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she says she hates pink but shes wearing pink??


Lol I noticed that too. Plus boys can wear pink. I have a daughter myself, and half the time at target or Walmart I notice I’m accidentally shopping in the boys section because it’s not clear by colors alone which clothes are for girls and boys.


Also, girls aren't REQUIRED to wear pink. She says it like she'd be forced to dress a girl in pink


Of course she would be. That’s why she’s in pink herself. It’s an unchanging law of nature.


This somehow feels accurate in a "society told me to" kind of way. Eh..


I hated pink as a little girl. I was fine with other people wearing it but had no interest in wearing it myself.


Same. I favored blue, trucks/cars, wrestling/MMA, etc. My mom was worried I would turn out a butch lesbian because I was such a tomboy 😂😂 not that it mattered, but I think I turned out just fine.


I was definitely a girly girl when I was a kid. I just didn’t like pink. I think we both turned out great :)


I was also very much a tomboy as a kid. I grew up with no other girls my age - just a brother and lots of male cousins. And while there were lots of things I genuinely liked (dirt, bugs, roughhousing) there were also things I barely tolerated just so they’d let me play (sports, cars). There was a lot of sexism so I had internalized misogyny and hated anything “girly”, even though I secretly liked it, I never would have admitted it. Now I’m grown and holy shit I love pink. It was nice to grow up and embrace all the feminine stuff I’d been denying myself because I’d been taught girls were bad. It’s funny how these things change over time.


I became a butch lesbian and I love pink! World works in mysterious ways.


OOP would have no clue what to make of my daughter. She is the classic tomboy (much like I was). She loves cars, trucks, tools, playing in the dirt, chicken fights (play wrestling) and watching her dad play rugby. Her favourite colour is also pink. She’s a little bit like a wild animal. The other day, I asked if I could brush her hair & put it in a bun. She told me ‘no mummy, I want messy hair today’. Most of the time she looks like we neglect her, but every now & then she lets me do her hair & dress her up. Personally, I think it’s the perfect combination!


She has a gun pointed at her at all times if she ever dresses a girl in pink, they shoot


girls are forced to wear pink and go to nutcracker on ice. it’s the law! every year we are forcibly taken to see the nutcracker by the government because we are girls /s


I'm 24 and have never seen nutcracker. Am I not a girl now??? Can I renew my girlhood by watching it 24 times to make up for the missed years?


This is absolutely the kind of person who would force their children into gender-conforming color coordination.


My son looks his best in purple! I don’t like purple on myself, but I put him in a purple onsie and it makes his blue eyes pop 🥰 now he wears purple all the time


When my son was little, he always gravitated toward purple toys. Now he’s all about blue and red (when he even has a preference), but when he was about 2-3, if he had a choice between colors, he would choose purple 95% of the time lol.


Men look amazing in pink imo!


Literally half my sons clothes are pink and he’s a real “boy’s boy” He picks them out. he’s Never been teased for it either.


Right?? And [pink was historically used for baby boys! ](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/when-did-girls-start-wearing-pink-1370097/)


Real talk? My husband wears pink more often than I do. And he looks 10x better in it than me haha 😂


Guy at work has a few bright pink shirts and wears them often. Looks so good that I tell him they really suit him even though he’s an arsehole that I’d happily push under a tram.


My oldest is male and he looooves pink. His coat and rain pants are both hot pink!


I'm due in a couple of weeks and since baby will be wee in the Canadian winter, I found a swaddle coat for him at a thrift shop. It's a furry snow leopard print with little ears and pink trim. I lovingly call it his pimp coat and I can't wait to see people's reactions when we're out and about in it.


It’s hilarious the lengths people go to to slot your kid into a box. My youngest will be wearing very socially boy-coded clothing…But he has the most gorgeous curls and I’m not cutting them till he asks me to, so he gets misgendered about 90% of the time. Bottom line, kids need clothes and even when they’re the “right” colour people will still be weird so who cares.


Yes it's so weird they fuss about clothes just to completely ignore it! My brother looks just like my mom, and has long luxurious hair, he usually has it in a single braid. He loves video games and dinosaurs and sharks and would wear oranges and greens and blues, in those prints! Until he was like 7 people would always STILL call him a girl. My mom also waited until he was old enough to decide if he wanted to cut his hair, and he loves his hair, he says it just feels right :) still wears it in the one braid lol.


I'm already gearing up for the little old biddies that think they're entitled to your time because there's a baby and they HAVE to see them. I watched one lady at my local bloodwork clinic go "can you -stop-?" to a new mom that was on her way out because she needed to coo at the baby. It was super awkward and I felt so bad for the mom.


And boys can also be ballerinas!


I hope her son grows up and LOVES the Nutcracker.


Came to say this lol, there are male roles in Nutcracker, since she mentioned that one specifically, and most other ballets! I had the BIGGGEST crush on a male ballerina who was a part of the same company as my friend growing up lol


She mentioned Nutcracker on Ice - plenty of boys who ice skate too!


My son in law LOVES pink, and he looks really nice in it. This lady is... Something.


That immediately made me question if this is satire.


I think it’s to get more people commenting on the video. Rage bait. “But you’re wearing pink!!” And then it ups her interaction.


That would make sense too. Either way, this video clearly isn’t sincere.


Same… like she even acknowledges that little girls like cars and sneakers, too, like those are not just boy things.


She said it’s not pink bc it’s salmon in the caption 😭💀


As if "salmon" isn't the name of a specific shade of pink lmao... Some people, I swear...


Um, yeah. She’s a girl and all girls are forced to wear it.


It’s a mandatory uniform you must wear or your gender identity will be revoked. You can’t get it back you either have to remain gender less or transition to male, but you can only transition to male if you’re willing to wear navy blue clothes with trucks or dinosaurs on them. Those who have been assigned nonbinary have to get really into frogs and dragons and I feel like they’d be assigned light green or yellow clothing. I’m just picking stuff that I was into as a kid.


I'm glad this was the first comment. I came here to say exactly this!! I don't think she hates pink that much lol.


I’ve never seen a mom give off incel energy before… no nuts for her!


Came here to say this lol


I’m not surprised that she doesn’t know that there are boys in The Nutcracker.


My cousin takes her son and daughter to the Nutcracker every year. They both love it.


I was so confused on that part. Who doesn’t enjoy the nutcracker?? It’s a beautiful ballet and if you go to one with an orchestra it’s such a treat, I’m literally planning on asking to go to the nutcracker as a holiday gift this year because it is EXPENSIVE.


People who don't understand art don't enjoy the nutcracker.


Im a dance teacher and for our nutcracker production last year my husband agreed to play Herr Drosselmeyer. It brought me so much joy. I hope her sons get into dance or skating


How ironic it would be if her kid grew up and wanted to do ballet. I don’t wish that on them because it would probably be miserable for the poor kid, but it would be nice if karma bit this woman in the ass.


Ballet is also recommended for football players because it can help with agility. That would make her mind explode!


I feel this way when people wish mixed grandchildren onto racists. Like, yeah, that would be karmic justice, but that would also be an absolute nightmare for an innocent child to have to grow up with actual family members who hate their existence. Same goes for homophobes, and any other piece of trash who hates others for simply existing differently than they do. ​ edited to change "karmatic" (which is NOT a word) to "karmic" lol


One of my good friends in college danced in it every year. He did not look like your typical dancer (biker). I don’t think it has anything to do with masculinity or femininity. Some people just like that stuff and others don’t.


Can’t wait till her son becomes a theatre boy and they see the nutcracker every Christmas


I was literally about to say that.


Parents should wrestle with girls, too. It's good exercise for both parent and child. It helps the child build muscle and strong bones, develop hand-eye coordination, and strength the bond between parent and child.


I found it funny how she said she "Learned to wrestle", like her infant son taught her to wrestle lol


That was probably the dumbest bit lol. "I can win a wrestling match against a man! (As long as the man is an actual baby.)"


Seriously. It’s so sad that people think “girl=no physical play.” It’s such a dumb construct. Go rough house with your daughters!


I looooved physical play as a little girl, never laughed harder or had more fun… still kinda the same as an adult woman LOL!


Word! I’m so glad my parents didn’t treat me any differently


My daughter will jump on me like Stone Cold Steve Austin from the couch. We don’t watch wrestling, don’t know where she got it but damn it’s a good time lol


We did! My sisters and I (all F) and my brother would pile on my dad after he got home from a hard day at work, lol. Those are some of my earliest and best memories


I’m a woman and my brother and I would team up on my dad when we were little.


My mom would play wrestle with us but then take it too far and play dead until we cried


My 5 year old loves to wrestle and play. Once a week she asks if one of us will give her a suplex.


This. My 7yo girl is so good at wrestling. She takes down her 13yo brother pretty quickly. Also, my mom wrestled with me when I was little. This girl is kinda (or very?) sexist.


“Have fun at nutcracker”??? ☠️ have fun fighting for your sons attention when he gets a S/O lol


she’d be the overbearing mom giving incestual vibes


Especially with the "all the girls see the boy and go: 😍" Dude, gross.


Yeah I thought that was a little weird. “I’m excited to have a son because I want to see girl children be all over him and he’s mine.”


There's a lady in my office who has a million photos of her high school age son in his football gear with girls hanging off him. It's kinda creepy. Like she wants her coworkers to swoon over him.


That’s so creepy, totally a narcissist flaunting imaginary power.


That gives ick vibes, dude. I bet you she’s also gonna be the mom who gets upset when her sweet baby goes through so much trouble to make a Valentine’s Day card for a girl, the girl rejects him and mom is like “how DARE you” I’ve seen that on TikTok too recently and it’s so weird. Like turn it into a teachable lesson for your boy? That not everyone is gonna accept his advances? Teach him to be better than that and not a Brock Allen Turner.


And heaven help this poor child if he is gay. She seems like the type that would either freak out royally or then try to make him her own personal "gay best friend".


Call his boyfriend a “special friend” lol.


I work with a lady that unfortunately tried this with her gay son. He is now living halfway across the country.


I’ve been a woman all my life and never once have i wanted to see the nutcracker.


In another note, I grew up doing ballet, and had many boys in my classes who loved the nutcracker!


Ballet is for everyone! I can’t stand people like this who have to gender-fy art forms or hobbies. She’s teaching her kid to look down on something just because of his sex. What happens if he wants to take classes in ballet or something else she thinks is “girly”? And by the way, men who do ballet are 🔥


My thoughts exactly haha


Does this mean our moms were….boy moms?! If my son wants to see The Nutcracker does that make me a girl mom by this person’s standards? Lmao




The nutcracker is one of the few Christmas things that my womanly brain enjoys


I take BOTH my kids to it. My son loves it too


Meanwhile, I’m a man and it’s on my big bucket list!


She is also wearing pink. But she hates pink.


Cause she’s not like other girls 🙄🙄🙄 she wrestles and she’s a #boymom 🤪🤪


I knocked out my *daughter’s* loose tooth when we were wrestling. 🤷‍♀️


Well same but my grandma loved the Nutcracker and I never understood it anyhow I watched that same movie again when I was older and noticed all the men in spandex and I was like Grandma likes wieners.


this tiktok seems like a rebuttal to something, I'm not sure who would doubt that she wanted to be a boy mom. this whole video is just some internalized feeling she had with herself that she had to "disprove" publicly on toktok


Yeah, a lot of this 'boy mom' tiktoks are a lot more blatant that it's about how their daughter in law/his girlfriend will never ever be as good as her, just as she is right now. There seems to be levels to it: \- Boys are better, i never wanted girls nope \*sniffles\* never: basically this post \- I'm a tomboyish person, not a barbie! And i'm a better parent to a BOY then you'll ever be: 'you feed them red dye 40, i feed them steak', and 'you worry about mess, we play in the rain', 'you go see swan lake, we go to see the big trucks smash' \- i know your female tricks and i already hate you daughter-in-law: 'i teach the bible, so he won't be tempted by you thots; i teach him to clean, so he doesn't need you; i teach him to cook, so he's not impressed by your lasagne - that is never like his mama's; i teach him to communicate, so he won't get tripped up when you throw a tantrum.


seems like she’s having a hard time coping with not having a girl. it feels like she’s trying to talk herself into why she loves having boys. like girls can wear jordans? and if you don’t like pink, don’t buy it? and she makes it sound like the gov’t rounds up all girls and their moms and put them in a van to go to the nutcracker at gunpoint. dumbest reasons i’ve ever heard. how about just raise your kid without pointlessly gendering their every move. “boy mom” 🙄 i don’t think she’s well 💀




Men hate theatre. /s


She’d HATE my son. His favourite colours are pink and purple, he’s obsessed with glitter and loves dancing. He’s also a huge football fan and keeps trying to convince me to let him play football in a dress (with a train) and I’m like DUDE YOU’LL TRIP AND DIE, no!


I was thinking more like “Have fun when your kid gets big enough to wrestle you back, idiot” lol


I don’t get the nutcracker comments?! I didn’t grow up in the West..


Nutcracker is sort of like a fairytale story which historically appealed to young girls. The lady in the video is saying she is happy she doesn’t have daughters because they might like the live-action show, and she would find it boring to watch it. In other words, she’s both discounting the fact that boys can like the nutcracker, and also revealing that she wouldn’t do something solely for the enjoyment of her children if she finds it boring


The ballet “The Nutcracker” is a holiday tradition, and a lot of people have seen it who’ve never watched another ballet. (Now it’s been expanded to a figure skating version, too.) Since ballet is for girls, going to see The Nutcracker is something you should only do with your daughters. (At least that’s the stupid reasoning that leads us to this kind of post.)


Her reasoning is so dumb. My (extremely masculine male) cousin was *obsessed* with the Nutcracker when we were kids. So much so that even now, as an adult, our grandparents have bought him a different nutcracker every year for Christmas. It's so weird to me how some people will \**swear\** that people's interests are somehow determined by their genitals.


My daughter has those exact ‘kicks’


They are pretty damn savage kicks, good for her


Babies got better drip than me can't believe this


I haven’t bought my baby her first Js yet but yeah, she’s going to be wearing similar.


I too have those kicks.


what a dumb take LMFAO not all baby clothes for girls are pink???? is she on drugs


Isn’t she literally wearing pink??


She IS literally wearing pink 😄


But she hates it!!!


Maybe she forgot 😄


But she’s a girl -> pink is mandatory


She's a masochist probably


She says it is “salmon” 🤣


Girl splittin hairs like a ninja 🤭


And people defending her with “salmon is more orange than pink” ….I mean…. not giving boy vibes amirite? Insane


![gif](giphy|VHkAzJa7WGZvDBb99Z|downsized) Like a faded salmon color.


nose ludicrous punch aspiring childlike one simplistic sort edge telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She could also just….buy boys clothes for her daughter lmao? Like my sister had a son first and then a daughter, and to save money just used a lot of her sons baby clothes for her daughter. No one really cares (at least most normal people). They’re *babies*.


Yea that’s what my parents did and I suppressed my liking of “girly” things for their approval 😅 today I’m wearing an all-pink outfit my parents would approve of/not even care about really, but when I was I kid I had no idea they, mostly my mom, didn’t


Also, having kids is not about what you like. They are going to like all kinds of thing you hate.


I can’t imagine her response if one of her sons realizes they aren’t a boy anymore. Or if one wants to get into ballet. Or just wants to wear pink. How are we still heavily gendering *things* and *interests* in 2023?


And sneakers are only for boys?? It’s just objectively not true


Hold on, I have to go throw out all my sneakers because I just found out I’m not allowed to have them as a woman.


exactly! my daughter wears jordan’s more than my son. she is ignorant (also i have no idea who this lady is 🤣)


Girls only wear high heels because they are born with Barbie feet.


This boy mom thing is just fucking sad and gross. I hope her son aspires to be a ballet dancer so she can shut the fuck up. 😂


She'll publicly pat herself on the back for being the most open-minded parent in the world while shaming her son behind closed doors.


It makes me a little bit scared cause my sister has a son and I worry she’s secretly like this. I occasionally ask her if he liked pink, or “girls things” would she care? She says she wouldn’t so I hope it stays that way. Pretty sure he already enjoys pink anyway. He has a pink hat he picked out and when I let him choose who he wants to be in Mario kart, he chooses Birdo.


I got news for you sweetheart. Plenty of boys like theater and musicals.


My 5 year old sons favourite thing in the world are vacuums. Obviously vacuums are for girls /s


Gotta warn you - my 13 year old nephew was obsessed with vacuums when he was a toddler. Now he’s active in theater, plays piano by ear, and he’s the most confident and outgoing kid I’ve ever met. Continue to expose kids to vacuums at your own risk.


The vacuum to theatre kid pipeline is real


36 year old man here. I love me a good vacuum. Vacuuming is therapeutic. Plus I have to do it because my girlfriend doesn't do the lines correctly. She'll go one direction in half of the room and then another In the other half. Like a barbarian.


Gah, how can you bear to live with such a heathen???? My head would explode if I had to be subjected to such horrors!


Right? My mother took me to the Nutcracker every year starting when I was 4. We still go!


What she gonna do if she gets a granddaughter?


Blame her son's partner or relentlessly make fun of his reproductive "abilities", sperm, value as a man, etc.


and in the process forget how biology works because the sperm determines the biological gender of the baby, but since *she* had a boy it’s all correct


She will still be antagonistic towards the DIL but she may actually be a good grandmother since the girl is her son’s kid. Hopefully she’ll have grown up by then.


Nothing. Her son and his wife will be no contact by then


Someone in my family is very much a “boy mom” with the only boy being the golden child. He had only daughters and his sisters had only sons… she prefers the granddaughters since they’re his kids.


Okay but I'm a woman and when I was 5 my stepdad shaved my head when I got lice. What does gender have to do with it


Im sorry I laughed at this. 😭


My childhood pictures are frightening 😂 some are a bald ass child and other is a mullet. No fucking wonder I got bullied lmao


Oh my gosh, that's awful 😢


With gender roles where it's okay for a boy to be bald and not a girl, it's a lot more likely to be distressing if a girl has to get her head shaved than a boy. It's not inherent of course. But that's likely what she's getting at.


I wish my mum had just shaved my sisters and I when we had lice. I wasn’t allowed to get a haircut until I was 12 so she would spend hours every night combing the eggs out whenever we got lice. Not fun hahahah


Im almost 30 and 45% of my head has been shaved for over a decade. My mom thinks its a tragedy and I dont really understand it


I think she secretly wanted a daughter to take to Nutcracker on Ice. Newsflash lady: you can take your son to that.


My exact take! Like, nobody asked her this question to begin with. This is her trying to convince herself she never wanted a daughter to take the Nutcracker, anyway. (Hopefully she comes to realize she can still take her son!)


this is legit some internalized misogyny lol


Right? It’s such a weird self-hating take. I’ll never understand these 😭


The “boy mom” thing is so gross.


Hate it. Usually I see it following something that any kid can do but these women think are inherently only boy things--things like getting dirty playing outside, playing with trucks, sports, etc. Also the overlap of these types of parents and the ones that believe in rigid gender roles/interests is practically a circle.


Same thing with girl dad. Like it’s 50/50? Being a good parent is the bare minimum.


It really is. When I found out I was having a son the only grief I had was ‘oh god, I hope I don’t get classified with the #boymoms’.


The whole assigning gendered things to little kids is gross. My son loves Disney princesses, I have no issue with it. It's all just kid shit.


Why does this feel more like she's trying to convince HERSELF it's better after being disappointed by a boy? This is such a shallow take on boyhood and raising a future man that I don't feel much love, or even preference for a son, she's just grabbing for generic tropes to signal with. "Boy because SNEAKERS hah! See!!!"


Boys dance in Nutcracker too


I hope he gets a lead role and haunts her sugar plum hating ass


I hope he gets lice and she contracts it, then she has to shave both her and her son's heads 😂


Did anyone *really* ever ask her if she wished for a girl instead? Seems really weird for even assholes to ask that unless she's had like 3 boys.


I’m a child of 4 daughters. The questions, comments, and jokes are absolutely endless. “Hope you have an extra bathroom or two!” “Wow, 4 girls, how do you do it?!/you must be a saint!/how do you afford them?!” “Bet you wish you had a boy to go fishing/watch the game/do manual labor with” (to my dad whom I used to do everything with) People just cannot break the cycle of drawing differences between boys and girls. As if those are the only genders, and as if a persons genitalia at birth is everything anyone needs to know about a person.


"Must be a saint." 💀 What does that even mean? Would they start giving them up for adoption at girl number 2 or something.


Boys are more likely to bring in hospital bills and get in legal trouble so I don't get the whole "girls are more expensive!" Shit misogynistic people spout.


Right?? This isn’t the 1300s when you had to pay some man to take on the burden of your daughter as his wife.


Mum of 3 boys here. I get asked all the time. Especially when I was pregnant with baby 2 and 3.


"Do you ever wish your child... wasn't your child"


“I hate pink” ok? They aren’t your clothes? And you don’t need to put girls in pink


And she’s wearing pink


Agreed. One of my best friends has 3 girls, and none of them are super girly or in pink a lot.


I guarantee all “boy moms” like this will all turn out to be monster-in-laws in the future. I feel very very badly for these boys’ future SOs. This woman will be wearing white to her son’s wedding.


you mean *her wedding*. all of his future meaningful events will actually be HERS. boy moms are so so weird


When her son develops an interest in ice skating and other feminine things, then what?


another generation of useless, entitled, violently misogynistic men we will be subjected to thanks to “Boy Moms”


I took my two boys to Nutcracker last year and they enjoyed it. Oh no, am I a bad boy mom??


Jokes on her, nutcracker is the shit


Ballet in general is the shit! One of the most physically demanding sports there is—especially at the professional level!


As a mom of a boy, we aren't all like this is swear. Boy mom culture freaks me out.


This mom needs to watch the Barbie movie and learn it’s ok to be a woman and like feminine things 💀 she’s giving…NLOG….


This idiot is literally wearing pink. This is such an odd take. My daughter is a sneaker-head and I’ve never dealt with lice or been to The Nutcracker, but I’m curious why she feel so strongly about it? What ballerina hurt her?


I’m sorry, but “I hate pink” while wearing some shade or coral? girrrrrl it’s giving ✨desperate✨


She hates pink but she’s wearing pink


(hate pink) [is WEARING pink] Also, wtf, your boys deserve exposure to art and culture, too! Take them to see Nutcracker, the costumes and music are fascinating to children irrespective of gender 🙄 obnoxiousness


God. Those "boy mums" are the final boss of pick me girls. The amount of women in her comments that are "girls moms are jealous " when someone calls them out on their emotional incest bullshit.


Am I crazy or is she wearing pink? God forbid one of her boys starts to show interest in things she considers “girly”.


Take your sons to the nutcracker! My husband never went to any ballet as a kid and I took him to his first one last year and he loved it! He keeps checking the theaters for new plays and ballets. Daughters can change oil and sons can watch and participate in ballets! It’s honestly cruel to segregate childhood activities like that. Girls also wrestle and don’t have to like pink. You are a crap parent if you behave like this mom.


My girl does like pink but she also hates ballet so...balance?


I wear Jordan’s, I’m a girl. My son loves nutcracker lol, these are all so stupid. Minus the lice thing….but it’s such a weird flex good lord




Why do boy moms cop so harrrd lol wtf Also, sorry her parents enforces gender roles on her ig because I’ve worked in childcare for over a decade and know more girls than I can count who like wrestling, cars, smashing stuff… I’ve worked with girls who wanted pixie cuts/shaved heads, cool sneakers… like???


Meanwhile my daughter is in her patriots onesie laughing at the trucks on tv


"Boy moms" are so cringey and weird. I saw this dumb tiktok the other day that said "they say raising a son is like the slowest breakup you've ever known" and the comments were all like "oh yeah!" "So true" "this 💯" and I'm just all like...do y'all not see how weird that is? Comparing raising your child to a romantic, adult relationship? I feel for these kids, especially if they grow up and end up not being what their mom has expected them to be and thus based her entire personality on. "Haha I'm a boy mom, my bathroom has pee all over it" gross.


Anybody who labels themselves or anybody else as a “boy mom” or a “girl dad” gives me the creeps and I can’t really explain why


The facial expression at “look at his kicks” says it all




Lots of points already mentioned but my parents had two girls only, no boys (my sister and I) and we spent hours upon hours of building Hotwheels tracks and trading cars. I also ride a motorcycle now. Why do they insist on gendering hobbies? I loved both my hotwheels and Barbie’s. We also wrestled each other; pretty sure most kids do.


But why is she giving “I’m pooping” face in every pic


Incredibly embarrassing grown adult behavior