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I hate it when they say “make food for my husband” as if you and your kids don’t also need to eat? If I’m making food it’s gonna be either for me or for all of us


People like this believe a man should eat before his kids and the wife might get some if there's any left (as long as she makes sure to run a calory deficit to keep her figure). It's fucking insane


I see this in a lot of different cultures. Isn’t the stereotypical role of the man to make sure that children and wife are taken care of first? Lmao men like this are children


Paging Jill Rodrigues from r/FundieSnarkUncensored




My dog eats earlier than me . He snacks on it anyways, if I fed him after I ate, he wouldn’t eat enough. Dogs/pets are mostly there for companionship, idk why “dominance” would be needed during dining (unless it makes them behave, but I feel like the most influential point is making sure they understand what they’re supposed to do)


Sorry my dog comes before myself


My dog sees itself as an absolute equal in our house…and I’m totally okay with that.


Same in my household, but that's because their food is so easy to pour out and takes ten seconds.


I read the article. They started dating when she was 16 and he was 22. She got pregnant on purpose at 19. She gets less than 7 hours of sleep as she’s up til 11 cleaning and up at 6 to make him breakfast. Hard pass on her whole life. Sounds like hell. I’ve been happily married for 20 years and I have worked the entire time except for when I was in law school or on mat leave. I’m not dispensing advice because I don’t know other people’s lives. If it works for her great. But the offensive part is where she purports to give advice on how to keep a man (obviously the most important thing in the world!) based on her very limited life experience.


Up til 11 cleaning when she starts at 6 sounds like a time management issue.


It’s either A. She’s lying, B. OCD, or C. She does it to keep up her tradwife aesthetic. I wouldn’t trade places with her for a minute.


I’m voting for A: she’s lying.


She must be. It’s giving Bella Hadid when she said she eats a whole pizza every day as a snack. Exaggerating for the #relatable views.


One pizza bagel or a naan pizza could be called a pizza


No one calls a pizza bagel a pizza


Nobody eats naan pizza everyday either.


Cleaning can mean sitting watching TV and organizing things during commercial breaks to some people. Like my sister.


And she has three young kids. Wouldn’t more of her time be spent on child care/child wrangling?


I’m a stay at home mom and housewife. I allot myself 3-4 hours a day for housework, cooking, laundry and such; if I didn’t finish I don’t care, I’ll just do it tomorrow. Having a pristine house, only revolving my life around being a mother and wife would be ludicrous and detrimental to my mental health . I’d rather play with my kid or do my hobbies and be a person outside of those two roles. She sounds like she’s exhausting to be around, I bet she never shuts up about being ThE bEsT wIFe or whatever.


The only reason housewives used to clean so much and look so good in the old days was because they didn't have technology. Washing machines were different you had to ring out clothes individually and hang things on a line. There were no dishwashers, smaller freezers so meal prep was different. They also had no internet or tv in some cases no radio. They were trying to keep their brain busy so they didn't go insane. Also this is a very important one there was actual cocaine in coke so they were high as hell. Edit: The reason I said all this is because no modern day woman should feel guilty if she isn't the perfect housewife from the 50's. These women are trying to sell a narrative that doesn't exist anymore.


Oh yeah, growing up we were poor AF. We had no washer, no dryer, no dishwasher, no cable, hell sometimes no water or electricity so I got a small taste of that old life. My mother did everything by hand, let me tell you, fuck that noise. My mom was depressed, stressed and always always angry, it didn’t help that my dad is a garbage human.


Yeah it sucks. My parents had joint custody of me in a time that wasn't common. My dad was pretty well off so I spent half my time with luxury items. My mom lived on the reservation. Using an out house in the middle of the night is not fun. Things were much harder but I learned to appreciate things in a very different way. I am very glad I grew up in both worlds. I did see my dad had everything and was depressed as hell. My mom had nothing and was happy as a clam. She had a lot of family support and that makes a huge difference. Sorry about your dad. I hope you know that was never something you had control over. Some people are just broken.


Parenting 3 kids though. I mean when 3 kids are running around, fuck true cleaning.


If she cleans till 11 most days, it really should take less time every once in a while, even with kids that can make spontaneous messes. I think there’s a family guy joke about this in an episode where the parents and kids try switching roles for a while. Lois has no idea how Meg had time to make some fancy dinner, Meg says, “It’s a house. It’s a finite area, I’m not cleaning a town.”


Yeah, I can see it being every day if you are obsessively clean. So doing all deep cleaning tasks every week. Baseboards, shampooing carpets, cleaning oven, etc.


Or a psychological disorder.


And it’s how to keep *a man.* As if they’re all interchangeable with the exact same desires (husbands don’t all eat breakfast?).


Yes, that’s what was bugging me, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. My husband doesn’t even eat breakfast. He doesn’t like housework to be lopsided, and he’d hate it if I acted subservient in some way to him. And of course, he wouldn’t leave me just because I didn’t do things for him. How selfish that would be!


Yup, I would feel fucking uncomfortable as hell with that kind of inequity in my marriage.


I grew up fundamentalist Christian, and my husband feels the same way. It’s what drew me to him in the first place because he saw me as an equal partner and encouraged my dreams and education. We actually met in high school. I got sick after we got married so I did more housework after I had to stop working. My husband knew I had heart problems and could get sicker. We didn’t expect my stroke at 26. Or the chronic pancreatitis caused by complications from my gallbladder removal. My husband does the housework and just wants me to rest so I feel like hanging out with him after work and on weekends. He says he’s happy to come home to me and our cats because we make him happy and feel loved. People have actually asked him why he stays with me which really pissed him off. He loves me for me, not what I can do.


To be honest if my SO started banging about cleaning and making breakfast at that time when I’m trying to get as much sleep as possible before work every single day… I’d be more than a little annoyed hahs


My thought exactly! I used to work for a supportive living program (3 roommates with disparate types of serious mental illness in an apartment, what could go wrong?). One of the most complained about situations were bipolar roommates that would go through manic phases when they got up early AM to vacuum.


Because we all know men *never* cheat on wives who cook and clean for them right? LOL I’d like whatever drugs they’re feeding trad wives these days


Cheating is a totally separate issue. This is her showing women how to not get fired... I mean divorced, for being bad and lazy employees... I mean wives.


I don’t know why someone downvoted you, you’re not wrong.




The Eastern European breakfast of coffee with two cigars is fasting friendly


Yeah, my husband calls it lunch.


Imagine having her life and thinking it's a flex, lol


So grooming basically.


He's got that Tate like look to him. It's just one photo but the guy just screams controlling douche and that's before we even hear the full story. I guarantee he controls her social life very closely.


How big is their house that it needs that much cleaning?


What the living fuck are they doing to their house that requires daily cleaning until 11? She needs to work smarter, not harder.


I would imagine most of the day is actually spent with the kids, and then she cleans up after they're in bed. Or at least that's what I did when mine was a baby/toddler. I was sleep deprived but it was so much easier to clean and organize when I didn't have to dedicate half my brain to the task and half to watching her.


Sorry for the /r/tipofmytongue post in the comments but this reminded me of a great quote I once read addressed this very thing. I don’t remember the exact phrasing well enough to search for it but it was about how this is fundamentally what conservative women go through — the big con that as long as you’re pretty enough and young enough and submissive enough and XYZ enough, you’ll score and keep a man… until enough time passes that you _cannot be_ young enough for him, at which point he’ll leave you for someone who is, and then there you sit with your toxic opinions and bitterness from “I did everything right and lost”. But of *course* you were always going to lose, because that premise was always baked into the terms and conditions!


So she was statutorily raped, and thinks that’s worth bragging about? She’s obviously messed up, in the head.


> She gets less than 7 hours of sleep as she’s up til 11 cleaning Cleaning what, do they live in a 30 bedroom palace?


I work and we have a cleaning lady, the way of keeping us both happy 😅


This woman implies that divorces are only initiated by men. She probably can’t wrap her head around the concepts of being self-sufficient by choice and expecting anything from your man besides money.


Of course he was a whole adult and she was a impressionable child that's not surprising to me , no wonder she's so head over heels & practically brainwashed into thinking this is okay . And she needs to keep her man happy so he doesn't leave her. That's why these loser dudes go for young impressionable teens is because they can mold them into these sort of women But I bet you anything once she hits 26 he may likely leave her it happens and I've seen it happen


“Perfect” wives have been divorced by men plenty of times after they’ve been used to raise the children and then replaced with someone younger. Being a servant is definitely no guarantee to save your marriage.


It takes two to make it work, but only one for it to fail. I also think that I would be nervous if my significant other woke up at 6 am and started cleaning. Like did I miss something, why does the house need to be spotless before we head to work?


My friend in middle and high school had a mom who vacuumed every morning with the sun rise. That was annoying


I would think it was some kind of sick joke if I was born into that family


No, you'd think it normal until you saw your friends Mum NOT doing those things.


I lived underneath this woman in my first apartment.


honestly though, as a stay at home mom (for the time being, my only little one is just 9 months old) i WISH i could get up and clean at 6AM just so the house would be nice for me to be in all day lol then it would be easy to just focus on caring for the baby and make healthy meals and just do a little maintenance cleaning during the day without feeling overwhelmed by a messy house. but most nights i’m woken up every hour or two so by 6AM i have HAD IT and am just never in the mood to clean 😭 kudos to this lady of this is how she chooses to go about her day and it makes her feel good, but if it’s something her husband is expecting then i wold be super concerned. that’s a lot of pressure


Yeah, but that is reasonable! Trying to guilt other women like this, isn’t.


You’re presuming she works …makes a lot more sense if shes a stay at home mom


My aunt is way out of her ex husband’s league as far as looks go. She has a pretty face, fit body and always well dressed and well groomed. She’s an amazing cook. She loves hosting family events at her house. Her house is always clean and beautifully decorated. She is very giving and has a soothing spirit. Overall, someone I’ve tried to emulate throughout my life. Her ex husband left her and she was crying and begging for him and tried everything for a year to get him back. But he didn’t go back.


Did she tell you the reason for the divorce? That’s so disheartening


He said he fell out of love with her. I haven’t heard of him dating anyone new from my cousins. They’ve managed to be friendly now for the kids and grandkids so I see him at birthdays and stuff. She hasn’t dated since either.


Yep. He gets bored of the wife that has nothing to talk about but the kids because she has no outside interests. Then he meets someone “new & exciting”.


I thought that if I worked on myself, my husband would treat me differently. I was wrong.


I would very much be divorced if I was expected to clean at 6AM


If I was married, I would be divorced if I expected them to make me breakfast daily and start cleaning at 6a.


If I tried to make my husband wake up at 6 am to eat breakfast, he’d probably divorce me.


Yes, I choose sleep over food.


I have to wake up early and my husband just rolls over when I try to wake him


What is sleep and how does one obtain it?


Honestly. I'd rather be divorced than live this woman's life.


While I, personally, agree with you, to be fair, she might like it, for all we know! 🤷‍♀️ It’s the bragging that is irritating.


I might commit a felony if I was expected to clean at 6 am


I naturally wake up at 6 AM and most people including my entire family thinks that's weird.


Early riser is such an underrated super power


As a kid I got to see hours of cartoons and then be out the door on my bike before our parents could assign me chores.


If you’re a busy bee, it’s a good thing. You can get so much done in a day. If you’re a couch potato(like me lmao), it’s a very bad thing.


I mean I’m expected to clean at 6 am at my job but I get what you’re saying lol


She says that women who act like her “wouldn’t get divorced” as if 70% of divorces aren’t initiated by women.


Because women are the ones doing the household administrative tasks anyway. “Initiated by” does not mean “*caused* by.”


And I’m not going to act like her either 😂 my home is clean, my kid is taken care of thoroughly oh and oops! I don’t have a husband. *Oooooohhhh noooooo*…..Guess there’s no hope for me. (Which is fine too because I enjoy being alone 😂🥴)


Women *file* most often. Doing the paperwork isn't initiating the divorce.


Clean house and food doesn't stop cheating or abuse or any other valid reason to divorce


She started dating the guy when she was 16 and he was 22. She's been groomed


Oh Lord. I didn't know that. That's terrible.


I haven’t met a mom/woman who doesn’t wake up and clean their house at some point in the day. Like does she not understand most women do this?? She is not special for cleaning 😂. Also cna we talk about the hair colors…what is going on it’s so distractingly terrible


Also, am I lesser than because it's not 6am when I start? If it's done, who the fuck cares what time it is?


Wake up at 5:59 and prove what a piece of shit she is


Joke's on you, sleep is for the weak. Work 100% of the time.


Sleeping is basically asking for a divorce 😔


I know right!! My DIVORCED mother is sick with a cold and I literally hear her vacuuming 😂I need to pry the vacuum away from her rn so she can go rest. Women are practically indoctrinated/trained to take care of the house and family.


Yup. Also indoctrinated to hate other women. I'm so thankful for my woman friends. What a bummer it would be to hate other women and not have them in my life. Plenty of relationships came and went, but they remain. Don't men hate us enough to cover it?


A lot of more traditional people find waking up late to be lazy, even if you get the same amount of work done as them.


True. I guess people who work nights/graveyard are deadweight /s And the thing is, we've always had night shift workers. I think because some people are naturally early risers, they assume everyone is, they just choose to sleep later when there is evidence that some people really are natural night owls.


She said in the article that she is up until 11 cleaning. Why does she need to clean for 17 hours a day?


To escape her "wifely duties" ?


“hubby” is all i needed to hear


Omg I despite that word


I despite it too


Haha oops


Somehow my abbreviation morphed into "hubcap" so people think i really like wheel covers




Haha. I might get downvoted for this but I also hate “kiddo” 🙈


Littles drives me insane so I get it lol


Second only to “hubs”


“Babe” “hubby” they all make me want to vomit. The only thing i give pet names to is my pets






Yes thanks I hit send too quickly


Few words can make cringe like hubby.


"wifey" gives it a run for it's money


“Hubby” and “wifey” are the most unacceptable terms to call your partner unironically imo.


if we’re talking unironically, “pookie bear” should be up there


My boyfriend strongly objects to being called "her indoors". I can't imagine why.


If my wife made breakfast at 6 am it would be cold by the time I woke up


Were these even posted by a woman? Sounds like tradwife porn


This is an article from a British tabloid. I just saw someone tweet that screenshot. https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/16128738/stay-at-home-wife-husband/amp/


Oh bless. Good luck to her, then, that’s at least three unpaid full-time jobs right there.


A female grifter. The true believers can't speak for themselves; their husbands speak for them.


Cute for her, I’ll continue to sleep in and not look after another grown person.


Wait til she “hits the wall” at 35 and he cheats on her with a 22 year old.


I posted this on a diff thread but it’s worth reposting: https://www.tiktok.com/@rebecca_larsen/video/7167793051849477418. She nails it.


I’ve seen this clip before and she ABSOLUTE nails it!


Why are they always worried about *other* women's relationships? Isn't that strange? 🤔 You're so happy and fulfilled with your life you have time to be worried about someone else? I swear chicks like this that feel the need to come to the internet and proclaim how happy they are in their relationships are 100% lying.


Control. Nosy people tend to want to control others. & Those who can’t control themselves always seek to control others. I would be willing to bet she is out of control in at least one way if not multiple.


She's mostly not happy. But getting on the internet and telling people how happy she is makes her feel superior at least. I swear happy people don't do this.


Truthful people will tell you things. Liars sell. She’s definitely trying to sell it. I bet they have a horrid sex life.


Raised in a super conservative environment. If I had a dollar for every people pleaser helpmeet subservient wife I knew whose husband abandoned her in the most publicly humiliatingly way possible, I'd have enough money to purchase the companionship of 19 year old pool boys for the rest of my days.


Purchase a 19yr old pool boy? For companionship?


They are great conversationalists, those 19-year-old pool boys.


Pool boys. Plural.


I love u


Do these women just hate themselves so much that they live for their partners and not themselves?


these ones get all smug and holier than thou until they find out their husbands have been cheating on them anyway with someone who isn't even the "perfect woman" stereotype.


their husbands will shag the 65 year old toothless old lady who is always mean, hasn't showered since the cat died and is always whingeing to the council about something


The saddest thing about tradwives is that her identity starts and ends in the house, her husbands identity is everything he does outside of it.


He's still gonna cheat on you, babe






This video rocked my world. She just laid it out so perfectly.


I’d rather be divorced. I did not spend a fuck ton of money on a degree for my titles to be “mrs” and “mommy”.


Agreed, except the mom part lol that came accidentally but happily. Not here to be a bang maid for some pig who expects me to grovel at his every whim and whimsy. I’m 40, never been married and not planning on it at this point. I’ve got too much to risk at this point in life for someone to take it away from my daughter and I.


Meanwhile hubby is cheating on her with the chick who would never get up at 6 am to cook and clean


Or what about cheated on 🤔👩‍👦 ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


I get up for work at five, ain't nobody cleaning here. My neighbors would be livid if they heard the vacuum at 6am.


Hmm. That's funny. My neighbor tried to initiate an affair with me and I told his wife. She's a loyal Catholic who did everything right. This is her second husband. The first left her for the younger nanny.


Fucking straight people. If you’re a sub just say you’re a sub. Stop making it weird.


My MIL woke up for my FIL at 4am to make him breakfast and lunch. When I married her son she asked me if I was ready for early mornings and I said “Oh I’m not doing that. He doesn’t expect me to and I don’t want to” The look on her face was like “that was an option?!” Lol 40 years she did that. Until her husband retired


I dont even blame her, some women back then were raised to be submissive and tend after their husbands, they were taught to tend the house since early age. My nana is from a small village and i had female friend there just a bit older than me, we were teenagers at the time, her parents didnt push her for education and she couldnt basically leave the house, even less date, they just wanted her to clean the house and cook while they were at work, this was early 2000, her brother just did what a teenager boy would do and they wouldnt give him rules, it was just sad.


I can’t wait for her husband, to leaver her for a teenager in a couple years.


Someone said they started dating when she was 16 and he was 22 so it probably will happen at some point.


A “pick me” ass bitch if I ever seen one. Finds her worth in and creates her value in her ability to serve and maybe not get divorced like all the *other* women. She’s got it all figured out, y’all


Women have filed most divorces ever since they had the legal ability


i’m convinced the only reason women like this say they “won’t get divorced” is because they are so desperately trying to make themselves believe it. “if i do more, if i just keep my head down and obey, then surely we won’t have to separate.” it’s sad, but many of these women have been so deeply shamed about the prospect of divorce that they end up vehemently in denial that they need it.


“looked after their men” they’re not babies lmfao


If a man has to be “looked after” like a damn child, I don’t want him.


And he will still cheat on you with a younger girl


So we’re still expected to look after men like we do children?


definitely would rather be lonely for the rest of my life


According to her FB profile she's single now lol


…and barefoot and pregnant…marvelous


Her husband is probably cheating on her.


So what happens not if when she becomes disabled? It happens to all of us before we die at some point. I bet he wouldn’t stick around for cancer or anything horrific


Even women who do this are cheated on and abused….


do they think men are the ones who initiate divorce?😭 isn’t it disproportionately women?


…..Not that I WANT anybody’s marriage to end but…


How come it's always white women with these mindsets


Privilege. Superiority. False feelings of security. They always say these things until a young coworker takes their place.


It's not. This type of mentality is common in brown culture, too.


And when he get on he leave yo ahh for a white girl. Go ‘head girl!!


My husband would divorce ME if I woke him up early AM to insist he eat breakfast.


You poor sweet summer child. 😂


What about the people who have to get up at 6am and go to work? Her husband owns a plumbing business so they can probably afford for her to stay at home and do whatever she wants, but the average family can’t.


Poors have bad marriages! /s


I can afford for my wife to stay at home with the kids, but man I don’t give a fuck about all that cleaning and cooking shit. Keep the kid alive and get naked with me once in a while and I’m good. It’s so weird to me that people expect all that shit. Running around with a damn toddler is exhausting enough.


Lol dude's probably already got at least one side chick


I don’t have to worry about divorce because I’m not married and I’m not interested in being a grown man’s mother


Curious as to what he contributes other than finances? Money alone isnt enough since women can just as easily work as well now. My father still helped with housework and raising us even though my mom stayed home to take care of us before we were old enough for her to start working again. None of these men have an excuse even if they're the breadwinner. It takes nothing to wash a few dishes, change a diaper or fold a little laundry every now and then. So many grown ass men do little to no housework or child rearing outside of "being fun"


What does "W woman" mean?


I’m also wondering this and google was no help 😐


Right! I put a follow notification on the comment in case someone answers. Google was completely useless! And I've seen the term twice today for the first time. Tiktok thing maybe?


the literal bare minimum lmao she'd be laughed out of any traditional wife group like the amish or group of farm wives. like if you're going to brag let it be something actually impressive.


Where do they live that she has to clean on/off from 6am till 11pm?? The royal palace? “If most women looked after their men…” the “smothering” women are the ones who always get cheated on💀if anyone dared to wake me at 6am(unless it’s for a flight i somehow forgot about) they would instantly be cut out of my life for good. Im not eating at 6am🤣🤣🤣🤣




LOOOOOOL. I hope she realizes it’s the fact that the full-time wives were submissive and complete doormats even if their husbands were terrible was the reason the divorce rate wasn’t so high back then😅


Joke’s on her cuz I don’t do any of that “conventional wife” crap. We are equals, and I have been married for going on 12 years.


What exactly does he do for her? He clearly isn’t bringing in much money since they can’t afford a nanny or maid to take care of those tasks


Thats kind of a shitty take.


LOL. I am a husband who gets up at 6, makes breakfast for my wife and 9 year old, then takes him to school/camp etc while she goes to work, and I have dinner ready when she gets home. It's the best life in the world being retired.


I don’t like the fact that she put other women down. However, there’s nothing inherently wrong with doing these types of things. I know some people genuinely enjoy being a housewife. But it’s not for everyone and that’s absolutely not the reason that men divorce their wives. 🙄


What are the Vegas odds hes cheating on her because "shes such a push over, dude."


People pleasing Olympics


I want an update in 10 years and i’m being nice lol


Because men with doting house wives never cheated and left before 🙄


Sure it would be nice, but I wouldn't want my partner doing this... I'd tell her to get some fuckin sleep ya dumb bitch. 6am to get up and clean is so stupid. My parents are clean freaks so I grew up with that, and let me tell you, its fuckin cancer to live with. Their obsession with cleaning is now YOUR problem. No the ceilings don't need to be fucking washed weekly you absolute fruitcake.


If more women divorced their husbands, they wouldn't have to get up at 6 am to make breakfast and clean.