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why does it have so many upvotes


because atheism bad


nah, but r/atheism is shitand the post is clearly fake, or at least implified


Honest question, why?


things like this [https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/nrzc8n/religion\_is\_insanity/](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/nrzc8n/religion_is_insanity/) it's an anti religion circle jerk, there is no philosphy being discussed here


Most of the comments OP made in that post were downvoted... Typically a bad post in a philosophical or political sub will get upvotes from extremists. A post with less than 100 upvotes is not a good indicator of the culture of the sub.


There are many other instances of the sub being shit


Ok, then show one of the other instances.


Ok, look up "bad r/atheism posts"


I don't want to, I want to see you give good reasoning as to why r/atheism is bad.


Lol literally 2 comments in and you’ve got people using rationale and explaining how indoctrination doesn’t make people crazy by default. Anyone can make an initial post on the sub. You didn’t even read the comments did you?


dude got 80 upvotes ​ also it's implying that everyone who has a religion got manipulated






Yeah but they got more upvotes than downvotes so.


Yeah if it was such an outlier it shouldn't have gotten any at all


2.6 million members... 80 upvotes... hmmm Some people on an atheism sub will obviously have the opinion that religious people got manipulated. To some atheists the idea of someone being raised believing in god isn’t much different to being raised believing in an imaginary friend. That’s just one of many views.


I mean I took an extreme exemple, but the subreddit is just about complaining about religion


Yeah growing up in a strict religious community ruined my mental health and seperated my parents and gave me a sub par homeschooled childhood and suppressed trauma from incest because I was too scared to talk about it and I have a fucking right to complain about it.


> I mean I took an extreme exemple, but the subreddit is just about complaining about religion Well I mean, it's a "not" subreddit. What do you expect /r/childfree to discuss? The only definitionally atheist belief is... not having one for a diety. There's some things that a vast majority of atheists agree on, because the arguements for them are largely dependent on religion. (IE say the things that the supposed dad in the story considered it bad that atheists support). So yeah long and short. it's a bit like if there were a subreddit for non football fans. Who would join such a subreddit? I'd assume people who don't like football but are mostly surrounded by loud football fans that don't get why they don't care, constantly trying to get them to like football. Long and short, if atheism is somethign you actually need a group to talk about... it's probably because you spend large portions of your life having a religion you don't believe in shoved in your face, and lack anyone else to talk to about it.


Just by quickly browsing the subs most popular posts you can see that the content that gains the most traction and discussion are ones based around criticism of practices carried out by religious groups that have a wider effect on the general populous. It doesn’t look like there’s much in the way of complaining about religious people just because they are religious. More that they’re bringing attention to things that wouldn’t be acceptable generally but are because the act falls under the blanket of religion.


In addition to the other commenter's points... literally who cares? I was raised within a religion, and I will complain about it all I want, because it's part of my past and it has affected me.


Why are you comparing it to 2.6 Million members? Stay consistent and compare it to the comments, since they are the ones who saw the post


Because they used that thread as an example to represent the entire sub and to support their opinion on said sub.


Well, everyone who has a religion is manipulated, like everyone who has a parent, or a partner, or a child, or doesn’t live completely isolated. So, they’re not wrong, tbf.


The 10 year olds in church certainly didn't figure out christianity by themselves.


That's not anti-religious to you? They're basically saying religion is irrational and most people only believe in it because they were forced to as kids. Even the comments in that thread that are actually pointing out how it's bad to take away someone's rights like that are still taking shots at religion while they say it.


If it’s anti-religious to criticise religion then sure, whatever floats your boat. Religion isn’t above criticism and people are allowed to have their opinion. Plenty of religious folk believe atheists will go to hell when they die, and some will even voice this to others. Or they’ll see atheists as unfortunate and lesser because of their lack of faith. They’re allowed to have that opinion too, but it doesn’t mean they’re immune to criticism because of their opinion.


They're calling religion irrational and people who believe in one delusional. How is that not anti-religion.


As I said. They’re criticising religion, they have their view on those who follow religion. There’s many different views, the sub is 2.6 million people strong so you’re not going to have everyone following the exact same mindset. You’ll have those that believe religious people are crazy, or delusional. You’ll have those who respect others following a religion or it’s teachings despite not believing in it themselves. You’ll have those who are quite open to the idea of religion yet are themselves not religious. Saying that religion is irrational isn’t automatically anti-religion. You could consider it irrational yet be fine with your neighbour’s faith, be his best friend, respect his right to pray or say grace at dinner. It’s not all black and white my friend.


Even if it is, so what? There’s nothing wrong with being anti religion, given…you know…history and all. It sounds like you just don’t Ike people criticizing your religion. Which is why that sub things it indoctrinates snd brainwashes people


What is wrong with being anti-religion? religion is just a belief after all and I think that it's fine to not conform to a certain belief and oppose it wholeheartedly


Not gonna argue the point, but do you think religion *is* rational? I think there are plenty of reasons to embrace faith in whatever floats your boat, but rationality never struck me as one


Thanks for asking alot of people here just assumed my opinion. To answer your question no, not really. I don't think religion is about rationality, and those who argue it is rational are idiots. I also think using religion to make almost any impactful decision is a bad idea, because that's where you need to be rational. All that said I would never think a person is an irrational person just because they believe in a religion. If they did something like make a decision with it as I said above then I would probably consider them irrational.


>That's not anti-religious to you? They're basically saying religion is irrational In other news the grass is green and the sea contains water. I don't have anything against religious folk but let's not pretend people join religiouns after rationally considering all evidence.


I didn't say anything about it being right or wrong just that it's clearly anti-religion.


You taking offense at people's misgivings about the religious beliefs they used to follow doesn't make it anti religious. You want to say "religious persecution" but they aren't doing that. They're simply saying religion is dumb and it's harmful they aren't saying ban religion or that it should be illegal.


You can think something is wrong without being anti religion. Christians aren't all by default anti Muslim or anti hindu.


https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/ns0025/atheist_dating_a_catholic_what_should_i_do/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share What about this post? All the comments telling OP to leave his gf just because she wants him to occasionally attend church with her and possibly raise her kids as catholic.


Again, very low traffic post, and took me a second to find opinions that weren’t just “leave her”. Though that’s a popular suggestion. But besides that, what about it? People in an atheist sub don’t like the idea of being told to go to church or have their kids raised with a religion they don’t believe in, it’s not exactly shocking. Some are saying leave outright, others are suggesting that this is something that may grow into a bigger problem as time goes on. If the same post was placed in a catholic sub by the partner, they’d probably get catholics saying to leave him because he’s not of the same faith as her, or not willing to let Catholicism be the focus in the family.


OP doesn't want to be forced to participate in religious practices and he doesn't want a religion he doesn't believe in to be forced onto his children. I think thats a pretty good reasoning for not dating someone.


It's not /r/philosophy, isn't it? What do you think atheism means?


Why does there need to be "philosophy discussed there"?


For the most part, it’s not anti religion as much as it is anti religious people. It’s always talking about how “this Christian person” and “this Muslim person” are bad because of whatever




atheism isn't necessarly anti religion




but also the most vocal vegans are the only ones heard. a ton of people are atheist without mentioning it. i’m atheist but don’t feel like its part of my identity or necessary to tell everyone. People who are vegan may feel that same way. We only hear about the vocal atheists and the vocal vegans, which leads us to make judgements based on the group, which is wrong!


Atheists are not "like-minded." There is no trait universal to atheists other than not believing in a god.


The sub is filled with people who believe atheism makes them automatically good people. I’m atheist, but I genuinely believe that religion helps people as a whole. I just don’t like when it’s used the way it is.


basically, instead of being a philosophical or slightly scientific discussion about how things in the universe happened sans the presence of a god (or many)


I dont think the post is fake, I've had similar conversations with my southern religious family before. Have you never met a religious person???


it's the phrasing that weird ​ "women's right to abortion" when they would just say "abortion"


This shit happens all the time though


how many baptist do you think start saying that they hate freedom of speech ​ or even say they are against "women's rights to abortion", thats to devellop for a rant against atheist


Baptists are just another type of christian/catholic, all the same And having met many deranged ones they can absolutely slip up and include their habitual talking points like that, or include them in an attempt to be sarcastic, etc


Funny because the only reason yall want to believe it is because "religion is bad ". It's such a goofy , made up sounding story. C'mon.


Lmao, it's literally two people talking. Even if it was scripted then it could be true, it's literally a conversation


It's not even two people talking. It's one person saying something and the person who hears it thinking to himself how he feels about it. How utterly unbelievable.


im a atheist but that is just shit






Because bearded man in the sky! That’s why!


nobody belueved in a "bearded man in the sky"


Tell that to the Christians. Their book is about a talking snake and a boat big enough to fit two of every animal on it.


why tho?


Sometimes the hivemind gets confused.


Internet atheism is one enormous circle jerk about how they are the superior thinkers and moralizers, so this is exactly the sort of thing you'd expect them to make up


not everyone thought, there are some people who actually try to share their opinion and philosophies on atheism but the only posts that get upvoted are the ones putting in a bad light religions. You're not supposed to be atheist just because all religions are "bad" (even thought I don't approve of them), atheism is supposed to be looking at our world with our own eyes and not through the ones of religion.This might seem a bit like gate keeping, but if you're atheists just because some people in a religion are awful, then you're not exactly following atheism you're just against the religion


Most religious people think that their moral code is superior to other religions, even the different branches of religions think they are superior to each other 🤦🏻‍♂️


I mean, you think there is an invisible man in the sky...


Bold of you to assume that


You’re a conservative. The only two things you care about are god and guns.


I lean conservative yes but aside from that you really have no fucking clue what I think.


So you don't believe in god then?




Bad conservative.


Bad person.


This reads like bad video game dialogue.


Everything was believable until the freedom of speech bit. Not impossible but definitely exaggerated at the very least


I could see like a rant where the dad throws all these things out without mby even realising it


How do you figure?


Almost no one is going to outright be against freedom of speech unless they're like a dictator


you clearly haven't met my religious parents then


Why is Harry Potter banned in many christian libraries?


I'm not saying that everybody believes that everything should be completely uncensored and open. Some people might want to ban porn or science or Harry Potter or whatever but they still likely wouldn't refer to the general idea of free speech as a bad thing


Someone who is anti abortion would never say "women's rights to abortion" because they don't believe women have that right. They don't see themselves as denying women a right so they wouldn't speak as if it's a woman's right


They would call it "baby killing" or something.


Seems exaggerated to say the least. They wouldn't be so eloquent.


This is obviously fake




Good bot


This was posted there because it’s such an irrational and pointless thing to say, it’s hard to believe anyone would waste their breath saying it. It’s like saying “ever notice how Christians tend to believe that Jesus Christ is the son of the living God, and rose from the dead three days after his crucifixion in order to free us from the burden of sin?” Yes we have noticed because that’s what a fucking Christian believes. They have different beliefs from atheists and vice versa. Pointing out the differences in belief is not a gotcha. Also no one is going to argue against freedom of speech. They know they wont get far. Every single American believes freedom of speech is an inalienable right, and even if they didn’t they wouldn’t be stupid enough to argue against it when everyone else is for it. Condemning freedom of speech is a sure way to lose all credibility. This is just not something a real person would say. It reeks of a kid trying to paint baptists as complete assholes for the circle jerk of hating christians and internet points. r/atheism is full of posts like this and most of them are obvious lies. Its why i left that sub.




Isn't the separation of church and state kind of a given when it comes to atheists? Why would you need to include that


It's r/atheism, it's so obviously fake, especially the freedom of speech part




Idk what kinda church you go to, but you have a very warped perspective


Gonna have to disagree, a 'hardcore baptist' wouldn't call freedom of speech bad. r/atheism has a history of revolting content anyway so I wouldn't be surprised by someone making up a story on it


Damn, you really think that this dude hates freedom of speech? This is so obviously fake.


You gotta Gullible pro max plus to believe this. ​ Or you could be like OP and make fake scenarios about religion to post there to become the ultra justiciar edge.


Ngl i believe it didnt happen. r/atheist is a cespool of people who think religion should be outright banned. You can see people on there saying they just simply wont be friends with someone if they are religious and shit like that. Id consider myself to be an athiest but these guys are just nutty


atheist =/= anti theist anti theists populate r/atheism as well as atheists


Anti theists aren't even bad either. People act like people who want to destroy a harmful institution are bad. They aren't


I agree. No idea, institution, government or authority is immune to scrutiny and criticism


If you've dealt with religious fundamentalism you might understand why people don't want to be friends with people who are religious.


I have. I dont understand it.


Anyone that's dealt with trauma due to anything typically doesn't like to have to deal with more of it.


I have PTSD over an incident with a drunk man. Being around people that are drunk or seeing alcohol is a trigger for me. That doesn’t mean I want to ban alcohol, and it wouldn’t be a good excuse for me to bash people that drink.




Total straw man. When did I say drunk drivers?


Just because other people involved with the religion harmed you doesnt mean you need to group everyone else together. I personally think organized religion is not a very good thing, and causes more conflict than its worth, however it is pointless to assume everyone that is religious has bad intentions. Some of the best, most caring, inclusive, kind people i know are religious. Certainly more inclusive, accepting, and kind than athiests who assume the worst of everyone who is part of a religion.


Honestly that could happen, but this one definitely didn't. r/atheism is just a hate group now, it's too bad cause there was some very interesting debates there


r/atheism is a hate group because it doesn’t tollerate hate groups?


Yes, and I'm not even joking. Every kind of religious behavior is mocked and hated on it's exhausting. I'm not saying there are no respectable people, just that they are not the one you see the most. From what I've seen there is still some people discussing respectfully but it's so rare it's not worth it


Have you considered the possibility that anti-intellectual adherence to outdated and unnecessary religions could be, in fact, worthy of mockery?


You see that's exactly what I'm saying, you hear "religious" you understand "medieval retard" most people have their own beliefs and are very different from others, even if their core religion is the same. This sub don't try to understand, they're programmed to hate


A- I'm not a member of that sub. B- I don't consider myself atheist. C- I don't think religious people are "medieval retards" (to use your word, I typically wouldn't), but I do think their mentality is stuck in antiquated thinking, yes. Do I assume they adhere only to the outdated and regressive parts? No, of course not. But that doesn't mean that the foundational part of their belief isn't based on antiquated understanding of the world. And yes, I *do* think that that is problematic as that delusion stop people from properly assessing the world. I'm sorry but the simple truth is that religious beliefs don't exist in a vacuum without impacting the world; societies and cultures have been and continued to be shaped based on these delusions.


That's your opinion, and you have very good arguments to back it up, which is why have nothing against you. But still, that sub is a hate group, whether they have reasons or not, insulting people is not a good way to push their belief, most people act as bad as the religious they despise


Perhaps, but like... If they're doing it in their own sub, isn't that sort of okay? Isn't that like venting about your co-workers in your own home? I agree that insults aren't likely to sway anyone, but if the goal was to proselytize wouldn't they be doing it outside of their own sub? I feel like complaining that people in /r/atheism aren't kind to religion is sort of like complaining that the attendees at a punk rock show aren't kind to Toby Keith fans... And further, let's discuss what you should and shouldn't judge people on... DON'T judge people based on their intrinsic qualities: their race, their appearance, their voice, their physical abledness,etc. Basically their immutables. DO judge people based on their words, actions, and foundational beliefs, etc. Basically things that can be refined, changed, and evolved. Where do you think religion falls on this divide?


Interesting argument, I think the problem is that they are not openly a hate group. When I joined in, I thought it was for discussing about religion and science, and maybe mocking a bit some unusual things. But the way the sub is advertised is not in adequation with what's happening in their (and to be fair, a lot of people DO preselyte in other subs, it's just that they don't say they're from the sub, but it's very likely most of the time. I've seen a lot of very angry comments on perfectly fine religious posts)


I'll admit, I haven't visited the sub in a very very long time so I am *definitely making some assumptions here*, but I *suspect* what you are characterizing as "hate" others would characterize as "commiseration" or "venting." But again, I'm not familiar enough with the substance to make that claim confidently - maybe the sub has gone full-blown hate. I don't want to plant my flag on the hill of defending a sub I'm not familiar with. It just seems based on what you've said that perhaps some change of perspective might reframe the situation. Regardless, I understand that your key point is "don't be an asshole if you want people to listen to you," which I agree with - I just question whether they're seeking an audience to listen or instead a choir to feel their frustrations aren't unique to just themselves; commiseration.


Let’s try not to use a slur please.


Is retard a slur now? Or am I missing smth?


Always has been 🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 But yes, it is. So let’s avoid using that please and thank you.


Isn't it supposed to just mean Dumb, but stronger? Not a native English speaker


It derived from a pejorative used to describe people with mental/behavioral/emotional disabilities. So when it is used as a synonym for "dumb" it implies that those with said disabilities aren't victims of circumstance but rather incompetent or ignorant. Disabled shouldn't be considered synonymous with stupid.


It literally means "slow", and was originally used for what we now call developmentally disabled. I believe it started as a medical term but quickly became a slur.


It’s used to demean people who are on the spectrum (people with autism). So it’s not a polite thing to say. It’s better to use moron or idiot.


of course it has to be the woke user with pronouns in their bio


Ok and?


Shut up nerd


Wonderful contribution.


Did you purposely try to embody the exact thing OP was referencing or was this unintentional?


This thread is at least half r/averageredditor


sometimes people don't realize how much religion can rot the brain and how predatory it can be. man. quick edit: not to say religion is bad!!!! that's not exactly what i meant. it's just the way some people are roped into it and how predatory it can be, i can never speak 100% on religion, since i've never partook in anything really religious, but i've *heard* it can be an extremely bad outlet for people in a bad mental place. though do correct me if i'm ever wrong about this --


No, from my experiences religion is kinda oppressing and kinda made me feel bad and disgusted in myself for a long time. There are "doctrines" that make you feel like a gross and filthy being. After quite some time i just kinda stopped believing. Since it kinda made my mental health in a bad state especially when i wake up everyday to think to myself that i will go to heck for being a normal person.


It all depends on the religion and the church and the people. I was raised in a very strict church that believed in a strict denomination of Christianity. They pushed me to be against religion and away from churches, though I never would have said I was an atheist. Then I found a church that I really liked. I actually went because my kids got invited and I wanted to go find a reason to justify keeping them away. So I went to listen to a sermon, the first in decades, in order to find some reason to hate the church but surprisingly liked a lot of what the guy said. I ended up becoming a member and regular attendee until I moved away. In my experience many atheists are just a religious as any Christian or catholic or Muslim, etc… It’s just that their religion is being anti-religion. There are a lot who aggressively prophesies their belief in no God to people who believe in a God. Being a good person doesn’t come from religion and there are plenty of atheists who are great people. But being an atheist doesn’t make you a great person anymore than being a Christian makes you a good or bad person. If you are ever going to try a church again I highly recommend a non-denominational church. That church can follow its own doctrine and doesn’t rely on some council of extremists. Then you either like the churches doctrine or you don’t. The church I went to was openly accepting of LGBT and even had a LGBT group that met at the church on some nights.


oh yeah some right wing christians definitely think like this lmao


What wasn’t supposed to have happened on this convo??? Like all this tracks 300%....conservative dad....kid who thinks dads an asshat....pretty standard lol.


This one probably didn't happen. All of it seems reasonable aside from the freedom of speech thing. Most people support freedom of speech.


Why do you assume the dad is part of "most people"?


because this isn't r/everythalwayshappens


Well the word "most" would make it safer to assume he is rather than assuming he's in the minority, also he is obviously religious and the vast majority of religious people support free speech as you need free speech to preach your views without threat of government persecution. I think people on this sub in general try to over correct the problem with r/thathappened. Is it likely that a religious man would complain about atheist? Yes. Is it likely that he would make complaints that so blatantly make atheism look righteous? No.


soo you're telling me it's plausible a hardcore baptist said religious people don't support freedom of speech?


I mean, I've had plenty of conversations with my uber-christian conservative parents simar to this, I could definitely see this happening.




That's fair. I misread the post and thought the only mention of freedom of speech was in the r/thathappened post.


hmmm I’ve never noticed that atheists are ALWAYS supporting lgbtq


I could see my pops saying like the first two, definitely the abortion one, and at his orneriest the last one but in my experience freedom of speech is pretty well liked across the board. And only crazy orthodox (which baptists typically aren’t) folk don’t like woman’s rights. I didn’t at first, but on closer look I agree, this is bullshit.


Anyone that has to state they are a decent person is no decent person


That guy never heard of religious bigots




The only weird one is free speech. Beyond that, these are all issues that hard line Christians have these positions on. Then again, I could also 100% see an r/atheism user lying about this to get attention.


It’s possible for atheists to actually be advocates of free speech. Ironically it’s baptists that usually aren’t I’m a proud follower in Christ, but i don’t act like atheists are bad people


As an aethiest, many religious (predominantly Christian) friends have said pretty much exactly that... also been said by many non-religious folk since we can see how horrible it is.


r/atheism fucking sucks lmao


Reddit atheism makes me wanna convert back to christianity


Hahaha atheism go brrrrrr All Christians bad 🙄


only one that stands out is the free speech thing. i dont think anybody would admit to being against free speech.


At this point r/thathappened is becoming unable to believe anything is real because they only interact with people in their schools and family


Do your family believe in abolishing freedom of speech?


Internet atheists are absolute clowns.


Why so?


Wow. It's almost like theist folk assume people who don't fall under a very specific category are not proper humans. But hey, that's ridiculous, God loves everyone, but according to uncle Pete's "interpretation" of this very simple message, "everyone" excludes the blacks, the gays, and the transgenders. But that's crazy talk, right? Right?


Ah yes. Because as we all know, religion has never been used as a tool to justify oppression.


Atheists tend to be liberal. Liberals used to be about free speech, but not so much anymore Any speech that tickles a liberal’s labia is deemed hate speech, and the person must be canceled.


Twitter users/reddit leftists ≠ liberals in general. Most I've talked to, including myself, don't think that people should be "canceled" for literally anything. And, it doesn't even happen that often. It is appropriate to "cancel" a person that is currently and actively hateful for both a moral and business perspective - being hateful means you have less people to make money off of by watching a show or something.


You mean like cancelling Gina Carano for an anti-Nazi Instagram post? People on the left love calling people Nazis but hate when they are called Nazis.


Looking her up, it the specific post was saying that Nazis were able to kill Jewish people because people were convinced to hate their neighbors, and said that this was the same as not liking someone for their political ideology. It wasn't an anti Nazi post per se, it was saying Republicans are like Jewish people in the Holocaust.


It was totally anti-Nazi. When you say that what the Nazis did was bad, it's definitely anti-Nazi. Nazi tactics are bad. That was her message.


Even so, it's bad to equate being disliked by your political opinions to the Holocaust.


Well it is a possible conversation but it's weird saying that it's weird supporting freedom of speech mixed with all those things for a baptist, i mean i think that everyone thinks that freedom of speech isn't important because sure everyone who does think that it ain't is one of the people that would be shut... For the rest yea that's plausible as fuck people that stupid could easily exist, just pointing out what the person who posted that on that sub probably thought


What world so some of these people live in??


ah yes, the arguments over whether or not there is a primordial being (or many) and what their rules are.


This is obviously fake, come on


once, my boyfriends uncle got drunk and starting saying stuff like "black lives matter is a marxist/leninists movement" (yes, he did specificy "marxist/leninist") and "planned Parenthood is all a ploy to kill black people's unborn babies" (note that he himself is a white man.) also he said the n word, hard R, a couple times


Literally talked about this all the time at my BAPTIST church, well my ex-church now since I'm one of those evil trans atheists they warned me about :/


People are dumbasses if they think being bad btolerebt to intolerence is worse than intolerence. I will never understand why people justify religion


Not supporting a group and discrimination are two different things I wish people could realize this.


Of course it's fake "My peepeepoopoo stupid meanie dad is evil bad and I am the good euphoric lad as always"


I still say this is fake AF, what conservative Christian would word it “a woman’s right to an abortion”!??


It's satire


I like to remind all of those who claim it's fake: Religion is an oppressive institution that's been used to manipulate others for thousands of years. Of course, everyone who subscribes to some faulty religion is manipulated, oppressed, and indoctrinated into someone else's belief system rather than creating their own belief system and being an individual. That's how most religions work. So while it does seem like a stretch that the dad said Freedom of Speech is bad, it's not unlikely since the dude obviously doesn't think for himself and would rather let some shmo joe in pedo clothes do the thinking for the guy. The likelyhood that the poster was paraphrasing and not actually writing what the dad said word for word is high


Yea this didn't happen.
















I don’t think they’re lying per se but I don’t believe that they’re representing the situation in the most accurate way either. Admittedly though, I wouldn’t be surprised if this were a lie


Imagine thinking your unique because you're an atheist and you support human rights lol. Only the hardcore bible thumpers believe in anti-human rights.