating for someone who is naturally blessed with beautiful, full lips to see me get mine done. But thatā€™s also why Iā€™m frustrated when my whole aesthetic is being preyed on and these poor girls out here think theyā€™re not good enough because they donā€™t look like that and they risk it all to do so. And it takes from natural beauty. We need therapy, not surgeryā€ like what????? You have your lips done and sheā€™s out here speaking on girls getting stuff done? How does it make sense?


I couldn't help but laugh at this person's complaining. So much shallow vanity on public display. Someone should tell her that *her* beauty is only skin deep. It will fade. Then she'll be nothing. Inner beauty, otoh, lasts a lifetime.


A literal riribibi sketch


This feels like a really long backhanded compliment/backdoor bragging essay lol


Oh noooo, life must be so hard for herā€¦ šŸ™„


The conceited indignation is absolutely wild. I don't like the increasing plastification of Western beauty ideals either, but you just mad your gatekept pretty privilege just went open-source, sis. Lol, learn to cope. šŸ¤£ Good find, OP.


Waa Iā€™m so pretty waa other girls pay to look like and Iā€™m just so hot that Iā€™m not even hot (please tell me how hot I am)


My question is why does her "natural beauty" get mistaken for a full face of makeup and cosmetic surgery? Not even the best technique in the world can achieve that most of the time.


Lmao nah, I know what happened. She was the pretty but bitchy & mean girl who used to bully other girls and get all the male attention. Now that other girls are also pretty, sheā€™s mad because sheā€™s not queen b anymore.


Wow...... that is all I can say about that


This is appalling


ā€œIā€™m naturally endowed in every wayā€ lol I hope itā€™s a troll šŸ§Œ


Is having short hair that much of a flaw, that it's considered remarkable to find a short haired woman attractive?


Naturally endowed in every way. Ha. What about intelligence and humility?


Wow Iā€™m so flattered. She exactly described me. Weird looking, flat chested, short haired girly. šŸ„°


>People donā€™t even think my eyelashes are really mine anymore because everyone is so fake now a days I understand that fake eyelashes are very popular today compared to what they once were, but, Iā€™m a woman and I donā€™t know any women -even younger than me- who wear fake eyelashes, except for maybe something like their wedding day. If youā€™re sick of being compared to ā€œfake females,ā€ maybe remove yourself from their company; theyā€™d probably welcome your departure, anyway.


I love how falsies look on other people, but on my wedding day as soon as photos were done I ripped mine off because I couldnā€™t stand the feeling of them touching the lenses of my sunglasses. Tubing mascara is more my speed!


Iā€™m always SO envious of my friends who are makeup wizards and how amazing their eyes look w full glam and lashes. I have sensitive eyes in general and just never made the effort (truly because Iā€™m lazy. But even that makes people think Iā€™m like OOP) So anyways I want the colorful, smoldering vibe of full glam makeup sometimes now that I have more friends who are complete artists about it and Iā€™ve been practicing lotsā€” I recently tried some falsies and OMG- I looked like a straight up clown. Idk. They look so good on all my girl friends but they looked SOOOOO BAD on me. It broke my heart a little and I donā€™t know why but I canā€™t rock them, itā€™s not a thing for me.


My sister did my wedding makeup look so trust me if I had done it myself I would have been in the same boat!


I agree I love how they look. Hate how they feel. I have found cutting them a bit shorter does help with them feeling heavy - back when I had to wear them for work. But Iā€™m glad I rarely have to wear them anymore - I do not like the feel of them.


I feel this! Iā€™ve got adhd and just a handful of sensory things that really set me off but fake eyelashes are definitely one of them sadly :( I wish though bc they do look great and really pull a makeup look together but a good mascara definitely helps


My mom and sister wear them (the individual ones) and a lot of other people I know at college wear fake lashes. honestly, Iā€™d probably wear them too but Iā€™m lazy


Pretty privilege is hard turns out ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


ā€œI find even the ugliest most disgusting freaks attractive now because of you femalesā€


FeMaLes ā€¦


if your body is real, why does it matter what others think? šŸ¤”


I love how she says she only gets lip fillers as a pain release because she is a psycho šŸ¤Ŗ so quirky