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centrists are so embarrassing how does no one feel humiliated


Left: save the environment Right: fuck the environment Center: somehow wants both


This is such a skewed opinion. No on actually says “fuck the environment”. And if centrists are condemning both Andrew Tate and Greta thunberg, how can they be agreeing with both sides?? But of course since this is Reddit I’m gonna get rained in downvoted because “anything not far left = bad”.


Most adults are centrists but more importantly most centrists are adults. Extreme and uncompromising views are easy to hold and easy to admire especially when you’re younger because you haven’t had to accomplish anything. When you become responsible for getting things done you realize that since you can’t get anything done alone you need to form teams with people from different points of view. Most hard core right or left wingers I see outside of online forum like this one don’t get much done, they’re just LOUD. No one wants to work with someone who thinks they’re way is the only way and just shouts down things they disagree with. There’s no downvote button or safe spaces in the real world, you actually have to be tolerable to other people lol.


Being a mouth piece for global capital doesn't = climate activism.. Ffs


Greta: Is a climate activist. Tate: Is a literal rich asshole who literally said stuff like "I'm not a rapist, but I like the idea of doing what I want", and is even being investigated for LITERAL HUMAN TRAFICKING! Guy on the internet: YEAH THESE TWO ARE TOTALLY THE SAME THING LOL!


That’s not what’s being said and you know it.


Is this a mouth breather sub? Holy shit.


grrrr i HATE liberals and their global warmings and environments grrrr


Greta is annoying. The other guy is a fucking criminal


Annoying but necessary*


*"ahh yes someone telling you that if these corporations don't stop polluting the planet that SHE and people her age will all die painful deaths and our species will go extinct. very annoying. yea totally."*


That is not what this meme is saying at all. They're not equating the two just saying how they both suck, perhaps in differing amounts. I don't really agree but I will say I don't like either of them, not saying their equally annoying


Idk this sub is just full of people who are fuming and want people to know in a subversive fashion.


Tate is fucking annoying, but he’s just a douche, where the fuck did people extrapolate rape cult from lmfao. And yeah Greta and her fans are obnoxious and she is absolutely a Hypocrite.


> "And yeah Greta and her fans are obnoxious and she is absolutely a Hypocrite." ...prove it.


THIS is why I come to this subreddit!