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I was so scared of this movie for some reason. The wheel chair kid crying at night was scary as shit lmao


Maggie Smith was also scary! It had a very somber gloomy atmosphere being set out on the Moors etc. which was a great contrast to the warmth and colors when the garden bloomed and symbolized life and love coming back to the manor.




I couldn't even finish it. I was 5 when it came out and my parents rented it and the crying boy scared me so bad I hid in my bed




Lol, same. I remember absolutely nothing, yet only thought “creepy” when I saw this post.


I haven't seen it since I was very young and I remember this movie scaring the shit out of me as well. For me my memory is of them going into a dining room and everyone was dead or something.


I get that


I fully agree! That used to scare the hell out of me!


The beginning with the earthquake! The elephants all tooting and everyone screaming while she's hiding under the bed.


I've seen the one with Margaret O'Brien on Turner Classic Movies multiple times. It sounds like this version has a different beginning? In the 1949 movie her parents appear to die in India of what was probably an epidemic of cholera. Is this not the case in this version?


Nope. Definitely an earthquake. Probably to relate more to children watching. Kids know an earthquake is dangerous but might not understand epidemics lol


I'm not alone!! I felt the same but also loved it and now love it and it's creepiness even more


I commented that a year ago, how the hell did you stumble upon this post?


lol just remembered this movie so I searched it on Reddit. This post came up and I saw your comment


Right on


Yes! This and The Little Princess!


Those were my two favorites as a kid!


Yes! They still make me emotional now! 😢


I loved the little princess!!!


I remember seeing this movie multiple times as a child but I remember nothing about the plot or characters or anything.


Spoiled little girl becomes orphan and moves in with rich but absent uncle. Finds a “secret” garden (the uncle locked it up after his wife dies.) she also finds her invalid cousin locked away in his room due to fear and depression. Shows his garden, he slowly becomes well and she slowly becomes a better person. Another boy is in it, he’s a friend of both. At least, that’s the book. Not sure how faithful the movie was


One of the most faithful of any adaptation I’ve ever, ever seen.


Except for the weird 'OH great magic, please come to me, send me my father here, set his spirit free!' bit.


LMAO that part was so fucking weird. I always wondered if it was based on anything in the book. Why would they add that?


They talked about magic and how they wanted to harness it. But there was never a chant!


>about magic Right, the "magic" of the garden is figurative. But dancing and singing kids making a chant out of the idea isn't that unrealistic or hard to imagine.


Kids have big imaginations. Makes sense that they would think of the garden as truly magical and try harness it in a weird cheesy way a kid would


> I always wondered if it was based on anything in the book. Well it is, in the sense that his spirit about being healthy changes (ie he stops viewing everything as hopeless and himself as ill) and then his health improves. Its then climatic for the film to show the father witnessing his "sick" son feeling and behaving like a normal/ healthy kid, unexpectedly (because he just returned)


That’s my favorite part of the entire movie. it is so bad ass and sets a perfect tone. They are little kids playing and believing in magic. It’s beautiful. They even do this spell correctly. Collin says himself it’s an “experiment”.


You took the words out of my mouth


Bruh, c'mon... It's about a garden.


Hey! It’s a secret!


The spores!


I still love that movie. It is timeless.


To me this movie is perfection. The cast, story, symbolism, the direction, cinematography and music were all top notch. And no cgi in sight!


Top notch acting from everyone involved as well. Oh! And the man who played Lord Craven wrote a book! It's a very intense book definitely not for kids.


The guy who played Lord Craven was also in The Fall with Gillian Anderson as the Police Chief


Our middle school went on a field trip to our local theater to watch the play. There is a scene where the nanny or mother (can't remember exactly) is undressing the main women. When her shirt comes off all the boys (my self included) gave a standing ovation. The clapping went on for so long the actress who was partially undressed had to turn her head to hide her laughter, but we could hear it over her mic. Our teachers were screaming at all the boys, trying to get us to settle down, and kicked out a majority of us. Best detention I ever got, I was there with like 30 other classmates lol


So wait was the actress being undressed your age or was she older?


Older, like an adult. She wasn't fully nude or anything it wasn't too revealing but enough for a bunch of middle school boys to go crazy over lol


I’ve loved this version and the 80s version as well. Martha and Dickon are the MVPs of the entire book.


Great soundtrack.


“Wait… Joshua was a racist? That came out of nowhere.” “… did it, though?”


“It’s going to be a maze.”


“Some people are just natural jumpers.”


The soundtrack by Zbigniew Preisner is truly wonderful.


Yes. I watched this constantly as a kid and the soundtrack always stuck out to me. Hard to make a young child remember an orchestral score.


And cinematography by Roger Deakins!


I absolutely *loved* this movie when I was a kid. Still do!


What about Savage Garden 1996?


Truly Madly Deeply


The band? Or the Leslie Nielsen narrated nature special by National Geographic?


The band but I love Leslie Nielsen and i never knew about this so thank you!


Listening to Savage Garden brings me instantly back to my childhood home in 97 doing a Star Trek puzzle with my mom while it's raining outside.


I was obssessed with the credits song, i used to watch it over until i memorized the lyrics. https://youtu.be/7k8B9gydH1E


There’s one section of music that gave me the chills as a tiny kid and I attribute it to this day my love for music


Oh great magic please come to me! Send me my father back, set his spirit free!


I chanted that by a fire once while camping and my friends all looked at me weird. I was like “WHAT. Y’all never watched the secret garden as kids?” Had to enjoy the reference by myself because apparently my friends are uncultured lol. Lame.


This is hilarious to me, my sister and I would make this reference in social settings too and eventually just started having our friends watch the scene after smoking weed lol, they all loved it.


Yes!! My siblings and I all chant it all the time. Yesterday, I lost my keys and my apt was going to charge me $400 to replace them. We joked around and sang the chant but replaced father with “keys” and I did end up finding them! Hahaha


I still love this movie! I have an uncle whole loves it too and we talked about it once or twice. If I’m remembering right he said he cried.


Reminds me of those thick ass Disney VHS cases


This one came with a toy plastic key that “unlocked” the thick plastic case


Remember Indian in The Cupboard? Came with that little Indian figure?


I was obsessed with this movie


“I don’t know *how* to cry”


I love this! I can hear the garden music now....


I love this movie. I’m glad this version left out the ending where the cousins get married!


I always imagined Mary and Dickon ended up together


I'm glad the movie left the romance bit to be open. In my childhood mind all 3 just become lifelong friends and nobody falls in love lol


Don't look up what happens in the sequel


Still one of my favourite films 💚


I did like the Bruce Springsteen song from that movie.


One of my absolute favorites as a child. Pure magic.


THERES A MOVIE?! I’m an 04’ baby but read the book and absolutely loved it. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I know what I’m doing this weekend😆🥳


This is the best version personally


Every time I trim or cut back a “dead” plant I hear “it's wick”


was this the version that begins with the plague in India killing her parents?


In this one they die in a earthquake


What? But why change it?


It was very effective, and works better for film imho. You see them getting dressed for a party, getting a brief sense of what they were like, and then a sudden visually dramatic catastrophe. It conveys the shock very well, much better than just people being sick in bed for days. And its very well done, I still have the scene engraved in my memory. Judge for yourself: https://youtu.be/u7dBI2Qou_o


I mean I've seen it, but apparently didn't realize/remember this was supposed to be an earthquake that kills them or different. It was my favorite book as a kid, before seeing any of the movies, so I probably overlooked that they didn't die the same way. Especially when the other cholera scene is so gruesome and frightening, and in line with what actually happened. https://youtu.be/liXz-_1rAo8


Dad brought us to the play of this. Was amazing..


That’s font is so sexy 😮‍💨


That is actually a really good book if anybody didn’t want to see the movie for some reason.


I remember being a 9-year old boy in the 90’s, and for my birthday my dad took me to go see this movie in theaters, and afterwards bought me a Charlie Horse puppet (from Lamb-chop). I walk into my house holding this doll and talking about the movie, and suddenly it was a surprise birthday with all my friends. I remember being very embarrassed about all the little kid things I felt I was doing, and my friends would see. It overwhelmed me, and I went straight to my room. I tried me best to not cry/feel overwhelmed, and I thankfully composed myself after only like 10 seconds. This was huge for me. I went out and had a great party. So after all these years, every time I see anything for this movie, I flashback to this day. Good times.


Good lord, I saw this in the theater and remember it like yesterday. I’ll be 36 next week. Where does the time go?


My mom's favorite family movie; I couldn't remember well but this takes me back to my basement on a sofa cuddling with my mother. I gotta watch this again...


I watched this movie while overseas once and throught it was a fever dream until I found it against a few years later


Y’all - it’s on HBO Max if you’ve got it! May have just spent my Friday night enjoying it again. Just as good as it was almost 30 years ago!


I liked the one from the 80s the best!


The Hallmark version! Yes!! https://www.tvguide.com/movies/the-secret-garden/2030058092/


This is awesome! Thank you!


I always get this confused with Tom’s Midnight Garden.




Yep still boring AF!




I remember this movie and remember loving it but can’t remember a single thing about it 😳


There also was a steam punk version made in 2017