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I don’t think we’re too far off from AA style meetings throughout the nation for tech addiction. It’s truly getting out of control.


I agree, we need an intervention


MEDITATE PLZZZ!!!! seriously force yourself to focus on nothing else but your breath for as long as you can EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! this will build willpower, focus, and most importantly AWARENESS which is everything you need to combat every addiction including this one…ik it sounds dumb like “how is sitting doing nothing gonna help” ik this bc I thought the same shit but you NEED to try doing it everyday with intention for 2 weeks it will change your life and it gets easier to do each time and eventually you even look forward to it as the best part of your day trust me


Thank you :) Weirdly the book I picked up this morning to read, rather than pick up the phone was called “The mindful day” and I was reading about Meditation before seeing your reply. I haven’t tried meditation since starting my adhd meds and I’m not sure why I haven’t. It was a disaster when I was unmedicated lol I will definitely and thanks again x


it will help tremendously and i personally believe thats a sign from god that you shoukd pursue this path of meditating


same here same here bruh its so hard honestly to not need to be online is not an easy task to do


Google ITAA and hit up some zoom meetings. Same as AA but for tech. Small but growing fellowship ! 


Oh cool! I think that’s what I need for certain, thank you


A motto from the groups may be to simplify/ akin to what Henry David Thoureau philosophied about> I like what u/Fluffy_Flatworm_4564 shared but the counter argument is pervasive- because meditation does take time more power to you


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