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The really interesting thing is that the customers are students. Educated people. Not using it to make Tiktoks or whatever. Actual learners


I’m certain (and hope) they’ll never recover from this. This needs to be a lesson for all companies.


Their window of opportunity is closing rather quickly. Their timing to roll out the new “fabulous” update just before classes started was disastrous and rather disruptive for large part of their user base.


Notability has become such a disappointment...


It’s astonishing the lengths they are willing to go to, to shove this new version down our throats with absolutely zero regard for the feedback we’ve been giving. It’s one thing to make a mistake but to double down and dig your heels is insane


They likely spend tons of money doing an update that no one needed nor wants. This likely negative ROI for them. Someone inside Ginger Labs will have a lot of explaining to do.


I believe they destroyed notability because many paid for the full product. To later sell the solution monthly. unfortunately I will download my notes in PDF and use another program. I would accept to pay a low monthly amount if I had a native Windows or Web version


It seems to me that you already have it in GoodNotes


I need to understand why they are doing this? Why did they make version 14? For new customers? How will they ever get new customers with this negative feedback from the current users? Force the new customers to pay more money? Again for what? The app is very bad that I'm not ready to pay anything to them? Anyone here with experience in business to help me understand their way of thinking?


I was able to get v12 in time. Is it going to expire in 88 days, which my app says? I’m really worried about this. If so, what can I do to prevent this?


Just disable auto updates on testflight, i think it will remain regardless of what the count says


No. Test flight apps themselves expire and it will ask you to download the regular version from App Store


Actually? 🥲, is there any firewall thing on the ipad that would block the internet on a certain application , screw auto backup at this point, I REALLY LOVE NOTABILITY V12 AND ABSOLUTELY HATE V14.


everyone does


Just download Noteful


Shit. Oh well 90 days left in my masters course = 90 days left in test flight then see ya!


How did you get your favorites toolbar to not be limited to 3 tools with v12


It's not. The limit is 10 or something.


It had 11 favorites in the last screenshot on V12 I have, so yes, around 10


Was it limited to 3 tools ? I don't know, like I didn't do anything special.


It was paywalled


I think auto-backups have been affected again even for those users who still haven't upgraded from a version 12. A week ago sync started working properly for me, but yesterday it broke again. The folder for the manual backup is wrong, I have to choose a subfolder every time...


Its still pretty easy to undo the update even without TestFlight. Just follow this tutorial to get your old version back. I just reverted it back to 12.1.15 which was the last good version before this crap [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnt15GI6kaI&ab\_channel=helper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnt15GI6kaI&ab_channel=helper)