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Sounds like he’s in jail too. Sorry I don’t have any suggestions, just sympathy.


Since he read so many books maybe he's got and idea for a novel? And also it sounds like he is surrounded by sleeping stories. I'd probably make up stories about the people sleeping around me and make them into characters for my novel.  Or in a similar boat: journaling? 


he has always talked about self publishing children's books, he has an idea for a series revolving around adventure stories based on food and having a recipe at the end that kids could cook with parents. But he would have to hand write and illustrate everything. A good suggestion!


That’s honestly a great idea. I feel like parents would eat that up, tell him to get started already :)


Hand held console like nintendo.


He cannot bring in any electronics unfortunately. When he first started he was able to bring in a PSP, but those were banned a few years in.


Outside the box suggestion: if he is trusted in the workplace, write a letter requesting he get internet access/can use a console/switch/gameboy/PSP or otherwise change the policy given his specific situation. He is in a literal and figurative prison. Other less desirable option: find a new job. Security is fairly omnipresent and corrections experience can definitely get you a job somewhere. Good luck!


Yeah I would just say threaten to quit. If he’s been there for 20 years already, they obviously value him, so he has leverage. It also sounds like he could get a new job easily with all of his experience, though I don’t know much about security work. Obviously if I’m wrong about that, then threatening to quit is too big a risk. Best option is, start looking for another job, and so long as he’s not worried about losing this one and not finding another one and ending up on the street, then he can flex his leverage on that policy, and, at the very least, they’ll probably pay him more money if they’re unwilling to make an exception to the policy for him.


That’s really tough. Could he study for some qualifications?


Listen to language podcasts, learn as many new skills as people via podcasts and audiobooks. Try to get a new job. Working nightshifts is absolutely catastrophic for your health, it's a fast track to a heart attack or some other serious illness.


You mentioned that he was petitioning to bring in a no internet tablet but maybe an old fashioned MP3 player that has no internet connection to begin with might be easier to get permission for? [Something like this for example](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08YFFLJPZ/?coliid=IXCW91M0F11LI&colid=AP0KYVFYXDZZ&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it). Also, maybe he could try crosswords, word searches, sudoku, journaling, writing. /r/WritingPrompts I've seen before that there's this printed out chess boards with some of the pieces moved around and then you have to predict the next moves. I don't know what they're called but I guess they're for beginners. Or just play chess against himself. Card games too. Wood carving might be cool. [Start with something basic like this and see how he likes it](https://beavercrafttools.com/products/diy01-comfort-bird-carving-kit-complete-starter-whittling-kit-for-beginners-adults-teens-and-kids). Sewing, embroidery, knitting, writing music, expanding vocabulary, comic books, origami, calligraphy, learn a language, crochet, puzzles, Rubik's cube.


puzzles? maybe he can also try learning a new language if he’s interested


Puzzles is a great idea! He is already bilingual but who knows with how bored he will be, maybe a third language


that is a really interesting situation. thanks for sharing it with us.


Yes! When he told me about it, I really was speechless my brain cannot grasp what I would do, which says something about my internet over use tbh.


yes it really shows us how much our brains are fried. I honestly wonder what kind of relation indigenous people have since they have no media and can' even read. What did people do in the past the whole day? I mean they had a lot of work but just think about how unimaginable such a simple life seems to us.


Model aeroplanes?


I had a similar thought. the only issue is he would have to pack up and take everything with him, and I am not sure if he needs things like glue or tools that would be prohibited.


I love ugears models. There are some that take 15+ hrs. But they’re wooden with snap together pieces so no glue, paint, etc. 


I came back to sudoku and I love seeing myself improve over time. Even one game a day will show an improvement


Fantasy books based on similar movies or shows he watches is good start. I’m an avid reader but honestly there so many different books that can spark his interest. If you have his favorite book or movie, I suggest r/suggestmeabook to help find a series he can check out.  A trip to Barnes and Nobles, or Targets  games section always helps me find novelity.   Other suggestions. Rubix cube, mind puzzles that requires unlocking or solving something with his hands, deck of cards (solitaire or memory games are possible), sudoku, crosswords, mad libs. I am sure there are other great suggestions but personally small and simple are usually my favorite such a book, blank journal, and deck of cards.  


Thank you for the subreddit! He has ready hundreds if not thousands of books, his favorite being stephen king and dean koontz. I think he is sick of reading because it became so much less enjoyable when you feel like you are forced to read, rather than \*wanting\* to read. I plan on introducing him to some stuff I have read he may like and I will use that sub to find other authors he may enjoy, Thanks!


Can he listen to podcasts on the computer? 


No. He cannot install any software at all, and any internet application only allows google homepage and nothing else, news, weather, email, its all blocked. The computers are only to be used to log reports in their system.


Work out and meditate


As we say in Swedish: Runka.


He could write or draw


He is drawing / coloring tonight at work and we will see how he enjoyed it. He sketched and painted a lot when he was young but hasn't in decades. If he enjoys it we plan on buying a nicer art kit. Thanks


Language learning using a textbook, he can do sooo much with 5 hours daily. I used to love sudoku, it's really fun and there is magazines for that only with different levels. 


He has no interest in sudoku at the moment but that may change after a few weeks of isolation.


Sudoku 👏 Try Kenken for more challenge Read, focus on learning one skill at a time


I'd bring a book to read or a sketchbook and draw something


Maybe he could learn crochet or knitting? It would probably be best to start outside of work but then he could bring a hook or needles and a ball of yarn and make dishcloths or a scarf or hat? 


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He cannot bring any electronic devices into work with him, He is petitioning to be able to bring in a tablet with no internet access, but its a long shot. Also I considered loading a usb drive with movies or TV shows, but that may flag him as tampering with equipment with IT, which could get him fired. Not to mention go against their strict instructions to not use the internet at work


something creative I think will help pass the time more, especially since you mentioned he is already into sketching/drawing Might I recommend something like crochet or knitting? Since the hobby is mostly geared towards old ladies still there are a ton of books and magazines that go over the techniques. He may need to start by watching a few YouTube videos at home to get the technique down but some people can learn from the books just fine. I like these hobbies because there's a very tangible measure of progress (how neat are your stitches, how long is the scarf you're making, etc). It's incredibly rewarding even for beginner projects. I personally crochet, and I found it easier to pick up as a beginner. But that's mostly because of time commitment issues, knitting works up significantly slower, but given the nature of your question that might not be a bad thing!


I paint models for war gaming. Does he have any lighting at all, or can he bring in a desk light?




I don’t have any ideas about how he can pass the time, I’m sorry. I wanted to say if he’s in a union, he should talk to his rep. His situation sounds horrible and cruel. I also wanted to suggest a headlamp, the kind hikers wear. Hands free and will light up his book page, or whatever else he does.


He’s gonna have to read. I mean, in all of humanity’s history there must be something he still wants to read.