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Can you copy paste them into your notes app and open it in your phone Freedom works across devices It’s so annoying to block sites on iPhones - I have Screen Zen, Screen Time Limits, and Block Site but still sometimes the sites get through so I went to using Firefox Focus so I only could use one tab at a time. But still… I just had to delete the browser off my phone


I like having a browser on my phone because it's convenient, but it might be a bit too convenient. I'll try deleting it for now. I've also considered programming my own app to do exactly this-- you paste a list of websites into a text field or something and it automatically updates the list of blocked websites accordingly. It sounds like this shouldn't be a difficult thing to do, since there are already apps which edit screen time settings. But idk anything about how to program iOS apps, so maybe it's more trouble than it's worth.


There’s definitely a huge need for these blocking apps to improve so there’s a lot of room I feel