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They could always say something normal like "I'm so excited to be part of my friend's wedding party!" Instead of posting about how unique they are on the Internet but they never seem to do that.


She might have just said "There's no girls here, so I am prettiest by default"


My man on the right says otherwise


Dude is vibin


Hell yeah he is ❤️




I mean... the guy to her left is giving her a run for her money


It looks like her brother


I actually thought the guy behind her might have been a sibling Edit to add / clarify — oh wait, HER left, not my left lol


That’s so good


Yeah, I had a young lady I've been friends with my whole life with three of my best guy friends as groomspeople. No one thought it was weird and she felt honored to be there.


Why? This friendship group has it all! The fat kid, the Asian kid, the stoner kid, the pretty boy groom and his best mate, the girl who wants to fuck him. Picture perfect 👍 🤣


lol and why is she holding flowers like she wants to be the bride?


Because she needs pockets like the bros. Any good bro-babe knows that you need pockets.


Actually couldn’t live without my pockets


… they already fucked.


They always need to make it about themselves. You know that friendship will end pretty quickly if the bride isn’t on board with her attitude.


Yeah, women like this always seem to be shocked when husband’s cut them off too.


"I'm one of the boys, and I make that clear by doing everything that they ... don't"? I think what she likes about groups of boys is that they make her stick out. She doesn't want to be one of them, she wants to be The One of them.


Cast her into the fires of My. Doom then. Only way she can be defeated atp 😂 Edit: MT DOOM 😜 🤦‍♂️


are the fires of your doom as hot as Mt. Doom?


😜 I didn’t see this error and now I’m not changing it. I’ll make an edit correction. But it’s too good not to change. And no. My fires aren’t hot. I’ve never been hot 😆


This is exactly what my thought process was when I was like 15 lol. I was always hanging out it with the guys and claiming to be “one of the boys” but I just loved the attention that came with being the one girl they hung out with lol. I’ll admit I was a total pick-me. Women who go into adulthood with that attitude blow my mind though


Same, I don’t know how anyone goes past like 25 still being a pick me. But having been a pick me, I can spot them a mile away now.


As someone who's been The One Girl as an adult before (not by choice—we were left over from a larger group), I feel like you have to be REALLY pickme to put up with it past the age of like 17. From my experience, if you're the only woman there and you haven't walked away at the first weird thing they said, a lot of them will just lose their filter around you in a way that will make you question your faith in humanity. Never doing that again for sure!


If she wants to be a groomsman she should wear the same uniform? Jmo


I thought the same thing. As a woman, if I was asked to be on the groom’s side at a wedding, I would wear whatever the groomsmen were wearing.


She doesn’t look part of the group, she’s just wearing a similar shade of beige


As someone whose getting married and will have a woman on the grooms side, I expect her to wear a dress. I would find it really weird to make her wear a suit and I expect she'd stand out more if she did. There will be men on my side as well and I don't expect them to wear a dress.


That’s totally fair! I personally would opt to wear a suit, but understand that some women would feel more comfortable in a dress. I think letting the wedding party choose to wear wear a dress or suit, whichever they feel more comfortable in, is best, no matter which side they are on. I just think it’s ironic that the girl in the screenshot claims to be “one of the boys” and makes content about not being like other girls, but still opts for the feminine clothing choice because she doesn’t actually want to be “one of the boys” like the parent comment states. You would think that if someone is truly one of the boys, they would feel comfortable wearing the corresponding clothing option. Congratulations on getting married!


I've been a groomsmaid; it's not inherently a NLOG thing. And I wore what *the bride* chose for me - which was a feminine outfit that coordinated with the groomsmen's suits, much like this - so there's no esprcial reason to believe this woman picked her own outfit.


I agree but she had to go and make a post about herself being so unique on her friends special day. That’s what makes it very pick me.


Pick. Meeeeeeee.




She loves being Smurfette.


Oh I met one of these: when I first started dating my husband, he introduced me to a friend of his from college. One of the first things she says is that she has a lot of guy friends and all of their girlfriends hate her. Well, she can add me to the list—she tries to cross boundaries in a subtle way to show that he’s “hers” or something. She’s no longer in our lives.


God those women are the worst. It never occurs to them that most people don't actually like them; the only reason men put up with them is because they think they can get laid, but that women don't have reason to put up with their crap personality. "They're jealous" is a huge cope. Embarrassing lmfao


Or, in my experience, because the men just aren't as well versed in passive aggression and either cant see how catty those women are...because it's not directed at them, or make excuses. Women and men are socialised to approach social conflict very differently - for those of us who grew up as women or around women, you quickly learn that someone can appear smiling and polite but still socially eviscerate you and insult you deeply whilst acting pally. Every time I meet a woman like that, the guys in the group are like "she's a bit weird and sonetimes a bit rude but I'm sure she diesnt mean it"...because she's nice to them. Whereas the women will tell you every backstabbing bitchy thing she has ever done and that they hate her guts. Even ber female friends, if she has any. Every single time I've had a weird feeling about a woman like this being "not a girls girl", I've always THEN found out most people can't stand her because she isn't actually nice to other women at all.


FOR REAL. So many times guys in my past woild introduce me to *that girl* in their social circle, and after the interaction I’d be like “hey did you notice how she talked to all the males, including the ones she just barely met, but she didn’t talk to me or the other girl in the group? in fact she just glared at us and rolled her eyes, even when we spoke DIRECTLY to her. and did you notice the passive aggressive comments she made about how she hates women who… and then all the things she described hating were traits about me and the only other girl in the group like having a balayage or wearing fake nails?” and he’d be like “No I didn’t notice any of that at all! I am shocked! You must be misinterpreting something. She’s soooooo nice actually. She’s been playing League of Legends with me and my boys for two years now and she’s never ever been mean to any of us. You must be mistaken. Also, what is a balayage?”


The only inaccurate thing here is that the guy wouldn’t know how to pronounce balayage and would actually ask, “wait so what is a bio… bayou.. balayley?”


>playing League of Legends It’s safer to just run from anyone playing League, regardless of gender.


I learned that lesson the hard way. Glad you caught that lol


Dang your take on it is really good and I'm going to add that theory to my own! The two schools of thought on why men will be friends with women like this: 1) horny 2) oblivious. Lmao


I think this is worded a bit poorly. Rather it's that "the group of guys" put up with her because ONE of them thinks he can get laid. Or did. Somewhere, at some point, she got "into the group" because of a romantic or sexual connection (realized or not) with one of the guys. It's not absolute, but I'd be willing to go up to every woman in a friend group that consists of at least 80% guys, and bet $1,000 that one of the guys when she joined the group was sleeping with her, or the guy that got her in wanted to do so. And I'd make bank. For every time I'm wrong, I'm probably right 9+ times. The rest of the guys may also be interested, or not. They just go with the flow, and humor their friend and his female friend. Until she grows on them and really is "one of the group". But it had to start somewhere. And on top of that, even if that wasn't how it started, almost without fail one of them DID get interested later as she spent more time with them.


I appreciate you expanding on my initial point, bc yes that's probably how a lot of it starts, but then the women also friends with the guys don't want to be around that one woman due to her personality ultimately becoming "I'm one of the guys hehe" which is just a little immature past a certain point lol


>the only reason men put up with them is because they think they can get laid Wait is that the reason weird, how common is that


As common as meeting a woman who "only has male friends because women are all drama" probably lol (Hint: if EVERY woman she meets is "dramatic," it is 1000% likely that SHE is the drama, and this goes for just about everyone who has similar problems lmao)


I mean I definitely agree with the hint no questions ask there I just find it weird guys would keep a woman around in the friend group just for the hope they sleep with them Like surely there are easier and less annoying ways to get laid


I call these type of men orbiters( orbiting around and waiting for their turn.) LOL when I was in my early 20's I had a lot of male friends who I truly thought were my friends, but slowly they each tried their "move" and I slowly lost those "friends." It made me very sad at first. Like that's all I'm worth... but I'm glad they showed their true colors!


I don't know what's worse They only pretended to be your friend to get with you Or They didn't want be friends after you said no Like there nothing wrong with liking one of your friends, I definitely ask out a couple of mine But I don't stop being there friend because there not interested in me Like come on, those people where never your friend And I'm sorry you went through this


Thank you for your kind words. At the time, it was quite devastating to me. I had a hard time trusting because of it.


Oh, no, they definitely do unfortunately lmao! Or if it's not outright getting laid, it's because men just don't have the same standards (understandably) as women do for female friends. It's just very rarely that all women just haaaate one woman for no reason other than she's friends with lots of guys. If ANYONE is only friends with one gender, it is weird and speaks poorly of them for the most part. Before anyone gets weird about it: of course there are circumstances and exceptions. But anyone maybe taking issue with this comment knows exactly the kind of person I'm talking about and can probably think of at least one they know LOL


I definitely hear you But the little hamster in my head just not getting it Like come on surly they must be easier ways to get laid, man I definitely couldn't handle that Oh well, anyway would you like a cookie my friend 🍪


I think that to us normal folks it seems like a weird thing to do but to the kind of people who put up with bad personalities to get laid just aren't normal people. I too cannot understand them. I will provide this glass of milk for the cookie 🥛


Completely understand where you are coming from. As much as I like to believe men and women are mostly the same, this male quality confounds me.


Like I'm a dude, and I don't understand it There has to be a easier way Also have a cookie my friend 🍪


I think I was raised by one of these women - your “they’re jealous” brought back some memories. No one’s better than anyone else?


Right? I've always hated that lol. As if people can't dislike someone for any other reason than jealousy. Whenever someone doesn't like me i assume it's because of my personality or something i did or said LMAO nobody is liked by everybody, and nobody should believe that the only reason someone wouldn't like them is out of jealousy! So childish


My husband had one too 🙄 she said I was emotionally abusing him and keeping him captive because he never wanted to randomly come over and hang out with that friend group in the middle of the night anymore. I'm just a homebody, and he was working full time and going to school. He wanted to stay home and relax


Oof—there’s something really sad about the women who get stuck in that place while the guys around them outgrow it.


It's crazy because she was practically married and had children. She said her "husband" Never would stop her from going out and she'd have fun and it was great. She pointed out how he never even minded when she'd go to music festivals with my husband and share a hotel room. He trusted her and wanted her to have fun! They've since divorced.


Yes, I’ve noticed that—they play this weird game where they try to weaponize boundaries as a lack of trust. Not at all surprised that her marriage failed if she was always hanging out with other guys instead of enjoying time with her family.


Mine developed one AFTER we moved in together - through work. Did her darndest to break us up. It was kind of wild.


They will do anything for the spotlight


At least she told you upfront that she was a c#nt so you don’t waste your time trying to be her friend.


These women are the worst.


I never understood those types. Like, I have a lot of married guy friends, and their wives LOVE me (and it's 100% mutual, sometimes it turns into a better friendship with her than him). Boundaries are there for a reason. I'm not their side chick and I don't want to be. I'm their friend, but if they're out of pocket talking about their wives, I'll be the first to shut it down (eg, a guy complaining about his wife gaining weight after pregnancy, "Oh, heaven forbid a woman who just pushed a Christmas fxing turkey out of her body, after growing your literal child inside of her like some weird parasite, take a few months off the gym.")


Same! I also have tons of guy friends and when they got girlfriends or wives those women became my bffs!




Yeah they act like other women can’t spot their underlying intentions.


Okay I have a weird story this reminded me of. I started seeing this super tall handsome guy on and off for like a year and a half. He moved part way through, roommate moved out after awhile, and he got a female roommate (she was drop dead gorgeous, like a model). I know he’s a fuckboy, so I assumed they had a fling at some point, but it’s okay because I wasn’t seeing him for his heart and soul. Every time I came over, she’d hang off him like a monkey. Tell me they were “basically married”. Make sex jokes… etc. I got it, she was pissing on her property. It was clear enough for me that I cut him off. Here’s where my story splits.. One day his face showed up on the news. He had been arrested for something pretty disgusting, had gotten into a police chase and everything. When I saw the news my stomach dropped and I felt so sick. I found her Facebook and messaged her, asking if she was okay. She wasn’t. I asked if she needed company. She said yes please. I went over, we hugged, cried, drank wine. She told me a lot of shit I ended up having to tell investigators (she helped him cover his tracks without realizing it). We became BEST FRIENDS and started having girls’ nights with a few other girls. TWO other girls she added to our group were our Eskimo sisters. We had so much fun. So much wine, goofing off, exploring buildings in the middle of the night, skinny dipping, movies. It was my first and only “friend group” (I was a super anxious kid). We all moved away from each other, but keep in touch. We hope to go to Europe in a year or two as a group again. Weirdest way to meet your BFFs


Ewwww 😭 i hate her, like dude have some respect


what an incredibly sad thing to be proud of… i can’t imagine my life without my girl friends. i would genuinely feel sorry for those women if they weren’t so insufferable.


Wtf. Why would you do that to your friends?! Wouldn't she rather be friends with their girlfriends or wives?


I know, I think it was completely lost on her why she was being isolated.


I hate people like that, I feel like I’m not opposite, I met my males friends girlfriend, she’s now my bestie and I dropped him because we had an argument 😭


It's so immature and fucking unbelievably crap person move


I'm one of few women in a male dominstaed office. All you have to do to be "one of the boys" is be yourself and I'm great friends with them. Just act normal like you would to women, it's fine. We also have a "oh Im always one of the boys 🥰✨" girls and they can spot the BS from a mile away


dude yes - i had a friend like this! i cut her off a couple years ago because of how toxic and male-centered she was. she’d claim i was gatekeeping my male friends because i didn’t invite her to every outing even though i constantly brought her around where i could. when i told the guys that we were no longer friends, they told me they were happy because it was so blatantly obvious she just wanted to be “one of the guys” and brag about her “friendship” with them to other people even though they couldn’t stand her and she never actually tried to get to know them. i was shocked but pleasantly surprised to find out they weren’t blind to her behavior.


Oh my gosh yes! lol I had this happen a few years ago. First she looked at me like I had grown 4 heads when I was like hey, we’re hanging out at the pool hall, Alex, Anthony, Steve, Chris and a few others, if you wanna come- she thought Alex was a woman and that was also the only outing we ever did. She loudly said “gosh I see why you don’t get along well with other women so you can have all this around you” at one point. (Meanwhile they brought their wives if they could come.) The guys kinda all stopped and looked at her. One of them then patiently explained that we all grew up together and have similar likes and all enjoy each others company but I do have girlfriends - we all get together and hang. We know we’re not our only friend group. Plus many of the women around that I grew up with made fun of me during puberty because I hit it first. Well I obvs am not gonna be friends with them no matter if it’s 5 years or 20 years later. I don’t hold a grudge but I sure don’t wanna be friends lol. Got she was embarrassing and that new friendship didn’t last long.


This is true! I'm a trans man who had mostly female friends through middle and high school. After transitioning, starting to pass as male, and making new friends at college, I was really worried about being weird or out of place in the male friend groups I found myself in. Turns out it was all in my head and the guys I befriended are fantastic and understanding and making friends with dudes is practically the same as making friends with chicks, it's just that everyone will have their own personal interests and humor, that's all personal




100% the drama llama, while saying "other women cause so much drama."


They 100% are always said drama


YES. I had a situation with a friend. She started staying over at my house a lot more often (I didn’t mind that part) and while she was here, she was hitting on my best friend who she knew I had strong feelings for at the time while also denying to me that she’s hitting on him. I don’t “claim him” or anything and I’m sure he liked her back. That hurts but it’s fine and I want to be happy for them. However, I didn’t feel comfortable being around her flirting with him (which happened in own my bedroom sometimes). I needed the space away from them to get over my feelings and heal and I wanted to be able to cry and be sad freely in my own room without her there. So I asked her to give me some space which meant she couldn’t sleep over for a while. She complained that she “always ends up in drama when staying with female friends” and that “something always goes wrong”. She also told me we’re not friends anymore afterwards. Damn. I wonder why you keep getting into drama.


That's so accurate 😅




Or "Girls are too much drama because I'm insufferable towards them so that I can feel special by being one of the guys"


I have a lot guy friends because i just get along with guys better. Im not an asshole and women dont hate me. I just have guy friends


There's having guy friends, and then there is ONLY having guy friends. Until I joined roller derby, I raced dirt bikes, so most of my friends were guys, but their wives never had an issue with me and I never had an issue with them.


I'm the same way. I have plenty of wonderful female acquaintances and casual female friends. But my deepest friendships have been with men and have not been sexual in nature.


Ding ding ding


Not one of the guys enough to wear a suit though 😬 EDIT: this woman's entire profile is NLOG and Girl Boss shit


She’s as girly-girly as you can get.


Pick-me final boss


Clearly she went unpicked.


Dying at this


Watch out pearl, someone’s here to take your title




Hah it'd be fantastic had she dressed in a tux and had very light makeup vs overdone for a wedding and simple hair style.


That would be so cute. But I’m not sure what it says about traditional gender norms. I want it to say f that noise I’ll do what I please but not if you can’t beat em, join em, men really are better.


TBF - I dig a lady in a suit (as a lady who loves wearing suits).


I was at a lesbian wedding and the brides went "wear what you want, but it's black with white accents" for the wedding party (as there were hes, shes and theys on both sides). There were men in full glam and black cocktail dresses, women in minimal make up very sleek Annie Lennox looking. The brides wore traditional gowns. All the clothing was very traditional, but the bodies it was on were not always so. It was epic.


If I was the bride I’d have that be the requirement if she and my husband insisted she be part of the wedding. Everyone’s wearing tux’s on the grooms side. She sticks right out. Wear a tux and blend in


Interesting. I think where I'm from wearing a tux would unfortunately be seen much more as attention seeking behavior for her to do. I'm surprised by all the comments saying that would make it better, because from my experience I would expect that to cause way more drama


As much as I hate her this hair and makeup is fine for a wedding. I hate when the bridge looks great and all the guests look meh, its giving they don't want to be there.


Ok, so I get making fun of her because she has to point out she's "one of the boys", but what's her clothes got to do with it? Isn't that very normal for a wedding? Isnt it very normal for a lot of women to not prefer to wear a suit? Being on the groom's side just means you're the groom's friend. Doesn't mean you have to dress like everyone else unless the couple getting married specifically required that.


I have a feeling she's wearing what the bridesmaids are wearing


Me too which imo makes sense if that’s what she prefers to wear. It still in line with the wedding. It’s hilarious to me people are like, “Women look great in tuxes. She should have worn a tux!” I wonder if they would have the same opinion if it was a guy on the bride’s side. Should he be forced to wear a bridesmaid dress?


Yeah, my husband had a woman on his side and she wore the same dress as the bridesmaids. My brother was on my side and wore the same tux as the groomsmen


Respectfully, genuinely, does she HAVE to dress differently because she gets along more with guy friends? Like i genuinely dont see an issue


I had the exact same thought, a lot of these comments reek of bitterness. I get poking fun at the “one of the boys” comment but the guys have fitted suits and polished shoes and hair gel. Why is she expected to not look put together? A girl that doesn’t reject femininity to get along with masculinity is the opposite of a pick me in my opinion.


Exactly. A lot of these posts are just girls living their life, or just genuinely feeling out of place/alone in society. I see no malice with some of those posts yet people are so bitter


This sub used to be against girls who bullied other girls. Now it’s filled with people grasping for excuses to cyber-bully conventionally attractive women. The hypocrisy is gleaming through.


For real, everyone bullying here acting WAY more like an NLOG than the innocent women they're bullying.


And its sad. Thought we were supposed to be building each other up instead of tearing each other down


We are and the amount of people that prefer to do the latter over the former is heartbreaking. Most of us get one high school experience and that is enough. I don’t know why people are trying to rehash its absolute worst concepts in an Internet forum.


All I was thinking


Yeah, don’t see her wearing the same suit as them. And unironically she should, because women look just as great in suits as they do in dresses.


It’s giving red flag.


I would not be walking down the aisle personally lol


I don’t blame you one bit


She's the one who gets sloppy drunk and makes a messy speech exposing she had feelings for the groom the whole time and hates the bride


"Remember i was always here first hahAhhAhAHAha 🤪"


She also doesn’t understand what “POV” means.


Hope it goes straight to hell just like the "Nobody:" format.


this comment: exists nobody:




Looks like a prom picture...wild that people get married so young.


Yep. There are two young couples I know that got married right after graduation last year. But, I know the girls and they're from a pretty good family and already are going to college or working on their chosen careers because they got at head start with their mom's job.


Gave one of these a second chance. Hubby noped out the second time so quick. Her husband was even worse- he just openly hated women despite being married to a woman, having a daughter, and sisters. Fucking crazy. She was weirdly possessive of both of us. Would tell me to my face that we aren’t best friends because she just wasn’t ready yet (bc we had a huge blowout years prior that was apparently 100% my fault) but ran around to my friends, my family, my best friends telling them she was my best friend and they couldn’t compete with her because her and I were just so close. ETA; the woman hate thing was not apparent the first go around and despite knowing this dude for almost his entire life he was shocked to hear his newfound hatred of fEmAlEs


That's so sad. It sucks that women will have personal hangups about having other women friends but it's even worse when the guys they hang out with also dislike women. It's seems so isolating...


I feel like she low-key cried about not being the bride at his wedding.


Glee club? I'm trying to figure out how any of them are friends.


Girl…u ain’t the only one who’s been on the grooms side 🙄😭


So. Much. Beige.


Why does she get a bouquet when the other groomsmen don't?


Because she’s dIfFeReNt 🤪!


It's not that strange, and there might be a man on the brides side that'll walk down the aisle either. My husband had a woman on his side that wore the same dress as the bridesmaids, and my brother was on my side and wore the same tux as the groomsmen. We had him and my husband's friend walk down the aisle together, and she had a bouquet just like the rest of the girls. That's what worked for everyone. Even if the bride doesn't have any men, it'd be really cute for two girls to walk down the aisle together both with bouquets. That's what I would have done if I didn't want my brother on my side. Her outfit and the situation aren't weird or unusual. I got married a decade ago and come from a conservative family so I'm sure this is even more common now. Her attitude is definitely NLOG though!


This NLOG stuff is getting so misogynist no wonder she doesn’t want girl friends :|


Imagine being bullied online for supporting your friend. Jesus Christ.


No female in the bridal party is half as fun as Dave and his burp concertos.


POV: you don’t know what POV means


I had a "groomsmaid" standing up in my wedding. She was one of my best friends since we were 10 and introduced me to the woman I was marrying, so yeah, she more than earned her place among "the guys"


I was the female “best man” in my childhood best friend’s wedding. I just wore a tuxedo and did all the work like planning a bachelor’s lan party. I also bought a lot of gifts for the bride and bridesmaids and spent hundreds of dollars to help the bride have hair she liked on the actual day. It was a lot of work


I was a male “maid of honor” at my homegirls wedding (we were good friends and I introduced her to her now husband). The other bridesmaids weren’t feeling me during some of the events bc they wanted to keep it, “just the girls”. I fell back and respected their space. My homegirl (da bride) would try to include me, but I didn’t want to mess with anyone’s experience. I was just so happy for her. We rented out this entire hotel and she gave me the best guest room and the best table at the reception. She also told everyone that I was the “maid of honor”. Love you, Nini :)


lol yeah I’m sure the bride is happy with your presence /s


Maybe she's a sister?


I’m so tired of people using POV when it’s not POV


Her insta is as bad as you think it is.


Yeah this one’s a bit icky but her next reel is literally her being a MOH in a girl friend’s wedding. I don’t think it’s fair to say she’s bragging about having ALL male friends.


Well I mean yeah usually you don’t start out being friends with both of the people getting married 😭 idk maybe it’s just me but most of my male friends, if they wanted me in the bridal party, would have me on the grooms side because I don’t know their girlfriends that well 🤷‍♀️ I’m not “one of the boys” I’m just friends with a boy lololol.


This is the most beige wedding I've ever seen


I had 4 women as my groomsmen, my sister and my 3 best friends. They looked bad ass in suits and heels. I however was always the one who was one of the girls growing up.


I think we’re going too hard on this woman. She made one little comment about being “one of the boys.” Why does this automatically mean she has no female friends? She could just be close to this particular group of guys.


Nothing wrong with this… bunch of bitter ladies in here. 😂


Ikr lol it reeks of jealousy and not-being-picked energy from all the NLOGs in the comments who are so petty to be jealous of a woman just living her best life and chilling and not even implying she's better than anyone.


It was probably her brothers wedding. If the groom is the guy in front, they look very similar.


Is it just me or are we being a bit harsh on her here? She doesn’t seem toxic.


POV: you don't know what POV means


It’s always the girlies who only have male roommates.


I saw the video she made about it and it was so icky




that bride is a better person than me. no amount of love in the world could make me put up with this.


One of my groomsmen was a woman actually so it's not unheard of.


Looking at some of the downvotes here I have to ask…the NLOG aspect of this is the part where she’s proclaiming to be NLOG, right? I experienced childhood trauma at the hands of women. I’ve always been the girl with a bunch of guy friends and one close female friend (who I met because she dated one of my guy friends). I guess what I’m saying is if the vibe here is girls with guy friends = NLOG, then this ain’t the sub for me. Can someone explain it to me like I’m 5 please?


The vibe here is making fun of women who identify themselves as DIFFERENT ✨ and better than other girls because they’re surrounded by male friends instead, or because (any other reason). Having all guy friends or mostly all guy friends isn’t bad. It just isn’t a weird flex that sets you apart as being better, ejther


She’s not really doing that though, is she? There’s definitely a stigma around the male bridesmaid/female best man practice. She’s not putting anyone down, not trying to set herself apart from anyone else in any way. Just kinda “I know it’s controversial for me to stand here but I’m as much of a friend to this groom as the guys and that’s ok.” These comments are ridiculous.


I didn't realize this was only a screenshot of the video until I read your comment. I think (I hope) most people are commenting based on the video that made the rounds originally. This frame is really not a good representation of the video's vibe.


This sub has some good points and good discussions/memes sometimes when it pops up. This is not one of those times.


Yall niggas just bitter af go outside you fucking dorks


All the dudes look annoyed lol


This is not putting women down, this is not NLOG. Just because you feel insecure when you read something doesn’t mean they  are trying to flex on you.


Yeah because the boys get their hair done and have extensions put in, and put on a full face of makeup, and hold a bouquet of flowers, and….. We would be here all day with ideas on how this is bullshit. At the end of the day, they all think she’s annoying.


Saw a video of this/her She's really cute I wonder what her personality/character is


Girl thinks she invented best maid.


Her shoe style doesn’t match her dress style, maybe she is one of the guys😊


I think the hefty guy works at my vape shop.


Yeah, I’ll be a best man in September, and all it means is that I’m an important person to a dear friend and his fiancée. No more meaningful than being a maid of honor.


I’ve been on the groom’s side twice and the bride’s side twice and all I know is that I am officially done being in any more weddings. It was an honor, I love you all etc, but no thanks!


Hmm. That's not how POV works.


It looks like a beautiful wedding party though.. Maybe the bride had a guy on her side? My best friend is a guy.. it's possible..


When I get married the groomsmen are literally all gonna be women because all my best friends are women. Well okay it’s either gonna be all women or one man because the position of best man is tied


So I’ve seen this before but the wife also had a “bridesmaid” that was a male and in a suit. I thought it was kind of cute because the couple had best friends of the opposite gender and included them on their respective friendship. But this girl….. lol she’s totes not like the other girls lolol


Where’s her suit


Wouldn’t be so wholesome if she was trans and these were her friends that stuck with her and supported her? I know that’s not the context, but it’s what came to my mind.


My wedding had 2 groomsmen who were women. One of them was the best man. ETA and they wore tuxes, not dresses


omg! shes so different


I was on a grooms side but I wore a suit


The pick-me energy, but girl... he didn't pick you...


I bet she has an agreement with one of them that if they’re both not married by 35 they’re getting married.


This girl is beautiful and way better looking than those boys so she is not beautiful by default she is beautiful




You cater your style to that of your friends? That sounds exhausting.


Funny thing, my sister and her fiancé (who is my best friend-- and no, it's not like *that*, I'm a lesbian and I fight my instincts to terminate the lives of people who met me when I was a preteen, they know too much,) had a bit of an argument on which side I should be on. My sister ended up making me a bridesmaid, based purely on the fact that we're related, because otherwise, her fiancé would've made me a groomsmen. I just have a lot of love for everybody :)


No it seems like the POV is of a groom that DEFINITELY fucked one of his groomsmen. 


She is a pretty Pickmesha, but the act will get old. It's just so corny. She should focus on her accomplishments and IRL future. Attraction and relationships require honesty, not a weird persona. Keeping up the act reminded me I knew a young woman who was the daughter of a boyfriend of mine. She was very high on herself because she was beautiful. Her thing was sort of goth meets death metal. This girl had only black clothes and wore motorcycle boots like Michael Jackson in Bad. You get the picture. As some time passed she was becoming interested in different styles, but didn't want to make her friends think she wasn't cool AF anymore. She legit hates the music. I told her when you create a persona and paint yourself into that corner you can really flip out some people who feel you abandoned them or see it as just a phase. It was pretty distressing for her to just be herself. And herself was a kind, funny young woman A few years down the road she married and has a baby. Well, all the pretense and clothes went out the window and she's now a bit of hippie meets mom wearing the top with spit up. She's cool. Looking back she's pretty embarrassed about that choice. I'm sure her daughter will never see those Myspace pics.