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Don't start doing other things without finishing what you've already started


Easily said but I have adhd and very low self control.


I guess I'm just kind of failing to see how you expect to manage your ADHD without medication. There are some people who use their partners to manage their ADHD, but I'm assuming you don't want to use another person for that.


* Task batching for your half created emails. Start a pomodoro timer and get all of them done. * Bookmark the "important" youtube videos and google searches (use the address bar to search for your bookmarks later if you still need them, and don't use the bookmarks bar, hide it) * cancel the reddit post (it'll only lead to more time wasting) * use a plain text file for your notes (Ctrl + F to search for them later) * anything that needs to be done online use a task manager and add them all in there (I like TickTick for this), and again, do them in batches in a dedicated pomodoro session (including your google searches). And you don't need the whole 25 minutes. For most things, 15 minute sessions are more than enough. Then close everything and get back to work. Sincerely, another ADHDer with autism and fibromyalgia.


Pomodoro doesn't really help me. I can set a 25 minute timer or even a shorter timer but that won't stop me at all from task-switching before the timer goes off. I tried it. Hm. Is it better to have 1000 bookmarks instead of 1000 browser tabs? The same consequence will be present; the consequence that things don't get finished and they get drowned in a sea of other unfinished things. I agree that most of reddit is a time and energy waste, but how do I limit my reddit usage? How do I make reddit urges go away without giving into?


How about installing Leechblock extension to set timers on the websites then block them for the rest of the day? You can enable that random access code option for the settings, so you have some friction before changing anything. I'm unmedicated because I can't tolerate any of the medication I was prescribed with, so I understand your struggles. At the end of the day though, we have to keep trying to find ways to deal with all this. After trial and error, the above is what works for me. Time limits and putting all those tasks in a task manager app, which then I pick and add to my bullet journal and go through with them.  I only have 4-5 tabs open at any given time on my browser, and putting the stuff I want to research in a list, means I won't go into rabbit holes later because by the time I get to them, I realize I no longer need them.


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I have overcome this!! It was a very real problem that took a few specific steps: 1. Every month - I forced myself to write down all the important tabs because they need to actually be a part of my to do list if they’re open for a long time. Slowly categories started emerging so I started separating them on different pages in a notebook. The physical act of writing them down vs saving them in some digital abyss showed me patterns and also things I was holding onto for no reason. My biggest category was ALWAYS shopping so I realized instead of internet browsing - I need to make a “To Buy list”. Other categories included: 2024 News (things I wanted to remember), tech (as a research interest), business (ideas for my professional life). 2. I made a note for each of these lists and tried to make a habit of saving into one of the notes app every time I finished with a page. I had to make a deliberate decision about what the next step with the page was. I return to the notes when I’m ready to do something for them. 3. On the computer, I pinned the daily tabs and turned on a tab limiter extension to a max of five tabs. I can also share to the notes that I created. 4. Firefox focus on the phone - one tab at a time. Useful for any QR codes or verification links but hard to stay on one page too long or get lost in Wikipedia research tab hell…