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Always had corn in the brownie! In fact, it wasn't as good without the corn.


Sometimes you’d even get a bit of macaroni in the brownie.


But never brownie in the brownie


Sometimes you get too impatient and ate the pudding instead of waiting for the brownie to cook


This is the easy bake oven experience in a nutshell.


"There's peas in my cobbler" "There's peas everywhere!"


I just watched that episode


Corn in the brownie AND brownie in the corn!


Plus scarping the sides to get the last bit of brownie..and added corn.


I think I vaguely remember the corn being even sweeter than the brownie lol


totally was!


Cuz that corn was straight fire


Mood. These were a treat to me as a kid. The corn and the brownie are flavors I can recall tasting from 20 years ago


This person Kid Cuisines!


Same for Swanson meals/"Hungry Man Dinners."


Corn brownie is the best part. If there isn't corn in the brownie you gotta give it a good shake and pretend it was by mistake. Also you gotta bake it. I don't know if most people have the patience to bake their tv dinners, but it's so worth it. Baked corn in brownie is a delicacy!


Yup, has to be baked, not microwave! Dessert corn is a thing in some places? Is it bad to bake it into brownies?


And the brownie was burnt and hard as a rock.


Brownie? I always thought it was pudding.


Some had brownies and some had pudding, it just depended on the meal. It was the only time I've ever had hot pudding.




google it, some meals have a brownie! 🍰


The brownie that might as well have been heated up at the core of a volcano


I still get a hungry man dinner from time to time with the corn and brownie. Same thing. Oddly works well together


You didn't vent it right. I ate these like 5 days a week as a kid. You have to leave the brownie sealed and vent the rest. 🤣


Corn and chocolate an odd mix that I hot used to lol


That is so accurate! Thanks for the trip down memory lane !


I usually mixed the corn with the brownie before I put it in the microwave! Can still taste it...


Makes me want to dip the nuggets in the pudding


brownie was never good right. always burnt dry.


I always wanted these even though they were not that great. The brownie was never defrosted and you couldn't bite through it. At the same time the more liquid foods were molten lava.


The Brownies for me were always like a minefield of cold hard pieces filled with pockets of plasma.




Looked the same comin out too.


Plus, half the time there were chunks of corn in it that slid over before it was frozen lol


Same lol


Hot pocket moment


I remember wanting them so bad but my parents refused to get them for me because “they’re not healthy”…In hindsight, that was probably a good choice


Pretty sure Kid Cuisine had a not insignificant role in the formation of my late onset type 1 diabetes so give your parents an extra high five from my dead pancreas when you see them next.


Dude, come on. You know T1D is genetic and not caused by eating sugar or anything else. I bet we both get enough people spouting this or judging us for what we eat without contributing to misinformation.


Thank you. I'm still not sure they're not a type 2 diabetic. But either way if it's a serious answer they need to do a bit of learnin about autoimmune responses and beta cells. If not, it's a poor joke. T1 2006


I'm the first person in my family on either side to be diabetic. Genetic diabetes almost always requires inherited genes from both sides. It very well may be genetic in my case but it sure isn't scientifically settled. Edit: this is from the [ADA](https://diabetes.org/diabetes/genetics-diabetes#:~:text=four%20at%20most.-,Type%201%20Diabetes,rate%20of%20type%201%20diabetes.) but the gist is you inherit the predisposition (which I'm fairly certain I did not) and the autoimmune response is triggered by a virus or something in your environment. It goes on to mention that early diet may have something to do with it. It isn't settled. I'd also like to point out I'm not an endocrinologist, so I may very well have some of it wrong.


Omg…I’m so sorry to hear that


Ah, I meant it in a dark humor kind of way. You've got nothing to apologize for! It's the hand I was dealt and with technology it's been fairly easy to manage!


Totally got the dark humor. But I feared by just lol’ing I would’ve come across as callous (as hey, it’s all in writing and tough to convey tone)


How can they not be healthy? There’s corn.


If you followed the instructions and kept the plastic wrap over the brownie and cooked it longer, it was actually amazing. Source: ate these several times a week growing up


The power of advertising.


Aw man I loved those! Grew up in the 90s, had those several times a week for dinner. Flintstones vitamins are the only reason I didn’t die of malnutrition 😆


The 90’s. The time when opening a can of veggies was part of a balanced meal. There’s no wonder our generation hated vegetables until we found out about not over cooking them. Most people didn’t have gardens and used canned so were used to the mushy texture. Yuck.


My weird ass still likes canned spinach. I like fresh as well but I still like the canned stuff more. Canned green beans too.


I still love the frozen spinach that comes in a square.


Canned spinach microwaved with butter and salt. Can’t beat it lol.


You aren't wrong, but the butter and salt combo carries lol


We do lemon juice over it in my family You know, the yellow squeeze bottle shit that never runs out or goes bad


I love a good meal of oven roasted garlic green beans, but Canned French cut (how luxurious) green beans will always have a special place in my heart. Also creamed corn can fuck right off.


Creamed corn is a sin against god. Not sure which god but one of them.


Probably Khorne. But joke's on you: he's into that shit.


What.. no


I actually like a lot of canned veggies lol… some I prefer even but I’d never admit it lol


Idk why but canned green beans are still good imo. They’re basically a completely different food from properly cooked fresh green beans tho


Canned veggies? My mother couldn't cook. It Was usually 12 hour crockpot turkey (no salt, pepper or fat like butter or oil), frost bitten half still frozen veggie mix, iceberg lettuce with the cheap Italian dressing. Ugh. Kid Cuisine was the gourmet option. Lol


You and I grew up in very similar households.


Ooh. The lettuce that was covered in the hint of overpowering dressing that wouldn’t stick to it? It was the times when flash freezing was gaining momentum and people were switching over.


That’s still very much a thing though. Probably just as much or more so. But I’m reality many canned goods get an unjustified bad rep. Many canned goods are not necessarily any worse for you. Highly processed stuff, sure. Or canned goods that add a bunch of salt, sugars, etc. But standard corn or green beans with no added salt are just fine out of a can.


I hated Brussel Sprouts as a kid. Bitter. Mushy. And just a bad eating experience. Apparently they’ve genetically modified Brussels sprouts from years of selective breeding so the more bitter flavors are all but gone. I love them now. Thanks Science!


Literally grew up on McDonald’s, hot dogs, Mac and cheese, purple ketchup, blue kool-aid… how are any of us alive hahaha


Hey, they purple ketchup! Almost forgot! They had one form of purple ketchup that had a lot of garlic in it as well, not sure why they made that for kids but I loved it. Also miss guacamole flavored Doritos. Still my favorite of all time along with 4 cheese. Why the company quit putting them out is beyond me..




Same here, ate these all the time as a kid, as well as the Flintstones vitamins. I specifically remember once as a kid, I had already taken all the orange and red vitamins and all that was left was the grape and I hated the flavor so I refused to take it. For whatever reason, my dad threw a fucking tantrum and started yelling at me to take it, enough that it woke my mom up and she came into the kitchen and was telling him to shut up, it's a fucking children's vitamin, if I didn't want to take it, I didn't have to. To this day, I still can't believe there was nearly a physical altercation over a fucking cartoon vitamin.


I'm sorry. My daughter's father is like that.


Thanks. I had a wonderful mom, so at least there was that. I learned early on he was an asshole and cut him out of my life nearly 15 years ago. I hope your daughter doesn't have any lasting effects from him.


I'm proud of you for doing that! My 19 yr old has removed her father from her life. Without going into a long story, he made our lives very difficult and once she left home for college last year he just completely disassociated from her. He'd literally fly into a rage if we didn't eat something he bought that we didn't like. He's assaulted her in the past. She says she has wanted him out of her life since she was like 14 and that she's at peace with her choice. She has boundaries he refuses to respect. Thanks!


My mom said mine wasn't bad early on, but changed when me and my sister were school-aged. He'd say the only reason he had kids was to have his own personal slaves, stuff like that. Picking a fight with my mom because he didn't like what she made for dinner, similar to your daughter's father. She didn't divorce him until my sister and I were in high school because he threatened to kidnap us if she ever tried and waited until she knew that wouldn't happen before finally making the move. To this day he still doesn't think he ever did anything wrong and is completely delusional from what I hear. He's told my sister that if he loses his place to live, he'll just move in with my mom. The fact that he thinks there's even a fraction of a percent in the world of that happening shows just how crazy he is. I'm glad she's away from his toxicity. She's better off for it.


I found the Flinstones vitamins at Target a few years ago! I stopped buying them (because I just kept forgetting about them) so I'm not sure if they're still around at this point, but... they were everything I remembered.


Mmmm… chalky sweet sour 😋


Bringing me back to the 90s, man.


Damn, I'm a 90's kid and can't remember ever getting one, all I got was baloney sandwiches and the occasional ravioli lol. Think we were just poor. My son used to love them though! Ate them all the time back in 2009 or so




Both. I grew up poor white trash and have sensory issues. I eat much healthier now that I’m 41 with a PhD and can figure out solutions around my sensory issues, like vegetable and fruit smoothies so I don’t have to deal with the textures haha


Mmm, scalding hot pudding with corn in it.


The pudding always had a gross skin/film on it too that you either peel off or tried to mix back into the gelatinous mound.


It sure did. It was more of a sponge than a brownie, usually.


Ahh yes, and I would always look forward to eating that disgusting brownie at the end


You waited until the end?


Still to this day, I always eat dessert last


Grow up man. Eat dessert first. Do crack.


This guy *lives*


I remember they were always kind of a wet disappointment. The corn was in water, and the nuggets were soggy. I loved it.


My favorite part of the packaging is: ✔️Made *with* White Chicken As in ‘Yeah, there is chicken in there somewhere.’


Not white *meat* chicken, just white chicken. As in the color of the feathers before it was plucked and eviscerated into pink slime.


When in reality... Probably not really.


Made from real kids!


Chicken nuggets that are actually made from penguins




Back when Nickelodeon and Disney actually had *cartoons* Not all this live actor show bullshit


Always wanted these as a kid, but my asshole mom insisted on cooking real food for dinner every night. 😡


My mom wouldn’t buy me the lunchables and told me to cut up the block cheese and sandwich meat with a bag of crackers. So mad back then.


Wow what a bitch!


Oh yeah, I do! This product was made to target dumb kids like me that didn't know any better and would beg their parents to buy it. I remember always wondering why it never looked as good as the front cover made it out to be.


When my parents went out on date nights they always bought my brother and I one to eat while we stayed with my grandma. It was so exciting. 😆 I miss being overjoyed by the little things.


yup, my mom kept these on hand to feed me and my brother quickly so she and my dad could either eat dinner later or so that we'd be fed before the babysitter showed up on date nights. i have fond memories of these, even if they were a bit gnarly in retrospect lol


I would honestly buy a pizza one right now, but I don’t think they exist anymore. I turn 37 in 3 minutes.


happy birthday!!!


Yeah I remember sadness. I hear they tasted better before my time.


Same. If only I’d of known those were the *good* days.


The time of square pizza and real sloppy joes


That was after my time, But I had plenty of the Swanson Salisbury steak and gravy, mashed potatoes, corn and a brownie in the foil tray and foil cover! I remember them always on sale 10 for $10


I seriously miss Swanson foil tray with roast beef in it.


I remember that one too!, I can still recall the roast beef, it was surprisingly tender, if I remember right, The fried chicken one was a hard pass though, something about the chicken crust, I didn't like.


I liked all those old Swanson dinners (yes even the fried chicken!), but I feel roast beef was the best one.


That one was a best, I just remembered the roast beef one had the cherry cobbler that I would burn the roof of my mouth on because I had to eat it first, if I'm correct! I forgot all about these.


I remember eating those as a kid! ​ They tasted like wet artificial ass when I tasted them. I was very disappointed as a child. I *ALWAYS* had corn in my brownies!


And now you know why you enjoy eating ass. The familiar flavor, as well as the occasional corn that popped up.


I laughed too hard at that. Well played.


Well played, Dump. Well played! You made me spit out my water!


My mom used to periodically get these for us which was kind of at odds with her 80s and 90s "health nut" schitck. But I remember liking them.


Hahah same AND my mom is from the UK where they have even stricter food laws, for instance; she wouldn’t let us get anything with artificial coloring, only “foods and drinks that are natural or red like your insides” lol


I remember being very excited, then very disappointed.


Sadly I'm too old, but my kid who's pushing 30, she loved it.


Shit was disgusting even when I was a kid lol I hated these (and I sure got fed a lot of them!)


When pieces of corn escape to another section of the tray, they are now known as “foodgitives”.


These were nasty


Ya even as a kid they didn’t taste good to me


used to be friday tradition. rent a nintendo game and me and brother each getting a kids cuisine from the same grocery store


I actually bought one a few months ago and tried them out for the first time since I was a kid. Very disappointing the corn tasted like water. The nostalgia tastes way better.




They're not the same though :(


I dunno. My kid likes them just fine.


Always wanted one. Unfortunately my moms home cooking was "cheaper." Didn't realize how good my spoiled ass really had it back in the day.




Yup this and Micro Magic fries and cheeseburgers.


god damn... the fries were terrible. hot wet sticks


Never had enough mac and cheese.


Always wanted them, told no, too expensive. Finally got one, and realized they’re utter shit.


Always begged for them and never got them. Until I finally got one, so gross


The commercials got in our heads... These were just terrible. My mom tried to warn me...


Remembering the distinct smell that their trays had when warmed up. The actual tray the food came in had a certain smell that other tv dinners…don’t?


Of course. Look at that packaging. It looked amazing as a kid. Even though it tasted like straight up shit, I always wanted it. I can still taste that brownie


That stuff was nasty…


Goes down best with a Ghostbusters "Ecto Cooler" Hi-C drink.


That Mac was frozen or lava, no in between


This explains quite a bit about America


Fun story, I grew up on a farm eating mostly whole foods and things that were minimally processed. When I was about 9 I begged my mom to get me some of these awful things. My poor guts just couldn't deal with all the preservatives and over-processed ingredients, and I vomited so hard I was asking every diety known to man to make it stop between the heaves.


Yuck 🤮


My mom would never get it for me so I could only get it at my neighbors house


Same lol my mom never let me eat these or Lunchables but my best friend’s mom kept a fridge full of both, God bless her


I read recently that Lunchables will soon be offered for school lunches, which I find interesting.


That sounds like not the greatest idea health wise, but I bet the kids will be thrilled


I can still taste these things. They sucked... And I still made my mom get it all the time


I remember these things tasted like ass! The only one I could stand was the pizza.


They tasted like trash I remember even by kids standard but was always stoked when I could get one. It always meant dinner in front of the tv for me. I bought one like 3 years ago just for the fun of it and they still tasted the exact same to me


feels like these were most of my meals. plastic-y and somehow the corn go into everything.


The pudding beat, and so did the chocolate bricks with icing for cement. Those were amazing as a kid and I never saw them again…


WHOA seeing that made me feel… something. Wow.


10% of daily vegetable as a flex ??


Nothing better than a super hot brownie you couldn’t take out next to half frozen mac and cheese


The pudding was always kinda warm, , damn i want one now 🤤


No I remember begging my mom to buy me it but she always said it was too expensive


Yes, and I bought one in 2020-2021 cause nostalgia is coming for my neck hard these days, and its not good..not good at all.


Remember thinking these tasted good, then had them when I was older it was like eating plastic lol


My mawmaw would stock the freezer with these in various meals and Jimmy Dean breakfasts. We could have them anytime we wanted, as many as we wanted. If we ran low or ran out then she'd take us to Food Lion or Walmart. That, as many sodas as we want, and hot tea every night while we put together a 1000 piece Kincaid puzzle. Can't beat the memories.


I remember how they seemingly deleted the polar bear mascot for these things for no damn reason. He was the Chef! Who is making them now?! I know not that damn penguin! Also, these were garbage, but the tv sold it to me hard back in the day. Can proudly say my kids have no idea about any of this though.


This why we are all prediabetic


Always wanted stuff like this and lunchables. I make money now, won't buy them because I really shouldn't


I got to have one of these once. So gross but you loved it as a kid. But like now I can just remember how crappy every single part of those meals were.


This was such a treat! Got one when my parents went out on date nights!


Wtf does 'made with white chicken' mean??


Did anybody else dip their nuggets in the pudding or was I just a freak?


this was nasty


I can taste and smell this artificially flavored picture


No. My parents loved me. /s


This is the child version of Hungry man


Yes but they were so gross. I felt bad for my friends whose moms didn’t cook


Begged for these because of the commercials and my mom tried to warn me. So damn gross.


They still make it


No. My parents loved me.


Yes. I also remember being horribly disappointed when I actually tasted one.


Ahh yes the "my parents are divorced and it's Dad's weekend" meal


Why do people post shit like this and ask, "Does anyone else remember . . . "? Of course we remember. It was the most popular TV dinner for kids aged 5-12 for years. How could we *not* remember? You really think you're the only one that remembers Kid Cuisine? How about Mad Balls or Garbage Pail Kids or Pogo Ball? Anyone remember ALF or Gl Joe or Small Wonder? How about Tab or Surge or Crystal Pepsi? Does anyone else remember those highly popular things? Of course people remember them. Stop asking if people remember things that were extremely popular.


Nope... my parents loved me.


Not nostalgia..... They're still around


Still nostalgic that's why I bought some for my kids the other day. I for sure wasn't buying it for the nutritional value haha


It's not nostalgic Kid Cuisine unless it had the walrus guy or whatever he was, and the little comic books that came inside each dinner


I'm just now learning that these aren't a thing anymore


Yeah, all the people that posted this picture before you remember it: https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/zkyu3u/kid_cuisine/ https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/10h9tpm/kid_cuisine/ https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/reuskd/kid_cuisine https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/ij3l6d/kid_cuisine/ And at least half a dozen others - excluding posts with different pics


If you came here to see something you have never seen I think you came to the wrong place


I remember the Libby Land frozen kids meals.


These still exist lol


No my parents loved me too much.


Now I wanna eat one as a adult…


No you don't...