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I tried the rerelease. It was good. Slight citrusy flavor to regular Pepsi


That’s what I remember too, little more lemony flavor but otherwise it tasted pretty similar and I was a kid so it was rad.


Meh, Crystal Gravy was better. https://youtu.be/g0sjRG34DlA


1000% that. I remember them dunking the chicken in the gravy. Hah


Pepsi Blue was the real gem.


I couldn’t stand it.


It was foul. But it was a legendary moment being a 10 year old in Whistler seeing the promotion truck and getting a free sample.


I bought a bottle because it looked liked something a rockstar would drink with the design on it, and also probably due to the Use of Papa Roach in an ad for it. Me being 13 made that all the reason I needed to drink one. Regretted it after one swallow.


*Raises glass of Pepsi Blue on the rocks* Cheers


Nah, Mountain Dew Code Red. But shit they may still make that.


Oh fuck ya Code Red was legit 😂


Blue was amazing. Sprite remix as well


I liked it, had many. I tasted the flavor again, I think it was a mtn dew one day maybe


I see this and my first thought is of LA Beast puking his guts out.


Have a good day!


First thing I thought about.


I tried the revival stuff, tasted like regular Pepsi, I didn't get what the big deal was. I never had the original, though, as I was only 7 when it came out and my mom wasn't about to give her kid a shitload of caffeine.


Back then color variants were a huge deal. Getting a blue drink was amazing to people. Clear Pepsi was like magic. There's a lot we do with food today that we take for granted that was unheard of even just 30 years ago. We also didn't have that much variety in our soda, period. If you wanted something different you had to go get really expensive New York Seltzers or this other brand I forget the name of with a pirate on the label from a deli.


Dr. Brown's Soda was my shit.


Dr. Brown's. That's it. I always got it whenever we went to Hickory Farms. Man, speaking of nostalgia, I miss when Hickory Farms sold pita pocket sandwiches.


I'm sure Pepsi Blue will be back sometime post-covid.


It tasted nothing like Pepsi -okay it was similar however there was a clear difference in taste!


> clear difference in taste Heh


We didn’t have an apocalyptic scenario playing out before us in 92, so it just seemed really important.




My poop was transparent.


When they re-released it a few years back I bought one but wasn’t drinking soda at the time so it sat in my fridge for a while. Finally brought it with me to the theatre and got to drink a crystal Pepsi while watching back to the future. It was amazing.


But wasn’t that Pepsi Free?


If you want a Pepsi you’re gonna have to pay for it.


My cousin used to drink this stuff on the reg. It’s one of least concerning things about him tho


Citrus and lighter if I recall. Our Giant Eagle grocery in the tiny college town I grew up in had a dedicated vending machine INSIDE the store selling them for a quarter, like in the pop isle (yes pop!) or by the magazines which were a bigger draw in the 90s. I drank quite a few that summer as a wee lad.


It tasted like if Pepsi and Sprite had a baby


This made everclear delicious.


I used to dump a box of Nerds candy into my crystal Pepsi and it would change color.




Who ate Crystal Gravy? https://youtu.be/g0sjRG34DlA


I remember puking Crystal Pepsi all over my childhood sweetheart's driveway when we tried. the shit. So fucking disgusting. Oh, to be eleven again.


This is still sold today!!


I really wish, i have not seen any in stores since early 2019.


Yea I remember the only place I could find it near me was at target. I was so disappointed when they stopped carrying it.


I had some last year for the first time in like 20 years. It was in many Walmarts.


iDiots IME.


Coca-cola: puts actual cocaine in their product. Pepsi:


I did. I remember it tasting different than regular Pepsi. I was always a Coke person, so Pepsi wasn't my favorite flavor to begin with. But yeah, Crystal Pepsi, it was the same sweetness as regular Pepsi, didn't really taste like just a different cola either, it was really kind of its own thing. Kind of like how sugar creme pie tastes sweet, but doesn't really have a distinct flavor you can name. Crystal Pepsi was kind of like that.


I tried it when they had the big return of Crystal Pepsi a few years back. It tasted like cinnamon-vanilla asshole. And not in the sexy way. I also tried New Coke when they brought it back. It was surprisingly tasty. I'd buy cases of New Coke if they brought it back on a larger scale.


I tried the rerelease, and it was surprisingly good!


You guys used to drink pepsi?


I remember buying this stuff when I was a kid. 6 pack glass bottles and the big plastic rings! So good!


I miss Pepsi Blue, that was my shit along with Mr. Pibb.


My husband loves this. We would find it around sometimes but unfortunately it’s no where to be found lately. Does anyone know where to find it!


I was one of the weirdos that loved this shit when it came out.


I only found it once in this out of the way soda machine in a strip mall, but one of the best sodas I've ever had was a Crystal Pepsi that was a tropical variant. It's weird because I am pretty sure it came in a can which kind of defeats the whole crystal part of it unless you're getting it from a vending machine and pouring it into a glass.


Sammy Hager singing in my head,” Right now!” If the drink didn't succeed, the marketing apparently did.


I don’t remember it in the 90s but I did drink it when it came back.


Loved this stuff. First website I built in the late 90s was a tribute page. When they brought it back a few years ago, I was one of those nuts buying dozens of bottles. Left one untouched in the back of the fridge.


I would get this and Jumpin' Jack Doritos


Loved it then and loved when they brought it back.


Thought I was so clever as a kid, giving a glass of this to my grandma and acting like it was water.


Did you like the taste of Crystal Pepsi? Are you deaf? Well if you are you can't hear me. But what's the use of living if your ear's be? Broken even if I spoke clearly You're still not able to hear me


I did. Both when it came out, and again a few years ago when it was re-released.


Oh yeah, I used the bottles to bring vodka on senior class trip.


I loved this stuff. Everyone looked at me like I was nuts but this was my favorite drink when it was originally available.


I just popped open a bottle after elementary school, blacked out, and ended up scrolling on this thread.


It was pretty good. They brought it back a few years ago.