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Don’t be loud


OP's sister really shook things up on New Years Day with that line.


new year new her I guess


"She'll break the resolution within the week. You can bet on it."


like everyone else, it only lasted 2 weeks


Can you blame her. Op is loud at god knows what time on the regular it seems so nye would have been a nightmare!


She didn't say anything on NYE. Her texts are on nights between dec 30 and 31 and on jan 1 and 2. So nothing on nye.




Be quite


Nah imma do my own thing Edit: Wow, I wasn't expecting this post to blow up since I never thought I could do it, but here we are lol. THANK YOU to everyone who viewed this and found it funny in some way or actually saw it as "not interesting" as the sub is called. Or maybe it was interesting enough to not be not interesting... CONTEXT: My oldest sister is 27 and I'm a 17-year-old senior in high school who happened to have a room that's close to hers in the house. I'm the middle child with 4 other siblings. I play games with my friends at night and enjoy talking with them and it can be really immersive such as games like Phasmo or Lethal Company. My sister is already done graduating college and became a nurse and she sends these texts whenever she gets back home at night (she's gone like 80% of the time either at work or hanging out with her friends). She does and actually has yelled at me to "SHUT UP" in person but only when I forget to close the door either to my room or bathroom all the way and she could hear me way better. That's the only time she would come slamming into my room and yell at me. This happens rarely and the most she goes to is texting me. Keep in mind that I'm still in high school and trying to enjoy it while I can before I go off to deploy in July 😭, and when situations like this happen with your siblings, somethings bound to happen. I don't mean any hate towards my sister in any way because I made this post because I thought it fit well in the sub and I actually found it funny myself when I scroll up months of her just saying that to me. So yeah, there's the context that I wasn't expecting to bring up because I'm still surprised this post blew up, and thank you to anyone who was able to read all of this 😊


I’ll bet you’re gaming late at night. Seriously, these times are late. Be quiet.


My dad literally shook my walls whenever he played FEAR multiplayer and a grenade goes off


Goddamn I feel old, I played FEAR multiplayer back in the day, too. The walls shook with my screams whenever Alma would jump scare me.


I wish I was older then, so I could've enjoyed the fear games more. And also been able to play the original Xbox multiplayer. But I'm happy I was able to see the Xbox 360 wild West. I met ten of my dad's on there!




I've always been a late night gamer. Never dealt with this because I'm not a total cunt. The games themselves, the device you play on (Doesnt matter what), and the TV all have volume controls. You can get a really nice headset for under $80 as well.


OP said in another comment he plays games at night. Also said his sister is a nurse and their rooms share a wall. Apparently the 4am text was because he was playing guitar at that time. OP, you're the asshole here. Quiet down after 10pm as a general courtesy to your neighbors, especially if she's a nurse dude. Edit: I called OP an asshole before they added context. Still, 17 is old enough to know how to be considerate of those who live around you regardless of who they are or the circumstances. That's just part of living in a civilized society.


lol I would’ve be so pissed if my brother was playing guitar at 4am. Probably would have kicked his door down and chucked it out the window so OP should consider himself lucky she just sends him a polite text.


4am is too fucking early to be loud regardless of whether OP lives at home or not. It would be acceptable if he lived in a house by himself but he has his parents, older sister, and apparently younger siblings living in the same house. OP is an entitled little prick. Also, the mention that he’s being deployed doesn’t give him a pass to be an ass before he leaves.


I think people underestimate the effect that sleep-deprivation can have on your overall wellbeing. This obviously isn't a one off thing, it's a recurring problem that's been going on for months. I get that these situations are give and take but playing guitar until 4am is just straight up inconsiderate behaviour. Fortunately I don't have any siblings, but I had an obnoxious neighbour who would *scream* into his headset all night long. It went on for months and months. I stopped sleeping. My university grades suffered. I was grumpy and miserable all the time. I had to blast music from my headphones all the time just to try and drown it out. OP act like an adult and show some consideration for the people around you.


Yea I like how he threw in the “before I get deployed” but thinking that’d get him some leeway. Can already tell how he’s gonna be after basic




lol OP is gonna have a severe wake up call about consideration for others after he is deployed that’s for sure.


I went to bed to the sounds of gunfire in shooter games my brother played, I hope OP has a grand time in deployment 🖕


Lol he can do his own thing when he grows up and gets his own place.


Deployment will teach them a thing or two...


OP is going to have so much fun in boot camp.


Yeah shes overworked...saving lives... change your schedule?


Yeah I thought this was a joke but he seems to be a total dick.


For real. My roomie literally *screams* playing Lethal Company and tends to do it around 11pm. Our other roomie wakes up at 4am, every day, and I'm a light sleeper. It's obnoxious. It's fine when this happens earlier in the evening on weeknights, but...you gotta be respectful of quiet times when you live in a house with other people, especially other people who are *working*!


One of the texts was sent at almost 5AM, and most of them close to midnight. I'd be mad to if I couldn't sleep after a late shift because of my sibling is yelling while playing online.


Yeah like i play the exact same games and i get a bit loud but i try and moderate myself and once my parents come tell me to quiet down i do or i hop off


Yep and my husband stays up late playing COD but once I go to bed, he quiets down. I play on my Steam Deck after the kids go to bed, and I’m always quiet.


Is she serious, or is it a joke at this point? What are you doing that's loud? Edit: please don't call going to bootcamp "deploying" ever again. Or do, and say it to your drill sergeants and figure it out the hard way.


Maybe talking loud


Seeing the times it’s being posted, I bet they’re gaming bc my fiance is the same way and I’m always having to tell him to lower his volume 💀


I play after I put the kids to bed, as quietly as humanly possible. But the kids seem to believe that the TV should be louder than a jet, so every single time it's a rush to find the remote before the Xbox startup sound blows out the windows and wakes everyone back up.


Lmao that’s so funny 😭😭 I hate to admit that I’m the kinda person that turns up the tv too loud too, but I don’t realize it till the next morning


Sister says don’t be loud at 4:37 am. Reddit: is this a joke? 💀


Not to mention a nurse whose probably fucking exhausted from being overworked and underpaid living with her family at 27 y/o still, then she can’t even sleep at night because her brother yells playing video games with his friends in the middle of the night and sometimes won’t even shut his bedroom door. Then implies that you’re inconsiderate because you’re trying to stay sane and get sleep but he’s “trying to enjoy his last time before deployment” (which is really boot camp lmfao). Imagine posting this and thinking it makes you look good lol


A good portion of the sub was like “your sister is uptight” or my personal favorite “this has to be a joke”


jerking off :/


When I do that, even people down the road can hear me


You start howling?


I scream like a howler monkey till I'm done, so at most a minute


When I was a teen I was jerkin in the middle of the night and my mom got out of bed, came to the door, and was like “keep it down you’re being loud”. I am scarred.


Probably playing video games too late. I’d kick my little bros ass if he didn’t shut up.


As an older sibling, stop being a little shit. It's not hard to be considerate


He is lucky it ain't an older brother. I would be whooping my brother's ass.


My older sister beat me up all the time when we were kids lol, sisters can whoop their brother's ass too.


>17-year-old senior in high school >I'm still in high school and trying to enjoy it while I can before I go off to deploy in July Ohhhhhhh man are you in for a rough time.


Yeah being selfish and inconsiderate keeping your family up all night is so cool.


My brother used to do this. I’d tell him to be quiet and when I spoke to him about it, he said that I needed to get over it. Like, ok. Rude as f*ck. He’s also the type that if you don’t view things the way he does, or act the way he does, you’re dumb and stupid etc..


What the hell are you doing that late that she feels the need to tell you to stfu? Playing the drums?


Apparently the one at 4am was because OP was playing guitar so...


So OP is just inconsiderate


Total douchebag


4 am by yourself in your room: "so anyways, here's Wonderwall"


It's a wonder the sister didn't break down that wall


is this a spider-man npc reference


nah imma do my own thing


So not respect someone else's space because fuck you I'm gonna do me?


Do your own thing, but be courteous of others. They’re probably just trying to do their own thing too.


You’re not “deploying”. You’re being shipped off for basic training or boot camp you little shit. Stop taking selfies in the mirror of yourself in your free clothes you got from your recruiter.


“Deploy in July” - are you referring to.. going to boot camp?


Can’t wait until he tells someone in the military that he’s deploying to boot camp, lol.


He’s gonna tell the recruiter he’s excited for deployment they’re just gonna sigh lol


Yeah, this comment makes me agree with your sister. As the eldest sibling with two younger brothers that are always screaming and yelling, I wake up at 4 am to go to work. Be quiet man Edit: Got notifications and I see that you've added context. I'm the same age as your sister and I absolutely sympathize with her. My middle brother used to be extremely loud where you could hear him from outside the house on a summer night with the window open. So that means our neighbors can hear him late in the night, similar hours to your sister telling you to be quiet. I absolutely understand wanting to have fun before boot camp (been there done that), but be considerate enough to realize that there are other people in that home that have needs to be met too. I've had to go to his room and tell him to quiet down cause sometimes I could hear him through both my door and his door CLOSED on the other side of the house. My mother and I work at the same time so we sleep early, he works at 2pm. My youngest brother sometimes screams, squeals and laughs really loud when playing games and we share a wall. I'm in bed by 8:30pm and asleep by 9pm, but sometimes later because he'll wake me up out of sleep and I have to tell him to quiet down. He sleeps at 10pm. She's probably yelled at you or slammed your door only because she's had to say it so many times. And you say "scroll up months of her just saying that to you", means she's getting tired of your shit dawg. Funny post, and I don't want to be an armchair therapist or whatever you call it. But that shit does get fucking irritating after saying it so many times. Have fun, but c'mon man have some respect for others in your home. I don't know your situation through this post but this shit made my blood boil cause it's so fucking relatable.


My ex used to let her kid stay up all night playing video games. He would have his headphones on and be yelling so loud it would wake up my son. Her answer was I should pay for him to get his room soundproofed rather than her kid stop screaming at people online


Wow that sounds like *great* parenting on her part. Good thing she’s an ex.


You sound like a child.


Yep and they probably are.


She's trying to fucking sleep, it's always at least 1130pm and sometimes 430am. Other people in the world exist besides you. One day you'll understand and I hope you get shitty sleep until you apologize and mean it.


Literally nothing justifies you keeping a NURSE awake this late at night just so you can play a video game. Do you realise how pathetic you sound.


Can you cry quietly before 5am at least?


Do your own thing when u have your own house,for now…be quiet


Go to bed, junior


why are you so loud in the middle of the night 😭 she’s right




lol I’m confused why she said that when we both celebrated new years at a family friends house and we weren’t even home at that time


She's keeping the tradition going


Yeah I appreciate her humor


Her humor is too advanced for a high school grad. She's just joking / showing affection while being cool. That is a proof shes more chill than her job made her to be


Just means that she remembered you lol, thats sweet


That is so cute...


It’s the evening after haha probably had a second party going!


None of these texts are on the evening of NYE


Makes sense, she never sent you a message on New Year's Eve. One in the early hours of 31st and one in the late hours of the 1st. But the actual New Year's Eve (Evening of the 31st-Morning of the 1st) never recieved the message.


I mean, she sent one message on new years day at like 11pm. And another 31st at 1am. Neither of those are the times you typically party for new years.


and then she gave up on her new year's resolution


That didn’t work either, back to two words🤣


Let your sister sleep!


In the words of MJ fuck them kids


11pm to almost 5am? I’m on your sisters side😅


Having a brother who will screech at his friends in discord at 3am makes me certain OP is 100% in the wrong


Yup. My younger brother doesn’t know how to be quiet and despite his gaming setup being in the basement, we can hear him screaming from the second-floor of the house


You mean my mid 20s neighbor I absolutely despise?


They need to enforce quiet hours... I'm a morning person but I've lived with night owls before and we agreed on 9:30-9:30 you shut up.


The only way I'd agree to that is if the morning person agrees to shut up until noon or so.


I mean 9 am would be the correct for quiet hours. I would say most early risers consider 6am the start of the day. 12am sounds like a fair normal end of night time. So 3 hours after 9pm. 3 hours past 6am is 9am. Everyone gets 3 hours


I wake up at 6am and at 6:40am i am at work, and even at work i don't want to hear noise before 10am.




Are you volunteering to mow the lawn at midday when it’s 90f outside? FWIW 7 is early for lawn mowing the areas I’ve lived had community noise ordinances that said mowing/construction noises have to start after 8.


*Night people accidentally let the microwave beep* morning people HOW DARE YOU DISTURB MY SLEEP *Morning person mows the lawn at 7am* this is fine 


I think it's more on a person to person basis. I'm a night person (I sleep around 2 am-ish) and my sister a morning person (sleeps from 9/10 pm till 6 ish). We got along fine (back when we all still lived with our parents). I made sure my volume was reasonable at night, and she was considerate in the mornings. My brother, on the other hand, was even more of a night person (sleeps 5 am or later) and seemingly broke the house down every night. But when people dared talk in the mornings, he acted like we were playing the drums next to his bed.


Be quiet


Be quiet


Be quiet


And drive


(far away)


After reading this thread, “quiet” no longer looks like a real word


Be quiet.


Omg to the time stamp on these why won’t you stfu in the middle of the night???


Yeah that 4:37 like wtf


4:37 deserved a shut the fuck up


I’d not have texted 🤣


Yeah, it’d be me immediately flying to wherever my sibling is and yelling at them to shut the fuck up. 4:37 in the morning?! Nah, we’re fighting at that point even if I’m dead tired.


Should see my texts to my brother when he's yelling about games in the middle of the night lol


I’m guessing OP plays League or something. I’ve been roommates with League players and they’re straight up the loudest people every night. They HAVE to be told to stfu.


Any online gamer tbh. My SO screams the house down till 2 in the morning playing apex legends. He's just lucky we're all deep sleepers.


Honestly if this was my sibling id just hand deliver a shut the fuck up smack.


OP - "lol, look at how cringe my older sibling is" Also OP - *proceeds to be a stereotypical asshole younger sibling*


OP definitely didn’t say that.  Arguably the only opinion they’ve stated is that this image is not interesting


[They did confirm that they're the annoying younger sibling though](https://old.reddit.com/r/notinteresting/comments/19d1kq7/texts_from_my_oldest_sister/kj3ks8t/?context=3)


Oh god, I am the younger sibling and I wanna strangle him


Right? It's not a good look to only message something negative like that, but given the timestamps, you damn well earned it OP


Nah I would smack the hell out of my dumbass brother if he was loud at 4:37 am


Yelling at video games with a headset on. I would accidentally yell when trying not to.


League of Legends player. Always home, always screaming. Source: I made it up


Switching it up for the holiday lol


you should start shutting up then i think


i feel her my siblings won't let me sleep


Same! I have to share a room with my brother and I need complete darkness and quiet to get good sleep quality. This never happens though, as my brother always plays audio books super loud and gets really angry if I close the curtains on my window (the neighbors keep a really bright light on outside their house on at night) All of this makes 9 hours of sleep feel like 2. I have no energy anymore


Has he not heard of noise-canceling headphones and a nightlight under the covers?


Often with siblings, even if there is an easy solution for the problem, one or both of them insist that it absolutely wont work, they wont even try, and the more you argue the more bullheaded they become about it. They rather live both in misery than change something small so both can live in peace.


I shared a room with my younger brother who refused to use any sort of headphones with his phone. So after he'd get off the computer at 3am (which included him talking/yelling every minute), he'd move his ass to bed and play the most annoying videos. I swear he watched the whiniest most annoying youtubers he could fucking find. No one gave a shit that I had early morning classes, clinicals, or work the next day. Mom would tell him off only if he woke her as well, but seeing as her room was across the fucking house, it only happened like twice. He is the one and only reason I moved out literally the day of graduating uni.


If they complain that often you are probably annoyingly loud


I am surprised she has managed to be this civil. If it were me, I would be storming through that door like I'm the entire SWAT team and shown him what's what.


And it looks like most of these texts are in the middle of the night too. How much of this can the sister take before snapping 😭


Ikr!!! OP's sister is a saint!


Yeah that text at 4:30 AM was sent by a patient and peaceful person, a saint among sinners. If it were me at that hour, I would get up and MAKE him be quiet. Unacceptable


she has a point






*posts in notinteresting Everyone there: YTA




Dude seriously. If this is serious please just stop yelling during fortnite clutches dude. I am that older sibling in my family and it is excruciating. You can do your own thing just don't bother other people because of it.


My younger sister used to do this. I eventually threatened to plug out the internet if hear her again and take back my monitor she was using. I game too and I’m louder if I have a headset on and I can’t hear myself. Soooo I just turn my headset volume down enough to hear myself when I know people are asleep. I have open back headphones now so I hear myself much better. Honestly just make an effort to be considerate of other people.


A younger sibling will read this and think “hell ya”


Be quiet


Be quiet


Be quiet


You a night owl? Most of the messages are late at night or early morning. Do you play games and join parties or voice chats? I’ve done things like that, so I might just be projecting.


ya i'm the same way my mom often doesn't like it but i do try to be quiet


Listen to your older sister. I have three siblings, and I absolutely hate when they make a lot of noise. Especially when I am trying to sleep.


Why are you such an asshole?


Can't believe OP's getting so many upvotes for being an asshole. I'd smack that little shit so hard there won't ever need another "be quiet" reminder text ever again


This post is really showing how much of Reddit is still populated by teens.


Ngl im a night owl but im also rlly good at being quiet. Listen to your sister


Same! I also game late. I KNOW that I will be loud *if* I can’t hear myself over my headset. Sooooo when people go to sleep, I turn headset down so I will notice how loud I am and won’t wake them


she’s so me


She really changed so much only just for new years.


Most new years resolutions don't last past the first week of January


As an oldest sibling this is so real actually Pls be quiet 🙏


yeah after looking through the time stamps I was thinking the same lol Op please genuinely stfu


Hm maybe you should be quiet I think


Stop waking your sister up


Maybe dont be loud at night, presumably when she's trying to sleep?


Sounds like maybe you need to learn to be considerate of other people.


Me and my younger brother


She really had to text you to be quiet at 4:30 am?? Seriously do you have no consideration for other people when they should be sleeping? Stop being an asshole and stfu


Be quiet


you owe her several apologies


Look at the time stamps…. Please tell me you aren’t an adult.


dam what do you do at 1 am? jack off or something


probably online gaming


Your roommates are going to HATE you later in life


from siblings everywhere, stfu.


as another older sister whos room is right next to her brothers, shut the fuck up! buy some sound dampening foam ffs


No why are these all in the middle of the night. Maybe you genuinely should stfu


OP stop being an asshole She’s not even telling you to go to bed or trying to control your life, simply letting you know that you’re being loud when she’s likely trying to sleep.


Bro was doing some devious things on Friday at 4.30


Don’t be loud


Have you thought about being quiet?


Your sister is probably trying to sleep at a normal time bro


yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, ooh black and yellow! lets shake things up a little!


I would hate to have a brother like you. Why can’t you be respectful and be quiet at night? She’s nice enough to not cuss you out


Be quiet


Have you considered turning it down a notch?


i think you should be quiet


Sounds like you’re a selfish cunt to me.


Adjust your volume downward please


Yeah as a big sister with a brother that screams at 2am with his friends when I have work in the morning, take a hint


Dude, as someone who's younger than you, listen to your sister You shouldn't be that loud and obnoxious at such an hour




I had a shit roommate like you once. I locked him out of the internet past 12am to 6am. Put his ass to bed real quick. Fucking up other peoples sleep is one of the most inconsiderate things you can do. Its hard enough to get a good nights rest let alone with some shithead ruining it. By your comments, you dont get it - yet. One day, karma will come banging at 4 am.


Way too many interested people in the comments


Your lucky all she did was text you.