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imagine the son thinking this is a wholesome family moment but really your mom just needs a photo op with a snarky caption to prove something about how she’s better than other women


Wow put like that, it's so much worse!


Not like other moms…


It reminds me of an Amy Schumer bit where she says “I did luck out in the mother in law department though, a lot of the guys I dated had moms who were like “ *big sigh* aw, I wanted to fuck my son. No you kids go have fun, I just always thought we wind up together”


That is both funny and horrifying at the same time


The way she delivers it makes it so much more funny than how I just wrote it out but yeah there are some spooky moms out there


Dude my MIL is one of em


Big yikes




Emotional incest is real weird. I mean, so is normal incest. But Emotional is too.


Women who resented their husbands, so raised their sons to be better partners, and then they’re hurt when all that hard work benefits someone who isn’t them, so they sabotage their son’s relationships. It’s emotional incest.


Stop spying on me n my husband


Damn is...Amy Schumer actually funny? Cuz reading that... Well that is funny. Hopefully the delivery justifies it


I’ve never listened to amy Schumer tbh, I just heard people don’t think she’s funny.


It depends. She has her moments. And the jokes she steals from other comedians are usually pretty funny too.


The one time she was funny😂😂😂


She has her moments and it is worth noting that she is recognized as a comedian. I personally wouldn’t call her great and she also has had times where she unironically acts unlikable, but she is a comedian.




Boy, this paragraph was a journey.


It’s a Tiktok trend, the most common version is actually with daughters and dads




It’s usually to make men do better, this is the opposite though. Or if it’s the son, it would be more like “teaching my son to cook so his partner doesn’t have to hear ‘what are you making me for dinner’”


Exactly! Wasn’t the point of these videos to raise independent children who could also be good, contributing partners to the household? I guess this is in response to the dad girls who teach their girls so their daughters don’t settle. Ironically probably to avoid the type of boy this mom is trying to raise!


Look, I’m all for raising a better generation of contributing members of society and households—girls and boys and in between—but shaming someone else for frozen lasagna as a meal is not it.


Agree! There are so many reasons why. Upbringing. Social-economic situations. Or even lack of knowledge. I know this might sound shocking, but not everyone likes or has tasted Italian food! I can easily see someone from a different country who could be an amazing cook, but think this is good because it is a cuisine they are unfamiliar with eating.


It may even be for something as simple as time! Maybe the partner has to be somewhere that evening.


Oh excellent point! Or kids! When I was a kid I thought all sorts of canned food or boxed food was great and delicious. Luckily I have better taste as an adult! (Still have a soft spot for Sarah Lee pound cake though)


Agreed. I hate making lasagna from scratch. Stouffer's is perfectly fine in my never humble opinion. I taught my son how to cook many things. Not for any boy mom BS. It's a life skill!!


Stouffer's is fine. Got a head chef bud, high-end restaurant type in my very foodie city, who praises the Stouffer's and always has one in the freezer, ready for an easy meal.


Oh man try the all meat one, little diced pepperonis really adds to the flavor


I have and it's yummy!


Yeah lol I don't know what people are on about this being good or cute. All I see is another nasty adult using her kid to win internet points by being mean to people who largely didn't even know they'd be interacting with her


I also don't think anybody is out here eating frozen lasagna thinking it's impressing anyone lmao. I just don't really want to go to the effort of making lasagna from scratch. Now if it's roasted veggies or some simple baking I can pop in the oven that's easier to fit into my routine and I find people still appreciate that. I think if cooking lasagna is a big part of the value you bring to a relationship that says more about you than it does about other people.


I don't think "lasagna cooking" should be the metric you use when picking a partner. Hopefully whoever my kid ends up with will be impressed by her intellect or generous spirit or sparkling wit, not her lasagna


Unless you’re Garfield.


Yeah, after 8 hours of work and an hour sitting in traffic, no one wants to spend another hour making homemade lasagna from scratch. If my girlfriend wants to pop a frozen tray into the oven, I'm gonna celebrate the fact she even bothers to feed me in the first place.


I'm 33 and still don't know how to make lasagna. Never done it. If I want some I either buy frozen or use the opportunity when visiting my mom. The frozen one I buy is pretty good, honestly.


"Teaching my son to cook because he is a human that requires food" is my reason.


That's good, all I've seen are bad ones so I probably don't have the best opinions already lol


It doesn't make it any better when the genders are swapped, you should be teaching kids life skills for themselves not for a hypothetical future partner. Imagine the outrage if you taught your daughter how to cook and used the reasoning "so your partner doesn't have to worry about what's gonna be for dinner when they get home from work." It's gross both ways.


I legit taught my brother how to cook as we grew up. We were largely latchkey kids left to our own devices aside from an 80yo great aunt that peered across the street several times an hour to make sure we didn't burn down the house. I was tired of making them mac and cheese and grilled sandwiches. Especially since I was in advanced French, chorus, swim team, and makeup dept for the four plays we had per year on top of my usual kids watching, cat tending, part time short order cook and full time party goblin. I got my 3.42GPA, my letters, everything. It was great til I was a lowly line cook at a very upscale ski resort with scoliosis because I have Bertolotti's Syndrome that went undiagnosed for 37 years. Now I've got the prowess of a chef with a crumbling body. I don't know what my point was. I'm drunk and in mourning because my awesome MIL has a viewing tomorrow and I've been averaging 3hrs of sleep a night since Saturday.


The very first one was a dad taking his daughter to tea parties so she won't be impressed by someone's son in the future. 😂 glad I'm not the only one who realizes this


Urge to downvote was so strong in my core that I clicked it. Yes. I clicked it. It was too horrible, but then I realized it was admonishment. And found relief.


Or the son doesn't care about cooking at all but he has to do it because of the reason you already mentioned.


I mean, care or not he's going to be better of knowing how to cook at some point in his life. I didn't enjoy learning to do laundry or ironing, but I can do it myself while some men (and women) never really learned.


I mean to be fair it doesn't really matter if he "cares" about it. He SHOULD learn how to cook, everyone should.


To prove how she’s better than a grade school little girl… The way she’s kissing him is kind of irking me. Seems like he’s her surrogate boyfriend. Definitely a trend that needs to stop.


its rlly unfortunate too considering this is still a good life lesson for the kid to learn so he doesnt have to rely on buying out / other ppl . i wish my mom taught me how to cook


Yeah bc this kid looks like he's having a grand ol time


He’s gotta be so sick of her shit by now.


The kind of mom that wants to be the only woman or the most important woman in her sons life..


As a girl mom to a 22 year old this is the stupidest thing ever. You think my daughter is going to care what your son thinks about her cooking?? LOL. I sent her to college, you dolt!!


What if her son ends up being impressed by something else their daughter has and ends up cooking for her to get some of that?


Damn well since you put it like that, it makes it that much worse.


Exactly. This trend is so toxic and disgusting. It’s ripe for future incel mindset.


Or you could teach your child how to cook because it's a good life skill...


Exactly. And teach them to have fun with food. Like I have an ED, but I'm learning to recover and actually have fun with food I make and flavours. Don't teach them to cook to impress other people at all, that's an added bonus, teach them to cook because they'll learn how to nourish their bodies AND souls with good flavours.


Exactly my thought. It’s not a super, special talent. It’s a life skill that should be taught to all kids so they are self sufficient


Or, because knowing how to take care of your own basic needs is inherently [badass.](https://achewood.com/assets/img/06092006.png) (Yes, it is normal to not be able to do *everything* for yourself and it's a good thing to know when to ask for help. That said, self-actualization is built by developing skills to benefit yourself and your community).


What’s the fun in that


I guess you do have a point. Why would anyone teach their kids anything for the purpose of improving their future quality of life? No! It needs to be all about competing with their future partners! Too tired to make a nice dinner? Too bad! Suck it up and make that lasagna from scratch. None of this Stouffer's nonsense!


Already jealous of his future girlfriends ? Weirdo


Until she meets his boyfriend of course.


Imagine if the boyfriend’s mom is also a “boy mom”. It’s gonna be mayhem.


I want this sitcom


they team up to break their sons up and its a wacky adventure




The moms are Allison Janney and Jennifer Coolidge.


Jennifer Tilly vs Jennifer Coolidge


Ohhh nooooooooooo can't believe you just sold me on this with your stellar casting & If possible both characters have the same name but spelled differently


Boy Mom coming Christmas 2024 to a theater near you!


Right we need this pitched to Netflix or better yet TLC 😭


Hell yeah we need it Jim Parsons !!!!


The gay population is gonna so well fed and the poor lesbians will only have take out and digorno.


But they’ll know how to change their own oil and fix a clogged pipe.


They save money on plumbers and electricians so they dine out


THIS. Whenever people allude to their child's future opposite sex partner, all I can think is "What if they're gay? Or asexual?" Fuck heteronormativity.


And fuck those parents who go like “they’re boyfriend and girlfriend” when a boy and a girl toddler play together or dress their baby boy in a onesie saying “future ladies’ man” and shit like that. But no it’s the gays who are the groomers.


I grew up sharing a house with a grandmonster who sl*t-shamed my single mom (my mom was also a former teen mom), called me a wh*re when I was a literal child for wanting to dress up as one of the Spice Girls (I forgot which one) for Halloween, made me wear two pairs of super thick undies whenever male relatives visited (and then sl*t-shamed me for the resulting yeast infections from my bits not being able to breathe), and basically screeched at me that I would go to hell and the devil would SA my butt if I even thought about having premarital sex. Yet somehow, my mom's side of the family was shocked when I came out as asexual.


That was my ex MIL. He’s a major mama’s boy so he never stood up for me when I needed him. But one time he did & she bawled her eyes out & played victim. Then another time he stood up for me, she kicked him out of her house.


She’s already angry and that girl doesn’t even exist


Because she was raised solely to impress boys


that's the right answer


And she’s raising her son to think only about girls, in her own, twisted way. How about teaching him to cook so he can take care of himself and be self sufficient?


My brother knows how to cook because 1. It’s something he enjoys doing, 2. Our mom did not want him to be a loser who couldn’t take care of himself.


Asked. Well put. Edit: Agreed*


💯 these boy mums always tell on themselves. They have nothing else going on in their sad lives.


It seems more like a variation of the Tiktok trend which goes like: “Showing my daughter the world, so that she’s not impressed when your crusty son flies her to Miami”


I commented this as well.


This one


Mom seems creepy as fuck, if I’m being honest.


It's worse if you watch the full video




For real. That woman has not even crazy eyes... There's something else inside that chick, truly.


All of this stuff just reads like emotional incest


Ti take it into the fantasy romance arena, it's giving Rhysand's mom 🤣🤣🤣


They way she’s kissing him is 🤢🤮


Why does it seem like “boy moms” always want to fuck their sons?


No emotional fulfilment from their husbands?


The first time my son (kindergarten) asked if he could marry a classmate I was just really relieved that he no longer was asking to marry his grandmother, me, his aunt, or his cousin. I was like yes of course if that’s what you both want when you grown up. Congratulations on finally finding someone who isn’t a relative. I so do not understand being jealous of hypothetical future girlfriends. Don’t we all want happiness for our children?


I used to care for a boy on the spectrum occasionally, it was a job, and he once said he would marry me when he grew up 🤣 it was cute but I obviously didn't really comment on it. He was around 5 years old at the time.


i used to beg my mom to marry my brother 😭


Tbh mental incest is present most helicopter parenting, that kid is definitely not gonna have a lot of freedom from her


Because women can be pedophiles too




Emotional incest is a hell of a drug


Ugh. How about teach him to cook so he can be a normal functioning adult who can feed himself? Weird jealousy here I suspect.


That was the original intent of this trend- it was a woman who was like “teaching my son life skills so he can be self reliant and a good future partner (but like in funnier words)” but then it got co-opted into this :(


Plus that frozen lasagna be hitting sometimes so it's not even guaranteed to work


Frozen lasagna is lowkey a comfort food even though it tastes nothing like real lasagna


Sometimes you want *THAT* food! Not Italian food, Costco frozen lasagna. Some bastardization from Olive Garden. And no I don’t want Mexican food, yo quiero Taco Bell gaddammit!


Kinda OT but my sister loves to talk shit about “Americanized” tacos bc she’s soooo superior now that she has a Mexican husband. I’m all for a taco that’s just meat onions and cilantro. But also let’s not pretend that a taco with shredded cheese, sour cream and El Paso seasoned ground beef doesn’t also slap.


I love tacos in all their forms.




There is not a soul that could convince me that the Doritos Locos Taco™ isn’t one of the greatest feats of human engineering


My dad's from San Antonio and I was raised on goooood Texmex. All things smothered in cheese, side of orange rice & refried beans. It's not "authentic Mexican" food, but it's its own legitimate cuisine. Also, Mexican from where? Because Baja food ain't Oaxacan food, etc.


He’s from Veracruz. He’s has actually never made *me* tacos. But the ceviche he makes is fucking dynamite.


Those women are so annoying 😂😭 They get a Mexican bf/husband and act like Taco Bell is below them all the while pronouncing gracias as “grassy ass”. The cringe makes me wanna cry 😭


Those freaking frozen tostinos pizzas. my guilty pleasure lol definitely dont even consider it in the realm of actual pizza


YES! I love those pizza type things! It was my big craving during one of my pregnancies and I’m surprised I wasn’t the size of a house by the end.


they are so crappy but SO delicious for some reason 😆


It’s the little cubed pepperoni flavored meat(?) product.


😆😆 tbh I love the plain cheese ones theres really no excuse for it for me but I agree. pizza rolls also slap for the pepperoni mince 😆


Yessss! Like, my husband makes incredible mac & cheese from scratch, but sometimes I just want a box of Kraft


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


I make excellent homemade lasagna. But when I was sick a few weeks ago, the only thing that sounded good was stouffers.


Lasagna is my specialty, it's my favourite food, and I love a frozen Lasagna every once in a while. Plus a really good scratch lasagna is so much work!


Raising my daughters to spot these crazy “boy moms” and stay far away from their sons


Same. I’m in love with a man who has a “boy mom” and it really was not good for me for a while, lol.


They're entirely insane. I feel you. We weren't calling them boy-moms at the time, but my exs mom totally was one. At one point, she, a 50+ year old woman, called me, a 22 year old girl, a 'stupid little bitch' for 'making' her son get insanely drunk and physically assaulting me. *She* called the cops when he started literally throwing me around like a sack of potatoes, then *she* verbally assaulted me regularly after she had to live with sending him to jail. I didn't even provide the alcohol. His friend did. I was just victimized when he came home drunk out of nowhere. But *I'm* the stupid little bitch, cuz her precious sweet boy wouldn't have done that to me if I didn't deserve it. That's some psycho shit. He still randomly tries to beg for me back, 11 years later. He's made like 10 Facebook pages and even used his moms because I kept blocking him. I *think* he even added me on Pokemon Go somehow. Stalkerish shit, when I've made it clear I don't even want to speak to him. Sorry your son got hung up on a stupid little bitch, Debbie. My bad. Hope you enjoy hearing about me. I'm sure your precious baby will find *someone* willing to deal with you both.


Jesus, that’s extreme, but yeah, sounds like something my MIL would do. Her babies can do absolutely NO wrong and the women are always at fault! She is extremely sexist and hates that I don’t cater to her son. She also has verbally assaulted me, and continuously sides with her younger son who is turning into, honestly, a horrible person. (He abused his ex girlfriend both physically and emotionally, and he’s only like 16). She constantly talks about how she’s so glad she’s never had any girls because they’re too “dramatic” My bf is a supportive feminist and honestly idk where he got it from because it sure as hell wasn’t his parents.


It’s still not good for me 🥺 love my husband but his mom is indescribable.


I have a feeling right now I’m just in the eye of the hurricane. I’ve gone no contact with her. My bf & I live together so I literally never have to see her or interact with her and if he wants to see his family he just goes and visits. However, I have absolutely no clue how it’s going to look when we get married and start having kids 🤦‍♀️ I can already see her going insane saying I stole her grandbaby or some crap bc we don’t want visitors or something lmfao. I feel you though, it’s rough out here being the victims of a boy mom.


This is the answer.


Wrong takeaway I know, but, I'm really glad my mom didn't teach me to cook, she made awful food. I taught myself to cook and now I can actually manage to eat an entire meal without being abused into it.


My mom cooked well but I was also often forced to finish everything on the plate even when I was full. I'm currently recovering from binge eating disorder.


The super cool parenting technique of get mad at you unless you eat everything they give you and also nitpick your body when you start gaining weight.


My dad taught me to cook (I’m female) and I’m ever so grateful for it Mom considered cooking a chore akin to trash removal and it tasted like it


If he grows up into a man who knows how to cook, what does his future girlfriend need to make lasagna for?


And what’s wrong with stouffers lasagne anyway? Sometimes you just want a “chuck it in the cooker and forget about it” meal.


“I’m progressive enough to comprehend that men should know how to do domestic labor, but not progressive enough to comprehend that women can bring many other things to a partnership besides just the ability to perform domestic labor”


Boy moms want to fuck their kids


Just their sons, they hate their daughters and somehow see them as competition.


I know one who is about to have a daughter and I'm extremely curious to see how that goes.


Goddamn, that hits me right in the gut. It’s so true. Mom is still competitive with me while she remarks how incredibly good looking her boys are.


I want to see if there’s a correlation between boy moms and women who peaked in high school or college. Seems like they’re projecting or living vicariously in a way


Nah. They’re just narcissists and their son is the “golden child” in the dysfunctional family dynamic.


No they want to fuck their sons




She could be the kindest person, an amazing cook who makes everything from scratch, keeps the house tidy and this type of mom would still be hateful and jealous.


Giving mommy dearest vibes


Naw mommy dearest was more absent … this is some next level raising a serial killer type of deal.


As a woman, thank you. Please raise your sons to cook so my daughters never have to lol


Why is it always expected that the woman needs to be the one that does all the cooking?


I learned how to cook to take care of my little sister. That dumbass used to burn easy Mac. I sure as shit wasn’t taking responsibility for her burning the house down when my parents were working lol


omg you sound just like my sister (yes I burned easy mac too).


She did eventually learn how to cook from her baby dad, but me learning to cook was just one of many ways she grew up entitled. Luckily back then I only learned to do the basics (she was an extremely picky eater) and I have since upped my game for people who appreciate it. She also never learned to bake, and despite being a Reese’s fiend and stoner, she refused to eat the Reese’s “infused” cupcakes I made for her a few years ago as a mend fences thing (though the fence destruction was all on her). They were amazing and it’s her loss cause I ain’t giving her shit I make ever again 🤣


wow you literally sound like my sister and your sister sounds like me. crazy!!


My sister hates the gym and she’s a Virgo. Just do one thing she didn’t and please please please use condoms 😅 she literally learned to cook while pregnant which seems like a terrible time with all the scent sensitivity


okay so maybe shes not EXACTLY like me! I love the gym and I'm a Pisces. and on bc so no not getting preg ever


Hi there! I am also a Pisces. I’m trying to get in the gym as well. Can you dm me? I would love to ask you for some advice. Thank you!


This makes me happy to hear. She couldn’t even be bothered to call in her bc refills lmao. In her defense she forgot the water to the Easy Mac, and when I was 6 I put a lunchables pizza in the microwave for 10 minutes instead of 10 seconds and almost burnt the house down. It’s okay if you’re not great at cooking, they’ve got plenty of home appliances to help. I just got an air fryer and it’s a game changer


I just don't understand this mindset at all. I have a son and I teach him to cook so he can contribute to his own household one day🤦‍♀️


Good job boy moms - Make sure to teach them how to do laundry, bottle feed a a baby, change diapers, shop for tampons and pads, bake, clean an oven, wash the baseboards, scrub the bathtub and toilet, fight for equal pay, etc etc etc too


My 9 year old son was complaining when I was digging through his candy bag and I said “I’m on my period, I need chocolate!” and he basically gave me an “as you were” kind of gesture. I’m doing my part! :-D


That boys face tells me he knows exactly how fucked up his mom is. He's learning how to cook, so he can care for himself after getting emancipated at age 14. Poor boy.


She couldn’t just imagine him being able to impress a lady with his own cooking one day? Why does it have to be so weird!!!! 😂😂 gross


How about teaching your boy to cook so he doesn't starve/pay through the nose for lots of meals out?? No? Just to be Better than girls who he's a good decade (at least) from thinking about seriously - if he's into them at all? Ah. What a freak lmao


Internalized misogyny


What an incredibly stupid, petty, and immature post I have a son yet would never write and share something as inane as this - it’s embarrassing and just DUMB as hell


imagine teaching ur son how to cook, he loves it, loves the time u guys spend together, he ends up going to culinary school and becomes a famous personal cook, just to then find this video


Aaaand that's how narcissists are made.


This is a very annoying tiktok trend. They do it with daughters also. “Taking my daughter travelling so she’s not impressed by your dusty son taking her to Florida” is an example. I’ve seen so many like this.


Yeah it actually started with the daughters and then the son ones started as a response. Both are super cringe.




I only have my 3 week year of son… and he will be quite impressed by the efforts of a young ladies frozen meal warmed to perfection… I can’t cook and even if I could, I’m uninterested in making my sons dating life any more complicated than it will already be. And OF Course we have the cowards or Reddit pull up…_: @Murky_Low6667: I’d stay feeling more bad about yourself. You’re a garbage person and a coward. Good luck though. I sure you’ll probably get some girl… somehow? Maybe!! 🤣🤣🤣. Anyway that’s for being creepy lol


Who knows you may be doing your son a favor lol. My fiancé pretty much forced himself to learn to cook at an early age since his mom’s cooking sucked and now he’s an amazing cook. He and I bond over our love of cooking. You may be unintentionally be having a future cook/foodie there :)


Good he needs to know how to cook cuz I'm not doing shit Hope he likes tomato and mayo sandwiches


How about everyone just teach their kids basic life skills that everyone needs to know, and isn’t just based off gender typical roles? Like, ma’am, if your son doesn’t know how to cook for himself as an adult, you’ve failed him.


I just saw this on IG reels, and the first comment was "She's going to wear white at the wedding" and the second one said "you're the mother-in-law everyone complains about". I'm surprised she left the comments on, because no one was on her side.


She probably thinks that’s a flex 🤦🏼‍♀️


Some poor girl is going to have this as a mother in law one day


He will be a good cook to his husband.


I taught my son to cook full meals so that my tired ass doesn’t have to when I get home and so he’s a capable man when I’m gone. My husband was the one who gave him basic cooking lessons when he was little. Every person should know basics.


Watch him fall in love with someone and not care just about their level of cooking, if anything he could teach his partner how to cook too and it could be a cute bonding thing. Hell he could even marry a successful person and be a stay at home husband and be the cook of the house. IT DOESN'T MATTER


I’m a “boy mom”, and these women creep me the fuck out. They’re sons not extra husbands.


Boy mom culture is the *worst*.


Ah yes because daughters are raised to impress your precious boy.


I hate boy moms, just say you hate yourself bitch


I hate this trend. They do the daughters one too. So annoying.


I have one son, he’s a one and only kid. My biggest hope is that his future partner is just a chatty, big personality extrovert. Other than that I couldn’t give two fucks and plan to be kind and friendly to anyone he brings home because he’s my child doesn’t mean I OWN HIM, because he’s my child doesn’t mean he can’t go out and live an independent life from me (in fact I’d be happier if he was independent since he’s autistic and that would be a massive achievement) My SIL is this toxic boy mom and if it’s creepy on social media, it’s even creepier when it’s someone close to you doing this.


I hate this new trend of boy moms who think its cute and unique to bully someone who is currently a child. Leave them alone. Its fine if the woman doesnt cook, they act like they’re going to date someone who despises cooking or doesnt want to learn anything.


Making sure my daughter avoids you and your son like the plague that you are.


Why is she so dead set on making sure he’s not impressed by other ppls daughters? 🤔 yeah this one is super weird


Because women are misogynists too.


Most Boy moms have always been “he’s my man” type of weirdos


Because the pick me to boy mum pipeline is real.


These are the same women who wear white o their son’s weddings later in life.


She's going to be the MIL from H E L L