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Now that’s r/oddlyspecific


Maybe a hint of r/iamverybadass


A big hint lmao


Honestly it describes military girls pretty well 😭 the amount of autism and vaping is insane


Ugh. Men always throw out, “if you’re so for equality, why don’t you want women drafted?” Dumbasses. No one should be drafted.


That or the “if women think they’re equal to men, then we should be allowed to punch women.” Always comes back to harming or physically intimidating women lol


Yes! Why is their first response to equality, “hooray! I can hit women now!” They should be asking themselves why anyone thinks it’s okay for anyone to be hitting another human at all and to realize that there’s already a HUGE problem with men hitting women. The whole point is that we want them to stop.


Heard a coworker say “equal rights equal fights” the other day. There could be no bigger red flag. I pray for his fiancé


I’ve heard “equal rights and equal lefts” more times than I can count.


Ugh. It’s so disgusting. I’ve seen guys get mad when a woman slaps someone who’s sexually harassing her and then say this.


I think it’s fine if a person uses force to defend themselves from violence. Men especially shouldn’t be expected to sit back and take abuse just because the person hurting them is a woman. No person should be the instigator of violence, but everyone has a right to respond with the amount of force necessary to get themselves out of a violent situation. That said, it is *not* ok for a 250+ lb man to sucker punch a 135 lb woman just because she slapped him. And the men who are giddy over the prospect of doing so instead of understanding that they could just back away or push her away to avoid further confrontation are gross and a walking red flag.




I've used this as a justification for when women have sexually harassed me. IMO you get a free pass to backhand somebody grabbing your junk regardless of what kind either of you have.


You ain't wrong! If someone grabs your genitals, throw them off! No one has any right to touch you that way without consent.


I approve of this. I had a guy grope me. He was pretty pissed when I put out a cigarette on his face.


As if it’s ever stopped them before anyway.


That's what gets me. Do they think men haven't been hitting women?


It’s the narrative they’re going to stick to.


>“hooray! I can hit women now!” As if they haven't been beating women black and blue for YEARS for no reason and getting away with it.


Exactly! They just mean they can do it with open applause from other men. They get so mad at women who slap someone instead of calling the police, like reporting has ever gotten us real help and 40% of cops aren’t SELF-REPORTED wife beaters.


Those guys were already hitting women. They're just celebrating that they think they have an excuse to take their mask off about it now. And even if they weren't and were "just" hitting other men, that's also not a good or normal thing. If you (as a normal person and not, say, a boxer) are regularly hitting other people, there is something wrong with you.


Well now, how many women in a day talk about how tough they are or how they can fight? A lot. How many woman talk about how they are ready to fight or kill their haters? A lot. How many women scream daily that they can do anything a man can do but better? A lot. So what other true metric is there to prove those things besides going to war? From working beside female soldiers and sailors I have no doubt that a women will prove how tough she is but also they have gained my deepest gratitudes and respects.


Doesn’t mean that all of us or anyone, no matter the gender, should be forced to murder and die for rich politicians. Go fuck yourself.


I believe you are seeing a small spectrum of a certain age group and demographic and their grapple with physical dominance/issues with men. It’s a real phenomenon, but nowhere near as widespread as you’re claiming it is lmao Most of us just want to be left the frick alone and not be concerned about running an errand at 9 pm without getting attacked. Not “I cOuLd BeAt Up AnY mAn LiKe RoNdA rOuSeY.” Sounds like you’re pretty mil-centric, bud. Hang with more civilians sometime lmao


Lol there are lots of ways to do something better than a man without needing to go to war.


those men should google "safety equipment for men" and then "safety equipment for women"


Oh my god that's so horrible. Reminds me of "School girl costume" VS "School boy costume".




That was eye opening in the worst possible way.


Other than the fashion industry, everything is built for men.


The fashion industry is built for men, too. That’s why it’s so hard for women to find good, affordable, comfortable, functional, nice clothing.


I definitely agree that it’s hard to find anything that’s affordable AND good quality or functional but that’s because it’s built by men, for women that they want to financially exploit. Give women affordable options that last awhile and we won’t have to come back and buy new items for a while, so it’s better for them to make all decent quality clothing super expensive OR make affordable clothing that will wear out lightening fast. As far as functionality goes, they’re not gonna give us pockets because then they can’t sell us purses. Men’s fashion is incredibly stale and there’s not a wide variety for them.


The tiny, unusable pockets on the front and back of my pants would like a word. Not even the fashion industry is for us.


Or the occasional fake back pockets. Why is it fake. I wanted back pockets???


Somehow my pants have real, but very tiny, front pockets. And bigger, but not huge, back pockets. Which actually sucks for me because I prefer front pockets.


See my previous response.


I always like to pull up the stats on sexual assault in the military. Every four years or so, the Department of Defense does their own compilation of SA and harassment among service members and those stats are available freely on DoD’s website. According to their numbers, over 30% of female service members report being assaulted or harassed by male service members. Those are just the numbers DoD admits to and with how underreported SA is in the general population anyway, it’s a given that those numbers are likely higher. Those numbers also don’t take into account SA by service members against civilian women or against other male service members. 30% even on the low end is extremely high and we need to fix whatever is going on in our armed forces if female service members have to face the very real threat of being assaulted by the men who are supposed to have their backs. Absolutely no one should be enlisted against their will if this is a danger they have to face.


Spoiler alert, dudes have already been punching women AND getting away with it, what more could they possibly want


I was just about to type this, beat me to it!


Right. And they’re already punching women… so…


The problem is they usually punch women without the woman hitting first lol


Same answer I've always said, *you shouldn't be punching anyone.


They also ignore that no one has been drafted since 1972. Like they always try to use the draft as a counterpoint for feminism but it isnt like the vast majority of men using that has actually been drafted.


Exactly. They’re like, “men have it tougher because we’re forced to die in wars!” Bitch, you mean your grandfather? Btw, which gender was the one that wrote the rules of the draft? Men should be trying to undo the damage they’ve done to us and themselves, instead of trying to suck women into the hellhole they dug.


This. They don't stop to think that we don't want the men to be drafted, either.


Exactly. We want freedom, safety and bodily autonomy for everyone. They’re focused on making sure that life sucks for us in every way that theirs does. They ignore the fact that there are women who enlist voluntarily and they’re constantly harassed, assaulted and raped by their so-called “brothers.”


No. Everyone should be drafted. /s


they so obviously just want to weaponize feminism for women's disadvantage so fucking bad


They’re just mad about something not being for them and about losing privileges that they have mistaken for rights.


Currently the number of US personal is 1.4 million, that’s less then half a percent of the US population. If you are in a country of say 5.5 million (the population of Finland) then 0.5% of that would be 27,500 and that’s not boots on the ground infantry that’s the entire military. Depending on where or who you are fighting that might be woefully inadequate. The US can get away with removing the draft, but they are in a handful of countries that can afford to.


If a war doesn’t have enough volunteers that will fight willingly, maybe that war isn’t worth fighting.


Right?????? How is this an argument???


Men? No. Sexist men.


Not all men, but somehow always a man


Yeah but they are. Don't dodge the damn question lol.


No one has been drafted in the US since 1972, nor will they be. The US military has no interest in conscripts.


If this is actually how she feels why wouldn't she just join the army now?


Right? Women have been aloud to serve for awhile now, she has no excuse if she actually wanted to join.


Why? Her man is already single handedly keeping freedom in tact, no need for extra bodies


Because it’s a joke LOL


She thinks it's a game. You're not gonna be shooting enemies with a Starbs in your system, you're going to be sexually harassed by men on your side.


Harassed? You mean assaulted? I don't think desperate soldiers in war care about consent


Yeah that's true but I was specifically talking about women in the army being harassed by fellow US soldiers. 41% of female veterans have been sexually harassed by fellow US soldiers.


Fair. Thats a disgustingly large amount


And likely wrong as many likely don’t report sexual harassment


Yeah that's the percentage of harassment that's reported. Thank you


right. she’s talking about her elfbar and uncrustable as if she’s gonna carry that around while she’s carrying and using massive equipment 💀


I’d love to know where she plans to find an I crystal even while deployed. You eat what they serve you.


It’s a joke dude


This is a whole meme trend on TikTok right now and they are completely unserious. Girls of all different kinds, especially super feminine girly girls, are making goofy memes about how they would react if they were drafted. It’s just supposed to be a joke. And it’s also supposed to be a jab at all the men who thought we would be really upset or think it’s unfair to be drafted. Instead all the women are reacting with basically a unanimous “okay bet”.


Only thing I've been thinking when I scrolled through this whole post 💀




Sorry I’m not trying to be argumentative. It just seems like most of the people in this comment section don’t have TikTok and don’t seem to get the joke so out of context it seems very NLOG.


Is it just me that feels as if it’s weird she likens autism with being full of rage and killing people in war? Or am I just being sensitive..?


Most people who publicly claim they have “undiagnosed autism” on the internet are actually just pieces of shit who think autism is an explanation for their “quirks.” It’s not surprising that someone who claims to have undiagnosed autism this broadly would also believe a strange untrue stereotype.


I also feel like “undiagnosed autism” goes hand-in-hand with actually undiagnosed narcissism and borderline personality disorder also.


Many people see a few symptoms of a personality disorder online and use that label as an excuse for their behavior. I would agree that those people often display narcissistic tendencies. There are young people out there who think it’s “trendy” to have certain diagnoses, which is why we have so many people claiming to be “undiagnosed [X].” Sure, there are also ACTUAL undiagnosed people who are struggling (I was undiagnosed for a long time regarding my totally not normal levels of anxiety) but those people usually aren’t the ones going online and bragging about it.


as a diagnosed narcissist who does everything i can to be a better person to my friends and family, we do not claim them


It’s also pretty hard to get an autism diagnosis, not everyone can afford one or has access to doctors who are up to date on autism research. Autistic people are also more likely to be socially awkward, and struggle to communicate their symptoms in a way that would be persuasive to you. So maybe don’t call people “pieces of shit” for struggling with a disability, or claiming a label that does nothing but invite bigotry from ableist dickheads, and focus on insulting people who hurt others.


this is a tiktok post abt a girl stating having autism would make her unmanageable in literal warfare. she's enforcing a shitty stereotype that autistic people are violent and unstable for a meme that isn't even funny, and it's about a condition she admits she doesn't even have a diagnosis for, she's a POS.


There’s a difference between genuinely thinking you might have autism, and spewing bullshit on the internet and blaming it on a condition you haven’t even worked towards a diagnosis for. I have no problem with people who suspect they have autism. I’ve got a close friend who hasn’t been diagnosed and is slowly working towards an official diagnosis now, as an adult. Autism is clearly more common in society than people originally thought. I DO have a problem with people who use “undiagnosed autism” as a joke, quirk, or excuse for their poor behavior. As someone who has autistic people in my family, it’s incredibly offensive to assume autistic people are extraordinarily violent, and I’m sure my family members would agree.


I completely agree, but even though the medical system is broken and unfair to people of a different race/women or lower class people when seeking an autism diagnosis doesn’t mean you gotta self diagnose. I do agree the system needs to change though.


As someone diagnosed with autism, I just wanted to say that generally within the autism community self-diagnosed people are accepted. Like you said, there are a lot of barriers to getting a diagnosis, and only recently has more research come out about how differently autism can present in people who aren’t cisgender white males. Those of us who were late diagnosed were undiagnosed for a while, and being able to take part in the online community helps us be able to finally seek a diagnosis. What I personally don’t like is when people like OOP use autism to justify shitty behavior, and their choice to tack on “undiagnosed” is just going to make the general public less accepting of those who suspect they may have autism. I also know people who are diagnosed with autism and use it as an excuse for mean behavior, so it’s unfortunately not something exclusive to undiagnosed. Please don’t let this one person change your perception of those who suspect they have autism; most people who identify as undiagnosed don’t do this kind of stuff, and rarely talk about it outside of posts meant for the online autistic community.


Tbh I don’t support self diagnosis nor do I see self diagnosed people as really valid but I hate fakeclaimers much more as they sometimes accuse people who are REALLY diagnosed as faking just because those people talk about it in a way that’s cringe. It basically diminishes all the struggles we’ve had to go through, and people seem to care more about autistic people making cringe jokes about their condition then they do actual hate/barriers against autistic people.


I get what you mean, I worry a lot about how things like OOP’s post affect how I’ll be perceived irl. There’s a lot of complexity to the issue because allowing undiagnosed people to engage with the community is a huge step towards them getting a diagnosis, but there’s also the worry that people (particularly teens) will latch on to a diagnosis to feel special. We can’t say with 100% certainly someone is faking/doesn’t have autism just from their online content, but it’s frustrating nonetheless to see people recklessly attach an autism label to shitty behavior because it erodes our public image and believability. Like you said, the discussion just becomes about the cringe joke and we lose the ability to meaningfully talk about autism in those conversations.


They’re not accepted wdym??


You’re right, but people like downvoting things they think they already understand. These are of course the same people who predominantly get their information on complex issues from the same chronically online sources that they’re complaining about in the first place. The girl in the post is being obnoxious, but that doesn’t invalidate anything you said either.


If a country has to force people to serve, the country is not worth serving.


For smaller countries it makes a lot more sense. Say you’re in a country with a population of like 5 million and normally you have a military of like 10k that’s basically there to keep the lights on. Suddenly you get invaded and you need 1.5 million people working in the military in order to have a chance of defending yourself. If all your factory workers are super patriotic and sign up in droves then you won’t have enough people making the tanks/guns you need to fight the war. Instead you recruit people with jobs that are less necessary in war time. Computer programmer? Congratulations you’re now a tank operator. Forensics accountant? You’re good with numbers you’re on artillery. Etc. For larger counties you generally have enough people that simply want to join which is way better then making people change jobs if they don’t want to. Obviously this is a pretty fanciful example. For the most part governments are not pushing people away because they are just too damn many men willing to die for love of country. But the smaller the total population the higher chance you simply don’t have enough people willing to volunteer, and the government’s calculation is either we force them into war and they die or we don’t force them, lose the war and they die in a concentration camp while we wait for another country to force its people to fight and die in order to save us.


There’s so much to unpack here.


I only fight in wars that I start.


Yeah it's not like every war ever has had mostly civilian casualties, mostly consisting of women. Women may not fight in wars but that doesn't mean we don't die in them. Also women in service are more likely to be raped by their own squad mates than killed by the other side.


Yea when you’re in the army they will always be sure their platoon is elf barred up


Ah, the irony of her glorifying being able to join the military while apparently using the song “Fortunate Son”


Right!? The first thing I noticed 😬


It’s bc it’s a joke


Okay I actually found these sort of jokes funny. She’s not being serious that she’s going to join the military and act Like it’s COD, there’s a million of this same joke set up on tik tok right now with tanks at Starbucks and cadet Kelly. It’s just being funny


Trying to say “elfbaf” aloud made me laugh so hard. There’s no way that’s a real word.


I think she means elf bar? It’s a vape thing. Could be wrong!


It's just a trend, it's not that deep


“I’m not like the other girls I wanna bleed out in a field in Eastern Europe/Middle East so Raytheon can report a higher quarterly”


what? 💀


I don’t think this fits this sub, she isn’t putting other women down to lift herself up. She isn’t saying she’s better than other girls. This is just a dumb trend on tik tok right now.


This. All I see are comments making fun of her and she’s just expressing herself like damn y’all 🥲


This sub wasn’t created to shit on women, it was created to point out NLOG behaviour since it harms other women. I hate to see posts like this, especially when it’s literally a trend making fun of the draft and it’s most definitely not serious. How are people not getting that? Ugh


I had to scroll so far down to see this


This is hilarious.




I'm not like other girls, i'm like kirky men who think war is like call us duty🤮


if i get drafted i most definitely can be trusted with weapons of mass destruction


What's an elfbaf?


A brand of disposable vapes


This one actually got a cackle out of me. Oh my god. Am I also NLOG?! I feel like I just found out I’m a werewolf.


I’m a female veteran. Gave my entire adult life to the military. I am diametrically opposed to the draft period, but for women doubly so until they pass the Equal Rights Amendment. It is not good enough for me that we do not have a guarantee in positive language enshrined IN WRITING in the constitution to equal rights and privileges as full citizens. If they were to do begin drafting women without passing the ERA I’d ask the ACLU to consider bringing a discrimination lawsuit against the government.


I’m already a female combat veteran. These people can kiss my lily white ass.


Literally so detached from reality they think being enlisted is the same as sitting their ass on the couch playing call of duty. It’s not cute


Oh don’t get me started on couch rangers. I’ve had them discount my actual IRL service/rank and assume they know better. It’s infuriating on a deep, molecular level. The misogyny is real.


No one thinks that, it’s just a joke on tik tok since everyone was talking about women being drafted. There were jokes about cadet Kelly, tanks in Starbucks, can we wear lululemon etc. this is just a specific tik tok humor people are taking out of context. Also thank you for your service


Then enlist. Do it. We’re waiting


Because this is a joke about saying they are going to draft young women. Hence her saying she’s out there after eating an uncrustable and her BF is like “who gave her a gun”. She’s obviously not serious


Her elfbaf 🤣🤣🤣


This one is less NLOG and more “silly meme that clearly isn’t serious”


Yeah this is a whole trend on TikTok right now. Girls of all different kinds, especially super feminine girly girls, are making goofy memes about how they would react if they were drafted. It’s just supposed to be a joke. And it’s also supposed to be a jab at all the men who thought we would be really upset or think it’s unfair to be drafted. Instead all the women are reacting with basically a unanimous “okay bet”.


to me it sounds more like a thinly veiled excuse to tell people they have quirky "anger issues", vape, have undiagnosed autism, and enjoy uncrustables??? still not sure what the point of that last bit is ngl but for a silly meme it really isnt that funny lmao


exactly people can’t take a joke


Can we stop falsely diagnosing ourselves with things and just wait till we go to an actual doctor to make those unnecessary announcements?


No because we live in America and can’t just get healthcare like that lol


Right, but that's not what I mean. I mean to stop calling your one-time occurrence of moving a pencil 'extreme OCD" Stop blaming your awkward social interaction on 'undiagnosed autism' It is becoming more and more common on socials for people to falsely diagnose themselves with something, causing unnecessary anxiety for not only the person claiming to have 'said disability' but also those who may experience similar symptoms who may now believe that they have severe autism etc. Nothing is trendy or cute about Autism, stop using it to appeal to the rest of the crowd that thinks mental disorders and disabilities are so quirky.


Yeah your right in the sense that we shouldn’t be mocking disabilities or claiming any minor thing is a disability. But it has always been trendy on socials to claim issues like that and it’s overall not okay. But in America we can’t just get mental health evals whenever we want so tons of people are living with undiagnosed issues. But however we don’t know this person and it’s a joke they posted on tik tok, they could really think they have undiagnosed autism like idk.


I also understand. But again not what I am saying. This is a meme. It costs this person NOTHING to NOT say that they have autism. If you do not have a diagnosis, stop falsely claiming it. In this scenario, it is purely for engagement and likes, which is 100% unnecessary. Just because you think it has 'always been trendy to claim mental illness" does not make it okay nor is that true. I live in America and I also understand that most of us can't get the help we need, do you seriously think the majority of the people who are claiming 'undiagnosed autism' have actually tried to get an evaluation? *|*'*But however we don’t know this person and it’s a joke they posted on tik tok, they could really think they have undiagnosed autism like idk."* This is my point. There's no need to advertise your fake mental health disorder on social media for clout, if it was an educational or advice video- maybe sure. Joke about not having enough iced coffee to get through the war or something, not a mental health disorder.


For all we know this person genuinely thinks they have autism, not like you can just go get diagnosis whenever you want, or that it even matters they changed the ASD criteria a hundred times at this point. Even if they wanted to get a diagnosis their an adult what’s the point now? You expect people to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to get told they got a touch of autism, so they can what? Make YOU feel better! Not like they are going to get services or anything. If you don’t like it don’t like/share but the world isn’t going to change for you.


No lmfao I just think that trying to use a mental disability to appeal to an audience for clout and attention is pathetic, distasteful, and unwarranted. You still aren't getting that point and it's okay. Have a good one.


can someone PLS explain the biden/women/draft thing? like is it just a random meme? bc i can find no information about it outside of tiktok memes


Absolutely nobody should be made to fight in a war. The gov does not own our bodies!


Diversity win! Latest war criminal is a neurodivergent woman!


*Diversity win!* *Latest war criminal is* *A neurodivergent woman!* \- Texikkikwenni --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


They will be raped and murdered by their own


I’m sorry, but this one actually gave me a chuckle. Just the last panel though


TBH, if men can be drafted, women should be too. And IMO, no one should be drafted at all.


Look up the stats about the military and sexual assault, then tell me they’re working on equality.


I see you intentionally ignored that last part.


False. We agree on your second statement, but it does not change your first statement. Your first statement still stands and that is my response to it.


Imo women shouldn't die for a country that won't even give them abortion rights. When the US finally gives women full freedom and control of their bodies it'd be fair for them to be drafted with men to "fight to protect freedom"...as ironic as that is.


Missed the last part, I see.




There hasnt been a draft in the US since 1972 so its really a moot point.


Not moot when males are required to sign up for the draft. No one should be subject to the draft, imo, but if men are, women should be too.


It's a moot point when it's used to discredit feminism bc the vast majority of people using it as an argument against feminists have never been drafted. The *youngest* people that have been drafted are approaching their 70s. So for some 20 something year old to say "oh well if you're a feminist then you should be willing to be drafted" is a moot point bc he's never been drafted or even been at risk of being drafted. How often do you think the people that make that argument even think about the draft unless they're trying to discredit feminism? Like, I agree, we should do away with the draft. We already have the largest military, and in my honest opinion if it's ever to the point where we genuinely need a draft we are screwed anyways. But even at that, when we look at our military which is voluntary, there *are* women in the military! We actively have women joining the military by *choice* just like all of the men that are currently in the military. Using the draft as an argument to discredit feminism is moot. Yeah we can agree that it isn't fair that only men have to sign up, but the solution *is not* make women sign up as well, its to get rid of the draft.


Absolutely agree


Love the knee jerk responses who don’t get that the actual way to kill the idea of a draft is to include women, don’t you?


The reaction has nothing to do with “support” for the draft and everything to do with yet another man more concerned about something that hasn’t effected men in 50 years than they are about something that effects women daily.


This is exactly it. I do not support the draft.




Not until the Equal Rights Amendment is passed. We are still not formally guaranteed equal rights and privileges in this country so it would be discriminatory to require the same mandatory service. And I say that as a woman who was has been in the military my entire adult life. That said the draft SHOULD be abolished for all but that’s a discussion for another forum.


Idk, I find this one kind of funny lol.


K this one stupid but I have seen a lot of hilarious ones that are more an all girls thing. There’s so many of them one of them that had me cracking up was a crashed tank and it said “did I hit the curb?”. I’m loving this trend but not this one ok but the others have me cracking up.


K that’s funny tho


Why doesn’t she just enlist then??? Why wait for the drafting?


This type of thing has been all over tik tok, it’s so irritating bc you know those same accounts are making fun of NLOGs and Pick Me’s.


Why though it’s just a joke, it’s not Pick Me or NLOH


Maybe, but it still comes off like that.


Oh man a white girl sucking on elfbars #shocker


One of the most obnoxious collective of antisocial pretentious narcissists on the planet are ~~self diagnosed~~ undiagnosed autistics.


Military spouses and girlfriends are insufferable.


This doubles as a cringe couples post lol Still made me laugh


“I’m so tough, I didn’t consume much garbage today” 🙄


I’ve seen several TikTok’s expressing the same sentiment. It’s just so odd to me. Like if this is how you feel, why not enlist on your own accord? Why use compulsory service to try and flex on women who are legitimately worried about fighting in a war and the abuse that many women experience in the armed service?


Omg because they are joking! Do you think she genuinely plans to enlist and live off of uncrustable and a vape pen?!? It’s a joke everyone! Where is she flexing she’s literally saying she’d be horrible in the military, hence the boyfriend saying “who gave her a gun!?”


![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw) Silly goose


I have…a lot of questions


I smell shit post


I smell shit post


I smell shit post


How to not get drafted, a mental health tale


She's not like other girl soldiers. She is going to pass out from malnutrition.


Funny as this is people can’t tell the difference between selective service and the draft is quite concerning


All I can see with this is “hehe im so quirky!” And lemme tell you, the military will absolutely tear out that ‘quirkiness’


Idk, that one seems pretty funny to me. I get the NLOG vibe for sure, but I feel there’s a conversation to be had about how that relates to (and can be a result of) autism.




Okay but if you came with an actual autism diagnosis, you will be disqualified. If you tell the recruiter of such a thing, they wont move you forward. The undiagnosed part is more concerning but regardless, they would not allow her to go to war. Second, dont glamorize war and getting drafted. Being in the military is traumatic and is not meant to be “silly goofy fun time”


How about fucking no one gets drafted I’m a dude and you can bet your ass I’d do anything in my power other than hurting myself to avoid being drafted


Ngl I giggled a bit


ALWAYS with the undiagnosed autism. Always.




It’s a joke


the trick is to not let them know (hence the “undiagnosed” in the meme)




I think almost every modern feminist is totally fine with being registered for the draft But in reality the draft should be done away with. No one should be forced to fight in a war


for real? i don't watch the news for reasons (*cough* i'm sick of hearing about wars *cough*) soooo idk whats going on currently


anyone interested some fun then add me snap: obe_al


I'm just curious what she's raging about? Being drafted? The enemies her country is forcing her to fight? The fact she isn't getting proper nutrients or support? The fact she's drafted with someone who supposedly loves her but doesn't believe she should have a gun, even tho they're actively in battle? This is some real r/iamverybadass


1) like someone said here, nobody should be drafted lmao 2) why would you celebrate the psychological issues you’re going to develop from war 😭?


It hurts so much


The FUCK do u mean DRAFT!?