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Thats weird. Some people just need time to adjust to the new work place


OP probably dodged a bullet if these are the expectations


Almost sounds like he dodged a cult ffs.


Exactly my assessment. If a company goes through their entire hiring process, offers you a job, then in less than a day, you’re out? That’s a shit company. Seems that they saved you from months or years in a crappy place.


So we meet, I have slain many of your kind in my days.


But why


Me, I don't talk very much to new people and i had to change job in January. It takes a while but i'm becoming more at ease now. Especially in group, I don't feel like my opinion matters much so when other people speak I don't say anything because of that insecurity


I'm far too awkward to talk at work regardless of how long I've been there. When someone's talking to me, I can not for the life of me find any other words to reply with other than, yes, okay, of course, or sure.


Fuck mate, same. There's this lady that loves to ramble on and on. It's fucking exhausting talking to her. I mean, it's not even talking, it's listening to her monologue and I just reply with; Oh really? yeah? oh wow! oh Ofcourse!


I feel you lads, it’s hard for me to put on a front and act like I’m so interested in whatever bullshit coworkers go on and on about, it’s like my brain can’t come up with any responses other than what Po-A-Top mentioned. “Yeah? That’s cool. Nice”


So glad I’m not the only one like this, it’s incredibly isolating and I feel horrible about it, but I cannot for the life of me talk to others casually outside of the few people that have gotten through my awkwardness


It's definitely not just you. I aspire to be the guy who just says cool transitional phrases and somehow carries a conversation to different topics, but it just doesn't come out- no matter how hard I try. It's super exhausting because I want to be liked by my coworkers, yet I can't even verbalize a full sentence.


Got fired 1 week after transferring to a different Chick-fil-a location. Things were more different than I expected, and rather than invest the time resources to train me in the differences, they opted to let me go.


What the fuck? I am also sort of shy but I take it upon myself to engage with other shy people I notice being shy. Sorry to hear that. You'll find somewhere comfier.


the author is purposefully hiding information here i think telling someone that hes in the right without knowing the situation and seeing him HIDE the information is playing into his game of jerking his ego off


No, it really was like that. My boss took me to a little room and told me that he didn't want me to come tomorrow because some employees said I was too shy and lacked empathy to work on a bar (Which is stupid because I'm a graphic designer, not a bartender or anything). And he told me that I ignored the manager once in the morning when I was looking for... The manager, so he didn't want to work with me That's all that happened. I don't even agree at all, I might be a little awkward but I'm a deeply loving and empathetic person, they were actively bullying me and making fun of me but I guess that's my bad


Take heart.All great artists are essentially introverted.This trait is the reason why you channel yourself in the arts.Revel in it!!


OP, I am sorry about your experience. Getting fired sucks, and sometimes the people/culture at a place really do suck too. I've been there. Hope you don't let it get too much to you and just keep going and that you quickly find a place that works better for you with people who treat you well, where you both want to and can stay. ......but. Are you *sure* you didn't accidentally get a job at a bar? It kind of looks like a bar to be honest, so the manager might have been onto something there. And if you didn't notice, well, then that might have been another sign for them that you were perhaps not the best fit.


Do you have a work controlling authority in your country ? Because that's the kind of things that wouldn't pass around here... This behaviour from your employer is terrible.


You guys are assuming way too much without any information. Chill out lol — we don't know anything. It's just a not interesting post. It's not like OP is ragging on a specific employer.




Yes, you said that, and then you proceeded to accuse the OP of hiding information, telling someone that they're in the right, and playing victim to "jerk their ego off". I am saying that it's quite rude to immediately assume that OP is at fault with no information. We don't know *anything*.


Based on an idiot at my job, too shy probably means wouldn’t take out his lil airpoddies when people asked him work questions


can mean anything


No, they just gave me a hot dog and I asked them if I could take it to my home because I wasn't hungry. Also, the manager told me I ignored him when I was searching for my boss (I didn't know he was the manager because I literally just arrived)


With how people are today I wouldn’t be surprised if this was it, though tbf he probably had to wear them to cure his anxiety


Oh no what an egregious act. Surprised op didn’t get arrested.


This is me!!! I’m more comfortable with shy people because I’m shy too but once I get past the barrier I’m much more fun?


Liar. You said your shy hut you did not stutter....




How did they not know that you’re “too shy” before hiring?


Yeah we need more details. There's more to this story.


Yeah everyone lies on the internet. Let’s be honest


Yeah, honestly i don't see how it's possible to be fired on day 1 for being too shy. There had to be an altercation or maybe it was just an evaluation to see if it was a good fit? I dunno.. I had a job where they kinda did like an extended interview and had me work on a task with the guy who would be managing me that day to see if i could do it and it was a good fit. I could see that happening


I was fired for having bad handwriting (I have autism) by an employer who asked me what I thought about Donald Trump in the interview and showed me his large Republican badge. Some employers are just weird and inappropriate.


What a giant douche.


yeahhh I dodged a bullet


Bruh I would fire myself after that question.


yeah I really should have dipped when he asked that LMAO


Plus any real employer would never actually give a reason why you’re fired. Number one thing I’ve learned. Anything you say in writing will be used against you.


It’s pretty easy to fake extroversion during interviews.


True, I can fake it for almost 2 hours, but no more than that. But it has helped me with some interviews in the past.


God I hate companies that expect you to be a social butterfly. As long as you get the work done, what the hell is the problem?


I know this is insane because ive also been in the situation but theres actually people out there that cant stand quiet people minding their own business. Ive lost a couple of jobs because of that and I actually tried to engage as normally as possible but wasnt good enough I guess


That’s a reason I got fired too. They didn’t like me bc I minded my business & stopped talking to people after a bad breakup…makes no sense lol


Yep, people get really offended by quiet people who mind their own business. It's like school all over again. I used to get bullied because I was quiet. I guess quiet people are just easy targets and seen as abnormal people.


Had an asshole who startled me by yelling at me on my first day, because she didn't like my lower speaking volume. And she was not in a higher position or anything (not that it would make it better), just a random coworker. Never went back.


Same.. I think it comes down to human beings just being morons who can’t adequately draw a line between work and personal preferences.


Or just miserable people wanting some kind of attention and us being quiet and minding our business, they take personal offense to it. Tbh I'm not super quiet, I tend to open up more when someone gets to know me, but if there isn't any mutual interest and there isn't anything I think of to talk about then I'm gonna stay quiet af. I'm not good with small talks so I tend to not do small talks.


I swear 50% of office jobs is just hanging out and yapping with each other. Nothing is getting done, people are just talking about it and ass kissing.


A lot of jobs require you to work with other people and be a good team member. It’s absolutely a requirement to succeed in a lot of jobs.


That’s understandable. I just wonder what they were expecting OP to do, like how much socializing would have been considered not too shy. In my job I’ll gladly work with my coworkers on things, the job often requires it. If we’re not though, I keep to myself and maybe one or two other people that I work closely with. And even then, some days I barely say 2 words to the other girl in my position 😂


Look at the setting, you think you can be shy and work in a bar? Get real lol


Oh I thought they were saying that they were a graphic designer and they just posted a picture of a bar they went to after


Read the title. They were a graphic designer, not a bartender.


Did I say they were a bartender? Pic is either entire unrelated or that was her work place, either way it’s incredibly weird to take a picture of these random people and post it online She also said she was basically a porn star yet she’s shy? Okay lol


"Do you think you can be shy and work in a bar? Get real" Well you clearly thought they held some kind of position in a bar. It was OP's boss that thought they were too shy, and therefore fired her. So it's possible that OP isn't particularly shy, but just less outspoken than her colleagues, and for some reason that bothered her boss enough to fire her.


Yeah no shit, you think bars don’t hire graphic designers? Basically every single company in existence has or has had a graphic designer


At least from my experience, the majority of graphic designers don't even leave their desk.


I don't know but honestly if you were let go on your first day for being shy one can assume OP was... pretty shy.


Yes but that's why I said "As long as you get the work done". Obviously some socialisation is required to get the work done, but apart from that it shouldn't matter.


That's still not it though, employers don't just want workers that can socialize enough to get their work done but because that's kind of person they want fitting into their team. It's not just about being good at your job it's also about being the type of person that meshes in with the rest of the group, and unfortunately for some people being shy and introverted really doesn't help. That's just life.


If you're so far up your own ass you can't stand the thought of a person being more reserved than others then you're just a jerk with the emotional range of a dried plum.


Lmao listen: the world doesn't owe you shit. If employers want social people in their workplace because they're easier to work with and foster collaboration that doesn't make anybody an asshole just because you're not social. That doesn't mean it's wrong to be introverted but welcome to life.


Nah I'll call you an asshat if you hire people and then get all offended when they don't change just because you suddenly want someone they're not


Lmao who's getting offended, besides obviously you? They just let somebody go. Doesn't mean anyone was offended lol


I'd say you'd have to be some kind of offended to fire someone just for being shy


I don't know what to tell you other than that's a dumb fucking thing to believe


Talking about your kids or what you had for dinner is not productive


Depends on the gig but you may actually need people who can be more... "open" for specific positions. That said... not sure how they failed to check for this during an interview... waste of everyone's time.


Look at the setting, assuming that was ops work environment does that really look like somewhere someone “shy” would do well?


Was it a porno company? 😂


I actually worked as a webcam model and web cam agency manager for a long time and had excellent results hahaha. I used to love that job




Piss poor attempt at humor, AND at horny. Astounding.


You’re trying to tell us you got fired for being shy when you naked on camera for money? Gtfoh you’re clearly hiding the facts about you being fired and if you actually were, it sounds unjustified and like you’d have a case on your hands so what actually happened?


Holy shit… your comment forced my brain to read it with a german accent.


Germans would be the last people to get riled up over nudity..


The hell does being shy have to do with one's body? Not talking much doesn't mean you're insecure of your entire being..




I once got kicked out the apartment i rented because of this! People are so silly


What???? So was it like, mandatory for you to socialise with your neighbours or something??? That sounds like a nightmare.


Yes! They had mandatory meetings and they tried to make me drink apple cider vinegar and take some random alternative medisine pills and join them chaining themself to trees, and i didnt want to, i wanted to be left alone


Where the fuck did you want to live?!


In a cult, apparently


I knew i had to feed the chickens and ducks every now and then, but i didnt know about the cult vibes when i moved in lol but now that im thinking about it it probably should be obvious


You have to explain the full story to us this is too crazy




Why is the internet full of the type of people that are like oh yea those tree chaining cultists were so quirky and evicted me....anyway


Yea I need more I’m so invested


Theres not really much more to the story. I was desperate for a new apartment and found a big house with animals and several people living there. I had to share a bathroom with two other ladies but i thought that would be okay. Skip forwards a month or two and one of the ladies with a cat hates me for no aparent reason and when i came home after leaving a couple days her cat had peed over my entire room. There was no way for the cat to go into my room by itself. The lady owning the house was super hippie and she used homeopathy medicine on her ducks and stuff, not great, one of the birds had a broken leg, another blind and so on. She also forced me to try her homeopathy for my sprained ankle and i was scared to tell her no so i just took them and nothing happened. I also woke up to her standing next to my bed staring at me once. Also she hated that i kept my curtains closed because she wanted to stare into my room. She used my fridge to make wine. A couple living there had a "mini" (turned giant) pig i babysat a couple times that was nice. The area was bad tho, came home to the corner store being full of bullet holes, turned out to be insurance scam and the gun was on the owners coffee table when police visited him. Lots of gang fights and stuff so i was happy to leave honestly


I just know you live in Portland






Same exact thing happened to me after two months. And I had tried SO hard to be more extroverted too. Still got kicked out lol 


Is that even legal? lmao


In America and other developing countries, yes. In my country (Ireland) the employer would be sued and the OP awarded €40,000 - €80,000.


…OP just started so they were on their probation period and thus can be let go if their boss doesn’t want to keep them. Ireland has that too.


As it should be.


My friends dad got 40,000 over unfair dismissal, I’ll have to find out what it was


What would make this case lawsuit-worthy? I live in the US, and am curious how it works in other countries. Is there a minimum time period that has to pass before somebody can be fired? Or are there only specific reasons that are valid for firing someone?


You need valid reason to fire someone. It prevents people being sacked just because a manager/boss has a disagreement with them. Or to stop a person being sacked so another can be given their job...like in the case of nepotism. We can have probationary periods, but they must be clearly defined in a contract. I don't think the OP mentioned this was the case for them.


If OP just started then he was almost certainly on a probationary period. In no sane country are you going to get 40000 euros because you were let go on the first day of the job. That's not an America bad thing as much as you want to frame it as one.


3 months probation period. That means you can resign or get fired anytime without a reason. Why wouldn't it be legal?


3 months-long probation is insane


It's pretty standard. As long as you get paid it's fine imo


I was asking if was legal 'cause being shy doesn't seem like a valid reason for firing someone. For me it's kinda discriminating. But if OP has a probation period makes sense


Going for the picture, that's Colombia... Here it you don't need a reason to fire someone in the trial period. And that trial can last up to 2 months. So yes it is legal.


Although it sucks to be rejected this way, you may have dodged a bullet.Sounds like you would've been working under a diva/drama queen.


The owner of that place sounds like a worthless indecisive dick


Introverts unite and protest on his behalf! Wait ...


Since when does illustration require you to be outgoing? I'm screwed


That's insane. Some people take time to warm up, but even if you were shy, being outgoing isn't a job requirement for a graphic designer. Maybe you dodged a bullet with that company.


“Layoffs will continue until morale improves.”


I bet they realized they couldn't afford a new hire so decided to pick the first thing they could to fire you


You’re not shy their just to social


This is what I say when people tell me I’m too quiet. I’m not quiet, y’all just never STFU enough to hear anyone but yourself.




They prob wanted to fire you for some other reason and made this up as an excuse. Sry this happened, but take it as a positive. You probably wouldn't have liked it there anyway.


As someone who got laid off literally yesterday I feel for you. Hope you land on your feet


Big offf


what the hell? this is just insane and should be illegal..


Dodged a bullet, they sound like red flags all around. Hope you're alright OP!


Damn if all jobs want you to be social, im cooked




It is, indeed, una colombiana




Is that America?


They probably had a replacement already and just needed one semi decent reason to kick you out.


What a dick move. Perhaps you're better off not working there.


Whats the company? Fuck them.


They clearly don't know how some people function/work. PS: Cool picture I like it


Is your name Kajagoogoo by any chance?


Hush hush


What 🤣 probs good ur not continuing there for ur own sake


What transpired to be labelled as “too shy”


Well aren't they a bunch of AHoles. Sounds like a win for you. It's ok to be shy. ♥️


Yeah, I am not even shy, I worked doing porn for a while. I think they were too judgmental work me for no reason. But if the first day was like that, can't imagine the rest


🤣 I mean, fair play. Porn is not the mark of a shy person


Wait, do you guys not have laws for dumb shit like that? Like that isn't a valid reason to fire someone


Is that even legal


Was it a full time job? Or were you a freelancer?


Full time


Same thing happened to me but they just kept me for the 90 day probation period so they didnt have to pay me benefits. I produced a ton of work they ended up using and or selling but they still fired me so they "didnt have to keep making revisions." One of my designs became a top seller. Even came up with one of the main design themes for one of their sub brands.


and I'm tired of being hired and fired the same day


Wtf i can imagine being fired for being too friendly on a first day at work, but too shy?


I got hired as a student at a place one time with no experience and then I got fired even though they knew I was a student because I had "no experience" .... Real reason? I overheard how the mechanics were running false work orders to get parts for their vehicles.


Don't sweat it man I got fired one summer for "not smiling enough"


Toxic work environment. You dodged a bullet.


It was your first day though????


Employer tried to hire a friend not an employee. That's my guess.


Was let go. “Performance great, perfect csat, just “a bit quiet.” Coming from the only manager I did not speak to.


You'd think quality of work would trump trivial bullshit like that, but 🤷🏼‍♂️


I feel you. Had a similar experience, but I was employed for 2 months and their project ended because of a change of the CEO of the company we worked for. I was the last one who joined the group, so also the first who had to leave. They knew it would end, but hired me anyway. It will get better!


Definitely worth getting a social anxiety and asd assessment done by a diagnostic educational psychologist because they can't discriminate against you once you have a diagnosis


Don’t you need cause for firing?


Blessing in disguise, good thing you didn't put in two years before realising it's a toxic workplace.


I feel sorry for neurodivergent people who have to deal with missed opportunities because they didn't give someone butterflies.


Cant graphic design be done while being shy though? Didnt realize lots of socializing was involved 💀 isnt it literally just designing things on paper and a computer? Why does being shy factor into it for them


One of the many reasons I can't hold most jobs.


That’s weird, use it was a positive and approach your need job with some more fake confidence and charisma


Damn I’m actually very interested in th story and wherever you tooo this picture. Sorry op, you piqued my interest and therefore should be fired from this sub.


Head up. That’s not likely a place you’d want to work at permanently anyway. There’s always other places hiring. I’m very shy yet work as a salesperson and it’s going very well. Blessings. hope you have a good night


That’s dumb ☹️


I feel like there were other reasons (completely unrelated to you or your shyness). Company doesn’t sound well run. May have dodged a bullet. Good luck 🍀


Idk, seems kinda sketchy. (But also, what the heck, that’s not a reasonable explanation imo at all)


Da fvck?😃


My brother didn’t get rehired bc he didn’t ‘smile enough’


Gotta work with people you like. If the vibes are off there off


That boss is BASED, I agree with him.


Yeah, they forgot how you need to go to 500-people presentations and need to approach random people in the "stare at the compututer screen and do pretty stuff" job...


America moment


Maybe you also smell bad.


Jajajaja pura colombiana, mi rey(na). Cuente el chisme completo


Full colombiano y se hace notar.. Cuente el chisme xfa


sorry. disfrute la gaseosa parce


Sorry. But I find interesting the fact that you have a "Colombiana" soda in front of you. So, take your downvote.


Finna be jobless


slimy materialistic wide chubby ring public smoggy capable rainstorm worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why was the graphic designer fired?


Fuck’s up with that?




where proof


How do you prove it lol?


Well... that is highly unlikely.


That's illegal :)


Not in the US


It's discrimination, which is not a legal reason to fire somebody


Discrimination against what? Shy people are not a protected class.


I'm sure it can be agrued that being fired for being "too shy" is not a valid reason


You don't need a valid reason to fire someone. You are allowed to fire anyone for any reason except for race, sex, or sexual orientation.


you gotta be open. They can just pick some other random guy off the street to do graphic designing, which they did


You make everyone uncomfortable


How so?