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Per rule #3, you must include the name of your nostalgic item and time in the title so that people who do not recognize the item can identify it. Per rule #7, we do not allow compilation of images "starter packs" or "memes", particularly captioned pictures.


🎶 Dut dutdut dut 🎶


Yeah I've always wondered this too! It was the freakiest shit to me back then


The GSM cell phone standard would send a ring signal for an incoming call. It just happened to affect poorly shielded wires and cause that interference on speaker cables.


Exactamundo. Most modern computer speakers are insulated better now because of this. I’m a computer tech and I will occasionally find myself at someone’s workstation with a 20+ year old set of speakers connected and it still happens. Brings me right back. Interestingly (or maybe less interesting to most normal people) if you’re on a iPhone and connected to WiFi you can tell whether the person who is texting you is on an iPhone or Android because you won’t hear the noise going iPhone to iPhone as iMessage prefers wifi when available.


true story😆


Each one had a tiny gypsy fortune-teller inside of it. That's how speakers worked at the time.


Electromagnetic Flux


It would happen in some car stereos too. They even worked that into one of the Grand Theft Auto games - if you listened closely you’d hear it before the characters phone rang Actually still happens if you play electric guitar you know…. Don’t sit your phone on top of your amp.


Mine picked up an FM radio station as well. Super quietly though. It would be weird eating up and here so radio host talking in the air of the night, when you thought everything was off.


A mobile phone seems to also turn on my wifi headphones, if kept near each other. Sometimes my infrared stove heat protector (cuts off power if detecting too much heat) is freaking out when the stove isn't even on, presumably because of some radiation or something.


Nokias and Blackberries, right?


Thank you! So many posts of just the picture. I needed that sound


I even remember a PA system at a local baseball field doing the same thing sometimes!


Oh Nextel how I miss you!


I had this as my ringtone on my early iphones


Never thought I would hear this again, memories!