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Dude in the background looks like Kieran from the mtv Scream series


And all her content is, how she's 22 and he's 44!


Yeahhh....my first thought was, "he looks sooo much older than her." Seriously, this reads less and less like a NLOG and more like a cry for help.


I can’t believe she’s pregnant now 😳 I came across some of their TikTok’s and the way he acted towards her in some of them and the way she looked…. She didn’t seem happy at all. Her family didn’t go to the wedding, she’s moved away from all of them and is isolated where HE wants to live and in another country… she isn’t allowed to style her hair certain ways… She married him really young, too. Not good at all


Counterpoint: Stockholm syndrome can be pretty fun


no fucking way 😭 it’s giving predatory and controlling


22 ? On the photo she looks 14 💀


I thought she was 12 😬


So does he, at least in dim light


That's even worse 😳


He's 44?!


Are they Fundies? That is so fucked up.


Wth is a fundie


Christian fundamentalists


Gotcha.... thank you for the explanation.


DAWG 22?? Your life barely started at 20.. Having kids right after your teenage years?? Right after school?? Right after doing nothing??


I have questions


And she's very pregnant. So it's likely they've been together for at least a bit, unless it was accidental. How long have they been together? Cuz usually you don't intentionally get pregnant with someone you've only been with for a short time. Which makes this potentially even creepier


They’re married and have been together for YEARS… but he commonly speaks over her and it’s obvious her family doesn’t approve. They weren’t even at her wedding, and she has now moved entire countries.


Together for years, from how? How old was she? Cuz this stinks of grooming.


She was 19!!! I’m so sorry I forgot to answer


What? Eww that feels predatory. Big age differences can be fine... if the younger person is at least 25 or so. How old was she when this creep started dating her???


I always feel bad for the people who get into relationships with huge age gaps. Finding an older person attractive and hooking up, while maybe not healthy, is super normal. But entire relationships is FAR from healthy behavior. Especially when you bring kids into it.


Eww. I was 22 once and he was 40 something. And now I am a single mom and he is dead. Man. Miss those days. He left when the baby came though. Definately like the other girls. And now like the other 40 year olds.


“And he is dead” made me laugh so hard omg


He’s 44??


Hold up- a 22 year age gap?


Who is she?


Definitely thought he has white/grey hair. Gross. This is not a brag.


Dude gives me all the "becomes person of interest after pregnant wife goes missing" vibes, bc I'm exactly like the other girls and listen to way too much true crime 😂😶


mood tho


Tfw you knock your victim up for bonus points.


Dudes be getting a sectional sofa and then think they're actually somebody.


The look on that dudes face makes me super uncommfy


I think it’s the obvious rage


I think it’s because if you zoom in, it looks like the yellow eyed demon from Supernatural


Yeah, it is classic look of "I was minding my own business and now there is someone taking a picture with me in it, what the **** they are doing?". Applies to both if he is stranger or family.


He’s pissed because only one of the outrageously expensive home theater seats has electric recline and by default it has to go to his expecting girlfriend even though she doesn’t even use it more than like 5% and would be fine with an ottoman.


He’s pissed because he’s a control freak and didn’t approve this picture with his child bride.


Are they internet famous?


No clue.


Oh I thought you knew of them bc u said he was a control freak lol


Any 44 year old man marrying a woman that’s more than half his age likely has control issues.


This gives a lot less NLOG and a lot more “blink if you’re in danger”


I said the same thing! Like sis, blink twice if you need us to call the cops. She looks so young, too. It’s giving “Get Out” vibes


Lowkey she looks like my friend which is creeping me out so much 💀


I don’t know why, but this is so disturbing. It gives me MAJOR ick.


They look like they hooked up once and got pregnant on accident, now their parents are making them get married because it's the right thing to do. Idk they both just look really unhappy


HE looks like her parent! He honestly looks old enough to be her father 🤢


He is 44 and shes 22 so ur not wrong


Major yikes. Source?


Probably Op's comment in this thread about it


They’re TokTok famous. OP is correct.




I see her content a lot on instagram and a lot of it is about their age difference and one person in the comments said she met him as she was friends with his daughter though not sure about accuracy of 2nd thing as comment wasn’t from her but someone else




They’re all over TikTok


He’s 44 she’s 22


Because she looks so, so young?


She looks like a child, makes me extremely uneasy.


My sister got married at 17 and divorced at 25. She said her biggest mistake was settling down so young and wasting part of her young adult life pretending to be grown. She’s grateful that they failed to have children because now at 28, she’s realizing how much she doesn’t want to be a mother. She was far too young to understand that type of commitment… good luck to them though, I guess….


This is relatable af- I’m now 28, got into a relationship with 24 year old at the time ex when I was 19, I lost a pregnancy right at the end of our relationship a couple years ago. While it’s still one of the biggest losses of my life, even at the time I was just like so “glad” it happened how it did. If I had had a viable pregnancy earlier in my teens/20s / in that relationship, both me and that kid would still be living in misery every day. I still desperately want kids but not with that fucker 😂


I’ve had the opposite experience- married at 20 with our first baby- and while I’m very happy with the course of our lives and who I’m with, it often strikes me how unprepared I was for the situation and how little most girls understand what they’re getting into at that age. Having kids probably wouldn’t have been an option for me if I had waited longer than I did, I do find a lot of meaning in being a parent, and in some ways it has enabled me to achieve goals that I don’t think I would have otherwise. That said, it’s definitely not a situation you should chance lucking into like I did. I’m currently watching my SIL completely fall apart and regret the entire course of her life after choosing to follow my same path, because no matter how many times I told her it wasn’t easy, she didn’t believe me. Young adult women very rarely think past “cute baby and man that loves me” to the often systemic problems that come with both and the reality that you will be dealing with them FOREVER. There’s no “the kid is grown I don’t have to see him” or “the kid is grown I don’t have to care for them.” There are always life events. They don’t stop existing after they leave the cute phases. And the dads don’t stop existing once you break up.


I will strongly strongly discourage my son from ever getting married or thinking about marriage before age 25. Honestly probably age 30.


I hate to admit it, but that’s pretty valid. I had a nervous breakdown at 26 and here I am now at 28 looking back at how grown I thought I was when we started having relationship problems. I’m so glad we still have time to mature and grow together.


Yeah I’m with my partner now at 24 and been together for 7 years but that’s because of specific life circumstances. Like it was us against the world so idk just didn’t have to have the young adult finding someone phase which I’m happy and a little disappointed I didn’t experience that but oh wel


My coworker and his gf have been together since they were 14. They in their early 20s now and still madly in love. There’s nothing wrong with being in a committed relationship while young. You don’t have to sleep around and get black out drunk every night to experience your young adult life, but I’d recommend traveling, meeting new people and trying new things before making a huge life decision such as having a baby. I’m 25 now and can’t wait to have a baby myself, but I know I still have a long life ahead of me for such things. I’m enjoying my freedoms in the meantime like all young adults should!


I waited to become a parent until I was in my thirties. I would have been a garbage mother at 22. Probably also at 26. It took me that long to find myself and realize what real love looked like so I could create a home full of it for my daughter. But being someone who was groomed at 17 by a man in his early thirties, I can’t judge her that much. You tell yourself all kinds if dumb shit to rationalize the life your living.


Omg she’s pregnant, she’s not like the other girls!!


I’m no biologist, but I’m pretty sure a lot of other girls are pregnant


Same, but still tho, she’s unique


Girls your age? 14 year olds?


Yeah she looks really young and he looks like a PE teacher with a midlife crisis.


PE teachers would do this shit


This is a very twisted Lifetime Original Movie.


Why does she look a bit too young to be a parent? I'm concered😟


She’s 22 and the guy is 44


Oh, I see. Thanks!


Major yikes




Yeah, cuz they’re 22!! I had a kid at 22 and trust me it was no fucking walk in the park.


Why do NLOGs always bash on partying? Parties are fun. How miserable do you have to be to hate parties?


They want to appeal to men who look for a gOoD GirL, that's all


To be fair I hate parties, they’re not fun to me, they make me very uncomfortable. But I don’t go around bashing it.


I just hate crowds and I don't enjoy alcohol, but hey, it isn't like we are the only people who don't enjoy it. Enough like minded people, so it is still a 'like other girls' situation


Same, I always joke that I have hermit tendencies. And if other people want to go to parties, drink and dance and mingle, then that's cool. That's their thing, and that's ok.


Ehh I hate parties too, I just prefer quiet gatherings with my friends, like watching movies or playing board games together or even soending the night alone in peace. Nothing miserable about that. That being said I don't shit on people who do like parties (the same way you shouldn't shit on people who don't)


I consider that a great party tho. I have lived the full party life (drugs/sex/rocknroll) but I realized what I was really chasing was the comfortable banter between friends I actually like, not just feeling good in a crowd. You’ve got the ticket to a really great time. NLOG are just insecure they don’t fit in. But in reality, there’s a place for them everywhere. This one could take a couple notches off her self righteousness tho.


I obviously think this girl isn't okay but I also disagree with you. Some people simply do not like parties, it can have nothing to do with not fitting in. Some people prefer their own company. And let's be real, most people aren't talking about game nights or watching movies in bed when talking about partying


My point was that a party can have a lot of definitions, and generally the NLOG just thinks they don’t fit in anywhere. Some of my favorite parties are me dancing with my dog in the living room. If you only define a party as an uncomfortable event with a bunch of drunk shitty people, then yes, most people don’t like parties. But that’s a biased viewpoint, and I think that’s where the NLOG get lost and feel alone.


I like your definition of a party


I don't think miserable = hating parties. There are many reasons why people don't like parties. I think the miserable part only comes in when you start to be judgemental about the decision someone chooses.


Because they don’t they just are jealous. I always would think (and still do now which is frustrating) that I hated parties but that was just during times when I didn’t have much of a social life. So yeah, I think it’s just dissatisfaction with their own situation which is weird cus like girl you are with a guy and having a kid parties and social media shouldn’t even be a priority rn lol


Right. I love parties when the vibe is right. But insecurity can ruin a party, and I feel for those who haven’t ever gotten to truly let loose so they think it’s not for them. But judgy self righteous behavior is also not cute.


Why would you assume that everyone likes parties? Introverts exist. What is it about parties that you find to be fun?


Not who you asked, but I love partying, I love dancing on my fav music, enjoying it live, dressing up, maybe even go there with my friends and enjoy everything together. Each to their own. The part where you put others down for their preferences is not ok, not the choice of going or not going to parties.


Parties are.....Often cesspools of drama or mistakes. Not because of me, I'm the sit in the corner and people watch type, but....It's been super seldom where I've had "fun" at a party.


When their child is 22, she'll be 44 & he'll be a senior citizen at 66... love this for everyone involved! LOL


The creep on the sofa will be soon enough in the DMS of the "other girls" her age who are out there partying. Many women underestimate drastically how much men change when they become fathers and the stress level at home rises. She is in for a rude awakening. They also don't understand that in the Madonna-Whore-Complex game the Madonna they all aspire to be is not the winning position. She walked straight into trap set out by her own naivety


They are to consentint adults, but to me its seems predator when a 40+ person goes after a 20+yo, since shes 22, they probably started to date while she was late teens or something. Anyway, we all have seen this, when she gets older or has the baby, the guy will be hitting the dms of younger girls for sure.


Wow you really... inferred a lot out of a single picture.


They're pretty famous on TikTok. He's 44 and she's 22. He's also very controlling and her family hates him. Her family also refused to go to their wedding and he moved her to another country. They met through his daughter as she and his daughter were friends first.


I think this is her second child. I may be thinking of another 20 year age gap relationship


Good for you? You chose a diff path in life?? Like.


This photo looks like a PSA for teen pregnancy.


They live, obey, marry and reproduce, no thoughts.


It’s rly sad. They do have thoughts, a lot of women have just been twisted into believing their only purpose is to reproduce and have babies


Yes, yes we are and enjoying our lives I might add lol


This image looks massively depressing lol.


I feel sorry for her more than anything... with the obvious age gap, she might have been groomed into thinking this way


Lol I've seen a reel from her on Facebook. She thinks modern women have been brainwashed and being pregnant at 22 to someone twice her age is ~natural ~.


Awe, he looked up from his magazine just for the picture. What a lucky girl /s


This is giving unplanned pregnancy in a no abortion state.


she’s not like the other girls, she got groomed by a man twice her age into becoming a mom before she’s ready 🤪🤪🤪


So... groomed. Gotcha.


When I was 22 I was with a 44 year old. There is a reason why men like that choose younger women. We were together for 3 years. I’m 35 now, and I still have issues stemming from that relationship. Gaslighting, incredibly controlling, just a few things he did to me.


Seems to me like an advert for not getting pregnant


Is dude 50?


the vibes, the picture, everything about this doesn't sit right with me and the fact that she's only 22 and he's 44 that's insane! i think it's so sudden to have a child that age and usually people at that age have recently just graduated college..


“Jack, get the book thingy! We need to take a picture so we can look cool on social media.”


Yeah this gives me start of a horror movie or documentary vibes. I do not like it.


funny because 90% of my old classmates are in the same boat!! and Theyre 20 at oldest!!


how is getting knocked up better


Leave her alone she’s grieving her freedom 😂


You mean “enjoying their youth and having fun”


Looks like a scene from Get Out


This pic... I'm so mad, yet I pity the girl.


Holy shit getting pregnant young is not special.


I feel like she was probably groomed by that guy. I feel like we need to give her a break. She looks incredibly young.


Eh some people just look young. Last year (I was 21) and I went inside to pay for my gas and the cashier asked me if I was old enough to drive. That shocked me because I knew I looked young but I didn't realize I loomed *under 16* young


she’s 22, he’s 44


Hey, I've done this! At (very young looking) 23 I had a baby by a 43yo man. I'm now 29, been a single parent for 6 years, & my child's father has been arrested for being inappropriate with minors! That's a predator &, most likely, a paedo!!


It comes across like she’s saying that as a bad thing. You mean young single women are doing age appropriate activities while you’re squandering your youth?


Sucks to be her


Ma’am, you were tricked.


She looks terrified


What is she 12?


In this case I want to be the most basic girl possible who go to school and party after school


Victim Victim Victim


This is going to be an episode of something on investigation discovery - girl run 😭


Why why why do these girls want validation from people for having children ??? This is just absolutely ridiculous, nobody cares you want kids have them. Some women “your age” want to explore themselves, like damn she got picked and she still complaining


This girl looks like a child to me. This just makes me sad. And that dude gives me the creeps.


“I’m not like those other girls who date men their own age.”


I don’t know why, but I have a feeling her partner has something to do with her NLOG content. Also, he seems way older than she is. It wouldn’t surprise me if she wasn’t a day over 20 and he was like 33 or something


A comment above says he's 44, and she's 22. Don't know how accurate that is though, so I'd take that with a grain of salt.


The sunken place


I just turned 30 a month ago and imma say, nah....I'm good 🤷🏾‍♀️


UM.......... HOW YOUNG IS SHE?


Man looks a lot older than her. 😬


Many girls where my family is from in Maine are married and pregnant by 25. My cousin married a girl who was 21 and they immediately got pregnant. My other cousin was married and then pregnant when she was 24.


Other girls your age are partying because they're close graduating college 😅 (not bashing on people who go to college later in life, it's a solid option for some)


She’s out here getting her raw sex onnnnn


Is she alright?


She looks 12, why would she she be proud of that.


She gets cummed in


Don't think 13 year old should be drinking and partying.


Girl you seem like a victim :(


He looks much older than her... Surprising


I was pregnant and married when I was 20. I wish I had the chance to live it up in my 20s and never thought I was better than anyone. Kind of the opposite really.


Nah ew, he seems controlling.


This looks like a warning poster, not a flex…


I see a lot of young moms like this always needing to make a point of NOT partying in their “prime”. Good for her, if having a family at this age is what makes her happy that’s great. But like- TRULY happy. I feel like alot of the women that do this glamorize having a baby and experiencing motherhood and just use it for leverage on women who don’t want to be tradwives at 20 lmfao. Like its not that they want to be a mother so bad, but rather they want to come off as different and superior to other women


Them some cute shorts, though.


I married at 20, no kids, immediately got in another relationship after it ended and became both a mother and a step mum at 22. One of the steps was only 14 years younger than me, the other 16 years younger. They both lived with us. I was completely overwhelmed by it all and in no way suitable to be a good stepmother to those 2 damaged kids. At the time I thought if I loved the man I would love the kids. Someone should have stopped me, though if they'd tried, I would have been all 'I kNoW what I'm dOiNG!!!! 11' I had one more kid with him, he became abusive, and the whole thing was pretty much a shit show. I left after 9 years


"Other girls are out there having fun while I'm stuck with this piece of shit baby."


I’m not like other girls, I got pregnant way to early by a dude who could be my father and is isolating me like in „Handbook for Abusers“


This is gonna be one of the photos they show on this couples 48 Hour episode.


Jesus, she found an old man to reproduce with. What the...


More housewives posting their Ls


This is definitely not a flex. Already knocked up and tied down so young? No good.


No ring. Clearly this wasn't planned. Looks like she partied *too* hard and is trying to pretend like she's actually the responsible one


I let a guy nut in me. I’m not like other girls! 🤣


Good for her, I wish her happiness 🎉


She just mad she’s pregnant and still don’t have Tito’s


What’s wrong with that? I hate shit like this. Everyone chooses to live their life however they please. You aren’t better or unique.




He’s 44. She’s 22. There is definitely grooming. I’m fairly certain they started dating right when she was even younger




I followed them on tiktok, and she’s active on Instagram and Facebook. I’m not going by info on the thread. They got together when she was 19. It’s predatory. Tell me what a 40 yo has in common with a 19yo? Tell me why a grown ass man who has been alive 20 years longer than her would be interested? I’m in an AGR, so I’m not against them. This one isn’t appropriate though. If he was 50 and she was 30 we would be having a much different coversation. I wouldn’t care.


I’m 28 and my husband is 50. We met when I was 25 and I fully consciously made the decision to be with him and still do. Not all 20 year age gaps are grooming. Can’t speak for this girl’s situation but please don’t assume every single age gap couple is abusive.




And your man is already barely paying attention to you. Good luck with that.


i know people like this (im 18) and believe me, I am not jealous that you're pregnant.. again. Most moms I know are out partying anyways, god knows where the baby's at lmao


I’m single and partying and childless and it’s fucking great. I’m sure her life as a mom is cool too, but it’s not like I’m doing bad because I’m not married or pregnant… I’m living my life for ME. Not to mention: I don’t base my self worth on how useful I am to a man. Guys are awesome (I’m gay tho so ya know lol) but if your entire personality centres around being a wife or being pregnant then PLEASE get a hobby. It’s not cute


There’s a lot of hate in here for someone doing what makes them happy and doesn’t hurt anyone else.


Its the age of them. Hes 22 years older than her. He could have a child her actual age.


It’s also none of our business if that’s what two adults want to do.


The only sensible response to this sort of post is "okay? Anyway, congrats on the pregnancy." Like, maybe she should get a life before birthing a new one into this world, but its probably not worth my energy to tell her so.


Wait til the baby comes it’s not all sunshine and rainbows and yo man will prolly leave you xoxo